def initUI(self): self.printFrame = Frame(self) self.printFrame.pack(fill=X,expand=0,side=TOP) self.printButton = Button(self.printFrame,text="Export to docx",command=self.exportCallback) self.printButton.pack(fill=NONE,expand=0,side=LEFT) self.mainFrame = VerticalScrolledFrame(self) self.mainFrame.pack(fill=BOTH,expand=1,side=TOP) self.headerField = Text(self.mainFrame.interior,bd=0,width=0,state='disabled',height=3) self.headerField.tag_configure("center",justify="center") self.boldFont = f = Font(self.headerField,self.headerField.cget('font')) f.configure(weight='bold') self.headerField.configure(font=f) self.headerField.pack(fill=X,expand=0,side=TOP) self.cashFlowsText = TextTable(self.mainFrame.interior, aligns=['left','left','right','right','right','right'], weights=[4,4,1,1,1,1], width=500) self.cashFlowsText.pack(expand=1,fill=BOTH,side=TOP) self.oalText = Text(self.mainFrame.interior,bd=0,width=0,state='disabled',height=0) self.oalText.tag_configure("bold",font=f) self.oalText.pack(fill=X,expand=0,side=TOP) self.noteChunk=NoteChunk(self.mainFrame.interior, self.noteChunk.pack(fill=BOTH,expand=1,side=TOP) self.noteBlocks = self.noteChunk.noteBlocks
def initUI(self): self.printFrame = Frame(self) self.printFrame.pack(fill=X, expand=0, side=TOP) self.printButton = Button(self.printFrame, text="Export to docx", command=self.exportCallback) self.printButton.pack(fill=NONE, expand=0, side=LEFT) self.mainFrame = VerticalScrolledFrame(self) self.mainFrame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1, side=TOP) self.headerField = Text(self.mainFrame.interior, bd=0, width=0, state='disabled', height=3) self.headerField.tag_configure("center", justify="center") self.boldFont = f = Font(self.headerField, self.headerField.cget('font')) f.configure(weight='bold') self.headerField.configure(font=f) self.headerField.pack(fill=X, expand=0, side=TOP) self.cashFlowsText = TextTable( self.mainFrame.interior, aligns=['left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right'], weights=[4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1], width=500) self.cashFlowsText.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, side=TOP) self.oalText = Text(self.mainFrame.interior, bd=0, width=0, state='disabled', height=0) self.oalText.tag_configure("bold", font=f) self.oalText.pack(fill=X, expand=0, side=TOP) self.noteChunk = NoteChunk(self.mainFrame.interior, self.noteChunk.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1, side=TOP) self.noteBlocks = self.noteChunk.noteBlocks
class StatementWindow(Frame,object): def __init__(self,parent,app,deletedVar,**kwargs): Frame.__init__(self,parent,**kwargs) = app self.parent = parent self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.printFrame = Frame(self) self.printFrame.pack(fill=X,expand=0,side=TOP) self.printButton = Button(self.printFrame,text="Export to docx",command=self.exportCallback) self.printButton.pack(fill=NONE,expand=0,side=LEFT) self.mainFrame = VerticalScrolledFrame(self) self.mainFrame.pack(fill=BOTH,expand=1,side=TOP) self.headerField = Text(self.mainFrame.interior,bd=0,width=0,state='disabled',height=3) self.headerField.tag_configure("center",justify="center") self.boldFont = f = Font(self.headerField,self.headerField.cget('font')) f.configure(weight='bold') self.headerField.configure(font=f) self.headerField.pack(fill=X,expand=0,side=TOP) self.cashFlowsText = TextTable(self.mainFrame.interior, aligns=['left','left','right','right','right','right'], weights=[4,4,1,1,1,1], width=500) self.cashFlowsText.pack(expand=1,fill=BOTH,side=TOP) self.oalText = Text(self.mainFrame.interior,bd=0,width=0,state='disabled',height=0) self.oalText.tag_configure("bold",font=f) self.oalText.pack(fill=X,expand=0,side=TOP) self.noteChunk=NoteChunk(self.mainFrame.interior, self.noteChunk.pack(fill=BOTH,expand=1,side=TOP) self.noteBlocks = self.noteChunk.noteBlocks def populateTree(self): tStart = secsToDay([0]).split("-") sYear = tStart[0] sDay = tStart[2] sMonth = MONTHS[int(tStart[1])] tStart = str(sMonth)+" "+str(sDay)+", "+str(sYear) tEnd = secsToDay([-1]).split("-") month = MONTHS[int(tEnd[1])] year = tEnd[0] day = tEnd[2] self.lines=[] self.headerField['state']='normal' self.headerField.delete('1.0','end') self.headerField.insert('1.0',"\nStatement of Cash Flows\nFor the Semester Ended "+month+" "+day+", "+year) self.headerField.tag_add('center','1.0','end') #self.headerField['state']='disabled' self.lines.append([['CASH INFLOWS','Note','','','',''],[],[1,0,0,0,0,0]]) cashFlowList = inflowList = [i for i in cashFlowList if i.source.content.split(":")[0]=="CashReceipt"] totalInflows=0 self.firstInflow=0 self.firstInflowTotal=0 self.lineTypes="Inflow" #replace with db stuff inflowTypeList = ['Council Mandated Funds','General Sponsorship Inflows','Income Generating Projects','Other Inflows'] for inflowType in inflowTypeList: partialList = filterDOT(,[i for i in inflowList if i.getContents().category.content==inflowType]) lines,partialTotal = self.getInflows(partialList) if lines!=[]: self.lines.append([[inflowType,'','','','',''],[],[]]) self.lines=self.lines+lines totalInflows+=partialTotal self.firstInflow=0 self.firstInflowTotal=0 self.lineTypes="Outflow" self.lines.append([[tab(3)+"Total Inflows",'','','','P',floatToStr(totalInflows)],[0,0,0,0,0,1],[]]) self.lines.append([["",'','','','',''],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0]]) self.lines.append([['CASH OUTFLOWS','','','','',''],[],[1,0,0,0,0,0]]) outflowList = [i for i in cashFlowList if i.source.content.split(":")[0] in ("OME","COCPNote","LTINote","OONote")] totalOutflows=0 self.firstOutflow=0 self.firstOutflowTotal=0 outflowNames ={"COCPNote":"Council and Other College Projects","LTINote":"Long Term Investment","OME":"Operation and Maintenance Expenses","OONote":"Other Outflows"} for outflowType in ("COCPNote","LTINote","OME","OONote"): partialList = filterDOT(,[i for i in outflowList if i.source.content.split(":")[0]==outflowType]) lines,partialTotal = self.getInflows(partialList) if lines!=[]: self.lines.append([[outflowNames[outflowType],'','','','',''],[],[]]) self.lines=self.lines+lines totalOutflows+=partialTotal self.lines.append([[tab(3)+"Total Outflows",'','','','P',"("+floatToStr(totalOutflows)+")"],[0,0,0,0,0,1],[]]) self.lines = self.setUnderlines(self.lines) totalFlows = totalInflows-totalOutflows strTotalFlows = floatToStrParenNeg(totalFlows) self.lines.append([["Net Cash Flow",'','','','',strTotalFlows],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0,0,0]]) #beginning balance filler beginningBalance=getStartBalance(,int([0])) self.lines.append([["Add: Beginning Cash Balance, "+tStart,'','','','',floatToStr(beginningBalance)],[0,0,0,0,0,1],[0,0,0,0,0,0]]) self.lines.append([["Ending Cash Balance, "+month+" "+day+", "+year,'','','','',floatToStrParenNeg(beginningBalance+totalFlows)],[0,0,0,0,0,1],[1,0,0,0,0,0]]) self.lines.append([["",'','','','',''],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0]]) self.lines.append([["Cash Breakdown",'','','','',''],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0,0,0]]) self.lines.append([['Cash on hand','','','','',],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0]]) self.lines.append([['Cash in bank','','','','',],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0]]) totalBalance = floatToStr(strToFloat( self.lines.append([['Cash Balance, '+month+' '+day+', '+year,'','','','',totalBalance],[0,0,0,0,0,1],[1,0,0,0,0,0]]) self.commitLines(self.lines) self.popOAL() self.noteChunk.update() self.noteBlocks = self.noteChunk.noteBlocks print self.noteBlocks def getInflows(self,flowList): partialTotals={} totalInflows=0 