Пример #1
    def test_put_colony_simple(self, version, market, test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)

        colony_id = make_colony(client, version, market, user_id)

        url = '/{}/{}/colonies/{}'.format(version, market, colony_id)

        colony_metadata = {
            'BaseName': 'TestBase',
            'FactionName': 'TestFaction',
            'Planet': 'TestPlanet',
            'OwnerType': 'Steam',
            'OwnerID': user_id,
            'LastGameTick': 1,
            'HasSpawned': False

        result = client.put(url,
        assert result.status_code == 200
        assert result.json
        assert result.json['Hash'] == colony_id
Пример #2
    def test_put_colony_ban_steam(self, version, market,
                                  test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)

        colony_id = make_colony(client, version, market, user_id)

        url = '/{}/{}/colonies/{}'.format(version, market, colony_id)

        colony_metadata = {
            'BaseName': 'TestBase',
            'FactionName': 'TestFaction',
            'Planet': 'TestPlanet',
            'OwnerType': 'Steam',
            'OwnerID': user_id,
            'LastGameTick': 1,
            'HasSpawned': True

        result = client.put(url,
        assert result.status_code == 200

        # Check the the user is in the moderation queue.
        redis = g._database
        assert redis.sismember(consts.KEY_USER_STEAM_ID_MODERATE_SET, user_id)
Пример #3
    def test_subscribe(self, version, market, test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)
        colony_id = make_colony(client, version, market, user_id)

        # Get token
        url = '/{}/{}/prime_subscription/check/{}'.format(
            version, market, colony_id)
        result = client.get(url, mimetype='application/json')
        assert result.status_code == 200
        assert 'Token' in result.json

        url = '/{}/{}/prime_subscription/subscribe/{}'.format(
            version, market, colony_id)

        post = {'Token': result.json['Token']}

        result = client.put(url,

        assert result.status_code == 200

        url = '/{}/{}/prime_subscription/check/{}'.format(
            version, market, colony_id)

        result = client.get(url, mimetype='application/json')

        assert result.status_code == 200
        assert result.json
        assert "TickSubscriptionExpires" in result.json
        assert "SubscriptionCost" in result.json
        assert 'Token' in result.json
Пример #4
    def test_not_subscribed(self, version, market, test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)
        colony_id = make_colony(client, version, market, user_id)

        url = '/{}/{}/prime_subscription/check/{}'.format(
            version, market, colony_id)

        result = client.get(url, mimetype='application/json')

        assert result.status_code == 200
        assert "TickSubscriptionExpires" in result.json
        assert result.json['TickSubscriptionExpires'] == 0
Пример #5
    def test_put_create_basic_unknown_user(self, version, market, test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)

        colony = {'BaseName': 'TestBase',
                  'FactionName': 'TestFaction',
                  'Planet': 'TestPlanet',
                  'OwnerType': 'Unknown',
                  'OwnerID': user_id,
                  'LastGameTick': 0}

        url = '/{}/{}/colonies/create'.format(version, market)

        result = client.put(url, data=json.dumps(colony), mimetype='application/json')
        assert result.status_code == 400
Пример #6
    def test_get_colony(self, version, market, test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)

        colony_id = make_colony(client, version, market, user_id)

        url = '/{}/{}/colonies/{}'.format(version, market, colony_id)

        result = client.get(url, mimetype='application/json')
        assert result.status_code == 200
        assert result.json

        client_expects = {'BaseName', 'FactionName', 'Planet', 'OwnerID', 'OwnerType', 'Hash'}
        got = set(result.json.keys())

        assert client_expects.issubset(got)
Пример #7
    def test_put_colony_mod_list(self, version, market, test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)

        colony_id = make_colony(client, version, market, user_id)

        url = '/{}/{}/colonies/{}/mod_metadata'.format(version, market, colony_id)

        colony_metadata = {
            'ModList': ["Core", "GlitterWorldPrime [R1]"]

