Пример #1
    def run_command_status(self, cmd):
        """Run the command-line `cmd` in a sub-process, and print its output.

        Use this when you need to test the process behavior of coverage.

        Compare with `command_line`.

        Returns a pair: the process' exit status and stdout text, which are
        also stored as self.last_command_status and self.last_command_output.

        # Add our test modules directory to PYTHONPATH.  I'm sure there's too
        # much path munging here, but...
        here = os.path.dirname(self.nice_file(coverage.__file__, ".."))
        testmods = self.nice_file(here, 'tests/modules')
        zipfile = self.nice_file(here, 'tests/zipmods.zip')
        pypath = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', '')
        if pypath:
            pypath += os.pathsep
        pypath += testmods + os.pathsep + zipfile
        self.set_environ('PYTHONPATH', pypath)

        self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output = run_command(cmd)
        return self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output
Пример #2
def run(cmds, rundir="src", outfile=None):
    """Run a list of commands.

    `cmds` is a string, commands separated by newlines.
    `rundir` is the directory in which to run the commands.
    `outfile` is a file name to redirect stdout to.

    with change_dir(rundir):
        if outfile:
            fout = open(outfile, "a+")
            for cmd in cmds.split("\n"):
                cmd = cmd.strip()
                if not cmd:
                retcode, output = run_command(cmd)
                if outfile:
                if retcode:
                    raise Exception("command exited abnormally")    # pragma: only failure
            if outfile:
Пример #3
    def run_command_status(self, cmd):
        """Run the command-line `cmd` in a sub-process, and print its output.

        Use this when you need to test the process behavior of coverage.

        Compare with `command_line`.

        Returns a pair: the process' exit status and stdout text, which are
        also stored as self.last_command_status and self.last_command_output.

        # Add our test modules directory to PYTHONPATH.  I'm sure there's too
        # much path munging here, but...
        here = os.path.dirname(self.nice_file(coverage.__file__, ".."))
        testmods = self.nice_file(here, 'tests/modules')
        zipfile = self.nice_file(here, 'tests/zipmods.zip')
        pypath = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', '')
        if pypath:
            pypath += os.pathsep
        pypath += testmods + os.pathsep + zipfile
        self.set_environ('PYTHONPATH', pypath)

        self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output = run_command(cmd)
        return self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output
Пример #4
    def run(self, cmds, rundir="src", outfile=None):
        """Run a list of commands.

        `cmds` is a string, commands separated by newlines.
        `rundir` is the directory in which to run the commands.
        `outfile` is a filename to redirect stdout to.

        cwd = self.cd(rundir)
        if outfile:
            fout = open(outfile, "a+")
            for cmd in cmds.split("\n"):
                cmd = cmd.strip()
                if not cmd:
                retcode, output = run_command(cmd)
                if outfile:
                if retcode:
                    raise Exception("command exited abnormally")
            if outfile:
Пример #5
    def run_command_status(self, cmd):
        """Run the command-line `cmd` in a sub-process, and print its output.

        Use this when you need to test the process behavior of coverage.

        Compare with `command_line`.

        Handles the following command names specially:

        * "python" is replaced with the command name of the current
            Python interpreter.

        * "coverage" is replaced with the command name for the main
            Coverage.py program.

        Returns a pair: the process' exit status and its stdout/stderr text,
        which are also stored as `self.last_command_status` and

        # Make sure "python" and "coverage" mean specifically what we want
        # them to mean.
        split_commandline = cmd.split(" ", 1)
        command_name = split_commandline[0]
        command_args = split_commandline[1:]

        if command_name == "python":
            # Running a Python interpreter in a sub-processes can be tricky.
            # Use the real name of our own executable. So "python foo.py" might
            # get executed as "python3.3 foo.py". This is important because
            # Python 3.x doesn't install as "python", so you might get a Python
            # 2 executable instead if you don't use the executable's basename.
            command_name = os.path.basename(sys.executable)

        if command_name == "coverage":
            # The invocation requests the Coverage.py program.  Substitute the
            # actual Coverage.py main command name.
            command_name = self.coverage_command

        cmd = " ".join([shlex_quote(command_name)] + command_args)

