Пример #1
    def _initialize_posterior_distribution(self, RecognitionParams):

        # Now actually compute the precisions (from their square roots)
        self.Lambda = T.batched_dot(self.LambdaChol, self.LambdaChol.dimshuffle(0,2,1))

        # dynamics matrix & initialize the innovations precision, xDim x xDim
        self.A         = theano.shared(value=RecognitionParams['A'].astype(theano.config.floatX)        ,name='A'        )
        self.QinvChol  = theano.shared(value=RecognitionParams['QinvChol'].astype(theano.config.floatX) ,name='QinvChol' )
        self.Q0invChol = theano.shared(value=RecognitionParams['Q0invChol'].astype(theano.config.floatX),name='Q0invChol')

        self.Qinv  = T.dot(self.QinvChol,self.QinvChol.T)
        self.Q0inv = T.dot(self.Q0invChol,self.Q0invChol.T)

        ################## put together the total precision matrix ######################

        AQinvA = T.dot(T.dot(self.A.T, self.Qinv), self.A)

        # for now we (suboptimally) replicate a bunch of times
        AQinvrep = Tsla.kron(T.ones([self.Tt-1,1,1]),-T.dot(self.A.T, self.Qinv)) # off-diagonal blocks (upper triangle)

        AQinvArep = Tsla.kron(T.ones([self.Tt-2,1,1]), AQinvA+self.Qinv)
        AQinvArepPlusQ = T.concatenate([T.shape_padleft(self.Q0inv + AQinvA), AQinvArep, T.shape_padleft(self.Qinv)])

        # This is our inverse covariance matrix: diagonal (AA) and off-diagonal (BB) blocks.
        self.AA = self.Lambda + AQinvArepPlusQ
        self.BB = AQinvrep

        # symbolic recipe for computing the the diagonal (V) and
        # off-diagonal (VV) blocks of the posterior covariance
        self.V, self.VV, self.S = compute_sym_blk_tridiag(self.AA, self.BB)

        # now compute the posterior mean
        LambdaMu = T.batched_dot(self.Lambda, self.Mu) # scale by precision (no need for transpose; lambda is symmetric)

        #self.old_postX = compute_sym_blk_tridiag_inv_b(self.S,self.V,LambdaMu) # apply inverse

        # compute cholesky decomposition
        self.the_chol = blk_tridag_chol(self.AA, self.BB)
        # intermediary (mult by R^T) -
        ib = blk_chol_inv(self.the_chol[0], self.the_chol[1], LambdaMu)
        # final result (mult by R)-
        self.postX = blk_chol_inv(self.the_chol[0], self.the_chol[1], ib, lower=False, transpose=True)

        # The determinant of the covariance is the square of the determinant of the cholesky factor.
        # Determinant of the Cholesky factor is the product of the diagonal elements of the block-diagonal.
        def comp_log_det(L):
            return T.log(T.diag(L)).sum()
        self.ln_determinant = -2*theano.scan(fn=comp_log_det, sequences=self.the_chol[0])[0].sum()
Пример #2
 def test_numpy_2d(self):
     for shp0 in [(2, 3)]:
         x = tensor.tensor(dtype="floatX", broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp0))
         a = numpy.asarray(self.rng.rand(*shp0)).astype(config.floatX)
         for shp1 in [(6, 7)]:
             if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 2:
             y = tensor.tensor(dtype="floatX", broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp1))
             f = function([x, y], kron(x, y))
             b = self.rng.rand(*shp1).astype(config.floatX)
             out = f(a, b)
             assert numpy.allclose(out, numpy.kron(a, b))
Пример #3
 def test_numpy_2d(self):
     for shp0 in [(2, 3)]:
         x = tensor.tensor(dtype="floatX", broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp0))
         a = np.asarray(self.rng.rand(*shp0)).astype(config.floatX)
         for shp1 in [(6, 7)]:
             if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 2:
             y = tensor.tensor(dtype="floatX", broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp1))
             f = function([x, y], kron(x, y))
             b = self.rng.rand(*shp1).astype(config.floatX)
             out = f(a, b)
             assert np.allclose(out, np.kron(a, b))
Пример #4
    def test_perform(self):
        if not imported_scipy:
            raise SkipTest('kron tests need the scipy package to be installed')

