def __do_input(self, sender: CommandSender, inp: str):
        input_object = CommandInput(inp)
        if sender.output.on_input(sender, input_object):
            # since the on_input method returned True, it must have done something, so we don't need to send a message
        if input_object.is_empty():
            # since the player's OutputSender didn't handle this, we should do it
                "You must enter a command. Normally, pressing enter with a blank line won't trigger this.")
        input_handles = []  # Note this is a list of InputHandles
        for input_handler in self.get_input_handlers():
            handle = input_handler.on_input(self, sender, input_object)  # call on_input for each handler
            if handle is not None:

        input_handles.sort(key=lambda k: k.priority)  # sort by priority
        already_handled = []
        for input_handle in list(input_handles):  # copy list so we can delete stuff
            handle_type = input_handle.handle(already_handled)  # note not method # let it decide to take
            assert handle_type is not None, "An InputHandle's handle callable cannot return None. {} broke this rule" \
                .format(type(input_handle.input_handler))  # cannot be None because it said it would handle it

            if handle_type is InputHandleType.REMOVE_HANDLER or handle_type is \
            elif handle_type is InputHandleType.HANDLED_AND_DONE:
                break  # we don't care what others have to say. We're done handling this input

        # player.send_line()  # for the debug
        if len(already_handled) == 0 or has_only(already_handled,
                                                 [InputHandleType.NOT_HANDLED, InputHandleType.UNNOTICEABLE]):
            sender.send_message("Command: \"" + input_object.get_command() + "\" not recognized.")
Пример #2
    def _handle_command(self, handler: Handler, sender: CommandSender, command_input: CommandInput) -> InputHandleType:
        if not isinstance(sender, Player):
            sender.send_message("This must be an error. A {} shouldn't be trying to attack.".format(type(sender)))
        player = sender

        manager = handler.get_managers(BattleManager, 1)[0]  # get the BattleManager, there should be 1
        battles = manager.get_battles(player)
        assert len(battles) <= 1, "The player can only by in one battle"
        battle = None
        if len(battles) > 0:
            battle = battles[0]
        # now we have the battle that the player is currently in which could be None

        if battle is None:  # the player isn't in a battle
            first_arg = command_input.get_arg(0, False)  # remember this is a list containing the first arg at [0]
            # ignore_unimportant_before is False (^)because we want to get everything the player typed after the command

            if not first_arg:  # there isn't a first argument
                player.send_message("Who would you like to battle?")
                return InputHandleType.HANDLED
            reference = " ".join(first_arg)
            challenged = player.location.get_referenced_entity(handler, reference)
            if challenged is None:
                player.send_message(Message("Cannot find entity named: '{}' in your current location.",
                return InputHandleType.HANDLED
            challenge_action = EntityChallengeAction(player, challenged)
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED

        # now we know the player is in a battle since Battle isn't None
        assert not battle.has_ended, "For whatever reason, we received at battle that was ended."
        if not battle.has_started:
            player.send_message("Sorry, for whatever reason the battle hasn't started yet. This could be an error.")
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        turn = battle.current_turn
        assert turn is not None, "The battle is started and there's no current_turn ??? That would be an error."
        user = turn.get_target(player)
        assert isinstance(user.move_chooser, SetMoveChooser), "We need the player's MoveChooser to be a SetMoveChooser."

        first_arg = command_input.get_arg(0)
        if not first_arg:
            return self.__class__.send_options(player, user)
            number = int(first_arg[0])
            # now that we know the first argument is a number, the player wants to choose a move
            return self.__class__.choose_option_from_number(battle, number, player, user)
        except ValueError:
            pass  # the first argument was not a number so lets test for something else now
        if first_arg[0].lower() == "members":
            return self.__class__.send_members(battle, player)

        return InputHandleType.HANDLED
    def on_player_input(self, handler: Handler, player: Player, command_input: CommandInput):
        def handle_function(already_handled: List[InputHandleType]) -> InputHandleType:
            if not self._should_handle_input(already_handled):
                return InputHandleType.NOT_HANDLED
            return GoCommandHandler.player_go(handler, player, command_input.get_command())

        if not command_input.get_arg(0):  # make sure the length is always 1 (there should be no args cuz command)
            command_name = command_input.get_command()

            if get_point(handler, player, command_name) is not None:  # we'll let the GoCommandHandler do what it wants
                return InputHandle(InputHandle.PRIORITY_COMMAND_ALIAS, handle_function, self)
        return None
    def on_yell(self,
                handler: Handler,
                player: Player,
                command_input: CommandInput,
                is_there_response=False) -> None:
        There is a default player implementation for this

        is_there_response is only meant to be changed by inheriting classes (It shouldn't be changed by YellCommandHa..)

