Пример #1
    def testing_binomial(self):
        # Binomial in equation
        equationTwo = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \binom{n}{k}")
                "Eq(factorial(n)/((factorial(k)*factorial(-k + n))), binom*(k*n))"

        # Testing binomial with factorial and frac
        equationTwo = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}")
                "Eq(binom*(k*n), factorial(n)/((factorial(k)*factorial(-k + n))))"

        # Simple biinom
        equationTwo = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\frac{A_n^k}{k!} = \binom{n}{k}")
            self._equal(equationTwo, "Eq(A_{n}**k/factorial(k), binom*(k*n))"))

        # Pascal's triangle
        equationTwo = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\binom{n}{k} =  \binom{n-1}{k-1} +\binom{n-1}{k}")
                "Eq(binom*(k*n), binom*(k*(n - 1)) + binom*((k - 1)*(n - 1)))")
Пример #2
    def testing_product(self):
        # Product function
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\prod_{i=1}^ni=n!")
            self._equal(equation, "Eq(Product(i, (i, 1, n)), factorial(n))"))

        # Product function part 2
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\prod_{i=a}^{b} f(i)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Product(f(i), (i, a, b))"))

        # Product without \limits
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\prod_{j=1}^k A_{\alpha_j}")
            self._equal(equation, "Product(A_{alpha_{j}}, (j, 1, k))"))

        # Product off n first integers
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\prod_{i=1}^n i^2{6}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Product(6*i**2, (i, 1, n))"))

        # Double product
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\prod^k_{i=1}\prod^l_{j=1}\q_i q_j")
                        "Product(q_{i}*q_{j}, (j, 1, l), (i, 1, k))"))
Пример #3
    def testing_integral(self):
        # Integral simple
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\int_{a}^{b} 1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Integral(1, (x, a, b))"))

        # Integral
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\int_{a}^{b} x^2 ,dx")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Integral(x**2, (x, a, b))"))

        # Basic integral
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\int_0^2x^2dx")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Integral(x**2, (x, 0, 2))"))

        # Integral Limits
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\int_{a}^b f(x)dx")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Integral(f(x), (x, a, b))"))

        # Basic integral with limit
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\int\limits_{x\in C}dx")
                                    "Integral(limits_{x*(C*in)}, x)"))

        # Multiple integrals
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\iint_V \mu(u,v) \du\dv")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "iint_{V}*((du*dv)*mu(u, v))"))

        # Multiple integrals 2 example
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\iiint_V \mu(u,v,w) \du\dv\dw")
            self._equal(equation, "iiint_{V}*((du*(dv*dw))*mu(u, v, w))"))

        # Multiple integrals 3 example [NOTE] -> I smooshed togeter the dt, du, dv, and dw, and it still renders!
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\iiiint_V \mu(t,u,v,w) dtdudvdw")
                        "iiiint_{V}*((dt*(du*(dv*dw)))*mu(t, u, v, w))"))

        # Multiple integrals 4 example
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\idotsint_V \mu(u_1,\dots,u_k) \du_1 \dots du_k")
                "idotsint_{V}*((du_{1}*(dots*du))*mu(u_{1}, dots, u_{k}))"))

        # This integral thing has a circle in through it, found it on LaTeX documentation
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\oint_V f(s) \ds")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "oint_{V}*(ds*f(s))"))
Пример #4
    def testing_addition_subtraction(self):
        # Basic Addition
        equationOne = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("1 + 2")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationOne, "1 + 2"))

        # Basic Addition and Subtraction
        equationTwo = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("1 + 2 - 3 + 4 - 1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationTwo, "-1 - 3 + 1 + 2 + 4"))

        # Basic Addition and Subtration with negative numbers
        equationThree = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("-1 + 2 - -3 + -4 - 1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationThree, "-1 - 4 - 1 + 2 + 3"))

        # Basic Addition and Subtration with negative numbers with 0
        equationThree = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            "-1 - -0 + 2 + 0 - 0 - -3 + -4 - 1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationThree, "-1 - 4 - 1 + 2 + 3"))
Пример #5
    def testing_limit(self):
        # Basic limit
        # What is dir='-'??? Further investigation
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\lim_{x\to\infty} f(x)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Limit(f(x), x, oo, dir='-')"))
        # Limit function with f(x) and frac
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}")
            self._equal(equation, "Limit((-f(x) + f(h + x))/h, h, 0)"))