        # Add our test modules directory to PYTHONPATH.  I'm sure there's too
        # much path munging here, but...
        here = os.path.dirname(self.nice_file(coverage.__file__, ".."))
        testmods = self.nice_file(here, 'tests/modules')
        zipfile = self.nice_file(here, 'tests/zipmods.zip')
        pypath = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', '')
        if pypath:
            pypath += os.pathsep
        pypath += testmods + os.pathsep + zipfile
        self.set_environ('PYTHONPATH', pypath)

        self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output = run_command(cmd)
        return self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output
Пример #6
    def run_command_status(self, cmd):
        """Run the command-line `cmd` in a sub-process, and print its output.

        Use this when you need to test the process behavior of coverage.

        Compare with `command_line`.

        Handles the following command names specially:

        * "python" is replaced with the command name of the current
            Python interpreter.

        * "coverage" is replaced with the command name for the main
            Coverage.py program.

        Returns a pair: the process' exit status and its stdout/stderr text,
        which are also stored as `self.last_command_status` and

        # Make sure "python" and "coverage" mean specifically what we want
        # them to mean.
        split_commandline = cmd.split(" ", 1)
        command_name = split_commandline[0]
        command_args = split_commandline[1:]

        if command_name == "python":
            # Running a Python interpreter in a sub-processes can be tricky.
            # Use the real name of our own executable. So "python foo.py" might
            # get executed as "python3.3 foo.py". This is important because
            # Python 3.x doesn't install as "python", so you might get a Python
            # 2 executable instead if you don't use the executable's basename.
            command_name = os.path.basename(sys.executable)

        if command_name == "coverage":
            # The invocation requests the Coverage.py program.  Substitute the
            # actual Coverage.py main command name.
            command_name = self.coverage_command

        cmd = " ".join([shlex_quote(command_name)] + command_args)

        # Add our test modules directory to PYTHONPATH.  I'm sure there's too
        # much path munging here, but...
        here = os.path.dirname(self.nice_file(coverage.__file__, ".."))
        testmods = self.nice_file(here, 'tests/modules')
        zipfile = self.nice_file(here, 'tests/zipmods.zip')
        pypath = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', '')
        if pypath:
            pypath += os.pathsep
        pypath += testmods + os.pathsep + zipfile
        self.set_environ('PYTHONPATH', pypath)

        self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output = run_command(cmd)
        return self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output
Пример #7
def run_in_venv(cmd):
    r"""Run `cmd` in the virtualenv at `venv`.

    The first word of the command will be adjusted to run it from the
    venv/bin or venv\Scripts directory.

    Returns the text output of the command.
    words = cmd.split()
    if env.WINDOWS:
        words[0] = fr"venv\Scripts\{words[0]}.exe"
        words[0] = fr"venv/bin/{words[0]}"
    status, output = run_command(" ".join(words))
    assert status == 0
    return output
Пример #8
    def run_command_status(self, cmd):
        """Run the command-line `cmd` in a sub-process, and print its output.

        Use this when you need to test the process behavior of coverage.

        Compare with `command_line`.

        Handles the following command names specially:

        * "python" is replaced with the command name of the current
            Python interpreter.

        * "coverage" is replaced with the command name for the main
            coverage.py program.

