Пример #1
 def ber(self, y):
     tp = T.and_(T.eq(y, 1), T.eq(self.y_pred, 1)).sum()
     tn = T.and_(T.eq(y, 0), T.eq(self.y_pred, 0)).sum()
     fp = T.and_(T.eq(y, 0), T.eq(self.y_pred, 1)).sum()
     fn = T.and_(T.eq(y, 1), T.eq(self.y_pred, 0)).sum()
     ber = 0.5 * (T.true_div(fp, tp + fp) + T.true_div(fn, tn + fn))
     return ber
Пример #2
    def call(self, inputs, mask=None):
        if not isinstance(inputs, list) or len(inputs) <= 1:
            raise TypeError('SpkLifeLongMemory must be called on a list of tensors '
                            '(at least 2). Got: ' + str(inputs))
        # (None(batch), 1), index of speaker
        target_spk_l = inputs[0]
        target_spk_l = K.reshape(target_spk_l, (target_spk_l.shape[0], ))
        if K.dtype(target_spk_l) != 'int32':
            target_spk_l = K.cast(target_spk_l, 'int32')
        # (None(batch), embed_dim)
        spk_vector_l = inputs[1]
        # Start to update life-long memory based on the learned speech vector
        # First do normalization
        spk_vector_eps = K.switch(K.equal(spk_vector_l, 0.), np.spacing(1), spk_vector_l)  # avoid zero
        spk_vector_eps = K.sqrt(K.sum(spk_vector_eps**2, axis=1))
        spk_vector_eps = spk_vector_eps.dimshuffle((0, 'x'))
        spk_vector = T.true_div(spk_vector_l, K.repeat_elements(spk_vector_eps, self.vec_dim, axis=1))
        # Store speech vector into life-long memory according to the speaker identity.
        life_long_mem = T.inc_subtensor(self.life_long_mem[target_spk_l, :], spk_vector)
        # Normalization for memory
        life_long_mem_eps = K.switch(K.equal(life_long_mem, 0.), np.spacing(1), life_long_mem)  # avoid 0
        life_long_mem_eps = K.sqrt(K.sum(life_long_mem_eps**2, axis=1))
        life_long_mem_eps = life_long_mem_eps.dimshuffle((0, 'x'))
        life_long_mem = T.true_div(life_long_mem, K.repeat_elements(life_long_mem_eps, self.vec_dim, axis=1))

        # (None(batch), spk_size, embed_dim)
        return life_long_mem
Пример #3
 def theano_periodic_sinc(in_sig, bandwidth):
     eps = TT.constant(1e-10)
     denominator = TT.mul(TT.sin(TT.true_div(in_sig, bandwidth)), bandwidth)
     idx_modi = TT.lt(TT.abs_(denominator), eps)
     numerator = TT.switch(idx_modi, TT.cos(in_sig), TT.sin(in_sig))
     denominator = TT.switch(idx_modi,
                                                bandwidth)), denominator)
     return TT.true_div(numerator, denominator)
 def f1_score(self, y):
     n_total = y.shape[0]
     n_relevant_documents_predicted = T.sum(T.eq(T.ones(self.y_pred.shape), self.y_pred))
     two_vector = T.add(T.ones(self.y_pred.shape), T.ones(self.y_pred.shape))
     n_relevant_predicted_correctly = T.sum(T.eq(T.add(self.y_pred, y), two_vector))
     precision = T.true_div(n_relevant_predicted_correctly, n_relevant_documents_predicted)
     recall = T.true_div(n_relevant_predicted_correctly, n_total)
     f1_score =  T.mul(2.0, T.true_div(T.mul(precision, recall), T.add(precision, recall)))
     return [f1_score, precision, recall]
Пример #5
def BGMM1_lpdf(node, sample, kw):
    r, weights, mus, sigmas, low, high, draw_shape = node.inputs
    assert weights.ndim == 1
    assert mus.ndim == 1
    assert sigmas.ndim == 1
    _sample = sample
    if sample.ndim != 1:
        sample = sample.flatten()

    erf = theano.tensor.erf

    effective_weights = 0.5 * weights * (erf((high - mus) / sigmas) - erf(
        (low - mus) / sigmas))

    dist = (sample.dimshuffle(0, 'x') - mus)
    mahal = ((dist**2) / (sigmas**2))
    # POSTCONDITION: mahal.shape == (n_samples, n_components)

    Z = tensor.sqrt(2 * numpy.pi * sigmas**2)
    rval = tensor.log(
            tensor.exp(-.5 * mahal) * weights, Z * effective_weights.sum()),
    if not sample is _sample:
        rval = rval.reshape(_sample.shape)
        assert rval.ndim != 1
    return rval
Пример #6
def BGMM1_lpdf(node, sample, kw):
    r, weights, mus, sigmas, low, high, draw_shape = node.inputs
    assert weights.ndim == 1
    assert mus.ndim == 1
    assert sigmas.ndim == 1
    _sample = sample
    if sample.ndim != 1:
        sample = sample.flatten()

    erf = theano.tensor.erf

    effective_weights = 0.5 * weights * (erf((high - mus) / sigmas) - erf((low - mus) / sigmas))

    dist = sample.dimshuffle(0, "x") - mus
    mahal = (dist ** 2) / (sigmas ** 2)
    # POSTCONDITION: mahal.shape == (n_samples, n_components)

