class TempDirs(object): """Tempdir manager.""" def __init__(self, tmpdir, prefix="rez_"): self.tmpdir = tmpdir self.prefix = prefix self.dirs = set() self.lock = Lock() # previous version overloaded TempDirs.__del__ in an unsafe manner; # the __del__ method is not guaranteed to be called before sys.modules begins # breaking down, so the os.path call was failing with a muted AttributeError, # leaving the directory on disk even when the program exited normally; by registering # an atexit callback we should ensure the directories are cleared at shutdown atexit.register(self.clear) def mkdtemp(self, cleanup=True): path = mkdtemp(dir=self.tmpdir, prefix=self.prefix) if not cleanup: return path try: self.lock.acquire() self.dirs.add(path) finally: self.lock.release() return path def clear(self): dirs = self.dirs for path in dirs: if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)
class PriorityQueue: """ a non blocking priority queue """ def __init__(self): self.queue = [] self.lock = Lock() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.queue) def __delitem__(self, key): del self.queue[key] def put(self, element): self.lock.acquire() heappush(self.queue, element) self.lock.release() def get(self): """ return element or None """ self.lock.acquire() try: el = heappop(self.queue) return el except IndexError: return None, None finally: self.lock.release()
class Reader(Thread): def __init__(self): super(Reader, self).__init__() self.buffer = [] self.lock = Lock() def run(self): while True: self.lock.acquire() self.buffer.append(getch()) self.lock.release() sleep(0) def read(self): self.start() while True: if self.buffer: # The reader may be in the middle of receiving multi-byte # input; wait long enough for this to finish. sleep(0.1) self.lock.acquire() chars, self.buffer = self.buffer, [] self.lock.release() yield chars
class BatchInsertCollector(): def __init__(self, cur, table_name, header=None, threshold=1000000): if not isinstance(cur, MyCursor): raise TypeError self.cur = cur self.table_name = table_name print 'lyc here' print table_name if header is None: print 'this way' self.header = cur.get_header(table_name) else: print 'that way' self.header = header print 'I have a header' self.sql_header = '' self.cur_len = 0 self.reset_header() self.threshold = threshold self.values = [] self.stat_total = 0 self.mutex = Lock() print 'initial finish' def __del__(self): self.flush() self.cur.con.commit() def reset_header(self): self.sql_header = 'insert into %s (%s) values ' % (self.table_name, ','.join(self.header)) self.cur_len = len(self.sql_header) def flush(self): if len(self.values) == 0: return self.cur.cur.execute(self.sql_header + ','.join(self.values)) self.cur_len = len(self.sql_header) self.cur.con.commit() print 'flush called: %d records, total %d records' % (len(self.values), self.stat_total) self.values = [] def append(self, data): assert isinstance(data, DictItem) self.mutex.acquire() def find(val): if val not in data.fields: return u"''" else: return u"'%s'" % unicode(data[val]) cvalues = u','.join(map(find, self.header)) val1 = u"(%s)" % cvalues # print self.cur_len if self.cur_len + len(val1) > self.threshold: self.flush() self.values.append(val1) self.cur_len += len(val1) + 1 self.stat_total += 1 self.mutex.release()
class WorkerTask(object): """ This class used to represent page loading task """ def __init__(self, args, routine, user_data = None): self._lock_complete = Lock() self.__complete = False self.gathered = False self.args = args if callable(routine): self.routine = routine else: raise AttributeError('<routine> argument should be callable function') self.user_data = user_data self.result = [] self.thread = None def _get_complete(self): """complete property getter""" self._lock_complete.acquire() complete = self.__complete self._lock_complete.release() return complete def _set_complete(self, state): """complete property setter""" if type(state) != types.BooleanType: raise TypeError('state should be boolean') self._lock_complete.acquire() self.__complete = state self._lock_complete.release() complete = property(_get_complete, _set_complete)
class FutureTask(Task): def __init__(self,function,*args,**kwargs): self.function = function self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.lock = Lock() self.e = None self.executing = False; def _execute(self): try: self.lock.acquire() self.executing = True; self.result = self.function(*self.args,**self.kwargs); except Exception as e: self.e = e; finally: self.lock.release() def result(self): try: while True: if self.executing: #检查标志位,避免死锁 self.lock.acquire() if self.e is not None: raise self.e; return self.result finally: self.lock.release()
class _CoreScheduleThread(Thread): def __init__(self,threadpool): self.scheduletasks = []; self.tasklock = Lock(); self.condition = Condition(Lock()) self.threadpool = threadpool Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): while True: self.condition.acquire() if len(self.scheduletasks) == 0: self.condition.wait(); else: task = self.scheduletasks.pop(0) if dates.current_timestamps()>=task.nexttime: self.threadpool.execute(task.function,*task.args,**task.kwargs) task.nexttime = dates.current_timestamps()+task.period; else: self.condition.wait(task.nexttime-dates.current_timestamps()) self.addtask(task) self.condition.release() def addtask(self,task): # copy on write self.tasklock.acquire() tasks = [ t for t in self.scheduletasks ] tasks.append(task) tasks.sort(key=lambda task:task.nexttime) self.scheduletasks = tasks self.tasklock.release()
class ProgressBarLogger: def __init__(self, msg, total): self.msg = msg = total self.status = 0 self.lock = Lock() def log(self, *_): self.lock.acquire() self.status += 1 self._print_progress_bar(self.status,, prefix=self.msg, bar_length=50) self.lock.release() # from here # Print iterations progress @staticmethod def _print_progress_bar(iteration, total, prefix='', suffix='', decimals=2, bar_length=100): """ Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar @params: iteration - Required : current iteration (Int) total - Required : total iterations (Int) prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str) suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str) decimals - Optional : number of decimals in percent complete (Int) bar_length - Optional : character length of bar (Int) """ filled_length = int(round(bar_length * iteration / float(total))) percents = round(100.00 * (iteration / float(total)), decimals) bar_char = '#' * filled_length + '-' * (bar_length - filled_length) sys.stdout.write('\r%s |%s| %s%s %s' % (prefix, bar_char, percents, '%', suffix)) sys.stdout.flush() if iteration == total: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def handle(self): #try: data, socket = self.request lock = Lock() lock.acquire() DataOffset = struct.unpack('<H',data[139:141])[0] BrowserPacket = data[82+DataOffset:] ReqType = RequestType(BrowserPacket[0]) Domain = Decode_Name(data[49:81]) Name = Decode_Name(data[15:47]) Role1 = NBT_NS_Role(data[45:48]) Role2 = NBT_NS_Role(data[79:82]) Fprint = WorkstationFingerPrint(data[190:192]) Roles = ParseRoles(data[192:196]) print text("[BROWSER] Request Type : %s" % ReqType) print text("[BROWSER] Address : %s" % self.client_address[0]) print text("[BROWSER] Domain : %s" % Domain) print text("[BROWSER] Name : %s" % Name) print text("[BROWSER] Main Role : %s" % Role1) print text("[BROWSER] 2nd Role : %s" % Role2) print text("[BROWSER] Fingerprint : %s" % Fprint) print text("[BROWSER] Role List : %s" % Roles) RAPThisDomain(self.client_address[0], Domain) lock.release()
class Skeleton(object): def __init__(self, config_file): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) config = Config(config_file) config.get_configs() self.config = config self.lock = Lock() self.queues = dict() def produce_task(self, tasker_name, tasker): while True: try: queue = self.queues.get(tasker_name)"old {0} queue size: {1}".format(tasker_name, queue.qsize())) queue.put(tasker.size)"new {0} queue size: {1}".format(tasker_name, queue.qsize())) except Exception as error: self.logger.exception("{0} {1}".format(tasker_name, error)) finally: time.sleep(self.config.scan_task_interval) return def consume_task(self, n, tasker_name, tasker): while True: handler = Handler() queue = self.queues.get(tasker_name) if queue.empty(): time.sleep(self.config.wait_time) continue try: while not queue.empty(): size = queue.get() self.lock.acquire() handler.human_readable(size) self.lock.release() except Exception as error: self.logger.exception('Thread-{0}: error {1}'.format(n, error)) finally: del(handler) def do_work(self): for tasker_name, tasker in self.config.taskers.items(): self.queues[tasker_name] = Queue() # Spwan produce_task thread t = Thread(target=self.produce_task, args=(tasker_name, tasker)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # Spwan consume_task thread for n in range(tasker.max_workers): t = Thread(target=self.consume_task, args=(n, tasker_name, tasker)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() while True: signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) # Round robin and Sleep some seconds. time.sleep(self.config.scan_task_interval) return
class WaitCursor(Thread): """A waiting cursor for long operation that catch output and flush it after waiting""" def __init__(self): self.state = "WAIT" self.lock = Lock() # Lock used to synchronise IO and cursor stop Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): """Method executed when the thread object start() method is called""" realStdout = sys.stdout # Backup stdout tmpStdout = StringIO() # Store here all data output during waiting state sys.stdout = tmpStdout # Capture stdout cursorState = ("-", "\\", "|", "/") i = 0 self.lock.acquire() while self.state == "WAIT": realStdout.write(cursorState[i % 4]) realStdout.flush() sleep(0.1) realStdout.write("\b") i += 1 # Restore standard output and print temp data sys.stdout = realStdout sys.stdout.write(tmpStdout.getvalue()) sys.stdout.flush() self.lock.release() def stop(self): self.state = "STOP" self.lock.acquire() # Wait end of IO flush before returning
def start_manager(self): exit_flags[self.tab_id] = 0'START | Layers Download Manager') thread_list = ['Alpha', 'Bravo', 'Charlie', 'Delta', 'Echo', 'Foxtrot', 'Golf', 'Hotel', 'India', 'Juliet'] queue_lock = Lock() work_queue = Queue.Queue(len(self.file_paths_and_sizes)) threads = [] for thread_name in thread_list: key = str(uuid.uuid4()) thread = LayerDownloadThread(self.source, thread_name, work_queue, queue_lock, key, self.target_dir, self.tab_id) thread.start() if not threads_map_key in thread_manager_processes: thread_manager_processes[threads_map_key] = {} thread_manager_processes[threads_map_key][key] = thread threads.append(thread) queue_lock.acquire() for word in self.file_paths_and_sizes: work_queue.put(word) queue_lock.release() while not work_queue.empty(): pass exit_flags[self.tab_id] = 1 for t in threads: t.join()'DONE | Layers Download Manager')
class InMemoryItemValue(object): _lock = None """:type _lock Lock""" def __init__(self, value=None, expire_in=None): self._lock = Lock() self._value = value self._expire_in = None self._expire_in_time = None self.update_expire_time(expire_in) @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, val): self._lock.acquire() self._value = val self._expire_in = + timedelta(seconds=float(self._expire_in_time)) if self._expire_in_time else None self._lock.release() def update_expire_time(self, t): self._expire_in_time = t @property def is_expired(self): return (self._expire_in - < 0 if self._expire_in else False
class Manager: def __init__(self): self.networks = set() self.logs = [] self.next_log_id = 0 self.log_lock = Lock() def notifyNetUp(self, pno, net_name): self.networks.add(net_name) sys.stdout.write(">> network: %s is up (%d)\n" % (net_name, len(self.networks))) def getNetworks(self): return self.networks def getLogs(self, since=-1): if since >= 0: return filter(lambda l: l['id'] > since, self.logs) else: return self.logs def putLog(self, host, log): self.log_lock.acquire() l = {'id': self.next_log_id, 'host': host, 'log': log} self.next_log_id = self.next_log_id + 1 sys.stdout.write(">> log: %s\n" % json.dumps(l)) self.logs.append(l) self.log_lock.release()
class Queue: """Command queue class """ def __init__(self): self.lock = Lock() self.locks = {} def queue(self, command, *args): check = inspect.getargspec(command) cmdname = command.__name__ if command.__name__ else "uknown_cmd" if len(check[0]) != len(args): logging.warn("Queue command '%s' expected %u args, got %u!" % (cmdname, len(check[0]), len(args))) # If we have enough args, try running the command if len(args) >= len(check[0]): args = args[:len(check[0])] # Resize arg list if needed ret = None server = args[0] self.lock.acquire() if not server in self.locks: self.locks[server] = Lock() self.lock.release() self.locks[server].acquire() # Run in an enclosure, so as to be able to release lock if it fails try: ret = command(*args) except Exception as err: logging.warn("Queue command returned error: %s" % err) self.locks[server].release() if ret: return ret return None
class shm: def __init__(self, data=None): self._data = data self._lock = Lock() def set(self, data, lock=True): if lock: with self._lock: self._data = data else: self._data = data def get(self, lock=True): if lock: with self._lock: data = self._data return data else: return self._data def acquire(self): self._lock.acquire() def release(self): self._lock.release() data = property(get, set)
class DPMClient(): def __init__(self, uid=None, key=None): self._lock = Lock() self._uid = uid self._key = None if key: self._key = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(key) def request(self, addr, port, buf): self._lock.acquire() try: return self._request(addr, port, buf) finally: self._lock.release() def _request(self, addr, port, buf): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((addr, port)) try: if self._key: stream = Stream(sock, uid=self._uid, key=self._key) else: stream = Stream(sock) stream.write( buf) if self._key: stream = Stream(sock) _, _, res = stream.readall() return res finally: sock.close()
class Syncer(object): def __init__(self, slave): self.slave = slave self.lock = Lock() self.pb = PostBox() for i in range(int(gconf.sync_jobs)): t = Thread(target=self.syncjob) t.start() def syncjob(self): while True: pb = None while True: self.lock.acquire() if self.pb: pb, self.pb = self.pb, PostBox() self.lock.release() if pb: break time.sleep(0.5) pb.close() pb.wakeup(self.slave.rsync(pb)) def add(self, e): while True: try: self.pb.append(e) return self.pb except BoxClosedErr: pass
class BlaLock(object): """ Simple wrapper class for the thread.lock class which only raises an exception when trying to release an unlocked lock if it's initialized with strict=True. """ def __init__(self, strict=False, blocking=True): self.__strict = strict self.__blocking = blocking self.__lock = Lock() def acquire(self): self.__lock.acquire(self.__blocking) def release(self): try: self.__lock.release() except ThreadError: if self.__strict: raise def locked(self): return self.__lock.locked() def __enter__(self, *args): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, *args): self.release()
class ProcessThread(Thread): # Initialize this thread def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.stopped = Event() # Cancel Event self.mutex = Lock() = None # Threaded code def run(self): while not self.stopped.isSet(): # Check if status data is available and process it data = None self.mutex.acquire() if data = = None self.mutex.release() if data: global outputfile try: fp = file(outputfile, 'wu') fp.write(data.encode('utf-8')) fp.close() except Exception, e: console.log(LOG_PYTHON, "Couldn't write status to '%s': %s.\n" % (outputfile, str(e))) self.stopped.wait(0.5)
class Serial: def __init__(self, port='COM5', rate=9600, timeout=10): self._serial = serial.Serial(port, rate, timeout=timeout) self._mutex = Lock() self._mutex.acquire() response = self._serial.readline().strip() print response if response != 'OK': raise Exception("Failed to communicate with the serial device!") self._mutex.release() def _shortCommand(self, command): self._serial.write(command) response = self._serial.readline() return response.strip() def _longCommand(self, command): response = self._shortCommand('RCV ' + str(len(command)) + "\n") if response != 'RDY': return None for i in range(int(math.ceil(len(command) / 128.0))): c = command[128*i:128*(i+1)] response = self._shortCommand(c) return self._serial.readline().strip() def command(self, command): self._mutex.acquire() if len(command) < 128: response = self._shortCommand(command + "\n") else: response = self._longCommand(command) self._mutex.release() return response
def _setup_to_do_n_cycles(self, number_of_cycles: int, updates_each_cycle: UpdateCollection=None): """ Sets up the test so that the retriever will only do n cycles. :param number_of_cycles: the number of cycles to do """ if updates_each_cycle is None: updates_each_cycle = UpdateCollection([]) semaphore = Semaphore(0) lock_until_counted = Lock() lock_until_counted.acquire() def increase_counter(*args) -> UpdateCollection: semaphore.release() lock_until_counted.acquire() return updates_each_cycle self.retrieval_manager.update_mapper.get_all_since.side_effect = increase_counter self.retrieval_manager.start() run_counter = 0 while run_counter < number_of_cycles: semaphore.acquire() run_counter += 1 lock_until_counted.release() if run_counter == number_of_cycles: self.retrieval_manager.stop() self.retrieval_manager.update_mapper.get_all_since.side_effect = None
class Promise: def __init__(self): self.value = None self.mutex = Lock() self.callbacks = [] def updateValue(self, new_value): if (self.mutex.acquire(blocking = False) and self.value is None): self.value = new_value for cb in self.callbacks: cb(new_value) self.mutex.release() else: raise RuntimeError("cannot set the value of an already resolved promise") def addCallback(self, cb): self.mutex.acquire(blocking = True) self.callbacks.append(cb) self.mutex.release() return self def map(self, f): fp = Promise() def chain(v): fp.updateValue(f(v)) self.addCallback(chain) return fp def flatMap(self, f): fp = Promise() def chain(v): f(v).addCallback(fp.updateValue) self.addCallback(chain) return fp
class TfBroadcasterThread(Thread): def __init__(self,child_frame,parent_frame,tf_br=None): Thread.__init__(self) rospy.loginfo("Initializing tf broadcaster with child frame "+child_frame+" and parent frame "+parent_frame) if tf_br is None: self.tf_br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() else: self.tf_br = tf_br self.translation = None self.quaternion = None self.child_frame = child_frame self.parent_frame = parent_frame self.has_transformation=False self.lock=Lock() def set_transformation(self,translation,quaternion): self.lock.acquire() self.translation = translation self.quaternion = quaternion self.lock.release() self.has_transformation =True def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: if self.has_transformation: self.lock.acquire() self.tf_br.sendTransform(self.translation ,self.quaternion ,, self.child_frame,self.parent_frame) self.lock.release() except Exception,e: print 'TfBroadcasterThread:',e
class PandoraPool(object): def __init__(self, poolSize, proxy=None, expireTime=3600): self.size = poolSize self.proxy = proxy self.expire = expireTime self.pool = [self.createPandoraAgent() for i in xrange(self.size)] self.mutex = Lock() def createPandoraAgent(self): return PandoraAgent( + timedelta(0, self.expire), self.proxy) def refreshPandoraAgent(self, agent): if agent.isExpired(): agent.authenticate_connection() agent.setExpireDate( + timedelta(0, self.expire)) return agent def getAgent(self): try: return self.refreshPandoraAgent(self.pool.pop()) except IndexError: return self.createPandoraAgent() def hasAvailableConnections(self): return len(self.pool) > 0 def releaseAgent(self, agent): self.mutex.acquire() if len(self.pool) < self.size: self.pool.append(agent) self.mutex.release()
class DataWindow(Thread): def __init__(self,data_adapter): Thread.__init__(self) = N.zeros((100,3)) self.winlock = Lock() self.data_adapter = data_adapter def run(self): self.data_adapter.start() self.running = True while self.running: self.winlock.acquire() try: while 1: newdata = self.data_adapter.q.get(block=False)[:-1,:] =[1:,:][-1,:] = newdata[1:] except Queue.Empty: pass finally: self.winlock.release() self.data_adapter.stop() def stop(self): self.running = False
class DebuggingLock: def __init__(self, name): self.lock = Lock() = name def acquire(self, blocking = 1): self.print_tb("Acquire lock") self.lock.acquire(blocking) self.logmsg("===== %s: Thread %s acquired lock\n"% (, currentThread().getName())) def release(self): self.print_tb("Release lock") self.lock.release() def logmsg(self, msg): loglock.acquire() logfile.write(msg + "\n") logfile.flush() loglock.release() def print_tb(self, msg): self.logmsg(".... %s: Thread %s attempting to %s\n"% \ (, currentThread().getName(), msg) + \ "\n".join(traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack())))
class TUNERS: def __init__(self, str): from threading import Lock tuners = "".join(str.split()) # remove white space tuners = tuners.split(',') tuners = [tuple(x.split(':')[0:2]) for x in tuners] # Add priority self.tuner_list = [(i, v[0], v[1]) for i,v in enumerate(tuners)] heapq.heapify(self.tuner_list) self.lock = Lock() def get_tuner(self): self.lock.acquire() try: tuner = heapq.heappop(self.tuner_list) except IndexError: tuner = None finally: self.lock.release() return tuner def put_tuner(self, tuner): self.lock.acquire() heapq.heappush(self.tuner_list, tuner) self.lock.release()
def run(conn): """Function to handle running implosion generation in separate :py:class:`multithreading.Process` :param conn: A connection, i.e. one end of a `Pipe()` """ # Need duck-checking instead of real type-checking... assert hasattr(conn, 'send') and hasattr(conn, 'recv') # Get the implosion object from the pipe: imp = conn.recv() assert isinstance(imp, Implosion) connLock = Lock() # Run in a separate thread in this process: def impRun(): nonlocal imp, conn try: imp.generate() except Exception as e: connLock.acquire() conn.send(e) connLock.release() t = Thread(target=impRun) t.start() while t.is_alive(): connLock.acquire() conn.send(imp.progress()) connLock.release() time.sleep(0.01) # When the thread is done, send the Implosion object back: conn.send(imp)
class IndependentWorker(Thread): def __init__(self, id, manager, workerArgs = None): '''A worker needs a task stack(queue), a name (id) and a boss (manager)''' = id self.manager = manager self.completedTasksLock = Lock() self.completedTasks = 0 Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): subject = self.manager.getTask() while subject != None: if self._task(subject): self.completedTasksLock.acquire() self.completedTasks += 1 self.completedTasksLock.release() subject = self.manager.getTask() self._close() sys.exit() def getAndResetCompletedTasks(self): completedTasks = self.completedTasks self.completedTasksLock.acquire() self.completedTasks = 0 self.completedTasksLock.release() return completedTasks def _task(self, subject): print 'You should initialize Worker._task(self, subject)' sys.exit() pass def _close(self): pass
