def test_use_ops(): class_ops = get_current_ops() with use_ops("numpy"): new_ops = get_current_ops() assert == "numpy" with use_ops("cupy"): new_ops = get_current_ops() assert == "cupy" new_ops = get_current_ops() assert ==
def test_prefer_gpu(): current_ops = get_current_ops() try: import cupy # noqa: F401 prefer_gpu() assert isinstance(get_current_ops(), CupyOps) except ImportError: assert not prefer_gpu() set_current_ops(current_ops)
def test_require_gpu(): current_ops = get_current_ops() try: import cupy # noqa: F401 require_gpu() assert isinstance(get_current_ops(), CupyOps) except ImportError: with pytest.raises(ValueError): require_gpu() set_current_ops(current_ops)
def test_require_cpu(): require_cpu() assert isinstance(get_current_ops(), NumpyOps) try: import cupy # noqa: F401 require_gpu() assert isinstance(get_current_ops(), CupyOps) except ImportError: pass require_cpu() assert isinstance(get_current_ops(), NumpyOps)
def test_tok2vec_listener(with_vectors): orig_config = Config().from_str(cfg_string) orig_config["components"]["tok2vec"]["model"]["embed"][ "include_static_vectors"] = with_vectors nlp = util.load_model_from_config(orig_config, auto_fill=True, validate=True) if with_vectors: ops = get_current_ops() vectors = [ ("apple", ops.asarray([1, 2, 3])), ("orange", ops.asarray([-1, -2, -3])), ("and", ops.asarray([-1, -1, -1])), ("juice", ops.asarray([5, 5, 10])), ("pie", ops.asarray([7, 6.3, 8.9])), ] add_vecs_to_vocab(nlp.vocab, vectors) assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tok2vec", "tagger"] tagger = nlp.get_pipe("tagger") tok2vec = nlp.get_pipe("tok2vec") tagger_tok2vec = tagger.model.get_ref("tok2vec") assert isinstance(tok2vec, Tok2Vec) assert isinstance(tagger_tok2vec, Tok2VecListener) train_examples = [] for t in TRAIN_DATA: train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(t[0]), t[1])) for tag in t[1]["tags"]: tagger.add_label(tag) # Check that the Tok2Vec component finds it listeners assert tok2vec.listeners == [] optimizer = nlp.initialize(lambda: train_examples) assert tok2vec.listeners == [tagger_tok2vec] for i in range(5): losses = {} nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses) doc = nlp("Running the pipeline as a whole.") doc_tensor = tagger_tok2vec.predict([doc])[0] ops = get_current_ops() assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(doc.tensor), ops.to_numpy(doc_tensor)) # test with empty doc doc = nlp("") # TODO: should this warn or error? nlp.select_pipes(disable="tok2vec") assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tagger"] nlp("Running the pipeline with the Tok2Vec component disabled.")
def test_issue5082(): # Ensure the 'merge_entities' pipeline does something sensible for the vectors of the merged tokens nlp = English() vocab = nlp.vocab array1 = numpy.asarray([0.1, 0.5, 0.8], dtype=numpy.float32) array2 = numpy.asarray([-0.2, -0.6, -0.9], dtype=numpy.float32) array3 = numpy.asarray([0.3, -0.1, 0.7], dtype=numpy.float32) array4 = numpy.asarray([0.5, 0, 0.3], dtype=numpy.float32) array34 = numpy.asarray([0.4, -0.05, 0.5], dtype=numpy.float32) vocab.set_vector("I", array1) vocab.set_vector("like", array2) vocab.set_vector("David", array3) vocab.set_vector("Bowie", array4) text = "I like David Bowie" patterns = [ {"label": "PERSON", "pattern": [{"LOWER": "david"}, {"LOWER": "bowie"}]} ] ruler = nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler") ruler.add_patterns(patterns) parsed_vectors_1 = [t.vector for t in nlp(text)] assert len(parsed_vectors_1) == 4 ops = get_current_ops() numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(parsed_vectors_1[0]), array1) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(parsed_vectors_1[1]), array2) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(parsed_vectors_1[2]), array3) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(parsed_vectors_1[3]), array4) nlp.add_pipe("merge_entities") parsed_vectors_2 = [t.vector for t in nlp(text)] assert len(parsed_vectors_2) == 3 numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(parsed_vectors_2[0]), array1) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(parsed_vectors_2[1]), array2) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(parsed_vectors_2[2]), array34)
