Пример #1
def Solve(m, xtfc):

    # TFC Constants:
    if xtfc:
        nC = -1
        basis = 'ELMTanh'
        nC = [2, 2, 2]
        basis = 'CP'

    # Create the TFC Class:
    N = [n, n, n]
    myTfc = mtfc(N, nC, m, dim=3, basis=basis, x0=x0, xf=xf)

    # Create the TFC constrained expression
    x = myTfc.x
    H = myTfc.H

    u1 = lambda xi, *x: np.dot(H(*x), xi) - (1. - x[0]) * np.dot(
        H(np.zeros_like(x[0]), x[1], x[2]), xi) - x[0] * np.dot(
            H(np.ones_like(x[0]), x[1], x[2]), xi)
    u2 = lambda xi, *x: u1(xi, *x) - (1. - x[1]) * u1(
        xi, x[0], np.zeros_like(x[1]), x[2]) - x[1] * u1(
            xi, x[0], np.ones_like(x[1]), x[2])
    du2dt = egrad(u2, 3)
    u = lambda xi, *x: u2(xi, *x) + np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[
        1]) - u2(xi, x[0], x[1], np.zeros_like(x[2])) - x[2] * du2dt(
            xi, x[0], x[1], np.zeros_like(x[2]))

    # Create the residual
    uxx = egrad(egrad(u, 1), 1)
    uyy = egrad(egrad(u, 2), 2)
    utt = egrad(egrad(u, 3), 3)

    r = lambda xi: uxx(xi, *x) + uyy(xi, *x) - 64. * utt(xi, *x)
    xi = np.zeros(H(*x).shape[1])

    if xtfc:
        LS = lambda xi: np.linalg.lstsq(jacfwd(r, 0)
                                        (xi), -r(xi), rcond=None)[0]
        LS = lambda xi: np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(jacfwd(r, 0)(xi)), -r(xi))

    xi = LS(xi)

    # Calculate the test set error
    dark = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x0[0], xf[0], nTest),
                       np.linspace(x0[1], xf[1], nTest),
                       np.linspace(x0[2], xf[2], nTest))
    xTest = tuple([k.flatten() for k in dark])
    err = np.abs(real(*xTest) - u(xi, *xTest))
    return np.max(err), np.mean(err), myTfc.basisClass.numBasisFunc
Пример #2
xf = np.array([1.,1.])

# Allocate memory
testErr = onp.zeros((len(nVec),len(mVec)))

# Real analytical solution:
real = lambda x,y: np.exp(-x)*(x+y**3)

# Solve the problem for the various n and m values
for j,n in enumerate(tqdm(nVec)):
    for k,m in enumerate(mVec):

        # Create the TFC Class:
        N = [n,]*2
        nC = [2,2]
        tfc = mtfc(N,nC,m,dim=2,basis='CP',x0=x0,xf=xf)
        x = tfc.x

        if tfc.basisClass.numBasisFunc > n**2:
            testErr[j,k] = np.nan

        # Get the basis functions
        H = tfc.H

        # Create the constrained expression
        u1 = lambda xi,*x: np.dot(H(*x),xi)\
        u = lambda xi,*x: u1(xi,*x)\
Пример #3
# Allocate memory
testErr = onp.zeros((len(nVec), len(mVec)))

# Real analytical solution:
real = lambda x, y: np.exp(-x) * (x + y**3)

# Solve the problem for the various n and m values
for j, n in enumerate(tqdm(nVec)):
    for k, m in enumerate(mVec):

        # Create the TFC Class:
        N = [
        ] * 2
        nC = -1
        tfc = mtfc(N, nC, m, dim=2, basis='ELMTanh', x0=x0, xf=xf)
        x = tfc.x

        if tfc.basisClass.numBasisFunc > n**2:
            testErr[j, k] = np.nan

        # Get the basis functions
        H = tfc.H

        # Create the constrained expression
        u1 = lambda xi,*x: np.dot(H(*x),xi)\
        u = lambda xi,*x: u1(xi,*x)\
Пример #4
n = 10

if xTfc:
    m = 200
    basis = 'ELMTanh'
    nC = -1
    m = 10
    basis = 'CP'
    nC = [2,2,1]

maxIter = 50

# Create the TFC Class:
N = [n,n,n]
myTfc = mtfc(N,nC,m,dim=3,basis=basis,x0=x0,xf=xf)
x = myTfc.x

# Get the basis functions
H = myTfc.H
Hx = myTfc.Hx

# Create the TFC constrained expression (here f stands as a placeholder for u and v)
f1 = lambda xi,*x: np.dot(H(*x),xi)-np.dot(H(np.zeros_like(x[0]),x[1],x[2]),xi)-x[0]*np.dot(Hx(xend*np.ones_like(x[0]),x[1],x[2]),xi)
f2 = lambda xi,*x: f1(xi,*x)-(Hb-2.*x[1])/(2.*Hb)*f1(xi,x[0],-Hb/2.*np.ones_like(x[1]),x[2])-(Hb+2.*x[1])/(2.*Hb)*f1(xi,x[0],Hb/2.*np.ones_like(x[1]),x[2])
f = lambda xi,*x: f2(xi,*x)-f2(xi,x[0],x[1],np.zeros_like(x[2]))

fx = egrad(f,1)
f2x = egrad(fx,1)
fy = egrad(f,2)
f2y = egrad(fy,2)
Пример #5
# Constants:
n = [40, 40]
nC = [2, [1, 2]]
m = 40

r0 = 2.
rf = 4.
th0 = 0.
thf = 2. * np.pi

realSoln = lambda r, th: 4. * (-1024. + r**10) * np.sin(5. * th) / (1023. * r**

# Create TFC class:
myTfc = mtfc(n, nC, m, x0=[r0, th0], xf=[rf, thf])
H = myTfc.H
x = myTfc.x

# Create constrained expression:
g = lambda xi, *x: np.dot(H(*x), xi)
u1 = lambda xi,*x: g(xi,*x)+\
u = lambda xi,*x: u1(xi,*x)+\

# Create the loss function:
ur = egrad(u, 1)
u2r = egrad(ur, 1)