def check_voq_interfaces(duthosts, per_host, asic, cfg_facts): """ Checks router interfaces on a dut. Args: duthosts: The duthosts fixture per_host: Instance of MultiAsicSonic host to check. asic: Instance of SonicAsic to check, cfg_facts: Config facts for the frontend duthost/asic under test """"Check router interfaces on node: %s, asic: %d", per_host.hostname, asic.asic_index) dev_intfs = cfg_facts.get('INTERFACE', {}) voq_intfs = cfg_facts.get('VOQ_INBAND_INTERFACE', []) dev_sysports = get_device_system_ports(cfg_facts) rif_ports_in_asicdb = [] # intf_list = get_router_interface_list(dev_intfs) asicdb = AsicDbCli(asic) asicdb_rif_table = asicdb.dump(asicdb.ASIC_ROUTERINTF_TABLE) sys_port_table = asicdb.dump(asicdb.ASIC_SYSPORT_TABLE) # asicdb_intf_key_list = asicdb.get_router_if_list() # Check each rif in the asicdb, if it is local port, check VOQ DB for correct RIF. # If it is on system port, verify slot/asic/port and OID match a RIF in VoQDB for rif in asicdb_rif_table.keys(): rif_type = asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value'][ "SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_TYPE"] if rif_type != "SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE_PORT":"Skip this rif: %s, it is not on a port: %s", rif, rif_type) continue else: portid = asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value'][ "SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_PORT_ID"]"Process RIF %s, Find port with ID: %s", rif, portid) porttype = asicdb.get_rif_porttype(portid)"RIF: %s is of type: %s", rif, porttype) if porttype == 'hostif': # find the hostif entry to get the physical port the router interface is on. hostifkey = asicdb.find_hostif_by_portid(portid) hostif = asicdb.hget_key_value(hostifkey, 'SAI_HOSTIF_ATTR_NAME')"RIF: %s is on local port: %s", rif, hostif) rif_ports_in_asicdb.append(hostif) if hostif not in dev_intfs and hostif not in voq_intfs: "Port: %s has a router interface, but it isn't in configdb." % portid) # check MTU and ethernet address pytest_assert( asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value']["SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_MTU"] == cfg_facts['PORT'][hostif]['mtu'], "MTU for rif %s is not %s" % (rif, cfg_facts['PORT'][hostif]['mtu'])) intf_mac = get_sonic_mac(per_host, asic.asic_index, hostif) pytest_assert( asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value'] ["SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_SRC_MAC_ADDRESS"].lower() == intf_mac.lower(), "MAC for rif %s is not %s" % (rif, intf_mac)) sysport_info = { 'slot': cfg_facts['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['hostname'], 'asic': cfg_facts['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['asic_name'] } if per_host.is_multi_asic and len(duthosts.supervisor_nodes) == 0: check_rif_on_sup(per_host, sysport_info['slot'], sysport_info['asic'], hostif) else: for sup in duthosts.supervisor_nodes: check_rif_on_sup(sup, sysport_info['slot'], sysport_info['asic'], hostif) elif porttype == 'sysport': try: port_output = sys_port_table[ "ASIC_STATE:SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SYSTEM_PORT:" + portid]['value']['SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_ATTR_CONFIG_INFO'] except KeyError: # not a hostif or system port, log error and continue logger.error("Did not find OID %s in local or system tables" % portid) continue port_data = json.loads(port_output) for cfg_port in dev_sysports: if dev_sysports[cfg_port]['system_port_id'] == port_data[ 'port_id']:"RIF: %s is on remote port: %s", rif, cfg_port) break else: raise AssertionError( "Did not find OID %s in local or system tables" % portid) sys_slot, sys_asic, sys_port = cfg_port.split("|") if per_host.is_multi_asic and len(duthosts.supervisor_nodes) == 0: check_rif_on_sup(per_host, sys_slot, sys_asic, sys_port) else: for sup in duthosts.supervisor_nodes: check_rif_on_sup(sup, sys_slot, sys_asic, sys_port) elif porttype == 'port': # this is the RIF on the inband port. inband = get_inband_info(cfg_facts)"RIF: %s is on local port: %s", rif, inband['port']) # check MTU and ethernet address pytest_assert( asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value']["SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_MTU"] == cfg_facts['PORT'][inband['port']]['mtu'], "MTU for rif %s is not %s" % (rif, cfg_facts['PORT'][inband['port']]['mtu'])) intf_mac = get_sonic_mac(per_host, asic.asic_index, inband['port']) pytest_assert( asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value'] ["SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_SRC_MAC_ADDRESS"].lower() == intf_mac.lower(), "MAC for rif %s is not %s" % (rif, intf_mac)) sysport_info = { 'slot': cfg_facts['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['hostname'], 