def test_serialize_transformer_data(): data = {"x": TransformerData.empty()} bytes_data = srsly.msgpack_dumps(data) new_data = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data) assert isinstance(new_data["x"], TransformerData) nlp = Language() nlp.add_pipe( "transformer", config={ "model": { "name": "distilbert-base-uncased", "transformer_config": { "output_attentions": True }, } }, ) nlp.initialize() doc = nlp("This is a test.") b = doc.to_bytes() reloaded_doc = Doc(nlp.vocab) reloaded_doc.from_bytes(b) assert_docs_equal(doc, reloaded_doc) ops = get_current_ops() for key in doc._.trf_data.model_output: assert_array_equal( ops.to_numpy(ops.asarray(doc._.trf_data.model_output[key])), ops.to_numpy(ops.asarray( reloaded_doc._.trf_data.model_output[key])), )
def test_ngrams(): ops = get_current_ops() arr1 = numpy.asarray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=numpy.uint64) for n in range(1, 10): assert len(ops.ngrams(n, arr1)) == max(0, arr1.shape[0] - (n - 1)) assert len(ops.ngrams(-1, arr1)) == 0 assert len(ops.ngrams(arr1.shape[0] + 1, arr1)) == 0
def test_tok2vec_listener(): orig_config = Config().from_str(cfg_string) nlp = util.load_model_from_config(orig_config, auto_fill=True, validate=True) assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tok2vec", "tagger"] tagger = nlp.get_pipe("tagger") tok2vec = nlp.get_pipe("tok2vec") tagger_tok2vec = tagger.model.get_ref("tok2vec") assert isinstance(tok2vec, Tok2Vec) assert isinstance(tagger_tok2vec, Tok2VecListener) train_examples = [] for t in TRAIN_DATA: train_examples.append(Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(t[0]), t[1])) for tag in t[1]["tags"]: tagger.add_label(tag) # Check that the Tok2Vec component finds it listeners assert tok2vec.listeners == [] optimizer = nlp.initialize(lambda: train_examples) assert tok2vec.listeners == [tagger_tok2vec] for i in range(5): losses = {} nlp.update(train_examples, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses) doc = nlp("Running the pipeline as a whole.") doc_tensor = tagger_tok2vec.predict([doc])[0] ops = get_current_ops() assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(doc.tensor), ops.to_numpy(doc_tensor)) # TODO: should this warn or error? nlp.select_pipes(disable="tok2vec") assert nlp.pipe_names == ["tagger"] nlp("Running the pipeline with the Tok2Vec component disabled.")
def huggingface_from_pretrained(source: Union[Path, str], tok_config: Dict, trf_config: Dict) -> HFObjects: """Create a Huggingface transformer model from pretrained weights. Will download the model if it is not already downloaded. source (Union[str, Path]): The name of the model or a path to it, such as 'bert-base-cased'. tok_config (dict): Settings to pass to the tokenizer. trf_config (dict): Settings to pass to the transformer. """ if hasattr(source, "absolute"): str_path = str(source.absolute()) else: str_path = source tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(str_path, **tok_config) vocab_file_contents = None if hasattr(tokenizer, "vocab_file"): with open(tokenizer.vocab_file, "rb") as fileh: vocab_file_contents = trf_config["return_dict"] = True config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(str_path, **trf_config) transformer = AutoModel.from_pretrained(str_path, config=config) ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, CupyOps): transformer.cuda() return HFObjects(tokenizer, transformer, vocab_file_contents)
def huggingface_from_pretrained(source, config): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(source, **config) transformer = AutoModel.from_pretrained(source) ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, CupyOps): transformer.cuda() return tokenizer, transformer
