Пример #1
async def test_cancel_connection_after_events_subscribe(
        backend, backend_sock_factory, bob, alice, revoked_during):
    # The event system is also used to detect a connection should be dropped
    # given the corresponding device has been revoked.
    # Let's make sure `events_subscribe` command plays well with this behavior.

    async def _do_revoke():
        await backend.user.revoke_user(
        # connection cancellation is handled through events, so wait
        # for things to settle down to make sure there is no pending event
        await trio.testing.wait_all_tasks_blocked()

    async with backend_sock_factory(
            backend, bob, freeze_on_transport_error=False) as bob_backend_sock:

        await events_subscribe(bob_backend_sock)

        if revoked_during == "listen_event":
            with pytest.raises(TransportError):
                async with events_listen(bob_backend_sock):
                    await _do_revoke()

            await _do_revoke()
            with pytest.raises(TransportError):
                with trio.fail_after(1):
                    await events_listen_wait(bob_backend_sock)
Пример #2
async def test_cross_backend_event(backend_factory, backend_sock_factory, alice, bob):
    async with backend_factory() as backend_1, backend_factory(populated=False) as backend_2:
        async with backend_sock_factory(backend_1, alice) as alice_sock, backend_sock_factory(
            backend_2, bob
        ) as bob_sock:

            await events_subscribe(alice_sock)

            async with events_listen(alice_sock) as listen:
                await ping(bob_sock, "foo")
            assert listen.rep == {"status": "ok", "event": APIEvent.PINGED, "ping": "foo"}

            await ping(bob_sock, "foo")

            # There is no guarantee an event is ready to be received once
            # the sender got it answer
            async with real_clock_timeout():
                while True:
                    rep = await events_listen_nowait(alice_sock)
                    if rep["status"] != "no_events":
                    await trio.sleep(0.1)
            assert rep == {"status": "ok", "event": APIEvent.PINGED, "ping": "foo"}

            rep = await events_listen_nowait(alice_sock)
            assert rep == {"status": "no_events"}