Пример #1
 def _test_model(self, name):
     Tests -
     1. When just one item, check if next and prev urls are empty
     2. When one more item added, limit results to 1 and see if
         next is not empty
     3. start from position 2 and see if prev is not empty
     if name == 'event':
         path = get_path('page')
         path = get_path(1, name + 's', 'page')
     data = self._json_from_url(path)
     self.assertEqual(data['next'], '')
     self.assertEqual(data['previous'], '')
     # add second service
     with app.test_request_context():
     data = self._json_from_url(path + '?limit=1')
     self.assertIn('start=2', data['next'])
     self.assertEqual(data['previous'], '')
     # check from start=2
     data = self._json_from_url(path + '?start=2')
     self.assertIn('limit=1', data['previous'])
     self.assertEqual(data['next'], '')
 def test_media_successful_uploads(self):
     Test successful uploads of relative and direct links,
     both types of media
     self._update_json('event', 'background_url', '/bg.png')
     self._update_json('speakers', 'photo', '/spkr.png', 1)
     self._update_json('sponsors', 'logo', 'http://google.com/favicon.ico', 1)
     # import
     data = self._make_zip_from_dir()
     event_dic = self._do_succesful_import(data)
     # checks
     resp = self.app.get(event_dic['background_url'])
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     # speaker
     photo = self._get_event_value(
         get_path(2, 'speakers', 2), 'photo'
     resp = self.app.get(photo)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('http://', photo)
     # sponsor
     logo = self._get_event_value(
         get_path(2, 'sponsors', 2), 'logo'
     self.assertIn('sponsors', logo)
     self.assertNotEqual(logo, 'http://google.com/favicon.ico')
     resp = self.app.get(logo)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
 def _test_import_success(self):
     # first export
     resp = self._do_successful_export(1)
     file = resp.data
     # import
     upload_path = get_path('import', 'json')
     resp = self._upload(file, upload_path, 'event.zip')
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('task_url', resp.data)
     task_url = json.loads(resp.data)['task_url']
     # wait for done
     while True:
         resp = self.app.get(task_url)
         if 'SUCCESS' in resp.data:
             self.assertIn('result', resp.data)
             dic = json.loads(resp.data)['result']
     # check internals
     self.assertEqual(dic['id'], 2)
     self.assertEqual(dic['name'], 'TestEvent')
     self.assertIn('fb.com', json.dumps(dic['social_links']), dic)
     # get to check final
     resp = self.app.get(get_path(2))
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('TestEvent', resp.data)
 def _test_model(self, name, data):
     1. Test getting JWT token with wrong credentials and getting 401
     2. Get JWT token with right credentials
     3. Send a sample successful POST request
     path = get_path() if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's')
     # get access token
     response = self._send_login_request('wrong_password')
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 401)
     response = self._send_login_request('test')
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     token = json.loads(response.data)['access_token']
     # send a post request
     response = self.app.post(
             'content-type': 'application/json',
             'Authorization': 'JWT %s' % token
     self.assertNotEqual(response.status_code, 401)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
     self.assertIn('Test' + str(name).title(), response.data)
Пример #5
 def _test_model(self, name, data):
     1. Test getting JWT token with wrong credentials and getting 401
     2. Get JWT token with right credentials
     3. Send a sample successful POST request
     path = get_path() if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's')
     # get access token
     response = self._send_login_request('wrong_password')
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 401)
     response = self._send_login_request('test')
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     token = json.loads(response.data)['access_token']
     # send a post request
     response = self.app.post(
             'content-type': 'application/json',
             'Authorization': 'JWT %s' % token