for i in flowList: name = i.getContents().nature.content amount = i.getContents().amount.content notes = i.note.content category = i.source.content.split(":")[0] if category=="COCPNote": name=i.getContents().event.content try: amount = float(amount) except: amount=0 totalInflows+=amount if name in partialTotals: partialTotals[name][0]+=amount else: partialTotals[name]=[amount] partialTotals[name].append(notes) newLines = self.writeLinesPartial(partialTotals) return newLines,totalInflows def writeLinesPartial(self,partialTotalsList): total=0 partialTotalsKeys = partialTotalsList.keys() partialTotalsKeys.sort() tempLines=[] for i in partialTotalsKeys: name = i amount = partialTotalsList[i][0] notes = partialTotalsList[i][1] total+=amount tempLines.append([[tab()+name,notes,'',floatToStr(amount),'',''],[],[]]) if tempLines: if not self.firstInflow: tempLines[0][0][2]="P" self.firstInflow=1 tempLines.append([[tab(2)+"Total",'','','','',floatToStr(total)],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[]]) if self.lineTypes == "Outflow": tempLines[-1][0][-1]="("+tempLines[-1][0][-1]+")" if not self.firstInflowTotal: self.firstInflowTotal=1 tempLines[-1][0][4]="P" return tempLines def commitLines(self,lines): self.cashFlowsText.clear() for i in lines: self.cashFlowsText.addRow(i[0],uls=i[1],bolds=i[2]) def setUnderlines(self,lines): for i in range(0,len(lines)): if lines[i][0][0]==tab(2)+"Total": lines[i-1][1]=[0,0,0,1,0,0] if lines[i][0][0]==tab(3)+"Total Inflows" or lines[i][0][0]==tab(3)+"Total Outflows": lines[i-1][1]=[0,0,0,0,0,1] return lines def popOAL(self): oalInfo = getOAL( self.oalText['state']='normal' self.oalText.delete('1.0','end') if oalInfo!="": self.oalText.insert(self.oalText.index("end"),"\nOTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES\n") self.oalText.tag_add("bold",'1.0','end -1 line lineend') self.oalText.insert(self.oalText.index("end"),oalInfo) self.oalText.configure(height=int(self.oalText.index('end-1c').split('.')[0])+3) self.oalText['state']='disabled' def exportCallback(self): docBuilder = DocBuilder() # Write the 1st line of the header (council name) headerText = self.headerField.get(1.0, "1.end") docBuilder.createParagraph(headerText, "center", bold=True) # Write the 2nd line of the header (statement of cash flows) headerText = self.headerField.get(2.0, "2.end") docBuilder.createParagraph(headerText, "center", bold=True) # Write the 3rd line of the header (semester) headerText = self.headerField.get(3.0, "3.end") docBuilder.createParagraph(headerText, "center", bold=True) # Write the cash flows table self._export_CreateTable(self.lines, docBuilder) # Add some line breaks docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() # Write the OAL oalText = self.oalText.get(1.0, END) oalText = oalText.split("\n") docBuilder.document.add_paragraph().add_run(oalText[1]).bold = True for x in xrange(2, len(oalText)): docBuilder.document.add_paragraph(oalText[x]) # Write the Notes header docBuilder.document.add_paragraph().add_run("NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT").bold = True # Write the Notes data for noteBlock in self.noteBlocks: if noteBlock.blockType == "text": # Write the heading newParagraph = docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() newParagraph.add_run(noteBlock.payload[0]).bold = True # Write the non-heading text textData = noteBlock.payload[1].split("\n") for line in textData: docBuilder.document.add_paragraph(line) elif noteBlock.blockType == "table": self._export_CreateTable(noteBlock.payload, docBuilder, 5) # Line break docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() # Write the statement of accountability docBuilder.document.add_paragraph().add_run("STATEMENT OF FINANCE COUNCILOR'S ACCOUNTABILITY").bold = True docBuilder.document.add_paragraph(""""I