        :param handler: The handler object
        :param player: The player
        :param command_input: The player input object
        :param is_there_response: By default, False. If set to True, the default implementation won't
                send a message saying no one responded.
        :return: None
        first_arg = command_input.get_arg(0, False)
            Message("You (Yelling): {}".format(" ".join(first_arg)),
        if not is_there_response:
    def _handle_command(self, handler: Handler, sender: CommandSender, command_input: CommandInput):
        if not isinstance(sender, Player):
            return InputHandleType.UNSUPPORTED_SENDER

        player = sender
        first_arg = command_input.get_arg(0)
        if not first_arg:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        item = get_reference(player, " ".join(first_arg))

        if item is None:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        can_ref = item.can_reference(player)
        if can_ref[0] is False:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        can_put = item.can_put(player)
        if can_put[0] is False:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        if item in player.items:
            if item.change_holder(player, player.location):
                player.location.on_place(handler, item, player)
                player.send_message(Message("You placed {}.", named_variables=[item]))
            player.send_message("Apparently, that item that you tried to place isn't in your inventory.\n"
                                "Please tell someone what you did so it can be fixed. (This message shouldn't appear)")
        return InputHandleType.HANDLED
    def _handle_command(self, handler: Handler, sender: CommandSender, command_input: CommandInput) -> InputHandleType:
        if not isinstance(sender, Player):
            return InputHandleType.UNSUPPORTED_SENDER

        player = sender
        first_arg = command_input.get_arg(0)
        if not first_arg:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        rest = " ".join(first_arg)
        return self.__class__.player_go(handler, player, rest)
    def _handle_command(self, handler: Handler, sender: CommandSender, command_input: CommandInput):
        if not isinstance(sender, Player):
            return InputHandleType.UNSUPPORTED_SENDER

        player = sender
        first_arg = command_input.get_arg(0, False)
        if not first_arg:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        if self.can_yell(player):
            player.location.on_yell(handler, player, command_input)
            player.send_message("You can't yell right now.")
        return InputHandleType.HANDLED
    def _handle_command(self, handler: Handler, sender: CommandSender, command_input: CommandInput):
        if not isinstance(sender, Player):
            return InputHandleType.UNSUPPORTED_SENDER

        player = sender
        first_arg = command_input.get_arg(0)
        if not first_arg:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        item = get_reference(player, " ".join(first_arg))
        can_ref = Item.CANNOT_SEE  # by default, make it so they can't see the item
        if item is not None:
            can_ref = item.can_reference(player)  # check if they can reference/see the item
        if can_ref[0] is False:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        player.location.on_item_use(handler, player, item)
        return InputHandleType.HANDLED
    def on_input(self, handler: Handler, player: Player,
                 command_input: CommandInput):
        command = command_input.get_command().lower()
        if player != self.allowed_player or (command != "setting"
                                             and not command.startswith(":")):
            # or type(player.output) is not RichStreamOutput:
            return None

        output = player.output

        def handle_function(
                already_handled: List[InputHandleType]) -> InputHandleType:
            arg_index = 1
            arg = None
            if command.startswith(
                    ":"):  # the player is typing the argument as the command
                arg = command.replace(":", "")
                arg_index = 0
            elif len(command_input.get_arg(1)) != 0:
                arg = command_input.get_arg(0)[0].lower()

            # TODO, fix this code with : and setting and this is terrible
            if arg is not None:
                if arg == "speed":
                    speed = command_input.get_arg(
                        arg_index +
                        0)[0].lower()  # remember, arg 0 is the second word
                    if speed == "fast":
                        output.wait_multiplier = 0.4
                        player.send_message("Set speed to fast.")
                        return InputHandleType.HANDLED_AND_DONE
                    elif speed == "normal":
                        output.wait_multiplier = 1
                        player.send_message("Set speed to normal")
                        return InputHandleType.HANDLED_AND_DONE

