def __init__(self, params, model_inp, layer_inp, corruption_type=None, corruption_level=0): # Parameters self.params = params self.model_inp = model_inp self.layer_inp = layer_inp self.corruption_type = corruption_type self.corruption_level = corruption_level # corrupt input corr_inp = corrupt(layer_inp, corruption_type, corruption_level) out = [] self.nb_channels = 0 if params.mean_filter_size!= 0: out += [params.m_act(conv(corr_inp, params.mean_filters) + params.mean_b.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x'))] self.nb_channels += params.mean_filter_size[0] if params.cov_filter_size != 0: f = conv(corr_inp, params.cov_filters)**2 out += [params.c_act(conv(f, params.cov_mapping) + params.cov_b.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x'))] self.nb_channels += params.map_filter_size[0] self.out = T.concatenate(out, axis=1)
def dec(self, inp, corruption_type=None, corruption_level=0, border_mode = 'valid'): # Corrupt input inp = corrupt(inp, corruption_type, corruption_level) # Apply filter and return return conv(inp, self.W[:,:,::-1,::-1].transpose(1,0,2,3), border_mode=border_mode) * self.scale
def rec_error(X,Z,D): # Calculates the reconstruction rec_i = sum_j Z_ij * D_j # and the corresponding (mean) square reconstruction error # rec_error = (X_i - rec_i) ** 2 rec = conv(Z,D,border_mode='valid', image_shape=config['Zinit'],filter_shape=_D.shape) rec_error = 0.5*T.mean(((X-rec)**2).sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1)) return rec_error, rec
def __call__(self, inp, corruption_type=None, corruption_level=0, border_mode = 'valid'): # Corrupt input inp = corrupt(inp, corruption_type, corruption_level) # Scale if using biased noise inp = inp / T.cast(1-corruption_level, th.config.floatX) if corruption_type == 'zeromask' and corruption_level > 0 else inp # Filtered output f = conv(inp, self.W, border_mode=border_mode) * self.scale return step(f-self.threshold) * f
def _model(self, inp, inp_corruption_type=None, inp_corruption_level=0, hid_corruption_type=None, hid_corruption_level=0, L1_hiddens=0, L2_weights=0): # Encoder #enc_input_sz = self.input_sz #enc_filter_sz = self.filter_sz corr_inp = corrupt(inp, inp_corruption_type, inp_corruption_level) hid = self.act( conv(corr_inp, self.params.w_enc, border_mode='valid') + self.params.b_enc.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x')) # Decoder #dec_input_sz = (enc_input_sz[0], enc_filter_sz[0], enc_input_sz[2]-enc_filter_sz[2]+1, enc_input_sz[3]-enc_filter_sz[3]+1) #dec_filter_sz = (int([1:])), enc_filter_sz[0], 1, 1) corr_hid = corrupt(hid, hid_corruption_type, hid_corruption_level) out = conv(corr_hid, self.params.w_dec, border_mode='valid') # Make cost function cost = T.mean((0.5 * (out.flatten(2) - inp.flatten(2))**2).sum(axis=1)) # Add L1 hiddens cost if L1_hiddens > 0: cost += L1_hiddens * abs(hid).sum(1).mean() # Add L2 weight cost if L2_weights > 0: cost += L2_weights * ((self.params.w_enc**2.).sum() + (self.params.w_dec**2.).sum()) return hid, cost
def __init__(self, params, act, model_inp, layer_inp, corruption_type=None, corruption_level=0): # Parameters self.params = params self.model_inp = model_inp self.layer_inp = layer_inp self.corruption_type = corruption_type self.corruption_level = corruption_level # Model corr_inp = corrupt(layer_inp, corruption_type, corruption_level) self.out = act( conv(corr_inp, params.W, border_mode='valid') + params.B.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x'))
