Пример #1
    def __query__(self, q):
        if not isinstance(q, Query):
            raise TypeError("Expected a Query.", q)
        # The ordered set is needed for deterministic optimization.
        variables = OrderedSet()
        for tag in q.include:
        for tag in q.require:
        for tag in q.exclude:
        remove = OrderedSet()
        add = OrderedSet()
        for obj in variables:
            if isinstance(obj, DB):
                def_sub_query = q
                if q.extra_optimizations:
                    def_sub_query = copy.copy(q)
                    def_sub_query.extra_optimizations = []
                sq = q.subquery.get(obj.name, def_sub_query)

                replacement = obj.query(sq)
                replacement.name = obj.name
        return variables
Пример #2
    def __query__(self, q):
        if not isinstance(q, Query):
            raise TypeError('Expected a Query.', q)
        # The ordered set is needed for deterministic optimization.
        variables = OrderedSet()
        for tag in q.include:
        for tag in q.require:
        for tag in q.exclude:
        remove = OrderedSet()
        add = OrderedSet()
        for obj in variables:
            if isinstance(obj, DB):
                def_sub_query = q
                if q.extra_optimizations:
                    def_sub_query = copy.copy(q)
                    def_sub_query.extra_optimizations = []
                sq = q.subquery.get(obj.name, def_sub_query)

                replacement = obj.query(sq)
                replacement.name = obj.name
        return variables
Пример #3
    def orderings(self, fgraph):
        Return orderings induced by destructive operations.

        Raise InconsistencyError when
        a) attempting to destroy indestructable variable, or
        b) attempting to destroy a value multiple times, or
        c) an Apply destroys (illegally) one of its own inputs by aliasing

        rval = OrderedDict()

        if self.destroyers:
            # CHECK for multiple destructions during construction of variables

            droot, impact, __ignore = self.refresh_droot_impact()

            # check for destruction of constants
            illegal_destroy = [r for r in droot if
                               getattr(r.tag, 'indestructible', False) or
                               isinstance(r, graph.Constant)]
            if illegal_destroy:
                raise InconsistencyError(
                    "Attempting to destroy indestructible variables: %s" %

            # add destroyed variable clients as computational dependencies
            for app in self.destroyers:
                # for each destroyed input...
                for output_idx, input_idx_list in iteritems(app.op.destroy_map):
                    destroyed_idx = input_idx_list[0]
                    destroyed_variable = app.inputs[destroyed_idx]
                    root = droot[destroyed_variable]
                    root_impact = impact[root]
                    # we generally want to put all clients of things which depend on root
                    # as pre-requisites of app.
                    # But, app is itself one such client!
                    # App will always be a client of the node we're destroying
                    # (destroyed_variable, but the tricky thing is when it is also a client of
                    # *another variable* viewing on the root.  Generally this is illegal, (e.g.,
                    # add_inplace(x, x.T).  In some special cases though, the in-place op will
                    # actually be able to work properly with multiple destroyed inputs (e.g,
                    # add_inplace(x, x).  An Op that can still work in this case should declare
                    # so via the 'destroyhandler_tolerate_same' attribute or
                    # 'destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased' attribute.
                    # destroyhandler_tolerate_same should be a list of pairs of the form
                    # [(idx0, idx1), (idx0, idx2), ...]
                    # The first element of each pair is the input index of a destroyed
                    # variable.
                    # The second element of each pair is the index of a different input where
                    # we will permit exactly the same variable to appear.
                    # For example, add_inplace.tolerate_same might be [(0,1)] if the destroyed
                    # input is also allowed to appear as the second argument.
                    # destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased is the same sort of list of
                    # pairs.
                    # op.destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased = [(idx0, idx1)] tells the
                    # destroyhandler to IGNORE an aliasing between a destroyed
                    # input idx0 and another input idx1.
                    # This is generally a bad idea, but it is safe in some
                    # cases, such as
                    # - the op reads from the aliased idx1 before modifying idx0
                    # - the idx0 and idx1 are guaranteed not to overlap (e.g.
                    #   they are pointed at different rows of a matrix).

