def test_fred_can_stop_the_loop_with_lower_case_q(ui):
    ui, engine = init_test_room(ui)
    # Fred when closing the game as quickly as possible doesn't have time to press shift
    # He sends a lower case 'q' instead
    # The game closes anyway

    # The text adventure ends
    assert ui.output_anywhere(">")
def test_fred_can_stop_the_loop_with_lower_case_q(ui):
    ui, engine = init_test_room(ui)
    # Fred when closing the game as quickly as possible doesn't have time to press shift 
    # He sends a lower case 'q' instead
    # The game closes anyway

    # The text adventure ends 
    assert ui.output_anywhere(">")
def test_fred_can_start_and_stop_the_loop_with_ease(ui):
    ui, engine = init_test_room(ui)
    # Fred is an avid gamer, some would say that he is a compulsive gamer
    # It has gotten so bad that he games in the middle of the night, when he should be sleeping
    # He games in the day at work.
    # Sometimes he games when he should be mowing the lawn.
    # Today Fred is trying a new CodeNewbie text adventure game he found, he starts it up
    # As soon as he gets the prompt of the main loop his boss walks by
    # In a panic Fred presses "Q" to quit.

    # The text adventure ends
    assert ui.output_anywhere(">")
def test_fred_can_start_and_stop_the_loop_with_ease(ui):
    ui, engine = init_test_room(ui)
    # Fred is an avid gamer, some would say that he is a compulsive gamer
    # It has gotten so bad that he games in the middle of the night, when he should be sleeping
    # He games in the day at work.
    # Sometimes he games when he should be mowing the lawn.
    # Today Fred is trying a new CodeNewbie text adventure game he found, he starts it up
    # As soon as he gets the prompt of the main loop his boss walks by
    # In a panic Fred presses "Q" to quit.

    # The text adventure ends 
    assert ui.output_anywhere(">")
def test_jaime_can_get_help(ui):
    ui, engine = init_test_room(ui)
    # Jamie has heard from Fred that this new Python powered CodeNewbie text adventure game
    # is not only the cause of his loss of job and sleep, but is also relitively easy for
    # beginners to enjoy because the help functionality is so easy to use.  All she needs to
    # do to check the help is start the main loop.
    # Type 'help' and press enter.

    # A list of commands will display
    # Jamie can then quit the game and tell her friends all the ease of use.
    assert ui.output_anywhere("help")
def test_jaime_can_get_help(ui):
    ui, engine = init_test_room(ui)
    # Jamie has heard from Fred that this new Python powered CodeNewbie text adventure game
    # is not only the cause of his loss of job and sleep, but is also relitively easy for
    # beginners to enjoy because the help functionality is so easy to use.  All she needs to
    # do to check the help is start the main loop.
    # Type 'help' and press enter.

    # A list of commands will display
    # Jamie can then quit the game and tell her friends all the ease of use.
    assert ui.output_anywhere("help")
Пример #7
def test_linus_sees_quit_begin_and_help_in_menu_but_no_other_commands_before_entering_a_room(ui):
    # Linus plays the game for the first time, he has never seen a game like this
    # He wants to use the help menu heavily and try all of the commands he can.
    # He doesn't want any commands that aren't valid for teh state of the game. 
    # For instance he doesn't want to move his character when  he isn't in a room
    # He still wants to be able to start a game, quit and of course get help
    ui, engine = init_test_room(ui)

    assert ui.output_anywhere("help -")
    assert ui.output_anywhere("q -")
    assert ui.output_anywhere("begin -")
    assert ui.output_anywhere("i -")
    assert ui.output_anywhere("j -")
    assert ui.output_anywhere("k -")
    assert ui.output_anywhere("l -")
    assert ui.output_anywhere("x -")