def test_issue5551(textcat_config): """Test that after fixing the random seed, the results of the pipeline are truly identical""" component = "textcat" pipe_cfg = Config().from_str(textcat_config) results = [] for i in range(3): fix_random_seed(0) nlp = English() text = "Once hot, form ping-pong-ball-sized balls of the mixture, each weighing roughly 25 g." annots = {"cats": {"Labe1": 1.0, "Label2": 0.0, "Label3": 0.0}} pipe = nlp.add_pipe(component, config=pipe_cfg, last=True) for label in set(annots["cats"]): pipe.add_label(label) # Train nlp.initialize() doc = nlp.make_doc(text) nlp.update([Example.from_dict(doc, annots)]) # Store the result of each iteration result = pipe.model.predict([doc]) results.append(result[0]) # All results should be the same because of the fixed seed assert len(results) == 3 ops = get_current_ops() assert_almost_equal(ops.to_numpy(results[0]), ops.to_numpy(results[1]), decimal=5) assert_almost_equal(ops.to_numpy(results[0]), ops.to_numpy(results[2]), decimal=5)
def huggingface_from_pretrained(source: Union[Path, str], config: Dict): """Create a Huggingface transformer model from pretrained weights. Will download the model if it is not already downloaded. source (Union[str, Path]): The name of the model or a path to it, such as 'bert-base-cased'. config (dict): Settings to pass to the tokenizer. """ warnings.warn( "spacy_transformers.util.huggingface_from_pretrained has been moved to " "spacy_transformers.layers.transformer_model.huggingface_from_pretrained " "with an updated API:\n" "huggingface_from_pretrained(source, tok_config, trf_config) -> HFObjects", DeprecationWarning, ) if hasattr(source, "absolute"): str_path = str(source.absolute()) else: str_path = source tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(str_path, **config) transformer = AutoModel.from_pretrained(str_path) ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, CupyOps): transformer.cuda() return tokenizer, transformer
def Y(answer: int, n_classes: int) -> Array2d: ops: Ops = get_current_ops() return cast( Array2d, to_categorical(cast(IntsXd, ops.asarray([answer])), n_classes=n_classes), )
def ngram_suggester(docs: Iterable[Doc], *, ops: Optional[Ops] = None) -> Ragged: if ops is None: ops = get_current_ops() spans = [] lengths = [] for doc in docs: starts = ops.xp.arange(len(doc), dtype="i") starts = starts.reshape((-1, 1)) length = 0 for size in sizes: if size <= len(doc): starts_size = starts[: len(doc) - (size - 1)] spans.append(ops.xp.hstack((starts_size, starts_size + size))) length += spans[-1].shape[0] if spans: assert spans[-1].ndim == 2, spans[-1].shape lengths.append(length) lengths_array = cast(Ints1d, ops.asarray(lengths, dtype="i")) if len(spans) > 0: output = Ragged(ops.xp.vstack(spans), lengths_array) else: output = Ragged(ops.xp.zeros((0, 0), dtype="i"), lengths_array) assert output.dataXd.ndim == 2 return output
def test_language_pipe_error_handler_custom(en_vocab, n_process): """Test the error handling of a custom component that has no pipe method""" Language.component("my_evil_component", func=evil_component) ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or n_process < 2: nlp = English() nlp.add_pipe("my_evil_component") texts = ["TEXT 111", "TEXT 222", "TEXT 333", "TEXT 342", "TEXT 666"] with pytest.raises(ValueError): # the evil custom component throws an error list(nlp.pipe(texts)) nlp.set_error_handler(warn_error) logger = logging.getLogger("spacy") with mock.patch.object(logger, "warning") as mock_warning: # the errors by the evil custom component raise a warning for each # bad doc docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process)) # HACK/TODO? the warnings in child processes don't seem to be # detected by the mock logger if n_process == 1: mock_warning.assert_called() assert mock_warning.call_count == 2 assert len(docs) + mock_warning.call_count == len(texts) assert [doc.text for doc in docs] == ["TEXT 111", "TEXT 333", "TEXT 666"]
def test_language_pipe_error_handler_input_as_tuples(en_vocab, n_process): """Test the error handling of nlp.pipe with input as tuples""" Language.component("my_evil_component", func=evil_component) ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or n_process < 2: nlp = English() nlp.add_pipe("my_evil_component") texts = [ ("TEXT 111", 111), ("TEXT 222", 222), ("TEXT 333", 333), ("TEXT 342", 342), ("TEXT 666", 666), ] with pytest.raises(ValueError): list(nlp.pipe(texts, as_tuples=True)) nlp.set_error_handler(warn_error) logger = logging.getLogger("spacy") with mock.patch.object(logger, "warning") as mock_warning: tuples = list(nlp.pipe(texts, as_tuples=True, n_process=n_process)) # HACK/TODO? the warnings in child processes don't seem to be # detected by the mock logger if n_process == 1: mock_warning.assert_called() assert mock_warning.call_count == 2 assert len(tuples) + mock_warning.call_count == len(texts) assert (tuples[0][0].text, tuples[0][1]) == ("TEXT 111", 111) assert (tuples[1][0].text, tuples[1][1]) == ("TEXT 333", 333) assert (tuples[2][0].text, tuples[2][1]) == ("TEXT 666", 666)