        # Limit function at plus infinity
        # [NOTE] -> Figure out what dir='-' means...
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\lim_{x \to +\infty} f(x)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Limit(f(x), x, oo, dir='-')"))

        # Limit function at minus infinity
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\lim_{x \to -\infty} f(x)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Limit(f(x), x, -oo)"))

        # Limit function at alpha
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\lim_{x \to \alpha} f(x)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Limit(f(x), x, alpha)"))

        # Limit function at infinity
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\inf_{x \gt s}f(x)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "inf_{x*(gt*s)}*f(x)"))

        # Limit function with sup
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sup_{x \in \mathbb{R}}f(x)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "sup_{x*(in*(R*mathbb))}*f(x)"))
Пример #6
    def testing_frac_sqrt_exp_basic(self):
        # Fraction and exponent
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"(1+\frac{1}{x})^2")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "(1 + 1/x)**2"))

        # Fraction and exponent with \left \right commands
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\left(1+\frac{1}{x}\right)^2")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "left(right/x + 1)**2"))

        # Testing super scripts
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"x^{2+a}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "x**(a + 2)"))

        # Testing exponents a lot
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"e^{e^{e^{e^{x}}}}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "e**(e**(e**(e**x)))"))

        # Subscripts testing
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"n_1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "n_{1}"))

        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"n_{k+1}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "n_{k + 1}"))

        # Superscripts and subscripts testing
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"n_{k+1}^2")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "n_{k + 1}**2"))
Пример #7
    def testing_derivative(self):
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"f^{(k)}(x)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "f**k*x"))

        # Partial first order derivative
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Derivative(f, x)"))

        # Partial Second order derivative
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2}")
            self._equal(equation, "(f*partial**2)/((partial*x**2))"))

        # Partial k-th order derivative
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\frac{\partial^{k} f}{\partial x^k}")
            self._equal(equation, "(f*partial**k)/((partial*x**k))"))
Пример #8
    def testing_summation(self):
        # Basic summation
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sum_{n=-\infty}^{+\infty} f(x)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Sum(f(x), (n, -oo, oo))"))

        # Sumation closed form for i
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sum_{i=1}^{n}i=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}")
            self._equal(equation, "Eq(Sum(i, (i, 1, n)), n(n + 1)/2)"))

        # Sumation with infinity and exponent
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} 2^{-n} = 1")
            self._equal(equation, "Eq(Sum(2**(-n), (n, 1, oo)), 1)"))

        # Summation with \limits
        # [ERROR] -> Figure out if this renders in LaTeX, \sum\limits it doesn't like
        # equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sum\limits_{j=1}^k A_{\alpha_j}")
        # self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, ""))

        # Sumation without \limits
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sum_{j=1}^k A_{\alpha_j}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Sum(A_{alpha_{j}}, (j, 1, k))"))

        # Sum from 1 to n
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sum_{i=1}^{n} 1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Sum(1, (i, 1, n))"))

        # Sum off n first integers
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\sum_{i=1}^n i^2 = \frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}")
                        "Eq(Sum(i**2, (i, 1, n)), ((2*n + 1)*n(n + 1))/6)"))

        # Dobule sum
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sum^k_{i=1}\sum^l_{j=1}\q_i q_j")
            self._equal(equation, "Sum(q_{i}*q_{j}, (j, 1, l), (i, 1, k))"))

        # Big summation
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"(n + 1)^4 = 4\sum_{i = 1}^{n} i^3 + 6\sum_{i = 1}^{n} i^2 + 4\sum_{i = 1}^{n} i + \sum_{i = 1}^{n} 1"
                "Eq((n + 1)**4, 6*Sum(i**2, (i, 1, n)) + 4*Sum(i**3, (i, 1, n)) + 4*Sum(i, (i, 1, n)) + Sum(1, (i, 1, n)))"
Пример #9
    def testing_fractions(self):
        # Basic Fractions
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\frac{1}{2}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "1/2"))

        # Fractions with negatives
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"-\frac{9}{2} - \frac{9}{2} + \frac{-1}{2} + \frac{1}{-2} + \frac{-1}{-2}"
            self._equal(equation, "-9/2 - 9/2 - 1/2 + 1/(-2) - 1/((-2))"))

        # Fractions with 0 as numerator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\frac{0}{2}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "0/2"))

        # Fractions with 0 as denominator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\frac{1}{0}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "1/0"))

        # Fractions with 0 in it
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\frac{0}{0}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "0/0"))

