def __init__(self,config): self.verbose = config['verbose'] self.rank = config['rank'] # will be used in sharding and distinguish rng self.size = config['size'] self.no_paraload=False try: self.no_paraload = config['no_paraload'] except: pass import theano theano.config.on_unused_input = 'warn' = 'GoogLeNet' # data from import ImageNet_data = ImageNet_data(verbose=False) self.channels = # 'c' mean(R,G,B) = (103.939, 116.779, 123.68) self.input_width = input_width # '0' single scale training 224 self.input_height = input_height # '1' single scale training 224 # if self.size>1: # only use avg # self.batch_size = batch_size/self.size # else: # TODO find out if this works better self.batch_size = batch_size # 'b self.file_batch_size = file_batch_size self.n_softmax_out = # mini batching and other data parallel common routine, size=self.size)'train', common_seed=1234)'val')'train', rank=self.rank, size=self.size) # to update data.n_batch_train'val', rank=self.rank, size=self.size) # to update data.n_batch_val # training related self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.epoch = 0 self.step_idx = 0 = momentum # def: 0.9 # momentum self.use_momentum = use_momentum self.use_nesterov_momentum = use_nesterov_momentum self.eta = weight_decay #0.0002 # weight decay self.monitor_grad = monitor_grad self.base_lr = np.float32(learning_rate) self.shared_lr = theano.shared(self.base_lr) self.shared_x = theano.shared(np.zeros(( 3, self.input_width,, self.input_height,, file_batch_size ), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) self.shared_y = theano.shared(np.zeros((file_batch_size,), dtype=int), borrow=True) # slice batch if needed import theano.tensor as T subb_ind = T.iscalar('subb') # sub batch index self.subb_ind = subb_ind self.shared_x_slice = self.shared_x[:,:,:,subb_ind*self.batch_size:(subb_ind+1)*self.batch_size] self.shared_y_slice = self.shared_y[subb_ind*self.batch_size:(subb_ind+1)*self.batch_size] # ##################### BUILD NETWORK ########################## # allocate symbolic variables for the data # 'rand' is a random array used for random cropping/mirroring of data self.build_model() self.output = self.output_layer.output from theanompi.models.layers2 import get_params, get_layers, count_params #self.layers = get_layers(lastlayer = self.output_layer) self.params,self.weight_types = get_params(self.layers) count_params(self.params, verbose=self.verbose) self.grads = T.grad(self.cost,self.params) # To be compiled self.compiled_train_fn_list = [] self.train_iter_fn = None self.val_iter_fn = None # iter related self.n_subb = file_batch_size//batch_size self.current_t = 0 # current filename pointer in the filename list self.last_one_t = False # if pointer is pointing to the last filename in the list self.subb_t = 0 # sub-batch index self.current_v=0 self.last_one_v=False self.subb_v=0 # preprocessing self.batch_crop_mirror = batch_crop_mirror self.input_width = input_width if and not self.no_paraload:, input_width, input_height, rand_crop, batch_crop_mirror)
def __init__(self, input, input_shape = None, output_shape = None, n1x1=64, nr3x3=96, n3x3=128, nr5x5=16, n5x5=32, npj=32, lib_conv='cudnn', printinfo=False): self.get_input_shape(input,input_shape) self.verbose = printinfo layers=[] outlayers=[] if n1x1 > 0: l_1x1 = Conv(input=input,# (128, 192,28,28), convstride=1, padsize=0, W = Normal((n1x1, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1), mean = 0.0, std=0.03 ), b = Constant((n1x1,), val = 0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose ) layers.append(l_1x1) outlayers.append(l_1x1) if n3x3 > 0: if nr3x3 > 0: l_r3x3 = Conv(input=input, convstride=1, padsize=0, W = Normal((nr3x3, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1),mean = 0.0,std=0.09), b = Constant((nr3x3,), val = 0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose ) layers.append(l_r3x3) else: l_r3x3 = l_in l_3x3 = Conv(input=l_r3x3, convstride=1, padsize=1, W = Normal((n3x3, nr3x3, 3, 3), mean = 0.0, std=0.03 ), b = Constant((n3x3,), val = 0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose ) layers.append(l_3x3) outlayers.append(l_3x3) if n5x5 > 0: if nr5x5 > 0: l_r5x5 = Conv(input=input, convstride=1, padsize=0, W = Normal((nr5x5, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1), mean = 0.0, std=0.2 ), b = Constant((nr5x5,), val = 0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose ) layers.append(l_r5x5) else: l_r5x5 = l_in l_5x5 = Conv(input=l_r5x5, convstride=1, padsize=2, W = Normal((n5x5, nr5x5, 5, 5), mean = 0.0, std=0.03 ), b = Constant((n5x5,), val = 0.2 ), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose ) layers.append(l_5x5) outlayers.append(l_5x5) if npj > 0: l_pool = Pool(input=input, poolsize=3, poolstride=1, poolpad=1, mode = 'max', printinfo=self.verbose ) l_pool_project=Conv(input=l_pool, convstride=1, padsize=0, W = Normal((npj, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1), mean = 0.0, std=0.1 ), b = Constant((npj,), val = 0.2 ), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose ) layers.append(l_pool_project) outlayers.append(l_pool_project) import theano.tensor as T self.output = T.concatenate([layer.output for layer in outlayers], axis=1) # bc01 concaatenate on 'c' self.params, self.weight_type = get_params(layers) if output_shape: self.output_shape = output_shape else: self.output_shape = self.get_output_shape(self.input_shape) = 'Inception ({})'.format(lib_conv) if printinfo: self.print_shape()
def __init__(self, input, n_softmax_out, input_shape=None, output_shape= None, lib_conv='cudnn', printinfo=False): self.get_input_shape(input,input_shape) self.verbose = printinfo layers=[] outlayers=[] # input shape = (14x14x512or528) pool = Pool(input=input, poolsize=5, poolstride=3, poolpad=0, mode = 'average', printinfo=self.verbose ) # output shape = (4x4x512or528) conv1x1 = Conv(input=pool, convstride=1, padsize=0, W = Normal((128, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1),mean=0.0, std=0.1), b = Constant((128,),val = 0.2), lib_conv='cudnn', printinfo=self.verbose ) layers.append(conv1x1) # output shape = (4x4x128) l_flatten = Flatten(input = conv1x1, #5 #input_shape=conv_5x5.output_shape, # (b, 64, 2, 2) axis = 2, # expand dimensions after the first dimension printinfo=self.verbose #output_shape = (b,64*2*2) ) # output shape = (2048) fc = FC(input= l_flatten, #n_in=2048, n_out=1024, W = Normal((l_flatten.output_shape[1],1024),mean=0,std=0.01), b = Constant((1024,),val=0), printinfo=self.verbose #input_shape = flatten.output_shape # (b, 9216) ) layers.append(fc) drp = Dropout(input=fc, #n_in=1024, n_out=fc.output_shape[1], prob_drop=0.7, printinfo=self.verbose ) softmax_layer= Softmax(input=drp, n_out=n_softmax_out, W = Normal((drp.output_shape[1], n_softmax_out), mean=0, std=0.01), b = Constant((n_softmax_out,),val=0), printinfo=self.verbose ) layers.append(softmax_layer) self.output = softmax_layer.p_y_given_x self.negative_log_likelihood = softmax_layer.negative_log_likelihood self.params, self.weight_type = get_params(layers) if output_shape: self.output_shape = output_shape else: self.output_shape = self.get_output_shape(self.input_shape) = 'AuxTower ({})'.format(lib_conv) if printinfo: self.print_shape()
def __init__(self, config): self.verbose = config['verbose'] self.rank = config['rank'] # will be used in sharding and distinguish rng self.size = config['size'] self.no_paraload=False try: self.no_paraload = config['no_paraload'] except: pass import theano theano.config.on_unused_input = 'warn' = 'AlexNet' # data import as imagenet from import ImageNet_data = ImageNet_data(verbose=False) self.channels = # 'c' mean(R,G,B) = (103.939, 116.779, 123.68) self.input_width = input_width # '0' single scale training 224 self.input_height = input_height # '1' single scale training 224 # if self.size>1: # only use avg # self.batch_size = batch_size/self.size # else: # TODO find out if this works better self.batch_size = batch_size # 'b self.file_batch_size = file_batch_size self.n_softmax_out = # mini batching # training related self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.epoch = 0 self.step_idx = 0 = momentum # def: 0.9 # momentum self.use_momentum = use_momentum self.use_nesterov_momentum = use_nesterov_momentum self.eta = weight_decay #0.0002 # weight decay self.monitor_grad = monitor_grad self.base_lr = np.float32(learning_rate) self.shared_lr = theano.shared(self.base_lr) self.shared_x = theano.shared(np.zeros(( 3,,, file_batch_size ), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) self.shared_y = theano.shared(np.zeros((file_batch_size,), dtype=int), borrow=True) # slice batch if needed import theano.tensor as T subb_ind = T.iscalar('subb') # sub batch index self.subb_ind = subb_ind self.shared_x_slice = self.shared_x[:,:,:,subb_ind*self.batch_size:(subb_ind+1)*self.batch_size] self.shared_y_slice = self.shared_y[subb_ind*self.batch_size:(subb_ind+1)*self.batch_size] # ##################### BUILD NETWORK ########################## # allocate symbolic variables for the data # 'rand' is a random array used for random cropping/mirroring of data self.build_model() self.output = self.output_layer.output from theanompi.models.layers2 import get_params, get_layers, count_params self.layers = get_layers(lastlayer = self.output_layer) self.params,self.weight_types = get_params(self.layers) count_params(self.params, verbose=self.verbose) self.grads = T.grad(self.cost,self.params) # To be compiled self.compiled_train_fn_list = [] self.train_iter_fn = None self.val_iter_fn = None # iter related self.n_subb = file_batch_size//batch_size self.current_t = 0 # current filename pointer in the filename list self.last_one_t = False # if pointer is pointing to the last filename in the list self.subb_t = 0 # sub-batch index self.current_v=0 self.last_one_v=False self.subb_v=0 # preprocessing self.batch_crop_mirror = batch_crop_mirror self.input_width = input_width if and not self.no_paraload:
def __init__(self, input, input_shape=None, output_shape=None, n1x1=64, nr3x3=96, n3x3=128, nr5x5=16, n5x5=32, npj=32, lib_conv='cudnn', printinfo=False): self.get_input_shape(input, input_shape) self.verbose = printinfo layers = [] outlayers = [] if n1x1 > 0: l_1x1 = Conv( input=input, # (128, 192,28,28), convstride=1, padsize=0, W=Normal((n1x1, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1), mean=0.0, std=0.03), b=Constant((n1x1, ), val=0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose) layers.append(l_1x1) outlayers.append(l_1x1) if n3x3 > 0: if nr3x3 > 0: l_r3x3 = Conv(input=input, convstride=1, padsize=0, W=Normal((nr3x3, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1), mean=0.0, std=0.09), b=Constant((nr3x3, ), val=0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose) layers.append(l_r3x3) else: l_r3x3 = l_in l_3x3 = Conv(input=l_r3x3, convstride=1, padsize=1, W=Normal((n3x3, nr3x3, 3, 3), mean=0.0, std=0.03), b=Constant((n3x3, ), val=0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose) layers.append(l_3x3) outlayers.append(l_3x3) if n5x5 > 0: if nr5x5 > 0: l_r5x5 = Conv(input=input, convstride=1, padsize=0, W=Normal((nr5x5, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1), mean=0.0, std=0.2), b=Constant((nr5x5, ), val=0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose) layers.append(l_r5x5) else: l_r5x5 = l_in l_5x5 = Conv(input=l_r5x5, convstride=1, padsize=2, W=Normal((n5x5, nr5x5, 5, 5), mean=0.0, std=0.03), b=Constant((n5x5, ), val=0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose) layers.append(l_5x5) outlayers.append(l_5x5) if npj > 0: l_pool = Pool(input=input, poolsize=3, poolstride=1, poolpad=1, mode='max', printinfo=self.verbose) l_pool_project = Conv(input=l_pool, convstride=1, padsize=0, W=Normal((npj, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1), mean=0.0, std=0.1), b=Constant((npj, ), val=0.2), lib_conv=lib_conv, printinfo=self.verbose) layers.append(l_pool_project) outlayers.append(l_pool_project) import theano.tensor as T self.output = T.concatenate([layer.output for layer in outlayers], axis=1) # bc01 concaatenate on 'c' self.params, self.weight_type = get_params(layers) if output_shape: self.output_shape = output_shape else: self.output_shape = self.get_output_shape(self.input_shape) = 'Inception ({})'.format(lib_conv) if printinfo: self.print_shape()