     self.assertNotEqual(response.status_code, 401)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
     self.assertIn('Test' + str(name).title(), response.data)
 def _test_model(self, name, data, fields=[]):
     Sets a random value to each of the :fields in :data and makes
     sure POST request failed
     path = get_path() if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's')
     for field in fields:
         data_copy = data.copy()
         data_copy[field] = 'r@nd0m_g00d_for_n0thing_v@lue'
         response = self.post_request(path, data_copy)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
 def _test_model(self, name, data, fields=[]):
     Sets a random value to each of the :fields in :data and makes
     sure POST request failed
     path = get_path() if name == "event" else get_path(1, name + "s")
     for field in fields:
         data_copy = data.copy()
         data_copy[field] = "r@nd0m_g00d_for_n0thing_v@lue"
         response = self.post_request(path, data_copy)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
 def _test_model(self, name, data, api_model, path=None):
     # strip data
     data = data.copy()
     for i in api_model:
         if not api_model[i].required:
             data.pop(i, None)
     # test
     if not path:
         path = get_path() if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's')
     response = self.post_request(path, data)
     self.assertEqual(201, response.status_code, msg=response.data)
     self.assertIn('Test' + name[0].upper() + name[1:], response.data)
Пример #9
 def _test_model(self, name, data):
     path = get_path() if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's')
     response = self.app.post(
             'content-type': 'application/json',
             'Authorization': 'Basic %s' %
             base64.b64encode('[email protected]:test')
     self.assertNotEqual(response.status_code, 401)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
     self.assertIn('Test' + str(name).title(), response.data)
 def _test_import_success(self):
     # first export
     path = get_path(1, 'export', 'json')
     resp = self.app.get(path)
     file = resp.data
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     # import
     upload_path = get_path('import', 'json')
     resp = self._upload(file, upload_path, 'event.zip')
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     # check internals
     dic = json.loads(resp.data)
     self.assertEqual(dic['id'], 2)
     self.assertEqual(dic['name'], 'TestEvent')
Пример #11
 def test_event_api(self):
     # Non existing event
     event_id = 1
     path = get_path(event_id)
     response = self.app.get(path)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
     self.assertIn('does not exist', response.data)
 def _test_model(self, name, data):
     Tests -
     1. Without login, try to do a PUT request and catch 401 error
     2. Login and match 200 response code and make sure that
         data changed
     path = get_path(1) if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's', 1)
     response = self._put(path, data)
     self.assertEqual(401, response.status_code, msg=response.data)
     # login and send the request again
     response = self._put(path, data)
     self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code, msg=response.data)
     # surrounded by quotes for strict checking
     self.assertIn('"Test%s"' % str(name).title(), response.data)
Пример #13
 def _test_model(self, name, data, fields=[]):
     Sets a random value to each of the :fields in :data and makes
     sure PUT request failed.
     At last check if original value had prevailed
     path = get_path(1) if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's', 1)
     for field in fields:
         data_copy = data.copy()
         data_copy[field] = 'r@nd0m_g00d_for_n0thing_v@lue'
         response = self._put(path, data_copy)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
     # make sure field is not updated
     response = self.app.get(path)
     self.assertIn('Test%s_1' % str(name).title(), response.data)
     self.assertNotIn('"Test%s"' % str(name).title(), response.data)
 def test_session_api_extended(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'tracks')
     self.post_request(path, POST_TRACK_DATA)
     path = get_path(1, 'microlocations')
     self.post_request(path, POST_MICROLOCATION_DATA)
