Пример #1
def test_update_time_entry_date_time(app, db, user_alice):
    time_entry_id = 1
    start_datetime = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)
    end_datetime = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) + timedelta(hours=1)
    response = app.http.patch(
            'startDatetime': timestamptz_to_str(start_datetime),
            'endDatetime': timestamptz_to_str(end_datetime)
        headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {user_alice.token}'})
    assert response.status_code == 200

    response_time_entry = response.json_body
    assert response_time_entry == {
        'timeEntryId': time_entry_id,
        'taskId': 1,
        'assigneeId': 1,
        'startDatetime': timestamptz_to_str(start_datetime),
        'endDatetime': timestamptz_to_str(end_datetime)

    time_entry_in_db = get_time_entry_by_id(db, time_entry_id)
    assert time_entry_in_db._asdict() == {
        'time_entry_id': time_entry_id,
        'task_id': 1,
        'assignee_id': 1,
        'start_datetime': start_datetime,
        'end_datetime': end_datetime
Пример #2
def test_some_fields_can_not_be_updated(app, db, user_alice, user_bob):
    alice_task_id = 1

    alice_task = get_task_by_id(db, alice_task_id)

    # check that those fields can not be updated
    update = functools.partial(request_task_update, app, user_alice.token,
    response = update({'taskId': 9999})
    assert response.status_code == 422

    response = update({'projectId': 2})
    assert response.status_code == 422

    response = update({'teamId': 2})
    assert response.status_code == 422

    response = update(
        {'createdAt': timestamptz_to_str(datetime.now(timezone.utc))})
    assert response.status_code == 422

    response = update({'createdBy': user_bob.user_id})
    assert response.status_code == 422

    # task should remain unchanged
    assert get_task_by_id(db, alice_task_id) == alice_task
Пример #3
def test_user_can_update_task_he_created(app, db, user_alice, user_bob):
    alice_task_id = 1

    update = functools.partial(request_task_update, app, user_alice.token,

    task_to_update = get_task_by_id(db, alice_task_id)
    assert task_to_update is not None

    new_due_date = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(days=2)
    new_estimation = timedelta(days=1)
    fields_to_update = {
        'name': 'add header & animation',
        'status': 'in_progress',
        'assigneeId': user_bob.user_id,
        'dueDate': timestamptz_to_str(new_due_date),
        'estimation': 60 * 60 * 24,  # day
        'description': 'do it'

    # try updating each field on its own
    assert update({'name': 'add header & animation'}).status_code == 200
    assert update({'status': 'in_progress'}).status_code == 200
    assert update({'assigneeId': user_bob.user_id}).status_code == 200
    assert update({
        'dueDate': timestamptz_to_str(new_due_date)
    }).status_code == 200
    assert update({'estimation': 60 * 60 * 24}).status_code == 200
    assert update({'description': 'do it'}).status_code == 200

    # expect database to persist the changes made
    task_in_db = get_task_by_id(db, alice_task_id)
    assert task_in_db.name == fields_to_update['name']
    assert task_in_db.status == fields_to_update['status']
    assert task_in_db.assignee_id == fields_to_update['assigneeId']
    assert task_in_db.due_date == new_due_date
    assert task_in_db.estimation == new_estimation
    assert task_in_db.description == fields_to_update['description']
Пример #4
def test_create_time_entry(app, db, user_alice):
    alice_task_id = 1
    start_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

    response = app.http.post(
            'taskId': alice_task_id,
            'startDatetime': timestamptz_to_str(start_time),
            'assigneeId': 1
        headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {user_alice.token}'})
    assert response.status_code == 201

    new_time_entry = response.json_body

    db_time_entry = get_time_entry_by_id(db, new_time_entry['timeEntryId'])
    assert new_time_entry == {
        'timeEntryId': db_time_entry.time_entry_id,
        'taskId': alice_task_id,
        'assigneeId': 1,
        'startDatetime': timestamptz_to_str(db_time_entry.start_datetime),
        'endDatetime': None,
Пример #5
def test_unauthorized_user_can_not_update_time_entry(app, db):
    alice_time_entry_id = 1
    end_datetime = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

    # get time entry to compare
    db_previous_time_entry = get_time_entry_by_id(db, alice_time_entry_id)

    # try to make a change as anonymous user
    response = app.http.patch(
        json={'endDatetime': timestamptz_to_str(end_datetime)})
    assert response.status_code == 401

    # get current time entry after attempted change
    db_current_time_entry = get_time_entry_by_id(db, alice_time_entry_id)

    # should remain unchanged
    assert db_previous_time_entry == db_current_time_entry
Пример #6
def test_unauthorized_user_can_not_create_time_entry(app, db):
    # try to create a new time entry as unauthorized user
    alice_task_id = 1
    start_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

    response = app.http.post(path=f'{time_entry_resource}/',
                                 'taskId': alice_task_id,
                                 'assigneeId': 1
    assert response.status_code == 401
    assert response.json_body == {}

    # expect time entry not to be found in db
    db_time_entry = get_time_entry_by_start_datetime(db,
    assert db_time_entry is None
Пример #7
def test_user_can_not_update_time_entries_of_his_team(app, db, user_alice):
    bob_time_entry_id = 2
    db_previous_time_entry = get_time_entry_by_id(db, bob_time_entry_id)
    end_datetime = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

    # alice attempts to modify bob's time entry
    response = app.http.patch(
        json={'endDatetime': timestamptz_to_str(end_datetime)},
        headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {user_alice.token}'})
    assert response.status_code == 404
    assert response.json_body == {
        'detail': None,
        'fields': None,
        'status': 404

    # check bob's time entry to be unchanged
    db_current_time_entry = get_time_entry_by_id(db, bob_time_entry_id)
    assert db_previous_time_entry == db_current_time_entry
Пример #8
def test_user_can_not_update_time_entries_of_other_teams(app, db, user_alice):
    dave_time_entry_id = 102
    start_datetime = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

    original_time_entry = get_time_entry_by_id(db, dave_time_entry_id)
    assert original_time_entry is not None

    # alice attempts to change dave's time entry
    response = app.http.patch(
        json={'startDatetime': timestamptz_to_str(start_datetime)},
        headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {user_alice.token}'})
    assert response.status_code == 404
    assert response.json_body == {
        'detail': None,
        'fields': None,
        'status': 404

    # time entry remains unchanged
    assert get_time_entry_by_id(db, dave_time_entry_id) == original_time_entry
Пример #9
def test_create_task(app, db, user_alice, user_bob):
    new_task = {
        "name": "buy milk",
        "assigneeId": user_bob.user_id,
        "status": "todo"

    response = app.http.post(
        headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {user_alice.token}'})
    assert response.status_code == 201

    new_task = response.json_body
    task_in_db = get_task_by_id(db, new_task['taskId'])
    assert new_task == {
        'taskId': task_in_db.task_id,
        'projectId': None,
        'teamId': None,
        'name': new_task['name'],
        'description': '',
        'estimation': None,
        'status': new_task['status'],
        'createdAt': timestamptz_to_str(task_in_db.created_at),
        'dueDate': None,
        'creator': {
            'userId': user_alice.user_id,
            'username': user_alice.username,
            'firstName': user_alice.first_name,
            'lastName': user_alice.last_name
        'assignee': {
            'userId': user_bob.user_id,
            'username': user_bob.username,
            'firstName': user_bob.first_name,
            'lastName': user_bob.last_name