Пример #1
def test_bad_uses():
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
        assert is_type(1, U(int))
    assert ("More than one type is expected for Union constructor"
            in str(e.value))

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e:
        assert is_type(1, I(int))
    assert ("More than one type is expected for Intersection constructor"
            in str(e.value))
Пример #2
def test_Union():
    from typing import Union, List
    assert is_type(1, Union[str, int])
    assert is_type("1", Union[str, int])
    assert is_type([1, 0, "hi"], List[Union[str, int]])
    assert not is_type(Union, Union[str, int])

    # In Python, bool is a subclass of int, and thus Union[bool, int] = int.
    # However we make a distinction between booleans and integers, hence
    # is_type(True, int) is False.
    assert not is_type(True, Union[bool, int])
Пример #3
def test_Union():
    from typing import Union, List
    assert is_type(1, Union[str, int])
    assert is_type("1", Union[str, int])
    assert is_type([1, 0, "hi"], List[Union[str, int]])
    assert not is_type(Union, Union[str, int])

    # In Python before 3.7, `Union[bool, int]` evaluates to `int` (before
    # even reaching our module). However since 3.7 the types are not
    # coalesced, and `Union[bool, int]` remains as-is.
    if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
        assert not is_type(True, Union[bool, int])
Пример #4
def test_List():
    from typing import List, Any
    assert is_type([], List)
    assert is_type([], List[int])
    assert is_type([], List[str])
    assert is_type([1, 4, -1], List[int])
    assert is_type([1, 4, -1], List[float])
    assert is_type(["sam", "ham", "hum", "bum"], List[str])
    assert is_type([1, False, "monkey"], List)
    assert is_type([1, False, "monkey"], List[Any])
    assert not is_type([1, "sam", 2], List[int])
Пример #5
def test_set():
    assert is_type({1}, set)
    assert is_type(set(), set)  # literal {} is a dict!
    assert is_type(set(), {int})
    assert is_type({1, 2, 1, 1, 3}, {int})
    assert is_type({1, 2, 3}, {float})
    assert is_type({1, 2, 3}, {float, str, None})
    assert is_type({1, 2, 3.5, None, "Aye"}, {float, str, None})
    assert not is_type({1, 2, 3.5, None, False}, {float, str, None})
Пример #6
def test_Any():
    from typing import Any
    assert is_type(0, Any)
    assert is_type(None, Any)
    assert is_type(False, Any)
    assert is_type("", Any)
    assert is_type(lambda x: x + 1, Any)
    assert is_type([1, 3, 5], Any)
Пример #7
def test_custom():
    # The class doesn't override check(), and hence always fails a typecheck
    class A(MagicType): pass

    class B(MagicType):
        def check(self, x):
            return isinstance(x, int) and (x % 2 == 1)

    assert not is_type(None, A)
    assert not is_type(1, A)
    assert not is_type(A, A)
    assert not is_type(A(), A)
    assert is_type(1, B)
    assert is_type(13137, B)
    assert not is_type(222, B)
    assert not is_type("1", B)
Пример #8
def test_list():
    assert is_type([], [int])
    assert is_type([], [[[list]]])
    assert is_type([1, 2], list)
    assert is_type([1, 2, 3], [int])
    assert is_type([1, 2, 3], [float])
    assert is_type([1, 2, "hello"], [int, str])
    assert is_type([1, 2, "hello", None], [int, str, None])
    assert is_type([[1]], [list])
    assert is_type([[1], [2, 3], [0]], [[int]])
    assert is_type([[2.0, 3.1, 0], [2, 4.4, 1.1], [-1, 0]], [[int, float]])
    assert not is_type([1, 2, "hello", None], [str, None])
    assert not is_type([[1]], [int])
Пример #9
def test_datetime():
    import datetime
    d0 = datetime.datetime.now()
    d1 = d0 + datetime.timedelta(days=3)
    assert is_type(d0, datetime.datetime)
    assert is_type((d0, d1), (datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime))
Пример #10
def test_literals():
    assert is_type(1, 1)
    assert is_type(1.0, 1)
    assert is_type(True, True, False)
    assert is_type(3, *range(5))
    assert is_type("foo", "foo", "bar")
    assert is_type(u"foo", "foo", "bar")
    assert is_type("foo", u"foo", u"bar")
    assert is_type("I", *list("ABCDEFGHIJKL"))
    assert is_type(None, None)
    assert is_type(None, int, str, None)
    assert not is_type(1, 2)
    assert not is_type(False, None)
Пример #11
def test_primitives():
    assert is_type(False, bool)
    assert is_type(True, bool)
    assert is_type(1, int)
    assert is_type(123456789101112123456789, int)
    assert is_type(1, float)
    assert is_type(1.1, float)
    assert is_type(float("nan"), float)
    assert is_type(float("inf"), float)
    assert is_type("hello", str)
    assert is_type(u"hello", str)
    assert is_type(b"hello", bytes)
    if PY3:
        assert not is_type(b"hello", str)
    assert not is_type(1, bool)
    assert not is_type(1, str)
    assert not is_type(1.1, int)
    assert not is_type(False, int)
    assert not is_type(False, float)
    assert not is_type(True, int)
    assert not is_type(True, float)
Пример #12
def test_callable():
    from typing import Callable

