Пример #1
def test_regex_match():
    GIVEN("a pattern and a string that match")
    a_str = "This is a string"
    pattern = r"This\sis"
    WHEN("we call regex_match")
    return_str = regex_match(pattern=pattern, str=a_str)
    THEN("the string is returned")
    assert return_str == a_str

    GIVEN("a pattern and a string that do not match")
    a_str = "This is a string"
    pattern = r"This\sisnt"
    WHEN("we call regex_match")
    return_str = regex_match(pattern=pattern, str=a_str)
    THEN("the string is returned")
    assert return_str is None

    GIVEN("a date pattern and a string that match")
    a_str = "1984-11-07T12:45:00Z"
    pattern = r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z"
    WHEN("we call regex_match")
    return_str = regex_match(pattern=pattern, str=a_str)
    THEN("the string is returned")
    assert return_str == a_str

    GIVEN("a different date pattern and a string that match")
    a_str = "1984-11-07T12:45:00.000Z"
    pattern = r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z"
    WHEN("we call regex_match")
    return_str = regex_match(pattern=pattern, str=a_str)
    THEN("the string is returned")
    assert return_str == a_str
Пример #2
def test_add_mixed_processed_orders():
    GIVEN("a handler and a set of processed orders (2 valid, 1 invalid)")
    mediator = MockMediator()
    handler = OrdersHandler(mediator=mediator, bank=100000000000)
    processed_orders = [
            "id": 1234,
            "probability": 0.2,
            "type": "BUY",
            "ex_price": 9.1,
            "returns_price": 8.65,
            "min_size": 5,
            "size": 50000,
            "risk_percentage": 0.05,
            "id": 5678,
            "probability": 0.26,
            "type": "SELL",
            "ex_price": 5,
            "returns_price": 4.75,
            "min_size": 5,
            "size": 10000,
            "risk_percentage": 0.01,
    WHEN("we add the orders to the handler")
    existing_orders = handler.get_orders()
    THEN("the correct number of orders have been added to the handler")
    assert len(existing_orders) == 2
    THEN("the correct order data has been added to the handler")
    assert existing_orders == processed_orders[0:2]
Пример #3
def test_get_account_status():

    GIVEN("a schedule handler connected to the dev environment")
    schedule_handler = ExternalAPIScheduleHandler(environment="Dev")

    WHEN("we get the account status")
    account_status = schedule_handler.get_account_status()

    THEN("a dictionary is returned")
    assert isinstance(account_status, dict)

    THEN("the returned dict contains a bank variable which is a number greater than 0")
    bank = account_status.get("availableToBetBalance")
    assert isinstance(bank, float)
    assert bank > 0

        "the returned dict contains a discount rate to be applied"
        + " which is a float greater than or equal to 0"
    discount_rate = account_status.get("discountRate") / 100
    assert isinstance(discount_rate, float)
    assert discount_rate >= 0

        "the returned dict contains a points value which is an int greater than or equal to 0"
    points = account_status.get("pointsBalance")
    assert isinstance(points, int)
    assert points >= 0
Пример #4
def test_item_adapter_interface():
    GIVEN("the external api market interface")
    with raises(TypeError):
            "a class inherits the interface but does not implement the appropriate method"

        class DoesNotImplement(ItemAdapterInterface):

        THEN("an error is thrown on instantiation")

        "a class inherits the interface and implements the appropriate method")

    class Implements(ItemAdapterInterface):
        def get_adapted_data(self):

        THEN("the class can be instantiated without error")
    except TypeError:
        fail("Unexpected TypeError")
Пример #5
def test_calc_sell_liability():
    GIVEN("a price and a size")
    price = 1.01
    size = 100
    WHEN("we calculate the sell liability")
    liability = calc_sell_liability(price=price, size=size)
    THEN("the correct value is returned")
    assert liability == 100 * (1.01 - 1)

    GIVEN("an invalid price and a size")
    price = 0.99
    size = 1000000
    WHEN("we calculate the sell liability")
    liability = calc_sell_liability(price=price, size=size)
    THEN("the correct value is returned")
    assert liability == 0

    GIVEN("a price and an invalid size")
    price = 1.99
    size = -1
    WHEN("we calculate the sell liability")
    liability = calc_sell_liability(price=price, size=size)
    THEN("the correct value is returned")
    assert liability == 0

    GIVEN("an invalid price and an invalid size")
    price = 1
    size = -1
    WHEN("we calculate the sell liability")
    liability = calc_sell_liability(price=price, size=size)
    THEN("the correct value is returned")
    assert liability == 0
Пример #6
def test_inverse_price():
    GIVEN("a price")
    buy_price = 2
    WHEN("we calculate the inverse")
    sell_price = calc_inverse_price(buy_price)
    THEN("the correct price is returned")
    assert sell_price == 2

