Пример #1
    def test_exchange_eos(self, vector):
        """ Test IMPALA-8845: runs with result spooling enabled and defers the fetching
    of results until all non-coordinator fragments have completed. It aims to verify
    that once the coordinator fragment reaches eos, the rest of the fragments will
    get unblocked. Using a cluster of size 9 which can reliably reproduce the hang of
    some non-coordinator fragments without the fix of IMPALA-8845.

        cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
        coordinator = cluster.get_first_impalad()
        client = coordinator.service.create_beeswax_client()

        vector.get_value('exec_option')['spool_query_results'] = 'true'
        for query in [
                "select * from tpch.lineitem order by l_orderkey limit 10000",
                "select * from tpch.lineitem limit 10000"
            handle = self.execute_query_async_using_client(
                client, query, vector)
            for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
                verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
                if impalad.get_webserver_port(
                ) == coordinator.get_webserver_port():
                    num_fragments = 1
                    num_fragments = 0
                    "impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", num_fragments)
            results = client.fetch(query, handle)
            assert results.success
            assert len(results.data) == 10000
Пример #2
 def execute(self, query):
   """Executes a query on the coordinator of the local minicluster."""
   cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
   if len(cluster.impalads) == 0:
     raise Exception("Coordinator not running")
   client = cluster.get_first_impalad().service.create_hs2_client()
   return client.execute(query)
Пример #3
  def test_run_invalidate_refresh(self, vector):
    """Verifies that running concurrent invalidate table/catalog and refresh commands
    don't cause failures with other running workloads and ensures catalog versions
    are strictly increasing."""
    target_db = self.execute_scalar('select current_database()', vector=vector)
    impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
    impalad = impala_cluster.impalads[0].service
    catalogd = impala_cluster.catalogd.service

    for i in xrange(NUM_ITERATIONS):
      # Get the catalog versions for the table before running the workload
      before_versions = dict()
      before_versions['catalogd'] =\
          self.get_table_version(catalogd, target_db, 'lineitem')
      before_versions['impalad'] = self.get_table_version(impalad, target_db, 'lineitem')

      self.run_test_case('stress-with-invalidate-refresh', vector)

      # Get the catalog versions for the table after running the workload
      after_versions = dict()
      after_versions['catalogd'] = self.get_table_version(catalogd, target_db, 'lineitem')
      after_versions['impalad'] = self.get_table_version(impalad, target_db, 'lineitem')

      # Catalog versions should be strictly increasing
      assert before_versions['impalad'] < after_versions['impalad']
      assert before_versions['catalogd'] < after_versions['catalogd']
Пример #4
 def test_insert_mem_limit(self, vector, unique_database):
     if (vector.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'parquet'):
         vector.get_value('exec_option')['COMPRESSION_CODEC'] = \
         multiple_impalad=vector.get_value('exec_option')['sync_ddl'] == 1,
     # IMPALA-7023: These queries can linger and use up memory, causing subsequent
     # tests to hit memory limits. Wait for some time to allow the query to
     # be reclaimed.
     verifiers = [
         for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads
     for v in verifiers:
Пример #5
 def test_low_mem_limit_no_fragments(self, vector):
   self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q14', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q14'])
   self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q18', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q18'])
   self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q20', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q20'])
   for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
     verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
     verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)
Пример #6
    def test_failpoints(self, vector):
        query = vector.get_value('query')
        action = vector.get_value('action')
        location = vector.get_value('location')
        vector.get_value('exec_option')['mt_dop'] = vector.get_value('mt_dop')

        plan_node_ids = self.__parse_plan_nodes_from_explain(query, vector)
        for node_id in plan_node_ids:
            debug_action = '%d:%s:%s' % (node_id, location,
            # IMPALA-7046: add jitter to backend startup to exercise various failure paths.
            debug_action += '|COORD_BEFORE_EXEC_RPC:JITTER@[email protected]'

            LOG.info('Current debug action: SET DEBUG_ACTION=%s' %
            vector.get_value('exec_option')['debug_action'] = debug_action

            if action == 'CANCEL':
                self.__execute_cancel_action(query, vector)
            elif action == 'FAIL' or action == 'MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED':
                self.__execute_fail_action(query, vector)
                assert 0, 'Unknown action: %s' % action

        # We should be able to execute the same query successfully when no failures are
        # injected.
        del vector.get_value('exec_option')['debug_action']
        self.execute_query(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))

        # Detect any hung fragments left from this test.
        for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
            verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
Пример #7
 def _verify_no_fragments_running(self):
   """Raise an exception if there are fragments running on the cluster after a
   for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
     verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
     verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0, timeout=10)
Пример #8
    def __test_invalid_result_caching(self, sql_stmt):
        """ Tests that invalid requests for query-result caching fail
    using the given sql_stmt."""
        impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
        impalad = impala_cluster.impalads[0].service

        execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
        execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
        execute_statement_req.statement = sql_stmt
        execute_statement_req.confOverlay = dict()

        # Test that a malformed result-cache size returns an error.
            self.IMPALA_RESULT_CACHING_OPT] = "bad_number"
        execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(
            execute_statement_resp, TCLIService.TStatusCode.ERROR_STATUS,
            "Invalid value 'bad_number' for 'impala.resultset.cache.size' option"
        assert 0 == impalad.get_num_in_flight_queries()

        # Test that a result-cache size exceeding the per-Impalad maximum returns an error.
        # The default maximum result-cache size is 100000.
            self.IMPALA_RESULT_CACHING_OPT] = "100001"
        execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(
            execute_statement_resp, TCLIService.TStatusCode.ERROR_STATUS,
            "Requested result-cache size of 100001 exceeds Impala's maximum of 100000"
        assert 0 == impalad.get_num_in_flight_queries()
Пример #9
  def _verify_describe_view(self, vector, view_name, expected_substr):
    Verify across all impalads that the view 'view_name' has the given substring in its
    expanded SQL.