am hereunto affirming that to the best of my intentions, the Statement of Cash Flows and all its pertinent information fairly represent all the financial transactions that have transpired within the council, its constituents, and all relevant stakeholders for the semester ending (date), and in conformity with the standard accounting procedures as set forth and duly upheld by the University Student Council of UP Diliman." """) # Line break docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() # Write the signatures preparedBy ="\n") notedBy ="\n") while len(preparedBy) < 3: preparedBy.append("") while len(notedBy) < 3: notedBy.append("") tableData = [] tableData.append( [CellData("Prepared by:"), CellData("Noted by:")] ) tableData.append( [CellData(""), CellData("")] ) tableData.append( [CellData(""), CellData("")] ) tableData.append( [CellData(preparedBy[0]), CellData(notedBy[0])] ) tableData.append( [CellData(preparedBy[1]), CellData(notedBy[1])] ) tableData.append( [CellData(preparedBy[2]), CellData(notedBy[2])] ) docBuilder.createTable(2, tableData) # # Add signature images # run = docBuilder.table.cell(2, 0).add_paragraph().add_run() # run.add_picture('random.png', width=Inches(1)) # Save the document fileName = 'StatementOfCashFlows_' +"%I%M%p_%B%d_%Y") + '.docx' def _export_CreateTable(self, lineData, docBuilder, numberOfColumns=6): """Reads self.lines and creates a docx table from it""" lines = list(lineData) # list of lists, where each entry is a list of CellData objects that represents a row tableData = [] # iterate through the rows to construct tableData for line in lines: lineText = line[0] if not line[1]: line[1] = [0] * numberOfColumns if not line[2]: line[2] = [0] * numberOfColumns isUnderlined = line[1] isBold = line[2] rowData = [] # iterate through the cells in a row to construct rowData for i in xrange(numberOfColumns): text = lineText[i] cellData = CellData(text) if (isUnderlined[i] == 1): cellData.tags.append("underline") if (isUnderlined[i] == 2): cellData.tags.append("double_underline") if (isBold[i] == 1): cellData.tags.append("bold") rowData.append(cellData) tableData.append(rowData) docBuilder.createTable(numberOfColumns, tableData) # manually set table column widths if (numberOfColumns == 6): docBuilder.columns[0].width = Inches(2.5) docBuilder.columns[1].width = Inches(1) docBuilder.columns[2].width = Inches(0.25) docBuilder.columns[3].width = Inches(1) docBuilder.columns[4].width = Inches(0.25) docBuilder.columns[5].width = Inches(1) elif (numberOfColumns == 5): docBuilder.columns[0].width = Inches(3.5) docBuilder.columns[1].width = Inches(0.25) docBuilder.columns[2].width = Inches(1) docBuilder.columns[3].width = Inches(0.25) docBuilder.columns[4].width = Inches(1)
class StatementWindow(Frame, object): def __init__(self, parent, app, deletedVar, **kwargs): Frame.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) = app self.parent = parent self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.printFrame = Frame(self) self.printFrame.pack(fill=X, expand=0, side=TOP) self.printButton = Button(self.printFrame, text="Export to docx", command=self.exportCallback) self.printButton.pack(fill=NONE, expand=0, side=LEFT) self.mainFrame = VerticalScrolledFrame(self) self.mainFrame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1, side=TOP) self.headerField = Text(self.mainFrame.interior, bd=0, width=0, state='disabled', height=3) self.headerField.tag_configure("center", justify="center") self.boldFont = f = Font(self.headerField, self.headerField.cget('font')) f.configure(weight='bold') self.headerField.configure(font=f) self.headerField.pack(fill=X, expand=0, side=TOP) self.cashFlowsText = TextTable( self.mainFrame.interior, aligns=['left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right'], weights=[4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1], width=500) self.cashFlowsText.