Пример #1
    p = dm.page_entry_revision_create(title, entries)

    poid = db.revisions.insert(p)
    p["_id"] = poid

    e = dm.entry_create(poid, p['class'], p)
    eoid = db.entries.insert(e)
    return eoid

# now we proudly create a collection of entries and keep them around for a bit

mathjax_entries = [simple_text_entry(db, users['eric'], e['title'], e['body']) for e in text_entries.mathjax()]

# now create a page with these entries
simple_page_create(db, users['eric'], "MathJax Examples", mathjax_entries)

wikipedia_articles = [
Пример #2
nb = dm.notebook_create("testnotebook", "notebook:testnotebook",
                        "This is a test notebook",
                        users = [v for k, v in users.iteritems()], 
                        admins = [users['eric']])
notebookdbname = 'notebook:testnotebook'
db = mongoconn[notebookdbname]

# now we proudly create a collection of entries and keep them around for a bit

mathjax_entries = [simple_text_entry(db, SYSDATABASE, 
                                     users['eric'], e['title'],
                                     e['body']) for e in text_entries.mathjax()]

# now create a page with these entries
simple_page_create(db, SYSDATABASE, 
                   users['eric'], "MathJax Examples", mathjax_entries)

wikipedia_articles = [