    If SYNC_DDL is enabled, the verification should complete immediately. Otherwise,
    loops waiting for the expected condition to pass.
    if vector.get_value('exec_option')['sync_ddl']:
      num_attempts = 1
      num_attempts = 60
    for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
      client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
        for attempt in itertools.count(1):
          assert attempt <= num_attempts, "ran out of attempts"
            result = self.execute_query_expect_success(
                client, "describe formatted %s" % view_name)
            exp_line = [l for l in result.data if 'View Expanded' in l][0]
          except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:
            # In non-SYNC_DDL tests, it's OK to get a "missing view" type error
            # until the metadata propagates.
            exp_line = "Exception: %s" % e
          if expected_substr in exp_line.lower():
  def test_jvm_mem_tracking(self, vector):
    service = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads[0].service
    verifier = MemUsageVerifier(service)
    proc_values = verifier.get_mem_usage_values('Process')
    proc_total = proc_values['total']
    proc_limit = proc_values['limit']
    max_heap_size = verifier.get_mem_usage_values('JVM: max heap size')['total']
    non_heap_committed = verifier.get_mem_usage_values('JVM: non-heap committed')['total']
    MB = 1024 * 1024
    LOG.info("proc_total={0}, max_heap_size={1} non_heap_committed={2}".format(
        proc_total, max_heap_size, non_heap_committed))
    # The max heap size will be lower than -Xmx but should be in the same general range.
    assert max_heap_size >= 900 * MB and max_heap_size <= 1024 * MB
    # The non-heap committed value is hard to predict but should be non-zero.
    assert non_heap_committed > 0
    # Process mem consumption should include both of the above values.
    assert proc_total > max_heap_size + non_heap_committed

    # Make sure that the admittable memory is within 100MB of the process limit
    # minus the heap size (there may be some rounding errors).
    backend_json = json.loads(service.read_debug_webpage('backends?json'))
    admit_limit_human_readable = backend_json['backends'][0]['admit_mem_limit']
    admit_limit = parse_mem_value(admit_limit_human_readable)
    LOG.info("proc_limit={0}, admit_limit={1}".format(proc_limit, admit_limit))
    assert abs(admit_limit - (proc_limit - max_heap_size)) <= 100 * MB
Пример #11
    def test_jvm_mem_tracking(self, vector):
        service = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads[0].service
        verifier = MemUsageVerifier(service)
        proc_values = verifier.get_mem_usage_values('Process')
        proc_total = proc_values['total']
        proc_limit = proc_values['limit']
        max_heap_size = verifier.get_mem_usage_values(
            'JVM: max heap size')['total']
        non_heap_committed = verifier.get_mem_usage_values(
            'JVM: non-heap committed')['total']
        MB = 1024 * 1024
            "proc_total={0}, max_heap_size={1} non_heap_committed={2}".format(
                proc_total, max_heap_size, non_heap_committed))
        # The max heap size will be lower than -Xmx but should be in the same general range.
        assert max_heap_size >= 900 * MB and max_heap_size <= 1024 * MB
        # The non-heap committed value is hard to predict but should be non-zero.
        assert non_heap_committed > 0
        # Process mem consumption should include both of the above values.
        assert proc_total > max_heap_size + non_heap_committed

        # Make sure that the admittable memory is within 100MB of the process limit
        # minus the heap size (there may be some rounding errors).
        backend_json = json.loads(service.read_debug_webpage('backends?json'))
        admit_limit_human_readable = backend_json['backends'][0][
        admit_limit = parse_mem_value(admit_limit_human_readable)
        LOG.info("proc_limit={0}, admit_limit={1}".format(
            proc_limit, admit_limit))
        assert abs(admit_limit - (proc_limit - max_heap_size)) <= 100 * MB
Пример #12
    def test_views_describe(self, vector, unique_database):
        # IMPALA-6896: Tests that altered views can be described by all impalads.
        impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
        impalads = impala_cluster.impalads
        view_name = "%s.test_describe_view" % unique_database
        query_opts = vector.get_value('exec_option')
        first_client = impalads[0].service.create_beeswax_client()
            # Create a view and verify it's visible.
                first_client, "create view {0} as "
                "select * from functional.alltypes".format(view_name),
            self._verify_describe_view(vector, view_name,
                                       "select * from functional.alltypes")

            # Alter the view and verify the alter is visible.
                first_client, "alter view {0} as "
                "select * from functional.alltypesagg".format(view_name),
            self._verify_describe_view(vector, view_name,
                                       "select * from functional.alltypesagg")
Пример #13
    def test_failure_in_prepare_multi_fragment(self):
        # Test that if one fragment fails that the others are cleaned up during the ensuing
        # cancellation.
        verifiers = [
            for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads
        # Fail the scan node
        self.client.execute("SET DEBUG_ACTION='-1:0:PREPARE:FAIL'")

        # Force a query plan that will have three fragments or more.
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM functional.alltypes a JOIN [SHUFFLE] \
        functional.alltypes b on a.id = b.id")
            assert "Query should have thrown an error"
        except ImpalaBeeswaxException:

        for v in verifiers:
            # Long timeout required because fragments may be blocked while sending data. The
            # default value of --datastream_sender_timeout_ms is 120s before they wake up and
            # cancel themselves.
            # TODO: Fix when we have cancellable RPCs.
            v.wait_for_metric(self.IN_FLIGHT_FRAGMENTS, 0, timeout=125)
Пример #14
 def test_backends_are_idle(self):
     """Test that the backends state is in a valid state when quiesced - i.e.
 no queries are running and the admission control state reflects that no
 resources are used."""
     for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
         verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
Пример #15
 def _run_query_all_impalads(self, exec_options, query, expected):
     impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
     for impalad in impala_cluster.impalads:
         client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
         result = self.execute_query_expect_success(client, query,
         assert result.data == expected, impalad
Пример #16
  def __test_invalid_result_caching(self, sql_stmt):
    """ Tests that invalid requests for query-result caching fail
    using the given sql_stmt."""
    impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
    impalad = impala_cluster.impalads[0].service

    execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
    execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
    execute_statement_req.statement = sql_stmt
    execute_statement_req.confOverlay = dict()

