Пример #1
def generic_language_switcher_should_be_set_to(context: Context, language: str):
    language_code = Language[language.upper()].value
    with assertion_msg("Required dictionary with page views is missing"):
        assert hasattr(context, "views")
    views = context.views
    page_names = (
        [row["page"] for row in context.table] if context.table else views.keys()

    results = defaultdict()
    for page_name in page_names:
        response = views[page_name]
        content = response.content.decode("utf-8")
        check_for_errors(content, response.url)
        selector = f"#great-header-language-select option[selected]::attr(value)"
        selected_language_switcher_option = (
        error = f"Couldn't find language switcher on {response.url}"
        with assertion_msg(error):
            assert selected_language_switcher_option
        selected_language_switcher_option = selected_language_switcher_option[0]
        results[page_name] = selected_language_switcher_option

    logging.debug(f"Selected language in Language Switcher on: {dict(results)}")
    undetected_languages = {
        page: selected_language_switcher_option
        for page, selected_language_switcher_option in results.items()
        if language_code not in selected_language_switcher_option
    with assertion_msg(
        f"'{language}' was not selected in Language Switcher for following pages: {undetected_languages}"
        assert not undetected_languages
Пример #2
def fas_should_see_filtered_search_results(context: Context, actor_alias: str):
    results = context.results
    sector_filters_selector = "#id_sectors input"
    for industry, result in results.items():
        context.response = result["response"]
        content = result["response"].content.decode("utf-8")
        filters = Selector(text=content).css(sector_filters_selector).extract()
        for filter in filters:
            sector = Selector(text=filter).css("input::attr(value)").extract()[0]
            input = Selector(text=filter).css("input::attr(checked)").extract()
            checked = True if input else False
            if sector in result["sectors"]:
                with assertion_msg(
                    "Expected search results to be filtered by '%s' sector"
                    " but this filter was not checked!"
                    assert checked
                with assertion_msg(
                    "Expected search results to be filtered only by "
                    "following sectors '%s', but they are also filtered "
                    "by '%s'!",
                    ", ".join(result["sectors"]),
                    assert not checked
            "%s was presented with '%s' industry search results correctly "
            "filtered by following sectors: '%s'",
            ", ".join(result["sectors"]),
Пример #3
def generic_page_language_should_be_set_to(context: Context, language: str):
    language_code = Language[language.upper()].value
    with assertion_msg("Required dictionary with page views is missing"):
        assert hasattr(context, "views")
    views = context.views
    page_names = (
        [row["page"] for row in context.table] if context.table else views.keys()

    results = defaultdict()
    for page_name in page_names:
        response = views[page_name]
        content = response.content.decode("utf-8")
        check_for_errors(content, response.url)
        html_tag_language = Selector(text=content).css("html::attr(lang)").extract()[0]
        results[page_name] = html_tag_language

    logging.debug(f"HTML tag language attributes for: {dict(results)}")
    undetected_languages = {
        page: html_tag_lang
        for page, html_tag_lang in results.items()
        if language_code not in html_tag_lang
    with assertion_msg(
        f"HTML document language was not set to '{language_code}' in following pages: {undetected_languages}"
        assert not undetected_languages
Пример #4
def fas_should_see_different_png_logo_thumbnail(context: Context, actor_alias: str):
    """Will check if Company's Logo visible on FAS profile page is the same as
    the one uploaded on FAB.
    actor = get_actor(context, actor_alias)
    session = actor.session
    company = get_company(context, actor.company_alias)
    fas_logo_url = company.logo_url