        for shp0 in [(2,), (2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5)]:
            for shp1 in [(6,), (6, 7), (6, 7, 8), (6, 7, 8, 9)]:
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 2:
                x = tensor.tensor(dtype='floatX',
                                  broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp0))
                y = tensor.tensor(dtype='floatX',
                                  broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp1))
                f = function([x, y], kron(x, y))
                a = numpy.asarray(self.rng.rand(*shp0)).astype(config.floatX)
                b = self.rng.rand(*shp1).astype(config.floatX)
                out = f(a, b)
                assert numpy.allclose(out, scipy.linalg.kron(a, b))
Пример #5
    def test_perform(self):
        if not imported_scipy:
            raise SkipTest('kron tests need the scipy package to be installed')

        for shp0 in [(2, ), (2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5)]:
            for shp1 in [(6, ), (6, 7), (6, 7, 8), (6, 7, 8, 9)]:
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 2:
                x = tensor.tensor(dtype='floatX',
                                  broadcastable=(False, ) * len(shp0))
                y = tensor.tensor(dtype='floatX',
                                  broadcastable=(False, ) * len(shp1))
                f = function([x, y], kron(x, y))
                a = numpy.asarray(self.rng.rand(*shp0)).astype(config.floatX)
                b = self.rng.rand(*shp1).astype(config.floatX)
                out = f(a, b)
                assert numpy.allclose(out, scipy.linalg.kron(a, b))
Пример #6
    def test_perform(self):
        scipy = pytest.importorskip("scipy")

        for shp0 in [(2,), (2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5)]:
            x = tensor.tensor(dtype="floatX", broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp0))
            a = np.asarray(self.rng.rand(*shp0)).astype(config.floatX)
            for shp1 in [(6,), (6, 7), (6, 7, 8), (6, 7, 8, 9)]:
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 2:
                y = tensor.tensor(dtype="floatX", broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp1))
                f = function([x, y], kron(x, y))
                b = self.rng.rand(*shp1).astype(config.floatX)
                out = f(a, b)
                # Newer versions of scipy want 4 dimensions at least,
                # so we have to add a dimension to a and flatten the result.
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 3:
                    scipy_val = scipy.linalg.kron(a[np.newaxis, :], b).flatten()
                    scipy_val = scipy.linalg.kron(a, b)
                utt.assert_allclose(out, scipy_val)
Пример #7
    def test_perform(self):
        if not imported_scipy:
            raise SkipTest("kron tests need the scipy package to be installed")

        for shp0 in [(2,), (2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5)]:
            x = tensor.tensor(dtype="floatX", broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp0))
            a = numpy.asarray(self.rng.rand(*shp0)).astype(config.floatX)
            for shp1 in [(6,), (6, 7), (6, 7, 8), (6, 7, 8, 9)]:
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 2:
                y = tensor.tensor(dtype="floatX", broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp1))
                f = function([x, y], kron(x, y))
                b = self.rng.rand(*shp1).astype(config.floatX)
                out = f(a, b)
                # Newer versions of scipy want 4 dimensions at least,
                # so we have to add a dimension to a and flatten the result.
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 3:
                    scipy_val = scipy.linalg.kron(a[numpy.newaxis, :], b).flatten()
                    scipy_val = scipy.linalg.kron(a, b)
                utt.assert_allclose(out, scipy_val)
Пример #8
    def test_perform(self):
        if not imported_scipy:
            raise SkipTest('kron tests need the scipy package to be installed')