class TSSModel(object): def __init__(self, width, height, start_time, verbose=True): self.width = width self.height = height self.start_time = start_time self.verbose = verbose self.lock = Lock() self.leadingstate = GameState(self.width, self.height, self.verbose) self.trailingstate01 = GameState(self.width, self.height, self.verbose) # only used during rollback period self.tempstate = None self.is_in_rollback = False # THE ABSOLUTE SOURCE OF TRUTH OF GAME RUNNING STATE # It should be True if running, False if not running self.game_running_flag = True # game timer in milliseconds self.game_timer = 0 # initialize our lamport clock self.event_clock = 0 # locked cells if in the spawning phase self.locked_cells = [] self.client_last_seen_time = {} self.players_and_dragons_have_spawned_flag = False def update_client_last_seen_time(self, pl_id): self.lock.acquire() self.client_last_seen_time[pl_id] = self.game_timer self.lock.release() def unset_client_last_seen_time(self, pl_id): self.lock.acquire() self.client_last_seen_time.pop(pl_id, None) self.lock.release() def get_client_last_seen_time(self, pl_id): # get last seen time of player pl_id # return None if it doesn't exist return self.client_last_seen_time.get(pl_id) def get_unactive_player_ids(self): # get players with last seen less than a specified time # return empty list it doesn't exist boundary_time = self.get_current_time() - SERVERSIDE_CLIENT_TIMEOUT result = [] self.lock.acquire() try: for key, val in self.client_last_seen_time.iteritems(): obj = self.get_object_by_id(key) # only human can be retrieved if obj != None: if obj.get_type() == 'h' and val < boundary_time: result.append(key) except RuntimeError as e: logging.warning(str(e)) finally: self.lock.release() return result def get_offline_player_state_by_id(self, obj_id): # get info on offline character, return None if it does not exist return self.leadingstate.get_offline_player_state_by_id(obj_id) def rollback_state(self, command_list): self.is_in_rollback = True # print "leading_before: %s" % str(self.leadingstate) self.tempstate = copy.deepcopy(self.trailingstate01) # print "trailing01_before: %s" % str(self.tempstate) self.process_action_list(command_list, state_id=TEMP_STATE) self.leadingstate = self.tempstate # print "leading_after: %s" % str(self.leadingstate) self.is_in_rollback = False def get_event_clock(self): return self.event_clock def increase_event_clock(self): self.event_clock += 1 def lock_cell(self, proposal_msg): #self.lock.acquire() self.locked_cells.append(proposal_msg) #self.lock.release() def unlock_cell(self, player_id): #self.lock.acquire() lst = self.locked_cells player_idx = next((index for (index, d) in enumerate(lst) if d["player_id"] == player_id), None) if player_idx is not None: del lst[player_idx] #self.lock.release() def collide_with_locked(self,x, y): #self.lock.acquire() for lock in self.locked_cells: if lock["x"] == x and lock["y"] == y: return True #self.lock.release() return False def get_locked(self, player_id): #self.lock.acquire() lst = self.locked_cells player_idx = next((index for (index, d) in enumerate(lst) if d["player_id"] == player_id), None) #self.lock.release() return lst[player_idx] def set_event_clock(self, new_clock): self.event_clock = new_clock def get_current_time(self): return self.game_timer def get_epoch_time(self): return self.start_time def advance_game_time_by(self, ms): self.game_timer += ms def is_game_running(self): return self.game_running_flag def is_game_finished(self): return not self.game_running_flag def stop_game(self): self.game_running_flag = False def check_game_end_condition(self): if self.is_in_rollback: # we're in rollback, don't end game self.game_running_flag = True return None state = True if self.players_and_dragons_have_spawned_flag: gs = self.get_leadingstate() if gs.get_dragon_count() == 0 and gs.get_human_count() > 0: msg = "Humans win!" print msg state = False elif gs.get_dragon_count() > 0 and gs.get_human_count() == 0: msg = "Dragons win!" print msg state = False self.game_running_flag = state def get_rollback_status(self): return self.is_in_rollback def get_list_of(self, c): return self.leadingstate.get_list_of(c) def get_leadingstate(self): return self.leadingstate def get_firsttrailingstate(self): return self.trailingstate01 def process_action(self, action, state_id=LEADING_STATE): # check which state the action is going to be applied to # state_id possible values: leading (0), trailing1 (1) state = None state_name = "" if state_id == LEADING_STATE: state = self.leadingstate state_name = "leadingstate" elif state_id == TRAILING_01_STATE: state = self.trailingstate01 state_name = "trailingstate01" elif state_id == TEMP_STATE: state = self.tempstate state_name = "tempstate" # save action for checking purpose in the trailing states state.add_action(action) # based on message type, do an action action_type = action["type"] # now do the action if action_type == "gamestart": # get start timer indicator from peer self.start_time = action["start_time"] # update our local game_timer self.game_timer = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - self.start_time elif action_type == "spawn": # create a new character obj_id = action["player_id"] obj_name = action["player_id"] obj_type = action["player_type"] x = action["x"] y = action["y"] hp = action["hp"] max_hp = action["max_hp"] ap = action["ap"] new_obj = None if obj_type == 'h': new_obj = Human(obj_id, obj_name, hp, max_hp, ap, x, y, verbose=self.verbose)"[%s] player %s is spawned" % (state_name, obj_id)) elif obj_type == 'd': new_obj = Dragon(obj_id, obj_name, hp, max_hp, ap, x, y, verbose=self.verbose)"[%s] dragon %s is spawned" % (state_name, obj_id)) state.add_character(new_obj) # finally unlock the player field try: self.unlock_cell(obj_id) except: pass # precondition for game end condition check, a player must be in the game once if not self.players_and_dragons_have_spawned_flag: if state.get_human_count() > 0 and state.get_dragon_count() > 0: self.players_and_dragons_have_spawned_flag = True elif action_type == "off": # a player is offline obj_id = action["player_id"] state.make_offline(obj_id) self.unset_client_last_seen_time(obj_id)"[%s] %s is offline" % (state_name, obj_id)) elif action_type == "move": # move a character obj_id = action["player_id"] x = action["x"] y = action["y"] if self.collide_with_locked(x,y) == False: obj = state.move(obj_id, x, y)"[%s] %s move to (%d,%d)" % (state_name, obj_id, x, y)) elif action_type == "attack": # attack a character obj_id = action["player_id"] target_id = action["target_id"] state.attack(obj_id, target_id)"[%s] %s is attacked by %s" % (state_name, obj_id, target_id)) elif action_type == "heal": # heal a character obj_id = action["obj_id"] target_id = action["target_id"] state.heal(obj_id, target_id)"[%s] %s is healed by %s" % (state_name, obj_id, target_id)) def process_action_list(self, action_list, state_id=LEADING_STATE): for action in action_list: self.process_action(action, state_id) def get_message_box(self): return self.msg_box def get_object(self, x, y): return self.leadingstate.get_object(x,y) def get_width(self): return self.width def get_height(self): return self.height def get_object_by_id(self, obj_id): gs = self.leadingstate return gs.get_object_by_id(obj_id)
class _SessionRPC(Session): _PULSE_FREQUENCY_SECONDS = 5 def __init__(self, client, database: str, session_type: SessionType, options: GraknOptions = None): if not options: options = GraknOptions.core() self._client = client self._address = client._address self._channel = grpc.aio.insecure_channel(client._address) self._scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) self._database = _DatabaseRPC(database_manager=client.databases(), name=database) self._session_type = session_type self._grpc_stub = GraknStub(self._channel) self._lock = Lock() open_req = session_proto.Session.Open.Req() open_req.database = database open_req.type = _session_type_proto(session_type) open_req.options.CopyFrom(grakn_proto_builder.options(options)) self._session_id: bytes = self._grpc_stub.session_open(open_req).session_id self._is_open = True self._pulse = self._scheduler.enter(delay=self._PULSE_FREQUENCY_SECONDS, priority=1, action=self._transmit_pulse, argument=()) Thread(, name="session_pulse_{}".format(self._session_id.hex()), daemon=True).start() def transaction(self, transaction_type: TransactionType, options=None) -> Transaction: if not options: options = GraknOptions.core() return Transaction(self._address, self._session_id, transaction_type, options) def session_type(self) -> SessionType: return self._session_type def is_open(self) -> bool: return self._is_open def close(self) -> None: self._lock.acquire(blocking=True) if self._is_open: self._is_open = False self._client.remove_session(self) self._lock.release() self._scheduler.cancel(self._pulse) self._scheduler.empty() req = session_proto.Session.Close.Req() req.session_id = self._session_id try: self._grpc_stub.session_close(req) finally: self._channel.close() else: self._lock.release() def database(self) -> Database: return self._database def session_id(self) -> bytes: return self._session_id def _transmit_pulse(self) -> None: if not self._is_open: return pulse_req = session_proto.Session.Pulse.Req() pulse_req.session_id = self._session_id res = self._grpc_stub.session_pulse(pulse_req) if res.alive: self._pulse = self._scheduler.enter(delay=self._PULSE_FREQUENCY_SECONDS, priority=1, action=self._transmit_pulse, argument=()) Thread(, name="session_pulse_{}".format(self._session_id.hex()), daemon=True).start() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() if exc_tb is None: pass else: return False
class History(object): """Time series data for Runs. See the documentation online: """ # Only tests are allowed to keep all row history in memory keep_rows = False def __init__(self, run, add_callback=None, jupyter_callback=None, stream_name="default"): self._run = run out_dir = run.dir fname = wandb.wandb_run.HISTORY_FNAME self._start_time = wandb.START_TIME self._current_timestamp = None self.out_dir = out_dir self.fname = os.path.join(out_dir, fname) self.rows = [] self.row = {} self.stream_name = stream_name # This enables / disables history logging. It's used by the # History.step() context manager to avoid compute-heavy computations # that are only necessary for logging. self.compute = True self.batched = False # not all rows have the same keys. this is the union of them all. self._keys = set() self._process = "user" if os.getenv("WANDB_INITED") else "wandb" self._streams = {} self._steps = 0 # index of the step to which we are currently logging self._lock = Lock() self._torch = None self.load() self._file = open(self.fname, 'a') self._add_callback = add_callback self._jupyter_callback = jupyter_callback def load(self): self.rows = [] try: # only preload the default stream, TODO: better stream support if self.stream_name == "default": with open(self.fname) as f: for line in f: try: self.row = json.loads(line) self._index(self.row) except TypeError: print('warning: malformed history line: %s...' % line[:40]) # initialize steps and run time based on existing data. if '_step' in self.row: self._steps = self.row['_step'] + 1 # fudge the start_time to compensate for previous run length if '_runtime' in self.row: self._start_time = wandb.START_TIME - self.row['_runtime'] self.row = {} except IOError: pass def keys(self): rich_keys = [] if self.rows: rich_keys = [k for k, v in six.iteritems( self.rows[-1]) if isinstance(v, dict) and v.get("_type")] return [k for k in self._keys - set(rich_keys) if not k.startswith("_")] def stream(self, name): """Stream can be used to record different time series:"batch").add({"gradients": 1}) """ if self.stream_name != "default": raise ValueError("Nested streams aren't supported") if self._streams.get(name) == None: self._streams[name] = History(self._run, add_callback=self._add_callback, stream_name=name) return self._streams[name] def column(self, key): """Iterator over a given column, skipping steps that don't have that key """ for row in self.rows: if key in row: yield row[key] def add(self, row={}, step=None, timestamp=None): """Adds or updates a history step. If row isn't specified, will write the current state of row. If step is specified, the row will be written only when add() is called with a different step value. run.history.row["duration"] = 1.0 run.history.add({"loss": 1}) => {"duration": 1.0, "loss": 1} """ if not isinstance(row, collections.Mapping): raise wandb.Error('history.add expects dict-like object') if timestamp and self._current_timestamp and timestamp < self._current_timestamp: wandb.termwarn("When passing timestamp, it must be increasing. Current timestamp is {} but was passed {}".format( self._current_timestamp, timestamp)) self._current_timestamp = timestamp or time.time() # Importing data, reset start time to the first timestamp passed in if self._start_time > self._current_timestamp: self._start_time = timestamp if step is None: self.update(row) if not self.batched: self._write() else: if not isinstance(step, numbers.Number): raise wandb.Error( "Step must be a number, not {}".format(step)) else: if step != round(step): # tensorflow just applies `int()`. seems a little crazy. wandb.termwarn('Non-integer history step: {}; rounding.'.format(step)) # the backend actually handles floats right now. seems a bit weird to let those through though. step = int(round(step)) if step < self._steps: wandb.termwarn( "Adding to old History rows isn't currently supported. Step {} < {}; dropping {}.".format(step, self._steps, row)) return elif step == self._steps: pass elif self.batched: raise wandb.Error( "Can't log to a particular History step ({}) while in batched mode.".format(step)) else: # step > self._steps self._write() self._steps = step self.update(row) def update(self, new_vals): """Add a dictionary of values to the current step without writing it to disk. """ with self._lock: for k, v in six.iteritems(new_vals): k = k.strip() self.row[k] = v @contextlib.contextmanager def step(self, compute=True): """Context manager to gradually build a history row, then commit it at the end. To reduce the number of conditionals needed, code can check run.history.compute: with run.history.step(batch_idx % log_interval == 0): run.history.add({"nice": "ok"}) if run.history.compute: # Something expensive here """ if self.batched: # we're already in a context manager raise wandb.Error("Nested History step contexts aren't supported") self.batched = True self.compute = compute yield self if compute: self._write() compute = True @property def torch(self): if self._torch is None: self._torch = TorchHistory(self) return self._torch def log_tf_summary(self, summary_pb_bin): from wandb.tensorflow import tf_summary_to_dict self.add(tf_summary_to_dict(summary_pb_bin)) def ensure_jupyter_started(self): if self._jupyter_callback: self._jupyter_callback() def _index(self, row, keep_rows=False): """Add a row to the internal list of rows without writing it to disk. This function should keep the data structure consistent so it's usable for both adding new rows, and loading pre-existing histories. """ if self.keep_rows or keep_rows: self.rows.append(row) self._keys.update(row.keys()) self._steps += 1 def _transform(self): """Transforms special classes into the proper format before writing""" self.row = data_types.history_dict_to_json(self._run, self.row) def _write(self): self._current_timestamp = self._current_timestamp or time.time() # Saw a race in tests where we closed history and another log was called # we check if self._file is set to ensure we don't bomb out if self.row and self._file: self._lock.acquire() # Jupyter starts logging the first time wandb.log is called in a cell. # This will resume the run and potentially update self._steps self.ensure_jupyter_started() try: self.row['_runtime'] = self._current_timestamp - self._start_time self.row['_timestamp'] = self._current_timestamp self.row['_step'] = self._steps if self.stream_name != "default": self.row["_stream"] = self.stream_name self._transform() self._file.write(util.json_dumps_safer_history(self.row)) self._file.write('\n') self._file.flush() os.fsync(self._file.fileno()) if self._add_callback: self._add_callback(self.row) self._index(self.row) self.row = {} finally: self._lock.release() return True else: return False def close(self): self._write() self._lock.acquire() try: if self._file: self._file.close() self._file = None finally: self._lock.release()
class FileIndex(SegmentDeletionMixin, Index): def __init__(self, storage, schema, create=False, indexname=_DEF_INDEX_NAME): = storage self.indexname = indexname if schema is not None and not isinstance(schema, Schema): raise ValueError("%r is not a Schema object" % schema) self.generation = self.latest_generation() if create: if schema is None: raise IndexError("To create an index you must specify a schema") self.schema = schema self.generation = 0 self.segment_counter = 0 self.segments = SegmentSet() # Clear existing files prefix = "_%s_" % self.indexname for filename in if filename.startswith(prefix): storage.delete_file(filename) self._write() elif self.generation >= 0: self._read(schema) else: raise EmptyIndexError("No index named %r in storage %r" % (indexname, storage)) # Open a reader for this index. This is used by the # deletion methods, but mostly it's to keep the underlying # files open so they don't get deleted from underneath us. self._searcher = self.searcher() self.segment_num_lock = Lock() def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.indexname) def __del__(self): if (hasattr(self, "_searcher") and self._searcher and not self._searcher.is_closed): self._searcher.close() def close(self): self._searcher.close() def latest_generation(self): pattern = _toc_pattern(self.indexname) max = -1 for filename in m = pattern.match(filename) if m: num = int( if num > max: max = num return max def refresh(self): if not self.up_to_date(): return self.__class__(, self.schema, indexname=self.indexname) else: return self def up_to_date(self): return self.generation == self.latest_generation() def _write(self): # Writes the content of this index to the .toc file. for field in self.schema: field.clean() #stream = # Use a temporary file for atomic write. tocfilename = self._toc_filename() tempfilename = '%s.%s' % (tocfilename, time()) stream = stream.write_varint(_INT_SIZE) stream.write_varint(_FLOAT_SIZE) stream.write_int(-12345) stream.write_int(_INDEX_VERSION) for num in __version__[:3]: stream.write_varint(num) stream.write_string(cPickle.dumps(self.schema, -1)) stream.write_int(self.generation) stream.write_int(self.segment_counter) stream.write_pickle(self.segments) stream.close() # Rename temporary file to the proper filename, self._toc_filename(), safe=True) def _read(self, schema): # Reads the content of this index from the .toc file. stream = if stream.read_varint() != _INT_SIZE or \ stream.read_varint() != _FLOAT_SIZE: raise IndexError("Index was created on an architecture with different data sizes") if not stream.read_int() == -12345: raise IndexError("Number misread: byte order problem") version = stream.read_int() if version != _INDEX_VERSION: raise IndexVersionError("Can't read format %s" % version, version) self.version = version self.release = (stream.read_varint(), stream.read_varint(), stream.read_varint()) # If the user supplied a schema object with the constructor, don't load # the pickled schema from the saved index. if schema: self.schema = schema stream.skip_string() else: self.schema = cPickle.loads(stream.read_string()) generation = stream.read_int() assert generation == self.generation self.segment_counter = stream.read_int() self.segments = stream.read_pickle() stream.close() def _next_segment_name(self): #Returns the name of the next segment in sequence. if self.segment_num_lock.acquire(): try: self.segment_counter += 1 return "_%s_%s" % (self.indexname, self.segment_counter) finally: self.segment_num_lock.release() else: raise LockError def _toc_filename(self): # Returns the computed filename of the TOC for this index name and # generation. return "_%s_%s.toc" % (self.indexname, self.generation) def last_modified(self): return def is_empty(self): return len(self.segments) == 0 def optimize(self): if len(self.segments) < 2 and not self.segments.has_deletions(): return from whoosh.filedb.filewriting import OPTIMIZE w = self.writer() w.commit(OPTIMIZE) def commit(self, new_segments=None): self._searcher.close() if not self.up_to_date(): raise OutOfDateError if new_segments: if not isinstance(new_segments, SegmentSet): raise ValueError("FileIndex.commit() called with something other than a SegmentSet: %r" % new_segments) self.segments = new_segments self.generation += 1 self._write() self._clean_files() self._searcher = self.searcher() def _clean_files(self): # Attempts to remove unused index files (called when a new generation # is created). If existing Index and/or reader objects have the files # open, they may not get deleted immediately (i.e. on Windows) but will # probably be deleted eventually by a later call to clean_files. storage = current_segment_names = set( for s in self.segments) tocpattern = _toc_pattern(self.indexname) segpattern = _segment_pattern(self.indexname) for filename in storage: m = tocpattern.match(filename) if m: num = int( if num != self.generation: try: storage.delete_file(filename) except OSError: # Another process still has this file open pass else: m = segpattern.match(filename) if m: name = if name not in current_segment_names: try: storage.delete_file(filename) except OSError: # Another process still has this file open pass def doc_count_all(self): return self.segments.doc_count_all() def doc_count(self): return self.segments.doc_count() def field_length(self, fieldid): fieldnum = self.schema.to_number(fieldid) return sum(s.field_length(fieldnum) for s in self.segments) def reader(self): return self.segments.reader(, self.schema) def writer(self, **kwargs): from whoosh.filedb.filewriting import FileIndexWriter return FileIndexWriter(self, **kwargs)
class ArcusMCNode(object): worker = None shutdown = False def __init__(self, addr, name, transcoder, node_allocator): #mandatory files self.addr = addr = name self.in_use = False self.transcoder = transcoder self.handle = Connection(addr) self.ops = [] self.lock = Lock() # for ordering worker.q and ops self.node_allocator = node_allocator def __repr__(self): return '%s-%s' % (self.addr, def get_fileno(self): return self.handle.socket.fileno() def disconnect(self): # disconnect socket self.handle.disconnect() # clear existing operation for op in self.ops: op.set_invalid() self.ops = [] def disconnect_all(self): # shutdown self.node_allocator.shutdown = True self.disconnect() self.node_allocator.worker.q.put(None) def process_request(self, request): if self.handle.disconnected(): ret = self.handle.connect() if ret != None: # re-register if node connection is available self.node_allocator.worker.register_node(self) self.handle.send_request(request) ########################################################################################## ### commands ########################################################################################## def get(self, key): return self._get('get', key) def gets(self, key): return self._get('gets', key) def set(self, key, val, exptime=0): return self._set("set", key, val, exptime) def cas(self, key, val, cas_id, exptime=0): return self._cas(key, 'cas', val, cas_id, exptime) def incr(self, key, value=1): return self._incr_decr("incr", key, value) def decr(self, key, value=1): return self._incr_decr("decr", key, value) def add(self, key, val, exptime=0): return self._set("add", key, val, exptime) def append(self, key, val, exptime=0): return self._set("append", key, val, exptime) def prepend(self, key, val, exptime=0): return self._set("prepend", key, val, exptime) def replace(self, key, val, exptime=0): return self._set("replace", key, val, exptime) def delete(self, key): full_cmd = "delete %s" % key return self.add_op('delete', full_cmd, self._recv_delete) def flush_all(self): full_cmd = 'flush_all' return self.add_op('flush_all', full_cmd, self._recv_ok) def get_stats(self, stat_args=None): if stat_args == None: full_cmd = 'stats' else: full_cmd = 'stats ' + stat_args op = self.add_op('stats', full_cmd, self._recv_stat) def lop_create(self, key, flags, exptime=0, noreply=False, attr=None): return self._coll_create('lop create', key, flags, exptime, noreply, attr) def lop_insert(self, key, index, value, noreply=False, pipe=False, attr=None): return self._coll_set('lop insert', key, index, value, noreply, pipe, attr) def lop_delete(self, key, range, drop=False, noreply=False, pipe=False): option = '' if drop == True: option += 'drop' if noreply == True: option += ' noreply' if pipe == True: assert noreply == False option += ' pipe' if isinstance(range, tuple): full_cmd = 'lop delete %s %d..%d %s' % (key, range[0], range[1], option) return self.add_op('lop delete', full_cmd, self._recv_delete, noreply or pipe) else: full_cmd = 'lop delete %s %d %s' % (key, range, option) return self.add_op('lop delete', full_cmd, self._recv_delete, noreply or pipe) def lop_get(self, key, range, delete=False, drop=False): return self._coll_get('lop get', key, range, self._recv_lop_get, delete, drop) def sop_create(self, key, flags, exptime=0, noreply=False, attr=None): return self._coll_create('sop create', key, flags, exptime, noreply, attr) def sop_insert(self, key, value, noreply=False, pipe=False, attr=None): return self._coll_set('sop insert', key, None, value, noreply, pipe, attr) def sop_get(self, key, count=0, delete=False, drop=False): return self._coll_get('sop get', key, count, self._recv_sop_get, delete, drop) def sop_delete(self, key, val, drop=False, noreply=False, pipe=False): flags, len, value = self.transcoder.encode(val) option = '%d' % len if drop == True: option += 'drop' if noreply == True: option += ' noreply' if pipe == True: assert noreply == False option += ' pipe' option += '\r\n' full_cmd = 'sop delete %s %s' % (key, option) + value return self.add_op('sop delete', full_cmd, self._recv_delete, noreply or pipe) def sop_exist(self, key, val, pipe=False): flags, len, value = self.transcoder.encode(val) option = '%d' % len if pipe == True: assert noreply == False option += ' pipe' option += '\r\n' full_cmd = 'sop exist %s %s' % (key, option) + value return self.add_op('sop exist', full_cmd, self._recv_exist, pipe) def bop_create(self, key, flags, exptime=0, noreply=False, attr=None): return self._coll_create('bop create', key, flags, exptime, noreply, attr) def bop_insert(self, key, bkey, value, eflag=None, noreply=False, pipe=False, attr=None): return self._coll_set('bop insert', key, None, value, noreply, pipe, attr, bkey, eflag) def bop_upsert(self, key, bkey, value, eflag=None, noreply=False, pipe=False, attr=None): return self._coll_set('bop upsert', key, None, value, noreply, pipe, attr, bkey, eflag) def bop_update(self, key, bkey, value, eflag=None, noreply=False, pipe=False, attr=None): return self._coll_set('bop update', key, None, value, noreply, pipe, attr, bkey, eflag) def bop_delete(self, key, range, filter=None, count=None, drop=False, noreply=False, pipe=False): option = '' if filter != None: option += filter.get_expr() + ' ' if count != None: option += '%d ' % count if drop == True: option += 'drop' if noreply == True: option += ' noreply' if pipe == True: assert noreply == False option += ' pipe' if isinstance(range, tuple): if isinstance(range[0], str): if range[0][:2] != '0x' or range[1][:2] != '0x': raise CollectionHexFormat() full_cmd = 'bop delete %s %s..