    # Step 1 - Go to the FAS profile page & extract URL of visible logo image
    response = fas.profile.go_to(session, company.number)
    context.response = response
    visible_logo_url = extract_logo_url(response)

    with assertion_msg(
        "Expected company logo but got image placeholder", visible_logo_url
        assert visible_logo_url != placeholder
    with assertion_msg(
        "Expected to see other logo thumbnail than the previous one '%s'.",
        assert visible_logo_url != fas_logo_url
    with assertion_msg("Expected PNG logo thumbnail, but got: %s", visible_logo_url):
        assert visible_logo_url.lower().endswith(".png")
Пример #5
def sso_should_be_signed_in_to_sso_account(context: Context, supplier_alias: str):
    response = context.response
    with assertion_msg(
        "Response doesn't contain 'Sign out' button. It looks "
        "like user is not logged in"
        assert "Sign out" in response.content.decode("utf-8")
    error = f"Missing response history in SSO login request!"
    assert response.history, error

    intermediate_headers = []
    for r in response.history:
        dev_session = r.cookies.get("directory_sso_dev_session", None)
        stage_session = r.cookies.get("sso_stage_session", None)
        sso_display_logged_in = r.cookies.get("sso_display_logged_in", None)
        cookies = {
            "url": r.url,
            "location": r.headers.get("location", None),
            "sso_session": dev_session or stage_session,
            "sso_display_logged_in": sso_display_logged_in,
    logging.debug(f"SSO session cookie history: {intermediate_headers}")
    with assertion_msg(
        "Expected to see following SSO Session cookies to be set in intermediate "
        "responses: sso_display_logged_in=true and directory_sso_dev_session or "
        "sso_stage_session. It looks like user did not log in successfully!"
        assert all(
            cookies["sso_display_logged_in"] == "true"
            for cookies in intermediate_headers
    logging.debug("%s is logged in to the SSO account", supplier_alias)
Пример #6
def should_not_see_online_profiles(response: Response):
    content = response.content.decode("utf-8").lower()
    with assertion_msg("Found a link to 'visit Facebook' profile"):
        assert "visit company facebook" not in content
    with assertion_msg("Found a link to 'visit LinkedIn' profile"):
        assert "visit company linkedin" not in content
    with assertion_msg("Found a link to 'visit Twitter' profile"):
        assert "visit company twitter" not in content
Пример #7
def should_see_details(company: Company, response: Response,
                       table_of_details: Table):
    """Supplier should see all expected Company details of FAS profile page.

    :param company: a namedtuple with Company details
    :param response: a response object
    :param table_of_details: a table of expected company details
    visible_details = [row["detail"] for row in table_of_details]
    content = extract_page_contents(response.content.decode("utf-8")).lower()

    title = DETAILS["NAME"] in visible_details
    keywords = DETAILS["KEYWORDS"] in visible_details
    website = DETAILS["WEBSITE"] in visible_details
    size = DETAILS["SIZE"] in visible_details
    sector = DETAILS["SECTOR"] in visible_details