        # Fractions with division
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\frac{2/3}{4/5}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "(2/3)/((4/5))"))

        # Fractions within a fraction
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\frac{\frac{2}{3}}{\frac{4}{5}}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "(2/3)/((4/5))"))

        # Fraction using \dfrac -> This is just a display,
        # but it'll still be put into mathmode
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "((2*3)*dfrac)/(((4*5)*dfrac))"))
Пример #10
    def testing_across_all(self):
        # taken from my 405 homework a long time ago
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"a_{n + 1} = (1 - S_n)c^2 + c(\sqrt{(1 - S_n)^2c^2 + S_n(2-S_n)})"
                "Eq(a_{n + 1}, c**2*(1 - S_{n}) + c(sqrt(c**2*(1 - S_{n})**2 + S_{n}(2 - S_{n}))))"

        # taken from my 405 homework a long time ago
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"(n + 1)^4 = 4\sum_{i = 1}^{n} i^3 + 6\sum_{i = 1}^{n} i^2 + 4\sum_{i = 1}^{n} i + \sum_{i = 1}^{n} 1"
                "Eq((n + 1)**4, 6*Sum(i**2, (i, 1, n)) + 4*Sum(i**3, (i, 1, n)) + 4*Sum(i, (i, 1, n)) + Sum(1, (i, 1, n)))"

        # taken from my 405 homework a long time ago
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"(n^2 + 2n + 1)(n^2 + 2n + 1) - 6\frac{(2n^3 + n^2 +2n^2 + n)}{6} - \frac{(4n^2 + 4n)}{2} - (n + 1)"
                "-n - 1 - 2*n**2 - 2*n + (n**2 + 2*n + 1)*(n**2 + 2*n + 1) - 2*n**3 - 3*n**2 - n"

        # taken from my 405 homework a long time ago
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\sum_{i = 0}^{n - 1} ia^i = \frac{a - na^n + (n - 1) a^{n + 1}}{(1 - a)^2}"
                "Eq(Sum(a**i*i, (i, 0, n - 1)), (a**(n + 1)*(n - 1) + a - a**n*n)/(1 - a)**2)"

        # Found in math book 1
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"xh = z(a^{-1}h)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(h*x, z(h/a))"))

        # Found in math book 1
        # [ERROR] -> THis becomes true!?
        # equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"5(- 3x - 2) - (x - 3) = -4(4x + 5) + 13")
        # self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, ""))

        # Foudn in math book 1
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\sum_{i=1}^n x_i \equiv x_1 + x_2 +\cdots + x_n")
                "x_{n} + cdots + x_{2} + Sum(x_{i}*(equiv*x_{1}), (i, 1, n))"))

        # I think I got this from the advanced mathematics page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"E=\nabla \times B - 4\pi j, \label{eq:MaxE}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(E, B*nabla - 4*j*pi)"))

        # From Latex Advanced mathematics wiki page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r" \lim_{x\to 0}{\frac{e^x-1}{2x}} \overset{\left[\frac{0}{0}\right]}{\underset{\mathrm{H}}{=}} \lim_{x\to 0}{\frac{e^x}{2}}={\frac{1}{2}}"
                "Limit((overset*(left*((0/0)*right)))*((e**x - 1)/((2*x))), x, 0)"

        # From advanced mathematics wiki page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"f(x) = x^4 + 7x^3 + 2x^2 \nonumber \qquad {} + 10x + 12")
                        "Eq(f(x), 2*(x**2*(nonumber*qquad)) + x**4 + 7*x**3)"))

        # Same function as above, but without the '. Got from advanced mathematics wiki page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\sigma_2 = \frac{\partial \frac{x}{y}}{\partial x}")
            self._equal(equation, "Eq(sigma_{2}, Derivative(x/y, x))"))

        # Function with limit and integral, got from advanced mathematics
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"b_n=\frac{1}{\pi}\int\limits_{-\pi}^{\pi}f(x)\sin nx\mathrm{d}x")
                "Eq(b_{n}, Integral(limits_{-pi}**pi*(f(x)*sin(n*(x*(mathrm*(d*x))))), x)/pi)"

        # [NOTE] -> Doesn't like . command, I removed so could render this. Got from advanced mathematics page wiki
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"e^{ix} = \cos{x} + i \sin{x}")
            self._equal(equation, "Eq(e**(i*x), i*sin(x) + cos(x))"))
        # Got from advanced mathematics wiki page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\vdots" + r"=12+7 \int_0^2" + r"\left(" +
                        "Eq(vdots, 7*Integral(left, (x, 0, 2)) + 12)"))