    # Test that a malformed result-cache size returns an error.
    execute_statement_req.confOverlay[self.IMPALA_RESULT_CACHING_OPT] = "bad_number"
    execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
        "Invalid value 'bad_number' for 'impala.resultset.cache.size' option")
    assert 0 == impalad.get_num_in_flight_queries()

    # Test that a result-cache size exceeding the per-Impalad maximum returns an error.
    # The default maximum result-cache size is 100000.
    execute_statement_req.confOverlay[self.IMPALA_RESULT_CACHING_OPT] = "100001"
    execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
        "Requested result-cache size of 100001 exceeds Impala's maximum of 100000")
    assert 0 == impalad.get_num_in_flight_queries()
    def test_hash_join_timer(self, vector):
        # This test runs serially because it requires the query to come back within
        # some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
        # that time. It also assumes that it will be able to get a thread token to
        # execute the join build in parallel.
        test_case = vector.get_value('test cases')
        query = test_case[0]
        join_type = test_case[1]

        # Ensure that the cluster is idle before starting the test query.
        for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
            verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)

        # Execute the query. The query summary and profile are stored in 'result'.
        result = self.execute_query(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))

        # Parse the query summary; The join node is "id=3".
        # In the ExecSummary, search for the join operator's summary and verify the
        # avg and max times are within acceptable limits.
        exec_summary = result.exec_summary
        check_execsummary_count = 0
        join_node_name = "03:%s" % (join_type)
        for line in exec_summary:
            if line['operator'] == join_node_name:
                avg_time_ms = line['avg_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
                self.__verify_join_time(avg_time_ms, "ExecSummary Avg")
                max_time_ms = line['max_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
                self.__verify_join_time(max_time_ms, "ExecSummary Max")
                check_execsummary_count += 1
        assert (check_execsummary_count == 1), \
            "Unable to verify ExecSummary: {0}".format(exec_summary)

        # Parse the query profile; The join node is "id=3".
        # In the profiles, search for lines containing "(id=3)" and parse for the avg and
        # non-child times to verify that they are within acceptable limits. Also verify
        # that the build side is built in a different thread by searching for the string:
        # "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
        profile = result.runtime_profile
        check_fragment_count = 0
        asyn_build = False
        for line in profile.split("\n"):
            if ("(id=3)" in line):
                # Sample line:
                # HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=3):(Total: 3s580ms, non-child: 11.89ms, % non-child: 0.31%)
                strip1 = re.split("non-child: ", line)[1]
                non_child_time = re.split(", ", strip1)[0]
                non_child_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(non_child_time)
                                        "Fragment non-child")
                check_fragment_count += 1
            # Search for "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
            if ("Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously" in line):
                asyn_build = True
        assert (asyn_build
                ), "Join is not prepared asynchronously: {0}".format(profile)
        assert (check_fragment_count > 1), \
            "Unable to verify Fragment or Average Fragment: {0}".format(profile)
Пример #18
 def test_query_profile_encoded_unknown_query_id(self):
   """Test that /query_profile_encoded error message starts with the expected line in
   case of missing query and does not contain any leading whitespace.
   cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
   impalad = cluster.get_any_impalad()
   result = impalad.service.read_debug_webpage("query_profile_encoded?query_id=123")
   assert result.startswith("Could not obtain runtime profile: Query id")
Пример #19
 def test_query_profile_encoded_unknown_query_id(self):
   """Test that /query_profile_encoded error message starts with the expected line in
   case of missing query and does not contain any leading whitespace.
   cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
   impalad = cluster.get_any_impalad()
   result = impalad.service.read_debug_webpage("query_profile_encoded?query_id=123")
   assert result.startswith("Could not obtain runtime profile: Query id")
  def test_hash_join_timer(self, vector):
    # This test runs serially because it requires the query to come back within
    # some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
    # that time. It also assumes that it will be able to get a thread token to
    # execute the join build in parallel.
    test_case = vector.get_value('test cases')
    query = test_case[0]
    join_type = test_case[1]

    # Ensure that the cluster is idle before starting the test query.
    for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
      verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
      verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)

    # Execute the query. The query summary and profile are stored in 'result'.
    result = self.execute_query(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))

    # Parse the query summary; The join node is "id=3".
    # In the ExecSummary, search for the join operator's summary and verify the
    # avg and max times are within acceptable limits.
    exec_summary = result.exec_summary
    check_execsummary_count = 0
    join_node_name = "03:%s" % (join_type)
    for line in exec_summary:
      if line['operator'] == join_node_name:
        avg_time_ms = line['avg_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
        self.__verify_join_time(avg_time_ms, "ExecSummary Avg")
        max_time_ms = line['max_time'] / self.NANOS_PER_MILLI
        self.__verify_join_time(max_time_ms, "ExecSummary Max")
        check_execsummary_count += 1
    assert (check_execsummary_count == 1), \
        "Unable to verify ExecSummary: {0}".format(exec_summary)

    # Parse the query profile; The join node is "id=3".
    # In the profiles, search for lines containing "(id=3)" and parse for the avg and
    # non-child times to verify that they are within acceptable limits. Also verify
    # that the build side is built in a different thread by searching for the string:
    # "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
    profile = result.runtime_profile
    check_fragment_count = 0
    asyn_build = False
    for line in profile.split("\n"):
      if ("(id=3)" in line):
        # Sample line:
        # HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=3):(Total: 3s580ms, non-child: 11.89ms, % non-child: 0.31%)
        strip1 = re.split("non-child: ", line)[1]
        non_child_time = re.split(", ", strip1)[0]
        non_child_time_ms = parse_duration_string_ms(non_child_time)
        self.__verify_join_time(non_child_time_ms, "Fragment non-child")
        check_fragment_count += 1
      # Search for "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
      if ("Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously" in line):
        asyn_build = True
    assert (asyn_build), "Join is not prepared asynchronously: {0}".format(profile)
    assert (check_fragment_count > 1), \
        "Unable to verify Fragment or Average Fragment: {0}".format(profile)
Пример #21
 def _get_json_queries(self, http_addr):
   """Get the json output of the /queries page from the impalad web UI at http_addr."""
     # The hostnames in the dockerized cluster may not be externally reachable.
     cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
     return cluster.impalads[0].service.get_debug_webpage_json("/queries")
     resp = urlopen("http://%s/queries?json" % http_addr)
     assert resp.msg == 'OK'
     return json.loads(resp.read())
Пример #22
  def test_execqueryfinstances_timeout(self, vector):
    for i in range(3):
      ex= self.execute_query_expect_failure(self.client, self.TEST_QUERY)
      assert "Exec() rpc failed: Timed out" in str(ex)
    verifiers = [MetricVerifier(i.service) for i in

