def check_rot_diffusion(self, n):
        The rotational diffusion tests based on the reference work
        [Perrin, F. (1936) Journal de Physique et Le Radium, 7(1), 1-11.]
        with a theoretical background of
        [Perrin, F. (1934) Journal de Physique et Le Radium, 5(10), 497-511.]

        n : :obj:`int`
            Number of particles.

        # Global diffusivity tensor in the body frame:
        D = self.kT / self.gamma_global

        # Thermalizing...
        therm_steps = 100

        # Measuring...
        # Set the initial conditions according to the [Perrin1936], p.3.
        # The body angular velocity is rotated now, but there is only the
        # thermal velocity, hence, this does not impact the test and its
        # physical context.
        for ind in range(n):
            self.system.part[ind].quat = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        # Average direction cosines
        # Diagonal ones:
        dcosjj_validate = np.zeros((3))
        dcosjj_dev = np.zeros((3))
        # same to the power of 2
        dcosjj2_validate = np.zeros((3))
        dcosjj2_dev = np.zeros((3))
        # The non-diagonal elements for 2 different tests: negative ("nn") and
        # positive ("pp") ones.
        dcosijpp_validate = np.ones((3, 3))
        dcosijpp_dev = np.zeros((3, 3))
        dcosijnn_validate = np.ones((3, 3))
        dcosijnn_dev = np.zeros((3, 3))
        # The non-diagonal elements to the power of 2
        dcosij2_validate = np.ones((3, 3))
        dcosij2_dev = np.zeros((3, 3))

        self.system.time = 0.0
        int_steps = 20
        loops = 100
        for _ in range(loops):
            dcosjj = np.zeros((3))
            dcosjj2 = np.zeros((3))
            dcosijpp = np.zeros((3, 3))
            dcosijnn = np.zeros((3, 3))
            dcosij2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
            for ind in range(n):
                # Just a direction cosines functions averaging..
                dir_cos = tests_common.rotation_matrix_quat(self.system, ind)
                for j in range(3):
                    # the LHS of eq. (23) [Perrin1936].
                    dcosjj[j] += dir_cos[j, j]
                    # the LHS of eq. (32) [Perrin1936].
                    dcosjj2[j] += dir_cos[j, j]**2.0
                    for i in range(3):
                        if i != j:
                            # the LHS of eq. (24) [Perrin1936].
                            dcosijpp[i, j] += dir_cos[i, i] * dir_cos[j, j] + \
                                dir_cos[i, j] * dir_cos[j, i]
                            # the LHS of eq. (25) [Perrin1936].
                            dcosijnn[i, j] += dir_cos[i, i] * dir_cos[j, j] - \
                                dir_cos[i, j] * dir_cos[j, i]
                            # the LHS of eq. (33) [Perrin1936].
                            dcosij2[i, j] += dir_cos[i, j]**2.0
            dcosjj /= n
            dcosjj2 /= n
            dcosijpp /= n
            dcosijnn /= n
            dcosij2 /= n

            # Actual comparison.

            tolerance = 0.2
            # Too small values of the direction cosines are out of interest
            # compare to 0..1 range.
            min_value = 0.14

            # Eq. (23) [Perrin1936].
            dcosjj_validate[0] = np.exp(-(D[1] + D[2]) * self.system.time)
            dcosjj_validate[1] = np.exp(-(D[0] + D[2]) * self.system.time)
            dcosjj_validate[2] = np.exp(-(D[0] + D[1]) * self.system.time)
            dcosjj_dev = np.absolute(
                dcosjj - dcosjj_validate) / dcosjj_validate
            for j in range(3):
                if np.absolute(dcosjj_validate[j]) < min_value:
                    dcosjj_dev[j] = 0.0

            # Eq. (24) [Perrin1936].
            dcosijpp_validate[0, 1] = np.exp(
                -(4 * D[2] + D[1] + D[0]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijpp_validate[1, 0] = np.exp(
                -(4 * D[2] + D[1] + D[0]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijpp_validate[0, 2] = np.exp(
                -(4 * D[1] + D[2] + D[0]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijpp_validate[2, 0] = np.exp(
                -(4 * D[1] + D[2] + D[0]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijpp_validate[1, 2] = np.exp(
                -(4 * D[0] + D[2] + D[1]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijpp_validate[2, 1] = np.exp(
                -(4 * D[0] + D[2] + D[1]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijpp_dev = np.absolute(
                dcosijpp - dcosijpp_validate) / dcosijpp_validate
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(3):
                    if np.absolute(dcosijpp_validate[i, j]) < min_value:
                        dcosijpp_dev[i, j] = 0.0

