Пример #1
 def test_out_empty_one(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with multiple RRSPs, empty 1 account. """
     # Withdraw enough to exceed the balance of one account (the
     # TFSA, in this case, as it has the smallest balance):
     threshold = (
         / self.weights['TFSA'])
     val = Money(threshold - Money(50))
     available = make_available(Money(val), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Sum up results for each account for convenience:
     results_totals = {
         account: sum(transactions.values())
         for account, transactions in results.items()}
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
     # should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)
     # Confirm each account has the expected set of transactions:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_outflows())
     # The excess (i.e. the amount that would ordinarily be
     # contributed to the TFSA but can't due to contribution room
     # limits) should also be split between RRSPs and the TFSA
     # proportionately to their relative weights.
         results_totals[self.rrsp] + results_totals[self.rrsp2],
         * self.weights['RRSP'] / self.weights['TaxableAccount'])
Пример #2
 def test_out_basic(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with multiple RRSPs, small outflows. """
     # Amount withdrawn is less than the balance of each account.
     val = Money(
             for account in self.accounts))
     available = make_available(Money(val), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Sum up results for each account for convenience:
     results_totals = {
         account: sum(transactions.values())
         for account, transactions in results.items()}
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
     # should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)
     # Confirm RRSPs' shared weight is respected:
         results_totals[self.rrsp] + results_totals[self.rrsp2],
         val * self.weights['RRSP'])
     # Confirm that money is withdrawn from each RRSP, but don't
     # put constraints on how much:
     self.assertLess(results_totals[self.rrsp], Money(0))
     self.assertLess(results_totals[self.rrsp2], Money(0))
     # Confirm that remaining accounts have expected amounts:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], val * self.weights['TFSA'])
         val * self.weights['TaxableAccount'])
Пример #3
 def test_in_fill_two(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with inflows to fill 2 accounts. """
     # The rrsp and tfsa will get filled and the remainder will go to
     # the taxable account.
     available = make_available(Money(1000), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], Money(200))
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], Money(100))
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.taxable_account], Money(700))
Пример #4
 def test_out_empty_two(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with outflows to empty 2 accounts. """
     # The rrsp and tfsa will get emptied and the remainder will go
     # to the taxable account.
     available = make_available(Money(-1000), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], self.rrsp.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.taxable_account], Money(-700))
Пример #5
 def test_out_basic(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with multiple RRSPs, small outflows. """
     available = make_available(-150, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `-$150`,
     # which should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, -150)
         sum(results[self.rrsp].values()) +
         sum(results[self.rrsp2].values()), -150)
Пример #6
 def test_out_empty_one(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with outflows to empty 1 account. """
     # Now withdraw more than the rrsp will accomodate. The extra $50
     # should come from the tfsa, which is next in line.
     available = make_available(Money(-250), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], Money(-200))
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], Money(-50))
     if self.taxable_account in results:
         self.assertTransactions(results[self.taxable_account], Money(0))
Пример #7
 def test_in_fill_one(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with inflows to fill 1 account. """
     # Contribute more than the rrsp will accomodate.
     # The extra $50 should go to the tfsa, which is next in line.
     available = make_available(Money(250), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], Money(200))
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], Money(50))
     if self.taxable_account in results:
         self.assertTransactions(results[self.taxable_account], Money(0))
Пример #8
 def test_out_empty_three(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with multiple RRSPs, empty 3 accounts. """
     available = make_available(Money(-400), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to -$400, which
     # should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, Money(-400))
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], Money(-200))
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp2], Money(-100))
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], Money(-100))
Пример #9
 def test_out_basic(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with a small amount of outflows. """
     # The amount being withdrawn is less than the max outflow in the
     # top-weighted account type.
     available = make_available(Money(-100), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], Money(-100))
     if self.tfsa in results:
         self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], Money(0))
     if self.taxable_account in results:
         self.assertTransactions(results[self.taxable_account], Money(0))
Пример #10
 def test_out_empty_all(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with outflows to empty all account. """
     # Try withdrawing more than all of the accounts have:
     val = sum(
         for account in self.accounts) * 2
     available = make_available(val, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], self.rrsp.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_outflows())
Пример #11
 def test_change_order(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered works with changed order vars. """
     self.strategy.weights['RRSP'] = 2
     self.strategy.weights['TFSA'] = 1
     available = make_available(Money(100), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Contribute the full $100 to TFSA:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_inflows())
     # Remaining accounts shouldn't be contributed to:
     if self.rrsp in results:
         self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], Money(0))
     if self.taxable_account in results:
         self.assertTransactions(results[self.taxable_account], Money(0))
Пример #12
 def test_out_empty_all(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with mult. RRSPs, empty all accounts. """
     # Try withdrawing more than the accounts have
     val = sum(
         for account in self.accounts) - 50
     available = make_available(val, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Confirm each account has the expected set of transactions:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], self.rrsp.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_outflows())
Пример #13
 def test_in_basic(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with a small amount of inflows. """
     # The amount being contributed is less than the available
     # contribution room in the top-weighted account type.
     available = make_available(Money(100), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], Money(100))
     # Accounts with no transactions aren't guaranteed to be
     # included in the results dict:
     if self.tfsa in results:
         self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], Money(0))
     if self.taxable_account in results:
         self.assertTransactions(results[self.taxable_account], Money(0))
Пример #14
 def test_out_all_empty(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with outflows to empty all accounts. """
     # Withdraw more than the accounts have:
     val = sum(
         for account in self.accounts) - 50
     available = make_available(val, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Confirm each account gets the expected total transactions:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], self.rrsp.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_outflows())
Пример #15
    def test_decimal(self):
        """ Tests an ordered TransactionStrategy with Decimal inputs. """
        # Convert values to Decimal:

        # This test is based on test_fill_one:

        # Contribute more than the rrsp will accomodate.
        # The extra $50 should go to the tfsa, which is next in line.
        available = make_available(250, self.timing, high_precision=Decimal)
        results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
        self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], 200)
        self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], 50)
        if self.taxable_account in results:
            self.assertTransactions(results[self.taxable_account], 0)
Пример #16
 def test_out_basic(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with small amount of outflows. """
     # Amount withdrawn is smaller than the balance of each account.
     val = max(
         sum(account.max_outflows().values()) for account in self.accounts)
     available = make_available(val, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
     # should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)
     # Confirm each account gets the expected total transactions:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], val * self.weights['RRSP'])
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], val * self.weights['TFSA'])
                             val * self.weights['TaxableAccount'])
Пример #17
 def test_out_empty_all(self):
     """ Test strategy_ordered with multiple RRSPs, empty all accounts. """
     # Try to withdraw more than all accounts combined contain:
     val = self.max_outflow * 2
     available = make_available(val, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Ensure that the correct amount is withdrawn in total; should
     # be the amount available in the accounts (i.e. their balances):
         results, -sum(account.balance for account in self.accounts))
     # Confirm balances for each account:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], self.rrsp.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp2], self.rrsp2.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_outflows())
Пример #18
 def test_in_basic(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with a small amount of inflows. """
     # The amount being contributed is less than the available
     # contribution room for each account
     val = min(
         sum(account.max_inflows().values()) for account in self.accounts)
     available = make_available(val, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
     # should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)
     # Confirm accounts have separate total transaction values:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], val * self.weights['RRSP'])
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], val * self.weights['TFSA'])
                             val * self.weights['TaxableAccount'])
Пример #19
    def test_in_basic(self):
        """ Test strategy_ordered with multiple RRSPs, small inflows. """
        # Amount contributed is more than the RRSPs can receive:
        val = self.rrsp.contribution_room + 50
        available = make_available(val, self.timing)
        results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)

        # Confirm that the total amount contributed to the RRSPs is
        # equal to their (shared) contribution room.
        # If it exceeds that limit, then it's likely that their
        # contribution room sharing isn't being respected.
            sum(results[self.rrsp].values()) +
            sum(results[self.rrsp2].values()), self.rrsp.contribution_room)
        # The remainder should be contributed to the TFSA:
        self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], 50)
Пример #20
    def test_decimal(self):
        """ Test strategy_ordered with Decimal inputs. """
        # Convert values to Decimal:

        # This test is based on test_out_basic:
        available = make_available(Decimal(-150),
        results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
        # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `-$150`,
        # which should be fully allocated to accounts:
        self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, Decimal(-150))
            sum(results[self.rrsp].values()) +
            sum(results[self.rrsp2].values()), Decimal(-150))
Пример #21
 def test_out_two_empty(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with outflows to empty 2 accounts. """
     # Withdraw just a little less than the total available balance.
     # This will clear out the RRSP and TFSA.
     val = sum(
         for account in self.accounts) + 50
     available = make_available(val, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
     # should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)
     # Confirm each account gets the expected total transactions:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], self.rrsp.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_outflows())
         sum(self.taxable_account.max_outflows().values()) + 50)
Пример #22
 def test_in_fill_two(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with inflows to fill 2 accounts. """
     # Contribute a lot of money - the rrsp and tfsa will get
     # filled and the remainder will go to the taxable account.
     threshold = max(
         sum(self.rrsp.max_inflows().values()) / self.weights['RRSP'],
         sum(self.tfsa.max_inflows().values()) / self.weights['TFSA'])
     val = threshold + 50
     available = make_available(val, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
     # should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)
     # Confirm accounts have expected transactions:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], self.rrsp.max_inflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_inflows())
         val - (sum(self.rrsp.max_inflows().values()) +
Пример #23
    def test_in_basic(self):
        """ Test strategy_weighted with multiple RRSPs, small inflows. """
        # Amount contributed is more than the RRSPs can receive:
        val = self.rrsp.contribution_room / self.weights['RRSP'] + Money(50)
        available = make_available(Money(val), self.timing)
        results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
        # Sum up results for each account for convenience:
        results_totals = {
            account: sum(transactions.values())
            for account, transactions in results.items()}
        # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
        # should be fully allocated to accounts:
        self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)

        # Confirm that the total amount contributed to the RRSPs is
        # equal to their (shared) contribution room.
        # If it exceeds that limit, then it's likely that their
        # contribution room sharing isn't being respected.
            results_totals[self.rrsp] + results_totals[self.rrsp2],
Пример #24
    def test_in_fill_one(self):
        """ Test strategy_weighted with inflows to fill 1 account. """
        # Now contribute enough to exceed the TFSA's contribution room.
        # The excess (i.e. the amount that would be contributed to the
        # TFSA but can't because of its lower contribution room) should
        # be redistributed to the other accounts proportionately to
        # their relative weights:
        threshold = (
            sum(self.tfsa.max_inflows().values()) / self.weights['TFSA'])
        val = Money(threshold + Money(50))
        available = make_available(Money(val), self.timing)
        results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
        # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
        # should be fully allocated to accounts:
        self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)

        self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_inflows())
            * self.weights['RRSP'] / self.weights['TaxableAccount'])
Пример #25
 def test_out_one_empty(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with outflows to empty 1 account. """
     # Now withdraw enough to exceed the TFSA's balance, plus a bit.
     threshold = (
         / self.weights['TFSA'])
     val = Money(threshold - Money(50))
     available = make_available(Money(val), self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Sum up results for each account for convenience:
     results_totals = {
         account: sum(transactions.values())
         for account, transactions in results.items()}
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
     # should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)
     # Confirm each account gets the expected total transactions:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_outflows())
         results_totals[self.rrsp] / self.weights['RRSP'],
         / self.weights['TaxableAccount'])
Пример #26
 def test_out_empty_three(self):
     """ Test strategy_weighted with mult. RRSPs, empty 3 accounts. """
     # Try withdrawing just a little less than the total available
     # balance. This will clear out the RRSPs and TFSA and leave the
     # remainder in the taxable account, since the taxable account
     # has a much larger balance and roughly similar weight:
     val = sum(
         for account in self.accounts) + 50
     available = make_available(val, self.timing)
     results = self.strategy(available, self.accounts)
     # Sum up results for each account for convenience:
     # Confirm that the total of all outflows sums up to `val`, which
     # should be fully allocated to accounts:
     self.assertAccountTransactionsTotal(results, val)
     # Also confirm that the smaller accounts get emptied:
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp], self.rrsp.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.rrsp2], self.rrsp2.max_outflows())
     self.assertTransactions(results[self.tfsa], self.tfsa.max_outflows())
     # And confirm that the largest account is not-quite-filled:
         sum(self.taxable_account.max_outflows().values()) + 50)