def draw_computational_graph(var_or_func, save_path=None): ''' Use d3viz to provide interactive html graph for theano For tensorflow, use: tensorboard --logdir [save_path] ''' from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg if save_path is None: save_path = os.path.join(utils.get_tmp_dir(), 'tmp.html') if config.backend() == 'theano': import theano.d3viz as d3v d3v.d3viz(var_or_func, save_path) # theano.printing.pydotprint( # var_or_func, # outfile = save_path) return save_path elif config.backend() == 'tensorflow': import tensorflow as tf sess = tensor.get_session() writer = save_path, sess.graph_def) tensor.eval(var_or_func) writer.close() return save_path
def check(self, f, reference=None, verbose=False): tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() html_file = pt.join(tmp_dir, 'index.html') if verbose: print(html_file) d3v.d3viz(f, html_file) assert pt.getsize(html_file) > 0 if reference: assert filecmp.cmp(html_file, reference)
def train(self, Xtrain, Ytrain, batchSize): X = T.matrix("X") Y = T.matrix("Y") index = T.iscalar("index") cost = self.binaryCrossEntropyCostFunction(self.forwardProp(X, True), Y) inputs = [index] if self.optAlg.lower() == "irpropplus": updates = iRpropPlus(cost, self.params, self.c) elif self.optAlg.lower() == "vsgdfd": slowStart = T.fscalar("slowStart") updates = vSGDfd(cost, self.params, batchSize, self.layers[0].theta.shape.eval()[1], self.c, slowStart) inputs.append(slowStart) elif self.optAlg.lower() == "rmsprop": updates = RMSProp(cost, self.params, self.c, self.learningRate, self.rho, self.epsilon, self.momentum) elif self.optAlg.lower() == "adadelta": updates = adaDelta(cost, self.params, self.c, self.rho, self.epsilon) else: updates = RMSProp(cost, self.params, self.c, self.learningRate, self.rho, self.epsilon, self.momentum) train = theano.function( inputs=inputs, outputs=theano.Out(cost, borrow=True), updates=updates + self.extraParams, name="train", givens={ X: Xtrain[index * batchSize : (index + 1) * batchSize, :], Y: Ytrain[index * batchSize : (index + 1) * batchSize, :], }, allow_input_downcast=True # ,mode = theano.compile.MonitorMode(pre_func = inspect_inputs, post_func = inspect_outputs) # ,mode = NanGuardMode(nan_is_error = True, inf_is_error = True, big_is_error = True) # ,mode = theano.compile.MonitorMode(post_func = detect_nan) # ,mode = theano.compile.MonitorMode(post_func = detect_inf) , profile=True, ) # print theano.printing.debugprint(train) # theano.printing.pydotprint(train, outfile="symbolic_graph_of_nn_opt.svg", format='svg', var_with_name_simple=True) d3v.d3viz(train, "d3viz/mlp.html") return train
def build_model(self): self.w1 = theano.shared(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(3072, self.hidden_layer)), name="w1") self.b1 = theano.shared(np.zeros((self.hidden_layer, )), name="b1") self.w2 = theano.shared(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(self.hidden_layer, 10)), name="w2") self.b2 = theano.shared(np.zeros((10, )), name="b2") self.p = T.dmatrix("input") = T.dmatrix("target") self.net1 =, self.w1) + self.b1 #print theano.printing.debugprint(self.net1) self.a1 = self.activation(self.net1) self.net2 =, self.w2) + self.b2 self.a2 = T.nnet.softmax(self.net2) self.output = T.argmax(self.a2, axis=1) self.target_one = np.argmax(, axis=1) self.cost = T.mean( T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy( self.a2, + self.Lambda * ( self.w1**2).sum() + self.Lambda * (self.w2**2).sum() self.error = T.mean(T.neq(self.output, self.target_one)) self.dw1, self.db1, self.dw2, self.db2 = T.grad( self.cost, wrt=[self.w1, self.b1, self.w2, self.b2]) self.train = theano.function( [self.p,], self.error, updates=[[self.w1, self.w1 - self.alpha * self.dw1], [self.b1, self.b1 - self.alpha * self.db1], [self.w2, self.w2 - self.alpha * self.dw2], [self.b2, self.b2 - self.alpha * self.db2]]) self.predict = theano.function(inputs=[self.p], outputs=self.output, on_unused_input="ignore") d3viz(self.cost, "sample.html")