        payload = io.BytesIO(gzip.compress(json.dumps(colony_metadata).encode('utf-8')))

        result = client.put(url, data={'mods': (payload, 'mods')})
        assert result.status_code == 200
Пример #8
    def test_subscribe_no_token(self, version, market,
                                test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)
        colony_id = make_colony(client, version, market, user_id)

        url = '/{}/{}/prime_subscription/subscribe/{}'.format(
            version, market, colony_id)

        result = client.put(url, data='{}', mimetype='application/json')

        assert result.status_code == 400

        result = client.put(url,
                            data=json.dumps({'Token': ''}),

        assert result.status_code == 400
Пример #9
    def test_put_colony_thing_list(self, version, market,
                                   test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)

        colony_id = make_colony(client, version, market, user_id)

        url = '/{}/{}/colonies/{}/thing_metadata'.format(
            version, market, colony_id)

        colony_metadata = {
            'Locale': 'english',
            'Things': get_vanilla_thing_data()

        payload = io.BytesIO(

        result = client.put(url, data={'things': (payload, 'things')})
        assert result.status_code == 200
Пример #10
    def test_place_order_small_cheat_reset_to_new(self, version, market, test_app_context: Flask):
        client = test_app_context.test_client()

        user_id = make_user(client, version, market)
        colony_id = make_colony(client, version, market, user_id)
        make_prime(client, version, market, colony_id)

        # Place the order
        url = '/{}/{}/orders/{}'.format(version, market, colony_id)

        tick = 1

        order = {"ThingsSoldToGwp": [
            {"BaseMarketValue": 1.2, "CurrentBuyPrice": 9.36, "HitPoints": 140, "MinifiedContainer": False,
             "Name": "WoodLog", "Quality": "", "Quantity": 1, "StuffType": ""},
            {"BaseMarketValue": 1, "CurrentBuyPrice": 1, "HitPoints": -1, "MinifiedContainer": False, "Name": "Silver",
             "Quality": "", "Quantity": 14, "StuffType": ""}], "ThingsBoughtFromGwp": [
            {"BaseMarketValue": 1.9, "CurrentBuyPrice": 14.82, "HitPoints": -1, "MinifiedContainer": False,
             "Name": "Steel", "Quality": "", "Quantity": 1, "StuffType": ""}], "CurrentGameTick": tick}

        payload = io.BytesIO(gzip.compress(json.dumps(order).encode('utf-8')))

        result = client.put(url, data={'order': (payload, 'order')})
        assert result.status_code == 200

        # Get a list of orders

        url = '/{}/{}/orders/{}?tick={}'.format(version, market, colony_id, tick)
        result = client.get(url)

        # Get the order metadata
        hash_id = result.json['Orders'][0]['Hash']
        url = '/{}/{}/orders/{}/{}'.format(version, market, colony_id, hash_id)
        result = client.get(url)

        # Update the order status to Processed

        order_status = {'Status': 'processed'}
        url = '/{}/{}/orders/{}/{}'.format(version, market, colony_id, hash_id)
        result = client.post(url, data=json.dumps(order_status), content_type=consts.MIME_JSON)

        assert result.status_code == 200

        # Try cheating to new

        order_status = {'Status': 'new'}
        url = '/{}/{}/orders/{}/{}'.format(version, market, colony_id, hash_id)
        result = client.post(url, data=json.dumps(order_status), content_type=consts.MIME_JSON)

        assert result.status_code == 400

        # Update the order status to Done

        order_status = {'Status': 'done'}
        url = '/{}/{}/orders/{}/{}'.format(version, market, colony_id, hash_id)
        result = client.post(url, data=json.dumps(order_status), content_type=consts.MIME_JSON)

        assert result.status_code == 200

        # Try cheating to new

        order_status = {'Status': 'new'}
        url = '/{}/{}/orders/{}/{}'.format(version, market, colony_id, hash_id)
        result = client.post(url, data=json.dumps(order_status), content_type=consts.MIME_JSON)

        assert result.status_code == 400