        # Got from advanced mathematics wiki page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"f(x)  = \int h(x) dx} " +
                                           r" = g(x)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(f(x), Integral(h(x), x))"))

        # Custom operator, checkign to see what this does. From advanced mathematics wiki page
        # [NOTE] -> Doesn't render this properly
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\operatorname{argmax}_a f(a) " +
                                           r"= \operatorname*{argmax}_b f(b)")
            self._equal(equation, "operatorname*(a*(r*(g*(m*(a*x)))))"))

        # Simple limit tset from advanced latex math wiki page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\lim_{a\to \infty} \tfrac{1}{a}")
                                    "Limit(a*tfrac, a, oo, dir='-')"))

        # Math equation from advanced wiki math page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"C(x) = e^{Ax^2+\pi}+B")
                                    "Eq(C(x), B + e**(A*x**2 + pi))"))

        # Testing complicated frac inside frac equation. From advanced mathematics wiki page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"  x = a_0 + \frac{1}{a_1 + \frac{1}{a_2 + \frac{1}{a_3 + a_4}}}")
                "Eq(x, a_{0} + 1/(a_{1} + 1/(a_{2} + 1/(a_{3} + a_{4}))))"))

        # Testing underscore and bar from wiki matehmatics page
        # [NOTE] -> Doesn't do n = 17, but renders equation fine
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"f(n) = n^5 + 4n^2 + 2 |_{n=17}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(f(n), n**5 + 4*n**2 + 2)"))

        # Big boi square root func from latex math wiki page
        # [NOTE] -> Need to check if this is right???? Where is the sqrt
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sqrt[n]{1+x+x^2+x^3+\dots+x^n}")
                        "(x**n + dots + x**3 + x**2 + x + 1)**(1/n)"))

        # Testing odd integral func -> From latex math wiki page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-x}\mathrm{d}x")
                "Integral(mathrm*(e**(-x)*(mathrm*(d*x))), (x, 0, oo))"))

        # From advanced math latex wiki page.Testing squares of trig functions
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"\cos (2\theta) = \cos^2 \theta - \sin^2 \theta")
                        "Eq(cos(2*theta), -sin(theta)**2 + cos(theta)**2)"))

        # Testing if mod works, from latex advanced math wiki page
        # [NOTE] -> Don't think this is rendered correctly
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"a \bmod b")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "a*(b*bmod)"))

        # From MIT page http://web.mit.edu/rsi/www/pdfs/advmath.pdf testing out these equations
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r" \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{k^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}")
            self._equal(equation, "Eq(Sum(1/(k**2), (k, 1, oo)), pi**2/6)"))

        # Checking basic function from mit page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\mu(x)=17")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(mu(x), 17)"))

        # Testing all these greek things from mit page
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"G(t)=L\gamma!t^{-\gamma}+t^{-\delta}\eta(t) \qedhere")
                "Eq(G(t), L*(t**(-gamma)*factorial(gamma)) + t**(-delta)*(qedhere*eta(t)))"

        # From MIT page, wante to check the not equal thing but just renders as ne
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"x^{n} + y^{n} \ne z^{n}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "x**n + y**n*(ne*z**n)"))
Пример #11
    def testing_binary_operation_relation_symbols(self):
        # Times
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"3\times2")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "2*3"))

        # Div
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"2\div3")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "2/3"))

        # Cub
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\cup")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "cup"))

        # Less than equal
        # [ERROR] -> I don't want this to be False/True, I want leq to expand, not be evaluated
        # equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"3\leq2")
        # self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, ""))

        # In
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\in")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "in"))

        # Nottin
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\notin")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "notin"))

        # simeq
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\simeq")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "simeq"))

        # wedge
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\wedge")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "wedge"))

        # oplus
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\oplus")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "oplus"))

        # Box
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\Box")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Box"))

        # equivalement
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\equiv")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "equiv"))

        # cap
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\cap")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "cap"))

        # not equal
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\neq")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "neq"))

        # greater than equal
        # [ERROR] -> Don't want this to be true/false want it to be expanded not evaluated
        # equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"3\geq3")
        # self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, ""))

        # perp
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\perp")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "perp"))

        # subset
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\subset")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "subset"))

        # approximately
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\approx")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "approx"))

        # vee
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\vee")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "vee"))

        # otimes
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\otimes")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "otimes"))

        # boxtimes
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\boxtimes")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "boxtimes"))