    GIVEN("another valid price")
    buy_price = 1.5
    WHEN("we calculate the sell price")
    sell_price = calc_inverse_price(buy_price)
    THEN("the correct price is returned")
    assert sell_price == 1 / (1 - (1 / buy_price))

    GIVEN("a string price")
    buy_price = "a price"
    WHEN("we calculate the sell price")
    sell_price = calc_inverse_price(buy_price)
    THEN("the sell price is shown to be not a number")
    assert is_not_a_number(sell_price)

    GIVEN("a negative price")
    buy_price = -2
    WHEN("we calculate the sell price")
    sell_price = calc_inverse_price(buy_price)
    THEN("the sell price is shown to be not a number")
    assert is_not_a_number(sell_price)

    GIVEN("a price between 0 and 1")
    buy_price = 0.99
    WHEN("we calculate the sell price")
    sell_price = calc_inverse_price(buy_price)
    THEN("the sell price is shown to be not a number")
    assert is_not_a_number(sell_price)
Пример #7
def test_exit_run_on_no_data(mock_call_exchange):
    GIVEN("a handler")
    external_api = ExternalAPIMarketHandler(environment="Dev",
    handler = MarketHandler(
    mock_call_exchange.return_value = {}
    WHEN("we call run and no data is return from the api")
    for i in range(9):
            maybe_s = "s" if i > 0 else ""
            THEN(f"the handler will run {i + 1} time{maybe_s} without error")
        except SystemExit:
            fail("Unexpected SystemExit")

    WHEN("we call run and no data is returned a 10th time")
    with raises(SystemExit) as system_exit:
    THEN("the system will exit")
    assert system_exit.type == SystemExit
    assert system_exit.value.code == 0
Пример #8
def test_market_data_external_api_interface():
    GIVEN("the external api market interface")
    with raises(TypeError):
            "a class inherits the interface but does not implement the appropriate method"

        class DoesNotImplement(MarketDataRecordInterface):

        THEN("an error is thrown on instantiation")

        "a class inherits the interface and implements the appropriate method")

    class Implements(MarketDataRecordInterface):
        def convert(self):

        THEN("the class can be instantiated without error")
    except TypeError:
        fail("Unexpected TypeError")
Пример #9
def test_new():
    GIVEN("a data container")
    data_container = DataContainer()
    WHEN("we call new")
    new_container = data_container.new()
    THEN("a data container is returned")
    assert type(new_container) is type(data_container)
    THEN("the new data container is a different instance")
    assert new_container is not data_container
Пример #10
def test_market_data_container_interface():
    GIVEN("the external api market interface")
    with raises(TypeError):
            "a class inherits the interface but does not implement the appropriate method"

        class DoesNotImplement(DataContainerInterface):

        THEN("an error is thrown on instantiation")

        "a class inherits the interface and implements the appropriate method")

    class Implements(DataContainerInterface):
        def new(self):

        def add_rows(self):

        def get_row_count(self):

        def get_column_count(self):

        def get_column(self):

        def get_last_column_entry(self):

        def has_column(self):

        def get_column_group_values(self):

        def get_index(self):

        def set_index(self):

        def set_column_group_name(self):

        THEN("the class can be instantiated without error")
    except TypeError:
        fail("Unexpected TypeError")
Пример #11
def test_make_copy():
    GIVEN("a list with random contents")
    random_list = [45, 21, 333, 564, 75, 66, 459, 4, 78, 0]
    WHEN("we make a copy")
    different_l = make_copy(random_list)
    THEN("the lists are equal")
    assert lists_are_equal(random_list, different_l)
    WHEN("we remove the last item from the list's copy")
    last_item = different_l.pop()
    THEN("the lists are no longer equal")
    assert not lists_are_equal(random_list, different_l)
    assert last_item == random_list[-1]
Пример #12
def test_removed(required_variables):
    GIVEN("a dictionary representing a removed runner")
    item_data = __get_removed()
    required_variables.return_value = all_variables

    WHEN("we instantiate the item handler object")
    adapted_item_data = ItemAdapter(item_data).get_adapted_data()
    THEN("the object has all of the correct defaults applied")
    assert adapted_item_data.get("id") == __get_id(item_data)
    __test_sp_defaults(adapted_item_data=adapted_item_data, item_data=item_data)
    THEN("the object has a removal_date")
    assert adapted_item_data.get("removal_date") > 0
Пример #13
def test_system_single(mock_post_instructions, mock_call_exchange):
    GIVEN("a market handler and the directory and file name of a test file")
    directory = "./data/29184567"
    market_id = 1.156230797
    file_name = f"{market_id}.txt"

    file = HistoricalExternalAPIFileHander(directory=directory, file=file_name)
    file_data = file.get_file_as_list()
    market_start_time = file.get_market_start_time()