        Returns a pair: the process' exit status and its stdout/stderr text,
        which are also stored as `self.last_command_status` and

        # Make sure "python" and "coverage" mean specifically what we want
        # them to mean.
        split_commandline = cmd.split()
        command_name = split_commandline[0]
        command_args = split_commandline[1:]

        if command_name == "python":
            # Running a Python interpreter in a sub-processes can be tricky.
            # Use the real name of our own executable. So "python foo.py" might
            # get executed as "python3.3 foo.py". This is important because
            # Python 3.x doesn't install as "python", so you might get a Python
            # 2 executable instead if you don't use the executable's basename.
            command_words = [os.path.basename(sys.executable)]

        elif command_name == "coverage":
            if env.JYTHON:  # pragma: only jython
                # Jython can't do reporting, so let's skip the test now.
                if command_args and command_args[0] in ('report', 'html',
                                                        'xml', 'annotate'):
                    pytest.skip("Can't run reporting commands in Jython")
                # Jython can't run "coverage" as a command because the shebang
                # refers to another shebang'd Python script. So run them as
                # modules.
                command_words = "jython -m coverage".split()
                # The invocation requests the coverage.py program.  Substitute the
                # actual coverage.py main command name.
                command_words = [self.coverage_command]

            command_words = [command_name]

        cmd = " ".join([shlex_quote(w) for w in command_words] + command_args)

        # Add our test modules directory to PYTHONPATH.  I'm sure there's too
        # much path munging here, but...
        pythonpath_name = "PYTHONPATH"
        if env.JYTHON:
            pythonpath_name = "JYTHONPATH"  # pragma: only jython

        testmods = self.nice_file(self.working_root(), 'tests/modules')
        zipfile = self.nice_file(self.working_root(), 'tests/zipmods.zip')
        pypath = os.getenv(pythonpath_name, '')
        if pypath:
            pypath += os.pathsep
        pypath += testmods + os.pathsep + zipfile
        self.set_environ(pythonpath_name, pypath)

        self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output = run_command(cmd)
        return self.last_command_status, self.last_command_output
Пример #9
def venv_world_fixture(tmp_path_factory):
    """Create a virtualenv with a few test packages for VirtualenvTest to use.

    Returns the directory containing the "venv" virtualenv.

    venv_world = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("venv_world")
    with change_dir(venv_world):
        # Create a virtualenv.
        run_command("python -m venv venv")

        # A third-party package that installs a few different packages.
            "third_pkg/third/__init__.py", """\
            import fourth
            def third(x):
                return 3 * x
        # Use plugin2.py as third.plugin
        with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "plugin2.py")) as f:
            make_file("third_pkg/third/plugin.py", f.read())
        # A render function for plugin2 to use for dynamic file names.
            "third_pkg/third/render.py", """\
            def render(filename, linenum):
                return "HTML: {}@{}".format(filename, linenum)
        # Another package that third can use.
            "third_pkg/fourth/__init__.py", """\
            def fourth(x):
                return 4 * x
        # Some namespace packages.
            "third_pkg/nspkg/fifth/__init__.py", """\
            def fifth(x):
                return 5 * x
        # The setup.py to install everything.
            "third_pkg/setup.py", """\
            import setuptools
                packages=["third", "fourth", "nspkg.fifth"],

        # Some namespace packages.
            "another_pkg/nspkg/sixth/__init__.py", """\
            def sixth(x):
                return 6 * x
            "another_pkg/setup.py", """\
            import setuptools

        # Bug888 code.
            "bug888/app/setup.py", """\
            from setuptools import setup
            "bug888/app/testcov/__init__.py", """\
            try:  # pragma: no cover
            except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
                from pkgutil import extend_path
                __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
            "bug888/app/testcov/main.py", """\
            import pkg_resources
            for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('plugins'):
            "bug888/plugin/setup.py", """\
            from setuptools import setup
                entry_points={'plugins': ['testp = testcov.plugin:testp']},
            "bug888/plugin/testcov/__init__.py", """\
            try:  # pragma: no cover
            except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
                from pkgutil import extend_path
                __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
            "bug888/plugin/testcov/plugin.py", """\
            def testp():
                print("Plugin here")

        # Install everything.
        coverage_src = nice_file(TESTS_DIR, "..")
        run_in_venv("python -m pip install --no-index " + "./third_pkg " +
                    "-e ./another_pkg " +
                    "-e ./bug888/app -e ./bug888/plugin " + coverage_src)

    return venv_world