Пример #1
    def odometry_callback(self, msg):
        """Handle updated measured velocity callback."""
        if not bool(self.config):

        p = msg.pose.pose.position
        q = msg.pose.pose.orientation
        p = numpy.array([p.x, p.y, p.z])
        q = numpy.array([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])

        if not self.initialized:
            # If this is the first callback: Store and hold latest pose.
            self.pos_des = p
            self.quat_des = q
            self.initialized = True

        # Compute control output:
        t = time_in_float_sec_from_msg(msg.header.stamp)

        # Position error
        e_pos_world = self.pos_des - p
        e_pos_body = transf.quaternion_matrix(q).transpose()[0:3, 0:3].dot(

        # Error quaternion wrt body frame
        e_rot_quat = transf.quaternion_multiply(transf.quaternion_conjugate(q),

        if numpy.linalg.norm(e_pos_world[0:2]) > 5.0:
            # special case if we are far away from goal:
            # ignore desired heading, look towards goal position
            heading = math.atan2(e_pos_world[1], e_pos_world[0])
            quat_des = numpy.array(
                [0, 0, math.sin(0.5 * heading),
                 math.cos(0.5 * heading)])
            e_rot_quat = transf.quaternion_multiply(
                transf.quaternion_conjugate(q), quat_des)

        # Error angles
        e_rot = numpy.array(transf.euler_from_quaternion(e_rot_quat))

        v_linear = self.pid_pos.regulate(e_pos_body, t)
        v_angular = self.pid_rot.regulate(e_rot, t)

        # Convert and publish vel. command:
        cmd_vel = geometry_msgs.Twist()
        cmd_vel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=v_linear[0],
        cmd_vel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=v_angular[0],
Пример #2
    def odometry_callback(self, msg):
        """Handle updated measured velocity callback."""
        if not bool(self.config):

        q = msg.orientation
        q = numpy.array([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])

        if not self.initialized:
            # If this is the first callback: Store and hold latest pose.
            self.quat_des = q
            self.initialized = True

        # Compute control output:
        t = time_in_float_sec_from_msg(msg.header.stamp)

        # Error quaternion wrt body frame
        e_rot_quat = transf.quaternion_multiply(transf.quaternion_conjugate(q),

        # Error angles
        e_rot = numpy.array(transf.euler_from_quaternion(e_rot_quat))

        v_angular = self.pid_rot.regulate(e_rot, t)

        # Convert and publish vel. command:
        cmd_vel = geometry_msgs.Twist()
        cmd_vel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(x=v_angular[0],
    def _motion_regression_6d(self, pnts, qt, t):
        Compute translational and rotational velocities and accelerations in
        the inertial frame at the target time t.

        !!! note
            [1] Sittel, Florian, Joerg Mueller, and Wolfram Burgard. Computing
                velocities and accelerations from a pose time sequence in
                three-dimensional space. Technical Report 272, University of
                Freiburg, Department of Computer Science, 2013.

        lin_vel = np.zeros(3)
        lin_acc = np.zeros(3)

        q_d = np.zeros(4)
        q_dd = np.zeros(4)

        for i in range(3):
            v, a = self._motion_regression_1d([(pnt['pos'][i], pnt['t'])
                                               for pnt in pnts], t)
            lin_vel[i] = v
            lin_acc[i] = a

        for i in range(4):
            v, a = self._motion_regression_1d([(pnt['rot'][i], pnt['t'])
                                               for pnt in pnts], t)
            q_d[i] = v
            q_dd[i] = a

        # Keeping all velocities and accelerations in the inertial frame
        ang_vel = 2 * quaternion_multiply(q_d, quaternion_conjugate(qt))
        ang_acc = 2 * quaternion_multiply(q_dd, quaternion_conjugate(qt))

        return np.hstack((lin_vel, ang_vel[0:3])), np.hstack(
            (lin_acc, ang_acc[0:3]))