%s %s' % (key, range[0], range[1], option) return self.add_op('bop delete', full_cmd, self._recv_delete, noreply or pipe) else: full_cmd = 'bop delete %s %d..%d %s' % (key, range[0], range[1], option) return self.add_op('bop delete', full_cmd, self._recv_delete, noreply or pipe) else: if isinstance(range, str): if range[:2] != '0x': raise CollectionHexFormat() full_cmd = 'bop delete %s %s %s' % (key, range, option) return self.add_op('bop delete', full_cmd, self._recv_delete, noreply or pipe) else: full_cmd = 'bop delete %s %d %s' % (key, range, option) return self.add_op('bop delete', full_cmd, self._recv_delete, noreply or pipe) def bop_get(self, key, range, filter=None, delete=False, drop=False): return self._coll_get('bop get', key, range, self._recv_bop_get, delete, drop, filter=filter) def bop_mget(self, key_list, range, filter=None, offset=None, count=50): return self._coll_mget('bop mget', key_list, range, filter, offset, count) def bop_smget(self, key_list, range, filter=None, offset=None, count=2000): return self._coll_mget('bop smget', key_list, range, filter, offset, count) def bop_count(self, key, range, filter): return self._coll_get('bop count', key, range, self._recv_bop_get, filter=filter) def bop_incr(self, key, bkey, value, noreply=False, pipe=False): return self._bop_incrdecr('bop incr', key, bkey, value, noreply, pipe) def bop_decr(self, key, bkey, value, noreply=False, pipe=False): return self._bop_incrdecr('bop decr', key, bkey, value, noreply, pipe) ########################################################################################## ### Queue senders ########################################################################################## def add_op(self, cmd, full_cmd, callback, noreply=False): op = ArcusOperation(self, full_cmd, callback) ##arcuslog(self, 'add operation %s(%s:%s) to %s' % (full_cmd, callback, hex(id(op)), self)) if noreply: # or pipe # don't need to receive response, set_result now self.node_allocator.worker.q.put(op) op.set_result(True) else: self.lock.acquire() self.node_allocator.worker.q.put(op) self.ops.append(op) self.lock.release() return op def _get(self, cmd, key): full_cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, key) if cmd == 'gets': callback = self._recv_cas_value else: callback = self._recv_value op = self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, callback) return op def _set(self, cmd, key, val, exptime=0): flags, len, value = self.transcoder.encode(val) if flags == None: return (0) full_cmd = "%s %s %d %d %d\r\n" % (cmd, key, flags, exptime, len) full_cmd += value op = self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, self._recv_set) return op def _cas(self, cmd, key, val, cas_id, exptime=0): flags, len, value = self.transcoder.encode(val) if flags == None: return (0) full_cmd = "%s %s %d %d %d %d\r\n" % (cmd, key, flags, exptime, len, cas_id) full_cmd += value op = self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, self._recv_set) return op def _incr_decr(self, cmd, key, value): full_cmd = "%s %s %d" % (cmd, key, value) op = self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, self._recv_set) return op def _coll_create(self, cmd, key, flags, exptime=0, noreply=False, attr=None): if attr == None: attr = {} # default value if 'maxcount' not in attr: attr['maxcount'] = 4000 if 'ovflaction' not in attr: attr['ovflaction'] = 'tail_trim' if 'readable' not in attr: attr['readable'] = True option = '%d %d %d' % (flags, exptime, attr['maxcount']) if attr['ovflaction'] != 'tail_trim': option += ' ' + attr['ovflaction'] if attr['readable'] == False: option += ' unreadable' if noreply == True: option += ' noreply' full_cmd = '%s %s %s' % (cmd, key, option) return self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, self._recv_coll_create, noreply) def _bop_incrdecr(self, cmd, key, bkey, val, noreply=False, pipe=False): if isinstance(val, int): value = '%d' % val else: value = val if isinstance(bkey, int): bkey_str = '%d' % bkey else: if bkey[:2] != '0x': raise CollectionHexFormat() bkey_str = '%s' % bkey option = '%s %s' % (bkey_str, value) if noreply == True: option += ' noreply' if pipe == True: assert noreply == False option += ' pipe' full_cmd = '%s %s %s' % (cmd, key, option) return self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, self._recv_set, noreply or pipe) def _coll_set(self, cmd, key, index, val, noreply=False, pipe=False, attr=None, bkey=None, eflag=None): flags, len, value = self.transcoder.encode(val) if bkey != None: # bop assert index == None if isinstance(bkey, int): bkey_str = '%d' % bkey else: if bkey[:2] != '0x': raise CollectionHexFormat() bkey_str = '%s' % bkey if eflag != None: if eflag[:2] != '0x': raise CollectionHexFormat() option = '%s %s %d' % (bkey_str, eflag, len) else: option = '%s %d' % (bkey_str, len) elif index != None: # lop option = '%d %d' % (index, len) else: # sop option = '%d' % (len) if attr != None: # default mandatory value if 'flags' not in attr: attr['flags'] = 0 if 'exptime' not in attr: attr['exptime'] = 0 if 'maxcount' not in attr: attr['maxcount'] = 4000 option += ' create %d %d %d' % (attr['flags'], attr['exptime'], attr['maxcount']) if 'ovflaction' in attr: option += ' ' + attr['ovflaction'] if 'readable' in attr and attr['readable'] == False: option += ' unreadable' if noreply == True: option += ' noreply' if pipe == True: assert noreply == False option += ' pipe' option += '\r\n' full_cmd = '%s %s %s' % (cmd, key, option) + value return self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, self._recv_coll_set, noreply or pipe) def _coll_get(self, cmd, key, range, callback, delete=None, drop=None, filter=None): option = '' type = cmd[:3] if filter != None: option += filter.get_expr() + ' ' if delete == True: option += 'delete' if drop == True: assert delete == False option += 'drop' if isinstance(range, tuple): if type == 'bop' and isinstance(range[0], str): if range[0][:2] != '0x' or range[1][:2] != '0x': raise CollectionHexFormat() full_cmd = "%s %s %s..%s %s" % (cmd, key, range[0], range[1], option) return self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, callback) else: full_cmd = "%s %s %d..%d %s" % (cmd, key, range[0], range[1], option) return self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, callback) else: if type == 'bop' and isinstance(range, str): if range[:2] != '0x': raise CollectionHexFormat() full_cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (cmd, key, range, option) return self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, callback) else: full_cmd = "%s %s %d %s" % (cmd, key, range, option) return self.add_op(cmd, full_cmd, callback) def _coll_mget(self, org_cmd, key_list, range, filter, offset, count): comma_sep_keys = '' for key in key_list: if comma_sep_keys != '': comma_sep_keys += ',' comma_sep_keys += key cmd = '%s %d %d ' % (org_cmd, len(comma_sep_keys), len(key_list)) if isinstance(range, tuple): if isinstance(range[0], str): if range[0][:2] != '0x' or range[1][:2] != '0x': raise CollectionHexFormat() cmd += '%s..%s' % range else: cmd += '%d..%d' % range else: if isinstance(range, str): if range[:2] != '0x': raise CollectionHexFormat() cmd += '%s' % range else: cmd += '%d' % range if filter != None: cmd += ' ' + filter.get_expr() if offset != None: cmd += ' %d' % offset cmd += ' %d' % count cmd += '\r\n%s' % comma_sep_keys if org_cmd == 'bop mget': reply = self._recv_mget else: reply = self._recv_smget op = self.add_op(org_cmd, cmd, reply) return op ########################################################################################## ### recievers ########################################################################################## def do_op(self): self.lock.acquire() if len(self.ops) <= 0: arcuslog('ops empty (%s)' % self.addr) self.lock.release() return op = self.ops.pop(0) self.lock.release() ret = op.callback() op.set_result(ret) while self.handle.hasline(): # remaining jobs self.lock.acquire() op = self.ops.pop(0) self.lock.release() ret = op.callback() op.set_result(ret) def _recv_ok(self): line = self.handle.readline() if line == 'OK': return True return False def _recv_stat(self): data = {} while True: line = handle.readline() if line[:3] == 'END' or line is None: break dummy, k, v = line.split(' ', 2) data[k] = v return data def _recv_set(self): line = self.handle.readline() if line[0:8] == 'RESPONSE': dummy, count = line.split() ret = [] for i in xrange(0, int(count)): line = self.handle.readline() ret.append(line) line = self.handle.readline() # b'END' return ret if line == 'STORED': return True if line == 'NOT_FOUND': return False if line == 'TYPE_MISMATCH': raise CollectionType() if line == 'OVERFLOWED': raise CollectionOverflow() if line == 'OUT_OF_RANGE': raise CollectionIndex() if line.isdigit(): # incr, decr, bop incr, bop decr return int(line) return False def _recv_delete(self): line = self.handle.readline() if line[0:8] == 'RESPONSE': dummy, count = line.split() ret = [] for i in xrange(0, int(count)): line = self.handle.readline() ret.append(line) line = self.handle.readline() # b'END' return ret if line == 'DELETED': return True if line == 'NOT_FOUND': return True # True ?? (or exception) if line == 'TYPE_MISMATCH': raise CollectionType() if line == 'OVERFLOWED': raise CollectionOverflow() if line == 'OUT_OF_RANGE' or line == 'NOT_FOUND_ELEMENT': raise CollectionIndex() return False def _recv_cas_value(self): line = self.handle.readline() if line and line[:5] != 'VALUE': return None resp, rkey, flags, len, cas_id = line.split() flags = int(flags) rlen = int(len) val = self._decode_value(flags, rlen) return (val, cas_id) def _recv_value(self): line = self.handle.readline() if line and line[:5] != 'VALUE': return None resp, rkey, flags, len = line.split() flags = int(flags) rlen = int(len) return self._decode_value(flags, rlen) def _recv_coll_create(self): line = self.handle.readline() if line == 'CREATED': return True if line == 'EXISTS': raise CollectionExist() return False def _recv_coll_set(self): line = self.handle.readline() if line[0:8] == 'RESPONSE': dummy, count = line.split() ret = [] for i in xrange(0, int(count)): line = self.handle.readline() ret.append(line) line = self.handle.readline() # b'END' return ret if line == 'STORED': return True if line == 'NOT_FOUND': return False if line == 'TYPE_MISMATCH': raise CollectionType() if line == 'OVERFLOWED': raise CollectionOverflow() if line == 'OUT_OF_RANGE': raise CollectionIndex() return False def _recv_lop_get(self): ret, value = self._decode_collection('lop') if ret == 'NOT_FOUND': return None if ret == 'TYPE_MISMATCH': raise CollectionType() if ret == 'UNREADABLE': raise CollectionUnreadable() if ret == 'OUT_OF_RANGE' or ret == 'NOT_FOUND_ELEMENT': value = [] return value def _recv_sop_get(self): ret, value = self._decode_collection('sop') if ret == 'NOT_FOUND': return None if ret == 'TYPE_MISMATCH': raise CollectionType() if ret == 'UNREADABLE': raise CollectionUnreadable() if ret == 'OUT_OF_RANGE' or ret == 'NOT_FOUND_ELEMENT': value = set() return value def _recv_exist(self): line = self.handle.readline() return line == 'EXIST' def _recv_bop_get(self): ret, value = self._decode_collection('bop') if ret == 'NOT_FOUND': return None if ret == 'TYPE_MISMATCH': raise CollectionType() if ret == 'UNREADABLE': raise CollectionUnreadable() if ret == 'OUT_OF_RANGE' or ret == 'NOT_FOUND_ELEMENT': value = {} return value def _recv_mget(self): ret, value, miss = self._decode_bop_mget() if ret == 'NOT_FOUND': return None if ret == 'TYPE_MISMATCH': raise CollectionType() if ret == 'UNREADABLE': raise CollectionUnreadable() if ret == 'OUT_OF_RANGE' or ret == 'NOT_FOUND_ELEMENT': raise CollectionIndex() return (value, miss) def _recv_smget(self): ret, value, miss = self._decode_bop_smget() if ret == 'NOT_FOUND': return None if ret == 'TYPE_MISMATCH': raise CollectionType() if ret == 'UNREADABLE': raise CollectionUnreadable() if ret == 'OUT_OF_RANGE' or ret == 'NOT_FOUND_ELEMENT': raise CollectionIndex() return (value, miss) ########################################################################################## ### decoders ########################################################################################## def _decode_value(self, flags, rlen): rlen += 2 # include \r\n buf = self.handle.recv(rlen) if len(buf) != rlen: raise ArcusNodeSocketException( "received %d bytes when expecting %d" % (len(buf), rlen)) if len(buf) == rlen: buf = buf[:-2] # strip \r\n val = self.transcoder.decode(flags, buf) line = self.handle.readline() if line != 'END': raise ArcusProtocolException( 'invalid response expect END but recv: %s' % line) return val def _decode_collection(self, type): if type == 'bop': values = {} elif type == 'sop': values = set() else: # lop values = [] while True: line = self.handle.readline() if line[:5] != 'VALUE' and line[:5] != 'COUNT': return (line, values) if line[:5] == 'VALUE': resp, flags, count = line.split() flags = int(flags) count = int(count) elif line[:5] == 'COUNT': cmd, count = line.split('=') return (cmd, int(count)) for i in xrange(0, count): line = self.handle.readline() if type == 'bop': # bop get bkey, eflag, length_buf = line.split(' ', 2) if eflag.isdigit(): # eflag not exist length = eflag eflag = None buf = length_buf else: length, buf = length_buf.split(' ', 1) if bkey.isdigit(): bkey = int(bkey) val = self.transcoder.decode(flags, buf) values[bkey] = (eflag, val) elif type == 'lop': length, buf = line.split(' ', 1) val = self.transcoder.decode(flags, buf) values.append(val) else: # sop length, buf = line.split(' ', 1) val = self.transcoder.decode(flags, buf) values.add(val) return None def _decode_bop_mget(self): values = {} missed_keys = [] while True: line = self.handle.readline() if line[:11] == 'MISSED_KEYS': dummy, count = line.split(' ') count = int(count) for i in xrange(0, count): line = self.handle.readline() missed_keys.append(line) continue if line[:5] != 'VALUE' and line[:5] != 'COUNT': return (line, values, missed_keys) ret = line.split() key = ret[1] status = ret[2] if status == 'NOT_FOUND': missed_keys.append(key) continue count = 0 if len(ret) == 5: flags = int(ret[3]) count = int(ret[4]) val = {} for i in xrange(0, count): line = self.handle.readline() element, bkey, eflag, length_buf = line.split(' ', 3) if eflag.isdigit(): # eflag not exist length = eflag eflag = None buf = length_buf else: length, buf = length_buf.split(' ', 1) if bkey.isdigit(): bkey = int(bkey) ret = self.transcoder.decode(flags, buf) val[bkey] = (eflag, ret) values[key] = val return None def _decode_bop_smget(self): values = [] missed_keys = [] while True: line = self.handle.readline() if line[:11] == 'MISSED_KEYS': dummy, count = line.split(' ') count = int(count) for i in xrange(0, count): line = self.handle.readline() missed_keys.append(line) continue if line[:5] != 'VALUE' and line[:5] != 'COUNT': return (line, values, missed_keys) ret = line.split() count = int(ret[1]) for i in xrange(0, count): line = self.handle.readline() key, flags, bkey, eflag, length_buf = line.split(' ', 4) if eflag.isdigit(): # eflag not exist length = eflag eflag = None buf = length_buf else: length, buf = length_buf.split(' ', 1) if bkey.isdigit(): bkey = int(bkey) val = self.transcoder.decode(int(flags), buf) values.append((bkey, key, eflag, val)) return None
class DHTProtocolHandler: def __init__(self): = MsgMaker() self.s = create_socket("", 6882) self.info_hash = None self.nid = random_nid() self.nodes_lock = Lock() self.nodes = set() self.peers_lock = Lock() self.peers = set() self.tids = list() def send_msg(self, msg, dst): self.s.sendto(bencode(msg), dst) def bootstrap(self): if self.nodes == set(): self.send_get_peers(BOOTSTRAP_ADDR) Timer(3, self.bootstrap).start() else: pass def get_torrent(self, info_hash): self.info_hash = info_hash self.bootstrap() def send_get_peers(self, address): msg =, self.info_hash) self.tids.append(msg['t']) self.send_msg(msg, address) def recv_msg(self): while True: try: msg_bencode, addr = self.s.recvfrom(65536) break except Exception: pass return bdecode(msg_bencode), addr def on_query(self, tid, q, addr): print('query received: %s' % q) if q == 'find_node': pass elif q == 'get_peers': self.on_query_get_peers(tid, addr) elif q == 'announce_peer': self.on_query_announce_peer(tid, addr) elif q == 'ping': self.on_query_ping(tid, addr) else: pass def on_query_get_peers(self, tid, addr): msg =, tid) self.send_msg(msg, addr) def on_query_announce_peer(self, tid, addr): msg =, tid) self.send_msg(msg, addr) def on_query_ping(self, tid, addr): msg =, tid) self.send_msg(msg, addr) def on_response(self, tid, response): if tid in self.tids: self.on_response_get_peers(response) self.tids.remove(tid) else: print('tid=%s not exist.' % str(tid)) def on_response_get_peers(self, response): if response.has_key('values'): self.decode_peers(response['values']) if response.has_key('nodes'): self.decode_nodes(response['nodes']) def decode_peers(self, peers): for peer in peers: ip = socket.inet_ntoa(peer[:4]) port, = struct.unpack('>H', peer[4:]) self.peers_lock.acquire() self.peers.add(Peer(ip, port)) self.peers_lock.release() def decode_nodes(self, nodes): for i in range(0, len(nodes), 26): nid = nodes[i:i + 20] ip = socket.inet_ntoa(nodes[i + 20:i + 24]) port, = struct.unpack('>H', nodes[i + 24:i + 26]) node = Node(nid, ip, port) self.nodes_lock.acquire() self.nodes.add(node) self.nodes_lock.release() def msg_listener(self): while True: msg, addr = self.recv_msg() try: y = msg['y'] if y == 'q': self.on_query(msg['t'], msg['q'], addr) elif y == 'r': self.on_response(msg['t'], msg['r']) elif y == 'e': print(msg['e']) else: pass except: print("no dht msg recved -> ", msg) def auto_get_peers(self): while True: send_count = 0 self.nodes_lock.acquire() for node in self.nodes: if send_count >= 300: break if node.queried < 3: self.send_get_peers((node.ip, node.port)) node.queried += 1 send_count += 1 self.nodes_lock.release() time.sleep(1) def auto_get_metadata(self): md = MetadataDownloader() while True: self.peers_lock.acquire() peers = self.peers.copy() self.peers_lock.release() for peer in peers: if peer.asked == True: continue print('try to get metadata from (%s, %d)' %peer.addr) metadata = md.get_metadata(self.info_hash, peer.addr) peer.asked = True if metadata != None: # todo metadata got return if len(peers) == len(self.peers): for peer in peers: peer.asked = False time.sleep(1) def run(self): auto_get_peers_thread = Thread(target=self.auto_get_peers) auto_get_metadata_thread = Thread(target=self.auto_get_metadata) msg_listener_thread = Thread(target=self.msg_listener) auto_get_peers_thread.start() auto_get_metadata_thread.start() msg_listener_thread.start()
class VideoSync: def __init__(self, videos, on_reset, scale_callback): self.videos = videos self.on_reset = on_reset self.lock = Lock() self.is_playing = False self.stop_thread = False self.with_skeleton = None self.with_image = None self.play_speed = 1 self.frame_skip = 1 self.stream_thread = None self.executor = None self.running_tasks = [] self.scale_callback = scale_callback self.scale_focused = False def scale_focus(self, is_focused): self.scale_focused = is_focused def start(self): self.lock.acquire() self.stop_thread = False self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=6) self.stream_thread = threading.Thread( self.stream_thread.daemon = 1 self.stream_thread.start() self.lock.release() def stop(self): self.lock.acquire() self.stop_thread = True for t in self.running_tasks: t.cancel() if self.executor: self.executor.shutdown(wait=False) self.lock.release() def stream(self): vids = self.videos() fps = 60 delay = 1 / fps while True: start = timer() while not self.is_playing: sleep(0.01) while (timer() - start) < (delay / self.play_speed): sleep(0.00001) if not self.stop_thread: if not self.scale_focused: self.scale_callback( np.array([v.get_time_sec() for v in vids]).max()) self.running_tasks = [ self.executor.submit(task) for task in [ for v in vids] ] for t in self.running_tasks: t.result() else: break def reset(self): self.lock.acquire() try: self.is_playing = False self.stop_thread = False self.on_reset() finally: self.lock.release() def set_speed(self, speed): self.play_speed = int(np.power(speed, 2)) self.frame_skip = max(1, speed)
class SerializableLock(object): _locks = WeakValueDictionary() """ A Serializable per-process Lock This wraps a normal ``threading.Lock`` object and satisfies the same interface. However, this lock can also be serialized and sent to different processes. It will not block concurrent operations between processes (for this you should look at ``multiprocessing.Lock`` or ``locket.lock_file`` but will consistently deserialize into the same lock. So if we make a lock in one process:: lock = SerializableLock() And then send it over to another process multiple times:: bytes = pickle.dumps(lock) a = pickle.loads(bytes) b = pickle.loads(bytes) Then the deserialized objects will operate as though they were the same lock, and collide as appropriate. This is useful for consistently protecting resources on a per-process level. The creation of locks is itself not threadsafe. """ def __init__(self, token=None): self.token = token or str(uuid.uuid4()) if self.token in SerializableLock._locks: self.lock = SerializableLock._locks[self.token] else: self.lock = Lock() SerializableLock._locks[self.token] = self.lock def acquire(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.lock.acquire(*args, **kwargs) def release(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.lock.release(*args, **kwargs) def __enter__(self): self.lock.__enter__() def __exit__(self, *args): self.lock.__exit__(*args) def locked(self): return self.lock.locked() def __getstate__(self): return self.token def __setstate__(self, token): self.__init__(token) def __str__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.token) __repr__ = __str__
class LRUCache(object): """A simple LRU Cache implementation.""" # this is fast for small capacities (something below 1000) but doesn't # scale. But as long as it's only used as storage for templates this # won't do any harm. def __init__(self, capacity): self.capacity = capacity self._mapping = {} self._queue = deque() self._postinit() def _postinit(self): # alias all queue methods for faster lookup self._popleft = self._queue.popleft self._pop = self._queue.pop self._remove = self._queue.remove self._wlock = Lock() self._append = self._queue.append def __getstate__(self): return { 'capacity': self.capacity, '_mapping': self._mapping, '_queue': self._queue } def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) self._postinit() def __getnewargs__(self): return (self.capacity, ) def copy(self): """Return a shallow copy of the instance.""" rv = self.__class__(self.capacity) rv._mapping.update(self._mapping) rv._queue = deque(self._queue) return rv def get(self, key, default=None): """Return an item from the cache dict or `default`""" try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default def setdefault(self, key, default=None): """Set `default` if the key is not in the cache otherwise leave unchanged. Return the value of this key. """ self._wlock.acquire() try: try: return self[key] except KeyError: self[key] = default return default finally: self._wlock.release() def clear(self): """Clear the cache.""" self._wlock.acquire() try: self._mapping.clear() self._queue.clear() finally: self._wlock.release() def __contains__(self, key): """Check if a key exists in this cache.""" return key in self._mapping def __len__(self): """Return the current size of the cache.""" return len(self._mapping) def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._mapping) def __getitem__(self, key): """Get an item from the cache. Moves the item up so that it has the highest priority then. Raise a `KeyError` if it does not exist. """ self._wlock.acquire() try: rv = self._mapping[key] if self._queue[-1] != key: try: self._remove(key) except ValueError: # if something removed the key from the container # when we read, ignore the ValueError that we would # get otherwise. pass self._append(key) return rv finally: self._wlock.release() def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Sets the value for an item. Moves the item up so that it has the highest priority then. """ self._wlock.acquire() try: if key in self._mapping: self._remove(key) elif len(self._mapping) == self.capacity: del self._mapping[self._popleft()] self._append(key) self._mapping[key] = value finally: self._wlock.release() def __delitem__(self, key): """Remove an item from the cache dict. Raise a `KeyError` if it does not exist. """ self._wlock.acquire() try: del self._mapping[key] try: self._remove(key) except ValueError: # __getitem__ is not locked, it might happen pass finally: self._wlock.release() def items(self): """Return a list of items.""" result = [(key, self._mapping[key]) for key in list(self._queue)] result.reverse() return result def iteritems(self): """Iterate over all items.""" return iter(self.items()) def values(self): """Return a list of all values.""" return [x[1] for x in self.items()] def itervalue(self): """Iterate over all values.""" return iter(self.values()) def keys(self): """Return a list of all keys ordered by most recent usage.""" return list(self) def iterkeys(self): """Iterate over all keys in the cache dict, ordered by the most recent usage. """ return reversed(tuple(self._queue)) __iter__ = iterkeys def __reversed__(self): """Iterate over the values in the cache dict, oldest items coming first. """ return iter(tuple(self._queue)) __copy__ = copy
