Пример #1
def test_server_down(duthosts, tbinfo, rand_selected_interface,
                     simulator_flap_counter, simulator_server_down,
                     toggle_simulator_port_to_upper_tor, loganalyzer):
    Verify that mux cable is not toggled excessively.
    pytest_require('dualtor' in tbinfo['topo']['name'],
                   "Only run on dualtor testbed")

    for analyzer in list(loganalyzer.values()):
            r".*ERR swss#orchagent: :- setState: State transition from active to active is not-handled"

    upper_tor = duthosts[tbinfo['duts'][0]]
    lower_tor = duthosts[tbinfo['duts'][1]]
    PAUSE_TIME = 5

    itfs, _ = rand_selected_interface
    # Set upper_tor as active
    mux_flap_counter_0 = simulator_flap_counter(itfs)
    # Server down
    # Verify mux_cable state on upper_tor is active
    mux_state_upper_tor = show_muxcable_status(upper_tor)
        mux_state_upper_tor[itfs]['status'] == 'active'
        and mux_state_upper_tor[itfs]['health'] == 'unhealthy',
        "mux_cable status is unexpected. Should be (active, unhealthy)")
    # Verify mux_cable state on lower_tor is standby
    mux_state_lower_tor = show_muxcable_status(lower_tor)
        mux_state_lower_tor[itfs]['status'] == 'standby'
        and mux_state_lower_tor[itfs]['health'] == 'unhealthy',
        "mux_cable status is unexpected. Should be (standby, unhealthy)")
    # Verify that mux_cable flap_counter should be no larger than 3
    # lower_tor(standby) -> active -> standby
    # upper_tor(active) -> active
    # The toggle from both tor may be overlapped and invisible
    mux_flap_counter_1 = simulator_flap_counter(itfs)
        mux_flap_counter_1 - mux_flap_counter_0 <= 3,
        "The mux_cable flap count should be no larger than 3 ({})".format(
            mux_flap_counter_1 - mux_flap_counter_0))
Пример #2
def test_server_down(duthosts, tbinfo, rand_selected_interface, simulator_flap_counter, simulator_server_down, toggle_simulator_port_to_upper_tor, loganalyzer):
    Verify that mux cable is not toggled excessively.

    for analyzer in list(loganalyzer.values()):
        analyzer.ignore_regex.append(r".*ERR swss#orchagent: :- setState: State transition from active to active is not-handled")
    upper_tor = duthosts[tbinfo['duts'][0]]
    lower_tor = duthosts[tbinfo['duts'][1]]
    def upper_tor_mux_state_verification(state, health):
        mux_state_upper_tor = show_muxcable_status(upper_tor)
        return mux_state_upper_tor[itfs]['status'] == state and mux_state_upper_tor[itfs]['health'] == health
    def lower_tor_mux_state_verfication(state, health):
        mux_state_lower_tor = show_muxcable_status(lower_tor)
        return mux_state_lower_tor[itfs]['status'] == state and mux_state_lower_tor[itfs]['health'] == health

    itfs, _ = rand_selected_interface
    # Set upper_tor as active
    pytest_assert(wait_until(30, 1, 0, upper_tor_mux_state_verification, 'active', 'healthy'), 
                    "mux_cable status is unexpected. Should be (active, healthy). Test can't proceed. ")
    mux_flap_counter_0 = simulator_flap_counter(itfs)
    # Server down
    # Verify mux_cable state on upper_tor is active
    pytest_assert(wait_until(20, 1, 0, upper_tor_mux_state_verification, 'active', 'unhealthy'), 
                    "mux_cable status is unexpected. Should be (active, unhealthy)")
    # Verify mux_cable state on lower_tor is standby
    pytest_assert(wait_until(20, 1, 0, lower_tor_mux_state_verfication, 'standby', 'unhealthy'), 
                    "mux_cable status is unexpected. Should be (standby, unhealthy)")
    # Verify that mux_cable flap_counter should be no larger than 3
    # lower_tor(standby) -> active -> standby
    # upper_tor(active) -> active
    # The toggle from both tor may be overlapped and invisible 
    mux_flap_counter_1 = simulator_flap_counter(itfs)
    pytest_assert(mux_flap_counter_1 - mux_flap_counter_0 <= 3, 
                    "The mux_cable flap count should be no larger than 3 ({})".format(mux_flap_counter_1 - mux_flap_counter_0)) 
Пример #3
def check_simulator_flap_counter(simulator_flap_counter,
    """Check the flap count for each server-facing interfaces."""
    def set_expected_counter_diff(diff):
        """Set expected counter difference."""

    expected_diff = []
    tor_mux_intfs = [str(_) for _ in tor_mux_intfs]
    counters_before = {
        intf: simulator_flap_counter(intf)
        for intf in tor_mux_intfs
    yield set_expected_counter_diff
    counters_after = {
        intf: simulator_flap_counter(intf)
        for intf in tor_mux_intfs
            [[intf, counters_before[intf], counters_after[intf]]
             for intf in tor_mux_intfs],
            headers=["port", "flap counter before", "flap counter after"]))
    counter_diffs = {
        intf: counters_after[intf] - counters_before[intf]
        for intf in tor_mux_intfs
    if expected_diff:
        not_expected_counter_diffs = [
            intf for intf, counter_diff in counter_diffs.items()
            if counter_diff != expected_diff[-1]

        error_str = json.dumps(not_expected_counter_diffs, indent=4)
        if not_expected_counter_diffs:
            raise ValueError(error_str)