def _update_model(self): # Corrupt input corr_inp = corrupt(self.inp, 'zeromask', self.dropout_level) # Apply convolution out = conv(corr_inp, self.params.W, border_mode='valid') + self.params.B.dimshuffle( 'x', 0, 'x', 'x') # Remember convolution output shape out_shape = out.shape #out_shape = thprint("out.shape = ")(out.shape) # Reshape to softmax format (2D) out = out.dimshuffle(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape( (out.size // self.nb_classes, self.nb_classes)) # Compute class probability self.prob = softmax(out) # Class prediction self.pred = T.argmax(self.prob, axis=1).reshape( (out_shape[0], out_shape[2], out_shape[3], out_shape[1] // self.nb_classes)).dimshuffle(0, 3, 1, 2) # Compute softmax cost self.cost = -T.mean( T.log( self.prob[T.arange(self.prob.shape[0]), self.conv_labels.dimshuffle(0, 2, 3, 1).flatten()])) # Reshape class prob to convolutional format self.prob = self.prob.reshape( (out_shape[0], out_shape[2], out_shape[3], out_shape[1])).dimshuffle(0, 3, 1, 2) # Prediction error self.error = T.mean(T.neq(self.pred, self.conv_labels))
def _update_labels(self): if self._lab_filter_sz[2] == self._lab_image_sz[ 2] and self._lab_filter_sz[3] == self._lab_image_sz[3]: self.conv_labels = self.labels.flatten(2).dimshuffle( 0, 1, 'x', 'x') elif self._lab_filter_sz[2] < self._lab_image_sz[ 2] or self._lab_filter_sz[3] < self._lab_image_sz[3]: # Make sure input lab_filter_sz is correct assert (self._lab_filter_sz[0] == self._lab_filter_sz[2] * self._lab_filter_sz[3]) assert (self._lab_filter_sz[1] == 1) # Build selection array lab_filters = np.zeros(self._lab_filter_sz, dtype=th.config.floatX) # Set filters s = np.arange(self._lab_filter_sz[0]) lab_filters[s, 0, (s // self._lab_filter_sz[3]) % self._lab_filter_sz[2], s % self._lab_filter_sz[3]] = 1 # Create shared variable lab_filters = th.shared(lab_filters) # Modify input labels self.conv_labels = conv(self.labels.astype(th.config.floatX), lab_filters, image_shape=self._lab_image_sz, filter_shape=self._lab_filter_sz, border_mode='valid') self.conv_labels = self.conv_labels.astype(self.labels.dtype) else: raise ValueError, 'Unhandeled case'
def lconvista(config, shrinkage): """Learned Convolutional ISTA Returns TODO """ print "[LConvISTA]" layers = config['layers'] btsz = config['btsz'] _D = config['D'] D = theano.shared(value=np.asarray(_D, dtype=theano.config.floatX),borrow=True,name='D') _theta = config['theta'] theta = theano.shared(value=np.asarray(_theta, dtype=theano.config.floatX),borrow=True,name="theta") _L = config['L'] L = theano.shared(value=np.asarray(_L, dtype=theano.config.floatX),borrow=True,name="L") params = [D,theta,L] #filter shape information for speed up of convolution fs1 = _D.shape fs2 = (fs1[1],fs1[0],fs1[2],fs1[3]) #need tensor4:s due to interface of nnet.conv.conv2d #X.shape = (btsz, singleton dimension, h, w) X = T.tensor4('X', dtype=theano.config.floatX) #Z.shape = (btsz, n_filters, h+s-1, w+s-1) Z = T.zeros(config['Zinit'],dtype=theano.config.floatX) # The combination of for loop and 'hand calculated' gradient was tested # on CPU with 2 layers and 16 filters as well as 5 layers and 49 filters. # Note though that T.grad catches up with increasing parameters. # Hand calculated grad is preferred due to higher flexibility. for i in range(layers): gradZ = conv( conv( Z,D,border_mode='valid', image_shape=config['Zinit'],filter_shape=fs1 ) - X, D[:,:,::-1,::-1].dimshuffle(1,0,2,3),border_mode='full', image_shape=config['Xshape'], filter_shape=fs2 ) / btsz Z = shrinkage(Z - 1/L * gradZ,theta) def rec_error(X,Z,D): # Calculates the reconstruction rec_i = sum_j Z_ij * D_j # and the corresponding (mean) square reconstruction error # rec_error = (X_i - rec_i) ** 2 rec = conv(Z,D,border_mode='valid', image_shape=config['Zinit'],filter_shape=_D.shape) rec_error = 0.5*T.mean(((X-rec)**2).sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1)) return rec_error, rec sparsity = T.mean(T.sum(T.sum(T.abs_(Z),axis=-1),axis=-1)) re, rec = rec_error(X,Z,D) return X, params, Z, rec, re, sparsity
def __call__(self, inp, mode=None): act = activation(self.act) return act(conv(inp, self.W) + self.b.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x'))