class MapQueue: def __init__(self, iterable=None, maxlen=0): self.stack = [] self.maxlen = maxlen if iterable is None: self.length = 0 else: self.length = max(len(iterable, maxlen)) for i in range(self.length): self.stack.append(iterable[i]) self.pending = 0 self.mainlock = Lock() self.innerlock = RLock() def qsize(self): self.innerlock.acquire() try: ret = self.length finally: self.innerlock.release() return ret def task_done(self): self.mainlock.acquire() try: self.pending -= 1 finally: self.mainlock.release() def join(self): self.mainlock.acquire() try: while self.pending > 0: self.mainlock.release() sleep(0.1) self.mainlock.acquire() finally: self.mainlock.release() def get(self, block=True, timeout=None): infinite = timeout is None timeout = ternary(timeout is None, 0, timeout) self.mainlock.acquire() if (self.empty()): if not block: self.mainlock.release() raise Queue.Empty t = clock() curtime = t while self.empty() and curtime - t <= timeout: self.mainlock.release() sleep(0.1) curtime = clock() self.mainlock.acquire() if infinite and self.empty(): timeout = curtime + 1 if (infinite or clock() - t > timeout) and self.empty(): self.mainlock.release() raise Queue.Empty ret = self.stack.pop() self.pending += 1 self.length -= 1 self.mainlock.release() return ret def get_nowait(self): return self.get(False) def put(self, item): self.mainlock.acquire() try: self.stack.append(item) self.length += 1 finally: self.mainlock.release() def empty(self): self.innerlock.acquire() try: ret = self.qsize() == 0 finally: self.innerlock.release() return ret
class DateDetector(object): """Manages one or more date templates to find a date within a log line. Attributes ---------- templates """ def __init__(self): self.__lock = Lock() self.__templates = list() self.__known_names = set() def _appendTemplate(self, template): name = if name in self.__known_names: raise ValueError("There is already a template with name %s" % name) self.__known_names.add(name) self.__templates.append(template) def appendTemplate(self, template): """Add a date template to manage and use in search of dates. Parameters ---------- template : DateTemplate or str Can be either a `DateTemplate` instance, or a string which will be used as the pattern for the `DatePatternRegex` template. The template will then be added to the detector. Raises ------ ValueError If a template already exists with the same name. """ if isinstance(template, str): template = DatePatternRegex(template) self._appendTemplate(template) def addDefaultTemplate(self): """Add Fail2Ban's default set of date templates. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: # asctime with optional day, subsecond and/or year: # Sun Jan 23 21:59:59.011 2005 self.appendTemplate("(?:%a )?%b %d %H:%M:%S(?:\.%f)?(?: %Y)?") # asctime with optional day, subsecond and/or year coming after day # # Sun Jan 23 2005 21:59:59.011 self.appendTemplate("(?:%a )?%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S(?:\.%f)?") # simple date, optional subsecond (proftpd): # 2005-01-23 21:59:59 # simple date: 2005/01/23 21:59:59 # custom for syslog-ng 2006.12.21 06:43:20 self.appendTemplate( "%Y(?P<_sep>[-/.])%m(?P=_sep)%d %H:%M:%S(?:,%f)?") # simple date too (from x11vnc): 23/01/2005 21:59:59 # and with optional year given by 2 digits: 23/01/05 21:59:59 # (See # 17-07-2008 17:23:25 self.appendTemplate( "%d(?P<_sep>[-/])%m(?P=_sep)(?:%Y|%y) %H:%M:%S") # Apache format optional time zone: # [31/Oct/2006:09:22:55 -0000] # 26-Jul-2007 15:20:52 self.appendTemplate( "%d(?P<_sep>[-/])%b(?P=_sep)%Y[ :]?%H:%M:%S(?:\.%f)?(?: %z)?") # CPanel 05/20/2008:01:57:39 self.appendTemplate("%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S") # named 26-Jul-2007 15:20:52.252 # roundcube 26-Jul-2007 15:20:52 +0200 # 01-27-2012 16:22:44.252 # subseconds explicit to avoid possible %m<->%d confusion # with previous self.appendTemplate("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S\.%f") # TAI64N template = DateTai64n() = "TAI64N" self.appendTemplate(template) # Epoch template = DateEpoch() = "Epoch" self.appendTemplate(template) # ISO 8601 self.appendTemplate("%Y-%m-%d[T ]%H:%M:%S(?:\.%f)?(?:%z)?") # Only time information in the log self.appendTemplate("^%H:%M:%S") # <09/16/08@05:03:30> self.appendTemplate("^<%m/%d/%y@%H:%M:%S>") # MySQL: 130322 11:46:11 self.appendTemplate("^%y%m%d ?%H:%M:%S") # Apache Tomcat self.appendTemplate("%b %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p") # ASSP: Apr-27-13 02:33:06 self.appendTemplate("^%b-%d-%y %H:%M:%S") # HLDS: L 27/02/2016 - 00:33:41: self.appendTemplate("^L %d/%m/%Y - %H:%M:%S:") finally: self.__lock.release() @property def templates(self): """List of template instances managed by the detector. """ return self.__templates def matchTime(self, line): """Attempts to find date on a log line using templates. This uses the templates' `matchDate` method in an attempt to find a date. It also increments the match hit count for the winning template. Parameters ---------- line : str Line which is searched by the date templates. Returns ------- re.MatchObject The regex match returned from the first successfully matched template. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: for template in self.__templates: match = template.matchDate(line) if not match is None: logSys.debug("Matched time template %s" % template.hits += 1 return match return None finally: self.__lock.release() def getTime(self, line): """Attempts to return the date on a log line using templates. This uses the templates' `getDate` method in an attempt to find a date. Parameters ---------- line : str Line which is searched by the date templates. Returns ------- float The Unix timestamp returned from the first successfully matched template. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: for template in self.__templates: try: date = template.getDate(line) if date is None: continue logSys.debug("Got time %f for \"%r\" using template %s" % (date[0], date[1].group(), return date except ValueError: pass return None finally: self.__lock.release() def sortTemplate(self): """Sort the date templates by number of hits Sort the template lists using the hits score. This method is not called in this object and thus should be called from time to time. This ensures the most commonly matched templates are checked first, improving performance of matchTime and getTime. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: logSys.debug("Sorting the template list") self.__templates.sort(key=lambda x: x.hits, reverse=True) t = self.__templates[0] logSys.debug("Winning template: %s with %d hits" % (, t.hits)) finally: self.__lock.release()
class TetrisApp(object): def __init__(self, runner=None): self.DROPEVENT = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("Tetris_AI") pygame.key.set_repeat(250, 25) self.width = CELL_SIZE * (COLS + 10) self.height = CELL_SIZE * ROWS self.rlim = CELL_SIZE * COLS self.bground_grid = [[8 if x % 2 == y % 2 else 0 for x in range(COLS)] for y in range(ROWS)] self.default_font = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 11) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) self.next_block = BLOCKS[randrange(len(BLOCKS))] self.gameover = False self.runner = runner self.player_ai = None self.lock = Lock() self.init_game() def start_game(self): if self.gameover: self.init_game() self.gameover = False def ai_toggle(self): if self.player_ai: self.player_ai.instant_play = not self.player_ai.instant_play def draw_matrix(self, matrix, offset): off_x, off_y = offset for y, row in enumerate(matrix): for x, val in enumerate(row): if val: try: pygame.draw.rect( self.screen, COLORS[val], pygame.Rect((off_x + x) * CELL_SIZE, (off_y + y) * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE), 0) except IndexError: print("Corrupted board") print(self.board) def run(self): key_actions = { 'ESCAPE': sys.exit, 'LEFT': lambda: self.move(-1), 'RIGHT': lambda: self.move(+1), 'DOWN': self.drop, 'UP': self.rotate_block, 'SPACE': self.start_game, 'RETURN': self.insta_drop, 'p': self.ai_toggle, } clock = pygame.time.Clock() while True: if DRAW: self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) if self.gameover: self.center_msg( "Game Over!\nYour score: %d\nPress space to continue" % self.score) else: pygame.draw.line(self.screen, (255, 255, 255), (self.rlim + 1, 0), (self.rlim + 1, self.height - 1)) self.disp_msg("Next:", (self.rlim + CELL_SIZE, 2)) self.disp_msg("Score: %d" % self.score, (self.rlim + CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE * 5)) self.draw_matrix(self.bground_grid, (0, 0)) self.draw_matrix(self.board, (0, 0)) self.draw_matrix(self.block, (self.block_x, self.block_y)) self.draw_matrix(self.next_block, (COLS + 1, 2)) pygame.display.update() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == self.DROPEVENT: self.drop() elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: for key in key_actions: if event.key == eval("pygame.K_" + key): key_actions[key]() clock.tick(MAX_FPS) def disp_msg(self, msg, topleft): x, y = topleft for line in msg.splitlines(): self.screen.blit( self.default_font.render(line, False, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)), (x, y)) y += 14 def center_msg(self, msg): for i, line in enumerate(msg.splitlines()): msg_image = self.default_font.render(line, False, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) msgim_center_x, msgim_center_y = msg_image.get_size() msgim_center_x //= 2 msgim_center_y //= 2 self.screen.blit(msg_image, (self.width // 2 - msgim_center_x, self.height // 2 - msgim_center_y + i * 22)) def new_block(self): self.block = self.next_block self.next_block = BLOCKS[randrange(len(BLOCKS))] self.block_x = COLS // 2 - len(self.block[0]) // 2 self.block_y = 0 self.score += 1 if check_collision(self.board, self.block, (self.block_x, self.block_y)): self.gameover = True if self.runner: self.runner.on_game_over(self.score) def init_game(self): self.board = new_board() self.score = 0 self.new_block() pygame.time.set_timer(self.DROPEVENT, DROP_TIME) def add_cl_lines(self, n): linescores = [0, 50, 100, 200, 1000] self.score += linescores[n] def rotate_block(self): if not self.gameover: new_block = rotate_clockwise(self.block) if not check_collision(self.board, new_block, (self.block_x, self.block_y)): self.block = new_block def move_to(self, x): self.move(x - self.block_x) def move(self, delta_x): if not self.gameover: new_x = self.block_x + delta_x if new_x < 0: new_x = 0 if new_x > COLS - len(self.block[0]): new_x = COLS - len(self.block[0]) if not check_collision(self.board, self.block, (new_x, self.block_y)): self.block_x = new_x def drop(self): self.lock.acquire() if not self.gameover: self.block_y += 1 if check_collision(self.board, self.block, (self.block_x, self.block_y)): self.board = join_matrices(self.board, self.block, (self.block_x, self.block_y)) self.new_block() cleared_rows = 0 for i, row in enumerate(self.board[:-1]): if 0 not in row: self.board = remove_row(self.board, i) cleared_rows += 1 self.add_cl_lines(cleared_rows) self.lock.release() if self.player_ai: self.player_ai.do_action() return True self.lock.release() return False def insta_drop(self): if not self.gameover: while not self.drop(): pass
class WebsocketServer(object): def __init__(self, args, mitm_mapper, db_wrapper, routemanagers, device_mappings, auths, pogoWindowManager, configmode=False): self.__current_users = {} self.__current_users_mutex = Lock() self.__stop_server = Event() self.args = args self.__listen_address = args.ws_ip self.__listen_port = int(args.ws_port) self.__send_queue = queue.Queue() self.__received = {} self.__received_mutex = Lock() self.__requests = {} self.__requests_mutex = Lock() self.__db_wrapper = db_wrapper self.__device_mappings = device_mappings self.__routemanagers = routemanagers self.__auths = auths self.__pogoWindowManager = pogoWindowManager self.__mitm_mapper = mitm_mapper self.__next_id = 0 self.__id_mutex = Lock() self._configmode = configmode self.__loop = None def start_server(self):"Starting websocket server...") self.__loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() # build list of origin IDs allowed_origins = [] for device in self.__device_mappings.keys(): allowed_origins.append(device) logger.debug("Device mappings: {}", str(self.__device_mappings)) logger.debug("Allowed origins derived: {}", str(allowed_origins)) asyncio.set_event_loop(self.__loop) self.__loop.run_until_complete( websockets.serve(self.handler, self.__listen_address, self.__listen_port, max_size=2 ** 25, origins=allowed_origins, ping_timeout=10, ping_interval=15)) self.__loop.run_forever() def stop_server(self): # TODO: cleanup workers... self.__stop_server.set() self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() for id, worker in self.__current_users.items():'Stopping worker {} to apply new mappings.', id) worker[1].stop_worker() self.__current_users_mutex.release() # wait for all workers to be stopped... while True: self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() if len(self.__current_users) == 0: self.__current_users_mutex.release() break else: self.__current_users_mutex.release() time.sleep(1) for routemanager in self.__routemanagers.keys(): area = self.__routemanagers.get(routemanager, None) if area is None: continue area["routemanager"].stop_routemanager() if self.__loop is not None: self.__loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.__loop.stop) async def handler(self, websocket_client_connection, path):"Waiting for connection...") # wait for a connection... continue_work = await self.__register(websocket_client_connection) if not continue_work: logger.error("Failed registering client, closing connection") await websocket_client_connection.close() return consumer_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self.__consumer_handler(websocket_client_connection)) producer_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self.__producer_handler(websocket_client_connection)) done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [producer_task, consumer_task], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, )"consumer or producer of {} stopped, cancelling pending tasks", str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0])) for task in pending: task.cancel()"Awaiting unregister of {}", str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0])) await self.__unregister(websocket_client_connection)"All done with {}", str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0])) async def __register(self, websocket_client_connection):"Client {} registering", str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0])) if self.__stop_server.is_set(): "MAD is set to shut down, not accepting new connection") return False try: id = str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0]) except IndexError: logger.warning("Client from {} tried to connect without Origin header", str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0])) return False if self.__auths: try: authBase64 = str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Authorization")[0]) except IndexError: logger.warning("Client from {} tried to connect without auth header", str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0])) return False self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() try: logger.debug("Checking if {} is already present", str(id)) user_present = self.__current_users.get(id) if user_present is not None: logger.warning("Worker with origin {} is already running, killing the running one and have client reconnect", str(websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0])) user_present[1].stop_worker() return False elif self.__auths and authBase64 and not check_auth(authBase64, self.args, self.__auths): logger.warning("Invalid auth details received from {}", str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0])) return False if self._configmode: worker = WorkerConfigmode(self.args, id, self) logger.debug("Starting worker for {}", str(id)) new_worker_thread = Thread( name='worker_%s' % id, target=worker.start_worker) self.__current_users[id] = [ new_worker_thread, worker, websocket_client_connection, 0] return True last_known_state = {} client_mapping = self.__device_mappings[id] devicesettings = client_mapping["settings"]"Setting up routemanagers for {}", str(id)) if client_mapping.get("walker", None) is not None: if "walker_area_index" not in devicesettings: devicesettings['walker_area_index'] = 0 devicesettings['finished'] = False devicesettings['last_action_time'] = None devicesettings['last_cleanup_time'] = None walker_index = devicesettings.get('walker_area_index', 0) if walker_index > 0: # check status of last area if not devicesettings.get('finished', False): 'Something wrong with last round - get back to old area') walker_index -= 1 devicesettings['walker_area_index'] = walker_index walker_area_array = client_mapping["walker"] walker_settings = walker_area_array[walker_index] # preckeck walker setting while not pre_check_value(walker_settings) and walker_index-1 <= len(walker_area_array): walker_area_name = walker_area_array[walker_index]['walkerarea'] '{} dont using area {} - Walkervalue out of range', str(id), str(walker_area_name)) if walker_index >= len(walker_area_array) - 1: logger.error( 'Dont find any working area - check your config') walker_index = 0 devicesettings['walker_area_index'] = walker_index walker_settings = walker_area_array[walker_index] break walker_index += 1 devicesettings['walker_area_index'] = walker_index walker_settings = walker_area_array[walker_index] if devicesettings['walker_area_index'] >= len(walker_area_array): # check if array is smaller then expected - f.e. on the fly changes in mappings.json devicesettings['walker_area_index'] = 0 devicesettings['finished'] = False walker_index = devicesettings.get('walker_area_index', 0) walker_area_name = walker_area_array[walker_index]['walkerarea'] if walker_area_name not in self.__routemanagers: raise WrongAreaInWalker() logger.debug('Devicesettings {}: {}', str(id), devicesettings)'{} using walker area {} [{}/{}]', str(id), str( walker_area_name), str(walker_index+1), str(len(walker_area_array))) walker_routemanager = \ self.__routemanagers[walker_area_name].get( "routemanager", None) devicesettings['walker_area_index'] += 1 devicesettings['finished'] = False if walker_index >= len(walker_area_array) - 1: devicesettings['walker_area_index'] = 0 # set global mon_iv client_mapping['mon_ids_iv'] = \ self.__routemanagers[walker_area_name].get( "routemanager").settings.get("mon_ids_iv", []) else: walker_routemanager = None if "last_location" not in devicesettings: devicesettings['last_location'] = Location(0.0, 0.0) logger.debug("Setting up worker for {}", str(id)) if walker_routemanager is None: pass elif walker_routemanager.mode in ["raids_mitm", "mon_mitm", "iv_mitm"]: worker = WorkerMITM(self.args, id, last_known_state, self, walker_routemanager, self.__mitm_mapper, devicesettings, db_wrapper=self.__db_wrapper, pogoWindowManager=self.__pogoWindowManager, walker=walker_settings) elif walker_routemanager.mode in ["raids_ocr"]: from worker.WorkerOCR import WorkerOCR worker = WorkerOCR(self.args, id, last_known_state, self, walker_routemanager, devicesettings, db_wrapper=self.__db_wrapper, pogoWindowManager=self.__pogoWindowManager, walker=walker_settings) elif walker_routemanager.mode in ["pokestops"]: worker = WorkerQuests(self.args, id, last_known_state, self, walker_routemanager, self.__mitm_mapper, devicesettings, db_wrapper=self.__db_wrapper, pogoWindowManager=self.__pogoWindowManager, walker=walker_settings) elif walker_routemanager.mode in ["idle"]: worker = WorkerConfigmode(self.args, id, self) else: logger.error("Mode not implemented") sys.exit(1) logger.debug("Starting worker for {}", str(id)) new_worker_thread = Thread( name='worker_%s' % id, target=worker.start_worker) new_worker_thread.daemon = False self.__current_users[id] = [new_worker_thread, worker, websocket_client_connection, 0] new_worker_thread.start() except WrongAreaInWalker: logger.error('Unknown Area in Walker settings - check config') finally: self.__current_users_mutex.release() return True async def __unregister(self, websocket_client_connection): worker_id = str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0]) self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() worker = self.__current_users.get(worker_id, None) if worker is not None: self.__current_users.pop(worker_id) self.__current_users_mutex.release()"Worker {} unregistered", str(worker_id)) async def __producer_handler(self, websocket_client_connection): while # logger.debug("Connection still open, trying to send next message") # retrieve next message from queue to be sent, block if empty next = None while next is None and logger.debug("Retrieving next message to send") next = await self.__retrieve_next_send(websocket_client_connection) if next is None: # logger.debug("next is None, stopping connection...") return await self.__send_specific(websocket_client_connection,, next.message) async def __send_specific(self, websocket_client_connection, id, message): # await websocket_client_connection.send(message) for key, value in self.__current_users.items(): if key == id and value[2].open: await value[2].send(message) async def __retrieve_next_send(self, websocket_client_connection): found = None while found is None and try: found = self.__send_queue.get_nowait() except Exception as e: await asyncio.sleep(0.02) if not logger.warning( "retrieve_next_send: connection closed, returning None") return found async def __consumer_handler(self, websocket_client_connection): if websocket_client_connection is None: return worker_id = str( websocket_client_connection.request_headers.get_all("Origin")[0])"Consumer handler of {} starting", str(worker_id)) while message = None try: message = await asyncio.wait_for(websocket_client_connection.recv(), timeout=2.0) except asyncio.TimeoutError as te: await asyncio.sleep(0.02) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as cc: logger.warning( "Connection to {} was closed, stopping worker", str(worker_id)) self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() worker = self.__current_users.get(worker_id, None) self.__current_users_mutex.release() if worker is not None: # TODO: do it abruptly in the worker, maybe set a flag to be checked for in send_and_wait to # TODO: throw an exception worker[1].stop_worker() self.clean_up_user(worker_id, None) return if message is not None: await self.__on_message(message) logger.warning( "Connection of {} closed in consumer_handler", str(worker_id)) def clean_up_user(self, worker_id, worker_instance): """ :param worker_id: The ID/Origin of the worker :param worker_instance: None if the cleanup is called from within the websocket server :return: """ self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() if worker_id in self.__current_users.keys() and (worker_instance is None or self.__current_users[worker_id][1] == worker_instance): if self.__current_users[worker_id][2].open:"Calling close for {}...", str(worker_id)) asyncio.ensure_future( self.__current_users[worker_id][2].close(), loop=self.__loop) self.__current_users.pop(worker_id)"Info of {} removed in websocket", str(worker_id)) self.__current_users_mutex.release() async def __on_message(self, message): id = -1 response = None if isinstance(message, str): logger.debug("Receiving message: {}", str(message.strip())) splitup = message.split(";") id = int(splitup[0]) response = splitup[1] else: logger.debug("Received binary values.") id = int.from_bytes(message[:4], byteorder='big', signed=False) response = message[4:] await self.__set_response(id, response) if not await self.__set_event(id): # remove the response again - though that is kinda stupid self.__pop_response(id) async def __set_event(self, id): result = False self.__requests_mutex.acquire() if id in self.__requests: self.__requests[id].set() result = True else: # the request has already been deleted due to a timeout... logger.error("Request has already been deleted...") self.__requests_mutex.release() return result async def __set_response(self, id, message): self.__received_mutex.acquire() self.__received[id] = message self.__received_mutex.release() def __pop_response(self, id): self.__received_mutex.acquire() message = self.__received.pop(id) self.__received_mutex.release() return message def __get_new_message_id(self): self.__id_mutex.acquire() self.__next_id += 1 self.__next_id = int(math.fmod(self.__next_id, 100000)) if self.__next_id == 100000: self.__next_id = 1 toBeReturned = self.__next_id self.__id_mutex.release() return toBeReturned def __send(self, id, to_be_sent): next_message = OutgoingMessage(id, to_be_sent) self.__send_queue.put(next_message) def send_and_wait(self, id, worker_instance, message, timeout): logger.debug("{} sending command: {}", str(id), message.strip()) self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() user_entry = self.__current_users.get(id, None) self.__current_users_mutex.release() if user_entry is None or user_entry[1] != worker_instance and worker_instance != 'madmin': raise WebsocketWorkerRemovedException message_id = self.__get_new_message_id() message_event = Event() message_event.clear() self.__set_request(message_id, message_event) to_be_sent = u"%s;%s" % (str(message_id), message) logger.debug("To be sent: {}", to_be_sent.strip()) self.__send(id, to_be_sent) # now wait for the response! result = None logger.debug("Timeout: {}", str(timeout)) if message_event.wait(timeout): logger.debug("Received answer in time, popping response") self.__reset_fail_counter(id) result = self.__pop_response(message_id) if isinstance(result, str): logger.debug("Response to {}: {}", str(id), str(result.strip())) else: logger.debug("Received binary data to {}, starting with {}", str( id), str(result[:10])) else: # timeout reached logger.warning("Timeout, increasing timeout-counter") # TODO: why is the user removed here? new_count = self.__increase_fail_counter(id) if new_count > 5: logger.error("5 consecutive timeouts to {}, cleanup", str(id)) # TODO: signal worker to stop and NOT cleanup the websocket by itself! self.clean_up_user(id, None) raise WebsocketWorkerTimeoutException self.__remove_request(message_id) return result def __set_request(self, id, event): self.__requests_mutex.acquire() self.__requests[id] = event self.__requests_mutex.release() def __reset_fail_counter(self, id): self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() if id in self.__current_users.keys(): self.__current_users[id][3] = 0 self.__current_users_mutex.release() def __increase_fail_counter(self, id): self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() if id in self.__current_users.keys(): new_count = self.__current_users[id][3] + 1 self.__current_users[id][3] = new_count else: new_count = 100 self.__current_users_mutex.release() return new_count def __remove_request(self, message_id): self.__requests_mutex.acquire() self.__requests.pop(message_id) self.__requests_mutex.release() def update_settings(self, routemanagers, device_mappings, auths): for dev in self.__device_mappings: if "last_location" in self.__device_mappings[dev]['settings']: device_mappings[dev]['settings']["last_location"] = \ self.__device_mappings[dev]['settings']["last_location"] if "walker_area_index" in self.__device_mappings[dev]['settings']: device_mappings[dev]['settings']["walker_area_index"] = \ self.__device_mappings[dev]['settings']["walker_area_index"] if "last_mode" in self.__device_mappings[dev]['settings']: device_mappings[dev]['settings']["last_mode"] = \ self.__device_mappings[dev]['settings']["last_mode"] self.__current_users_mutex.acquire() # save reference to old routemanagers to stop them old_routemanagers = routemanagers self.__device_mappings = device_mappings self.__routemanagers = routemanagers self.__auths = auths for id, worker in self.__current_users.items():'Stopping worker {} to apply new mappings.', id) worker[1].stop_worker() self.__current_users_mutex.release() for routemanager in old_routemanagers.keys(): area = routemanagers.get(routemanager, None) if area is None: continue area["routemanager"].stop_routemanager() def get_reg_origins(self): return self.__current_users def get_origin_communicator(self, origin): if self.__current_users.get(origin, None) is not None: return self.__current_users[origin][1].get_communicator() return None def set_geofix_sleeptime_worker(self, origin, sleeptime): if self.__current_users.get(origin, None) is not None: return self.__current_users[origin][1].set_geofix_sleeptime(sleeptime) return False