        for shp0 in [(2,), (2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5)]:
            x = tensor.tensor(dtype='floatX',
                              broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp0))
            a = numpy.asarray(self.rng.rand(*shp0)).astype(config.floatX)
            for shp1 in [(6,), (6, 7), (6, 7, 8), (6, 7, 8, 9)]:
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 2:
                y = tensor.tensor(dtype='floatX',
                                  broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp1))
                f = function([x, y], kron(x, y))
                b = self.rng.rand(*shp1).astype(config.floatX)
                out = f(a, b)
                # Newer versions of scipy want 4 dimensions at least,
                # so we have to add a dimension to a and flatten the result.
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 3:
                    scipy_val = scipy.linalg.kron(
                        a[numpy.newaxis, :], b).flatten()
                    scipy_val = scipy.linalg.kron(a, b)
                utt.assert_allclose(out, scipy_val)
    def __init__(self,
                 numberOfInducingPoints,  # Number of inducing ponts in sparse GP
                 batchSize,              # Size of mini batch
                 dimX,                   # Dimensionality of the latent co-ordinates
                 dimZ,                   # Dimensionality of the latent variables
                 data,                   # [NxP] matrix of observations
                 encoderType_qX='FreeForm2',  # 'MLP', 'Kernel'.
                 encoderType_rX='FreeForm2',  # 'MLP', 'Kernel'

        self.numTestSamples = 5000

        # set the data
        data = np.asarray(data, dtype=precision)
        self.N = data.shape[0]  # Number of observations
        self.P = data.shape[1]  # Dimension of each observation
        self.M = numberOfInducingPoints
        self.B = batchSize
        self.R = dimX
        self.Q = dimZ
        self.H = numberOfEncoderHiddenUnits

        self.encoderType_qX = encoderType_qX
        self.encoderType_rX = encoderType_rX
        self.Xu_optimise = Xu_optimise

        self.y = th.shared(data)
        self.y.name = 'y'

        if kernelType == 'RBF':
            self.numberOfKernelParameters = 2
        elif kernelType == 'RBFnn':
            self.numberOfKernelParameters = 1
        elif kernelType == 'ARD':
            self.numberOfKernelParameters = self.R + 1
            raise RuntimeError('Unrecognised kernel type')

        self.lowerBound = -np.inf  # Lower bound

        self.numberofBatchesPerEpoch = int(np.ceil(np.float32(self.N) / self.B))
        numPad = self.numberofBatchesPerEpoch * self.B - self.N

        self.batchStream = srng.permutation(n=self.N)
        self.padStream   = srng.choice(size=(numPad,), a=self.N,
                                       replace=False, p=None, ndim=None, dtype='int32')

        self.batchStream.name = 'batchStream'
        self.padStream.name = 'padStream'

        self.iterator = th.shared(0)
        self.iterator.name = 'iterator'

        self.allBatches = T.reshape(T.concatenate((self.batchStream, self.padStream)), [self.numberofBatchesPerEpoch, self.B])
        self.currentBatch = T.flatten(self.allBatches[self.iterator, :])

        self.allBatches.name = 'allBatches'
        self.currentBatch.name = 'currentBatch'

        self.y_miniBatch = self.y[self.currentBatch, :]
        self.y_miniBatch.name = 'y_miniBatch'

        self.jitterDefault = np.float64(0.0001)
        self.jitterGrowthFactor = np.float64(1.1)
        self.jitter = th.shared(np.asarray(self.jitterDefault, dtype='float64'), name='jitter')

        kfactory = kernelFactory(kernelType)

        # kernel parameters
        self.log_theta = sharedZeroMatrix(1, self.numberOfKernelParameters, 'log_theta', broadcastable=(True,False)) # parameters of Kuu, Kuf, Kff
        self.log_omega = sharedZeroMatrix(1, self.numberOfKernelParameters, 'log_omega', broadcastable=(True,False)) # parameters of Kuu, Kuf, Kff
        self.log_gamma = sharedZeroMatrix(1, self.numberOfKernelParameters, 'log_gamma', broadcastable=(True,False)) # parameters of Kuu, Kuf, Kff

