def short_range(request): """ Controller for the Short Range page. """ dateraw = [] date1 = [] value1 = [] comid = '18228725' config = 'short_range' startdate = '2017-07-20' enddate = '2017-07-21' forecasttime = '12' watermlstring = str(get_nwm_forecast(config, comid, startdate, enddate, forecasttime)) waterml = watermlstring.split('dateTimeUTC="') waterml.pop(0) for e in waterml: parser = e.split('" methodCode="1" sourceCode="1" qualityControlLevelCode="1" >') dateraw.append(parser[0]) value1.append(parser[1].split('<')[0]) for e in dateraw: date1.append(dt.datetime.strptime(e, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) nwm_plot = PlotlyView([go.Scatter(x=date1, y=value1)]) context = { 'nwm_plot': nwm_plot } return render(request, 'nwm_example/short_range.html', context)
def get_hydrographs(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare Get historic simulations from ERA Interim """ get_data = request.GET global nomRiver global nomEstacion global simulated_df global observed_df global corrected_df try: '''Plotting Data''' observed_Q = go.Scatter(x=observed_df.index, y=observed_df.iloc[:, 0].values, name='Observed', ) simulated_Q = go.Scatter(x=simulated_df.index, y=simulated_df.iloc[:, 0].values, name='Simulated', ) corrected_Q = go.Scatter(x=corrected_df.index, y=corrected_df.iloc[:, 0].values, name='Corrected Simulated', ) layout = go.Layout( title='Observed & Simulated Streamflow for River {0} at {1}'.format(nomRiver, nomEstacion), xaxis=dict(title='Dates', ), yaxis=dict(title='Discharge (m<sup>3</sup>/s)', autorange=True), showlegend=True) chart_obj = PlotlyView(go.Figure(data=[observed_Q, simulated_Q, corrected_Q], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render(request, 'historical_validation_tool_somalia/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse({'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def get_observed_data_temp(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare """ get_data = request.GET try: codEstacion = get_data['code'] nomEstacion = get_data['name'] url = '{}.csv'.format( codEstacion) s = requests.get(url, verify=False).content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')), index_col=0) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) datesTEMP = df.index.tolist() dataTEMP = df.iloc[:, 0].values dataTEMP.tolist() if isinstance(dataTEMP[0], str): dataTEMP = map(float, dataTEMP) observed_TEMP = go.Scatter( x=datesTEMP, y=dataTEMP, name='Temperature', ) layout = go.Layout(title='Temperature at {0}-{1}'.format( nomEstacion, codEstacion), xaxis=dict(title='Dates', ), yaxis=dict(title='Temperature (°C)', autorange=True), showlegend=False) chart_obj = PlotlyView(go.Figure(data=[observed_TEMP], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render(request, 'magdalena_cauca_data_viewer/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse( {'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def get_observed_data_bs(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare """ get_data = request.GET try: codEstacion = get_data['code'] nomEstacion = get_data['name'] url = '{}.csv'.format( codEstacion) s = requests.get(url, verify=False).content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')), index_col=0) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) datesBS = df.index.tolist() dataBS = df.iloc[:, 0].values dataBS.tolist() if isinstance(dataBS[0], str): dataBS = map(float, dataBS) observed_BS = go.Scatter( x=datesBS, y=dataBS, name='Solar Bright', ) layout = go.Layout(title='Solar Bright at {0}-{1}'.format( nomEstacion, codEstacion), xaxis=dict(title='Dates', ), yaxis=dict(title='Solar Bright (hours)', autorange=True), showlegend=False) chart_obj = PlotlyView(go.Figure(data=[observed_BS], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render(request, 'magdalena_cauca_data_viewer/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse( {'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def get_observed_data_prec(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare """ get_data = request.GET try: codEstacion = get_data['code'] nomEstacion = get_data['name'] url = '{}.csv'.format( codEstacion) # Here change id resource for csv s = requests.get(url, verify=False).content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')), index_col=0) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) datesPREC = df.index.tolist() dataPREC = df.iloc[:, 0].values dataPREC.tolist() if isinstance(dataPREC[0], str): dataPREC = map(float, dataPREC) observed_PREC = go.Scatter( x=datesPREC, y=dataPREC, name='Precipitation', ) layout = go.Layout(title='Precipitation at {0}-{1}'.format( nomEstacion, codEstacion), xaxis=dict(title='Dates', ), yaxis=dict(title='Precipitation (mm)', autorange=True), showlegend=False) chart_obj = PlotlyView(go.Figure(data=[observed_PREC], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render(request, 'magdalena_cauca_data_viewer/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse( {'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def get_observed_data_hr(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare """ get_data = request.GET try: codEstacion = get_data['code'] nomEstacion = get_data['name'] url = '{}.csv'.format( codEstacion) s = requests.get(url, verify=False).content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')), index_col=0) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) datesHR = df.index.tolist() dataHR = df.iloc[:, 0].values dataHR.tolist() if isinstance(dataHR[0], str): dataHR = map(float, dataBS) observed_HR = go.Scatter( x=datesHR, y=dataHR, name='Relative Humidity', ) layout = go.Layout(title='Relative Humidity at {0}-{1}'.format( nomEstacion, codEstacion), xaxis=dict(title='Dates', ), yaxis=dict(title='Relative Humidity (%)', autorange=True), showlegend=False) chart_obj = PlotlyView(go.Figure(data=[observed_HR], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render(request, 'magdalena_cauca_data_viewer/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse( {'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def get_monthlyAverages(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare Get historic simulations from ERA Interim """ get_data = request.GET global nomRiver global nomEstacion global simulated_df global observed_df global corrected_df try: '''Merge Data''' merged_df = hd.merge_data(sim_df=simulated_df, obs_df=observed_df) merged_df2 = hd.merge_data(sim_df=corrected_df, obs_df=observed_df) '''Plotting Data''' monthly_avg = hd.monthly_average(merged_df) monthly_avg2 = hd.monthly_average(merged_df2) monthly_avg_obs_Q = go.Scatter(x=monthly_avg.index, y=monthly_avg.iloc[:, 1].values, name='Observed', ) monthly_avg_sim_Q = go.Scatter(x=monthly_avg.index, y=monthly_avg.iloc[:, 0].values, name='Simulated', ) monthly_avg_corr_sim_Q = go.Scatter(x=monthly_avg2.index, y=monthly_avg2.iloc[:, 0].values, name='Corrected Simulated', ) layout = go.Layout( title='Monthly Average Streamflow for River {0} at {1}'.format(nomRiver, nomEstacion), xaxis=dict(title='Months', ), yaxis=dict(title='Discharge (m<sup>3</sup>/s)', autorange=True), showlegend=True) chart_obj = PlotlyView( go.Figure(data=[monthly_avg_obs_Q, monthly_avg_sim_Q, monthly_avg_corr_sim_Q], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render(request, 'historical_validation_tool_somalia/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse({'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def details(request): siteid = request.GET.get('siteid') variables = request.GET.get('variables').split(',') vals = getValues(siteid, variables) series_collection = [] for key, variable in vals.items(): series_collection.append(go.Scatter( mode="markers", name=key, x=[o['date_val'] for o in variable], y=[o['value'] for o in variable] )) layout = go.Layout( title="Chemical Data<br><sub>{0} : {1}</sub>".format( siteid, request.GET.get('variables')), xaxis=dict( title='Date', ), yaxis=dict( title='Normalized Concentration to MCL' ) ) chart_obj = PlotlyView( go.Figure(data=series_collection, layout=layout) ) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render(request, 'gw_contaminants/gizmo_ajax.html', context)