     path = get_path(1, 'speakers')
     self.post_request(path, POST_SPEAKER_DATA)
     # create session json
     data = POST_SESSION_DATA.copy()
     data['track_id'] = 1
     data['microlocation_id'] = 1
     data['speaker_ids'] = [1]
     resp = self.post_request(get_path(1, 'sessions'), data)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 201)
     for i in ['TestTrack', 'TestSpeaker', 'TestMicrolocation']:
         self.assertIn(i, resp.data, i)
 def _test_import_ots(self):
     dir_path = 'samples/ots16'
     shutil.make_archive(dir_path, 'zip', dir_path)
     file = open(dir_path + '.zip', 'r').read()
     os.remove(dir_path + '.zip')
     upload_path = get_path('import', 'json')
     resp = self._upload(file, upload_path, 'event.zip')
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('Open Tech Summit', resp.data)
Пример #16
 def test_api(self):
     path = get_path('page')
     response = self.app.get(path)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404, msg=response.data)
     with app.test_request_context():
     response = self.app.get(path)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('TestEvent', response.data)
Пример #17
 def _test_import_ots(self):
     dir_path = 'samples/ots16'
     shutil.make_archive(dir_path, 'zip', dir_path)
     file = open(dir_path + '.zip', 'r').read()
     os.remove(dir_path + '.zip')
     upload_path = get_path('import', 'json')
     resp = self._upload(file, upload_path, 'event.zip')
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('Open Tech Summit', resp.data)
Пример #18
 def test_session(self):
     session = POST_SESSION_DATA.copy()
     SESSION_FORM['comments']['require'] = 1
     session['comments'] = None
     form_str = json.dumps(SESSION_FORM, separators=(',', ':'))
     with app.test_request_context():
         update_or_create(CustomForms, event_id=1, session_form=form_str)
     path = get_path(1, 'sessions')
     resp = self.post(path, session)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400)
Пример #19
 def test_speaker(self):
     speaker = POST_SPEAKER_DATA.copy()
     SPEAKER_FORM['github']['require'] = 1
     speaker['github'] = None
     form_str = json.dumps(SPEAKER_FORM, separators=(',', ':'))
     with app.test_request_context():
         update_or_create(CustomForms, event_id=1, speaker_form=form_str)
     path = get_path(1, 'speakers')
     resp = self.post(path, speaker)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400)
Пример #20
 def _test_import_success(self):
     # first export
     path = get_path(1, 'export', 'json')
     resp = self.app.get(path)
     file = resp.data
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     # import
     upload_path = get_path('import', 'json')
     resp = self._upload(file, upload_path, 'event.zip')
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     # check internals
     dic = json.loads(resp.data)
     self.assertEqual(dic['id'], 2)
     self.assertEqual(dic['name'], 'TestEvent')
     self.assertIn('fb.com', json.dumps(dic['social_links']), dic)
     # get to check final
     resp = self.app.get(get_path(2))
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('TestEvent', resp.data)
 def _test_import_success(self):
     # first export
     path = get_path(1, 'export', 'json')
     resp = self.app.get(path)
     file = resp.data
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     # import
     upload_path = get_path('import', 'json')
     resp = self._upload(file, upload_path, 'event.zip')
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     # check internals
     dic = json.loads(resp.data)
     self.assertEqual(dic['id'], 2)
     self.assertEqual(dic['name'], 'TestEvent')
     self.assertIn('fb.com', json.dumps(dic['social_links']), dic)
     # get to check final
     resp = self.app.get(get_path(2))
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('TestEvent', resp.data)
 def test_session(self):
     session = POST_SESSION_DATA.copy()
     SESSION_FORM['comments']['require'] = 1
     session['comments'] = None
     form_str = json.dumps(SESSION_FORM, separators=(',', ':'))
     with app.test_request_context():
         update_or_create(CustomForms, event_id=1, session_form=form_str)
     path = get_path(1, 'sessions')
     resp = self.post(path, session)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400)
 def test_speaker(self):