    if title:
        with assertion_msg("Couldn't find Company's title '%s'",
            assert company.title.lower() in content
        logging.debug(f"Found title: '{company.title}' on: {response.url}")
    if keywords:
        for keyword in company.keywords.split(", "):
            with assertion_msg("Couldn't find Company's keyword '%s'",
                assert keyword.strip().lower() in content
            f"Found keywords: '{company.keywords}' on: {response.url}")
    if website:
        with assertion_msg("Couldn't find Company's website '%s'",
            assert company.website.lower() in content
        logging.debug(f"Found website: '{company.website}' on: {response.url}")
    if size:
        with assertion_msg(
                "Couldn't find the size of the company '%s' in the response",
            if company.no_employees == "10001+":
                assert "10,001+" in content
            elif company.no_employees == "1001-10000":
                assert "1,001-10,000" in content
            elif company.no_employees == "501-1000":
                assert "501-1,000" in content
                assert company.no_employees in content
            f"Found size: '{company.no_employees}' on: {response.url}")
    if sector:
        with assertion_msg(
                "Couldn't find company's sector '%s' in the response",
            assert SECTORS_WITH_LABELS[company.sector].lower() in content
        logging.debug(f"Found sector: '{company.sector}' on: {response.url}")
    logging.debug(f"Found all expected details on: {response.url}")
Пример #8
def should_be_logged_out(response: Response):
    """Check if Supplier is logged out by checking the cookies."""
    with assertion_msg(
            "Found sso_display_logged_in cookie in the response. Maybe user is"
            " still logged in?"):
        assert "sso_display_logged_in" not in response.cookies
    with assertion_msg(
            "Found directory_sso_dev_session cookie in the response. Maybe "
            "user is still logged in?"):
        assert "directory_sso_dev_session" not in response.cookies
Пример #9
def should_not_see_links_to_online_profiles(response: Response):
    content = response.content.decode("utf-8").lower()
    with assertion_msg("Found a link to Facebook profile"):
        assert "add facebook" in content
    with assertion_msg("Found a link to LinkedIn profile"):
        assert "add linkedin" in content
    with assertion_msg("Found a link to Twitter profile"):
        assert "add twitter" in content
        "Supplier cannot see links to any Online Profile on FAB "
        "Company's Directory Profile Page"
Пример #10
def should_see_errors(
    response: Response, *, facebook=True, linkedin=True, twitter=True
    content = response.content.decode("utf-8")
    if facebook:
        with assertion_msg("Could't find link to Facebook profile"):
            assert "Please provide a link to Facebook." in content
    if linkedin:
        with assertion_msg("Could't find link to LinkedIn profile"):
            assert "Please provide a link to LinkedIn." in content
    if twitter:
        with assertion_msg("Could't find link to Twitter profile"):
            assert "Please provide a link to Twitter." in content
Пример #11
def should_see_online_profiles(company: Company, response: Response):
    content = response.content.decode("utf-8")
    if company.facebook:
        with assertion_msg("Couldn't find link to company's Facebook profile"):
            assert "Visit company Facebook" in content
            assert company.facebook in content
    if company.linkedin:
        with assertion_msg("Couldn't find link to company's LinkedIn profile"):
            assert "Visit company LinkedIn" in content
            assert company.linkedin in content
    if company.twitter:
        with assertion_msg("Couldn't find link to company's Twitter profile"):
            assert "Visit company Twitter" in content
            assert company.twitter in content
Пример #12
def check_url(response: Response, expected_url: str, *, startswith: bool = False):
    # avoid circular imports
    from tests.functional.utils.generic import assertion_msg

    if startswith:
        error = (
            f"Expected response URL to start with {expected_url} but got "
            f"{response.url} instead"
        with assertion_msg(error):
            assert response.url.startswith(expected_url)
        error = f"Expected {expected_url} but got {response.url} instead"
        with assertion_msg(error):
            assert response.url == expected_url
Пример #13
def should_see_online_profiles(company: Company, response: Response):
    content = response.content.decode("utf-8")

    if company.facebook:
        with assertion_msg("Couldn't find link to company's Facebook profile"):
            assert company.facebook in content
    if company.linkedin:
        with assertion_msg("Couldn't find link to company's LinkedIn profile"):
            assert company.linkedin in content
    if company.twitter:
        with assertion_msg("Couldn't find link to company's Twitter profile"):
            assert company.twitter in content
        "Supplier can see all expected links to Online Profiles on "
        "FAB Company's Directory Profile Page"
Пример #14
def fas_should_see_highlighted_search_term(
    context: Context, actor_alias: str, search_term: str
    response = context.response
    content = response.content.decode("utf-8")
    search_summaries_selector = "#companies-column div.width-full.details-container"
    summaries = Selector(text=content).css(search_summaries_selector).extract()
    tag = "em"
    keywords = [surround(keyword, tag) for keyword in search_term.split()]
    founds = []
    for summary in summaries:
        founds += [(keyword in summary) for keyword in keywords]

    with assertion_msg(
        f"Expected to see at least 1 search result with highlighted search "
        f"term: '{', '.join(keywords)}'"
        assert any(founds)

        "{alias} found highlighted search {term}: '{keywords}' {founds} "
        "{times} in {results} search results".format(
            term="terms" if len(keywords) > 1 else "term",
            keywords=", ".join(keywords),
            founds=len([f for f in founds if f]),
            times="times" if len([f for f in founds if f]) > 1 else "time",
Пример #15
def should_be_here(
    response: Response,
    user_added: bool = False,
    owner_transferred: bool = False,
    user_removed: bool = False,
    """Check if Supplier is on Profile 'Find a Buyer' page.