    WHEN("we run the market handler for each record of the file")

    external_api = ExternalAPIMarketHandler(environment="Dev",
    handler = MarketHandler(
    mock_post_instructions.side_effect = __mark_orders_successful
    orders = []
    fix_probability_ids = []
    for record in file_data:
        mock_call_exchange.return_value = [record]
        with freeze_time(record.get("process_time"), tz_offset=11):
        fix_probability_ids = handler.data._get_fixed_probability_ids()
        orders = handler.get_orders()
        if fix_probability_ids or orders:
                "the data handler will not provide data to the models for fixed prob items"
            ids_for_models = handler.data._get_ids_for_model_data()
            for probability_id in fix_probability_ids:
                assert probability_id not in ids_for_models
                "the data handler has fixed the probability of the correct item"
            for order in orders:
                assert order.get("id") in fix_probability_ids
        THEN("the fixed probabilities and orders have the same length")
        assert len(fix_probability_ids) == len(orders)

    THEN("an order has been made")
    assert orders != []
    THEN("the id of the order is in the fix probability ids")
    for order in orders:
        assert order.get("id") in fix_probability_ids
    assert len(fix_probability_ids) == len(orders)
Пример #14
def test_date_time_epoch():
    GIVEN("a UTC date time string with milliseconds")
    utc_date_time_str = "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    WHEN("we get the epoch representation")
    epoch = DateTime(utc_date_time_str).get_epoch()
    THEN("the correct epoch is returned")
    local_epoch = 1546261200
    assert epoch == local_epoch

    GIVEN("a UTC date time string and another that is 60 seconds afterwards")
    first_date_time_str = "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    second_date_time_str = "2019-01-01T00:01:00.000Z"
        "we create instances of DateTime and subtract the epochs from one another"
    seconds_difference = (DateTime(first_date_time_str).get_epoch() -
    THEN("the difference is as expected")
    assert seconds_difference == -60

    GIVEN("a UTC date time strings")
    utc_date_time_str = "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
        "we create instances of DateTime and subtract the epochs from one another"
    seconds_difference = (DateTime(utc_date_time_str).get_epoch() -
    THEN("there is no difference")
    assert seconds_difference == 0

    GIVEN("two UTC date time strings 60 seconds apart")
    first_date_time_str = "2019-01-01T00:01:00.000Z"
    second_date_time_str = "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
        "we create instances of DateTime and subtract the epochs from one another"
    seconds_difference = (DateTime(first_date_time_str).get_epoch() -
    THEN("the difference is as expected")
    assert seconds_difference == 60

    GIVEN("two milliseconds since epoch 1 second apart")
    first_epoch = 1569876588922
    second_epoch = 1569876587922
        "we create instances of DateTime and subtract the epochs from one another"
    seconds_difference = (DateTime(first_epoch).get_epoch() -
    THEN("the difference is as expected")
    assert seconds_difference == 1
Пример #15
def test_is_valid_price():
    GIVEN("a price")
    price = 1.01
    WHEN("we check if the price is valid")
    valid = is_valid_price(price)
    THEN("a true value is returned")
    assert valid is True

    GIVEN("an invalid price")
    price = 1
    WHEN("we check if the price is valid")
    valid = is_valid_price(price)
    THEN("a false value is returned")
    assert valid is False
Пример #16
def test_number_dict():
    GIVEN("a dictionary")
    data = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
    WHEN("we test if it is a number")
    true = is_a_number(data)
    THEN("it is not")
    assert not true

    GIVEN("a numeric only dictionary")
    data = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}
    WHEN("we test if it is a number")
    true = is_a_number(data)
    THEN("it is not")
    assert not true
Пример #17
def test_schedule_handler():

    GIVEN("a schedule handler connected to the dev environment")
    dev_schedule_handler = ExternalAPIScheduleHandler(environment="Dev")

    WHEN("we get the schedule for market which start in the next 5 minutes")
    schedule = dev_schedule_handler.get_schedule("7", DateTime.utc_5_minutes_from_now())

    THEN("a list is returned")
    assert isinstance(schedule, list)

    THEN("each item in the list is a dict refering to a market")
    for market in schedule:
        assert isinstance(market, dict)

        THEN("each market has an id which is a string")
        market_id = market.get("marketId")
        assert isinstance(market_id, str)

        THEN("each market has a name")
        assert isinstance(market.get("marketName"), str)

        THEN("each market is associated with an event which is stored as a dict")
        event = market.get("event")
        assert isinstance(event, dict)