def test_language_pipe(nlp2, n_process, texts): ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or n_process < 2: texts = texts * 10 expecteds = [nlp2(text) for text in texts] docs = nlp2.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process, batch_size=2) for doc, expected_doc in zip(docs, expecteds): assert_docs_equal(doc, expected_doc)
def test_multiprocessing(simple_nlp, texts): ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps): texts = texts * 3 expecteds = [simple_nlp(text) for text in texts] docs = simple_nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=2, batch_size=2) for doc, expected_doc in zip(docs, expecteds): assert_docs_equal(doc, expected_doc)
def test_pickle_vocab(strings, lex_attr): vocab = Vocab(strings=strings) ops = get_current_ops() vectors = Vectors(data=ops.xp.zeros((10, 10)), mode="floret", hash_count=1) vocab.vectors = vectors vocab[strings[0]].norm_ = lex_attr vocab_pickled = pickle.dumps(vocab) vocab_unpickled = pickle.loads(vocab_pickled) assert vocab.to_bytes() == vocab_unpickled.to_bytes() assert vocab_unpickled.vectors.mode == "floret"
def test_pass_doc_to_pipeline(nlp, n_process): texts = ["cats", "dogs", "guinea pigs"] docs = [nlp.make_doc(text) for text in texts] assert not any(len(doc.cats) for doc in docs) doc = nlp(docs[0]) assert doc.text == texts[0] assert len(doc.cats) > 0 if isinstance(get_current_ops(), NumpyOps) or n_process < 2: docs = nlp.pipe(docs, n_process=n_process) assert [doc.text for doc in docs] == texts assert all(len(doc.cats) for doc in docs)
def test_issue4903(): """Ensure that this runs correctly and doesn't hang or crash on Windows / macOS.""" nlp = English() nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer") nlp.add_pipe("my_pipe", after="sentencizer") text = ["I like bananas.", "Do you like them?", "No, I prefer wasabi."] if isinstance(get_current_ops(), NumpyOps): docs = list(nlp.pipe(text, n_process=2)) assert docs[0].text == "I like bananas." assert docs[1].text == "Do you like them?" assert docs[2].text == "No, I prefer wasabi."
def test_language_pipe_stream(nlp2, n_process, texts): ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or n_process < 2: # check if nlp.pipe can handle infinite length iterator properly. stream_texts = itertools.cycle(texts) texts0, texts1 = itertools.tee(stream_texts) expecteds = (nlp2(text) for text in texts0) docs = nlp2.pipe(texts1, n_process=n_process, batch_size=2) n_fetch = 20 for doc, expected_doc in itertools.islice(zip(docs, expecteds), n_fetch): assert_docs_equal(doc, expected_doc)
def test_language_pipe_error_handler_make_doc_preferred(n_process): """Test the error handling for make_doc""" ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or n_process < 2: nlp = English() nlp.max_length = 10 texts = ["12345678901234567890", "12345"] * 10 with pytest.raises(ValueError): list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process)) nlp.default_error_handler = ignore_error docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process)) assert len(docs) == 0
def test_multibatch(): fix_random_seed(0) ops = get_current_ops() arr1 = numpy.asarray([1, 2, 3, 4]) arr2 = numpy.asarray([5, 6, 7, 8]) batches = list(ops.multibatch(2, arr1, arr2)) assert numpy.concatenate(batches).tolist() == [[1, 2], [5, 6], [3, 4], [7, 8]] batches = list(ops.multibatch(2, arr1, arr2, shuffle=True)) assert len(batches) == 2 assert len(batches[0]) == 2 assert len(batches[1]) == 2 batches = list(ops.multibatch(2, [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8])) assert batches == [[[1, 2], [5, 6]], [[3, 4], [7, 8]]] with pytest.raises(ValueError): ops.multibatch(10, (i for i in range(100)), (i for i in range(100))) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ops.multibatch(10, arr1, (i for i in range(100)), arr2)