def write_profile_files(gp): d3viz.d3viz(gp.dnlml, 'dnlml.html') d3viz.d3viz(gp.predict_fn, 'predict.html')
import numpy as np from pprint import pprint ninputs = 1000 nfeatures = 100 noutputs = 10 nhiddens = 50 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = T.dmatrix('x') wh = th.shared(rng.normal(0, 1, (nfeatures, nhiddens)), borrow=True) bh = th.shared(np.zeros(nhiddens), borrow=True) h = T.nnet.sigmoid(, wh) + bh) wy = th.shared(rng.normal(0, 1, (nhiddens, noutputs))) by = th.shared(np.zeros(noutputs), borrow=True) y = T.nnet.softmax(, wy) + by) predict = th.function([x], y) pprint(predict) from theano.printing import pydotprint import os if not os.path.exists('examples'): os.makedirs('examples') pydotprint(predict, 'examples/mlp.png') import theano.d3viz as d3v d3v.d3viz(predict, 'examples/mlp.html')
def dumpToHTML(self, filename): """saves the function graph into an interactive html file, requires pydot and potentially an internet connection""" import theano.d3viz as d3v d3v.d3viz(self.theano_fct, filename)
def dumpToHTML(self, filename) : """saves the function graph into an interactive html file, requires pydot and potentially an internet connection""" import theano.d3viz as d3v d3v.d3viz(self.theano_fct, filename)
def dumpToHTML(self, filename): """dumps the graph into a interactive html file""" import theano.d3viz as d3v d3v.d3viz(self.theano_fct, filename)
def plot(thing): theano.printing.pydotprint(thing, outfile="think.png", var_with_name_simple=True) import theano.d3viz as d3v d3v.d3viz(thing, 'think.html')
hidden = T.nnet.sigmoid(, weightH) + biasH) weightY = theano.shared(rand_num_gen.normal(0, 1, (nhiddens, noutputs))) biasY = theano.shared(np.zeros(noutputs), borrow=True) y = T.nnet.softmax(, weightY) + biasY) predict = theano.function(inputs=[x], outputs=y) #outputs the probability of 10 classes import pydot import theano.d3viz as d3v import os if not os.path.exists('/Users/dannyg/Desktop/Projects/TheanoCreations/Outputs'): os.makedirs('/Users/dannyg/Desktop/Projects/TheanoCreations/Outputs') d3v.d3viz(predict, '/Users/dannyg/Desktop/Projects/TheanoCreations/Outputs/graph.html')
import theano as th import theano.tensor as T import numpy as np ninputs = 1000 nfeatures = 100 noutputs = 10 nhiddens = 50 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = T.dmatrix("x") wh = th.shared(rng.normal(0, 1, (nfeatures, nhiddens)), borrow=True) bh = th.shared(np.zeros(nhiddens), borrow=True) h = T.nnet.sigmoid(, wh) + bh) wy = th.shared(rng.normal(0, 1, (nhiddens, noutputs))) by = th.shared(np.zeros(noutputs), borrow=True) y = T.nnet.softmax(, wy) + by) predict = th.function([x], y) import theano.d3viz as d3v d3v.d3viz(predict, "examples/mlp.html")