            # Eq. (25) [Perrin1936].
            dcosijnn_validate[0, 1] = np.exp(-(D[1] + D[0]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijnn_validate[1, 0] = np.exp(-(D[1] + D[0]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijnn_validate[0, 2] = np.exp(-(D[2] + D[0]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijnn_validate[2, 0] = np.exp(-(D[2] + D[0]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijnn_validate[1, 2] = np.exp(-(D[2] + D[1]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijnn_validate[2, 1] = np.exp(-(D[2] + D[1]) * self.system.time)
            dcosijnn_dev = np.absolute(
                dcosijnn - dcosijnn_validate) / dcosijnn_validate
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(3):
                    if np.absolute(dcosijnn_validate[i, j]) < min_value:
                        dcosijnn_dev[i, j] = 0.0

            # Eq. (30) [Perrin1936].
            D0 = sum(D[:]) / 3.0
            D1D1 = 0.0
            for j in range(3):
                for i in range(3):
                    if i != j:
                        D1D1 += D[i] * D[j]
            D1D1 /= 6.0
            # Eq. (32) [Perrin1936].
            dcosjj2_validate = 1. / 3. + (1. / 3.) * (1. + (D - D0) / (2. * np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1))) \
                * np.exp(-6. * (D0 - np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1)) * self.system.time) \
                + (1. / 3.) * (1. - (D - D0) / (2. * np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1))) \
                * np.exp(-6. * (D0 + np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1)) * self.system.time)
            dcosjj2_dev = np.absolute(
                dcosjj2 - dcosjj2_validate) / dcosjj2_validate
            for j in range(3):
                if np.absolute(dcosjj2_validate[j]) < min_value:
                    dcosjj2_dev[j] = 0.0

            # Eq. (33) [Perrin1936].
            dcosij2_validate[0, 1] = 1. / 3. - (1. / 6.) * (1. - (D[2] - D0) / (2. * np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1))) \
                * np.exp(-6. * (D0 - np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1)) * self.system.time) \
                - (1. / 6.) * (1. + (D[2] - D0) / (2. * np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1))) \
                * np.exp(-6. * (D0 + np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1)) * self.system.time)
            dcosij2_validate[1, 0] = dcosij2_validate[0, 1]

            dcosij2_validate[0, 2] = 1. / 3. - (1. / 6.) * (1. - (D[1] - D0) / (2. * np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1))) \
                * np.exp(-6. * (D0 - np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1)) * self.system.time) \
                - (1. / 6.) * (1. + (D[1] - D0) / (2. * np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1))) \
                * np.exp(-6. * (D0 + np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1)) * self.system.time)
            dcosij2_validate[2, 0] = dcosij2_validate[0, 2]

            dcosij2_validate[1, 2] = 1. / 3. - (1. / 6.) * (1. - (D[0] - D0) / (2. * np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1))) \
                * np.exp(-6. * (D0 - np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1)) * self.system.time) \
                - (1. / 6.) * (1. + (D[0] - D0) / (2. * np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1))) \
                * np.exp(-6. * (D0 + np.sqrt(D0**2 - D1D1)) * self.system.time)
            dcosij2_validate[2, 1] = dcosij2_validate[1, 2]
            dcosij2_dev = np.absolute(
                dcosij2 - dcosij2_validate) / dcosij2_validate
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(3):
                    if np.absolute(dcosij2_validate[i, j]) < min_value:
                        dcosij2_dev[i, j] = 0.0

            for j in range(3):
                    abs(dcosjj_dev[j]), tolerance,
                    msg='Relative deviation dcosjj_dev[{0}] in a rotational '
                        'diffusion is too large: {1}'.format(j, dcosjj_dev[j]))
                    abs(dcosjj2_dev[j]), tolerance,
                    msg='Relative deviation dcosjj2_dev[{0}] in a rotational '
                        'diffusion is too large: {1}'.format(j, dcosjj2_dev[j]))
                for i in range(3):
                    if i != j:
                            abs(dcosijpp_dev[i, j]), tolerance,
                            msg='Relative deviation dcosijpp_dev[{0},{1}] in a '
                                'rotational diffusion is too large: {2}'
                                .format(i, j, dcosijpp_dev[i, j]))
                            abs(dcosijnn_dev[i, j]), tolerance,
                            msg='Relative deviation dcosijnn_dev[{0},{1}] in a '
                                'rotational diffusion is too large: {2}'
                                .format(i, j, dcosijnn_dev[i, j]))
                            abs(dcosij2_dev[i, j]), tolerance,
                            msg='Relative deviation dcosij2_dev[{0},{1}] in a '
                                'rotational diffusion is too large: {2}'
                                .format(i, j, dcosij2_dev[i, j]))
Пример #2
 def convert_vec_body_to_space(self, part, vec):
     A = tests_common.rotation_matrix_quat(self.system, part)
     return, vec)