    Z = tensor.sqrt(2 * numpy.pi * sigmas ** 2)
    rval = tensor.log(
        tensor.sum(tensor.true_div(tensor.exp(-0.5 * mahal) * weights, Z * effective_weights.sum()), axis=1)
    if not sample is _sample:
        rval = rval.reshape(_sample.shape)
        assert rval.ndim != 1
    return rval
Пример #7
def minus_corr(u, v):
    um = T.sub(u, T.mean(u))
    vm = T.sub(v, T.mean(v))
    r_num = T.sum(T.mul(um, vm))
    r_den = T.sqrt(T.mul(T.sum(T.sqr(um)), T.sum(T.sqr(vm))))
    r = T.true_div(r_num, r_den)
    r = T.neg(r)
    return r
Пример #8
 def division(self):
     Note: This maps to the `true_div` operation.
     assert len(self.children) == 2
     n = self.get_input(0)
     d = self.get_input(1)
     return T.true_div(n, d)
Пример #9
def SlopeLin2(x, slope):
    Linear unit with different slopes
    :param slope: slope of negative quadrant
    :return: x if x > 0 else x/slope

    import theano.tensor as T
    return T.switch(T.gt(x, 0), x, T.true_div(x, slope))
Пример #10
    def add_termination(self,
        """Accounts for a new termination that takes the given input
        (a theano object) and filters it with the given pstc.

        Adds its contributions to the set of decoded, encoded,
        or learn input with the same pstc. Decoded inputs
        are represented signals, encoded inputs are
        decoded_output * weight matrix, learn input is
        activities * weight_matrix.

        Can only have one of decoded OR encoded OR learn input != None.

        :param float pstc: post-synaptic time constant
        :param decoded_input:
            theano object representing the decoded output of
            the pre population multiplied by this termination's
            transform matrix
        :param encoded_input:
            theano object representing the encoded output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        :param learn_input:
            theano object representing the learned output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        # make sure one and only one of
        # (decoded_input, encoded_input) is specified
        if decoded_input is not None: assert (encoded_input is None)
        elif encoded_input is not None: assert (decoded_input is None)
        else: assert False

        if decoded_input:
            if self.mode is not 'direct':
                # rescale decoded_input by this neuron's radius
                source = TT.true_div(decoded_input, self.radius)
            # ignore radius in direct mode
                source = decoded_input
            name = self.get_unique_name(name, self.decoded_input)
            self.decoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(name=name,
        elif encoded_input:
            name = self.get_unique_name(name, self.encoded_input)
            self.encoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(name=name,
Пример #11
def quadratic_weighted_kappa_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    min_rating = T.minimum(T.min(y_true), T.min(y_pred))
    max_rating = T.maximum(T.max(y_true), T.max(y_pred))

    hist_true = T.bincount(y_true, minlength=max_rating)
    hist_pred = T.bincount(y_pred, minlength=max_rating)
    num_ratings = (max_rating - min_rating) + 1
    num_scored = float(len(y_true))

    numerator = T.zeros(1)
    denominator = T.zeros(1)
    z = T.zeros(len(y_true))
    for i_true in range(min_rating, max_rating + 1):
        for j_pred in range(min_rating, max_rating + 1):
            expected = T.true_div(T.mul(hist_true[i_true], hist_pred[j_pred]), num_scored)
            d = T.true_div(T.sqr(i_true - j_pred), T.sqr(num_ratings - 1.))
            conf_mat_cell = T.sum(T.and_(T.eq(T.sub(y_true, i_true), z), T.eq(T.sub(y_pred, j_pred), z)))
            numerator = T.add(numerator, T.true_div(T.mul(d, conf_mat_cell), num_scored))
            denominator = T.add(denominator, T.true_div(T.mul(d, expected), num_scored))

    return T.true_div(numerator, denominator)
Пример #12
    def add_filtered_input(self, pstc, decoded_input=None,
                           encoded_input=None, learn_input=None):
        """Accounts for a new termination that takes the given input
        (a theano object) and filters it with the given pstc.

        Adds its contributions to the set of decoded, encoded,
        or learn input with the same pstc. Decoded inputs
        are represented signals, encoded inputs are
        decoded_output * weight matrix, learn input is
        activities * weight_matrix.

        Can only have one of decoded OR encoded OR learn input != None.

        :param float pstc: post-synaptic time constant
        :param decoded_input:
            theano object representing the decoded output of
            the pre population multiplied by this termination's
            transform matrix
        :param encoded_input:
            theano object representing the encoded output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        :param learn_input:
            theano object representing the learned output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        # make sure one and only one of
        # (decoded_input, encoded_input, learn_input) is specified
        if decoded_input is not None:
            assert (encoded_input is None) and (learn_input is None)
        elif encoded_input is not None:
            assert (decoded_input is None) and (learn_input is None)
        elif learn_input is not None:
            assert (decoded_input is None) and (encoded_input is None)
            assert False

        # make sure there's an accumulator for given pstc
        if pstc not in self.accumulators:
            self.accumulators[pstc] = Accumulator(self, pstc)

        # add this termination's contribution to
        # the set of terminations with the same pstc
        if decoded_input:
            # rescale decoded_input by this neuron's radius
            # to put us in the right range
                TT.true_div(decoded_input, self.radius))
        elif encoded_input:
        elif learn_input:
Пример #13
    def get_recall(self, y_true):
        """ ~~~~~~~~~~ Untested ~~~~~~~~~~
            Returns recall/sensitivity of binary predictions.
            :type y_true:  Theano shared variable
            :param y_true: Target

            :rtype  Theano shared variable
            :return recall/sensitivity
        true_positives = T.sum(T.mul(T.eq(self.y_pred, 1.), T.eq(y_true, 1.)))
        condition_positives = T.sum(T.eq(y_true, 1.))