        # Random variables
        self.xi    = srng.normal(size=(self.B, self.R), avg=0.0, std=1.0, ndim=None)
        self.alpha = srng.normal(size=(self.M, self.Q), avg=0.0, std=1.0, ndim=None)
        self.beta  = srng.normal(size=(self.B, self.Q), avg=0.0, std=1.0, ndim=None)
        self.xi.name    = 'xi'
        self.alpha.name = 'alpha'
        self.beta.name  = 'beta'

        self.sample_xi    = th.function([], self.xi)
        self.sample_alpha = th.function([], self.alpha)
        self.sample_beta  = th.function([], self.beta)

        self.sample_batchStream = th.function([], self.batchStream)
        self.sample_padStream   = th.function([], self.padStream)

        self.getCurrentBatch = th.function([], self.currentBatch, no_default_updates=True)

        # Compute parameters of q(X)
        if self.encoderType_qX == 'FreeForm1' or self.encoderType_qX == 'FreeForm2':
            # Have a normal variational distribution over location of latent co-ordinates

            self.phi_full = sharedZeroMatrix(self.N, self.R, 'phi_full')
            self.phi = self.phi_full[self.currentBatch, :]
            self.phi.name = 'phi'

            if encoderType_qX == 'FreeForm1':

                self.Phi_full_sqrt = sharedZeroMatrix(self.N, self.N, 'Phi_full_sqrt')

                Phi_batch_sqrt = self.Phi_full_sqrt[self.currentBatch][:, self.currentBatch]
                Phi_batch_sqrt.name = 'Phi_batch_sqrt'

                self.Phi = dot(Phi_batch_sqrt, Phi_batch_sqrt.T, 'Phi')

                self.cPhi, _, self.logDetPhi = cholInvLogDet(self.Phi, self.B, 0)

                self.qX_vars = [self.Phi_full_sqrt, self.phi_full]


                self.Phi_full_logdiag = sharedZeroArray(self.N, 'Phi_full_logdiag')

                Phi_batch_logdiag = self.Phi_full_logdiag[self.currentBatch]
                Phi_batch_logdiag.name = 'Phi_batch_logdiag'

                self.Phi, self.cPhi, _, self.logDetPhi \
                    = diagCholInvLogDet_fromLogDiag(Phi_batch_logdiag, 'Phi')

                self.qX_vars = [self.Phi_full_logdiag, self.phi_full]

        elif self.encoderType_qX == 'MLP':

            # Auto encode
            self.W1_qX = sharedZeroMatrix(self.H, self.P, 'W1_qX')
            self.W2_qX = sharedZeroMatrix(self.R, self.H, 'W2_qX')
            self.W3_qX = sharedZeroMatrix(1, self.H, 'W3_qX')
            self.b1_qX = sharedZeroVector(self.H, 'b1_qX', broadcastable=(False, True))
            self.b2_qX = sharedZeroVector(self.R, 'b2_qX', broadcastable=(False, True))
            self.b3_qX = sharedZeroVector(1, 'b3_qX', broadcastable=(False, True))

            # [HxB] = softplus( [HxP] . [BxP]^T + repmat([Hx1],[1,B]) )
            h_qX = softplus(plus(dot(self.W1_qX, self.y_miniBatch.T), self.b1_qX), 'h_qX' )
            # [RxB] = sigmoid( [RxH] . [HxB] + repmat([Rx1],[1,B]) )
            mu_qX = plus(dot(self.W2_qX, h_qX), self.b2_qX, 'mu_qX')
            # [1xB] = 0.5 * ( [1xH] . [HxB] + repmat([1x1],[1,B]) )
            log_sigma_qX = mul( 0.5, plus(dot(self.W3_qX, h_qX), self.b3_qX), 'log_sigma_qX')

            self.phi  = mu_qX.T  # [BxR]
            self.Phi, self.cPhi, self.iPhi,self.logDetPhi \
                = diagCholInvLogDet_fromLogDiag(log_sigma_qX, 'Phi')

            self.qX_vars = [self.W1_qX, self.W2_qX, self.W3_qX, self.b1_qX, self.b2_qX, self.b3_qX]

        elif self.encoderType_qX == 'Kernel':