    for v in verifiers:
      v.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)
  def _start_impala_cluster(cls, options, impala_log_dir=os.getenv('LOG_DIR', "/tmp/"),
      cluster_size=DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE, num_coordinators=NUM_COORDINATORS,
      use_exclusive_coordinators=False, log_level=1,
      expected_num_executors=DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE, default_query_options=None):
    cls.impala_log_dir = impala_log_dir
    # We ignore TEST_START_CLUSTER_ARGS here. Custom cluster tests specifically test that
    # certain custom startup arguments work and we want to keep them independent of dev
    # environments.
    cmd = [os.path.join(IMPALA_HOME, 'bin/start-impala-cluster.py'),
           '--cluster_size=%d' % cluster_size,
           '--num_coordinators=%d' % num_coordinators,
           '--log_dir=%s' % impala_log_dir,
           '--log_level=%s' % log_level]

    if use_exclusive_coordinators:

    if pytest.config.option.use_local_catalog:

    if pytest.config.option.pull_incremental_statistics:
      cmd.append("--impalad_args=%s --catalogd_args=%s" %
                 ("--pull_incremental_statistics", "--pull_incremental_statistics"))

    default_query_option_kvs = []
    # Put any defaults first, then any arguments after that so they can override defaults.
    if os.environ.get("ERASURE_CODING") == "true":
      default_query_option_kvs.append(("allow_erasure_coded_files", "true"))
    if default_query_options is not None:
    # Add the default query options after any arguments. This will override any default
    # options set in --impalad_args by design to force tests to pass default_query_options
    # into this function directly.
        ','.join(["{0}={1}".format(k, v) for k, v in default_query_option_kvs])))

    logging.info("Starting cluster with command: %s" %
                 " ".join(pipes.quote(arg) for arg in cmd + options))
      check_call(cmd + options, close_fds=True)
      # Failure tests expect cluster to be initialised even if start-impala-cluster fails.
      cls.cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
    statestored = cls.cluster.statestored
    if statestored is None:
      raise Exception("statestored was not found")

    # The number of statestore subscribers is
    # cluster_size (# of impalad) + 1 (for catalogd).
    expected_subscribers = cluster_size + 1

    statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(expected_subscribers, timeout=60)
    for impalad in cls.cluster.impalads:
      impalad.service.wait_for_num_known_live_backends(expected_num_executors, timeout=60)
Пример #24
  def _start_impala_cluster(cls, options, impala_log_dir=os.getenv('LOG_DIR', "/tmp/"),
      cluster_size=DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE, num_coordinators=NUM_COORDINATORS,
      use_exclusive_coordinators=False, log_level=1,
      expected_num_executors=DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE, default_query_options=None):
    cls.impala_log_dir = impala_log_dir
    # We ignore TEST_START_CLUSTER_ARGS here. Custom cluster tests specifically test that
    # certain custom startup arguments work and we want to keep them independent of dev
    # environments.
    cmd = [os.path.join(IMPALA_HOME, 'bin/start-impala-cluster.py'),
           '--cluster_size=%d' % cluster_size,
           '--num_coordinators=%d' % num_coordinators,
           '--log_dir=%s' % impala_log_dir,
           '--log_level=%s' % log_level]

    if use_exclusive_coordinators:

    if pytest.config.option.use_local_catalog:

    if pytest.config.option.pull_incremental_statistics:
      cmd.append("--impalad_args=%s --catalogd_args=%s" %
                 ("--pull_incremental_statistics", "--pull_incremental_statistics"))

    default_query_option_kvs = []
    # Put any defaults first, then any arguments after that so they can override defaults.
    if os.environ.get("ERASURE_CODING") == "true":
      default_query_option_kvs.append(("allow_erasure_coded_files", "true"))
    if default_query_options is not None:
    # Add the default query options after any arguments. This will override any default
    # options set in --impalad_args by design to force tests to pass default_query_options
    # into this function directly.
        ','.join(["{0}={1}".format(k, v) for k, v in default_query_option_kvs])))

    logging.info("Starting cluster with command: %s" %
                 " ".join(pipes.quote(arg) for arg in cmd + options))
      check_call(cmd + options, close_fds=True)
      # Failure tests expect cluster to be initialised even if start-impala-cluster fails.
      cls.cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
    statestored = cls.cluster.statestored
    if statestored is None:
      raise Exception("statestored was not found")

    # The number of statestore subscribers is
    # cluster_size (# of impalad) + 1 (for catalogd).
    expected_subscribers = cluster_size + 1

    statestored.service.wait_for_live_subscribers(expected_subscribers, timeout=60)
    for impalad in cls.cluster.impalads:
      impalad.service.wait_for_num_known_live_backends(expected_num_executors, timeout=60)
Пример #25
  def execute_query_verify_metrics(self, query, query_options=None, repeat=1):
    for i in range(repeat):
        self.execute_query(query, query_options)
      except ImpalaBeeswaxException:
    verifiers = [MetricVerifier(i.service)
                 for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads]

    for v in verifiers:
      v.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)
Пример #26
    def test_pull_stats_profile(self, vector, unique_database):
        """Checks that the frontend profile includes metrics when computing
       incremental statistics.
            impalad = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads[0]
            client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
            create = "create table test like functional.alltypes"
            load = "insert into test partition(year, month) select * from functional.alltypes"
            insert = """insert into test partition(year=2009, month=1) values
                  (29349999, true, 4, 4, 4, 40,4.400000095367432,40.4,
                  "10/21/09","4","2009-10-21 03:24:09.600000000")"""
            stats_all = "compute incremental stats test"
            stats_part = "compute incremental stats test partition (year=2009,month=1)"