        return T.true_div(true_positives, condition_positives)
Пример #14
    def get_precision(self, y_true):
        """ ~~~~~~~~~~ Untested ~~~~~~~~~~
            Returns precision of binary predictions.
            :type y_true:  Theano shared variable
            :param y_true: Target

            :rtype  Theano shared variable
            :return precision
        true_positives = T.sum(T.mul(T.eq(self.y_pred, 1.), T.eq(y_true, 1.)))
        test_outcome_positives = T.sum(T.eq(self.y_pred, 1.))

        return T.true_div(true_positives, test_outcome_positives)
Пример #15
    def get_specificity(self, y_true):
        """ ~~~~~~~~~~ Untested ~~~~~~~~~~
            Returns specificity of binary predictions.
            :type y_true:  Theano shared variable
            :param y_true: Target

            :rtype  Theano shared variable
            :return specificity
        true_negatives = T.sum(T.mul(T.eq(self.y_pred, 0.), T.eq(y_true, 0.)))
        condition_negatives = T.sum(T.eq(y_true, 0.))

        return T.true_div(true_negatives, condition_negatives)
Пример #16
    def call(self, inputs, mask=None):
        if not isinstance(inputs, list) or len(inputs) <= 1:
            raise TypeError(
                'SpkLifeLongMemory must be called on a list of tensors '
                '(at least 2). Got: ' + str(inputs))
        # (None(batch), 1),说话人对应的idx
        target_spk_l = inputs[0]
        target_spk_l = K.reshape(target_spk_l, (target_spk_l.shape[0], ))
        if K.dtype(target_spk_l) != 'int32':
            target_spk_l = K.cast(target_spk_l, 'int32')
        # (None(batch), embed_dim)
        spk_vector_l = inputs[1]
        # 开始更新长时记忆单元,训练好的语音向量
        # 先对语音向量进行 normalization
        spk_vector_eps = K.switch(K.equal(spk_vector_l, 0.), np.spacing(1),
                                  spk_vector_l)  # 防止分母为0
        spk_vector_eps = K.sqrt(K.sum(spk_vector_eps**2, axis=1))
        spk_vector_eps = spk_vector_eps.dimshuffle((0, 'x'))
        spk_vector = T.true_div(
            K.repeat_elements(spk_vector_eps, self.vec_dim, axis=1))
        # 根据说话人idx,将语音向量增量式写入长时记忆单元中
        life_long_mem = T.inc_subtensor(self.life_long_mem[target_spk_l, :],
        # 对长时Memory进行整体 normalization
        life_long_mem_eps = K.switch(K.equal(life_long_mem, 0.), np.spacing(1),
                                     life_long_mem)  # 防止分母为0
        life_long_mem_eps = K.sqrt(K.sum(life_long_mem_eps**2, axis=1))
        life_long_mem_eps = life_long_mem_eps.dimshuffle((0, 'x'))
        life_long_mem = T.true_div(
            K.repeat_elements(life_long_mem_eps, self.vec_dim, axis=1))
        # # 更新记忆参数,由于life_long_mem必须是numpy才行,因而不能在这里做,放到外面做。
        # K.set_value(self.life_long_mem, life_long_mem)
        # # 从长时记忆单元中提取说话人的声纹记忆特征
        # spk_life_long_memory = K.gather(self.life_long_mem, target_spk_l)

        # (None(batch), spk_size, embed_dim)
        return life_long_mem
Пример #17
    def add_termination(self, name, pstc, decoded_input=None, encoded_input=None):
        """Accounts for a new termination that takes the given input
        (a theano object) and filters it with the given pstc.

        Adds its contributions to the set of decoded, encoded,
        or learn input with the same pstc. Decoded inputs
        are represented signals, encoded inputs are
        decoded_output * weight matrix, learn input is
        activities * weight_matrix.

        Can only have one of decoded OR encoded OR learn input != None.

        :param float pstc: post-synaptic time constant
        :param decoded_input:
            theano object representing the decoded output of
            the pre population multiplied by this termination's
            transform matrix
        :param encoded_input:
            theano object representing the encoded output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        :param learn_input:
            theano object representing the learned output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        # make sure one and only one of
        # (decoded_input, encoded_input) is specified
        if decoded_input is not None:
            assert encoded_input is None
        elif encoded_input is not None:
            assert decoded_input is None
            assert False

        if decoded_input:
            if self.mode is not "direct":
                # rescale decoded_input by this neuron's radius
                source = TT.true_div(decoded_input, self.radius)
            # ignore radius in direct mode
                source = decoded_input
            name = helpers.get_unique_name(name, self.decoded_input)
            self.decoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(
                name=name, pstc=pstc, source=source, shape=(self.array_size, self.dimensions)
        elif encoded_input:
            name = helpers.get_unique_name(name, self.encoded_input)
            self.encoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(
                name=name, pstc=pstc, source=encoded_input, shape=(self.array_size, self.neurons_num)
Пример #18
    def fit(self, weights, o_error, tpo):

        gradients = T.grad(o_error, weights)
        updates = []
        for c, v, w, g in zip(self.t_cache, self.t_velocity, weights,
            new_velocity = T.sub(T.mul(tpo["momentum_rate"], v),
                                 T.mul(tpo["learn_rate"], g))
            new_cache = T.add(T.mul(tpo["decay_rate"], c),
                              T.mul(T.sub(1, tpo["decay_rate"]), T.sqr(g)))
            new_weights = T.sub(
                T.add(w, new_velocity),
                T.true_div(T.mul(g, tpo["learn_rate"]),
                           T.sqrt(T.add(new_cache, 0.1**8))))
            updates.append((w, new_weights))
            updates.append((v, new_velocity))
            updates.append((c, new_cache))

        return updates
Пример #19
    def add_filtered_input(self, pstc, decoded_input=None, encoded_input=None):
        """Create a new termination that takes the given input (a theano object) and filters it with the given pstc
        Adds its contributions to the set of decoded or encoded input with the same pstc
        Decoded inputs are represented signals, encoded inputs are neuron activities * weight matrix
        Can only have decoded OR encoded input != None