def metrics(request): """ Controller for the app metrics page. """ regions_list = get_regions() num_regions = len(regions_list) variables_list = get_variable_list() num_variables = len(variables_list) aquifers_list = get_aquifers_list() num_aquifers = len(aquifers_list) num_wells = get_num_wells() num_measurements = get_num_measurements() metrics_plot = PlotlyView(get_metrics(), show_link=True) context = { 'num_regions': num_regions, 'num_variables': num_variables, 'num_aquifers': num_aquifers, 'num_wells': num_wells, 'num_measurements': num_measurements, 'metrics_plot': metrics_plot } return render(request, 'gwdm/metrics.html', context)
def get_time_series_bc(request): get_data = request.GET global comid global codEstacion global nomEstacion global corrected_df global forecast_df global fixed_stats global forecast_record global fixed_records try: hydroviewer_figure = geoglows.plots.forecast_stats( stats=fixed_stats, titles={ 'Station': nomEstacion + '-' + str(codEstacion), 'Reach ID': comid, 'bias_corrected': True }) x_vals = (fixed_stats.index[0], fixed_stats.index[len(fixed_stats.index) - 1], fixed_stats.index[len(fixed_stats.index) - 1], fixed_stats.index[0]) max_visible = max(fixed_stats.max()) '''Getting forecast record''' try: if len(fixed_records.index) > 0: hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( go.Scatter(name='1st days forecasts', x=fixed_records.index, y=fixed_records.iloc[:, 0].values, line=dict(color='#FFA15A', ))) if 'x_vals' in locals(): x_vals = (fixed_records.index[0], fixed_stats.index[len(fixed_stats.index) - 1], fixed_stats.index[len(fixed_stats.index) - 1], fixed_records.index[0]) else: x_vals = (fixed_records.index[0], fixed_stats.index[len(fixed_stats.index) - 1], fixed_stats.index[len(fixed_stats.index) - 1], fixed_records.index[0]) max_visible = max(fixed_records.max(), max_visible) except: print('There is no forecast record') '''Getting Corrected Return Periods''' max_annual_flow = corrected_df.groupby( corrected_df.index.strftime("%Y")).max() mean_value = np.mean(max_annual_flow.iloc[:, 0].values) std_value = np.std(max_annual_flow.iloc[:, 0].values) return_periods = [100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2] def gumbel_1(std: float, xbar: float, rp: int or float) -> float: """ Solves the Gumbel Type I probability distribution function (pdf) = exp(-exp(-b)) where b is the covariate. Provide the standard deviation and mean of the list of annual maximum flows. Compare scipy.stats.gumbel_r Args: std (float): the standard deviation of the series xbar (float): the mean of the series rp (int or float): the return period in years Returns: float, the flow corresponding to the return period specified """ # xbar = statistics.mean(year_max_flow_list) # std = statistics.stdev(year_max_flow_list, xbar=xbar) return -math.log(-math.log(1 - (1 / rp))) * std * .7797 + xbar - (.45 * std) return_periods_values = [] for rp in return_periods: return_periods_values.append(gumbel_1(std_value, mean_value, rp)) d = { 'rivid': [comid], 'return_period_100': [return_periods_values[0]], 'return_period_50': [return_periods_values[1]], 'return_period_25': [return_periods_values[2]], 'return_period_10': [return_periods_values[3]], 'return_period_5': [return_periods_values[4]], 'return_period_2': [return_periods_values[5]] } rperiods = pd.DataFrame(data=d) rperiods.set_index('rivid', inplace=True) r2 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_2']) colors = { '2 Year': 'rgba(254, 240, 1, .4)', '5 Year': 'rgba(253, 154, 1, .4)', '10 Year': 'rgba(255, 56, 5, .4)', '20 Year': 'rgba(128, 0, 246, .4)', '25 Year': 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .4)', '50 Year': 'rgba(128, 0, 106, .4)', '100 Year': 'rgba(128, 0, 246, .4)', } if max_visible > r2: visible = True hydroviewer_figure.for_each_trace( lambda trace: trace.update(visible=True) if == "Maximum & Minimum Flow" else (), ) else: visible = 'legendonly' hydroviewer_figure.for_each_trace( lambda trace: trace.update(visible=True) if == "Maximum & Minimum Flow" else (), ) def template(name, y, color, fill='toself'): return go.Scatter(name=name, x=x_vals, y=y, legendgroup='returnperiods', fill=fill, visible=visible, line=dict(color=color, width=0)) r5 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_5']) r10 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_10']) r25 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_25']) r50 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_50']) r100 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_100']) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template('Return Periods', (r100 * 0.05, r100 * 0.05, r100 * 0.05, r100 * 0.05), 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', fill='none')) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'2 Year: {r2}', (r2, r2, r5, r5), colors['2 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'5 Year: {r5}', (r5, r5, r10, r10), colors['5 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'10 Year: {r10}', (r10, r10, r25, r25), colors['10 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'25 Year: {r25}', (r25, r25, r50, r50), colors['25 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'50 Year: {r50}', (r50, r50, r100, r100), colors['50 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'100 Year: {r100}', (r100, r100, max(r100 + r100 * 0.05, max_visible), max(r100 + r100 * 0.05, max_visible)), colors['100 Year'])) chart_obj = PlotlyView(hydroviewer_figure) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render( request, 'historical_validation_tool_dominican_republic/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse({'error': 'No data found for the selected reach.'})
def get_time_series_plot(request): context = {'success': False} if request.method != 'POST': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['POST']) try: log.debug(f'POST: {request.POST}') platform = request.POST.get('platform', None) sensor = request.POST.get('sensor', None) product = request.POST.get('product', None) start_date = request.POST.get('start_date', None) end_date = request.POST.get('end_date', None) reducer = request.POST.get('reducer', None) index_name = request.POST.get('index_name', None) scale = float(request.POST.get('scale', 250)) geometry_str = request.POST.get('geometry', None) # Derived parameters ee_product = EE_PRODUCTS[platform][sensor][product] display_name = ee_product['display'] if not index_name: index_name = ee_product['index'] try: geometry = geojson.loads(geometry_str) except JSONDecodeError: raise ValueError('Please draw an area of interest.') if index_name is None: raise ValueError( f"We're sorry, but plotting {display_name} is not supported at this time. Please select " f"a different product.") time_series = get_time_series_from_image_collection( platform=platform, sensor=sensor, product=product, index_name=index_name, scale=scale, geometry=geometry, date_from=start_date, date_to=end_date, reducer=reducer) log.debug(f'Time Series: {time_series}') figure = generate_figure(figure_title=display_name, time_series=time_series) plot_view = PlotlyView(figure, height='200px', width='100%') context.update({'success': True, 'plot_view': plot_view}) except ValueError as e: context['error'] = str(e) except Exception: context[ 'error'] = f'An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again.' log.exception('An unexpected error occurred.') return render(request, 'earth_engine/plot.html', context)
def get_dailyData(request): """ Get data for stations """ get_data = request.GET try: codEstacion = get_data['stationcode'] nomEstacion = get_data['stationname'] nomCountry = get_data['countryname'] nomRiver = get_data['stream'] dir_base = os.path.dirname(__file__) url = os.path.join(dir_base, 'public/Data', codEstacion + '-DAILY.csv') print(url) ''' with open(url) as csvfile: readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') datesDischarge = [] dataDischarge = [] for row in readCSV: da = row[0] year = int(da[0:4]) month = int(da[5:7]) day = int(da[8:10]) dat = row[1] dat = float(dat) if dat < 0: dat = np.nan dat = str(dat) datesDischarge.append(dt.datetime(year, month, day)) dataDischarge.append(dat) ''' df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col=0) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) df = df[df.iloc[:, 0] >= 0] datesDischarge = df.index.tolist() dataDischarge = df.iloc[:, 0].values observed_Q = go.Scatter( x=datesDischarge, y=dataDischarge, name='Observed Discharge', ) layout = go.Layout( title='Daily Streamflow at {0} - {1} <br> {2} RIVER <br> {3}'. format(nomEstacion, codEstacion, nomRiver, nomCountry), xaxis=dict(title='Dates', ), yaxis=dict(title='Discharge (m<sup>3</sup>/s)', autorange=True), showlegend=False) chart_obj = PlotlyView(go.Figure(data=[observed_Q], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render(request, 'grdc_viewer/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse( {'error': 'No observed data found for the selected station.'})
def visualize_dataset_workflow(request): ''' This controler is for visualizing time series data in a plot ''' dataset = request.GET['dataset'] # datatype = request.GET['dataset_datatype'] datatype = quest.api.get_metadata(dataset)[dataset]['datatype'] # load data if not datatype: raise ValueError('Cannot visualize a dataset without a datytype') if datatype == 'timeseries': df = quest.api.open_dataset(dataset, fmt='dataframe') parameter = df.metadata['parameter'] units = df.metadata.get('unit') data_col = parameter if parameter in df.columns else df.columns[0] # TODO fix this in quest x = df.index if hasattr(x, 'to_timestamp'): x = x.to_timestamp() # create plotly plot scatter_series = go.Scatter( x=x, y=df[data_col], name=dataset, fill='tozeroy' ) plotly_layout = go.Layout( showlegend=True, height=350, margin=go.Margin( l=50, r=0, b=30, t=0, pad=4 ), legend=dict( orientation='h', ), yaxis=dict( title="{0}{1}".format(data_col, " ({0})".format(units) if units else ''), ), ) # create plotly gizmo plot_view_options = PlotlyView(go.Figure(data=[scatter_series], layout=plotly_layout), height='100%', attributes={'id': 'plot-content', 'data-dataset_id': dataset}, ) context = {'plot_view_options': plot_view_options, } html = render(request, 'quest/visualize.html', context).content.decode('utf-8') result = {'success': True, 'html': html, } else: try: metadata = quest.api.get_metadata(dataset)[dataset] file_path = metadata['file_path'] result = {'success': True} except Exception as e: result['error'] = e from django.utils.encoding import smart_str import rasterio import rasterio.warp with as src: if != '+init=epsg:3857': file_extents = rasterio.warp.transform_bounds(, 'EPSG:3857', *src.bounds) else: file_extents = src.bounds result['file_extents'] = file_extents result['datatype'] = datatype return JsonResponse(result)
def get_volumeAnalysis(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare Get historic simulations from ERA Interim """ get_data = request.GET global codEstacion global nomEstacion global simulated_df global observed_df global corrected_df try: '''Merge Data''' merged_df = hd.merge_data(sim_df=simulated_df, obs_df=observed_df) merged_df2 = hd.merge_data(sim_df=corrected_df, obs_df=observed_df) '''Plotting Data''' sim_array = merged_df.iloc[:, 0].values obs_array = merged_df.iloc[:, 1].values corr_array = merged_df2.iloc[:, 0].values sim_volume_dt = sim_array * 0.0864 obs_volume_dt = obs_array * 0.0864 corr_volume_dt = corr_array * 0.0864 sim_volume_cum = [] obs_volume_cum = [] corr_volume_cum = [] sum_sim = 0 sum_obs = 0 sum_corr = 0 for i in sim_volume_dt: sum_sim = sum_sim + i sim_volume_cum.append(sum_sim) for j in obs_volume_dt: sum_obs = sum_obs + j obs_volume_cum.append(sum_obs) for k in corr_volume_dt: sum_corr = sum_corr + k corr_volume_cum.append(sum_corr) observed_volume = go.Scatter( x=merged_df.index, y=obs_volume_cum, name='Observed', ) simulated_volume = go.Scatter( x=merged_df.index, y=sim_volume_cum, name='Simulated', ) corrected_volume = go.Scatter( x=merged_df2.index, y=corr_volume_cum, name='Corrected Simulated', ) layout = go.Layout( title='Observed & Simulated Volume