Пример #1
def test_update_unmatched_removes_matched(django_assert_num_queries, kansas):
    # will create Someone & Someone Else
    b = create_test_bill("2020", "upper", sponsors=1)
    create_test_vote(b, yes_votes=["Someone"], no_votes=["Someone Else"])
    update_unmatched("ks", "2020")

    # drop the vote, which will remove Someone Elses record

    # call it again
    update_unmatched("ks", "2020")
    # Someone Else is gone
    assert UnmatchedName.objects.count() == 1
    # Someone values are updated
    assert UnmatchedName.objects.get().votes_count == 0
Пример #2
def test_update_unmatched(django_assert_num_queries, kansas):
    b = create_test_bill("2020", "upper", sponsors=1)
    create_test_vote(b, yes_votes=["Someone"], no_votes=["Someone Else"])
    # Someone will have 1 vote and 1 sponsorship
    # Someone Else will have 1 vote

    update_unmatched("ks", "2020")

    unmatched = UnmatchedName.objects.all().order_by("name")
    assert len(unmatched) == 2
    assert unmatched[0].name == "Someone"
    assert unmatched[0].sponsorships_count == 1
    assert unmatched[0].votes_count == 1
    assert unmatched[1].name == "Someone Else"
    assert unmatched[1].sponsorships_count == 0
    assert unmatched[1].votes_count == 1
    assert unmatched[0].status == NameStatus.UNMATCHED
Пример #3
def test_update_unmatched_idempotent(django_assert_num_queries, kansas):
    # will create Someone & Someone Else
    b = create_test_bill("2020", "upper", sponsors=1)
    create_test_vote(b, yes_votes=["Someone"], no_votes=["Someone Else"])
    update_unmatched("ks", "2020")

    # set statuses
    unmatched = list(UnmatchedName.objects.all().order_by("name"))
    unmatched[0].status = NameStatus.IGNORED
    unmatched[1].status = NameStatus.SOURCE_ERROR
    assert UnmatchedName.objects.count() == 2

    # call it again
    update_unmatched("ks", "2020")
    unmatched = UnmatchedName.objects.all().order_by("name")
    assert len(unmatched) == 2
    assert unmatched[0].status == NameStatus.IGNORED
    assert unmatched[1].status == NameStatus.SOURCE_ERROR
Пример #4
def test_check_votes(django_assert_num_queries, kansas):
    b = create_test_bill("2020", "upper")
    create_test_vote(b, yes_votes=["A", "Someone"], no_votes=["C"])
    b2 = create_test_bill("2020", "upper")
    create_test_vote(b2, no_votes=["A", "C"])

    session = kansas.legislative_sessions.get(identifier="2020")

    with django_assert_num_queries(1):
        missing = check_votes(session)
        assert missing == {"A": 2, "Someone": 1, "C": 2}
Пример #5
def test_vote_data(django_assert_num_queries, kansas):
    # two bills without votesr
    b = create_test_bill("2020", "upper")
    create_test_vote(b, yes_count=1)  # without voter
    create_test_vote(b, yes_count=1, yes_votes=["A", "B"])  # bad count
    b = create_test_bill("2020", "upper")
    create_test_vote(b, yes_count=1)  # without voters
    create_test_vote(b, yes_count=1, yes_votes=["A", "B"])  # bad count
    create_test_vote(b, yes_count=2, yes_votes=["A", "B"])  # good count
    create_test_vote(b, no_count=2, no_votes=["A"])  # bad count
    upper = kansas.organizations.get(classification="upper")
    with django_assert_num_queries(4):
        data = vote_data("KS", "2020", upper)
    assert data == {
        "total_votes_bad_counts": 3,
        "total_votes_without_voters": 2