        :param float pstc: post-synaptic time constant
        :param decoded_input: theano object representing the decoded output of the pre population multiplied by this termination's transform matrix
        :param encoded_input: theano object representing the encoded output of the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        # make sure one and only one of (decoded_input, encoded_input) is specified
        assert (decoded_input is None or encoded_input is None)
        assert (decoded_input is not None or encoded_input is not None)

        if pstc not in self.accumulators: # make sure there's an accumulator for given pstc
            self.accumulators[pstc] = Accumulator(self, pstc)

        # add this termination's contribution to the set of terminations with the same pstc
        if decoded_input is not None: 
            # rescale decoded_input by this neurons radius to put us in the right range
            self.accumulators[pstc].add_decoded_input(TT.true_div(decoded_input, self.radius)) 
Пример #20
def Tnanmean(x,axis=None,keepdims=False):
    Theano version of numpy nanmean.

    x : Theano.tensor or array_like
        The array to be nanmeaned
    axis : int or None, optional
        Axis to do nanmean along.
        If None or default, nanmean is done over entire array
    keepdims : Boolean, optional
        If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one.

    An array-like
        Nan is returned for slices that contain only NaNs.
    mask1 = T.switch(T.isnan(x),0,x)
    mask2 = T.switch(T.isnan(x),0,1)
    return T.true_div(mask1.sum(axis=axis,keepdims=keepdims),mask2.sum(axis=axis,keepdims=keepdims))
Пример #21
    def add_filtered_input(self, pstc, decoded_input=None, encoded_input=None):
        """Create a new termination that takes the given input (a theano object) and filters it with the given pstc
        Adds its contributions to the set of decoded or encoded input with the same pstc
        Decoded inputs are represented signals, encoded inputs are neuron activities * weight matrix
        Can only have decoded OR encoded input != None

        :param float pstc: post-synaptic time constant
        :param decoded_input: theano object representing the decoded output of the pre population multiplied by this termination's transform matrix
        :param encoded_input: theano object representing the encoded output of the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        # make sure one and only one of (decoded_input, encoded_input) is specified
        assert (decoded_input is None or encoded_input is None)
        assert (decoded_input is not None or encoded_input is not None)

        if pstc not in self.accumulators:  # make sure there's an accumulator for given pstc
            self.accumulators[pstc] = Accumulator(self, pstc)

        # add this termination's contribution to the set of terminations with the same pstc
        if decoded_input is not None:
            # rescale decoded_input by this neurons radius to put us in the right range
                TT.true_div(decoded_input, self.radius))
Пример #22
def Tnanmean(x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    Theano version of numpy nanmean.

    x : Theano.tensor or array_like
        The array to be nanmeaned
    axis : int or None, optional
        Axis to do nanmean along.
        If None or default, nanmean is done over entire array
    keepdims : Boolean, optional
        If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one.

    An array-like
        Nan is returned for slices that contain only NaNs.
    mask1 = T.switch(T.isnan(x), 0, x)
    mask2 = T.switch(T.isnan(x), 0, 1)
    return T.true_div(mask1.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims),
                      mask2.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims))
Пример #23
def div(x, y):
    z = T.true_div(x, y)
    if isinstance(get_shape(x), (tuple, list)):
        output_shape = auto_infer_shape(T.true_div, x, y)
        add_shape(z, output_shape)
    return z
Пример #24
def max_f1_score_loss(coding_dist, true_dist):
    f1 = (2 * N_WWW) / (N_D + N_W)
    def set_2dim(j, matrix):
        return T.switch(T.eq(matrix[j], 0), -100, T.log(matrix[j]))

    def set_1dim(i, matrix):
        matrix_2dim, updates=theano.scan(set_2dim,\
        return matrix_2dim

    if true_dist.ndim == coding_dist.ndim:
        #ce_loss: [batch_size,]
        ce_loss = T.log(T.sum(true_dist * (coding_dist + 1e-14), axis=1))
        #N_D : >tau=1; <tau=0
        N_d = ce_loss
        N_D, updates = theano.scan(lambda i, x, y: T.switch(T.lt(x[i], y), 0, 1),\
        N_D = T.sum(N_D, axis=0)
#        N_D = T.nnet.sigmoid(N_D)
        #N_W: [1, class_numbers]
        N_W = T.sum(true_dist ,axis=0)
        #N_WWW: [1, class_numbers]
        matrix = true_dist * (coding_dist + 1e-14)
        matrix_log, updates = theano.scan(set_1dim,\
        #indictor function
        I = T.switch(T.lt(matrix_log, tau), 0, 1)
        N_WWW = T.sum(I, axis=0)
#        N_WWW = T.nnet.sigmoid(N_WWW)

        classid = T.argmax(coding_dist, axis=1)

        def N_D_count_2dim(j, x, y):
            return T.switch(T.eq(j, y), 1, 0)

        def N_D_count_1dim(i, x, y):
            N_d, updates = theano.scan(N_D_count_2dim,\
               non_sequences=[x[i], y[i]])
            return N_d

        predict, updates = theano.scan(N_D_count_1dim,\
           non_sequences=[coding_dist, classid])
        N_D = T.reshape(T.sum(predict, axis=0), (1, -1))
        N_D = T.nnet.sigmoid(N_D)