def trainWithEarlyStopping(model, numEpochs, patience, validationFrequency, data, variables, batchSize, errorDict = None, AUCDict = None, logfile = None, name = "", debug = False, verbose = True, save = True, subfolder = "", visualize = False): Xtrain, Ytrain, Xval, Yval, mu, sig, AUCindices = data numTrainBatches = Xtrain.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batchSize numValidBatches = Xval.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batchSize patienceIncrease = 1.75 improvementThreshold = 0.999 stoppingCriteria = 10 bestValError = np.inf bestvalIter = 0 bestAUCval = 0 skipAUCEval = 0 #800 endIteration = False t0 = time.time() trainFunction = model.train(Xtrain, Ytrain, batchSize) validationErrorFunction = model.validationError(Xval, Yval) import theano.d3viz as d3v print "Building graph..." d3v.d3viz(trainFunction, 'd3viz/mlp.html') if verbose: print "Compilation time:", (time.time() - t0) / 60.0, "minutes" if logfile: logfile.write("Compilation time: " + str((time.time() - t0) / 60.0) + " minutes" + "\n") generalizationLoss = 0 trainingProgress = 0 trainingStrip = deque([0.0 for i in xrange(max(validationFrequency, 20))]) timestamp = time.strftime("%d%H%M%S") folder = "" printFrequency = 10 iter = 0 if visualize: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if errorDict is not None: if visualize: fig = plt.figure(1) fig.canvas.set_window_title('Error/Epochs') plt.title('Error/Epochs ' + model.optAlg) plt.ylabel('Error') plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.axis([0, numEpochs, 0, 50000]) errorDict["epoch"] = [] errorDict["trainError"] = [] errorDict["valError"] = [] if AUCDict is not None: if visualize: fig = plt.figure(2) fig.canvas.set_window_title('AUC/Epochs') plt.title('AUC/Epochs ' + model.optAlg) plt.ylabel('AUC') plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.axis([0, numEpochs, 0.5, 1]) AUCDict["epoch"] = [] AUCDict["trainAUC"] = [] AUCDict["valAUC"] = [] if visualize: plt.ion() if save: folder = 'saves\\' + subfolder + name + timestamp + '\\' if logfile: logfile.write("Folder to save in " + folder + "\n") os.makedirs(folder) if model.optAlg == "vSGDfd": if verbose: print "Slow starting vSGDfd..." for i in xrange(int(np.clip(0.001 * Xtrain.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batchSize, 1, numTrainBatches))): cost = trainFunction(i, 1) if verbose: print "Done with slow start" t0 = time.time() if verbose: print "Training..." if logfile: logfile.write("Training..." + "\n") for epoch in xrange(numEpochs): for minibatchIndex in xrange(numTrainBatches): if model.optAlg == "vSGDfd": cost = trainFunction(minibatchIndex, 0) else: cost = trainFunction(minibatchIndex) trainingStrip.pop() trainingStrip.appendleft(cost) iter = epoch * numTrainBatches + minibatchIndex if (iter + 1) % validationFrequency == 0: #valError = np.mean([validationErrorFunction(i) for i in xrange(numValidBatches)]) valError = validationErrorFunction() if logfile: logfile.write("Iteration: " + str(iter + 1) + ", epoch: " + str(epoch) + ", minibatchIndex: " + str(minibatchIndex) +", validation frequency: " + str(validationFrequency) + ", Error: " + str(cost) + ", validation error: " + str(valError) + "\n") if valError < bestValError: if verbose: print "Iteration:", iter + 1, ", epoch", epoch, ", minibatchIndex", minibatchIndex, ", validation frequency:", validationFrequency, ", Error:", cost, ", validation error:", valError if valError < bestValError * improvementThreshold: newPatience = max(patience, int(iter * patienceIncrease)) if newPatience > patience: patience = newPatience if verbose: print "valError has decreased significantly so the patience is updated to:", patience if logfile: logfile.write("valError has decreased significantly so the patience is updated to: " + str(patience) + "\n") if verbose: print "Best valError updated to:" , valError if logfile: logfile.write("Best valError updated to: " + str(valError) + "\n") AUCval = 0 if iter > skipAUCEval: AUCval = AUC(model, Xval, Yval, AUCindices["val"]) if verbose: print "current AUCval:", AUCval, ", bestAUCval:", bestAUCval if logfile: logfile.write("current AUCval: " + str(AUCval) + ", bestAUCval: " + str(bestAUCval) + "\n") if save and AUCval > bestAUCval: if verbose: print "AUC has improved. Saving..." if logfile: logfile.write("AUC has improved. Saving..." + "\n") model.saveModel(name = "", folder = folder, verbose = False) bestAUCval = AUCval bestvalIter = iter bestValError = valError # to limit the amount of printing to console elif (iter + 1) % (printFrequency * validationFrequency) == 0: if verbose: print "Iteration:", iter + 1, ", epoch", epoch, ", minibatchIndex", minibatchIndex, ", validation frequency:", validationFrequency, ", Error:", cost, ", validation error:", valError if iter - bestvalIter > validationFrequency * 20 and validationFrequency != 1: validationFrequency -= 1 bestvalIter = iter if verbose: print "Validation error has not improved for 20 validations so validation frequency is updated to", validationFrequency if logfile: logfile.write("Validation error has not improved for 20 validations so validation frequency is updated to " + str(validationFrequency) + "\n") if iter >= 20 and iter >= validationFrequency: # ensure the strip is filled # from "Early Stopping - but when?" by Lutz Prechelt generalizationLoss = 100 * (valError / (bestValError + 1e-9) - 1) trainingProgress = 1000 * (sum(trainingStrip) / (len(trainingStrip) * min(trainingStrip) + 1e-9) - 1) if generalizationLoss / (trainingProgress + 1e-9) > stoppingCriteria: if verbose: print "PQ stopping criteria has been triggered. GL/P:", generalizationLoss / (trainingProgress + 1e-9) if logfile: logfile.write("PQ stopping criteria has been triggered. GL/P: " + str(generalizationLoss / (trainingProgress + 1e-9)) + "\n") endIteration = True break if patience <= iter: if verbose: print "Patience exceeded" if logfile: logfile.write("Patience exceeded" + "\n") endIteration = True break if errorDict is not None: errorDict["epoch"].append(epoch) errorDict["trainError"].append(cost) errorDict["valError"].append(valError) if visualize: plt.figure(1) plt.plot(errorDict["epoch"], errorDict["trainError"], 'r-', errorDict["epoch"], errorDict["valError"], 'b-') plt.axis([0, max(1, errorDict["epoch"][-1]), min(errorDict["trainError"] + errorDict["valError"]), max(errorDict["trainError"] + errorDict["valError"])]) if AUCDict is not None: AUCtrain = AUC(model, Xtrain, Ytrain, AUCindices["train"]) AUCval = AUC(model, Xval, Yval, AUCindices["val"]) AUCDict["epoch"].append(epoch) AUCDict["trainAUC"].append(AUCtrain) AUCDict["valAUC"].append(AUCval) if visualize: plt.figure(2) plt.plot(AUCDict["epoch"], AUCDict["trainAUC"], 'r-', AUCDict["epoch"], AUCDict["valAUC"], 'b-') plt.axis([0, max(1, AUCDict["epoch"][-1]), min(AUCDict["trainAUC"] + AUCDict["valAUC"]), max(AUCDict["trainAUC"] + AUCDict["valAUC"])]) if visualize: plt.draw() plt.pause(0.0001) if endIteration: break if verbose: print "Execution time:", (time.time() - t0) / 60.0, " minutes" if logfile: logfile.write("Execution time: " + str((time.time() - t0) / 60.0) + " minutes" + "\n") if save: model.loadModel(name = "", folder = folder, verbose = False) ks = agreement(model, variables, mu, sig) cvm = correlation(model, variables, mu, sig) AUCval = AUC(model, Xval, Yval, AUCindices["val"]) if verbose: print "Agreement: " + str(ks) + " under 0.09 " + str(ks < 0.09) + ", Correlation: " + str(cvm) + " under 0.002 " + str(cvm < 0.002) print "AUCval: " + str(AUCval) if logfile: logfile.write("Agreement: " + str(ks) + " under 0.09 " + str(ks < 0.09) + ", Correlation: " + str(cvm) + " under 0.002 " + str(cvm < 0.002) + "\n") logfile.write("AUCval: " + str(AUCval) + "\n") return -AUCval + ((ks > 0.09) + (cvm > 0.002))