    class Aaa(object):
        def __call__(self):

    class Bbb(object):

    assert is_type(test_callable, Callable)
    assert is_type(test_callable, Callable[..., None])
    assert is_type(test_callable, Callable[[], None])
    assert is_type(lambda x: x * 2, Callable[[int], int])
    assert is_type(lambda x, y: x * y, Callable[[int, float], float])
    assert is_type(lambda x, y, z: x * y / z, Callable[[int, float, float],
    assert is_type(type, Callable)
    assert is_type(int, Callable)
    assert is_type(Aaa, Callable)
    assert is_type(Bbb, Callable)
    assert is_type(Aaa(), Callable)
    assert is_type(Aaa(), Aaa)  # see issue #6
    assert is_type(Bbb(), Bbb)
    assert not is_type(1, Callable)
    assert not is_type("print", Callable)
    assert not is_type(lambda x: x, Callable[[int, int], None])
    assert not is_type(Bbb(), Callable)
Пример #13
def test_Dict():
    from typing import Dict, Union
    assert is_type({"egg": 1, "spam": 10, "ham": None}, Dict)
    assert is_type({"egg": 1, "spam": 10}, Dict[str, int])
    assert is_type({"egg": 1, "spam": "10"}, Dict[str, Union[int, str]])
    assert not is_type({"egg": 1, "spam": "10"}, Dict[str, int])
Пример #14
def test_class():
    class A(object):

    class B(A):

    class C(A):

    class D(B, C):

    assert is_type(A, type)
    assert is_type(A(), A)
    assert is_type(B(), A)
    assert is_type(C(), A, B)
    assert is_type(D(), I(A, B, C))
    assert not is_type(A, A)
    assert not is_type("A", A)
    assert not is_type(A(), B)
    assert not is_type(D(), Not(C))
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        is_type(1, A())
Пример #15
def test_tuple():
    assert is_type((1, 3), (int, int))
    assert is_type(("a", "b", "c"), (int, int, int), (str, str, str))
    assert is_type((0, 1, 5, 9), (int, Ellipsis))
    assert is_type(tuple(), (int, Ellipsis))
    assert is_type(("a", "spam", "ham"), (str, Ellipsis))
    assert is_type((1, ), (int, Ellipsis))
    assert not is_type((1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18), (int, ))
    assert not is_type((1, 3, "spam", 3, "egg"), (int, str))
    assert not is_type(tuple(), (int, ))
    assert not is_type([1, 2], (int, int))
    assert not is_type(("a", 1), (int, str))
    assert not is_type(("a", "b"), (int, str))
    assert not is_type((1, ), (int, str))
    assert not is_type((1, "spam", None), (int, str))
    assert not is_type((1, 2, 3, 4, "five"), (int, Ellipsis))
    assert not is_type((False, 1, 2, 3, 4), (int, Ellipsis))
Пример #16
def test_dict():
    assert is_type({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {str: int})
    assert is_type({
        "foo": 3,
        "bar": [5],
        "baz": None
    }, {str: U(None, int, [int])})
    assert is_type({
        "foo": 1,
        "bar": 2
    }, {
        "foo": int,
        "bar": U(int, float, None),
        "baz": bool
    assert is_type({}, {"spam": int, "egg": int})
    assert is_type({"spam": 10}, {"spam": int, "egg": int})
    assert is_type({"egg": 1}, {"spam": int, "egg": int})
    assert is_type({"egg": 1, "spam": 10}, {"spam": int, "egg": int})
    assert is_type({
        "me": 5,
        "you": "?",
        "x": "--"
    }, {
        "me": int,
        Ellipsis: str
    assert not is_type({"foo": 1}, {str: str})
    assert not is_type({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {"foo": int})
    assert not is_type({"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {"foo": int, Ellipsis: str})
Пример #17
def test_Type():
    from typing import Type, Any

    class A(object):

    class B(A):

    class C(B):

    class D(A):

    assert is_type(A, type)
    assert is_type(A, Type)
    assert is_type(A, Type[Any])
    assert is_type(A, Type[object])
    assert is_type(A, Type[A])
    assert is_type(B, Type[A])
    assert is_type(C, Type[A])
    assert is_type(C, Type[B])
    assert is_type(D, Type[A])
    assert not is_type(A, Type[B])
    assert not is_type(D, Type[B])
    assert not is_type("str", Type)
    assert not is_type(None, Type[A])