def fw(self, irc, msg, args, text): """<text> INVALID F*****G INPUT. PLEASE ENTER A F*****G ZIP CODE, OR A F*****G CITY-STATE PAIR. """ if text: try: w = thefuckingweather.get_weather(text) ### FIXME #if opts: # for (key, val) in opts: # if key == 'metric': # unit = 'c' # else: # unit = 'f' # if key == 'forecast': # f = w['forecast'] location = ircutils.mircColor(w['location'], 'white') f_temp = self._color(w['current']['temperature'], 'f') c_temp = self._color(round((5.0/9.0)*(w['current']['temperature']-32), 1), 'c') weather = w['current']['weather'][0] remark = w['current']['remark'] comment = "{0}: {1}, {2}?! {3}! ({4})".format(location, f_temp, c_temp, weather, remark) except thefuckingweather.LocationError: comment = "I CAN'T FIND THAT SHIT!" except thefuckingweather.ParseError: comment = "I CAN'T PARSE THE F*****G WEATHER!" irc.reply(comment)
def tfw(components): loc = components['arguments'].split('!tfw ')[1] print '"%s"' % loc tfw_result = None try: tfw_result = tfw.get_weather(loc) except: return 'Could not get weather for "%s"' % loc location = tfw_result['location'] print '"%s"' % location weather = tfw_result['current'] print '"%s"' % weather response = '%s - %s%s F - %s (%s)' % (location, weather['temperature'], tfw.DEGREE_SYMBOL, ' '.join(weather['weather']), weather['remark']) print '"%s"' % response return response
def weather(self, irc, msg, args, text): """[<text>] Decide between n items separated by commas. """ found = text.find("-c") result = False if (found > -1): #irc.reply("celsius detected.") text = text.replace("-c", "") #irc.reply(text) result = True w = thefuckingweather.get_weather(text, result) w_tuple = (w["current"]["temperature"], 'degrees', "\n".join(w["current"]["weather"]), w["current"]["remark"]) result = """%d %s?! %s (%s)""" % w_tuple result = result.replace('\n', '. ') irc.reply(result)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import thefuckingweather try: target = " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) except: target = "" try: data = thefuckingweather.get_weather(target) current = data["current"] except thefuckingweather.LocationError: print "I CAN'T FIND THAT SHIT" raise SystemExit print (u"{1} ({0}° in {3}) ({2})".format(current["temperature"], " ".join(current["weather"]), current["remark"], data["location"])).encode("utf-8")