    Supplier has to be logged in to get to this page.
    check_response(response, 200, body_contains=EXPECTED_STRINGS)

    expected_query = None
    expected_strings = None
    if user_added:
        expected_query = "?user-added"
        expected_strings = EXPECTED_STRINGS_USER_ADDED
    if owner_transferred:
        expected_query = "?owner-transferred"
    if user_removed:
        expected_query = "?user-removed"
        expected_strings = EXPECTED_STRINGS_USER_REMOVED

    if expected_strings:
        error = (f"Expected to see '{expected_query}' in the URL but got: "
                 f"'{response.url}' instead")
        with assertion_msg(error):
            assert expected_query in response.url
        check_response(response, 200, body_contains=expected_strings)

    logging.debug("Successfully got to the Profile 'Find a Buyer' page")
Пример #16
def should_see_message(context: Context, actor_alias: str, message: str):
    content = context.response.content.decode("utf-8")
    with assertion_msg(
        "Response content doesn't contain expected message: '%s'", message
        assert message in content
    logging.debug("%s saw expected message: '%s'", actor_alias, message)
Пример #17
def fas_should_see_company_once_in_search_results(
    context: Context, actor_alias: str, company_alias: str
    company = get_company(context, company_alias)
    results = context.results
    founds = [
        (page, result["found"]) for page, result in results.items() if result["found"]
    with assertion_msg(
        "Expected to see company '%s' only once on first %d search result "
        "pages but found it %d times. On pages: %s",
        assert len(founds) == 1
        "As expected %s found company '%s' (%s) only once on first %d search "
        "result pages",
        len(results) + 1,
Пример #18
def profile_should_see_expected_error_messages(context: Context, supplier_alias: str):
    results = context.results
    assertion_results = []
    for company, response, error in results:
        if error not in response.content.decode("utf-8"):
            context.response = response
            logging.debug(f"Modified company's details: {company}")
            logging.debug(f"Expected error message: {error}")
                f"Response: {extract_page_contents(response.content.decode('utf-8'))}"
            assertion_results.append((response, error))

    formatted_message = ";\n\n".join(
            f"'{error}' in response from '{response.url}':\n"
            for response, error in assertion_results
    with assertion_msg(
        f"Expected to see correct error messages, but couldn't find them in"
        f" following responses: {formatted_message}"
        assert not assertion_results
    logging.debug("%s has seen all expected form errors", supplier_alias)
Пример #19
def should_not_see_message(context: Context, actor_alias: str, message: str):
    content = context.response.content.decode("utf-8")
    with assertion_msg(f"Response content contains unexpected message: '{message}'"):
        assert message not in content
        f"As expected {actor_alias} haven't seen unexpected message: '{message}'"
Пример #20
def isd_should_see_unfiltered_search_results(context: Context, actor_alias: str):
    response = context.response
    content = response.content.decode("utf-8")
    sector_filters_selector = "#filter-column input[type=checkbox]"
    filters = Selector(text=content).css(sector_filters_selector).extract()
    with assertion_msg(f"Couldn't find filter checkboxes on {response.url}"):
        assert filters
    for filter in filters:
        sector = Selector(text=filter).css("input::attr(value)").extract()[0]
        selector = "input::attr(checked)"
        checked = True if Selector(text=filter).css(selector).extract() else False
        with assertion_msg(
            "Expected search results to be unfiltered but this "
            "filter was checked: '%s'",
            assert not checked
    logging.debug("%s was shown with unfiltered search results", actor_alias)
Пример #21
def should_see_details(company: Company, response: Response, table_of_details: Table):
    """Supplier should see all expected Company details of Profile page."""
    visible_details = [row["detail"] for row in table_of_details]
    content = response.content.decode("utf-8")

    title = DETAILS["NAME"] in visible_details
    keywords = DETAILS["KEYWORDS"] in visible_details
    website = DETAILS["WEBSITE"] in visible_details
    size = DETAILS["SIZE"] in visible_details
    sector = DETAILS["SECTOR"] in visible_details

