def do_thermodynamics(self):

        assert 'temp' in self.soundingdata, \
            "Temperature needed for thermodynamics! Add TEMP"
        assert 'pres' in self.soundingdata, \
            "Pressure needed for thermodynamics! Add PRES"
        assert 'dwpt' in self.soundingdata, \
            "Moisture needed for thermodynamics! Add DWPT"

        # primary variables
        prespa = self.soundingdata['pres'] * 100.
        tempc = self.soundingdata['temp']
        tempk = tempc + degCtoK
        dwptc = self.soundingdata['dwpt']

        # secondary variables
        e = VaporPressure(dwptc)
        esat = VaporPressure(tempc)

        # assign/extract other variables
        if 'thta' not in self.soundingdata:
            self.soundingdata['thta'] = Theta(tempk, prespa)

        if 'thte' not in self.soundingdata:
            self.soundingdata['thte'] = ThetaE(tempk, prespa, e)

        if 'thtv' not in self.soundingdata:
            self.soundingdata['thtv'] = ThetaV(tempk, prespa, e)

        if 'relh' not in self.soundingdata:
            self.soundingdata['relh'] = 100. * e / esat

    def precipitable_water(self):
        """Calculate Total Precipitable Water (TPW) for sounding.
        TPW is defined as the total column-integrated water vapour. I
        calculate it from the dew point temperature because this is the
        fundamental moisture variable in this module (even though it is RH
        that is usually measured directly)

        tempk = self.soundingdata['temp'] + degCtoK
        prespa = self.soundingdata['pres'] * 100.
        hghtm = self.soundingdata['hght']

        # Get Water Vapour Mixing Ratio, by calculation
        # from dew point temperature
            dwptc = self.soundingdata['dwpt']
        except KeyError:
            print("Warning: No MIXR or DWPT for TPW calculation")
            return -999.
        vprespa = VaporPressure(dwptc)
        mixrkg = MixRatio(vprespa, prespa)

        # Calculate density of air (accounting for moisture)
        rho = DensHumid(tempk, prespa, vprespa)

        # Trapezoidal rule to approximate TPW (units kg/m^2==mm)
        tpw = trapz(mixrkg*rho, hghtm)

        return tpw
Пример #3
    def mixed_layer_parcel(self, depth=100):
        """Returns parameters for a parcel initialised by:
        1. Surface pressure (i.e. pressure of lowest level)
        2. Surface temperature determined from mean(theta) of lowest <depth> mb
        3. Dew point temperature representative of lowest <depth> mbar

        depth (mbar): depth to average mixing ratio over

        pres = self.soundingdata["pres"]
        temp = self.soundingdata["temp"]
        dwpt = self.soundingdata["dwpt"]

        pres0, temp0, dwpt0, null = self.surface_parcel()

        # identify the layers for averaging
        layers = pres > (pres0-depth)

        # average theta over mixheight to give
        # parcel temperature
        thta_mix = Theta(temp[layers]+degCtoK, pres[layers]*100.).mean()
        temp_s = TempK(thta_mix, pres0*100) - degCtoK

        # average mixing ratio over mixheight
        vpres = VaporPressure(dwpt)
        mixr = MixRatio(vpres, pres*100)
        mixr_mix = mixr[layers].mean()
        vpres_s = MixR2VaporPress(mixr_mix, pres0*100)

        # surface dew point temp
        dwpt_s = DewPoint(vpres_s)

        # print "----- Mixed Layer Parcel Characteristics -----"
        # print "Mixed layer depth                     : %5d mb "%depth
        # print "Mean mixed layer potential temperature: %5.1f K"%thta_mix
        # print "Mean mixed layer mixing ratio         : %5.2f g/kg"%
        # (mixr_mix*1e3)

        return pres0, temp_s, dwpt_s, 'ml'

        raise NotImplementedError
def dry_ascent(startp, startt, startdp, nsteps=101):
    from numpy import interp
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Lift a parcel dry adiabatically from startp to LCL.
    # Init temp is startt in C, Init dew point is stwrtdp,
    # pressure levels are in hPa
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    assert startdp <= startt

    if startdp == startt:
        return array([startp]), array([startt]), array([startdp]),

    # Pres=linspace(startp,600,nsteps)
    Pres = logspace(log10(startp), log10(600), nsteps)

    # Lift the dry parcel
    T_dry = (startt+degCtoK) * (Pres/startp)**(Rs_da/Cp_da) - degCtoK

    # Mixing ratio isopleth
    starte = VaporPressure(startdp)
    startw = MixRatio(starte, startp*100)
    e = Pres * startw / (.622+startw)
    T_iso = 243.5 / (17.67/log(e/6.112)-1)

    # Solve for the intersection of these lines (LCL).
    # interp requires the x argument (argument 2)
    # to be ascending in order!
    P_lcl = interp(0, T_iso-T_dry, Pres)
    T_lcl = interp(P_lcl, Pres[::-1], T_dry[::-1])

    # presdry=linspace(startp,P_lcl)
    presdry = logspace(log10(startp), log10(P_lcl), nsteps)

    tempdry = interp(presdry, Pres[::-1], T_dry[::-1])
    tempiso = interp(presdry, Pres[::-1], T_iso[::-1])

    return presdry, tempdry, tempiso
     rgrFreezingLevel[st, iTT] = 0
     f = interp1d(rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('T'), :],
                  rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('Z'), :])
     rgrFreezingLevel[st, iTT] = f(0)
 if rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('T'), 0] <= 3:
     rgr3CLevel[st, iTT] = 0
     f = interp1d(rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('T'), :],
                  rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('Z'), :])
     rgr3CLevel[st, iTT] = f(3)
 # calculate melting level height
 ESAT = esat(rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('T'), :] +
 ee = VaporPressure(
     rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('T'), :] -
     rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('DPD'), :],
 rgrMixRatio = MixRatio(
     ee, rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('P'), :])
 VapPres = MixR2VaporPress(
     rgrMixRatio, rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('P'), :])
 rgrRH = (VapPres / ESAT) * 100.
 rgrWBT = WetBulb(rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('T'), :],
 if rgrWBT[0] <= 0:
     rgrWBZ[st, iTT] = 0
     f = interp1d(rgrWBT,
                  rgrData_act[rgsSondVars.index('Z'), :])
     rgrWBZ[st, iTT] = f(0)
 # rSolPrecProb=fnSolidPrecip(1,-5,0)