Пример #1
def compute_ATE(res_dict, deprecated_images, cfg):
    '''Compute the Absolute Trajectory Error and add it to the dictionary.'''

    ate_list = []

    # For all the bags
    cfg_bag = deepcopy(cfg)
    data_dir = get_data_path(cfg)
    calib_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'calibration')
    calib_dict = load_calib(calib_list)
    for bag_id in range(get_num_in_bag(cfg_bag)):
        cfg_bag.bag_id = bag_id

        # Skip if bag contains deprecated images
        if not valid_bag(cfg_bag, deprecated_images):

        # Get colmap output (binary files) path
        colmap_res_path = os.path.join(get_colmap_output_path(cfg_bag),

        # Check if colmap output path exists. We compute stats for track
        # length, num_cameras, num 3d points, only when colmap succeeds
        if os.path.exists(colmap_res_path):
            # Read colmap models
            _, images, _ = read_model(path=colmap_res_path, ext='.bin')
            first_xyz, second_xyz = [], []
            for _, value in images.items():

                # Get ground truth translation
                t_gt = calib_dict[value.name.split('.')[0]]['T']
                r_gt = calib_dict[value.name.split('.')[0]]['R']
                first_xyz.append(-np.dot(r_gt.T, t_gt))

                # Get actual translation
                t = np.asarray(value.tvec).flatten().reshape((3, ))
                r = np.asarray(qvec2rotmat(value.qvec))
                second_xyz.append(-np.dot(r.T, t))

            first_xyz = np.asarray(first_xyz).transpose()
            second_xyz = np.asarray(second_xyz).transpose()
            num_points = first_xyz.shape[1]
            if num_points >= 3:
                prob_inlier = max(3 / num_points, 0.5)
                num_iter = int(calc_num_iter_ransac(prob_inlier))
                std = calc_std(first_xyz)
                max_trans_error = calc_max_trans_error(first_xyz)
                rot, trans, scale, trans_error, num_inlier = ate_ransac(
                    second_xyz, first_xyz, num_iter, std * 0.5)
                if trans_error > max_trans_error or \
                        num_inlier < 0.3 * num_points:
                    trans_error = max_trans_error
                ate_list += [trans_error]

    # Aggregate results for all bags
    res_dict['avg_ate'] = float(np.mean(ate_list))
def compute_stereo_metrics_from_colmap(img1, img2, calib1, calib2, best_index,
    '''Computes (pairwise) error metrics from Colmap results.'''

    # Load COLMAP dR and dt
    colmap_output_path = get_colmap_output_path(cfg)

    # First read images.bin for the best reconstruction
    images_bin = read_images_binary(
        os.path.join(colmap_output_path, str(best_index), 'images.bin'))

    # For each key check if images_bin[key].name = image_name
    R_1_actual, t_1_actual = None, None
    R_2_actual, t_2_actual = None, None
    for key in images_bin.keys():
        if images_bin[key].name == os.path.basename(img1):
            R_1_actual = qvec2rotmat(images_bin[key].qvec)
            t_1_actual = images_bin[key].tvec
        if images_bin[key].name == os.path.basename(img2):
            R_2_actual = qvec2rotmat(images_bin[key].qvec)
            t_2_actual = images_bin[key].tvec

    # Compute err_q and err_t only when R, t are not None
    err_q, err_t = np.inf, np.inf
    if (R_1_actual is not None) and (R_2_actual is not None) and (
            t_1_actual is not None) and (t_2_actual is not None):
        # Compute dR, dt (actual)
        dR_act = np.dot(R_2_actual, R_1_actual.T)
        dt_act = t_2_actual - np.dot(dR_act, t_1_actual)

        # Get R, t from calibration information
        R_1, t_1 = calib1['R'], calib1['T'].reshape((3, 1))
        R_2, t_2 = calib2['R'], calib2['T'].reshape((3, 1))

        # Compute ground truth dR, dt
        dR = np.dot(R_2, R_1.T)
        dt = t_2 - np.dot(dR, t_1)

        # Save err_, err_t
        err_q, err_t = evaluate_R_t(dR, dt, dR_act, dt_act)

    return err_q, err_t