Пример #1
        def second_moments(i, j, M2, beta, iA, sn2, sf2M, sr, srdotSx,
                           srdotSxdotsr_c, srdotSxdotsr_r,
                           sin_srdotx, cos_srdotx, *args):
            # compute the second moments of the spectrum feature vectors
            siSxsj = srdotSx[i].dot(sr[j].T)  # Ms x Ms
            sijSxsij = -0.5*(srdotSxdotsr_c[i] + srdotSxdotsr_r[j])
            em = tt.exp(sijSxsij+siSxsj)      # MsxMs
            ep = tt.exp(sijSxsij-siSxsj)     # MsxMs
            si = sin_srdotx[i]       # Msx1
            ci = cos_srdotx[i]       # Msx1
            sj = sin_srdotx[j]       # Msx1
            cj = cos_srdotx[j]       # Msx1
            sicj = tt.outer(si, cj)  # MsxMs
            cisj = tt.outer(ci, sj)  # MsxMs
            sisj = tt.outer(si, sj)  # MsxMs
            cicj = tt.outer(ci, cj)  # MsxMs
            sm = (sicj-cisj)*em
            sp = (sicj+cisj)*ep
            cm = (sisj+cicj)*em
            cp = (cicj-sisj)*ep

            # Populate the second moment matrix of the feature vector
            Q_up = tt.concatenate([cm-cp, sm+sp], axis=1)
            Q_lo = tt.concatenate([sp-sm, cm+cp], axis=1)
            Q = tt.concatenate([Q_up, Q_lo], axis=0)

            # Compute the second moment of the output
            m2 = 0.5*matrix_dot(beta[i], Q, beta[j].T)

            m2 = theano.ifelse.ifelse(
                tt.eq(i, j),
                m2 + sn2[i]*(1.0 + sf2M[i]*tt.sum(self.iA[i]*Q)) + 1e-6,
            M2 = tt.set_subtensor(M2[i, j], m2)
            return M2
    def dimemsion_transform(self, X):
        self.mean = T.mean(X, axis=0)
        X -= self.mean
        U, s, V = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)

        self.principal = V[:self.dim]

        return linalg.matrix_dot(X, T.transpose(self.principal))
    def inverse_transform(self, X):
        Perform an approximation of the input matrix of observations
        to the original dimensionality space

        :param X: The matrix of observations, where the training samples
        populate the rows, and the features populate the columns

        :return: Xhat, the dimensionality increased representation of the data

        return linalg.matrix_dot(X, self.principal) + self.mean
Пример #4
        def second_moments(i, j, M2, beta, R, logk_c, logk_r, z_, Sx, *args):
            # This comes from Deisenroth's thesis ( Eqs 2.51- 2.54 )
            Rij = R[i, j]
            n2 = logk_c[i] + logk_r[j]
            n2 += utils.maha(z_[i], -z_[j], 0.5 * solve(Rij, Sx))
            Q = tt.exp(n2) / tt.sqrt(det(Rij))

            # Eq 2.55
            m2 = matrix_dot(beta[i], Q, beta[j])

            m2 = theano.ifelse.ifelse(tt.eq(i, j), m2 + 1e-6, m2)
            M2 = tt.set_subtensor(M2[i, j], m2)
            return M2
Пример #5
 def grad(self, inputs, g_outputs):
     r"""The gradient function should return
         .. math:: V\frac{\partial X^{-1}}{\partial X},
     where :math:`V` corresponds to ``g_outputs`` and :math:`X` to
     ``inputs``. Using the `matrix cookbook
     one can deduce that the relation corresponds to
         .. math:: (X^{-1} \cdot V^{T} \cdot X^{-1})^T.
     x, = inputs
     xi = self(x)
     gz, = g_outputs
     # TT.dot(gz.T,xi)
     return [-matrix_dot(xi, gz.T, xi).T]
Пример #6
 def R_op(self, inputs, eval_points):
     r"""The gradient function should return
         .. math:: \frac{\partial X^{-1}}{\partial X}V,
     where :math:`V` corresponds to ``g_outputs`` and :math:`X` to
     ``inputs``. Using the `matrix cookbook
     one can deduce that the relation corresponds to
         .. math:: X^{-1} \cdot V \cdot X^{-1}.
     x, = inputs
     xi = self(x)
     ev, = eval_points
     if ev is None:
         return [None]
     return [-matrix_dot(xi, ev, xi)]
Пример #7
def test_matrix_dot():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    n = rng.randint(4) + 2
    rs = []
    xs = []
    for k in xrange(n):
        rs += [rng.randn(4, 4).astype(theano.config.floatX)]
        xs += [tensor.matrix()]
    sol = matrix_dot(*xs)

    theano_sol = function(xs, sol)(*rs)
    numpy_sol = rs[0]
    for r in rs[1:]:
        numpy_sol = np.dot(numpy_sol, r)

    assert _allclose(numpy_sol, theano_sol)
Пример #8
def test_matrix_dot():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    n = rng.randint(4) + 2
    rs = []
    xs = []
    for k in xrange(n):
        rs += [rng.randn(4, 4).astype(theano.config.floatX)]
        xs += [tensor.matrix()]
    sol = matrix_dot(*xs)

    theano_sol = function(xs, sol)(*rs)
    numpy_sol = rs[0]
    for r in rs[1:]:
        numpy_sol = np.dot(numpy_sol, r)

    assert _allclose(numpy_sol, theano_sol)
 def inverse_transform(self, X):
     return linalg.matrix_dot(X, self.principal) + self.mean