class WorkerBase(ABC): def __init__(self, args, id, last_known_state, websocket_handler, walker_routemanager, devicesettings, db_wrapper, pogoWindowManager, NoOcr=True, walker=None): # self.thread_pool = ThreadPool(processes=2) self._walker_routemanager = walker_routemanager self._route_manager_last_time = None self._websocket_handler = websocket_handler self._communicator = Communicator(websocket_handler, id, self, args.websocket_command_timeout) self._id = id self._applicationArgs = args self._last_known_state = last_known_state self._work_mutex = Lock() self.loop = None self.loop_started = Event() self.loop_tid = None self._async_io_looper_thread = None self._location_count = 0 self._init = self._walker_routemanager.init self._walker = walker self._walkerstart = None self._lastScreenshotTaken = 0 self._stop_worker_event = Event() self._db_wrapper = db_wrapper self._redErrorCount = 0 self._lastScreenHash = None self._lastScreenHashCount = 0 self._devicesettings = devicesettings self._resocalc = Resocalculator self._screen_x = 0 self._screen_y = 0 self._lastStart = "" self._pogoWindowManager = pogoWindowManager self.current_location = Location(0.0, 0.0) self.last_location = self._devicesettings.get("last_location", None) if self.last_location is None: self.last_location = Location(0.0, 0.0) self.last_processed_location = Location(0.0, 0.0) @abstractmethod def _pre_work_loop(self): """ Work to be done before the main while true work-loop Start off asyncio loops etc in here :return: """ pass @abstractmethod def _health_check(self): """ Health check before a location is grabbed. Internally, a self._start_pogo call is already executed since that usually includes a topmost check :return: """ pass @abstractmethod def _pre_location_update(self): """ Override to run stuff like update injections settings in MITM worker Runs before walk/teleport to the location previously grabbed :return: """ pass @abstractmethod def _move_to_location(self): """ Location has previously been grabbed, the overriden function will be called. You may teleport or walk by your choosing Any post walk/teleport delays/sleeps have to be run in the derived, override method :return: """ pass @abstractmethod def _post_move_location_routine(self, timestamp): """ Routine called after having moved to a new location. MITM worker e.g. has to wait_for_data :param timestamp: :return: """ @abstractmethod def _start_pogo(self): """ Routine to start pogo. Return the state as a boolean do indicate a successful start :return: """ pass @abstractmethod def _cleanup(self): """ Cleanup any threads you started in derived classes etc self.stop_worker() and self.loop.stop() will be called afterwards :return: """ @abstractmethod def _valid_modes(self): """ Return a list of valid modes for the health checks :return: """ def _start_asyncio_loop(self): self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(self.loop) self.loop_tid = current_thread() self.loop.call_soon(self.loop_started.set) self.loop.run_forever() def _add_task_to_loop(self, coro): f = functools.partial(self.loop.create_task, coro) if current_thread() == self.loop_tid: return f( ) # We can call directly if we're not going between threads. else: # We're in a non-event loop thread so we use a Future # to get the task from the event loop thread once # it's ready. return self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(f) def start_worker(self): # async_result = self.thread_pool.apply_async(self._main_work_thread, ()) t_main_work = Thread(target=self._main_work_thread) t_main_work.daemon = False t_main_work.start() # do some other stuff in the main process while not self._stop_worker_event.isSet(): time.sleep(1) t_main_work.join()"Worker %s stopping gracefully" % str(self._id)) # async_result.get() return self._last_known_state def stop_worker(self): self._stop_worker_event.set() log.warning("Worker %s stop called" % str(self._id)) def _internal_pre_work(self): current_thread().name = self._id self._work_mutex.acquire() try: self._turn_screen_on_and_start_pogo() except WebsocketWorkerRemovedException: log.error("Timeout during init of worker %s" % str(self._id)) # no cleanup required here? TODO: signal websocket server somehow self._stop_worker_event.set() return # register worker in routemanager"Try to register %s in Routemanager %s" % (str(self._id), str( self._walker_routemanager.register_worker(self._id) self._work_mutex.release() self._async_io_looper_thread = Thread(name=str(self._id) + '_asyncio_' + self._id, target=self._start_asyncio_loop) self._async_io_looper_thread.daemon = False self._async_io_looper_thread.start() self.loop_started.wait() self._pre_work_loop() def _internal_health_check(self): # check if pogo is topmost and start if necessary log.debug( "_internal_health_check: Calling _start_pogo routine to check if pogo is topmost" ) self._work_mutex.acquire() log.debug("_internal_health_check: worker lock acquired") log.debug("Checking if we need to restart pogo") # Restart pogo every now and then... if self._devicesettings.get("restart_pogo", 80) > 0: # log.debug("main: Current time - lastPogoRestart: %s" % str(curTime - lastPogoRestart)) # if curTime - lastPogoRestart >= (args.restart_pogo * 60): if self._location_count > self._devicesettings.get( "restart_pogo", 80): log.error("scanned " + str(self._devicesettings.get("restart_pogo", 80)) + " locations, restarting pogo") pogo_started = self._restart_pogo() self._location_count = 0 else: pogo_started = self._start_pogo() else: pogo_started = self._start_pogo() self._work_mutex.release() log.debug("_internal_health_check: worker lock released") return pogo_started def _internal_cleanup(self): # set the event just to make sure - in case of exceptions for example self._stop_worker_event.set()"Internal cleanup of %s started" % str(self._id)) self._cleanup()"Internal cleanup of %s signalling end to websocketserver" % str(self._id)) self._walker_routemanager.unregister_worker(self._id)"Stopping Route") # self.stop_worker() if self._async_io_looper_thread is not None:"Stopping worker's asyncio loop") self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.loop.stop) self._async_io_looper_thread.join() self._communicator.cleanup_websocket()"Internal cleanup of %s finished" % str(self._id)) def _main_work_thread(self): # TODO: signal websocketserver the removal try: self._internal_pre_work() except (InternalStopWorkerException, WebsocketWorkerRemovedException, WebsocketWorkerTimeoutException) \ as e: log.error( "Failed initializing worker %s, connection terminated exceptionally" % str(self._id)) self._internal_cleanup() return if not check_max_walkers_reached(self._walker, self._walker_routemanager): log.warning('Max. Walkers in Area %s - closing connections' % str( self._devicesettings['finished'] = True self._internal_cleanup() return while not self._stop_worker_event.isSet(): try: # TODO: consider getting results of health checks and aborting the entire worker? walkercheck = self.check_walker() if not walkercheck: self._devicesettings['finished'] = True break except (InternalStopWorkerException, WebsocketWorkerRemovedException, WebsocketWorkerTimeoutException) \ as e: log.warning("Worker %s killed by walker settings" % str(self._id)) break try: # TODO: consider getting results of health checks and aborting the entire worker? self._internal_health_check() self._health_check() except (InternalStopWorkerException, WebsocketWorkerRemovedException, WebsocketWorkerTimeoutException) \ as e: log.error( "Websocket connection to %s lost while running healthchecks, " "connection terminated exceptionally" % str(self._id)) break try: settings = self._internal_grab_next_location() if settings is None: continue except (InternalStopWorkerException, WebsocketWorkerRemovedException, WebsocketWorkerTimeoutException) \ as e: log.warning( "Worker of %s does not support mode that's to be run, " "connection terminated exceptionally" % str(self._id)) break try: log.debug('Checking if new location is valid') valid = self._check_location_is_valid() if not valid: break except (InternalStopWorkerException, WebsocketWorkerRemovedException, WebsocketWorkerTimeoutException) \ as e: log.warning("Worker %s get non valid coords!" % str(self._id)) break try: self._pre_location_update() except (InternalStopWorkerException, WebsocketWorkerRemovedException, WebsocketWorkerTimeoutException) \ as e: log.warning( "Worker of %s stopping because of stop signal in pre_location_update, " "connection terminated exceptionally" % str(self._id)) break try: log.debug( 'main worker %s: LastLat: %s, LastLng: %s, CurLat: %s, CurLng: %s' % (str(self._id), self._devicesettings["last_location"].lat, self._devicesettings["last_location"].lng,, self.current_location.lng)) time_snapshot, process_location = self._move_to_location() except (InternalStopWorkerException, WebsocketWorkerRemovedException, WebsocketWorkerTimeoutException) \ as e: log.warning( "Worker %s failed moving to new location, stopping worker, " "connection terminated exceptionally" % str(self._id)) break if process_location: self._add_task_to_loop(self._update_position_file()) self._location_count += 1 if self._applicationArgs.last_scanned:'main: Set new scannedlocation in Database') # self.update_scanned_location(, currentLocation.lng, curTime) self._add_task_to_loop( self.update_scanned_location(, self.current_location.lng, time_snapshot)) try: self._post_move_location_routine(time_snapshot) except (InternalStopWorkerException, WebsocketWorkerRemovedException, WebsocketWorkerTimeoutException) \ as e: log.warning( "Worker %s failed running post_move_location_routine, stopping worker" % str(self._id)) break"Worker %s finished iteration, continuing work" % str(self._id)) self._internal_cleanup() async def _update_position_file(self): log.debug("Updating .position file") if self.current_location is not None: with open(self._id + '.position', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write( str( + ", " + str(self.current_location.lng)) async def update_scanned_location(self, latitude, longitude, timestamp): try: self._db_wrapper.set_scanned_location(str(latitude), str(longitude), str(timestamp)) except Exception as e: log.error("Failed updating scanned location: %s" % str(e)) return def check_walker(self): mode = self._walker['walkertype'] if mode == "countdown":"Checking Walker Mode Countdown") countdown = self._walker['walkervalue'] if not countdown: log.error( "No Value for Mode - check your settings! - kill Worker") return False if self._walkerstart is None: self._walkerstart = math.floor(time.time()) else: if math.floor(time.time()) >= int( self._walkerstart) + int(countdown): return False return True elif mode == "timer":"Checking Walker Mode Timer") exittime = self._walker['walkervalue'] if not exittime or ':' not in exittime: log.error( "No or wrong Value for Mode - check your settings! - kill Worker" ) return False return check_walker_value_type(exittime) elif mode == "round":"Checking Walker Mode Round") rounds = self._walker['walkervalue'] if len(rounds) == 0: log.error( "No Value for Mode - check your settings! - kill Worker") return False processed_rounds = self._walker_routemanager.get_rounds(self._id) if int(processed_rounds) >= int(rounds): return False return True elif mode == "period":"Checking Walker Mode Period") period = self._walker['walkervalue'] if len(period) == 0: log.error( "No Value for Mode - check your settings! - kill Worker") return False return check_walker_value_type(period) elif mode == "coords": exittime = self._walker['walkervalue'] if len(exittime) > 0: return check_walker_value_type(exittime) return True elif mode == "idle":"Checking Walker Mode Idle") if len(self._walker['walkervalue']) == 0: log.error( "Wrong Value for mode - check your settings! - kill Worker" ) return False sleeptime = self._walker['walkervalue']'%s going to sleep' % str(self._id)) killpogo = False if check_walker_value_type(sleeptime): self._stop_pogo() killpogo = True while not self._stop_worker_event.isSet( ) and check_walker_value_type(sleeptime): time.sleep(1)'%s just woke up' % str(self._id)) if killpogo: self._start_pogo() return False else: log.error("Dont know this Walker Mode - kill Worker") return False return True def _internal_grab_next_location(self): # TODO: consider adding runWarningThreadEvent.set() self._last_known_state["last_location"] = self.last_location log.debug("Requesting next location from routemanager") # requesting a location is blocking (iv_mitm will wait for a prioQ item), we really need to clean # the workers up... routemanager = self._walker_routemanager self.current_location = routemanager.get_next_location() return routemanager.settings def _init_routine(self): if self._applicationArgs.initial_restart is False: self._turn_screen_on_and_start_pogo() else: if not self._start_pogo(): while not self._restart_pogo(): log.warning("failed starting pogo") # TODO: stop after X attempts def _check_location_is_valid(self): if self.current_location is None: # there are no more coords - so worker is finished successfully self._devicesettings['finished'] = True return None elif self.current_location is not None: log.debug('Coords are valid') return True def _turn_screen_on_and_start_pogo(self): if not self._communicator.isScreenOn(): self._communicator.startApp("de.grennith.rgc.remotegpscontroller") log.warning("Turning screen on") self._communicator.turnScreenOn() time.sleep(self._devicesettings.get("post_turn_screen_on_delay", 2)) # check if pogo is running and start it if necessary"turnScreenOnAndStartPogo: (Re-)Starting Pogo") self._start_pogo() def _check_screen_on(self): if not self._communicator.isScreenOn(): self._communicator.startApp("de.grennith.rgc.remotegpscontroller") log.warning("Turning screen on") self._communicator.turnScreenOn() time.sleep(self._devicesettings.get("post_turn_screen_on_delay", 2)) def _stop_pogo(self): attempts = 0 stop_result = self._communicator.stopApp("com.nianticlabs.pokemongo") pogoTopmost = self._communicator.isPogoTopmost() while pogoTopmost: attempts += 1 if attempts > 10: return False stop_result = self._communicator.stopApp( "com.nianticlabs.pokemongo") time.sleep(1) pogoTopmost = self._communicator.isPogoTopmost() return stop_result def _reboot(self): try: start_result = self._communicator.reboot() except WebsocketWorkerRemovedException as e: log.error( "Could not reboot due to client already having disconnected") start_result = False time.sleep(5) self._db_wrapper.save_last_reboot(self._id) self.stop_worker() return start_result def _start_pogodroid(self): start_result = self._communicator.startApp("com.mad.pogodroid") time.sleep(5) return start_result def _stopPogoDroid(self): stopResult = self._communicator.stopApp("com.mad.pogodroid") return stopResult def _restart_pogo(self, clear_cache=True): successful_stop = self._stop_pogo() self._db_wrapper.save_last_restart(self._id) log.debug("restartPogo: stop pogo resulted in %s" % str(successful_stop)) if successful_stop: if clear_cache: self._communicator.clearAppCache("com.nianticlabs.pokemongo") time.sleep(1) return self._start_pogo() else: return False def _restartPogoDroid(self): successfulStop = self._stopPogoDroid() time.sleep(1) log.debug("restartPogoDroid: stop pogodriud resulted in %s" % str(successfulStop)) if successfulStop: return self._start_pogodroid() else: return False def _reopenRaidTab(self): log.debug("_reopenRaidTab: Taking screenshot...") "reopenRaidTab: Attempting to retrieve screenshot before checking raidtab" ) if not self._takeScreenshot(): log.debug("_reopenRaidTab: Failed getting screenshot...") log.error( "reopenRaidTab: Failed retrieving screenshot before checking for closebutton" ) return log.debug("_reopenRaidTab: Checking close except nearby...") pathToPass = os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)) log.debug("Path: %s" % str(pathToPass)) self._pogoWindowManager.checkCloseExceptNearbyButton( pathToPass, self._id, self._communicator, 'True') log.debug("_reopenRaidTab: Getting to raidscreen...") self._getToRaidscreen(3) time.sleep(1) def _takeScreenshot(self, delayAfter=0.0, delayBefore=0.0): log.debug("Taking screenshot...") time.sleep(delayBefore) compareToTime = time.time() - self._lastScreenshotTaken log.debug("Last screenshot taken: %s" % str(self._lastScreenshotTaken)) if self._applicationArgs.use_media_projection: take_screenshot = self._communicator.getScreenshot( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id))) else: take_screenshot = self._communicator.get_screenshot_single( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id))) if self._lastScreenshotTaken and compareToTime < 0.5: log.debug( "takeScreenshot: screenshot taken recently, returning immediately" ) log.debug("Screenshot taken recently, skipping") return True # TODO: screenshot.png needs identifier in name elif not take_screenshot: log.error("takeScreenshot: Failed retrieving screenshot") log.debug("Failed retrieving screenshot") return False else: log.debug("Success retrieving screenshot") self._lastScreenshotTaken = time.time() time.sleep(delayAfter) return True def _checkPogoFreeze(self): log.debug("Checking if pogo froze") if not self._takeScreenshot(): log.debug("_checkPogoFreeze: failed retrieving screenshot") return from utils.image_utils import getImageHash screenHash = getImageHash( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id))) log.debug("checkPogoFreeze: Old Hash: " + str(self._lastScreenHash)) log.debug("checkPogoFreeze: New Hash: " + str(screenHash)) if hamming_dist(str(self._lastScreenHash), str(screenHash)) < 4 and str( self._lastScreenHash) != '0': log.debug( "checkPogoFreeze: New und old Screenshoot are the same - no processing" ) self._lastScreenHashCount += 1 log.debug("checkPogoFreeze: Same Screen Count: " + str(self._lastScreenHashCount)) if self._lastScreenHashCount >= 100: self._lastScreenHashCount = 0 self._restart_pogo() else: self._lastScreenHash = screenHash self._lastScreenHashCount = 0 log.debug("_checkPogoFreeze: done") def _check_pogo_main_screen(self, maxAttempts, again=False): log.debug( "_check_pogo_main_screen: Trying to get to the Mainscreen with %s max attempts..." % str(maxAttempts)) pogoTopmost = self._communicator.isPogoTopmost() if not pogoTopmost: return False if not self._takeScreenshot(delayBefore=self._devicesettings.get( "post_screenshot_delay", 1)): if again: log.error( "_check_pogo_main_screen: failed getting a screenshot again" ) return False attempts = 0 if os.path.isdir( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id))): log.error( "_check_pogo_main_screen: screenshot.png is not a file/corrupted" ) return False"_check_pogo_main_screen: checking mainscreen") buttoncheck = self._pogoWindowManager.lookForButton( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), 2.20, 3.01, self._communicator) if buttoncheck:'Found button on screen') self._takeScreenshot(delayBefore=self._devicesettings.get( "post_screenshot_delay", 1)) while not self._pogoWindowManager.checkpogomainscreen( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), self._id): log.error("_check_pogo_main_screen: not on Mainscreen...") if attempts > maxAttempts: # could not reach raidtab in given maxAttempts log.error( "_check_pogo_main_screen: Could not get to Mainscreen within %s attempts" % str(maxAttempts)) return False # not using continue since we need to get a screen before the next round... found = self._pogoWindowManager.lookForButton( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), 2.20, 3.01, self._communicator) if found:"_check_pogo_main_screen: Found button (small)") if not found and self._pogoWindowManager.checkCloseExceptNearbyButton( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), self._id, self._communicator, closeraid=True): "_check_pogo_main_screen: Found (X) button (except nearby)" ) found = True if not found and self._pogoWindowManager.lookForButton( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), 1.05, 2.20, self._communicator):"_check_pogo_main_screen: Found button (big)") found = True "_check_pogo_main_screen: Previous checks found popups: %s" % str(found)) self._takeScreenshot(delayBefore=self._devicesettings.get( "post_screenshot_delay", 1)) attempts += 1"_check_pogo_main_screen: done") return True def _checkPogoButton(self): log.debug("checkPogoButton: Trying to find buttons") pogoTopmost = self._communicator.isPogoTopmost() if not pogoTopmost: return False if not self._takeScreenshot(delayBefore=self._devicesettings.get( "post_screenshot_delay", 1)): # TODO: again? # if again: # log.error("checkPogoButton: failed getting a screenshot again") # return False # TODO: throw? log.debug("checkPogoButton: Failed getting screenshot") return False attempts = 0 if os.path.isdir( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id))): log.error( "checkPogoButton: screenshot.png is not a file/corrupted") return False"checkPogoButton: checking for buttons") found = self._pogoWindowManager.lookForButton( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), 2.20, 3.01, self._communicator) if found: time.sleep(1)"checkPogoButton: Found button (small)")"checkPogoButton: done") return True"checkPogoButton: done") return False def _checkPogoClose(self): log.debug("checkPogoClose: Trying to find closeX") pogoTopmost = self._communicator.isPogoTopmost() if not pogoTopmost: return False if not self._takeScreenshot(delayBefore=self._devicesettings.get( "post_screenshot_delay", 1)): # TODO: go again? # if again: # log.error("checkPogoClose: failed getting a screenshot again") # return False # TODO: consider throwing? log.debug("checkPogoClose: Could not get screenshot") return False attempts = 0 if os.path.isdir( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id))): log.error("checkPogoClose: screenshot.png is not a file/corrupted") return False"checkPogoClose: checking for CloseX") found = self._pogoWindowManager.checkCloseExceptNearbyButton( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), self._id, self._communicator) if found: time.sleep(1)"checkPogoClose: Found (X) button (except nearby)")"checkPogoClose: done") return True"checkPogoClose: done") return False def _getToRaidscreen(self, maxAttempts, again=False): # check for any popups (including post login OK) log.debug( "getToRaidscreen: Trying to get to the raidscreen with %s max attempts..." % str(maxAttempts)) pogoTopmost = self._communicator.isPogoTopmost() if not pogoTopmost: return False self._checkPogoFreeze() if not self._takeScreenshot(delayBefore=self._devicesettings.get( "post_screenshot_delay", 1)): if again: log.error("getToRaidscreen: failed getting a screenshot again") return False self._getToRaidscreen(maxAttempts, True) log.debug("getToRaidscreen: Got screenshot, checking GPS") attempts = 0 if os.path.isdir( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id))): log.error( "getToRaidscreen: screenshot.png is not a file/corrupted") return False # TODO: replace self._id with device ID while self._pogoWindowManager.isGpsSignalLost( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), self._id): log.debug("getToRaidscreen: GPS signal lost") time.sleep(1) self._takeScreenshot() log.warning("getToRaidscreen: GPS signal error") self._redErrorCount += 1 if self._redErrorCount > 3: log.error( "getToRaidscreen: Red error multiple times in a row, restarting" ) self._redErrorCount = 0 self._restart_pogo() return False self._redErrorCount = 0 log.debug("getToRaidscreen: checking raidscreen") while not self._pogoWindowManager.checkRaidscreen( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), self._id, self._communicator): log.debug("getToRaidscreen: not on raidscreen...") if attempts > maxAttempts: # could not reach raidtab in given maxAttempts log.error( "getToRaidscreen: Could not get to raidtab within %s attempts" % str(maxAttempts)) return False self._checkPogoFreeze() # not using continue since we need to get a screen before the next round... found = self._pogoWindowManager.lookForButton( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), 2.20, 3.01, self._communicator) if found:"getToRaidscreen: Found button (small)") if not found and self._pogoWindowManager.checkCloseExceptNearbyButton( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), self._id, self._communicator):"getToRaidscreen: Found (X) button (except nearby)") found = True if not found and self._pogoWindowManager.lookForButton( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), 1.05, 2.20, self._communicator):"getToRaidscreen: Found button (big)") found = True"getToRaidscreen: Previous checks found popups: %s" % str(found)) if not found: "getToRaidscreen: Previous checks found nothing. Checking nearby open" ) if self._pogoWindowManager.checkNearby( os.path.join(self._applicationArgs.temp_path, 'screenshot%s.png' % str(self._id)), self._id, self._communicator): return self._takeScreenshot( delayBefore=self._devicesettings.get( "post_screenshot_delay", 1)) if not self._takeScreenshot(delayBefore=self._devicesettings.get( "post_screenshot_delay", 1)): return False attempts += 1 log.debug("getToRaidscreen: done") return True def _get_screen_size(self): screen = self._communicator.getscreensize().split(' ') self._screen_x = screen[0] self._screen_y = screen[1] x_offset = self._devicesettings.get("screenshot_x_offset", 0) y_offset = self._devicesettings.get("screenshot_y_offset", 0) log.debug( 'Get Screensize of %s: X: %s, Y: %s, X-Offset: %s, Y-Offset: %s' % (str(self._id), str(self._screen_x), str( self._screen_y), str(x_offset), str(y_offset))) self._resocalc.get_x_y_ratio(self, self._screen_x, self._screen_y, x_offset, y_offset)