            # Checks that profile does not have metrics for incremental stats when
            # the operation is not 'compute incremental stats'.
                                              "use `%s`" % unique_database)
            profile = self.execute_query_expect_success(client,
            assert profile.count("StatsFetch") == 0
            # Checks that incremental stats metrics are present when 'compute incremental
            # stats' is run. Since the table has no stats, expect that no bytes are fetched.
            self.execute_query_expect_success(client, load)
            profile = self.execute_query_expect_success(
                client, stats_all).runtime_profile
            assert profile.count("StatsFetch") > 1
            assert profile.count("StatsFetch.CompressedBytes: 0") == 1
            # Checks that bytes fetched is non-zero since incremental stats are present now
            # and should have been fetched.
            self.execute_query_expect_success(client, insert)
            profile = self.execute_query_expect_success(
                client, stats_part).runtime_profile
            assert profile.count("StatsFetch") > 1
            assert profile.count("StatsFetch.CompressedBytes") == 1
            assert profile.count("StatsFetch.CompressedBytes: 0") == 0
            # Adds a partition, computes stats, and checks that the metrics in the profile
            # reflect the operation.
            alter = "alter table test add partition(year=2011, month=1)"
            insert_new_partition = """
          insert into test partition(year=2011, month=1) values
          (29349999, true, 4, 4, 4, 40,4.400000095367432,40.4,
          "10/21/09","4","2009-10-21 03:24:09.600000000")
            self.execute_query_expect_success(client, alter)
            self.execute_query_expect_success(client, insert_new_partition)
            profile = self.execute_query_expect_success(
                client, stats_all).runtime_profile
            assert profile.count("StatsFetch.TotalPartitions: 25") == 1
            assert profile.count("StatsFetch.NumPartitionsWithStats: 24") == 1
Пример #27
 def verify_mem_usage(self, non_zero_peak_metrics):
   """Verifies that the memory used by KRPC is returned to the memtrackers and that
   metrics in 'non_zero_peak_metrics' have a peak value > 0.
   verifiers = [MemUsageVerifier(i.service)
                for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads]
   for verifier in verifiers:
     for metric_name in ALL_METRICS:
       usage = verifier.get_mem_usage_values(metric_name)
       assert usage["total"] == 0
       if metric_name in non_zero_peak_metrics:
         assert usage["peak"] > 0, metric_name
Пример #28
def print_metrics(substring):
  """Prints metrics with the given substring in the name"""
  for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
    print ">" * 80
    port = impalad.get_webserver_port()
    cert = impalad._get_webserver_certificate_file()
    print "connections metrics for impalad at port {0}:".format(port)
    debug_info = json.loads(ImpaladService(impalad.hostname, webserver_port=port,
    for metric in debug_info['metric_group']['metrics']:
      if substring in metric['name']:
        print json.dumps(metric, indent=1)
    print "<" * 80
Пример #29
 def test_insert_mem_limit(self, vector):
   if (vector.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'parquet'):
     vector.get_value('exec_option')['COMPRESSION_CODEC'] = \
   self.run_test_case('QueryTest/insert-mem-limit', vector,
       multiple_impalad=vector.get_value('exec_option')['sync_ddl'] == 1)
   # IMPALA-7023: These queries can linger and use up memory, causing subsequent
   # tests to hit memory limits. Wait for some time to allow the query to
   # be reclaimed.
   verifiers = [MetricVerifier(i.service)
                for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads]
   for v in verifiers:
     v.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0, timeout=60)
Пример #30
  def test_failure_in_prepare(self):
    # Fail the scan node
    verifiers = [MetricVerifier(i.service)
                 for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads]
    self.client.execute("SET DEBUG_ACTION='-1:0:PREPARE:FAIL'");
      self.client.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM functional.alltypes")
      assert "Query should have thrown an error"
    except ImpalaBeeswaxException:

    for v in verifiers:
      v.wait_for_metric(self.IN_FLIGHT_FRAGMENTS, 0)
Пример #31
 def verify_mem_usage(self, non_zero_peak_metrics):
     """Verifies that the memory used by KRPC is returned to the memtrackers and that
 metrics in 'non_zero_peak_metrics' have a peak value > 0.
     verifiers = [
         for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads
     for verifier in verifiers:
         for metric_name in ALL_METRICS:
             usage = verifier.get_mem_usage_values(metric_name)
             assert usage["total"] == 0
             if metric_name in non_zero_peak_metrics:
                 assert usage["peak"] > 0, metric_name
Пример #32
    def test_failure_in_prepare(self):
        # Fail the scan node
        verifiers = [
            for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads
        self.client.execute("SET DEBUG_ACTION='-1:0:PREPARE:FAIL'")
            self.client.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM functional.alltypes")
            assert "Query should have thrown an error"
        except ImpalaBeeswaxException:

        for v in verifiers:
            v.wait_for_metric(self.IN_FLIGHT_FRAGMENTS, 0)
Пример #33
  def test_pull_stats_profile(self, vector, unique_database):
    """Checks that the frontend profile includes metrics when computing
       incremental statistics.
      impalad = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads[0]
      client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
      create = "create table test like functional.alltypes"
      load = "insert into test partition(year, month) select * from functional.alltypes"
      insert = """insert into test partition(year=2009, month=1) values
                  (29349999, true, 4, 4, 4, 40,4.400000095367432,40.4,
                  "10/21/09","4","2009-10-21 03:24:09.600000000")"""
      stats_all = "compute incremental stats test"
      stats_part = "compute incremental stats test partition (year=2009,month=1)"