    if title:
        with assertion_msg(
            "Couldn't find company's title '%s' in the response", company.title
            assert company.title in content
    if keywords:
        for keyword in company.keywords.split(", "):
            with assertion_msg("Couldn't find keyword '%s' in the response", keyword):
                assert escape_html(keyword.strip()) in content
    if website:
        with assertion_msg(
            "Couldn't find company's website '%s' in the response", company.website
            assert company.website in content
    if size:
        with assertion_msg(
            "Couldn't find the size of the company '%s' in the response",
            if company.no_employees == "10001+":
                assert "10,001+" in content
            elif company.no_employees == "1001-10000":
                assert "1,001-10,000" in content
            elif company.no_employees == "501-1000":
                assert "501-1,000" in content
                assert company.no_employees in content
    if sector:
        with assertion_msg(
            "Couldn't find company's sector '%s' in the response",
            assert SECTORS_WITH_LABELS[company.sector].lower() in content.lower()
Пример #22
def fas_should_find_all_sought_companies(context: Context, buyer_alias: str):
    """Check if Buyer was able to find Supplier using all provided terms."""
    with assertion_msg(
        "Context has no required `search_details` dict. Please check if "
        "one of previous steps sets it correctly."
        assert hasattr(context, "search_results")
    for company, results in context.search_results.items():
        for result in results:
            term = result["term"]
            term_type = result["type"]
            context.response = result["response"]
            with assertion_msg(
                "%s could not find Supplier '%s' using '%s' term '%s'",
                assert result["found"]
Пример #23
def fas_should_see_png_logo_thumbnail(context: Context, supplier_alias: str):
    """Will check if Company's PNG thumbnail logo visible on FAS profile."""
    actor = get_actor(context, supplier_alias)
    session = actor.session
    company = get_company(context, actor.company_alias)

    # Step 1 - Go to the FAS profile page & extract URL of visible logo image
    response = fas.profile.go_to(session, company.number)
    context.response = response
    visible_logo_url = extract_logo_url(response)

    with assertion_msg(
        "Expected company logo but got image placeholder '%s'", visible_logo_url
        assert visible_logo_url != placeholder
    with assertion_msg("Expected PNG logo thumbnail, but got: %s", visible_logo_url):
        assert visible_logo_url.lower().endswith(".png")
    set_company_logo_detail(context, actor.company_alias, url=visible_logo_url)
    logging.debug("Set Company's logo URL to: %s", visible_logo_url)
Пример #24
def fab_should_see_case_study_error_message(context: Context, supplier_alias: str):
    results = context.results
    for field, value_type, case_study, response, error in results:
        context.response = response
        with assertion_msg(
            "Could not find expected error message: '%s' in the response, "
            "after submitting the add case study form with '%s' value "
            "being '%s' following and other details: '%s'",
            assert error in response.content.decode("utf-8")
    logging.debug("%s has seen all expected case study errors", supplier_alias)
Пример #25
def profile_all_unsupported_files_should_be_rejected(
    context: Context, supplier_alias: str
    """Check if all unsupported files were rejected upon upload as company logo

    This require `context.rejections` to be set.
    It should be a list of bool values.
    assert hasattr(context, "rejections")
    with assertion_msg(
        "Some of the uploaded files that should be marked as unsupported "
        "were actually accepted. Please check the logs for more details"
        assert all(context.rejections)
    logging.debug(f"All files of unsupported types uploaded by %s were rejected")
Пример #26
def fas_supplier_cannot_be_found_using_case_study_details(
    context: Context, buyer_alias: str, company_alias: str, case_alias: str
    actor = get_actor(context, buyer_alias)
    session = actor.session
    company = get_company(context, company_alias)
    case_study = company.case_studies[case_alias]
    search_terms = {}
    for key in keys:
        if key == "keywords":
            for index, keyword in enumerate(case_study.keywords.split(", ")):
                search_terms[f"keyword #{index}"] = keyword
            search_terms[key] = getattr(case_study, key)
        "Now %s will try to find '%s' using following search terms: %s",
    for term_name in search_terms:
        term = search_terms[term_name]
            "Searching for '%s' using %s: %s", company.title, term_name, search_terms
        response = fas.search.go_to(session, term=term)
        context.response = response
        found = fas.search.should_not_see_company(response, company.title)
        with assertion_msg(
            "Buyer found Supplier '%s' on FAS using %s: %s",
            assert found
            "Buyer was not able to find unverified Supplier '%s' on FAS using "
            "%s: %s",
Пример #27
def go_to(session: Session,
          term: str = None,
          page: int = None,
          **kwargs) -> Response:
    """Go to "FAS Find a Supplier" page.