def __init__(self, input, n_softmax_out, input_shape=None, output_shape=None, lib_conv='cudnn', printinfo=False): self.get_input_shape(input, input_shape) self.verbose = printinfo layers = [] outlayers = [] # input shape = (14x14x512or528) pool = Pool(input=input, poolsize=5, poolstride=3, poolpad=0, mode='average', printinfo=self.verbose) # output shape = (4x4x512or528) conv1x1 = Conv(input=pool, convstride=1, padsize=0, W=Normal((128, self.input_shape[1], 1, 1), mean=0.0, std=0.1), b=Constant((128, ), val=0.2), lib_conv='cudnn', printinfo=self.verbose) layers.append(conv1x1) # output shape = (4x4x128) l_flatten = Flatten( input=conv1x1, #5 #input_shape=conv_5x5.output_shape, # (b, 64, 2, 2) axis=2, # expand dimensions after the first dimension printinfo=self.verbose #output_shape = (b,64*2*2) ) # output shape = (2048) fc = FC( input=l_flatten, #n_in=2048, n_out=1024, W=Normal((l_flatten.output_shape[1], 1024), mean=0, std=0.01), b=Constant((1024, ), val=0), printinfo=self.verbose #input_shape = flatten.output_shape # (b, 9216) ) layers.append(fc) drp = Dropout( input=fc, #n_in=1024, n_out=fc.output_shape[1], prob_drop=0.7, printinfo=self.verbose) softmax_layer = Softmax(input=drp, n_out=n_softmax_out, W=Normal((drp.output_shape[1], n_softmax_out), mean=0, std=0.01), b=Constant((n_softmax_out, ), val=0), printinfo=self.verbose) layers.append(softmax_layer) self.output = softmax_layer.p_y_given_x self.negative_log_likelihood = softmax_layer.negative_log_likelihood self.params, self.weight_type = get_params(layers) if output_shape: self.output_shape = output_shape else: self.output_shape = self.get_output_shape(self.input_shape) = 'AuxTower ({})'.format(lib_conv) if printinfo: self.print_shape()
def __init__(self, config): self.verbose = config['verbose'] self.rank = config['rank'] # will be used in sharding and distinguish rng self.size = config['size'] import theano = 'Cifar10_model' # data from import Cifar10_data = Cifar10_data(verbose=False) self.channels = # 'c' mean(R,G,B) = (103.939, 116.779, 123.68) self.input_width = input_width # '0' single scale training 224 self.input_height = input_height # '1' single scale training 224 # if self.size>1: # only use avg # self.batch_size = batch_size/self.size # else: self.batch_size = batch_size # 'b' self.file_batch_size = file_batch_size self.n_softmax_out = # mini batching and other data parallel common routine, size=self.size)'train', common_seed=1234)'val')'train', rank=self.rank, size=self.size) # to update data.n_batch_train'val', rank=self.rank, size=self.size) # to update data.n_batch_val # preprocessing self.batch_crop_mirror = batch_crop_mirror self.input_width = input_width # training related self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.epoch = 0 self.step_idx = 0 = momentum # def: 0.9 # momentum self.use_momentum = use_momentum self.use_nesterov_momentum = use_nesterov_momentum self.eta = weight_decay #0.0002 # weight decay self.monitor_grad = monitor_grad self.base_lr = np.float32(learning_rate) self.shared_lr = theano.shared(self.base_lr) self.shared_x = theano.shared(np.zeros(( 3,,, file_batch_size ), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) self.shared_y = theano.shared(np.zeros((file_batch_size,), dtype=int), borrow=True) # slice batch if needed import theano.tensor as T subb_ind = T.iscalar('subb') # sub batch index self.subb_ind = subb_ind self.shared_x_slice = self.shared_x[:,:,:,subb_ind*self.batch_size:(subb_ind+1)*self.batch_size] self.shared_y_slice = self.shared_y[subb_ind*self.batch_size:(subb_ind+1)*self.batch_size] # build model self.build_model() self.output = self.output_layer.output from theanompi.models.layers2 import get_params, get_layers, count_params self.layers = get_layers(lastlayer = self.output_layer) self.params,self.weight_types = get_params(self.layers) count_params(self.params, self.verbose) self.grads = T.grad(self.cost,self.params) # To be compiled self.compiled_train_fn_list = [] self.train_iter_fn = None self.val_iter_fn = None # iter related self.n_subb = file_batch_size//batch_size self.current_t = 0 # current filename pointer in the filename list self.last_one_t = False # if pointer is pointing to the last filename in the list self.subb_t = 0 # sub-batch index self.current_v=0 self.last_one_v=False self.subb_v=0