      # Checks that profile does not have metrics for incremental stats when
      # the operation is not 'compute incremental stats'.
      self.execute_query_expect_success(client, "use `%s`" % unique_database)
      profile = self.execute_query_expect_success(client, create).runtime_profile
      assert profile.count("StatsFetch") == 0
      # Checks that incremental stats metrics are present when 'compute incremental
      # stats' is run. Since the table has no stats, expect that no bytes are fetched.
      self.execute_query_expect_success(client, load)
      profile = self.execute_query_expect_success(client, stats_all).runtime_profile
      assert profile.count("StatsFetch") > 1
      assert profile.count("StatsFetch.CompressedBytes: 0") == 1
      # Checks that bytes fetched is non-zero since incremental stats are present now
      # and should have been fetched.
      self.execute_query_expect_success(client, insert)
      profile = self.execute_query_expect_success(client, stats_part).runtime_profile
      assert profile.count("StatsFetch") > 1
      assert profile.count("StatsFetch.CompressedBytes") == 1
      assert profile.count("StatsFetch.CompressedBytes: 0") == 0
      # Adds a partition, computes stats, and checks that the metrics in the profile
      # reflect the operation.
      alter = "alter table test add partition(year=2011, month=1)"
      insert_new_partition = """
          insert into test partition(year=2011, month=1) values
          (29349999, true, 4, 4, 4, 40,4.400000095367432,40.4,
          "10/21/09","4","2009-10-21 03:24:09.600000000")
      self.execute_query_expect_success(client, alter)
      self.execute_query_expect_success(client, insert_new_partition)
      profile = self.execute_query_expect_success(client, stats_all).runtime_profile
      assert profile.count("StatsFetch.TotalPartitions: 25") == 1
      assert profile.count("StatsFetch.NumPartitionsWithStats: 24") == 1
Пример #34
  def execute_query_then_cancel(self, query, vector, repeat = 1):
    for _ in range(repeat):
      handle = self.execute_query_async(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))
      self.client.fetch(query, handle)
      except ImpalaBeeswaxException:
    verifiers = [MetricVerifier(i.service)
                 for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads]

    for v in verifiers:
      v.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)
Пример #35
    def test_hive_udfs_missing_jar(self, vector, unique_database):
        """ IMPALA-2365: Impalad shouldn't crash if the udf jar isn't present
    on HDFS"""
        # Copy hive-exec.jar to a temporary file
        jar_path = get_fs_path(
            "/test-warehouse/{0}.db/".format(unique_database) +
            get_random_id(5) + ".jar")
        hive_jar = get_fs_path("/test-warehouse/hive-exec.jar")
        self.filesystem_client.copy(hive_jar, jar_path)
        drop_fn_stmt = ("drop function if exists "
        create_fn_stmt = (
            "create function `{0}`.`pi_missing_jar`() returns double location '{1}' "
                unique_database, jar_path))

        cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
        impalad = cluster.get_any_impalad()
        client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
        # Create and drop functions with sync_ddl to make sure they are reflected
        # in every impalad.
        exec_option = copy(vector.get_value('exec_option'))
        exec_option['sync_ddl'] = 1

        self.execute_query_expect_success(client, drop_fn_stmt, exec_option)
        self.execute_query_expect_success(client, create_fn_stmt, exec_option)
        # Delete the udf jar
        check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-rm", jar_path])

        different_impalad = cluster.get_different_impalad(impalad)
        client = different_impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
        # Run a query using the udf from an impalad other than the one
        # we used to create the function. This is to bypass loading from
        # the cache
                "select `{0}`.`pi_missing_jar`()".format(unique_database),
            assert False, "Query expected to fail"
        except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:
            assert "Failed to get file info" in str(e)
Пример #36
    def test_table_is_cached(self, vector):
        cached_read_metric = "impala-server.io-mgr.cached-bytes-read"
        query_string = "select count(*) from tpch.nation"
        expected_bytes_delta = 2199
        impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()

        # Collect the cached read metric on all the impalads before running the query
        cached_bytes_before = list()
        for impalad in impala_cluster.impalads:

        # Execute the query.
        result = self.execute_query(query_string)
        assert (len(result.data) == 1)
        assert (result.data[0] == '25')

        # Read the metrics again.
        cached_bytes_after = list()
        for impalad in impala_cluster.impalads:

        # Verify that the cached bytes increased by the expected number on exactly one of
        # the impalads.
        num_metrics_increased = 0
        assert (len(cached_bytes_before) == len(cached_bytes_after))
        for i in range(0, len(cached_bytes_before)):
            assert(cached_bytes_before[i] == cached_bytes_after[i] or\
                   cached_bytes_before[i] + expected_bytes_delta == cached_bytes_after[i])
            if cached_bytes_after[i] > cached_bytes_before[i]:
                num_metrics_increased = num_metrics_increased + 1

            assert num_metrics_increased == 0, "HDFS caching is disabled in dockerised cluster."
        elif num_metrics_increased != 1:
            # Test failed, print the metrics
            for i in range(0, len(cached_bytes_before)):
                print "%d %d" % (cached_bytes_before[i], cached_bytes_after[i])
            assert (False)
Пример #37
  def test_hive_udfs_missing_jar(self, vector, unique_database):
    """ IMPALA-2365: Impalad shouldn't crash if the udf jar isn't present
    on HDFS"""
    # Copy hive-exec.jar to a temporary file
    jar_path = get_fs_path("/test-warehouse/{0}.db/".format(unique_database)
                           + get_random_id(5) + ".jar")
    hive_jar = get_fs_path("/test-warehouse/hive-exec.jar")
    check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp", hive_jar, jar_path])
    drop_fn_stmt = (
        "drop function if exists "
    create_fn_stmt = (
        "create function `{0}`.`pi_missing_jar`() returns double location '{1}' "
        "symbol='org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFPI'".format(unique_database, jar_path))

    cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
    impalad = cluster.get_any_impalad()
    client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
    # Create and drop functions with sync_ddl to make sure they are reflected
    # in every impalad.
    exec_option = copy(vector.get_value('exec_option'))
    exec_option['sync_ddl'] = 1

    self.execute_query_expect_success(client, drop_fn_stmt, exec_option)
    self.execute_query_expect_success(client, create_fn_stmt, exec_option)
    # Delete the udf jar
    check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-rm", jar_path])

    different_impalad = cluster.get_different_impalad(impalad)
    client = different_impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
    # Run a query using the udf from an impalad other than the one
    # we used to create the function. This is to bypass loading from
    # the cache
          client, "select `{0}`.`pi_missing_jar`()".format(unique_database), vector)
      assert False, "Query expected to fail"
    except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:
      assert "Failed to get file info" in str(e)
Пример #38
  def test_table_is_cached(self, vector):
    cached_read_metric = "impala-server.io-mgr.cached-bytes-read"
    query_string = "select count(*) from tpch.nation"
    expected_bytes_delta = 2199
    impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()