class Collection(object): """ Base class for any serializable list of things. """ def __init__(self, collection_mgr): """ Constructor. """ self.collection_mgr = collection_mgr self.listing = {} self.api = self.collection_mgr.api self.lite_sync = None self.lock = Lock() def __iter__(self): """ Iterator for the collection. Allows list comprehensions, etc. """ for a in list(self.listing.values()): yield a def __len__(self): """ Returns size of the collection. """ return len(list(self.listing.values())) def factory_produce(self, collection_mgr, seed_data): """ Must override in subclass. Factory_produce returns an Item object from dict """ raise NotImplementedException() def remove(self, name, with_delete=True, with_sync=True, with_triggers=True, recursive=False, logger=None): """ Remove an item from collection. This method must be overriden in any subclass. @param: str name (item name) @param: bool with_delete (sync and run triggers) @param: bool with_sync (sync to server file system) @param: bool with_triggers (run "on delete" triggers) @param: bool recursive (recursively delete children) @param: clogger logger (logger object) @returns: NotImplementedException """ raise NotImplementedException() def get(self, name): """ Return object with name in the collection """ return self.listing.get(name.lower(), None) def find(self, name=None, return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Return first object in the collection that maches all item='value' pairs passed, else return None if no objects can be found. When return_list is set, can also return a list. Empty list would be returned instead of None in that case. """ matches = [] # support the old style innovation without kwargs if name is not None: kargs["name"] = name kargs = self.__rekey(kargs) # no arguments is an error, so we don't return a false match if len(kargs) == 0: raise CX(_("calling find with no arguments")) # performance: if the only key is name we can skip the whole loop if len(kargs) == 1 and "name" in kargs and not return_list: try: return self.listing.get(kargs["name"].lower(), None) except: return self.listing.get(kargs["name"], None) self.lock.acquire() try: for (name, obj) in list(self.listing.items()): if obj.find_match(kargs, no_errors=no_errors): matches.append(obj) finally: self.lock.release() if not return_list: if len(matches) == 0: return None return matches[0] else: return matches SEARCH_REKEY = { 'kopts': 'kernel_options', 'kopts_post': 'kernel_options_post', 'inherit': 'parent', 'ip': 'ip_address', 'mac': 'mac_address', 'virt-auto-boot': 'virt_auto_boot', 'virt-file-size': 'virt_file_size', 'virt-disk-driver': 'virt_disk_driver', 'virt-ram': 'virt_ram', 'virt-path': 'virt_path', 'virt-type': 'virt_type', 'virt-bridge': 'virt_bridge', 'virt-cpus': 'virt_cpus', 'virt-host': 'virt_host', 'virt-group': 'virt_group', 'dhcp-tag': 'dhcp_tag', 'netboot-enabled': 'netboot_enabled', } def __rekey(self, _dict): """ Find calls from the command line ("cobbler system find") don't always match with the keys from the datastructs and this makes them both line up without breaking compatibility with either. Thankfully we don't have a LOT to remap. """ new_dict = {} for x in list(_dict.keys()): if x in self.SEARCH_REKEY: newkey = self.SEARCH_REKEY[x] new_dict[newkey] = _dict[x] else: new_dict[x] = _dict[x] return new_dict def to_list(self): """ Serialize the collection """ _list = [x.to_dict() for x in list(self.listing.values())] return _list def from_list(self, _list): if _list is None: return for item_dict in _list: item = self.factory_produce(self.collection_mgr, item_dict) self.add(item) def copy(self, ref, newname, logger=None): ref = ref.make_clone() ref.uid = self.collection_mgr.generate_uid() ref.ctime = 0 ref.set_name(newname) if ref.COLLECTION_TYPE == "system": # this should only happen for systems for iname in list(ref.interfaces.keys()): # clear all these out to avoid DHCP/DNS conflicts ref.set_dns_name("", iname) ref.set_mac_address("", iname) ref.set_ip_address("", iname) self.add(ref, save=True, with_copy=True, with_triggers=True, with_sync=True, check_for_duplicate_names=True, check_for_duplicate_netinfo=False) def rename(self, ref, newname, with_sync=True, with_triggers=True, logger=None): """ Allows an object "ref" to be given a newname without affecting the rest of the object tree. """ # Nothing to do when it is the same name if newname == return # make a copy of the object, but give it a new name. oldname = newref = ref.make_clone() newref.set_name(newname) self.add(newref, with_triggers=with_triggers, save=True) # for mgmt classes, update all objects that use it if ref.COLLECTION_TYPE == "mgmtclass": for what in ["distro", "profile", "system"]: items = self.api.find_items(what, {"mgmt_classes": oldname}) for item in items: for i in range(0, len(item.mgmt_classes)): if item.mgmt_classes[i] == oldname: item.mgmt_classes[i] = newname self.api.add_item(what, item, save=True) # for a repo, rename the mirror directory if ref.COLLECTION_TYPE == "repo": path = "/var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/%s" % if os.path.exists(path): newpath = "/var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/%s" % os.renames(path, newpath) # for a distro, rename the mirror and references to it if ref.COLLECTION_TYPE == 'distro': path = utils.find_distro_path(self.api.settings(), ref) # create a symlink for the new distro name utils.link_distro(self.api.settings(), newref) # test to see if the distro path is based directly # on the name of the distro. If it is, things need # to updated accordingly if os.path.exists( path ) and path == "/var/www/cobbler/distro_mirror/%s" % newpath = "/var/www/cobbler/distro_mirror/%s" % os.renames(path, newpath) # update any reference to this path ... distros = self.api.distros() for d in distros: if d.kernel.find(path) == 0: d.set_kernel(d.kernel.replace(path, newpath)) d.set_initrd(d.initrd.replace(path, newpath)) self.collection_mgr.serialize_item(self, d) # now descend to any direct ancestors and point them at the new object allowing # the original object to be removed without orphanage. Direct ancestors # will either be profiles or systems. Note that we do have to care as # set_parent is only really meaningful for subprofiles. We ideally want a more # generic set_parent. kids = ref.get_children() for k in kids: if k.COLLECTION_TYPE == "distro": raise CX( _("internal error, not expected to have distro child objects" )) elif k.COLLECTION_TYPE == "profile": if k.parent != "": k.set_parent(newname) else: k.set_distro(newname) self.api.profiles().add(k, save=True, with_sync=with_sync, with_triggers=with_triggers) elif k.COLLECTION_TYPE == "system": k.set_profile(newname), save=True, with_sync=with_sync, with_triggers=with_triggers) elif k.COLLECTION_TYPE == "repo": raise CX( _("internal error, not expected to have repo child objects" )) else: raise CX( _("internal error, unknown child type (%s), cannot finish rename" % k.COLLECTION_TYPE)) # now delete the old version self.remove(oldname, with_delete=True, with_triggers=with_triggers) return def add(self, ref, save=False, with_copy=False, with_triggers=True, with_sync=True, quick_pxe_update=False, check_for_duplicate_names=False, check_for_duplicate_netinfo=False, logger=None): """ Add an object to the collection with_copy is a bit of a misnomer, but lots of internal add operations can run with "with_copy" as False. True means a real final commit, as if entered from the command line (or basically, by a user). With with_copy as False, the particular add call might just be being run during deserialization, in which case extra semantics around the add don't really apply. So, in that case, don't run any triggers and don't deal with any actual files. """ item_base.Item.remove_from_cache(ref) if ref is None: raise CX("Unable to add a None object") if is None: raise CX("Unable to add an object without a name") ref.check_if_valid() if ref.uid == '': ref.uid = self.collection_mgr.generate_uid() if save is True: now = time.time() if ref.ctime == 0: ref.ctime = now ref.mtime = now if self.lite_sync is None: self.lite_sync = litesync.CobblerLiteSync(self.collection_mgr, logger=logger) # migration path for old API parameter that I've renamed. if with_copy and not save: save = with_copy if not save: # for people that aren't quite aware of the API # if not saving the object, you can't run these features with_triggers = False with_sync = False # Avoid adding objects to the collection # if an object of the same/ip/mac already exists. self.__duplication_checks(ref, check_for_duplicate_names, check_for_duplicate_netinfo) if ref.COLLECTION_TYPE != self.collection_type(): raise CX(_("API error: storing wrong data type in collection")) # failure of a pre trigger will prevent the object from being added if save and with_triggers: utils.run_triggers( self.api, ref, "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/%s/pre/*" % self.collection_type()) self.lock.acquire() try: self.listing[] = ref finally: self.lock.release() # perform filesystem operations if save: # save just this item if possible, if not, save # the whole collection self.collection_mgr.serialize_item(self, ref) if with_sync: if isinstance(ref, system.System): # we don't need openvz containers to be network bootable if ref.virt_type == "openvz": ref.netboot_enabled = False self.lite_sync.add_single_system( elif isinstance(ref, profile.Profile): # we don't need openvz containers to be network bootable if ref.virt_type == "openvz": ref.enable_menu = 0 self.lite_sync.add_single_profile( elif isinstance(ref, distro.Distro): self.lite_sync.add_single_distro( elif isinstance(ref, image.Image): self.lite_sync.add_single_image( elif isinstance(ref, repo.Repo): pass elif isinstance(ref, mgmtclass.Mgmtclass): pass elif isinstance(ref, package.Package): pass elif isinstance(ref, file.File): pass else: print( _("Internal error. Object type not recognized: %s") % type(ref)) if not with_sync and quick_pxe_update: if isinstance(ref, system.System): self.lite_sync.update_system_netboot_status( # save the tree, so if neccessary, scripts can examine it. if with_triggers: utils.run_triggers(self.api, ref, "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/change/*", [], logger) utils.run_triggers( self.api, ref, "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/%s/post/*" % self.collection_type(), [], logger) # update children cache in parent object parent = ref.get_parent() if parent is not None: parent.children[] = ref def __duplication_checks(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names, check_for_duplicate_netinfo): """ Prevents adding objects with the same name. Prevents adding or editing to provide the same IP, or MAC. Enforcement is based on whether the API caller requests it. """ # always protect against duplicate names if check_for_duplicate_names: match = None if isinstance(ref, system.System): match = self.api.find_system( elif isinstance(ref, profile.Profile): match = self.api.find_profile( elif isinstance(ref, distro.Distro): match = self.api.find_distro( elif isinstance(ref, repo.Repo): match = self.api.find_repo( elif isinstance(ref, image.Image): match = self.api.find_image( elif isinstance(ref, mgmtclass.Mgmtclass): match = self.api.find_mgmtclass( elif isinstance(ref, package.Package): match = self.api.find_package( elif isinstance(ref, file.File): match = self.api.find_file( else: raise CX("internal error, unknown object type") if match: raise CX( _("An object already exists with that name. Try 'edit'?")) # the duplicate mac/ip checks can be disabled. if not check_for_duplicate_netinfo: return if isinstance(ref, system.System): for (name, intf) in list(ref.interfaces.items()): match_ip = [] match_mac = [] match_hosts = [] input_mac = intf["mac_address"] input_ip = intf["ip_address"] input_dns = intf["dns_name"] if not self.api.settings( ).allow_duplicate_macs and input_mac is not None and input_mac != "": match_mac = self.api.find_system(mac_address=input_mac, return_list=True) if not self.api.settings( ).allow_duplicate_ips and input_ip is not None and input_ip != "": match_ip = self.api.find_system(ip_address=input_ip, return_list=True) # it's ok to conflict with your own net info. if not self.api.settings( ).allow_duplicate_hostnames and input_dns is not None and input_dns != "": match_hosts = self.api.find_system(dns_name=input_dns, return_list=True) for x in match_mac: if != raise CX( _("Can't save system %s. The MAC address (%s) is already used by system %s (%s)" ) % (, intf["mac_address"],, name)) for x in match_ip: if != raise CX( _("Can't save system %s. The IP address (%s) is already used by system %s (%s)" ) % (, intf["ip_address"],, name)) for x in match_hosts: if != raise CX( _("Can't save system %s. The dns name (%s) is already used by system %s (%s)" ) % (, intf["dns_name"],, name)) def to_string(self): """ Creates a printable representation of the collection suitable for reading by humans or parsing from scripts. Actually scripts would be better off reading the JSON in the cobbler_collections files directly. """ values = list(self.listing.values())[:] # copy the values values.sort() # sort the copy (2.3 fix) results = [] for i, v in enumerate(values): results.append(v.to_string()) if len(values) > 0: return "\n\n".join(results) else: return _("No objects found") def collection_type(self): """ Returns the string key for the name of the collection (for use in messages for humans) """ return NotImplementedException()
class DaemonPantsRunner(RawFdRunner): """A RawFdRunner (callable) that will be called for each client request to Pantsd.""" def __init__(self, core: PantsDaemonCore) -> None: super().__init__() self._core = core self._run_lock = Lock() @staticmethod def _send_stderr(stderr_fd: int, msg: str) -> None: """Used to send stderr on a raw filehandle _before_ stdio replacement. After stdio replacement has happened via `stdio_as` (which mutates sys.std*, and thus cannot happen until the request lock has been acquired), sys.std* should be used directly. """ with os.fdopen(stderr_fd, mode="w", closefd=False) as stderr: print(msg, file=stderr, flush=True) @contextmanager def _one_run_at_a_time(self, stderr_fd: int, timeout: float): """Acquires exclusive access within the daemon. Periodically prints a message on the given stderr_fd while exclusive access cannot be acquired. """ should_poll_forever = timeout <= 0 start = time.time() deadline = None if should_poll_forever else start + timeout def should_keep_polling(now): return not deadline or deadline > now acquired = self._run_lock.acquire(blocking=False) if not acquired: # If we don't acquire immediately, send an explanation. length = "forever" if should_poll_forever else "up to {} seconds".format( timeout) self._send_stderr( stderr_fd, f"Another pants invocation is running. Will wait {length} for it to finish before giving up.\n" "If you don't want to wait for the first run to finish, please press Ctrl-C and run " "this command with PANTS_CONCURRENT=True in the environment.\n", ) while True: now = time.time() if acquired: try: yield break finally: self._run_lock.release() elif should_keep_polling(now): self._send_stderr( stderr_fd, f"Waiting for invocation to finish (waited for {int(now - start)}s so far)...\n", ) acquired = self._run_lock.acquire(blocking=True, timeout=5) else: raise ExclusiveRequestTimeout( "Timed out while waiting for another pants invocation to finish." ) @contextmanager def _stderr_logging(self, global_bootstrap_options): """Temporarily replaces existing handlers (ie, the pantsd handler) with a stderr handler. In the context of pantsd, there will be an existing handler for the pantsd log, which we temporarily replace. Making them additive would cause per-run logs to go to pantsd, which we don't want. TODO: It would be good to handle logging destinations entirely via the threadlocal state rather than via handler mutations. """ handlers = get_logging_handlers() try: clear_logging_handlers() Native().override_thread_logging_destination_to_just_stderr() setup_logging(global_bootstrap_options) yield finally: Native().override_thread_logging_destination_to_just_pantsd() set_logging_handlers(handlers) def _run(self, working_dir: str) -> ExitCode: """Run a single daemonized run of Pants. All aspects of the `sys` global should already have been replaced in `__call__`, so this method should not need any special handling for the fact that it's running in a proxied environment. """ # Capture the client's start time, which we propagate here in order to get an accurate # view of total time. env_start_time = os.environ.get("PANTSD_RUNTRACKER_CLIENT_START_TIME", None) start_time = float(env_start_time) if env_start_time else time.time() # Clear global mutable state before entering `LocalPantsRunner`. Note that we use # `sys.argv` and `os.environ`, since they have been mutated to maintain the illusion # of a local run: once we allow for concurrent runs, this information should be # propagated down from the caller. # see clean_global_runtime_state(reset_subsystem=True) options_bootstrapper = OptionsBootstrapper.create(env=os.environ, args=sys.argv) bootstrap_options = options_bootstrapper.bootstrap_options global_bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options.for_global_scope() # Run using the pre-warmed Session. with self._stderr_logging(global_bootstrap_options): try: scheduler = self._core.prepare_scheduler(options_bootstrapper) runner = LocalPantsRunner.create(os.environ, options_bootstrapper, scheduler=scheduler) return except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return PANTS_FAILED_EXIT_CODE except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Interrupted by user.\n", file=sys.stderr) return PANTS_FAILED_EXIT_CODE def __call__( self, command: str, args: Tuple[str, ...], env: Dict[str, str], working_directory: bytes, stdin_fd: int, stdout_fd: int, stderr_fd: int, ) -> ExitCode: request_timeout = float(env.get("PANTSD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_LIMIT", -1)) # NB: Order matters: we acquire a lock before mutating either `sys.std*`, `os.environ`, etc. with self._one_run_at_a_time( stderr_fd, timeout=request_timeout), stdio_as( stdin_fd=stdin_fd, stdout_fd=stdout_fd, stderr_fd=stderr_fd), hermetic_environment_as( **env), argv_as((command, ) + args): # NB: Run implements exception handling, so only the most primitive errors will escape # this function, where they will be logged to the pantsd.log by the server."handling request: `{' '.join(args)}`") try: return self._run(working_directory.decode()) finally:"request completed: `{' '.join(args)}`")
def measureTime(title): global beginTime global endTime # Measure time endTime = time.process_time() timeLast = endTime - beginTime print(title + ". Time: " + str(timeLast)) beginTime = endTime while (True): print("Start processing a new frame") mutex.acquire() frame = globalFrame mutex.release() # Display the origin frame cv2.imshow('origin', frame) cv2.waitKey(10) # Get key from keyboard key = cv2.waitKey(10) if key == 13: try: transformMatrices = board_detector.detect(frame) result = board_detector.getCropImage(frame, transformMatrices)
from threading import Lock lock = Lock() def do_something_dangerous(): lock.acquire() raise Exception('oops I forgot this code could raise exceptions') lock.release() try: do_something_dangerous() except: print('Got an exception') lock.acquire() print('Got here')