        THEN("the event has an id which is a string")
        assert isinstance(event.get("id"), str)

        THEN("the event has a name which is a string")
        assert isinstance(event.get("name"), str)

        THEN("the event has a country code which is a string")
        assert isinstance(event.get("countryCode"), str)
Пример #18
def test_make_directory():
    GIVEN("a path")
    path = "./test_make_directories"
    WHEN("we check if the path exists")
    exists = path_exists(path=path)
    THEN("it does not")
    assert exists is False
    WHEN("we make the directory and check if it now exists")
    returned_path = make_directory_if_required(path=path)
    exists = path_exists(path=path)
    THEN("it does")
    assert exists is True
    assert returned_path == path
Пример #19
def test_not_nan():
    GIVEN("a value that is a number")
    number = 1
    WHEN("we check if the value is not a number")
    true = is_not_a_number(number)
    THEN("it is not")
    assert not true

    GIVEN("a None value")
    none = None
    WHEN("we check if the value is not a number")
    true = is_not_a_number(none)
    THEN("it is not")
    assert not true
Пример #20
def test_number_str():
    GIVEN("a string")
    a_str = "this is a string and not a number"
    WHEN("we test if it is a number")
    true = is_a_number(a_str)
    THEN("it is not")
    assert not true
Пример #21
def test_calc_order_size():
    GIVEN("a handler and a list of items with risk_percentages")
    bank = 1000
    mediator = MockMediator()
    handler = OrdersHandler(mediator=mediator, bank=bank)
    items = [
            "id": 123,
            "risk_percentage": -5
            "id": 101,
            "risk_percentage": 0.001
            "id": 456,
            "risk_percentage": 0.01
            "id": 789,
            "risk_percentage": 0.1
            "id": 202,
            "risk_percentage": 0.156788
    WHEN("we calculate the size of the orders")
    for item in items:
        size = handler._calc_order_size(item=item)
        THEN("the correct sizes are returned")
        assert size == round(max(item.get("risk_percentage"), 0) * bank, 2)
Пример #22
def test_number_nan():
    GIVEN("a NaN value")
    nan = not_a_number()
    WHEN("we test if it is a number")
    true = is_a_number(nan)
    THEN("it is not")
    assert not true
Пример #23
def test_simple_comp_data():
    GIVEN("a simple set of data and a data transform handler")
    items = (
            "id": 123,
            "sp_back_price": 2.1
            "id": 456,
            "sp_back_price": 2.1
    handler = TransformHandler()
    WHEN("we calculate the compositional data")
    compositional_data = handler._get_compositional_data(
    THEN("a list of dictionaries with the correct values is returned")
    assert compositional_data == [
            "id": 123,
            "compositional_probability": 0.5,
            "compositional_price": 2
            "id": 456,
            "compositional_probability": 0.5,
            "compositional_price": 2
Пример #24
def test_simple_comp_data():
    GIVEN("a simple set of data and a probability handler")
    items = (
            "id": 123,
            "sp_probability": 0.476190476190476
            "id": 456,
            "sp_probability": 0.476190476190476
    handler = ProbabilityHandler(items=items,
    WHEN("we calculate the compositional probabilities")
    compositional_probabilities = handler.calc_compositional_probabilities()
    THEN("a list of dictionaries with the correct values is returned")
    assert compositional_probabilities == [
            "id": 123,
            "compositional_probability": 0.5
            "id": 456,
            "compositional_probability": 0.5
Пример #25
def test_get_newline():
    GIVEN("a newline")
    newline_str = "\n"
    WHEN("we get a newline")
    newline = get_newline()
    THEN("they are the same")
    assert newline == newline_str
Пример #26
def test_nan():
    GIVEN("a value that is not a number")
    nan = not_a_number()
    WHEN("we check if the value is not a number")
    true = is_not_a_number(nan)
    THEN("it is")
    assert true
Пример #27
def test_nan_to_num():
    GIVEN("a value that is not a number")
    nan = not_a_number()
    WHEN("we convert the value to a number")
    number = not_a_number_to_number(nan)
    THEN("it is now the number 0")
    assert number == 0
Пример #28
def test_number_none():
    GIVEN("a None value")
    none = None
    WHEN("we test if it is a number")
    true = is_a_number(none)
    THEN("it is not")
    assert not true
Пример #29
def test_no_items():
    GIVEN("a transform handler")
    handler = TransformHandler()
    WHEN("we call process with no data")
    transformed_data = handler.process()
    THEN("an empty dictionary is returned")
    assert not transformed_data
Пример #30
def test_number_list():
    GIVEN("a list")
    data = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    WHEN("we test if it is a number")
    true = is_a_number(data)
    THEN("it is not")
    assert not true