        #N_W: [1, class_numbers]
        N_W = T.reshape(T.sum(true_dist, axis=0), (1, -1))

        #N_WWW: [1, class_numbers]
        matrix = true_dist * predict
        N_WWW = T.reshape(T.sum(matrix, axis=0), (1, -1))
        N_WWW = T.nnet.sigmoid(N_WWW)

        F1 = T.true_div(2 * N_WWW, (N_D + N_W + 1e-14))

        return F1, F1

        print "true_dist.ndim != coding_dist.ndim"
 def beam_search_backward(self, top, idx):
     max_idx = top[idx]
     idx = T.true_div(max_idx, self.target_vocab_size)
     max_idx = T.divmod(max_idx, self.target_vocab_size)
     return idx, max_idx
Пример #26
theta = np.array([2, 2.5])
tau = np.array([.01, .01])

activation = T.vector('activation')
t = T.scalar('t')
input_duration = T.scalar('input_duration')
input_intensity = T.scalar('input_intensity')

P = input_intensity * ((T.sgn(input_duration - t) + 1) / 2)

corrected_sigmoid = \
    1 / (1 + T.exp(-T.mul(a,(T.dot(c,activation) + P) - theta))) \
    - 1 / (1 + T.exp(np.multiply(a, theta)))
#corrected_sigmoid = theano.function([t, activation, input_duration, input_intensity], corrected_s)
#d_a = T.true_div(-activation + T.mul( 1 - T.mul(r, activation), corrected_s), tau)
d_a = T.true_div(-activation + T.mul( k - T.mul(r, activation), corrected_sigmoid), tau)
d_activation = theano.function(inputs=[activation, t, input_duration, input_intensity], 
                               outputs=d_a, on_unused_input='warn')

J = theano.function(inputs=[activation, t, input_duration, input_intensity], 
                    outputs=T.jacobian(d_a, activation), on_unused_input='warn')

activation_0 = np.array([0, 0])
t_0 = 0
t_1 = .125
dt = .0001
times = np.arange(t_0, t_1, dt)

intens = 1
duration = .125
params = (duration, intens)
Пример #27
    def add_termination(self, name, pstc, decoded_input=None,
        encoded_input=None, input_socket=None, transform=None, case=None):
        """Accounts for a new termination that takes the given input
        (a theano object) and filters it with the given pstc.

        Adds its contributions to the set of decoded, encoded,
        or learn input with the same pstc. Decoded inputs
        are represented signals, encoded inputs are
        decoded_output * weight matrix, learn input is
        activities * weight_matrix.

        Can only have one of decoded OR encoded OR learn input != None.

        :param float pstc: post-synaptic time constant
        :param decoded_input:
            theano object representing the decoded output of
            the pre population (just value, not a shared variable)
        :param encoded_input:
            theano object representing the encoded output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        :param learn_input:
            theano object representing the learned output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix

        :param transform:
            the transform that needs to be applied (dot product) to the
            decoded output of the pre population

        :param case:
            used to generate an encoded input by applying the transform matrix
            onto the decoded pre output is a special way
        # make sure one and only one of
        # (decoded_input, encoded_input) is specified
        if decoded_input is not None: assert (encoded_input is None)
        elif encoded_input is not None: assert (decoded_input is None)
        else: assert False

        if decoded_input is not None and self.mode == 'direct':
            # decoded_input is NOT the shared variable at the origin
            pre_output = theano.shared(decoded_input)
            source = TT.dot(transform, pre_output)
            self.decoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(
                name=name, pstc=pstc, source=source,
                shape=(self.array_size, self.dimensions),

        # decoded_input in this case will be the output of pre node
        elif decoded_input is not None and self.mode == 'spiking':
            # decoded_input is NOT the shared variable at the origin
            pre_output = theano.shared(decoded_input)
            source = TT.dot(transform, pre_output)
            source = TT.true_div(source, self.radius)

            self.decoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(
                name=name, pstc=pstc, source=source,
                shape=(self.array_size, self.dimensions),

        elif encoded_input is not None:
            # encoded_input is NOT the shared variable at the origin
            pre_output = theano.shared(encoded_input)
            source = case(transform, pre_output)

            self.encoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(
                name=name, pstc=pstc, source=source,
                shape=(self.array_size, self.neurons_num),
Пример #28
class Ensemble:
    """An ensemble is a collection of neurons representing a vector space.


    def __init__(self, neurons, dimensions, dt, tau_ref=0.002, tau_rc=0.02,
        max_rate=(200, 300), intercept=(-1.0, 1.0), radius=1.0,
        encoders=None, seed=None, neuron_type='lif',
        array_size=1, eval_points=None, decoder_noise=0.1,
        noise_type='uniform', noise=None, mode='spiking',
        is_subensemble=False, decoders=None, bias=None, alpha=None):
        self.dt = dt

        if seed is None:
            seed = np.random.randint(1000)
        self.seed = seed
        self.neurons_num = neurons
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.array_size = array_size
        self.radius = radius
        self.noise = noise
        self.noise_type = noise_type
        self.decoder_noise = decoder_noise
        self.is_subensemble = is_subensemble

        self.mode = mode

        # make sure that eval_points is the right shape
        if eval_points is not None:
            eval_points = np.array(eval_points)
            if len(eval_points.shape) == 1:
                eval_points.shape = [1, eval_points.shape[0]]
        self.eval_points = eval_points

