Пример #1
    Toss it into the optimization pipeline to see the state of things at any
    given point.

    def __init__(self, header):
        self.header = header

    def apply(self, fgraph):
        import theano.printing
        print("PrintCurrentFunctionGraph:", self.header)

optdb = gof.SequenceDB()
optdb.register('merge1', gof.MergeOptimizer(), 0, 'fast_run', 'fast_compile',

# After scan1 opt at 0.5 and before ShapeOpt at 1
# This should only remove nodes.
# The opt should not do anything that need shape inference.
# New nodes that don't have infer_shape need that the original node
# also don't have infer_shape
local_useless = gof.optdb.LocalGroupDB(apply_all_opts=True, profile=True)
    0.6, 'fast_run', 'fast_compile')

optdb.register('merge1.1', gof.MergeOptimizer(), 0.65, 'fast_run',
Пример #2
    Toss it into the optimization pipeline to see the state of things at any
    given point.

    def __init__(self, header):
        self.header = header

    def apply(self, fgraph):
        import theano.printing
        print("PrintCurrentFunctionGraph:", self.header)

optdb = gof.SequenceDB()
optdb.register('merge1', gof.MergeOptimizer(),
               0, 'fast_run', 'fast_compile', 'merge')

# rearranges elemwise expressions
optdb.register('canonicalize', gof.EquilibriumDB(ignore_newtrees=False),
               1, 'fast_run', 'fast_compile', 'canonicalize_db')
# Register in the canonizer Equilibrium as a clean up opt the merge opt.
# Without this, as the equilibrium have ignore_newtrees=False, we
# won't merge all nodes if it is set as a global optimizer with
# final_opt=True.

# We need a new instance of MergeOptimizer to don't have its name
# changed by other usage of it.
optdb['canonicalize'].register("merge", gof.opt.MergeOptimizer(), 'fast_run',
                               "fast_compile", cleanup=True)
Пример #3
    given point.


    def __init__(self, header):
        self.header = header

    def apply(self, fgraph):
        import theano.printing

        print("PrintCurrentFunctionGraph:", self.header)

optdb = gof.SequenceDB()
optdb.register("merge1", gof.MergeOptimizer(), 0, "fast_run", "fast_compile", "merge")

# After scan1 opt at 0.5 and before ShapeOpt at 1
# This should only remove nodes.
# The opt should not do anything that need shape inference.
# New nodes that don't have infer_shape need that the original node
# also don't have infer_shape
local_useless = gof.optdb.LocalGroupDB(apply_all_opts=True, profile=True)
        local_useless, failure_callback=gof.opt.NavigatorOptimizer.warn_inplace
Пример #4

# If a string is passed as the optimizer argument in the constructor
# for Mode, it will be used as the key to retrieve the real optimizer
# in this dictionary
OPT_FAST_RUN = gof.Query(include = ['fast_run'])
OPT_FAST_RUN_STABLE = OPT_FAST_RUN.requiring('stable')
OPT_FAST_COMPILE = gof.Query(include = ['fast_compile'])
OPT_STABILIZE = gof.Query(include = ['fast_run'])
OPT_STABILIZE.position_cutoff = 1.5000001

predefined_optimizers = {
    None    : lambda env: None,
    'None'    : lambda env: None,
    'merge' : gof.MergeOptimizer(),
    'fast_run' : OPT_FAST_RUN,
    'fast_run_stable' : OPT_FAST_RUN_STABLE,
    'fast_compile' : OPT_FAST_COMPILE,
    'stabilize': OPT_STABILIZE

def register_optimizer(name, opt):
    """Add a `Optimizer` which can be referred to by `name` in `Mode`."""
    if name in predefined_optimizers:
        raise ValueError('Optimizer name already taken: %s' % name)
    predefined_optimizers[name] = opt

def register_OutputGuard_c_code(type):