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, side=TOP) self.oalText = Text(self.mainFrame.interior, bd=0, width=0, state='disabled', height=0) self.oalText.tag_configure("bold", font=f) self.oalText.pack(fill=X, expand=0, side=TOP) self.noteChunk = NoteChunk(self.mainFrame.interior, self.noteChunk.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1, side=TOP) self.noteBlocks = self.noteChunk.noteBlocks def populateTree(self): tStart = secsToDay([0]).split("-") sYear = tStart[0] sDay = tStart[2] sMonth = MONTHS[int(tStart[1])] tStart = str(sMonth) + " " + str(sDay) + ", " + str(sYear) tEnd = secsToDay([-1]).split("-") month = MONTHS[int(tEnd[1])] year = tEnd[0] day = tEnd[2] self.lines = [] self.headerField['state'] = 'normal' self.headerField.delete('1.0', 'end') self.headerField.insert( '1.0', + "\nStatement of Cash Flows\nFor the Semester Ended " + month + " " + day + ", " + year) self.headerField.tag_add('center', '1.0', 'end') #self.headerField['state']='disabled' self.lines.append([['CASH INFLOWS', 'Note', '', '', '', ''], [], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) cashFlowList = inflowList = [ i for i in cashFlowList if i.source.content.split(":")[0] == "CashReceipt" ] totalInflows = 0 self.firstInflow = 0 self.firstInflowTotal = 0 self.lineTypes = "Inflow" #replace with db stuff inflowTypeList = [ 'Council Mandated Funds', 'General Sponsorship Inflows', 'Income Generating Projects', 'Other Inflows' ] for inflowType in inflowTypeList: partialList = filterDOT(, [ i for i in inflowList if i.getContents().category.content == inflowType ]) lines, partialTotal = self.getInflows(partialList) if lines != []: self.lines.append([[inflowType, '', '', '', '', ''], [], []]) self.lines = self.lines + lines totalInflows += partialTotal self.firstInflow = 0 self.firstInflowTotal = 0 self.lineTypes = "Outflow" self.lines.append([[ tab(3) + "Total Inflows", '', '', '', 'P', floatToStr(totalInflows) ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], []]) self.lines.append([["", '', '', '', '', ''], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) self.lines.append([['CASH OUTFLOWS', '', '', '', '', ''], [], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) outflowList = [ i for i in cashFlowList if i.source.content.split(":")[0] in ("OME", "COCPNote", "LTINote", "OONote") ] totalOutflows = 0 self.firstOutflow = 0 self.firstOutflowTotal = 0 outflowNames = { "COCPNote": "Council and Other College Projects", "LTINote": "Long Term Investment", "OME": "Operation and Maintenance Expenses", "OONote": "Other Outflows" } for outflowType in ("COCPNote", "LTINote", "OME", "OONote"): partialList = filterDOT(, [ i for i in outflowList if i.source.content.split(":")[0] == outflowType ]) lines, partialTotal = self.getInflows(partialList) if lines != []: self.lines.append( [[outflowNames[outflowType], '', '', '', '', ''], [], []]) self.lines = self.lines + lines totalOutflows += partialTotal self.lines.append([[ tab(3) + "Total Outflows", '', '', '', 'P', "(" + floatToStr(totalOutflows) + ")" ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], []]) self.lines = self.setUnderlines(self.lines) totalFlows = totalInflows - totalOutflows strTotalFlows = floatToStrParenNeg(totalFlows) self.lines.append([["Net Cash Flow", '', '', '', '', strTotalFlows], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) #beginning balance filler beginningBalance = getStartBalance(, int([0])) self.lines.append([[ "Add: Beginning Cash Balance, " + tStart, '', '', '', '', floatToStr(beginningBalance) ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) self.lines.append([[ "Ending Cash Balance, " + month + " " + day + ", " + year, '', '', '', '', floatToStrParenNeg(beginningBalance + totalFlows) ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) self.lines.append([["", '', '', '', '', ''], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) self.lines.append([["Cash Breakdown", '', '', '', '', ''], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) self.lines.append( [['Cash on hand', '', '', '', '',], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) self.lines.append( [['Cash in bank', '', '', '', '',], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) totalBalance = floatToStr( strToFloat( + strToFloat( self.lines.append([[ 'Cash Balance, ' + month + ' ' + day + ', ' + year, '', '', '', '', totalBalance ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) self.commitLines(self.lines) self.popOAL() self.noteChunk.update() self.noteBlocks = self.noteChunk.noteBlocks print self.noteBlocks def getInflows(self, flowList): partialTotals = {} totalInflows = 0 for i in flowList: name = i.getContents().nature.content amount = i.getContents().amount.content notes = i.note.content category = i.source.content.split(":")[0] if category == "COCPNote": name = i.getContents().event.content try: amount = float(amount) except: amount = 0 totalInflows += amount if name in partialTotals: partialTotals[name][0] += amount else: partialTotals[name] = [amount] partialTotals[name].append(notes) newLines = self.writeLinesPartial(partialTotals) return newLines, totalInflows def writeLinesPartial(self, partialTotalsList): total = 0 partialTotalsKeys = partialTotalsList.keys() partialTotalsKeys.sort() tempLines = [] for i in partialTotalsKeys: name = i amount = partialTotalsList[i][0] notes = partialTotalsList[i][1] total += amount tempLines.append( [[tab() + name, notes, '', floatToStr(amount), '', ''], [], []]) if tempLines: if not self.firstInflow: tempLines[0][0][2] = "P" self.firstInflow = 1 tempLines.append( [[tab(2) + "Total", '', '', '', '', floatToStr(total)], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], []]) if self.lineTypes == "Outflow": tempLines[-1][0][-1] = "(" + tempLines[-1][0][-1] + ")" if not self.firstInflowTotal: self.firstInflowTotal = 1 tempLines[-1][0][4] = "P" return tempLines def commitLines(self, lines): self.cashFlowsText.clear() for i in lines: self.cashFlowsText.addRow(i[0], uls=i[1], bolds=i[2]) def setUnderlines(self, lines): for i in range(0, len(lines)): if lines[i][0][0] == tab(2) + "Total": lines[i - 1][1] = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] if lines[i][0][0] == tab(3) + "Total Inflows" or lines[i][0][ 0] == tab(3) + "Total Outflows": lines[i - 1][1] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] return lines def popOAL(self): oalInfo = getOAL( self.oalText['state'] = 'normal' self.oalText.delete('1.0', 'end') if oalInfo != "": self.oalText.insert(self.oalText.index("end"), "\nOTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES\n") self.oalText.tag_add("bold", '1.0', 'end -1 line lineend') self.oalText.insert(self.oalText.index("end"), oalInfo) self.oalText.configure( height=int(self.oalText.index('end-1c').split('.')[0]) + 3) self.oalText['state'] = 'disabled' def exportCallback(self): docBuilder = DocBuilder() # Write the 1st line of the header (council name) headerText = self.headerField.get(1.0, "1.end") docBuilder.createParagraph(headerText, "center", bold=True) # Write the 2nd line of the header (statement of cash flows) headerText = self.headerField.get(2.0, "2.end") docBuilder.createParagraph(headerText, "center", bold=True) # Write the 3rd line of the header (semester) headerText = self.headerField.get(3.0, "3.end") docBuilder.createParagraph(headerText, "center", bold=True) # Write the cash flows table self._export_CreateTable(self.lines, docBuilder) # Add some line breaks docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() # Write the OAL oalText = self.oalText.get(1.0, END) oalText = oalText.split("\n") docBuilder.document.add_paragraph().add_run(oalText[1]).bold = True for x in xrange(2, len(oalText)): docBuilder.document.add_paragraph(oalText[x]) # Write the Notes header docBuilder.document.add_paragraph().add_run( "NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT").bold = True # Write the Notes data for noteBlock in self.noteBlocks: if noteBlock.blockType == "text": # Write the heading newParagraph = docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() newParagraph.add_run(noteBlock.payload[0]).bold = True # Write the non-heading text textData = noteBlock.payload[1].split("\n") for line in textData: docBuilder.document.add_paragraph(line) elif noteBlock.blockType == "table": self._export_CreateTable(noteBlock.payload, docBuilder, 5) # Line break docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() # Write the statement of accountability docBuilder.document.add_paragraph().add_run( "STATEMENT OF FINANCE COUNCILOR'S ACCOUNTABILITY").bold = True docBuilder.document.add_paragraph( """"I am hereunto affirming that to the best of my intentions, the Statement of Cash Flows and all its pertinent information fairly represent all the financial transactions that have transpired within the council, its constituents, and all relevant stakeholders for the semester ending (date), and in conformity with the standard accounting procedures as set forth and duly upheld by the University Student Council of UP Diliman." """ ) # Line break docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() docBuilder.document.add_paragraph() # Write the signatures preparedBy ="\n") notedBy ="\n") while len(preparedBy) < 3: preparedBy.append("") while len(notedBy) < 3: notedBy.append("") tableData = [] tableData.append([CellData("Prepared by:"), CellData("Noted by:")]) tableData.append([CellData(""), CellData("")]) tableData.append([CellData(""), CellData("")]) tableData.append([CellData(preparedBy[0]), CellData(notedBy[0])]) tableData.append([CellData(preparedBy[1]), CellData(notedBy[1])]) tableData.append([CellData(preparedBy[2]), CellData(notedBy[2])]) docBuilder.createTable(2, tableData) # # Add signature images # run = docBuilder.table.cell(2, 0).add_paragraph().add_run() # run.add_picture('random.png', width=Inches(1)) # Save the document fileName = 'StatementOfCashFlows_' + "%I%M%p_%B%d_%Y") + '.docx' def _export_CreateTable(self, lineData, docBuilder, numberOfColumns=6): """Reads self.lines and creates a docx table from it""" lines = list(lineData) # list of lists, where each entry is a list of CellData objects that represents a row tableData = [] # iterate through the rows to construct tableData for line in lines: lineText = line[0] if not line[1]: line[1] = [0] * numberOfColumns if not line[2]: line[2] = [0] * numberOfColumns isUnderlined = line[1] isBold = line[2] rowData = [] # iterate through the cells in a row to construct rowData for i in xrange(numberOfColumns): text = lineText[i] cellData = CellData(text) if (isUnderlined[i] == 1): cellData.tags.append("underline") if (isUnderlined[i] == 2): cellData.tags.append("double_underline") if (isBold[i] == 1): cellData.tags.append("bold") rowData.append(cellData) tableData.append(rowData) docBuilder.createTable(numberOfColumns, tableData) # manually set table column widths if (numberOfColumns == 6): docBuilder.columns[0].width = Inches(2.5) docBuilder.columns[1].width = Inches(1) docBuilder.columns[2].width = Inches(0.25) docBuilder.columns[3].width = Inches(1) docBuilder.columns[4].width = Inches(0.25) docBuilder.columns[5].width = Inches(1) elif (numberOfColumns == 5): docBuilder.columns[0].width = Inches(3.5) docBuilder.columns[1].width = Inches(0.25) docBuilder.columns[2].width = Inches(1) docBuilder.columns[3].width = Inches(0.25) docBuilder.columns[4].width = Inches(1)