        # make sure intercept is the right shape
        if isinstance(intercept, (int,float)): intercept = [intercept, 1]
        elif len(intercept) == 1: intercept.append(1)

        self.cache_key = cache.generate_ensemble_key(neurons=neurons,
            dimensions=dimensions, tau_rc=tau_rc, tau_ref=tau_ref,
            max_rate=max_rate, intercept=intercept, radius=radius,
            encoders=(encoders if not is_subensemble else None),
            eval_points=eval_points, noise=noise, seed=seed, dt=dt)

        # make dictionary for origins
        self.origin = {}
        # set up a dictionary for decoded_input
        self.decoded_input = {}

        # if we're creating a spiking ensemble
        if self.mode == 'spiking':
            # TODO: handle different neuron types,
            self.neurons = neuron.types[neuron_type](
                size=(array_size, self.neurons_num),
                tau_rc=tau_rc, tau_ref=tau_ref)

            # compute alpha and bias
            self.srng = RandomStreams(seed=seed)
            self.max_rate = max_rate

            if is_subensemble:
                self.bias = bias
                self.alpha = alpha
                self.encoders = encoders
                max_rates = self.srng.uniform(
                    size=(self.array_size, self.neurons_num),
                    low=max_rate[0], high=max_rate[1])
                threshold = self.srng.uniform(
                    size=(self.array_size, self.neurons_num),
                    low=intercept[0], high=intercept[1])
                self.alpha, self.bias = theano.function(
                    [], self.neurons.make_alpha_bias(max_rates, threshold))()

                # force to 32 bit for consistency / speed
                self.bias = self.bias.astype(FLOAT_TYPE)

                # compute encoders
                self.encoders = self.make_encoders(encoders=encoders)
                # combine encoders and gain for simplification
                self.encoders = (self.encoders.T * self.alpha.T).T

            self.shared_encoders = theano.shared(self.encoders,

            # set up a dictionary for encoded_input connections
            self.encoded_input = {}
            # list of learned terminations on ensemble
            self.learned_terminations = []

            # make default origin
            self.add_origin('X', func=None, dt=dt,
                eval_points=self.eval_points, decoders=decoders)

        elif self.mode == 'direct':
            # make default origin
            self.add_origin('X', func=None, dimensions=self.dimensions*self.array_size)
            # reset neurons_num to 0
            self.neurons_num = 0

    def add_termination(self, name, pstc, decoded_input=None,
        encoded_input=None, input_socket=None, transform=None, case=None):
        """Accounts for a new termination that takes the given input
        (a theano object) and filters it with the given pstc.

        Adds its contributions to the set of decoded, encoded,
        or learn input with the same pstc. Decoded inputs
        are represented signals, encoded inputs are
        decoded_output * weight matrix, learn input is
        activities * weight_matrix.

        Can only have one of decoded OR encoded OR learn input != None.

        :param float pstc: post-synaptic time constant
        :param decoded_input:
            theano object representing the decoded output of
            the pre population (just value, not a shared variable)
        :param encoded_input:
            theano object representing the encoded output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        :param learn_input:
            theano object representing the learned output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix

        :param transform:
            the transform that needs to be applied (dot product) to the
            decoded output of the pre population

        :param case:
            used to generate an encoded input by applying the transform matrix
            onto the decoded pre output is a special way
        # make sure one and only one of
        # (decoded_input, encoded_input) is specified
        if decoded_input is not None: assert (encoded_input is None)
        elif encoded_input is not None: assert (decoded_input is None)
        else: assert False

        if decoded_input is not None and self.mode == 'direct':
            # decoded_input is NOT the shared variable at the origin
            pre_output = theano.shared(decoded_input)
            source = TT.dot(transform, pre_output)
            self.decoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(
                name=name, pstc=pstc, source=source,
                shape=(self.array_size, self.dimensions),

        # decoded_input in this case will be the output of pre node
        elif decoded_input is not None and self.mode == 'spiking':
            # decoded_input is NOT the shared variable at the origin
            pre_output = theano.shared(decoded_input)
            source = TT.dot(transform, pre_output)
            source = TT.true_div(source, self.radius)

            self.decoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(
                name=name, pstc=pstc, source=source,
                shape=(self.array_size, self.dimensions),

        elif encoded_input is not None:
            # encoded_input is NOT the shared variable at the origin
            pre_output = theano.shared(encoded_input)
            source = case(transform, pre_output)

            self.encoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(
                name=name, pstc=pstc, source=source,
                shape=(self.array_size, self.neurons_num),
Пример #29
def R2loss(y_true, y_pred):
    y_pred = y_pred.flatten()
    y_true = y_true.flatten()
    tot = T.sum(T.sqr(T.sub(y_true, T.mean(y_true))))
    res = T.sum(T.sqr(T.sub(y_true, y_pred)))
    return T.true_div(res, tot)
Пример #30
 def inner(x):
     return T.switch(T.gt(x, 0), x, T.true_div(x, slope))
Пример #31
 def l2_normalize(x, dim, epsilon=1e-12):
     square_sum = T.sum(T.sqr(x), axis=dim)
     x_inv_norm = T.true_div(1, T.sqrt(T.maximum(square_sum, epsilon)))
     x_inv_norm = x_inv_norm.dimshuffle(0, 'x')
     return T.mul(x, x_inv_norm)
Пример #32
    def fit(self,
        """Learns the weights of a factorization machine with mini-batch gradient
        descent. The weights that minimize the loss function (across epochs) are