    # Collect the cached read metric on all the impalads before running the query
    cached_bytes_before = list()
    for impalad in impala_cluster.impalads:

    # Execute the query.
    result = self.execute_query(query_string)
    assert(len(result.data) == 1)
    assert(result.data[0] == '25')

    # Read the metrics again.
    cached_bytes_after = list()
    for impalad in impala_cluster.impalads:

    # Verify that the cached bytes increased by the expected number on exactly one of
    # the impalads.
    num_metrics_increased = 0
    assert(len(cached_bytes_before) == len(cached_bytes_after))
    for i in range(0, len(cached_bytes_before)):
      assert(cached_bytes_before[i] == cached_bytes_after[i] or\
             cached_bytes_before[i] + expected_bytes_delta == cached_bytes_after[i])
      if cached_bytes_after[i] > cached_bytes_before[i]:
        num_metrics_increased = num_metrics_increased + 1

      assert num_metrics_increased == 0, "HDFS caching is disabled in dockerised cluster."
    elif num_metrics_increased != 1:
      # Test failed, print the metrics
      for i in range(0, len(cached_bytes_before)):
        print "%d %d" % (cached_bytes_before[i], cached_bytes_after[i])
Пример #39
 def wait_for_event_processing(test_suite, timeout=10):
     """Waits till the event processor has synced to the latest event id from metastore
      or the timeout value in seconds whichever is earlier"""
     if EventProcessorUtils.get_event_processor_status() == "DISABLED":
     success = False
     assert timeout > 0
     assert test_suite.hive_client is not None
     current_event_id = EventProcessorUtils.get_current_notification_id(
     LOG.info("Waiting until events processor syncs to event id:" +
     end_time = time.time() + timeout
     while time.time() < end_time:
         last_synced_id = EventProcessorUtils.get_last_synced_event_id()
         if last_synced_id >= current_event_id:
                 "Metric last-synced-event-id has reached the desired value:"
                 + str(last_synced_id))
             success = True
     if not success:
         raise Exception(
             "Event processor did not sync till last known event id {0} \
       within {1} seconds".format(current_event_id, timeout))
     if isinstance(test_suite, CustomClusterTestSuite):
         impala_cluster = test_suite.cluster
         impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
     # Wait until the impalad catalog versions agree with the catalogd's version.
     catalogd_version = impala_cluster.catalogd.service.get_catalog_version(
     for impalad in impala_cluster.impalads:
     return success
Пример #40
  def test_failure_in_prepare_multi_fragment(self):
    # Test that if one fragment fails that the others are cleaned up during the ensuing
    # cancellation.
    verifiers = [MetricVerifier(i.service)
                 for i in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads]
    # Fail the scan node
    self.client.execute("SET DEBUG_ACTION='-1:0:PREPARE:FAIL'");

    # Force a query plan that will have three fragments or more.
      self.client.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM functional.alltypes a JOIN [SHUFFLE] \
        functional.alltypes b on a.id = b.id")
      assert "Query should have thrown an error"
    except ImpalaBeeswaxException:

    for v in verifiers:
      # Long timeout required because fragments may be blocked while sending data. The
      # default value of --datastream_sender_timeout_ms is 120s before they wake up and
      # cancel themselves.
      # TODO: Fix when we have cancellable RPCs.
      v.wait_for_metric(self.IN_FLIGHT_FRAGMENTS, 0, timeout=125)
Пример #41
  def test_views_describe(self, vector, unique_database):
    # IMPALA-6896: Tests that altered views can be described by all impalads.
    impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
    impalads = impala_cluster.impalads
    view_name = "%s.test_describe_view" % unique_database
    query_opts = vector.get_value('exec_option')
    first_client = impalads[0].service.create_beeswax_client()
      # Create a view and verify it's visible.
                                        "create view {0} as "
                                        "select * from functional.alltypes"
                                        .format(view_name), query_opts)
      self._verify_describe_view(vector, view_name, "select * from functional.alltypes")

      # Alter the view and verify the alter is visible.
                                        "alter view {0} as "
                                        "select * from functional.alltypesagg"
                                        .format(view_name), query_opts)
      self._verify_describe_view(vector, view_name,
                                 "select * from functional.alltypesagg")
Пример #42
      self.run_test_case('QueryTest/udf-mem-limit', vector, use_db=unique_database)
      assert False, "Query was expected to fail"
    except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:

      self.run_test_case('QueryTest/uda-mem-limit', vector, use_db=unique_database)
      assert False, "Query was expected to fail"
    except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:

    # It takes a long time for Impala to free up memory after this test, especially if
    # ASAN is enabled. Verify that all fragments finish executing before moving on to the
    # next test to make sure that the next test is not affected.
    for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
      verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
      verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)

  def test_udf_constant_folding(self, vector, unique_database):
    """Test that constant folding of UDFs is handled correctly. Uses count_rows(),
    which returns a unique value every time it is evaluated in the same thread."""
    exec_options = copy(vector.get_value('exec_option'))
    # Execute on a single node so that all counter values will be unique.
    exec_options["num_nodes"] = 1
    create_fn_query = """create function {database}.count_rows() returns bigint
                         location '{location}' symbol='Count' prepare_fn='CountPrepare'
    self._load_functions(create_fn_query, vector, unique_database,
Пример #43
 def _run_query_all_impalads(self, exec_options, query, expected):
   impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
   for impalad in impala_cluster.impalads:
     client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
     result = self.execute_query_expect_success(client, query, exec_options)
     assert result.data == expected
Пример #44
            assert False, "Query was expected to fail"
        except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:

            assert False, "Query was expected to fail"
        except ImpalaBeeswaxException, e:

        # It takes a long time for Impala to free up memory after this test, especially if
        # ASAN is enabled. Verify that all fragments finish executing before moving on to the
        # next test to make sure that the next test is not affected.
        for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
            verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)

    def test_udf_constant_folding(self, vector, unique_database):
        """Test that constant folding of UDFs is handled correctly. Uses count_rows(),
    which returns a unique value every time it is evaluated in the same thread."""
        exec_options = copy(vector.get_value('exec_option'))
        # Execute on a single node so that all counter values will be unique.
        exec_options["num_nodes"] = 1
        create_fn_query = """create function {database}.count_rows() returns bigint
                         location '{location}' symbol='Count' prepare_fn='CountPrepare'
        self._load_functions(create_fn_query, vector, unique_database,
Пример #45
 def _get_json_queries(self, http_addr):
   """Get the json output of the /queries page from the impalad web UI at http_addr."""
   cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
   return cluster.impalads[0].service.get_debug_webpage_json("/queries")
  def test_native_functions_race(self, vector, unique_database):
    """ IMPALA-6488: stress concurrent adds, uses, and deletes of native functions.
        Exposes a crash caused by use-after-free in lib-cache."""

    # Native function used by a query. Stresses lib-cache during analysis and
    # backend expressions.
    create_fn_to_use = \
      """create function {0}.use_it(string) returns string
         LOCATION '{1}'
    use_fn = """select * from (select max(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg
                where {0}.use_it(string_col) = 'blah' union all
                (select max(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg
                 where {0}.use_it(String_col) > '1' union all
                (select max(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg
                 where {0}.use_it(string_col) > '1'))) v"""
    # Reference to another native function from the same 'so' file. Creating/dropping
    # stresses lib-cache lookup, add, and refresh.
    create_another_fn = """create function if not exists {0}.other(float)
                           returns float location '{1}' symbol='Identity'"""
    drop_another_fn = """drop function if exists {0}.other(float)"""
    udf_path = get_fs_path('/test-warehouse/libTestUdfs.so')

    # Tracks number of impalads prior to tests to check that none have crashed.
    # All impalads are assumed to be coordinators.
    cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
    exp_num_coordinators = cluster.num_responsive_coordinators()

    setup_client = self.create_impala_client()
    setup_query = create_fn_to_use.format(unique_database, udf_path)
    except Exception as e:
      print "Unable to create initial function: {0}".format(setup_query)

    errors = []

    def use_fn_method():
      time.sleep(1 + random.random())
      client = self.create_impala_client()
      query = use_fn.format(unique_database)
      except Exception as e:

    def load_fn_method():
      time.sleep(1 + random.random())
      client = self.create_impala_client()
      drop = drop_another_fn.format(unique_database)
      create = create_another_fn.format(unique_database, udf_path)
      except Exception as e:

    # number of uses/loads needed to reliably reproduce the bug.
    num_uses = 200
    num_loads = 200

    # create threads to use native function.
    runner_threads = []
    for i in xrange(num_uses):

    # create threads to drop/create native functions.
    for i in xrange(num_loads):

    # launch all runner threads.
    for t in runner_threads: t.start()

    # join all threads.
    for t in runner_threads: t.join()

    for e in errors: print e

    # Checks that no impalad has crashed.
    assert cluster.num_responsive_coordinators() == exp_num_coordinators
  def test_get_functions(self, vector, unique_database):
    impala_cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
    catalogd = impala_cluster.catalogd.service
    trans_type = 'buffered'
    if pytest.config.option.use_kerberos:
      trans_type = 'kerberos'
    transport = create_transport(host=catalogd.hostname, port=catalogd.service_port,
                                 service='impala', transport_type=trans_type)
    protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(transport)
    catalog_client = CatalogService.Client(protocol)

    request = TGetFunctionsRequest()
    request.db_name = unique_database
    response = catalog_client.GetFunctions(request)
    assert response.status.status_code == TErrorCode.OK
    assert len(response.functions) == 0

    self.client.execute("create function %s.fn() RETURNS int "
                        "LOCATION '%s/libTestUdfs.so' SYMBOL='Fn'"
                        % (unique_database, WAREHOUSE))

    response = catalog_client.GetFunctions(request)
    assert len(response.functions) == 1
    assert len(response.functions[0].arg_types) == 0
    assert response.functions[0].name.db_name == unique_database
    assert response.functions[0].name.function_name == 'fn'
    assert response.functions[0].aggregate_fn is None
    assert response.functions[0].scalar_fn is not None
    assert '/test-warehouse/libTestUdfs.so' in response.functions[0].hdfs_location

    # Add another scalar function with overloaded parameters ensure it shows up.
    self.client.execute("create function %s.fn(int) RETURNS double "\
        "LOCATION '%s/libTestUdfs.so' SYMBOL='Fn'" % (unique_database, WAREHOUSE))
    response = catalog_client.GetFunctions(request)
    assert response.status.status_code == TErrorCode.OK
    assert len(response.functions) == 2

    functions = [fn for fn in response.functions]

    # Sort by number of arg in the function (ascending)
    functions.sort(key=lambda fn: len(fn.arg_types))
    assert len(functions[0].arg_types) == 0
    assert len(functions[1].arg_types) == 1
    assert functions[0].signature == 'fn()'
    assert functions[1].signature == 'fn(INT)'

    # Verify aggregate functions can also be retrieved
    self.client.execute("create aggregate function %s.agg_fn(int, string) RETURNS int "
                        "LOCATION '%s/libTestUdas.so' UPDATE_FN='TwoArgUpdate'"
                        % (unique_database, WAREHOUSE))
    response = catalog_client.GetFunctions(request)
    assert response.status.status_code == TErrorCode.OK
    assert len(response.functions) == 3
    functions = [fn for fn in response.functions if fn.aggregate_fn is not None]
    # Should be only 1 aggregate function
    assert len(functions) == 1

    # Negative test cases for database name
    request.db_name = unique_database + "_does_not_exist"
    response = catalog_client.GetFunctions(request)
    assert response.status.status_code == TErrorCode.GENERAL
    assert 'Database does not exist: ' in str(response.status)

    request = TGetFunctionsRequest()
    response = catalog_client.GetFunctions(request)
    assert response.status.status_code == TErrorCode.GENERAL
    assert 'Database name must be set' in str(response.status)