        # cong
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\cong")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "cong"))
Пример #12
    def testing_exponents_squareroot(self):
        # Basic Exponents
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("1^2")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "1**2"))

        # Basic Exponents with more
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("1^2^2 + 3^1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "(1**2)**2 + 3**1"))

        # Exponents on bodies
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("(1 + 4 - 3)^5")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "(-3 + 1 + 4)**5"))

        # Basic Negative Exponents
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("1^-5")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "1"))

        # More Basic Negative Exponents
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("4^-3 + -4^-3 + -4^3")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "4"))

        # Exponents with 0
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("4^0")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "4**0"))

        # Exponents with negative 0
        # [ERROR] -> This should be either 4**-0 or 1, not 4
        # equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("4^-0")
        # self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "4**-0"))

        # Basic square roots
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sqrt{2}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "sqrt(2)"))

        # Basic square roots with negatives
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"-\sqrt{2}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "-sqrt(2)"))

        # Basic square roots with negatives / Imaginary nums??
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sqrt{-25}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "5*I"))

        # Cubed roots
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sqrt[4]{40}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "40**(1/4)"))

        # Negative Cubed roots -> I checked if this was correct, it is
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sqrt[-4]{40}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "250**(1/4)/10"))

        # Square roots and exponents
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sqrt[3]{8} + 8^5")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "2 + 8**5"))
Пример #13
    def testing_misc_symbols(self):
        # Infinity
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\infty")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "oo"))

        # Re
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\Re")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Re"))

        # Nabla
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\nabla")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "nabla"))

        # Partial
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\partial")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "partial"))

        # Emptyset
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\emptyset")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "emptyset"))

        # wp
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\wp")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "wp"))

        # neg
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\neg")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "neg"))

        # Square command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\square")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "square"))

        # Blacksquare command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\blacksquare")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "blacksquare"))

        # For all command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\forall")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "forall"))

        # Im command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\Im")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Im"))

        # exists command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\exists")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "exists"))

        # nexists command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\nexists")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "nexists"))

        # varnothing command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\varnothing")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "varnothing"))

        # complement command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\complement")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "complement"))

        # cdots command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\cdots")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "cdots"))

        # surd command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\surd")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "surd"))

        # triangle command
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\triangle")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "triangle"))
Пример #14
    def testing_greek_letters(self):
        # Alpha
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\alpha A")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "A*alpha"))

        # Beta
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\beta B")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "B*beta"))

        # Gamma
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\gamma \Gamma")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Gamma*gamma"))

        # Delta
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\delta \Delta")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Delta*delta"))

        # Epsilon
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\epsilon")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "epsilon"))

        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\varepsilon E")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "E*varepsilon"))

        # Zelta
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\zeta Z")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Z*zeta"))

        # Eta
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\eta H")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "H*eta"))

        # Theta
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\theta \vartheta \Theta")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "theta*(Theta*vartheta)"))

        # Iota
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\iota I")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "I*iota"))

        # Kappa
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\kappa K")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "K*kappa"))

        # Lambda
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\lambda \Lambda")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Lambda*lambda"))

        # Mu
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\mu M")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "M*mu"))

        # Nu
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\nu N")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "N*nu"))

        # Xi
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\xi\Xi")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Xi*xi"))

        # O
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"o O")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "O*o"))

        # Pi
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\pi \Pi")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Pi*pi"))

        # Rho
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\rho\varrho P")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "rho*(P*varrho)"))

        # Sigma
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sigma \Sigma")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Sigma*sigma"))

        # Tau
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\tau T")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "T*tau"))

        # Upsilon
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\upsilon \Upsilon")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Upsilon*upsilon"))

        # Phi
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\phi \varphi \Phi")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "phi*(Phi*varphi)"))

        # Chi
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\chi X")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "X*chi"))

        # Psi
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\psi \Psi")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Psi*psi"))

        # Omega
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\omega \Omega")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Omega*omega"))
Пример #15
    def testing_operators(self):
        # Note, doesn't like single things by themself here, for example can't just be \cos, needs \cos1 or something
        # Cosine operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\cos1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "cos(1)"))

        # Cosecant operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\csc1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "csc(1)"))

        # expression operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\exp")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "exp"))

        # Ker operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\ker")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "ker"))

        # limsup operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\limsup")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "limsup"))

        # min operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\min")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "min"))

        # Sinh operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sinh1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "sinh(1)"))

