def economic_status(CASRN, Method=None, AvailableMethods=False): # pragma: no cover '''Look up the economic status of a chemical. This API is considered experimental, and is expected to be removed in a future release in favor of a more complete object-oriented interface. >>> pprint(economic_status(CASRN='98-00-0')) ["US public: {'Manufactured': 0.0, 'Imported': 10272.711, 'Exported': 184.127}", u'10,000 - 100,000 tonnes per annum', 'OECD HPV Chemicals'] >>> economic_status(CASRN='13775-50-3') # SODIUM SESQUISULPHATE [] >>> economic_status(CASRN='98-00-0', Method='OECD high production volume chemicals') 'OECD HPV Chemicals' >>> economic_status(CASRN='98-01-1', Method='European Chemicals Agency Total Tonnage Bands') [u'10,000 - 100,000 tonnes per annum'] ''' load_economic_data() CASi = CAS2int(CASRN) def list_methods(): methods = [] methods.append('Combined') if CASRN in _EPACDRDict: methods.append(EPACDR) if CASRN in _ECHATonnageDict: methods.append(ECHA) if CASi in HPV_data.index: methods.append(OECD) methods.append(NONE) return methods if AvailableMethods: return list_methods() if not Method: Method = list_methods()[0] # This is the calculate, given the method section if Method == EPACDR: status = 'US public: ' + str(_EPACDRDict[CASRN]) elif Method == ECHA: status = _ECHATonnageDict[CASRN] elif Method == OECD: status = 'OECD HPV Chemicals' elif Method == 'Combined': status = [] if CASRN in _EPACDRDict: status += ['US public: ' + str(_EPACDRDict[CASRN])] if CASRN in _ECHATonnageDict: status += _ECHATonnageDict[CASRN] if CASi in HPV_data.index: status += ['OECD HPV Chemicals'] elif Method == NONE: status = None else: raise Exception('Failure in in function') return status
def test_dippr_list(): # TODO CASs formulas assert 12916928773 == sum([CAS2int(i) for i in dippr_compounds]) assert all([checkCAS(i) for i in dippr_compounds])
def legal_status(CASRN, Method=None, AvailableMethods=False, CASi=None): r'''Looks up the legal status of a chemical according to either a specifc method or with all methods. Returns either the status as a string for a specified method, or the status of the chemical in all available data sources, in the format {source: status}. Parameters ---------- CASRN : string CASRN [-] Returns ------- status : str or dict Legal status information [-] methods : list, only returned if AvailableMethods == True List of methods which can be used to obtain legal status with the given inputs Other Parameters ---------------- Method : string, optional A string for the method name to use, as defined by constants in legal_status_methods AvailableMethods : bool, optional If True, function will determine which methods can be used to obtain the legal status for the desired chemical, and will return methods instead of the status CASi : int, optional CASRN as an integer, used internally [-] Notes ----- Supported methods are: * **DSL**: Canada Domestic Substance List, [1]_. As extracted on Feb 11, 2015 from a html list. This list is updated continuously, so this version will always be somewhat old. Strictly speaking, there are multiple lists but they are all bundled together here. A chemical may be 'Listed', or be on the 'Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL)', or be on the list of substances with 'Significant New Activity (SNAc)', or be on the DSL but with a 'Ministerial Condition pertaining to this substance', or have been removed from the DSL, or have had a Ministerial prohibition for the substance. * **TSCA**: USA EPA Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Inventory, [2]_. This list is as extracted on 2016-01. It is believed this list is updated on a periodic basis (> 6 month). A chemical may simply be 'Listed', or may have certain flags attached to it. All these flags are described in the dict TSCA_flags. * **EINECS**: European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances, [3]_. As extracted from a spreadsheet dynamically generated at [1]_. This list was obtained March 2015; a more recent revision already exists. * **NLP**: No Longer Polymers, a list of chemicals with special regulatory exemptions in EINECS. Also described at [3]_. * **SPIN**: Substances Prepared in Nordic Countries. Also a boolean data type. Retrieved 2015-03 from [4]_. Other methods which could be added are: * Australia: AICS Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances * China: Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in China (IECSC) * Europe: REACH List of Registered Substances * India: List of Hazardous Chemicals * Japan: ENCS: Inventory of existing and new chemical substances * Korea: Existing Chemicals Inventory (KECI) * Mexico: INSQ National Inventory of Chemical Substances in Mexico * New Zealand: Inventory of Chemicals (NZIoC) * Philippines: PICCS Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances Examples -------- >>> legal_status('64-17-5') {'Toxic Substances Control Act (Environmental Protection Agency)': 'Listed', 'Substances in Preparations In the Nordic countries': 'Listed', 'Domestic Substances List (Environment Canada)': 'Listed', 'European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances': 'Listed', 'EINECS No-Longer Polymers': 'Unlisted'} References ---------- .. [1] Government of Canada.. "Substances Lists" Feb 11, 2015. .. [2] US EPA. "TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory." Accessed April 2016. .. [3] ECHA. "EC Inventory". Accessed March 2015. .. [4] SPIN. "SPIN Substances in Products In Nordic Countries." Accessed March 2015. ''' if not CASi: CASi = CAS2int(CASRN) methods = [COMBINED, DSL, TSCA, EINECS, NLP, SPIN] if AvailableMethods: return methods if not Method: Method = methods[0] if Method == DSL: if CASi in DSL_data.index: status = CAN_DSL_flags[[CASi, 'Registry']] else: status = UNLISTED elif Method == TSCA: if CASi in TSCA_data.index: data = TSCA_data.loc[CASi].to_dict() if any(data.values()): status = sorted( [TSCA_flags[i] for i in data.keys() if data[i]]) else: status = LISTED else: status = UNLISTED elif Method == EINECS: if CASi in EINECS_data.index: status = LISTED else: status = UNLISTED elif Method == NLP: if CASi in NLP_data.index: status = LISTED else: status = UNLISTED elif Method == SPIN: if CASi in SPIN_data.index: status = LISTED else: status = UNLISTED elif Method == COMBINED: status = {} for method in methods[1:]: status[method] = legal_status(CASRN, Method=method, CASi=CASi) else: raise Exception('Failure in in function') return status
def search_CAS(self, CAS, autoload=True): if type(CAS) != int: CAS = CAS2int(CAS) return self._search_autoload(CAS, self.CAS_index, autoload=autoload)