                    # CHECK FOR INPUT ALIASING
                    # OPT: pre-compute this on import
                    tolerate_same = getattr(app.op,
                                            'destroyhandler_tolerate_same', [])
                    assert isinstance(tolerate_same, list)
                    tolerated = OrderedSet(idx1 for idx0, idx1 in tolerate_same
                                           if idx0 == destroyed_idx)
                    tolerate_aliased = getattr(
                        app.op, 'destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased', [])
                    assert isinstance(tolerate_aliased, list)
                    ignored = OrderedSet(idx1 for idx0, idx1 in tolerate_aliased
                                         if idx0 == destroyed_idx)
                    # print 'tolerated', tolerated
                    # print 'ignored', ignored
                    for i, input in enumerate(app.inputs):
                        if i in ignored:
                        if input in root_impact \
                                and (i not in tolerated or
                                     input is not destroyed_variable):
                            raise InconsistencyError("Input aliasing: %s (%i, %i)"
                                                     % (app, destroyed_idx, i))

                    # add the rule: app must be preceded by all other Apply instances that
                    # depend on destroyed_input
                    root_clients = OrderedSet()
                    for r in root_impact:
                        assert not [a for a, c in self.clients[r].items() if not c]
                        root_clients.update([a for a, c in self.clients[r].items() if c])
                    if root_clients:
                        rval[app] = root_clients

        return rval
Пример #4
    def orderings(self, fgraph):
        """Return orderings induced by destructive operations.

        Raise InconsistencyError when
        a) attempting to destroy indestructable variable, or
        b) attempting to destroy a value multiple times, or
        c) an Apply destroys (illegally) one of its own inputs by aliasing

        rval = OrderedDict()

        if self.destroyers:
            # CHECK for multiple destructions during construction of variables

            droot, impact, __ignore = self.refresh_droot_impact()

            # check for destruction of constants
            illegal_destroy = [r for r in droot if
                               getattr(r.tag, 'indestructible', False) or
                               isinstance(r, graph.Constant)]
            if illegal_destroy:
                raise InconsistencyError(
                    "Attempting to destroy indestructible variables: %s" %

            # add destroyed variable clients as computational dependencies
            for app in self.destroyers:
                # for each destroyed input...
                for output_idx, input_idx_list in iteritems(app.op.destroy_map):
                    destroyed_idx = input_idx_list[0]
                    destroyed_variable = app.inputs[destroyed_idx]
                    root = droot[destroyed_variable]
                    root_impact = impact[root]
                    # we generally want to put all clients of things which depend on root
                    # as pre-requisites of app.
                    # But, app is itself one such client!
                    # App will always be a client of the node we're destroying
                    # (destroyed_variable, but the tricky thing is when it is also a client of
                    # *another variable* viewing on the root.  Generally this is illegal, (e.g.,
                    # add_inplace(x, x.T).  In some special cases though, the in-place op will
                    # actually be able to work properly with multiple destroyed inputs (e.g,
                    # add_inplace(x, x).  An Op that can still work in this case should declare
                    # so via the 'destroyhandler_tolerate_same' attribute or
                    # 'destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased' attribute.
                    # destroyhandler_tolerate_same should be a list of pairs of the form
                    # [(idx0, idx1), (idx0, idx2), ...]
                    # The first element of each pair is the input index of a destroyed
                    # variable.
                    # The second element of each pair is the index of a different input where
                    # we will permit exactly the same variable to appear.
                    # For example, add_inplace.tolerate_same might be [(0,1)] if the destroyed
                    # input is also allowed to appear as the second argument.
                    # destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased is the same sort of list of
                    # pairs.
                    # op.destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased = [(idx0, idx1)] tells the
                    # destroyhandler to IGNORE an aliasing between a destroyed
                    # input idx0 and another input idx1.
                    # This is generally a bad idea, but it is safe in some
                    # cases, such as
                    # - the op reads from the aliased idx1 before modifying idx0
                    # - the idx0 and idx1 are guaranteed not to overlap (e.g.
                    #   they are pointed at different rows of a matrix).

                    # CHECK FOR INPUT ALIASING
                    # OPT: pre-compute this on import
                    tolerate_same = getattr(app.op,
                                            'destroyhandler_tolerate_same', [])
                    assert isinstance(tolerate_same, list)
                    tolerated = OrderedSet(idx1 for idx0, idx1 in tolerate_same
                                           if idx0 == destroyed_idx)
                    tolerate_aliased = getattr(
                        app.op, 'destroyhandler_tolerate_aliased', [])
                    assert isinstance(tolerate_aliased, list)
                    ignored = OrderedSet(idx1 for idx0, idx1 in tolerate_aliased
                                         if idx0 == destroyed_idx)
                    # print 'tolerated', tolerated
                    # print 'ignored', ignored
                    for i, input in enumerate(app.inputs):
                        if i in ignored:
                        if input in root_impact \
                                and (i not in tolerated or
                                     input is not destroyed_variable):
                            raise InconsistencyError("Input aliasing: %s (%i, %i)"
                                                     % (app, destroyed_idx, i))

                    # add the rule: app must be preceded by all other Apply instances that
                    # depend on destroyed_input
                    root_clients = OrderedSet()
                    for r in root_impact:
                        assert not [a for a, c in self.clients[r].items() if not c]
                        root_clients.update([a for a, c in self.clients[r].items() if c])
                    if root_clients:
                        rval[app] = root_clients

        return rval