     speaker = POST_SPEAKER_DATA.copy()
     SPEAKER_FORM['github']['require'] = 1
     speaker['github'] = None
     form_str = json.dumps(SPEAKER_FORM, separators=(',', ':'))
     with app.test_request_context():
         update_or_create(CustomForms, event_id=1, speaker_form=form_str)
     path = get_path(1, 'speakers')
     resp = self.post(path, speaker)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400)
 def _test_model(self, name, data, path=None, exclude=[]):
     if not path:
         path = get_path(1) if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's', 1)
     data_copy = data.copy()
     # loop over keys
     for i in data_copy:
         if i in exclude:
         # get old
         resp_old = self.app.get(path)
         self.assertEqual(resp_old.status_code, 200)
         # update
         resp = self._put(path, {i: data_copy[i]})
         self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code,
                          msg='Key: %s\nMsg: %s' % (i, resp.data))
         # check persistence
         status = self._test_change_json(resp_old.data, resp.data, i)
         if status:
             self.assertTrue(0, msg='Key %s changed in %s' % (status, i))
 def _test_model(self, name, data, checks=[]):
     Tests -
     1. Without login, try to do a POST request and catch 401 error
     2. Login and match 201 response code and correct response data
         checks - list of strings to assert in successful response data
     path = get_path() if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's')
     response = self.post_request(path, data)
     self.assertEqual(401, response.status_code, msg=response.data)
     # login and send the request again
     response = self.post_request(path, data)
     self.assertEqual(201, response.status_code, msg=response.data)
     self.assertIn('location', response.headers)
     self.assertIn('Test' + str(name).title(), response.data)
     for string in checks:
         self.assertIn(string, response.data, msg=string)
     return response
Пример #26
 def _test_model(self, name, data, checks=[]):
     Tests -
     1. Without login, try to do a POST request and catch 401 error
     2. Login and match 201 response code and correct response data
         checks - list of strings to assert in successful response data
     path = get_path() if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's')
     response = self.post_request(path, data)
     self.assertEqual(401, response.status_code, msg=response.data)
     # login and send the request again
     response = self.post_request(path, data)
     self.assertEqual(201, response.status_code, msg=response.data)
     self.assertIn('location', response.headers)
     self.assertIn('Test' + str(name).title(), response.data)
     for string in checks:
         self.assertIn(string, response.data, msg=string)
     return response
 def test_event_api(self):
     self.app = Setup.create_app()
     with app.test_request_context():
         register(self.app, u'*****@*****.**', u'test')
         login(self.app, u'*****@*****.**', u'test')
         # Non existing event
         event_id = 1
         path = get_path(event_id)
         response = self.app.get(path)
         self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
         self.assertIn('does not exist', response.data)
 def _test_model(self, name, data, path=None, *args):
     Tests -
     1. Without login, try to do a PUT request and catch 401 error
     2. Login and match 200 response code and make sure that
         data changed
     if not path:
         path = get_path(1) if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's', 1)
     response = self._put(path, data)
     self.assertEqual(401, response.status_code, msg=response.data)
     # login and send the request again
     response = self._put(path, data)
     self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code, msg=response.data)
     # surrounded by quotes for strict checking.
     # before PUT, name is TestX_1, after PUT: TestX
     self.assertIn('"Test%s"' % (name[0].upper() + name[1:]), response.data)
     # check more things
     for _ in args:
         self.assertIn(_, response.data, response.data)
Пример #29
    def _test_model(self, name, data):
        Logs in a user and creates model.
        Tests for 200 status on deletion and for the deleted object.
        Tests that the deleted object no longer exists.