            # Draw the latent coordinates from a GP with data co-ordinates
            self.Phi = kfactory.kernel(self.y_miniBatch, None, self.log_gamma, 'Phi')
            self.phi = sharedZeroMatrix(self.B, self.R, 'phi')
            (self.cPhi, self.iPhi, self.logDetPhi) = cholInvLogDet(self.Phi, self.B, self.jitter)

            self.qX_vars = [self.log_gamma]

            raise RuntimeError('Unrecognised encoding for q(X): ' + self.encoderType_qX)

        # Variational distribution q(u)
        self.kappa = sharedZeroMatrix(self.M, self.Q, 'kappa')
        self.Kappa_sqrt = sharedZeroMatrix(self.M, self.M, 'Kappa_sqrt')
        self.Kappa = dot(self.Kappa_sqrt, self.Kappa_sqrt.T, 'Kappa')

        (self.cKappa, self.iKappa, self.logDetKappa) \
                    = cholInvLogDet(self.Kappa, self.M, 0)
        self.qu_vars = [self.Kappa_sqrt, self.kappa]

        # Calculate latent co-ordinates Xf
        # [BxR]  = [BxR] + [BxB] . [BxR]
        self.Xz = plus( self.phi, dot(self.cPhi, self.xi), 'Xf' )
        # Inducing points co-ordinates
        self.Xu = sharedZeroMatrix(self.M, self.R, 'Xu')

        # Kernels
        self.Kzz = kfactory.kernel(self.Xz, None,    self.log_theta, 'Kff')
        self.Kuu = kfactory.kernel(self.Xu, None,    self.log_theta, 'Kuu')
        self.Kzu = kfactory.kernel(self.Xz, self.Xu, self.log_theta, 'Kfu')
        self.cKuu, self.iKuu, self.logDetKuu = cholInvLogDet(self.Kuu, self.M, self.jitter)

        # Variational distribution
        # A has dims [BxM] = [BxM] . [MxM]
        self.A = dot(self.Kzu, self.iKuu, 'A')
        # L is the covariance of conditional distribution q(z|u,Xf)
        self.C = minus( self.Kzz, dot(self.A, self.Kzu.T), 'C')
        self.cC, self.iC, self.logDetC = cholInvLogDet(self.C, self.B, self.jitter)

        # Sample u_q from q(u_q) = N(u_q; kappa_q, Kappa )  [MxQ]
        self.u  = plus(self.kappa, (dot(self.cKappa, self.alpha)), 'u')
        # compute mean of z [QxB]
        # [BxQ] = [BxM] * [MxQ]
        self.mu = dot(self.A, self.u, 'mu')
        # Sample f from q(f|u,X) = N( mu_q, C )
        # [BxQ] =
        self.z  = plus(self.mu, (dot(self.cC, self.beta)), 'z')

        self.qz_vars = [self.log_theta]

        self.iUpsilon = plus(self.iKappa, dot(self.A.T, dot(self.iC, self.A) ), 'iUpsilon')
        _, self.Upsilon, self.negLogDetUpsilon = cholInvLogDet(self.iUpsilon, self.M, self.jitter)

        if self.encoderType_rX == 'MLP':

            self.W1_rX = sharedZeroMatrix(self.H, self.Q+self.P, 'W1_rX')
            self.W2_rX = sharedZeroMatrix(self.R, self.H, 'W2_rX')
            self.W3_rX = sharedZeroMatrix(self.R, self.H, 'W3_rX')
            self.b1_rX = sharedZeroVector(self.H, 'b1_rX', broadcastable=(False, True))
            self.b2_rX = sharedZeroVector(self.R, 'b2_rX', broadcastable=(False, True))
            self.b3_rX = sharedZeroVector(self.R, 'b3_rX', broadcastable=(False, True))