                    "Help for setting command: \n"
                    "\tspeed: setting speed <fast:normal>",
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED_AND_DONE

        return InputHandle(InputHandle.PRIORITY_CLIENT, handle_function, self)
    def _handle_command(self, handler: Handler, sender: CommandSender, command_input: CommandInput) -> InputHandleType:
        if not isinstance(sender, Player):
            return InputHandleType.NOT_HANDLED

        first_arg = command_input.get_arg(0)
        if len(first_arg) != 0:  # thing stuff
            # here to
            referenced_item = get_reference(sender, " ".join(first_arg))
            if referenced_item is None:
                return InputHandleType.HANDLED
            can_ref = referenced_item.can_reference(sender)
            if can_ref[0] is False:
            else:  # here is how you should use get_reference
                can_do_sense = self.can_sense(referenced_item, sender)
                if can_do_sense[0]:
                    self.sense(referenced_item, handler, sender)
        else:  # location stuff
            self.sense(sender.location, handler, sender)
        return InputHandleType.HANDLED
    def _handle_command(self, handler: Handler, sender: CommandSender, command_input: CommandInput):
        if not isinstance(sender, Player):
            return InputHandleType.UNSUPPORTED_SENDER
        player = sender
        first_arg = command_input.get_arg(0)
        if not first_arg:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        item = get_reference(player, " ".join(first_arg))

        if item is None:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        can_ref = item.can_reference(player)
        if can_ref[0] is False:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED
        can_take = item.can_take(player)
        if can_take[0] is False:
            return InputHandleType.HANDLED

        # if we are here, the player is allowed to take this item

        if item in player.location.items:
            if item.change_holder(player.location, player):
                player.location.on_take(handler, item, player)
                player.send_message(Message("You took {}.", named_variables=[item]))
            player.send_message("You were unable to take the item because we couldn't find who had the item.\n"
                                "Obviously, this is kind of embarrassing so please tell someone what you did "
                                "so it can be fixed.")

        # previous_holder = item.holder
        # if item.change_holder(previous_holder, player) and isinstance(previous_holder, Location):
        #     previous_holder.on_take(handler, item)
        return InputHandleType.HANDLED
Пример #12
def auto_flag_setup():
    command = CommandInput(CommandInput.join(sys.argv))
    options = {
        ("rest", "r"): 1,
        ("simple", "windows", "dos"): 0,
        ("file", "f", "save", "path"): 1,
        ("clean", "no_load"): 0,
        ("user", "u", "player", "name"): 1
    flag_data = FlagData(command, options)

    rest = 0.001
    string_rest = flag_data.get_flag("rest")
    if string_rest is not None:
            rest = float(string_rest)
        except ValueError:
            print("'{}' is not a valid number for rest.".format(string_rest))
    if rest > 1:
        print("Rest cannot be greater than 1. Rest is the amount of time in seconds it waits to update.")
        print("Making this greater than 1 makes the game unresponsive for too long of a period.")

    string_file = flag_data.get_flag("file")
    save_path = SavePath(Path("./save.dat.d"))
    if string_file:
        save_path = SavePath(Path(string_file))

    is_clean = flag_data.get_flag("clean")  # should we load data?

    player_handler = PlayerHandler(save_path)
    player_savable = None

    result = player_handler.load_player_savables()  # load these anyway

    player_name = flag_data.get_flag("user")
    if player_name is not None:
        if is_clean:
            print("Error: Using --clean flag but also specifying a player to load.")
        if not result[0]:
        player_savable = player_handler.get_player_savable(player_name)
        if player_savable is None:
            print("Unable to find player with name: '{}'".format(player_name))
            print("Successfully loaded player: '{}'".format(

    if flag_data.get_flag("simple"):
        # setup_simple(player_savable)
        information = create_simple_player(player_savable)
            import curses
            import pyparsing
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            print("Unable to load curses or pyparsing library. Initializing simple instead of fancy")
            # setup_simple(player_savable)
            information = create_simple_player(player_savable)
            # setup_fancy(player_savable)
            information = create_fancy_player(curses.initscr(), player_savable)

    player, custom_managers, end_function = information
        main_instance = ClientSideMain(NinjaGame(), custom_managers, player, save_path, rest=rest,

        while True:
Пример #13
 def _should_handle_command(self, command_input: CommandInput):
     return command_input.get_command().lower() in self.command_names