'asic': cfg_facts['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['asic_name'] } if per_host.is_multi_asic and len(duthosts.supervisor_nodes) == 0: check_rif_on_sup(per_host, sysport_info['slot'], sysport_info['asic'], inband['port']) else: for sup in duthosts.supervisor_nodes: check_rif_on_sup(sup, sysport_info['slot'], sysport_info['asic'], inband['port']) # TODO: Could be on a LAG elif porttype == 'lag': lagid = asicdb.hget_key_value( "%s:%s" % (AsicDbCli.ASIC_LAG_TABLE, portid), 'SAI_LAG_ATTR_SYSTEM_PORT_AGGREGATE_ID')"RIF: %s is on system LAG: %s", rif, lagid) if per_host.is_multi_asic and len(duthosts.supervisor_nodes) == 0: voqdb = VoqDbCli(per_host) else: voqdb = VoqDbCli(duthosts.supervisor_nodes[0]) systemlagtable = voqdb.dump("SYSTEM_LAG_ID_TABLE") for lag, sysid in systemlagtable['SYSTEM_LAG_ID_TABLE'][ 'value'].iteritems(): if sysid == lagid:"System LAG ID %s is portchannel: %s", lagid, lag) break myslot = cfg_facts['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['hostname'] myasic = cfg_facts['DEVICE_METADATA']['localhost']['asic_name'] if lag.startswith("%s|%s" % (myslot, myasic)): "Lag: %s is a local portchannel with a router interface.", lag) (s, a, lagname) = lag.split("|") pytest_assert( lagname in cfg_facts['PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE'], "RIF Interface %s is in configdb.json but not in asicdb" % rif) if per_host.is_multi_asic and len( duthosts.supervisor_nodes) == 0: check_rif_on_sup(per_host, myslot, myasic, lagname) else: for sup in duthosts.supervisor_nodes: check_rif_on_sup(sup, myslot, myasic, lagname) else: "Lag: %s is a remote portchannel with a router interface.", lag) # Verify each RIF in config had a corresponding local port RIF in the asicDB. for rif in dev_intfs: if rif not in rif_ports_in_asicdb: raise AssertionError( "Interface %s is in configdb.json but not in asicdb" % rif)"Interfaces %s are present in configdb.json and asicdb" % str(dev_intfs.keys()))
def test_voq_system_port_create(duthosts, enum_frontend_dut_hostname, enum_asic_index, all_cfg_facts): """Compare the config facts with the asic db for system ports * Verify ASIC_DB get all system ports referenced in configDB created on all hosts and ASICs. * Verify object creation and values of port attributes. """ per_host = duthosts[enum_frontend_dut_hostname] asic = per_host.asics[ enum_asic_index if enum_asic_index is not None else 0] cfg_facts = all_cfg_facts[per_host.hostname][ asic.asic_index]['ansible_facts']"Checking system ports on host: %s, asic: %s", per_host.hostname, asic.asic_index) dev_ports = get_device_system_ports(cfg_facts) asicdb = AsicDbCli(asic) sys_port_table = asicdb.dump(asicdb.ASIC_SYSPORT_TABLE) keylist = sys_port_table.keys() pytest_assert( len(keylist) == len(dev_ports.keys()), "Found %d system port keys, %d entries in cfg_facts, not matching" % (len(keylist), len(dev_ports.keys()))) "Found %d system port keys, %d entries in cfg_facts, checking each.", len(keylist), len(dev_ports.keys())) for portkey in keylist: try: port_config_info = sys_port_table[portkey]['value'][ 'SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_ATTR_CONFIG_INFO'] except KeyError: # TODO: Need to check on behavior here. logger.warning( "System port: %s had no SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_ATTR_CONFIG_INFO", portkey) continue port_data = json.loads(port_config_info) for cfg_port in dev_ports: if dev_ports[cfg_port]['system_port_id'] == port_data['port_id']: # "switch_id": "0", # "core_index": "1", # "core_port_index": "6", # "speed": "400000" pytest_assert( dev_ports[cfg_port]['switch_id'] == port_data['attached_switch_id'], "switch IDs do not match for port: %s" % portkey) pytest_assert( dev_ports[cfg_port]['core_index'] == port_data['attached_core_index'], "switch IDs do not match for port: %s" % portkey) pytest_assert( dev_ports[cfg_port]['core_port_index'] == port_data['attached_core_port_index'], "switch IDs do not match for port: %s" % portkey) pytest_assert( dev_ports[cfg_port]['speed'] == port_data['speed'], "switch IDs do not match for port: %s" % portkey) break else: logger.error("Could not find config entry for portkey: %s" % portkey)"Host: %s, Asic: %s all ports match all parameters", per_host.hostname, asic.asic_index)