        # arcsin operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\arcsin1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "asin(1)"))

        # cosh operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\cosh1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "cosh(1)"))

        # deg operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\deg")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "deg"))

        # gcd operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\gcd")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "gcd"))

        # lg operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\lg")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "lg"))

        # ln operator
        # [NOTE] -> Can't have just ln
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\ln1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "log(1, E)"))

        # pr operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\Pr")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Pr"))

        # sup operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sup")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "sup"))

        # arctan operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\arctan1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "atan(1)"))

        # cotan operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\cot(1)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "cot(1)"))

        # det operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\det")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "det"))

        # hom operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\hom")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "hom"))

        # lim operator
        # [NOTE] -> can't just have lim empty
        # equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\lim")
        # self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, ""))

        # log operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\log1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "log(1, 10)"))

        # sec operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sec1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "sec(1)"))

        # tan operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\tan1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "tan(1)"))

        # arg operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\arg")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "arg"))

        # coth operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\coth(1)")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "coth(1)"))

        # dim operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\dim")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "dim"))

        # liminf operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\liminf")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "liminf"))

        # max operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\max")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "max"))

        # sin operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sin1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "sin(1)"))

        # tanh operator
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\tanh1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "tanh(1)"))
Пример #16
    def testing_multiplication_division(self):
        # Basic Multiplication
        equationOne = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("1 * 2 * 4")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationOne, "2*4"))

        # Basic Multiplication with 0
        equationTwo = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("2 * 4 * 0 * 1000")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationTwo, "1000*(0*(2*4))"))

        # Basic Multiplication with negative numbers
        equationThree = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("2 * -4 * -1000")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationThree, "(-1000)*(2*(-4))"))

        # Multiplication without *
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("mc * 3x")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "(3*x)*(c*m)"))

        # Multiplication using cdot
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"3\cdot5")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "3*5"))

        # Multiplication using \times
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"n\times m")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "m*n"))

        # Basic Division
        equationFour = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("1 / 2")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationFour, "1/2"))

        # Basic Division with 0
        equationFive = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("1 / 0")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationFive, "1/0"))

        # Basic Division with 0
        equationSix = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("0 / 1")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationSix, "0/1"))

        # Division with negative numbers
        equationSeven = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy("50 / -9 / -32")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equationSeven, "(50/((-9)))/((-32))"))

        # Division with \div function
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"2\div 3")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "2/3"))
Пример #17
    def testing_equations(self):
        # Testing basic exponent equation
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"x^n + y^n = z^n")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(x**n + y**n, z**n)"))

        # Equation with square root and fractions and multiple =
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\sqrt[3]{8}=8^{\frac{1}{3}}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(2, 8**(1/3))"))

        # Equation E = mc^2
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"E=mc^2")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(E, c**2*m)"))

        # Equation with pi and fractions
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"A = \frac{\pi r^2}{2}")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(A, (pi*r**2)/2)"))

        # Equation with pi and fractions
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"1= \frac{1}{2} \pi r^2")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(1, (pi*r**2)/2)"))

        # Equation using exponent multiplication (euler's equation)
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(e**(i*pi) + 1, 0)"))

        # Long equation!
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"p(x) = 3x^6 + 14x^5y + 590x^4y^2 + 19x^3y^3 - 12x^2y^4 - 12xy^5 + 2y^6 - a^3b^3"
                "Eq(p(x), -a**3*b**3 + 2*y**6 - 12*x*y**5 - 12*x**2*y**4 + 19*(x**3*y**3) + 590*(x**4*y**2) + 3*x**6 + 14*(x**5*y))"

        # Simple equation with
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"2x - 5y =  8")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(2*x - 5*y, 8)"))

        # Big equation with bunch of combinations of sqrt, superscripts, and exponents
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(
            r"a_{n + 1} = (1 - S_n)c^2 + c(\sqrt{(1 - S_n)^2c^2 + S_n(2-S_n)})"
                "Eq(a_{n + 1}, c**2*(1 - S_{n}) + c(sqrt(c**2*(1 - S_{n})**2 + S_{n}(2 - S_{n}))))"

        # Testing standard function with ln and e variables
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\lne^x = x")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(lne**x, x)"))

        # Testing standard function with ln and e variables, but using \ln instead
        equation = tex_to_sympy.test_sympy(r"\ln e^x = x")
        self.assertTrue(self._equal(equation, "Eq(log(e**x, E), x)"))