    :param session: Actor's request Session
    :param term: (optional) search term
    :param page: (optional) number of search result page
    :param kwargs: (optional) search filters

    allowed_search_filters = [
    params = {}
    if term is not None:
        params.update({"q": term})
    if page is not None:
        params.update({"page": page})

    filter_diff = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(allowed_search_filters)
    with assertion_msg(f"Got unexpected search filters: {filter_diff}"):
        assert not filter_diff
    headers = {"Referer": URLs.PROFILE_BUSINESS_PROFILE.absolute}
    return make_request(Method.GET,
Пример #28
def fas_should_find_with_company_details(
    context: Context, buyer_alias: str, company_alias: str
    """Check if Buyer was able to find Supplier using all selected search terms

    This step requires the search_results dict to be stored in context
    assert hasattr(context, "search_results")
    company = get_company(context, company_alias)
    for result in context.search_results:
        # get response for specific search request. This helps to debug
        logging.debug(f"Search results: {context.search_results}")
        context.response = context.search_responses[result]
        with assertion_msg(
            "%s wasn't able to find '%s' (alias: %s) using its '%s'",
            assert context.search_results[result]
Пример #29
def open(session: Session, link: str) -> Response:
    with assertion_msg("Expected a non-empty invitation link"):
        assert link
    return make_request(Method.GET, link, session=session)
Пример #30
def generic_content_of_viewed_pages_should_in_selected_language(
    context: Context, language: str, *, page_part: str = None, probability: float = 0.9
    """Check if all viewed pages contain content in expected language

    This requires all responses with page views to be stored in context.views

    :param context: behave `context` object
    :param language: expected language of the view FAS page content
    :param page_part: detect language of the whole page or just the main part
    :param probability: expected probability of expected language
    with assertion_msg("Required dictionary with page views is missing"):
        assert hasattr(context, "views")
    views = context.views
    page_names = (
        [row["page"] for row in context.table] if context.table else views.keys()

    if page_part:
        if page_part == "main":
            main = True
        elif page_part == "whole":
            main = False
            raise KeyError("Please select valid part of the page: main or whole")
        main = False

    if language.lower() == "chinese":
        expected_language_code = "zh-cn"
    elif language.lower() == "english":
        expected_language_code = "en"
        expected_language_code = Language[language.upper()].value

    results = defaultdict()
    for page_name in page_names:
        response = views[page_name]
        content = response.content.decode("utf-8")
        check_for_errors(content, response.url)
        logging.debug(f"Detecting the language of '{page_name}'' page {response.url}")
        lang_detect_results = detect_page_language(page_name, "", content, main=main)
        median_results = {
            language: median(probabilities)
            for language, probabilities in lang_detect_results.items()

        results[page_name] = median_results

    undetected_languages = {
        page: medians
        for page, medians in results.items()
        if expected_language_code not in medians
    with assertion_msg(
        f"Could not detect '{expected_language_code}' in page content on following pages: {undetected_languages}"
        assert not undetected_languages

    unmet_probabilities = {
        page: medians
        for page, medians in results.items()
        if medians[expected_language_code] < probability
    with assertion_msg(
        f"Median '{expected_language_code}' language detection probability of "
        f"{probability} was not met on following pages: {unmet_probabilities}"
        assert not unmet_probabilities