        path = get_path() if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's')
        response = self.app.post(path,
                                 headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)

        path = get_path(1) if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's', 1)
        response = self.app.delete(path)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Test' + str(name).title(), response.data)

        response = self.app.get(path)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
        self.assertIn('does not exist', response.data)
 def test_event_queries(self):
     path = get_path()
     resp = self._post(path, POST_EVENT_DATA)
     # check no return
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?state=r@nd0m')
     self.assertEqual(len(resp.data), 3, msg=resp.data)
     # check case-insensitive search
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?contains=test')
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(resp.data)), 2)
     # check queryset forwarding
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?contains=test&state=r@nd0m')
     self.assertEqual(len(resp.data), 3)
 def test_export_success(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'export', 'json')
     resp = self.app.get(path)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('event1.zip', resp.headers['Content-Disposition'])
     size = len(resp.data)
     with app.test_request_context():
         create_services(1, '2')
         create_services(1, '3')
     # check if size increased
     resp = self.app.get(path)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertTrue(len(resp.data) > size)
 def test_event_queries(self):
     path = get_path()
     resp = self._post(path, POST_EVENT_DATA)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 201)
     # check no return
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?state=r@nd0m')
     self.assertEqual(len(resp.data), 3, msg=resp.data)
     # check case-insensitive search
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?contains=test')
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(resp.data)), 2)
     # check queryset forwarding
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?contains=test&state=r@nd0m')
     self.assertEqual(len(resp.data), 3)
    def test_session_type_api(self):
        # Create a session type
        path = get_path(1, 'sessions', 'types')
        response = self.app.post(
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)

        # Delete the session type
        path = get_path(1, 'sessions', 'types', 1)
        response = self.app.delete(path)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('TestSessionType', response.data)

        # Test if it's in session types
        path = get_path(1, 'sessions', 'types')
        response = self.app.get(path)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        self.assertNotIn('TestSessionType', response.data)
    def _test_model(self, name, data):
        Logs in a user and creates model.
        Tests for 200 status on deletion and for the deleted object.
        Tests that the deleted object no longer exists.
        path = get_path() if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's')
        response = self.app.post(
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)

        path = get_path(1) if name == 'event' else get_path(1, name + 's', 1)
        response = self.app.delete(path)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('Test' + str(name).title(), response.data)

        response = self.app.get(path)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
        self.assertIn('does not exist', response.data)
 def test_export_settings_marshal(self):
     test if export settings are marshalled by default properly
     Also check when settings are all False, nothing is exported
     resp = self._put(get_path(1), {'logo': 'https://placehold.it/350x150'})
     self.assertIn('placehold', resp.data, resp.data)
     self._create_set(1, {})
     dr = 'static/temp/test_event_import'
     data = open(dr + '/event', 'r').read()
     obj = json.loads(data)
     self.assertIn('placehold', obj['logo'])
     if os.path.isdir(dr + '/images'):
         self.assertFalse(1, 'Image Dir Exists')
    def test_social_link_api(self):
        # Create a social link
        path = get_path(1, 'links')
        data = POST_SOCIAL_LINK_DATA
        response = self.app.post(
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)

        # Delete the social link
        path = get_path(1, 'links', 1)
        response = self.app.delete(path)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        self.assertIn('TestSocialLink', response.data)

        # Test if it's in event-links
        path = get_path(1, 'links')
        response = self.app.get(path)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        self.assertNotIn('TestSocialLink', response.data)
 def test_event_location_queries(self):
     path = get_path()
     resp = self._post(path, POST_EVENT_DATA)
     # check location smart queries
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?location=SomeBuilding,Berlin')
     self.assertIn('Berlin', resp.data)
     # add another event
     data = POST_EVENT_DATA.copy()