def huggingface_classification_from_pretrained(source: Union[Path, str], config: Dict): """Create a Huggingface transformer model from pretrained weights. Will download the model if it is not already downloaded. source (Union[str, Path]): The name of the model or a path to it, such as 'bert-base-cased'. config (dict): Settings to pass to the tokenizer. """ if hasattr(source, "absolute"): str_path = str(source.absolute()) else: str_path = source tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(str_path, **config) transformer = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(str_path) ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, CupyOps): transformer.cuda() return tokenizer, transformer
def test_language_pipe_error_handler_make_doc_actual(n_process): """Test the error handling for make_doc""" # TODO: fix so that the following test is the actual behavior ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or n_process < 2: nlp = English() nlp.max_length = 10 texts = ["12345678901234567890", "12345"] * 10 with pytest.raises(ValueError): list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process)) nlp.default_error_handler = ignore_error if n_process == 1: with pytest.raises(ValueError): list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process)) else: docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process)) assert len(docs) == 0
def test_span_with_vectors(doc): ops = get_current_ops() prev_vectors = doc.vocab.vectors vectors = [ ("apple", ops.asarray([1, 2, 3])), ("orange", ops.asarray([-1, -2, -3])), ("And", ops.asarray([-1, -1, -1])), ("juice", ops.asarray([5, 5, 10])), ("pie", ops.asarray([7, 6.3, 8.9])), ] add_vecs_to_vocab(doc.vocab, vectors) # 0-length span assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(doc[0:0].vector), numpy.zeros((3, ))) # longer span with no vector assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(doc[0:4].vector), numpy.zeros((3, ))) # single-token span with vector assert_array_equal(ops.to_numpy(doc[10:11].vector), [-1, -1, -1]) doc.vocab.vectors = prev_vectors
def test_language_pipe_error_handler_pipe(en_vocab, n_process): """Test the error handling of a component's pipe method""" Language.component("my_perhaps_sentences", func=perhaps_set_sentences) Language.component("assert_sents_error", func=assert_sents_error) ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or n_process < 2: texts = [f"{str(i)} is enough. Done" for i in range(100)] nlp = English() nlp.add_pipe("my_perhaps_sentences") nlp.add_pipe("assert_sents_error") nlp.initialize() with pytest.raises(ValueError): # assert_sents_error requires sentence boundaries, will throw an error otherwise docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process, batch_size=10)) nlp.set_error_handler(ignore_error) docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_process=n_process, batch_size=10)) # we lose/ignore the failing 4,40-49 docs assert len(docs) == 89
def test_tensorflow_wrapper_serialize_model_subclass( X, Y, input_size, n_classes, answer ): import tensorflow as tf input_shape = (1, input_size) ops = get_current_ops() @keras_subclass( "foo.v1", X=ops.alloc2f(*input_shape), Y=to_categorical(ops.asarray1i([1]), n_classes=n_classes), input_shape=input_shape, ) class CustomKerasModel(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(CustomKerasModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.in_dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense( 12, name="in_dense", input_shape=input_shape ) self.out_dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense( n_classes, name="out_dense", activation="softmax" ) def call(self, inputs) -> tf.Tensor: x = self.in_dense(inputs) return self.out_dense(x) model = TensorFlowWrapper(CustomKerasModel()) # Train the model to predict the right single answer optimizer = Adam() for i in range(50): guesses, backprop = model(X, is_train=True) d_guesses = (guesses - Y) / guesses.shape[0] backprop(d_guesses) model.finish_update(optimizer) predicted = model.predict(X).argmax() assert predicted == answer # Save then Load the model from bytes model.from_bytes(model.to_bytes()) # The from_bytes model gets the same answer assert model.predict(X).argmax() == answer