Пример #1
Файл: util.py Проект: cc13ny/ape
def make_scheduler(*sched_cmps):
    from theano.gof.sched import sort_schedule_fn
    from theano.tensor.io import mpi_cmps
    if theano.config.device == 'gpu':
        from theano.sandbox.cuda. async import gpu_cmps
        gpu_cmps = ()

    return sort_schedule_fn(*(tuple(sched_cmps) + mpi_cmps + gpu_cmps))
Пример #2
Файл: util.py Проект: wqren/ape
def make_scheduler(*sched_cmps):
    from theano.gof.sched import sort_schedule_fn
    from theano.tensor.io import mpi_cmps

    if theano.config.device == "gpu":
        from theano.sandbox.cuda.async import gpu_cmps
        gpu_cmps = ()

    return sort_schedule_fn(*(tuple(sched_cmps) + mpi_cmps + gpu_cmps))
Пример #3
def test_sort_schedule_fn():
    import theano
    from theano.gof.sched import sort_schedule_fn, make_depends
    x = theano.tensor.matrix('x')
    y = theano.tensor.dot(x[:5]*2, x.T+1).T
    str_cmp = lambda a, b: cmp(str(a), str(b))  # lexicographical sort
    linker = theano.OpWiseCLinker(schedule=sort_schedule_fn(str_cmp))
    mode = theano.Mode(linker=linker)
    f = theano.function((x,), (y,), mode=mode)

    nodes = f.maker.linker.make_all()[-1]
    depends = make_depends()
    for a, b in zip(nodes[:-1], nodes[1:]):
        if not depends((b, a)):
            assert str(a) < str(b)
Пример #4
def test_sort_schedule_fn():
    import theano
    from theano.gof.sched import sort_schedule_fn, make_depends
    x = theano.tensor.matrix('x')
    y = theano.tensor.dot(x[:5] * 2, x.T + 1).T
    str_cmp = lambda a, b: cmp(str(a), str(b))  # lexicographical sort
    linker = theano.OpWiseCLinker(schedule=sort_schedule_fn(str_cmp))
    mode = theano.Mode(linker=linker)
    f = theano.function((x, ), (y, ), mode=mode)

    nodes = f.maker.linker.make_all()[-1]
    depends = make_depends()
    for a, b in zip(nodes[:-1], nodes[1:]):
        if not depends((b, a)):
            assert str(a) < str(b)
Пример #5

rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()

if size != 2:
    stderr.write("mpiexec failed to create a world with two nodes.\n"
                 "Closing with success message.")

shape = (2, 2)
dtype = "float32"

scheduler = sort_schedule_fn(*mpi_cmps)
mode = theano.Mode(optimizer=None,

with change_flags(compute_test_value="off"):
    if rank == 0:
        x = theano.tensor.matrix("x", dtype=dtype)
        y = x + 1
        send_request = send(y, 1, 11)

        z = recv(shape, dtype, 1, 12)

        f = theano.function([x], [send_request, z], mode=mode)

        xx = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)
        expected = (xx + 1) * 2
Пример #6
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
import os
import subprocess

from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest

import theano
from theano import change_flags
from theano.compat import PY3
from theano.gof.sched import sort_schedule_fn
from theano.tensor.io import (send, recv, mpi_cmps, MPISend, MPISendWait,
                              mpi_send_wait_cmp, mpi_tag_cmp, mpi_enabled)

mpi_scheduler = sort_schedule_fn(*mpi_cmps)
mpi_linker = theano.OpWiseCLinker(schedule=mpi_scheduler)
mpi_mode = theano.Mode(linker=mpi_linker)

def test_recv():
    x = recv((10, 10), 'float64', 0, 11)
    assert x.dtype == 'float64'
    assert x.broadcastable == (False, False)

    recvnode = x.owner.inputs[0].owner
    assert recvnode.op.source == 0
    assert recvnode.op.tag    == 11

def test_send():
    x = theano.tensor.matrix('x')