            # [HxB] = softplus( [Hx(Q+P)] . [(Q+P)xB] + repmat([Hx1], [1,B]) )
            h_rX = softplus(plus(dot(self.W1_rX, T.concatenate((self.z.T, self.y_miniBatch.T))), self.b1_rX), 'h_rX')
            # [RxB] = softplus( [RxH] . [HxB] + repmat([Rx1], [1,B]) )
            mu_rX = plus(dot(self.W2_rX, h_rX), self.b2_rX, 'mu_rX')
            # [RxB] = 0.5*( [RxH] . [HxB] + repmat([Rx1], [1,B]) )
            log_sigma_rX = mul( 0.5, plus(dot(self.W3_rX, h_rX), self.b3_rX), 'log_sigma_rX')

            self.tau = mu_rX.T

            # Diagonal optimisation of Tau
            self.Tau_isDiagonal = True
            self.Tau = T.reshape(log_sigma_rX, [self.B * self.R, 1])
            self.logDetTau = T.sum(log_sigma_rX)
            self.Tau.name = 'Tau'
            self.logDetTau.name = 'logDetTau'

            self.rX_vars = [self.W1_rX, self.W2_rX, self.W3_rX, self.b1_rX, self.b2_rX, self.b3_rX]

        elif self.encoderType_rX == 'Kernel':

            self.tau = sharedZeroMatrix(self.B, self.R, 'tau')

            # Tau_r [BxB] = kernel( [[BxQ]^T,[BxP]^T].T )
            Tau_r = kfactory.kernel(T.concatenate((self.z.T, self.y_miniBatch.T)).T, None, self.log_omega, 'Tau_r')
            (cTau_r, iTau_r, logDetTau_r) = cholInvLogDet(Tau_r, self.B, self.jitter)

            # self.Tau  = slinalg.kron(T.eye(self.R), Tau_r)
            self.cTau = slinalg.kron(cTau_r, T.eye(self.R))
            self.iTau = slinalg.kron(iTau_r, T.eye(self.R))

            self.logDetTau = logDetTau_r * self.R
            self.tau.name  = 'tau'
            # self.Tau.name  = 'Tau'
            self.cTau.name = 'cTau'
            self.iTau.name = 'iTau'
            self.logDetTau.name = 'logDetTau'

            self.Tau_isDiagonal = False
            self.rX_vars = [self.log_omega]

            raise RuntimeError('Unrecognised encoding for r(X|z)')

        # Gradient variables - should be all the th.shared variables
        # We always want to optimise these variables
        if self.Xu_optimise:
            self.gradientVariables = [self.Xu]
            self.gradientVariables = []


        self.lowerBounds = []

        self.condKappa = myCond()(self.Kappa)
        self.condKappa.name = 'condKappa'
        self.Kappa_conditionNumber = th.function([], self.condKappa, no_default_updates=True)

        self.condKuu = myCond()(self.Kuu)
        self.condKuu.name = 'condKuu'
        self.Kuu_conditionNumber = th.function([], self.condKuu, no_default_updates=True)

        self.condC = myCond()(self.C)
        self.condC.name = 'condC'
        self.C_conditionNumber = th.function([], self.condC, no_default_updates=True)

        self.condUpsilon = myCond()(self.Upsilon)
        self.condUpsilon.name = 'condUpsilon'
        self.Upsilon_conditionNumber = th.function([], self.condUpsilon, no_default_updates=True)

        self.Xz_get_value = th.function([], self.Xz, no_default_updates=True)