        # ************************************************************
        # * Learning (Symbolic)
        # ************************************************************

        # *** Loss Function ***
        error = error_function.apply(self.y, self.y_hat)
        mean_error = T.true_div(T.sum(T.mul(error, self.s)), T.sum(self.s))
        loss = mean_error
        # regularization
        if regularizer is not None:
            loss = regularizer.regularize(loss, self.w0[0], self.w1, self.v)

        params = [self.w0, self.w1, self.v]
        updates = optimizer.update(loss, params, self.e)

        theano_train = theano.function(inputs=[self.X, self.y, self.s, self.e],

        theano_cost = theano.function(inputs=[self.X, self.y, self.s],

        # ************************************************************
        # * Learning (Numeric)
        # ************************************************************

        n = X_train.shape[0]
        if batch_size > n:
            batch_size = n
        if sample_weight is None:
            sample_weight = np.ones(n)
            sample_weight = (float(n) / np.sum(sample_weight)) * sample_weight
        min_loss = float('inf')
        min_loss_weights = self.get_weights()
        for epoch in utils.xrange(1, nb_epoch + 1):
            if shuffle:
                indices = np.arange(n)
                X_train, y_train = X_train[indices], y_train[indices]
            for start in itertools.count(0, batch_size):
                if start >= n:
                stop = min(start + batch_size, n)
                theano_train(X_train[start:stop], y_train[start:stop],
                             sample_weight[start:stop], epoch)
            current_loss = theano_cost(X_train, y_train, sample_weight)
            if not np.isfinite(current_loss):
                raise ArithmeticError("Non-finite loss function.")
            if current_loss < min_loss:
                min_loss = current_loss
                min_loss_weights = self.get_weights()
            if verbosity > 0 and (epoch % verbosity == 0):
                print('Epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, nb_epoch))
                print(' loss: {}, min_loss: {}'.format(current_loss, min_loss))
        weights = min_loss_weights if memory else self.get_weights()
Пример #33
class Ensemble:
    """An ensemble is a collection of neurons representing a vector space.

    def __init__(self,
                 max_rate=(200, 300),
                 intercept=(-1.0, 1.0),
        """Construct an ensemble composed of the specific neuron model,
        with the specified neural parameters.

        :param int neurons: number of neurons in this population
        :param int dimensions:
            number of dimensions in the vector space
            that these neurons represent
        :param float tau_ref: length of refractory period
        :param float tau_rc:
            RC constant; approximately how long until 2/3
            of the threshold voltage is accumulated
        :param tuple max_rate:
            lower and upper bounds on randomly generated
            firing rates for each neuron
        :param tuple intercept:
            lower and upper bounds on randomly generated
            x offsets for each neuron
        :param float radius:
            the range of input values (-radius:radius)
            per dimension this population is sensitive to
        :param list encoders: set of possible preferred directions
        :param int seed: seed value for random number generator
        :param string neuron_type:
            type of neuron model to use, options = {'lif'}
        :param int array_size: number of sub-populations for network arrays
        :param list eval_points:
            specific set of points to optimize decoders over by default
        :param float decoder_noise: amount of noise to assume when computing
        :param string noise_type:
            the type of noise added to the input current.
            Possible options = {'uniform', 'gaussian'}.
            Default is 'uniform' to match the Nengo implementation.
        :param float noise:
            noise parameter for noise added to input current,
            sampled at every timestep.
            If noise_type = uniform, this is the lower and upper
            bound on the distribution.
            If noise_type = gaussian, this is the variance.

        self.dt = dt

        if seed is None:
            seed = np.random.randint(1000)
        self.seed = seed
        self.neurons_num = neurons
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.array_size = array_size
        self.radius = radius
        self.noise = noise
        self.noise_type = noise_type
        self.decoder_noise = decoder_noise

        self.mode = mode

        # make sure that eval_points is the right shape
        if eval_points is not None:
            eval_points = np.array(eval_points)
            if len(eval_points.shape) == 1:
                eval_points.shape = [1, eval_points.shape[0]]
        self.eval_points = eval_points

        # make sure intercept is the right shape
        if isinstance(intercept, (int, float)): intercept = [intercept, 1]
        elif len(intercept) == 1: intercept.append(1)

        self.cache_key = cache.generate_ensemble_key(

        # make dictionary for origins
        self.origin = {}
        # set up a dictionary for decoded_input
        self.decoded_input = {}

        # if we're creating a spiking ensemble
        if self.mode == 'spiking':

            # TODO: handle different neuron types,
            self.neurons = neuron.types[neuron_type](size=(array_size,

            # compute alpha and bias
            self.srng = RandomStreams(seed=seed)
            self.max_rate = max_rate
            max_rates = self.srng.uniform(size=(self.array_size,
            threshold = self.srng.uniform(size=(self.array_size,
            self.alpha, self.bias = theano.function(
                [], self.neurons.make_alpha_bias(max_rates, threshold))()

            # force to 32 bit for consistency / speed
            self.bias = self.bias.astype('float32')

            # compute encoders
            self.encoders = self.make_encoders(encoders=encoders)
            # combine encoders and gain for simplification
            self.encoders = (self.encoders.T * self.alpha.T).T
            self.shared_encoders = theano.shared(
                self.encoders, name='ensemble.shared_encoders')

            # set up a dictionary for encoded_input connections
            self.encoded_input = {}
            # list of learned terminations on ensemble
            self.learned_terminations = []

            # make default origin

        elif self.mode == 'direct':
            # make default origin
                            dimensions=self.dimensions * self.array_size)
            # reset neurons_num to 0
            self.neurons_num = 0

    def add_termination(self,
        """Accounts for a new termination that takes the given input
        (a theano object) and filters it with the given pstc.