class CCIK(object): def __init__(self): #Load robot from parameter server self.robot = URDF.from_parameter_server() #Subscribe to current joint state of the robot rospy.Subscriber('/joint_states', JointState, self.get_joint_state) #This will load information about the joints of the robot self.num_joints = 0 self.joint_names = [] self.q_current = [] self.joint_axes = [] self.get_joint_info() #This is a mutex self.mutex = Lock() #Subscribers and publishers for for cartesian control rospy.Subscriber('/cartesian_command', CartesianCommand, self.get_cartesian_command) self.velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher('/joint_velocities', JointState, queue_size=10) self.joint_velocity_msg = JointState() #Subscribers and publishers for numerical IK rospy.Subscriber('/ik_command', Transform, self.get_ik_command) self.joint_command_pub = rospy.Publisher('/joint_command', JointState, queue_size=10) self.joint_command_msg = JointState() '''This is a function which will collect information about the robot which has been loaded from the parameter server. It will populate the variables self.num_joints (the number of joints), self.joint_names and self.joint_axes (the axes around which the joints rotate)''' def get_joint_info(self): link = self.robot.get_root() while True: if link not in self.robot.child_map: break (joint_name, next_link) = self.robot.child_map[link][0] current_joint = self.robot.joint_map[joint_name] if current_joint.type != 'fixed': self.num_joints = self.num_joints + 1 self.joint_names.append( self.joint_axes.append(current_joint.axis) link = next_link '''This is the callback which will be executed when the cartesian control recieves a new command. The command will contain information about the secondary objective and the target q0. At the end of this callback, you should publish to the /joint_velocities topic.''' def get_cartesian_command(self, command): self.mutex.acquire() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #FILL IN YOUR PART OF THE CODE FOR CARTESIAN CONTROL HERE joint_transforms, b_T_ee_curr = self.forward_kinematics(self.q_current) b_T_ee_des_T = tf.transformations.translation_matrix( (command.x_target.translation.x, command.x_target.translation.y, command.x_target.translation.z)) # print("desired T in base coordinate",b_T_ee_des_T) b_T_ee_des_R = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix([ command.x_target.rotation.x, command.x_target.rotation.y, command.x_target.rotation.z, command.x_target.rotation.w ]) # print("desired R in base coordinate ",b_T_ee_des_R) b_T_ee_des =, b_T_ee_des_R) # print("desired T&R in base coordinate ",b_T_ee_des) ee_curr_T_b = numpy.linalg.inv(b_T_ee_curr) curr_T_des = # print("desired T in ee coordinate ",curr_T_des) translation_ee = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix(curr_T_des) rotation_ee = self.rotation_from_matrix(curr_T_des) rotation_ee = rotation_ee[0] * rotation_ee[1] # print(translation_ee,"translation in ee") # print("start here",rotation_ee,"rotation in ee") # print("Vee",curr_T_des) t_max = numpy.abs(translation_ee).max(0) r_max = numpy.abs(rotation_ee).max(0) if t_max > 0.1: translation_ee = (0.1 / t_max) * translation_ee if r_max > 2: rotation_ee = (1 / r_max) * rotation_ee Vee = numpy.array([translation_ee, rotation_ee]).reshape(6) J = self.get_jacobian(b_T_ee_curr, joint_transforms) J_plus = numpy.linalg.pinv(J) q_desired = if command.secondary_objective: ps = 5 q_sec = numpy.zeros(self.num_joints) q_sec[0] = ps * (command.q0_target - self.q_current[0]) J_plus_dot_J = q_null = (numpy.identity(J_plus_dot_J.shape[1]) - J_plus_dot_J) q_null = q_desired += q_null #q_desired = q_desired / (numpy.linalg.norm(q_desired)) q_max = numpy.abs(q_desired).max(0) gain = 1 if q_max > gain: q_desired = (gain / q_max) * q_desired velocity = JointState() = self.joint_names velocity.velocity = q_desired # print(q_desired) self.velocity_pub.publish(velocity) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mutex.release() def skew(self, x): return numpy.array([[0, -x[2], x[1]], [x[2], 0, -x[0]], [-x[1], x[0], 0]]) def get_jacobian(self, b_T_ee_curr, joint_transforms): J = numpy.zeros((6, self.num_joints)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #FILL IN YOUR PART OF THE CODE FOR ASSEMBLING THE CURRENT JACOBIAN HERE #for each joint i = 0 for each in joint_transforms: # print(self.joint_names[i]) b_T_J = each J_T_ee = numpy.linalg.inv(each).dot(b_T_ee_curr) ee_T_J = numpy.linalg.inv(J_T_ee) B_R_A = ee_T_J[0:3, 0:3] A_t_B = J_T_ee[0:3, 3:4] axis = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) axis = numpy.append(axis, self.joint_axes[i]) axis = numpy.expand_dims(axis.reshape(6), 1) V_J = numpy.zeros((6, 6)) V_J[0:3, 0:3], V_J[3:6, 3:6] = B_R_A, B_R_A V_J[0:3, 3:6] = -1 * J[:, i] = i += 1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- return J '''This is the callback which will be executed when the inverse kinematics recieve a new command. The command will contain information about desired end effector pose relative to the root of your robot. At the end of this callback, you should publish to the /joint_command topic. This should not search for a solution indefinitely - there should be a time limit. When searching for two matrices which are the same, we expect numerical precision of 10e-3. ''' def get_ik_command(self, command): self.mutex.acquire() #start timer # print("start") command_cc = CartesianCommand() command_cc.x_target.translation = command.translation command_cc.x_target.rotation = command.rotation b_T_ee_des_T = tf.transformations.translation_matrix( (command.translation.x, command.translation.y, command.translation.z)) # print("desired T in base coordinate",b_T_ee_des_T) b_T_ee_des_R = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix([ command.rotation.x, command.rotation.y, command.rotation.z, command.rotation.w ]) # print("desired R in base coordinate ",b_T_ee_des_R) b_T_ee_des =, b_T_ee_des_R) p = 1 for i in range(3): #initial random q time_out = 10 #10 sec time_start = time.time() self.q_current = random.sample(numpy.arange(0.0, 2 * 3.14, 0.1), self.num_joints) joint_transforms, b_T_ee_curr = self.forward_kinematics( self.q_current) error = 1 #(time.time() - time_start < time_out) and while (time.time() - time_start < time_out) and (error > 0.01): # print("while loop start") joint_transforms, b_T_ee_curr = self.forward_kinematics( self.q_current) # print("start cartisain command") ee_curr_T_b = numpy.linalg.inv(b_T_ee_curr) curr_T_des = # print("desired T in ee coordinate ",curr_T_des) translation_ee = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix( curr_T_des) rotation_ee = self.rotation_from_matrix(curr_T_des) rotation_ee = rotation_ee[0] * rotation_ee[1] Vee = numpy.array([translation_ee, rotation_ee]).reshape(6) J = self.get_jacobian(b_T_ee_curr, joint_transforms) J_plus = numpy.linalg.pinv(J) q_desired = velocity = JointState() = self.joint_names velocity.velocity = q_desired # print("caculate q_curent intergration") self.q_current += p * q_desired error = numpy.max(numpy.abs(b_T_ee_curr - b_T_ee_des)) print(i, error, (time.time() - time_start)) if error < 0.01: q = JointState() = self.joint_names q.position = self.q_current self.joint_command_pub.publish(q) # print("published") break # print("quit") pass self.mutex.release() '''This function will return the angle-axis representation of the rotation contained in the input matrix. Use like this: angle, axis = rotation_from_matrix(R)''' def rotation_from_matrix(self, matrix): # print(self.joint_names) R = numpy.array(matrix, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False) R33 = R[:3, :3] # axis: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1 l, W = numpy.linalg.eig(R33.T) i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0] if not len(i): raise ValueError( "no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1") axis = numpy.real(W[:, i[-1]]).squeeze() # point: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1 l, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(R) i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0] if not len(i): raise ValueError( "no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1") # rotation angle depending on axis cosa = (numpy.trace(R33) - 1.0) / 2.0 if abs(axis[2]) > 1e-8: sina = (R[1, 0] + (cosa - 1.0) * axis[0] * axis[1]) / axis[2] elif abs(axis[1]) > 1e-8: sina = (R[0, 2] + (cosa - 1.0) * axis[0] * axis[2]) / axis[1] else: sina = (R[2, 1] + (cosa - 1.0) * axis[1] * axis[2]) / axis[0] angle = math.atan2(sina, cosa) return angle, axis '''This is the function which will perform forward kinematics for your cartesian control and inverse kinematics functions. It takes as input joint values for the robot and will return an array of 4x4 transforms from the base to each joint of the robot, as well as the transform from the base to the end effector. Usage: joint_transforms, b_T_ee = self.forward_kinematics(joint_values)''' #return the skew matrix 3X3 only def forward_kinematics(self, joint_values): joint_transforms = [] link = self.robot.get_root() T = tf.transformations.identity_matrix() while True: if link not in self.robot.child_map: break (joint_name, next_link) = self.robot.child_map[link][0] joint = self.robot.joint_map[joint_name] T_l = tf.transformations.translation_matrix(, tf.transformations.euler_matrix(joint.origin.rpy[0], joint.origin.rpy[1], joint.origin.rpy[2])) T =, T_l) if joint.type != "fixed": joint_transforms.append(T) q_index = self.joint_names.index(joint_name) T_j = tf.transformations.rotation_matrix( joint_values[q_index], numpy.asarray(joint.axis)) T =, T_j) link = next_link return joint_transforms, T #where T = b_T_ee '''This is the callback which will recieve and store the current robot joint states.''' def get_joint_state(self, msg): self.mutex.acquire() self.q_current = [] for name in self.joint_names: self.q_current.append(msg.position[]) self.mutex.release()
class AffinityManager: """ Manages session cookies by host / port. Reentrant safe for threading or forking in the server. Assumes that only ever one session will be required by one host:port combination at a time """ def __init__(self, logger): self.logger = logger self.queue_lock = Lock() self.session_lock = Lock() self.pending_sessions = {} self.sessions = {} def session_key(self, host): """ Returns a key for the given session """ return "%s" % (host) def queue_session(self, host, handler): """ Adds an entry to the structure indicating that the next request should result in an affinity sessions cookie """ self.queue_lock.acquire() try: # Get the session key key = self.session_key(host) # If there is an active or queued session, remove them if self.pending_sessions.has_key(key): handler.log_debug( "Start affinity session request already exists - removing") del self.pending_sessions[key] self.session_lock.acquire() try: if self.sessions.has_key(key): handler.log_debug( "Active affinity session already exists - removing") del self.sessions[key] finally: self.session_lock.release() # Add the session key to the queued list self.pending_sessions[key] = True handler.log_debug("Affinity session request queued for %s", key) finally: self.queue_lock.release() def start_session(self, host, headers, handler): """ Initialises a proxy affinity session for a given host and port """ self.session_lock.acquire() self.queue_lock.acquire() try: # Get the session key key = self.session_key(host) # Check if there is a pending session if self.pending_sessions.has_key(key): # Remove from the queue del self.pending_sessions[key] # Register the new session cookie = None if headers.has_key('set-cookie'): cookie = headers['set-cookie'] if cookie: self.sessions[key] = cookie handler.log_debug("Affinity session started") else: handler.log_message("Affinity session could not start") finally: self.queue_lock.release() self.session_lock.release() def end_session(self, host, handler): """ Ends a proxy affinity session for a given host and port """ # Get the session key key = self.session_key(host) # Remove the session key from current list self.session_lock.acquire() try: if self.sessions.has_key(key): del self.sessions[key] handler.log_debug("Affinity session ended") else: handler.log_message("No affinity session to end") finally: self.session_lock.release() # Remove the session key from queued list self.queue_lock.acquire() try: if self.pending_sessions.has_key(key): del self.pending_sessions[key] handler.log_debug("Queued affinity request removed") finally: self.queue_lock.release() def get_session(self, host, handler): """ Either returns the cookie associated with the given host / port, or None if no session is active """ ret = None self.session_lock.acquire() try: # Get the session key key = self.session_key(host) # Return the key if present if self.sessions.has_key(key): ret = self.sessions[key] handler.log_debug("Got affinity session cookie") finally: self.session_lock.release() return ret
class DebugNode( object ): """ Wraps the cread debug node plugin for easier automated testing of the Crea Network""" def __init__( self, cread, data_dir, args='', plugins=[], apis=[], cread_out=None, cread_err=None ): """ Creates a cread debug node. It can be ran by using 'with debug_node:' While in the context of 'with' the debug node will continue to run. Upon exit of 'with' the debug will exit and clean up temporary files. This class also contains methods to allow basic manipulation of the blockchain. For all other requests, the python-crea library should be used. args: cread -- The string path to the location of the cread binary data_dir -- The string path to an existing cread data directory which will be used to pull blocks from. args -- Other string args to pass to cread. plugins -- Any additional plugins to start with the debug node. Modify plugins DebugNode.plugins apis -- Any additional APIs to have available. APIs will retain this order for accesibility starting at id 3. database_api is 0, login_api is 1, and debug_node_api is 2. Modify apis with DebugNode.api cread_stdout -- A stream for cread's stdout. Default is to pipe to /dev/null cread_stderr -- A stream for cread's stderr. Default is to pipe to /dev/null """ self._data_dir = None self._debug_key = None self._FNULL = None self._rpc = None self._cread_bin = None self._cread_lock = None self._cread_process = None self._temp_data_dir = None self._cread_bin = Path( cread ) if( not self._cread_bin.exists() ): raise ValueError( 'cread does not exist' ) if( not self._cread_bin.is_file() ): raise ValueError( 'cread is not a file' ) self._data_dir = Path( data_dir ) if( not self._data_dir.exists() ): raise ValueError( 'data_dir either does not exist or is not a properly constructed crea data directory' ) if( not self._data_dir.is_dir() ): raise ValueError( 'data_dir is not a directory' ) self.plugins = plugins self.apis = apis if( args != '' ): self._args = args.split( "\\s" ) else: self._args = list() self._FNULL = open( devnull, 'w' ) if( cread_out != None ): self.cread_out = cread_out else: self.cread_out = self._FNULL if( cread_err != None ): self.cread_err = cread_err else: self.cread_err = self._FNULL self._debug_key = '5JHNbFNDg834SFj8CMArV6YW7td4zrPzXveqTfaShmYVuYNeK69' self._cread_lock = Lock() def __enter__( self ): self._cread_lock.acquire() # Setup temp directory to use as the data directory for this self._temp_data_dir = TemporaryDirectory() for child in self._data_dir.iterdir(): if( child.is_dir() ): copytree( str( child ), str( ) + '/' + ) db_version = Path( ) / 'db_version' if( db_version.exists() and not db_version.is_dir() ): copy2( str( db_version ), str( ) + '/db_version' ) config = Path( ) / 'config.ini' config.touch() config.write_text( self._get_config() ) cread = [ str( self._cread_bin ), '--data-dir=' + str( ) ] cread.extend( self._args ) self._cread_process = Popen( cread, stdout=self.cread_out, stderr=self.cread_err ) self._cread_process.poll() sleep( 5 ) if( not self._cread_process.returncode ): self._rpc = CreaNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' ) else: raise Exception( "cread did not start properly..." ) def __exit__( self, exc, value, tb ): self._rpc = None if( self._cread_process != None ): self._cread_process.poll() if( not self._cread_process.returncode ): self._cread_process.send_signal( SIGINT ) sleep( 7 ) self._cread_process.poll() if( not self._cread_process.returncode ): self._cread_process.send_signal( SIGTERM ) sleep( 5 ) self._cread_process.poll() if( self._cread_process.returncode ): loggin.error( 'cread did not properly shut down after SIGINT and SIGTERM. User intervention may be required.' ) self._cread_process = None self._temp_data_dir.cleanup() self._temp_data_dir = None self._cread_lock.release() def _get_config( self ): return "# no seed-node in config file or command line\n" \ + "p2p-endpoint = # bind to localhost to prevent remote p2p nodes from connecting to us\n" \ + "rpc-endpoint = # bind to localhost to secure RPC API access\n" \ + "enable-plugin = witness debug_node " + " ".join( self.plugins ) + "\n" \ + "public-api = database_api login_api debug_node_api " + " ".join( self.apis ) + "\n" def debug_generate_blocks( self, count ): """ Generate blocks on the current chain. Pending transactions will be applied, otherwise the blocks will be empty. The debug node plugin requires a WIF key to sign blocks with. This class uses the key 5JHNbFNDg834SFj8CMArV6YW7td4zrPzXveqTfaShmYVuYNeK69 which was generated from `get_dev_key crea debug`. Do not use this key on the live chain for any reason. args: count -- The number of new blocks to generate. returns: int: The number of blocks actually pushed. """ if( count < 0 ): raise ValueError( "count must be a positive non-zero number" ) return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_generate_blocks",["' + self._debug_key + '",' + str( count ) + ']], "id": 1}' ) ) def debug_generate_blocks_until( self, timestamp, generate_sparsely=True ): """ Generate block up until a head block time rather than a specific number of blocks. As with `debug_generate_blocks` all blocks will be empty unless there were pending transactions. The debug node plugin requires a WIF key to sign blocks with. This class uses the key 5JHNbFNDg834SFj8CMArV6YW7td4zrPzXveqTfaShmYVuYNeK69 which was generated from `get_dev_key crea debug`. Do not use this key on the live chain for any reason. args: time -- The desired new head block time. This is a POSIX Timestmap. generate_sparsely -- True if you wish to skip all intermediate blocks between the current head block time and the desired head block time. This is useful to trigger events, such as payouts and bandwidth updates, without generating blocks. However, many automatic chain updates (such as block inflation) will not continue at their normal rate as they are only calculated when a block is produced. returns: (time, int): A tuple including the new head block time and the number of blocks that were generated. """ if( not isinstance( timestamp, int ) ): raise ValueError( "Time must be a int" ) generate_sparsely_str = "true" if( not generate_sparsely ): generate_sparsely_str = "false" iso_string = datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp, timezone.utc ).isoformat().split( '+' )[0].split( '-' ) if( len( iso_string ) == 4 ): iso_string = iso_string[:-1] iso_string = '-'.join( iso_string ) print( iso_string ) return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_generate_blocks_until",["' + self._debug_key + '","' + iso_string + '","' + generate_sparsely_str + '"]], "id": 1}' ) ) def debug_set_hardfork( self, hardfork_id ): """ Schedules a hardfork to happen on the next block. call `debug_generate_blocks( 1 )` to trigger the hardfork. All hardforks with id less than or equal to hardfork_id will be scheduled and triggered. args: hardfork_id: The id of the hardfork to set. Hardfork IDs start at 1 (0 is genesis) and increment by one for each hardfork. The maximum value is CREA_NUM_HARDFORKS in chain/hardfork.d/0-preamble.hf """ if( hardfork_id < 0 ): raise ValueError( "hardfork_id cannot be negative" ) self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_set_hardfork",[' + str( hardfork_id ) + ']], "id":1}' ) ) def debug_has_hardfork( self, hardfork_id ): return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_has_hardfork",[' + str( hardfork_id ) + ']], "id":1}' ) ) def debug_get_witness_schedule( self ): return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_get_witness_schedule",[]], "id":1}' ) ) def debug_get_hardfork_property_object( self ): return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_get_hardfork_property_object",[]], "id":1}' ) )
class ChatClient(lib.ChatClientBase): def __init__(self, configFile, LogFile, mode): js = json.load(open(configFile, 'r')) super(ChatClient, self).__init__(lib.ChatClientInfo(js['name'], js['password']), js['aes_key'], LogFile) self.mode = mode self.consoleOutput = mode != Mode.MCD self.server_addr = (js['server_hostname'], js['server_port']) self.log('Client Info: name = ' + + ', password = '******'Mode = ' + mode) self.log('AESKey = ' + self.AESKey) self.log('Server address = ' + utils.addressToString(self.server_addr)) self.minecraftServer = None self.start_lock = Lock() def start(self, minecraftServer=None): acq = self.start_lock.acquire(False) if not acq: return try: self.minecraftServer = minecraftServer if not self.isOnline(): self.log('Trying to start the client, connecting to ' + utils.addressToString(self.server_addr)) self.sock = socket.socket() # 发送客户端信息 try: self.sock.settimeout(5) self.sock.connect(self.server_addr) self.send_login(, except socket.error: self.log('Fail to connect to the server') return # 获取登录结果 try: data = self.recieveData(timeout=5) result = json.loads(data)['result'] except socket.error: self.log('Fail to receive login result') return except ValueError: self.log('Fail to read login result') return self.log(utils.stringAdd('Result: ', result)) if result == 'login success': super(ChatClient, self).start() else: self.log('Client has already been started') finally: self.start_lock.release() def on_recieve_message(self, data): messages = utils.messageData_to_strings(data) for msg in messages: self.log(msg) if self.mode == Mode.MCD: self.minecraftServer.execute('tellraw @a {}'.format( json.dumps({ 'text': msg, 'color': 'gray' }))) def on_recieve_command(self, data): ret = copy.deepcopy(data) command = data['command'] # type: str result = {'responded': True} if command.startswith('!!stats '): stats = None if self.mode == Mode.MCD: stats = self.minecraftServer.get_plugin_instance( 'stats_helper') # MCDR 1.0+ if stats is not None: trimmed_command = command.replace('-bot', '').replace('-all', '') try: prefix, typ, cls, target = trimmed_command.split() assert typ == 'rank' and type(target) is str except: res_raw = None else: res_raw = stats.show_rank(None, None, cls, target, '-bot' in command, False, '-all' in command, True) if res_raw is not None: lines = res_raw.splitlines() stats_name = lines[0] res = '\n'.join(lines[1:]) result['type'] = 0 result['stats_name'] = stats_name result['result'] = res else: result['type'] = 1 else: result['type'] = 2 elif command == '!!online': # MCDR -> bungeecord rcon if self.minecraftServer is not None and hasattr( self.minecraftServer, 'MCDR') and self.minecraftServer.is_rcon_running(): res = self.minecraftServer.rcon_query('glist') if res != None: result['type'] = 0 result['result'] = res else: result['type'] = 1 else: result['type'] = 2 ret['result'] = result ret_str = json.dumps(ret) self.log('Command received, responding {}'.format(ret_str)) self.sendData(ret_str) def sendChatMessage(self, player, message): self.log('Sending chat message "' + str((player, message)) + '" to the server') self.send_message(, player, message) def sendMessage(self, message): self.log('Sending message "' + message + '" to the server') self.send_message(, '', message)
class Blockchain: """ Blockchain class, implements Blockchain based on a MySQL server Attributes ---------- host : str ip address of the MySQL server (default "localhost") user : str username for the MySQL server (default "root") password : str password for the MySQL server (default "root") db : MySQL connector connector to the MySQL database cursor : MySQL cursor cursor to point to the MySQL database Methods ------- __init__(host="localhost", user="******", password="******") initializes the Blockchain database (if not initialized), the MySQl connector and the MySQL cursor __getitem__(block_number, prev_hash="") return the block(s) at the requested number __len__() calculates the length of the Blockchain's consensus chain __sizeof__() append(block_number, timestamp, size, prev_hash, difficulty, nonce, merkle_root_hash, transactions, self_hash) appends new block to the blockchain database delete deletes block hash from sql database get_block_by_hash(block_hash) get method for blocks with certain hash get_block_consensus_chain(block_number) get method for blocks on the consensus (longest) chain Static Methods -------------- datetime_string_posix(datetime_string) converts sql datetime string to posix time """ def __init__(self, host="localhost", user="******", password="******"): """ initiator for Blockchain objects :param host: host address of MySQL server, default :type host: str :param user: MySQL server username :type user: str :param password: MySQL server password :type password: str """ if not isinstance(host, str): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.__init__: expected host to be of type str") if not isinstance(user, str): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.__init__: expected user to be of type str") if not isinstance(password, str): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.__init__: expected password to be of type str") self.lock = Lock() # connect to MySQL server self.db = connector.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=password, auth_plugin='mysql_native_password') # initiate database cursor self.cursor = self.db.cursor() # create Blockchain's database if it doesn't exist yet self.cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE if not EXISTS Blockchain") # set cursor's database to Blockchain self.db.database = "Blockchain" # create Block table in Blockchain database if it doesn't exist yet self.cursor.execute( "CREATE TABLE if not EXISTS Blocks (id int UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, " "block_number INT UNSIGNED, timestamp BIT(32)," "difficulty SMALLINT, nonce VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, prev_hash VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL," "merkle_root_hash VARCHAR(64), transactions LONGBLOB, self_hash VARCHAR(64))" ) if self.__sizeof__() == 0: self.append(0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", [], "") def __getitem__(self, block_number, prev_hash=""): """ return the block(s) at the requested number :param block_number: number of the block(s) to return :type block_number: int :return: requested block(s) :rtype: tuple :raises: IndexError: block number is not within range :raises: TypeError: expected block number to be of type int """ if not isinstance(block_number, int): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.__getitem__: expected block_number to be of type int" ) if not isinstance(prev_hash, str): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.__getitem__: expected prev_hash to be of type str") if block_number < 1 or block_number > self.__len__(): raise IndexError("Blockchain.