     data['location_name'] = 'SomeBuilding'
     self._post(path, data)
     # get
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?location=SomeBuilding,Berlin')
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('SomeBuilding', resp.data)
     self.assertIn('Berlin', resp.data)
 def test_event_time_queries(self):
     path = get_path()
     # Event is of Apr 16
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?end_time_lt=2015-12-31T23:59:59')
     self.assertEqual(len(resp.data), 3, msg=resp.data)
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?start_time_gt=2015-12-31T23:59:59')
     self.assertIn('TestEvent0', resp.data)
     # add one more event of May 16
     resp = self._post(path, POST_EVENT_DATA)
     # test
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?start_time_lt=2016-05-31T23:59:59')
     self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(resp.data)), 2, msg=resp.data)
     resp = self.app.get(path + '?end_time_gt=2016-05-01T00:00:00')
     self.assertIn('"TestEvent"', resp.data)
     self.assertNotIn('TestEvent0', resp.data)
 def _test_model(self, name, model):
     # get path
     if name == 'event':
         path = get_path(1)
     elif name == 'user':
         path = '/api/v2/users/1'
         path = get_path(1, name + 's', 1)
     # check if exists
     resp = self.app.get(path)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     # delete virtually
     with app.test_request_context():
         item = model.query.get(1)
         item.in_trash = True
     # get item
     resp = self.app.get(path)
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 404)
     self.assertNotIn('Test', resp.data)
     # get item list and check empty
     resp = self.app.get(path[:-2])
     self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
     self.assertNotIn('Test', resp.data)
Пример #40
 def _test_model(self, name):
     Tests the 404 response, then add item
     and test the success response
     path = get_path(1, name + 's', 'page')
     response = self.app.get(path, follow_redirects=True)
     # check for 404 in no data
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
     # add single data
     with app.test_request_context():
     response = self.app.get(path, follow_redirects=True)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
     self.assertIn('Test' + str(name).title(), response.data)
 def test_export_media(self):
     test successful export of media (and more)
     resp = self._put(get_path(1), {'logo': 'https://placehold.it/350x150'})
     self.assertIn('placehold', resp.data, resp.data)
     dr = 'static/temp/test_event_import'
     data = open(dr + '/event', 'r').read()
     self.assertIn('images/logo', data)
     obj = json.loads(data)
     logo_data = open(dr + obj['logo'], 'r').read()
     self.assertTrue(len(logo_data) > 10)
     # test meta.json
     data = open(dr + '/meta', 'r').read()
     self.assertIn('http', data)
 def test_event_time_queries(self):
     with app.test_request_context():
         login(self.app, u'*****@*****.**', u'test')
         path = get_path()
         # Event is of Apr 16
         resp = self.app.get(path + '?end_time_lt=2015-12-31T23:59:59')
         self.assertEqual(len(resp.data), 3, msg=resp.data)
         resp = self.app.get(path + '?start_time_gt=2015-12-31T23:59:59')
         self.assertIn('TestEvent0', resp.data)
         # add one more event of May 16
         resp = self._post(path, POST_EVENT_DATA)
         # test
         resp = self.app.get(path + '?start_time_lt=2016-05-31T23:59:59')
         self.assertEqual(len(json.loads(resp.data)), 2, msg=resp.data)
         resp = self.app.get(path + '?end_time_gt=2016-05-01T00:00:00')
         self.assertIn('"TestEvent"', resp.data)
         self.assertNotIn('TestEvent0', resp.data)
Пример #43
 def test_sponsor_api(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'sponsors', 1)
Пример #44
 def test_sponsor_types_api(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'sponsors', 'types')
     self._test_path(path, 'TestSponsorType1_1', 'TestSponsorType2_1')
Пример #45
 def test_event_api_filters(self):
     path = get_path() + '?location_name=r@nd0m'
     resp = self.app.get(path)
     self.assertTrue(len(resp.data) < 4, resp.data)
     self.assertNotIn('TestEvent', resp.data)
Пример #46
 def test_speaker_api(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'speakers')
     self._test_path(path, 'TestSpeaker1_1', 'TestSpeaker2_1')
Пример #47
 def test_sponsor_api(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'sponsors')
     self._test_path(path, 'TestSponsor1_1', 'TestSponsor2_1')
Пример #48
 def test_session_api(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'sessions')
     self._test_path(path, 'TestSession1_1', 'TestSession2_1')
Пример #49
 def test_microlocation_api(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'microlocations')
     self._test_path(path, 'TestMicrolocation1_1', 'TestMicrolocation2_1')
Пример #50
 def test_track_api(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'tracks')
     self._test_path(path, 'TestTrack1_1', 'TestTrack2_1')
Пример #51
 def test_event_api(self):
     path = get_path()
     self._test_path(path, 'TestEvent_1', 'TestEvent_2')
Пример #52
 def test_speaker_api(self):
     path = get_path(1, 'speakers', 1)