        Adds its contributions to the set of decoded, encoded,
        or learn input with the same pstc. Decoded inputs
        are represented signals, encoded inputs are
        decoded_output * weight matrix, learn input is
        activities * weight_matrix.

        Can only have one of decoded OR encoded OR learn input != None.

        :param float pstc: post-synaptic time constant
        :param decoded_input:
            theano object representing the decoded output of
            the pre population (just value, not a shared variable)
        :param encoded_input:
            theano object representing the encoded output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix
        :param learn_input:
            theano object representing the learned output of
            the pre population multiplied by a connection weight matrix

        :param transform:
            the transform that needs to be applied (dot product) to the
            decoded output of the pre population

        :param case:
            used to generate an encoded input by applying the transform matrix
            onto the decoded pre output is a special way
        # make sure one and only one of
        # (decoded_input, encoded_input) is specified
        if decoded_input is not None: assert (encoded_input is None)
        elif encoded_input is not None: assert (decoded_input is None)
        else: assert False

        if decoded_input is not None and self.mode is 'direct':
            # decoded_input is NOT the shared variable at the origin
            pre_output = theano.shared(decoded_input)
            source = TT.dot(transform, pre_output)

            self.decoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(name=name,

        # decoded_input in this case will be the output of pre node
        elif decoded_input is not None and self.mode is 'spiking':
            # decoded_input is NOT the shared variable at the origin
            pre_output = theano.shared(decoded_input)
            source = TT.dot(transform, pre_output)
            source = TT.true_div(source, self.radius)

            self.decoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(name=name,

        elif encoded_input is not None:
            # encoded_input is NOT the shared variable at the origin
            pre_output = theano.shared(encoded_input)
            source = case(transform, pre_output)

            self.encoded_input[name] = filter.Filter(name=name,
Пример #34
    def train(self,
        self.output = self.layers[0].forward(self.X, True)
        for p in self.layers[0].norm_params:
        for p in self.layers[0].n_norm_params:
        self.intermediate_vals = [self.output]
        for l in self.layers[1:]:
                l.forward(self.intermediate_vals[-1], True))
            for p in l.norm_params:
            for p in l.n_norm_params:

        self.cache = [
            for p in self.parameters

        self.momentum_params = [
            for p in self.parameters

        self.adamfm = [
            for p in self.parameters

        self.adamsm = [
            for p in self.parameters

        self.loss = T.mean(T.sqr(self.Y - self.layers[-1].A))

        self.gradients = [T.grad(self.loss, p) for p in self.parameters]

        self.updates = [(p, np)
                        for p, np in zip(self.norm_params, self.n_norm_params)]

        self.adamc = theano.shared(1)

        if optimizer == 'SGD':
            self.updates += [(p, p - lr * g)
                             for p, g in zip(self.parameters, self.gradients)]

        elif optimizer == 'SGD with Momentum':
            self.updates += [
                (mp, -momentum * mp + lr * g)
                for mp, g in zip(self.momentum_params, self.gradients)
            self.updates += [
                (p, p - mp)
                for p, mp in zip(self.parameters, self.momentum_params)

        elif optimizer == 'AdaGrad':
            self.updates += [(c, c + T.sqr(g))
                             for c, g in zip(self.cache, self.gradients)]

            self.updates += [
                (p, p - (lr * g / T.sqrt(c + 1e-8)))
                for p, g, c in zip(self.parameters, self.gradients, self.cache)

        elif optimizer == 'RMSProp':
            self.updates += [
                 rmsprop_decay_rate * c + (1 - rmsprop_decay_rate) * T.sqr(g))
                for c, g in zip(self.cache, self.gradients)
            self.updates += [
                (p, p - lr * T.true_div(g, T.sqrt(c + 1e-8)))
                for p, g, c in zip(self.parameters, self.gradients, self.cache)
            #self.updates += [(c, rmsprop_decay_rate*c + (1-rmsprop_decay_rate)*T.sqr(g)) for c,g in zip(self.cache, self.gradients)]

        elif optimizer == 'Adam':
            self.updates += [
                (p, p - lr * T.true_div(fm, T.sqrt(sm + 1e-8)))
                for p, fm, sm in zip(self.parameters, self.adamfm, self.adamsm)
            self.updates += [(fm, adam_beta1 * fm + (1 - adam_beta1) * g)
                             for fm, g in zip(self.adamfm, self.gradients)]
            self.updates += [(sm,
                              adam_beta2 * sm + (1 - adam_beta2) * T.sqr(g))
                             for sm, g in zip(self.adamsm, self.gradients)]
            self.updates += [(self.adamc, self.adamc + 1)]

            raise ValueError("Optimizer not correct")

        self.train_inputs = [self.X, self.Y]
        self.train_outputs = [self.loss]
        self.train_fn = theano.function(inputs=self.train_inputs,

        error_plot = []

        num_iter = x_ip.shape[0] // batch_size
        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            for n_iter in range(num_iter):
                x_batch = x_ip[n_iter * batch_size:n_iter * batch_size +
                               batch_size, :]
                y_batch = y_ip[n_iter * batch_size:n_iter * batch_size +
                               batch_size, :]
                self.train_fn(x_batch, y_batch)
            if epoch % 2 == 0:
                error_plot.append(self.train_fn(x_ip, y_ip))