at<br> {0} - {1}'.format( codEstacion, nomEstacion), xaxis=dict(title='Dates', ), yaxis=dict(title='Volume (Mm<sup>3</sup>)', autorange=True), showlegend=True) chart_obj = PlotlyView( go.Figure( data=[observed_volume, simulated_volume, corrected_volume], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render( request, 'historical_validation_tool_dominican_republic/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse( {'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def get_hydrographs(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare Get historic simulations from ERA Interim """ get_data = request.GET global codEstacion global nomEstacion global simulated_df global observed_df global corrected_df global comid start_time = time.time() try: # get Simulated Streamflow simulated_df = geoglows.streamflow.historic_simulation( comid, forcing='era_5', return_format='csv') # Removing Negative Values simulated_df[simulated_df < 0] = 0 simulated_df.index = simulated_df.index.to_series().dt.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d") simulated_df.index = pd.to_datetime(simulated_df.index) simulated_df = pd.DataFrame(data=simulated_df.iloc[:, 0].values, index=simulated_df.index, columns=['Simulated Streamflow']) '''Get Observed Data''' url = '{0}&variable=Q&startDate=1900-01-01&endDate=2019-12-31&version=1.1'.format( codEstacion) r = requests.get(url, verify=False) c = xmltodict.parse(r.content) y = [] x = [] for i in c['timeSeriesResponse']['timeSeries']['values']['value']: y.append(float((i['#text']))) x.append( dt.datetime.strptime((i['@dateTime']), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) df = pd.DataFrame(data=y, index=x, columns=['Streamflow']) df.head() datesDischarge = df.index.tolist() dataDischarge = df.iloc[:, 0].values if isinstance(dataDischarge[0], str): dataDischarge = map(float, dataDischarge) observed_df = pd.DataFrame(data=dataDischarge, index=datesDischarge, columns=['Observed Streamflow']) '''Correct the Bias in Sumulation''' corrected_df = geoglows.bias.correct_historical( simulated_df, observed_df) '''Plotting Data''' observed_Q = go.Scatter( x=observed_df.index, y=observed_df.iloc[:, 0].values, name='Observed', ) simulated_Q = go.Scatter( x=simulated_df.index, y=simulated_df.iloc[:, 0].values, name='Simulated', ) corrected_Q = go.Scatter( x=corrected_df.index, y=corrected_df.iloc[:, 0].values, name='Corrected Simulated', ) layout = go.Layout( title='Observed & Simulated Streamflow at <br> {0} - {1}'.format( codEstacion, nomEstacion), xaxis=dict(title='Dates', ), yaxis=dict(title='Discharge (m<sup>3</sup>/s)', autorange=True), showlegend=True) chart_obj = PlotlyView( go.Figure(data=[observed_Q, simulated_Q, corrected_Q], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } print("--- %s seconds hydrographs ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) return render( request, 'historical_validation_tool_dominican_republic/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse( {'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def get_scatterPlotLogScale(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare Get historic simulations from ERA Interim """ get_data = request.GET global codEstacion global nomEstacion global simulated_df global observed_df global corrected_df try: '''Merge Data''' merged_df = hd.merge_data(sim_df=simulated_df, obs_df=observed_df) merged_df2 = hd.merge_data(sim_df=corrected_df, obs_df=observed_df) '''Plotting Data''' scatter_data = go.Scatter(x=merged_df.iloc[:, 0].values, y=merged_df.iloc[:, 1].values, mode='markers', name='original', marker=dict(color='#ef553b')) scatter_data2 = go.Scatter(x=merged_df2.iloc[:, 0].values, y=merged_df2.iloc[:, 1].values, mode='markers', name='corrected', marker=dict(color='#00cc96')) min_value = min(min(merged_df.iloc[:, 1].values), min(merged_df.iloc[:, 0].values)) max_value = max(max(merged_df.iloc[:, 1].values), max(merged_df.iloc[:, 0].values)) line_45 = go.Scatter(x=[min_value, max_value], y=[min_value, max_value], mode='lines', name='45deg line', line=dict(color='black')) layout = go.Layout( title="Scatter Plot for {0} - {1} (Log Scale)".format( codEstacion, nomEstacion), xaxis=dict( title='Simulated', type='log', ), yaxis=dict(title='Observed', type='log', autorange=True), showlegend=True) chart_obj = PlotlyView( go.Figure(data=[scatter_data, scatter_data2, line_45], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render( request, 'historical_validation_tool_dominican_republic/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse( {'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def get_scatterPlot(request): """ Get observed data from csv files in Hydroshare Get historic simulations from ERA Interim """ get_data = request.GET global codEstacion global nomEstacion global simulated_df global observed_df global corrected_df try: '''Merge Data''' merged_df = hd.merge_data(sim_df=simulated_df, obs_df=observed_df) merged_df2 = hd.merge_data(sim_df=corrected_df, obs_df=observed_df) '''Plotting Data''' scatter_data = go.Scatter(x=merged_df.iloc[:, 0].values, y=merged_df.iloc[:, 1].values, mode='markers', name='original', marker=dict(color='#ef553b')) scatter_data2 = go.Scatter(x=merged_df2.iloc[:, 0].values, y=merged_df2.iloc[:, 1].values, mode='markers', name='corrected', marker=dict(color='#00cc96')) min_value = min(min(merged_df.iloc[:, 1].values), min(merged_df.iloc[:, 0].values)) max_value = max(max(merged_df.iloc[:, 1].values), max(merged_df.iloc[:, 0].values)) line_45 = go.Scatter(x=[min_value, max_value], y=[min_value, max_value], mode='lines', name='45deg line', line=dict(color='black')) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = sp.linregress( merged_df.iloc[:, 0].values, merged_df.iloc[:, 1].values) slope2, intercept2, r_value2, p_value2, std_err2 = sp.linregress( merged_df2.iloc[:, 0].values, merged_df2.iloc[:, 1].values) line_adjusted = go.Scatter( x=[min_value, max_value], y=[slope * min_value + intercept, slope * max_value + intercept], mode='lines', name='{0}x + {1} (Original)'.format(str(round(slope, 2)), str(round(intercept, 2))), line=dict(color='red')) line_adjusted2 = go.Scatter(x=[min_value, max_value], y=[ slope2 * min_value + intercept2, slope2 * max_value + intercept2 ], mode='lines', name='{0}x + {1} (Corrected)'.format( str(round(slope2, 2)), str(round(intercept2, 2))), line=dict(color='green')) layout = go.Layout( title='Scatter Plot for {0}-{1} <br> COMID: {2}'.format( watershed, subbasin, comid), xaxis=dict(title='Simulated', ), yaxis=dict(title='Observed', autorange=True), showlegend=True) chart_obj = PlotlyView( go.Figure(data=[ scatter_data, scatter_data2, line_45, line_adjusted, line_adjusted2 ], layout=layout)) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render( request, 'historical_validation_tool_west_africa/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse( {'error': 'No data found for the selected station.'})
def get_time_series(request): get_data = request.GET global comid global codEstacion global nomEstacion global forecast_df global forecast_record try: hydroviewer_figure = geoglows.plots.forecast_stats( stats=forecast_df, titles={'Reach ID': comid}) x_vals = (forecast_df.index[0], forecast_df.index[len(forecast_df.index) - 1], forecast_df.index[len(forecast_df.index) - 1], forecast_df.index[0]) max_visible = max(forecast_df.max()) '''Getting forecast record''' try: if len(forecast_record.index) > 0: hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( go.Scatter(name='1st days forecasts', x=forecast_record.index, y=forecast_record.iloc[:, 0].values, line=dict(color='#FFA15A', ))) if 'x_vals' in locals(): x_vals = (forecast_record.index[0], forecast_df.index[len(forecast_df.index) - 1], forecast_df.index[len(forecast_df.index) - 1], forecast_record.index[0]) else: x_vals = (forecast_record.index[0], forecast_df.index[len(forecast_df.index) - 1], forecast_df.index[len(forecast_df.index) - 1], forecast_record.index[0]) max_visible = max(forecast_record.max(), max_visible) except: print('Not forecast record for the selected station') '''Getting Return Periods''' try: rperiods = geoglows.streamflow.return_periods(comid) r2 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_2']) colors = { '2 Year': 'rgba(254, 240, 1, .4)', '5 Year': 'rgba(253, 154, 1, .4)', '10 Year': 'rgba(255, 56, 5, .4)', '20 Year': 'rgba(128, 0, 246, .4)', '25 Year': 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .4)', '50 Year': 'rgba(128, 0, 106, .4)', '100 Year': 'rgba(128, 0, 246, .4)', } if max_visible > r2: visible = True hydroviewer_figure.for_each_trace( lambda trace: trace.update(visible=True) if == "Maximum & Minimum Flow" else (), ) else: visible = 'legendonly' hydroviewer_figure.for_each_trace( lambda trace: trace.update(visible=True) if == "Maximum & Minimum Flow" else (), ) def template(name, y, color, fill='toself'): return go.Scatter(name=name, x=x_vals, y=y, legendgroup='returnperiods', fill=fill, visible=visible, line=dict(color=color, width=0)) r5 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_5']) r10 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_10']) r25 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_25']) r50 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_50']) r100 = int(rperiods.iloc[0]['return_period_100']) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template('Return Periods', (r100 * 0.05, r100 * 0.05, r100 * 0.05, r100 * 0.05), 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', fill='none')) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'2 Year: {r2}', (r2, r2, r5, r5), colors['2 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'5 Year: {r5}', (r5, r5, r10, r10), colors['5 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'10 Year: {r10}', (r10, r10, r25, r25), colors['10 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'25 Year: {r25}', (r25, r25, r50, r50), colors['25 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'50 Year: {r50}', (r50, r50, r100, r100), colors['50 Year'])) hydroviewer_figure.add_trace( template(f'100 Year: {r100}', (r100, r100, max(r100 + r100 * 0.05, max_visible), max(r100 + r100 * 0.05, max_visible)), colors['100 Year'])) except: print('There is no return periods for the desired stream') chart_obj = PlotlyView(hydroviewer_figure) context = { 'gizmo_object': chart_obj, } return render( request, 'historical_validation_tool_dominican_republic/gizmo_ajax.html', context) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return JsonResponse({'error': 'No data found for the selected reach.'})
def mapview(request): select_input = SelectInput(display_text='Select', name='select1', multiple=False, original=True, options=[('Davis County', '1'), ('Salt Lake County', '2'), ('Utah County', '3')], initial=['Utah County']) x = [ datetime(year=2017, month=01, day=01), datetime(year=2017, month=02, day=01), datetime(year=2017, month=03, day=01), datetime(year=2017, month=04, day=01), datetime(year=2017, month=05, day=01), datetime(year=2017, month=06, day=01), datetime(year=2017, month=07, day=01), ] timeseries_plot = TimeSeries(height='800px', width='500px', engine='highcharts', title='Irregular Timeseries Plot', y_axis_title='Snow depth', y_axis_units='m', series=[{ 'name': 'Winter 2007-2008', 'data': [[datetime(2017, 12, 2), 0.8], [datetime(2017, 12, 9), 0.6], [datetime(2017, 12, 16), 0.6], [datetime(2017, 12, 28), 0.67], [datetime(2017, 1, 1), 0.81], [datetime(2017, 1, 8), 0.78], [datetime(2017, 1, 12), 0.98], [datetime(2017, 1, 27), 1.84], [datetime(2017, 2, 10), 1.80], [datetime(2017, 2, 18), 1.80], [datetime(2017, 2, 24), 1.92], [datetime(2017, 3, 4), 2.49], [datetime(2017, 3, 11), 2.79], [datetime(2017, 3, 15), 2.73], [datetime(2017, 3, 25), 2.61], [datetime(2017, 4, 2), 2.76], [datetime(2017, 4, 6), 2.82], [datetime(2017, 4, 13), 2.8], [datetime(2017, 5, 3), 2.1], [datetime(2017, 5, 26), 1.1], [datetime(2017, 6, 9), 0.25], [datetime(2017, 6, 12), 0]] }]) my_plotly_view = PlotlyView([go.Scatter(x=x, y=[12, 14, 15, 10, 6, 5, 4])]) context = { 'select_input': select_input, 'plotly_view_input': my_plotly_view, 'timeseries_plot': timeseries_plot } return render(request, 'mysnowpackapp/mapview.html', context)