def test_voq_interface_create(duthosts, enum_frontend_dut_hostname, enum_asic_index, all_cfg_facts): """ Verify router interfaces are created on all line cards and present in Chassis App Db. * Verify router interface creation on local ports in ASIC DB. * PORT_ID should match system port table and traced back to config_db.json, mac and MTU should match as well. * Verify SYSTEM_INTERFACE table in Chassis AppDb (redis-dump -h <ip> -p 6380 -d 12 on supervisor). * Verify creation interfaces with different MTUs in configdb.json. * Verify creation of different subnet masks in configdb.json. * Repeat with IPv4, IPv6, dual-stack. """ per_host = duthosts[enum_frontend_dut_hostname] asic = per_host.asics[ enum_asic_index if enum_asic_index is not None else 0] cfg_facts = all_cfg_facts[per_host.hostname][ asic.asic_index]['ansible_facts']"Check router interfaces on node: %s, asic: %d", per_host.hostname, asic.asic_index) dev_intfs = cfg_facts['INTERFACE'] voq_intfs = cfg_facts['VOQ_INBAND_INTERFACE'] dev_sysports = get_device_system_ports(cfg_facts) slot = per_host.facts['slot_num'] rif_ports_in_asicdb = [] # intf_list = get_router_interface_list(dev_intfs) asicdb = AsicDbCli(asic) asicdb_rif_table = asicdb.dump(asicdb.ASIC_ROUTERINTF_TABLE) sys_port_table = asicdb.dump(asicdb.ASIC_SYSPORT_TABLE) # asicdb_intf_key_list = asicdb.get_router_if_list() # Check each rif in the asicdb, if it is local port, check VOQ DB for correct RIF. # If it is on system port, verify slot/asic/port and OID match a RIF in VoQDB for rif in asicdb_rif_table.keys(): rif_type = asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value'][ "SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_TYPE"] if rif_type != "SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE_PORT":"Skip this rif: %s, it is not on a port: %s", rif, rif_type) continue else: portid = asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value'][ "SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_PORT_ID"]"Process RIF %s, Find port with ID: %s", rif, portid) porttype = asicdb.get_rif_porttype(portid)"RIF: %s is of type: %s", rif, porttype) if porttype == 'hostif': # find the hostif entry to get the physical port the router interface is on. hostifkey = asicdb.find_hostif_by_portid(portid) hostif = asicdb.hget_key_value(hostifkey, 'SAI_HOSTIF_ATTR_NAME')"RIF: %s is on local port: %s", rif, hostif) rif_ports_in_asicdb.append(hostif) if hostif not in dev_intfs and hostif not in voq_intfs: "Port: %s has a router interface, but it isn't in configdb." % portid) # check MTU and ethernet address pytest_assert( asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value']["SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_MTU"] == cfg_facts['PORT'][hostif]['mtu'], "MTU for rif %s is not %s" % (rif, cfg_facts['PORT'][hostif]['mtu'])) intf_mac = get_sonic_mac(per_host, asic.asic_index, hostif) pytest_assert( asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value'] ["SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_SRC_MAC_ADDRESS"].lower() == intf_mac.lower(), "MAC for rif %s is not %s" % (rif, intf_mac)) sysport_info = find_system_port(dev_sysports, slot, asic.asic_index, hostif) for sup in duthosts.supervisor_nodes: check_rif_on_sup(sup, sysport_info['slot'], sysport_info['asic'], hostif) elif porttype == 'sysport': try: port_output = sys_port_table[ "ASIC_STATE:SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SYSTEM_PORT:" + portid]['value']['SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_ATTR_CONFIG_INFO'] except KeyError: # not a hostif or system port, log error and continue logger.error("Did not find OID %s in local or system tables" % portid) continue port_data = json.loads(port_output) for cfg_port in dev_sysports: if dev_sysports[cfg_port]['system_port_id'] == port_data[ 'port_id']:"RIF: %s is on remote port: %s", rif, cfg_port) break else: raise AssertionError( "Did not find OID %s in local or system tables" % portid) sys_slot, sys_asic, sys_port = cfg_port.split("|") for sup in duthosts.supervisor_nodes: check_rif_on_sup(sup, sys_slot, sys_asic, sys_port) elif porttype == 'port': # this is the RIF on the inband port. inband = get_inband_info(cfg_facts)"RIF: %s is on local port: %s", rif, inband['port']) # check MTU and ethernet address pytest_assert( asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value']["SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_MTU"] == cfg_facts['PORT'][inband['port']]['mtu'], "MTU for rif %s is not %s" % (rif, cfg_facts['PORT'][inband['port']]['mtu'])) intf_mac = get_sonic_mac(per_host, asic.asic_index, inband['port']) pytest_assert( asicdb_rif_table[rif]['value'] ["SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_SRC_MAC_ADDRESS"].lower() == intf_mac.lower(), "MAC for rif %s is not %s" % (rif, intf_mac)) sysport_info = find_system_port(dev_sysports, slot, asic.asic_index, inband['port']) for sup in duthosts.supervisor_nodes: check_rif_on_sup(sup, sysport_info['slot'], sysport_info['asic'], inband['port']) # TODO: Could be on a LAG # Verify each RIF in config had a corresponding local port RIF in the asicDB. for rif in dev_intfs: pytest_assert( rif in rif_ports_in_asicdb, "Interface %s is in configdb.json but not in asicdb" % rif)"Interfaces %s are present in configdb.json and asicdb" % str(dev_intfs.keys()))