__getitem__: index out of range") self.lock.acquire() self.cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM Blocks WHERE block_number={}".format(block_number)) results = self.cursor.fetchall() self.lock.release() for x in range(len(results)): results[x] = Block(results[x]) if results and not prev_hash: return results elif results: for result in results: if result[3] == prev_hash: return [result] self.lock.release() return None def __len__(self): """ calculates the length of the Blockchain's consensus chain :return: length of the blockchain's consensus chain :rtype: int """ self.lock.acquire() self.cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM Blocks ORDER BY block_number DESC LIMIT 1") block = self.cursor.fetchall() self.lock.release() if block: return block[0][1] else: return 0 def __sizeof__(self): """ calculates the size of the blockchain's database (amount of rows) :return: size of the blockchain's database :rtype: int """ self.lock.acquire() self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Blocks") size = len(self.cursor.fetchall()) self.lock.release() return size def append(self, block_number, timestamp, difficulty, nonce, previous_hash, merkle_root_hash, transactions, self_hash): """ appends new block to the blockchain database :param block_number: number of block (distance from genesis block) :type block_number: int :param timestamp: time block was created (posix time) :type timestamp: int :param difficulty: difficulty of block (length of hash zero prefix) :type difficulty: int :param nonce: block nonce used to achieve targeted difficulty :type nonce: int :param previous_hash: :type previous_hash: :param merkle_root_hash: root of transactions merkle tree :type merkle_root_hash: str :param transactions: list of transactions to be included in the block :type transactions: list :param self_hash: hash of the block :type self_hash: str """ if not isinstance(block_number, int): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.append: expected block_number to be of type int") if not isinstance(timestamp, int): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.append: expected timestamp to be of type int") if not isinstance(difficulty, int): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.append: expected difficulty to be of type int") if not isinstance(nonce, int): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.append: expected nonce to be of type int") if not isinstance(previous_hash, str): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.append: expected previous_hash to be of type str") if not isinstance(merkle_root_hash, str): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.append: expected merkle_root_hash to be of type str" ) if not isinstance(transactions, list): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.append: expected transactions to be of type list") if not isinstance(self_hash, str): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.append: expected self_hash to be of type str") for x in range(len(transactions)): transactions[x] = transactions[x].network_format() t = "" for x in transactions: t += "{},".format(x) t = t[:-1] self.lock.acquire() self.cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO Blocks (block_number, timestamp, difficulty, nonce, prev_hash," " merkle_root_hash, transactions, self_hash) VALUES ({}, {}, {}, \"{}\", \"{}\"," "\"{}\", \"{}\", \"{}\")".format(block_number, timestamp, difficulty, nonce, previous_hash, merkle_root_hash, t, self_hash)) self.db.commit() self.lock.release() def delete(self, block_hash): """ deletes block from sql database :param block_hash: hash of block to delete :type block_hash: str """ if not isinstance(block_hash, str): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.delete: expected block_hash to be of type str") self.lock.acquire() self.cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM Blocks WHERE self_hash=\"{}\"".format(block_hash)) self.db.commit() self.lock.release() def get_block_by_hash(self, block_hash): """ get method for block with certain hash :param block_hash: block hash :type block_hash: str :return: block with hash block_hash :rtype: Block """ if not isinstance(block_hash, str): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.get_block_by_hash: expected block_hash to be of type str" ) self.lock.acquire() self.cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM Blocks WHERE self_hash=\"{}\"".format(block_hash)) result = self.cursor.fetchall() self.lock.release() if result: return Block(result[0]) else: return None def get_block_consensus_chain(self, block_number): """ get method for blocks on the consensus (longest) chain :param block_number: block number of requested block :type block_number: int :return: requested block :rtype: Block :raises: IndexError: block number is not within range :raises: TypeError: expected block number to be of type int """ if not isinstance(block_number, int): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.get_block_consensus_chain: expected block_number to be of type int" ) if block_number < 1 or block_number > self.__len__(): raise IndexError( "Blockchain.get_blocks: block number not within range") elif not isinstance(block_number, int): raise TypeError( "Blockchain.get_blocks: expected block number to be of type int" ) if block_number < self.__len__() - 1: return self.__getitem__(block_number)[0] self.lock.acquire() self.cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM Blocks WHERE block_number={}".format(block_number)) results = self.cursor.fetchall() self.lock.release() for x in range(len(results)): results[x] = Block(results[x]) if len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: minimum_posix = results[0] for result in results: if result.timestamp < minimum_posix.timestamp: minimum_posix = result if block_number == self.__len__(): return minimum_posix else: return self.get_block_by_hash(minimum_posix.prev_hash)
class Thermocycler: def __init__(self, _port): # initialize arrays to log time and temperature throughout script protocol self.timeLog = [] self.tempLog = [] self.setpointLog = [] self.outCurrLog = [] self.setpt = 'undefined' self.currentTemp = None self.tc3625Lock = Lock() #open tc3625 object, coded at caltech to talk to the device. try: self.ctlr = tc3625.TC3625(port=_port, max_attempt=1) except (IOError): raise IOError("Could not connect to " + _port + ".") #set control Temp Type to computer controlled set point self.ctlr.set_setpt_type('computer') #Set temp high range to 105 C self.ctlr.set_high_external_set_range(105) #Set temp low range to 0 C self.ctlr.set_low_external_set_range(0) #Set control type to PID control self.ctlr.set_control_type('PID') # Set Control mode to WP2 + and WP1 - self.ctlr.set_output_polarity('heat wp1+ wp2-') # Set alarm type to fixed value alarms self.ctlr.set_alarm_type('fixed') # Set POWER SHUTDOWN IF ALARM to MAINOUT SHUTDOWN IF ALARM self.ctlr.set_shutdown_if_alarm('off') # Set high alarm setting to 100 C. If the temperate of the plate surpasses this, the system will shut off. self.ctlr.set_high_alarm(105) # Set low alarm setting to 0 C. If the temperature of the plate gets bellow this, the system will shut off. self.ctlr.set_low_alarm(0) # Set Alarm Deadband to 10 C self.ctlr.set_alarm_deadband(5) # Set alarm latch to alarm latch on self.ctlr.set_alarm_latch('on') # Set sensor type to TS-67, TS132 15K #self.ctlr.set_sensor_type('TS67 TS136 15K') #Default thermistor with orange wires self.ctlr.set_sensor_type( 'TS103 50K' ) #This is the MP-3022 for use with Nick's water cooled thermocycler # Set Sensor for alarm to CONTROL SENSOR self.ctlr.set_alarm_sensor('input1') # Set temperature scale to Celsius self.ctlr.set_working_units('C') # Set overcurrent level to 15 A self.ctlr.set_over_current_compare(30) # Set overcurrent level restart attempts to continuous self.ctlr.set_over_current_restart_type('continuous') # PID settings, P = 1 self.ctlr.set_proportional_bandwidth(3) self.ctlr.set_integral_gain(1) self.ctlr.set_derivative_gain(0) #PID control settings self.ctlr.set_heat_multiplier(1) self.ctlr.set_cool_multiplier(1) def setPowerOn(self): self.tc3625Lock.acquire() self.ctlr.set_power_state('on') self.tc3625Lock.release() def setPowerOff(self): self.tc3625Lock.acquire() self.ctlr.set_power_state('off') self.tc3625Lock.release() def getTemp(self): self.tc3625Lock.acquire() self.currentTemp = self.ctlr.get_input1() self.tc3625Lock.release() return self.currentTemp def getOutCurr(self): self.tc3625Lock.acquire() curr = self.ctlr.get_output_current() self.tc3625Lock.release() return curr def setPoint(self, temp): if type(temp) != int: raise TypeError('set point must be an integer') if temp < 0 or temp > 100: raise ValueError( 'This thermocycler operates between 0 C and 100C. Please enter a set point in that range.' ) print("Set point to " + str(temp)) self.tc3625Lock.acquire() self.ctlr.set_setpt(temp) self.tc3625Lock.release() self.setpt = temp self.log() #We will say the PID controller is equilibrated if the last 20 temp logs have been within 0.1 C of each other. def checkEquil(self): for i in self.tempLog[-20]: if i - self.tempLog[-1] > 0.1 or i - self.setpt > 0.3: #if any are more than 0.1 away from the current temp, return False #otherwise, return True def waitEquil(self): equil = False while not equil: time.sleep(1) self.log() equil = self.checkEquil() def setIntegralGain(self, gain): if (type(gain) != int) and (type(gain) != float): raise TypeError( "The integral gain must be either an integer or a float.") self.tc3625Lock.acquire() self.ctlr.set_integral_gain(gain) self.tc3625Lock.release() def setDerivativeGain(self, gain): if (type(gain) != int) and (type(gain) != float): raise TypeError( "The derivative gain must be either an integer or a float.") self.tc3625Lock.acquire() self.ctlr.set_derivative_gain(gain) self.tc3625Lock.release() #specify the number of seconds to pause. def pause(self, pause): if type(pause) != int and type(pause) != float: raise TypeError("Error: Pause time must be a float or an int.") if pause < 0: raise ValueError("Error: Pause time must be positive.") time.sleep(pause) def log(self): self.tempLog.append(float(self.getTemp())) #self.timeLog.append(float(time.clock())) #self.setpointLog.append(self.setpt) #self.outCurrLog.append(self.getOutCurr()) def destroy(self): print("Shutting Down...") self.setPowerOff()
class CachedLoaderMixin(object): """ Mixin this class to implement simple memory and disk caching. The memcaching just uses a dict in the loader so if you have a global environment or at least a global loader this can speed things up. If the memcaching is enabled you can use (with Jinja 1.1 onwards) the `clear_memcache` function to clear the cache. For memcached support check the `MemcachedLoaderMixin`. """ def __init__(self, use_memcache, cache_size, cache_folder, auto_reload, cache_salt=None): if use_memcache: self.__memcache = CacheDict(cache_size) else: self.__memcache = None self.__cache_folder = cache_folder if not hasattr(self, 'check_source_changed'): self.__auto_reload = False else: self.__auto_reload = auto_reload self.__salt = cache_salt self.__times = {} self.__lock = Lock() def clear_memcache(self): """ Clears the memcache. """ if self.__memcache is not None: self.__memcache.clear() def load(self, environment, name, translator): """ Load and translate a template. First we check if there is a cached version of this template in the memory cache. If this is not the cache check for a compiled template in the disk cache folder. And if none of this is the case we translate the temlate, cache and return it. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: # caching is only possible for the python translator. skip # all other translators if translator is not PythonTranslator: return super(CachedLoaderMixin, self).load( environment, name, translator) tmpl = None save_to_disk = False push_to_memory = False # auto reload enabled? check for the last change of # the template if self.__auto_reload: last_change = self.check_source_changed(environment, name) else: last_change = None # check if we have something in the memory cache and the # memory cache is enabled. if self.__memcache is not None: if name in self.__memcache: tmpl = self.__memcache[name] # if auto reload is enabled check if the template changed if last_change and last_change > self.__times[name]: tmpl = None push_to_memory = True else: push_to_memory = True # mem cache disabled or not cached by now # try to load if from the disk cache if tmpl is None and self.__cache_folder is not None: cache_fn = get_cachename(self.__cache_folder, name, self.__salt) if last_change is not None: try: cache_time = path.getmtime(cache_fn) except OSError: cache_time = 0 if last_change is None or (cache_time and last_change <= cache_time): try: f = file(cache_fn, 'rb') except IOError: tmpl = None save_to_disk = True else: try: tmpl = Template.load(environment, f) finally: f.close() else: save_to_disk = True # if we still have no template we load, parse and translate it. if tmpl is None: tmpl = super(CachedLoaderMixin, self).load( environment, name, translator) # save the compiled template on the disk if enabled if save_to_disk: f = file(cache_fn, 'wb') try: tmpl.dump(f) finally: f.close() # if memcaching is enabled and the template not loaded # we add that there. if push_to_memory: self.__times[name] = time.time() self.__memcache[name] = tmpl return tmpl finally: self.__lock.release()
class EventManager: """The event manager is an object to control the events. It provides two basic functions, send and wait and has a dictionary of events, which the keys are event keys and the values are event objects. :param timout: the time to wait before stop waiting. """ def __init__(self, timeout=None): self.timeout = timeout #: Dictionary of events waiting to execute (event wating list). self.event_dict = {} self.condition_dict = {} self.lock = Lock() def send(self, key, value=None): """This function should be called when an event has happened and we know that some other function may be or will be waiting for that event. So it fires the event in event dictionary. :param key: key of the event in event dictionary. """ already_exists = key in self.event_dict #: Locks the event dictionary so no other changes can happen #: to it, during this change. self.lock.acquire() #: Make an event in dictionary if it is not availabe. #: It happens when no one is waiting for the event right #: now, but may be waiting for that in the future. if not already_exists: e = Event() self.event_dict[key] = e #: Runs if someone is already waiting for the event to happen. else: e = self.event_dict[key] #: Unlock dictionary. self.lock.release() if value is None: e.set() else: if already_exists and self.condition_dict[key](value): e.set() else: print('still waiting') def wait(self, key, condition=None, timeout=None): """When you want to wait for a value to be set, you can call this function and it waits the program until the send function for the same key is called. :param key: key of the event in dictionary. """ timeout = self.timeout if timeout == None else timeout #: Locks the event dictionary so no other changes can happen #: to it, during this change. self.lock.acquire() #: Makes the event if it is not already availabe in the dictionary. if not key in self.event_dict: e = Event() self.event_dict[key] = e if condition is not None: self.condition_dict[key] = condition #: Runs if event is already available in dictionary. In case the #: event has been set before the wait or it has been called with #: wait function before this call. else: e = self.event_dict[key] #: Unlock dictionary. self.lock.release() e.wait(timeout)
class SerialData: def __init__(self): self.isRun = False # self.isReceiving = False self.thread = None self.callbackfunction = collections.deque() self.callback_list_mutex = Lock() self.serial_read_write_mutex = Lock() self.port = None self.baud = None self.serialConnection = None self.defined_data_mode = True self.dataNumBytes = -1 self.dataFormat = "<" self.rawData = None def openPort (self, serialPort='COM5', serialBaud=9600): if self.isRun: close() self.port = serialPort self.baud = serialBaud print('Trying to connect to: ' + str(serialPort) + ' at ' + str(serialBaud) + ' BAUD.') try: self.serialConnection = serial.Serial(serialPort, serialBaud) if(self.serialConnection.isOpen() == False): print('Connected to ' + str(serialPort) + ' at ' + str(serialBaud) + ' BAUD.') self.readSerialStart() except: print("Failed to connect with " + str(serialPort) + ' at ' + str(serialBaud) + ' BAUD.') def isConnected(self): return self.isRun def readSerialStart(self): if not self.isRun: self.thread = Thread(target=self.backgroundThread) self.isRun = True self.thread.start() def parseData(self): try: value = struct.unpack(self.dataFormat, self.rawData) except: return data = []; '''for i in range(len(value)): if self.dataFormat[i+1-rep_ind] == 'c': data.append(value[i].decode('ascii')) elif self.dataFormat[i+1-rep_ind] == 'b' or self.dataFormat[i] == 'h': data.append(int(value[i])) else: data.append(value[i])''' rep = 1 ind = 0 for fmt in self.dataFormat: if fmt is '<': continue if rep == 1: try: rep = int(str(fmt)) continue except: rep = 1 for i in range(rep): if fmt == 'c': if rep == 1 or i == 0: data.append(value[ind].decode('ascii')) else: data[-1] += value[ind].decode('ascii') elif fmt == 's': data.append(value[ind].decode('ascii')) ind += 1 break elif fmt == 'b' or fmt == 'h': data.append(int(value[ind])) else: data.append(value[ind]) ind += 1 rep = 1 self.callback_list_mutex.acquire() try: for function in self.callbackfunction: function(data) finally: self.callback_list_mutex.release() def setDataFormat(self, new_format): if new_format != "Dynamic": try: self.defined_data_mode = True self.dataFormat = "<"+new_format self.dataNumBytes = struct.calcsize(self.dataFormat) self.rawData = bytearray(self.dataNumBytes) except: print("Invalid Format: " + new_format) return False else: self.defined_data_mode = False self.dataFormat = "<" self.dataNumBytes = -1 self.rawData = None return True def backgroundThread(self): # retrieve data self.serialConnection.reset_input_buffer() print('Serial Monitoring Thread Started\n') self.rawData = bytearray(0) while self.isRun: try: if self.defined_data_mode and self.serialConnection.in_waiting >= self.dataNumBytes and self.dataNumBytes > 0: self.rawData = bytearray(self.dataNumBytes) self.serial_read_write_mutex.acquire() try: self.serialConnection.readinto(self.rawData) finally: self.serial_read_write_mutex.release() self.parseData() elif (not self.defined_data_mode) and self.serialConnection.in_waiting and self.dataNumBytes == -1: self.dataNumBytes = struct.unpack('b',[0] elif (not self.defined_data_mode) and self.serialConnection.in_waiting >= self.dataNumBytes and self.dataNumBytes > 0 : self.serial_read_write_mutex.acquire() try: tmp = finally: self.serial_read_write_mutex.release() self.dataNumBytes -= 1 tmp_uchar = struct.unpack('b',tmp)[0] if tmp_uchar is not 0: self.dataFormat = self.dataFormat + struct.unpack('c',tmp)[0].decode('ascii') try: try: i = int(self.dataFormat[-1]) except: i = None if i is None: struct.calcsize(self.dataFormat) # check if its a valid format skip ones that end in a number except: print("num bytes: " + str(self.dataNumBytes) + " attempt fmt: " + self.dataFormat) self.dataNumBytes = -1 self.dataFormat = "<" else: if struct.calcsize(self.dataFormat) == self.dataNumBytes: # all is as expected self.rawData = bytearray(self.dataNumBytes) self.serial_read_write_mutex.acquire() try: self.serialConnection.readinto(self.rawData) finally: self.serial_read_write_mutex.release() self.parseData() self.dataNumBytes = -1 self.dataFormat = "<" elif self.dataNumBytes == 0: self.dataNumBytes = -1 else: time.sleep(0.001) # recheck serial every 5ms except: self.isRun = False self.thread = None self.serialConnection.close() print('Connection Lost\n') def write(self, data, data_format): try: index = 0 for d in data: if data_format[index] == 'c': data[index] = d.encode() elif data_format[index] == 'f': data[index] = float(d) else: data[index] = int(d) index += 1 except: return (False, 'Format/Entry Mismatch') data_format_str = "" for e in data_format: data_format_str += e try: if len(data) == 1: msg = struct.pack("<"+data_format_str,data[0]) elif len(data) == 2: msg = struct.pack("<"+data_format_str,data[0],data[1]) elif len(data) == 3: msg = struct.pack("<"+data_format_str,data[0],data[1],data[2]) elif len(data) == 4: msg = struct.pack("<"+data_format_str,data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]) else: return (False, "Data Length Unsupported") except: return (False, "Format/Entry Mismatch" ) if self.isConnected(): if self.serialConnection: self.serial_read_write_mutex.acquire() try: self.serialConnection.write(msg) finally: self.serial_read_write_mutex.release() return True, None else: return (False, 'Port Not Writeable') else: return (False, 'Not Connected') def close(self, on_shutdown=False): if self.isConnected(): self.isRun = False self.thread.join() self.thread = None self.serialConnection.close() if not on_shutdown: print('Serial Port ' + self.port + ' Disconnected.\n') def registerCallback(self, function): self.callback_list_mutex.acquire() try: self.callbackfunction.append(function) finally: self.callback_list_mutex.release() def removeCallback(self, function): self.callback_list_mutex.acquire() try: self.callbackfunction.remove(function) finally: self.callback_list_mutex.release()
class MemcachedLoaderMixin(object): """ Uses a memcached server to cache the templates. Requires the memcache library from `tummy`_ or the cmemcache library from `Gijsbert de Haan`_. With Jinja 1.2 onwards you can also provide a `client` keyword argument that takes an already instanciated memcache client or memcache client like object. .. _tummy: .. _Gisjsbert de Haan: """ def __init__(self, use_memcache, memcache_time=60 * 60 * 24 * 7, memcache_host=None, item_prefix='template/', client=None): if memcache_host is None: memcache_host = [''] if use_memcache: if client is None: try: try: from cmemcache import Client except ImportError: from memcache import Client except ImportError: raise RuntimeError('the %r loader requires an installed ' 'memcache module' % self.__class__.__name__) client = Client(list(memcache_host)) self.__memcache = client self.__memcache_time = memcache_time else: self.__memcache = None self.__item_prefix = item_prefix self.__lock = Lock() def load(self, environment, name, translator): """ Load and translate a template. First we check if there is a cached version of this template in the memory cache. If this is not the cache check for a compiled template in the disk cache folder. And if none of this is the case we translate the template, cache and return it. """ self.__lock.acquire() try: # caching is only possible for the python translator. skip # all other translators if translator is not PythonTranslator: return super(MemcachedLoaderMixin, self).load( environment, name, translator) tmpl = None push_to_memory = False # check if we have something in the memory cache and the # memory cache is enabled. if self.__memcache is not None: bytecode = self.__memcache.get(self.__item_prefix + name) if bytecode: tmpl = Template.load(environment, bytecode) else: push_to_memory = True # if we still have no template we load, parse and translate it. if tmpl is None: tmpl = super(MemcachedLoaderMixin, self).load( environment, name, translator) # if memcaching is enabled and the template not loaded # we add that there. if push_to_memory: self.__memcache.set(self.__item_prefix + name, tmpl.dump(), self.__memcache_time) return tmpl finally: self.__lock.release()
class RealTimePlot(): def __init__(self, plotLength=500, refreshTime=10): self.gui_main = None self.window = None self.plotMaxLength = plotLength = collections.deque( maxlen=plotLength) self.times = collections.deque( maxlen=plotLength) self.plotTimer = 0 self.previousTimer = 0 self.valueLast = None self.p = None self.fig = None self.t_start = time.perf_counter() self.values_queue = collections.deque(maxlen=plotLength) self.times_queue = collections.deque(maxlen=plotLength) self.plotTimer = 0 self.previousTimer = 0 self.timeText = None self.input_index = 0; self.pltInterval = refreshTime # Refresh period [ms] self.data_mutex = Lock() def updatePlotData(self,args=None): #, frame, lines, lineValueText, lineLabel, timeText): # while self.isRunning: if len(self.times_queue): currentTimer = time.perf_counter() self.plotTimer = int((currentTimer - self.previousTimer) * 1000) if self.plotTimer > 1: self.previousTimer = currentTimer self.timeText.set_text('Plot Interval = ' + str(self.plotTimer) + 'ms') else: return valueLast = [] self.data_mutex.acquire() while len(self.times_queue): try: valueLast = self.values_queue[-1][self.input_index] time_val = self.times_queue[-1] valueLast = float(valueLast) # make sure its a number # latest data point and append it to array self.times.append(time_val) self.values_queue.clear() self.times_queue.clear() except: break self.data_mutex.release() self.lines.set_data(self.times, if len( self.lineValueText.set_text('[' + self.lineLabel + " IND: " +str(self.input_index) + '] = ' + str(round([-1],3))) if len(self.times) > 5: #self.fig.canvas.restore_region(self.background)[0],self.times[-1]) min_ylim = min( max_ylim = max( if min_ylim == max_ylim: if min_ylim == 0: min_ylim = -1 max_ylim = 1 else: min_ylim = min_ylim*.2 max_ylim = max_ylim*1.2 - (max_ylim-min_ylim)/10, max_ylim + (max_ylim-min_ylim)/10) def addValue(self, value): self.data_mutex.acquire() self.values_queue.append(value) self.times_queue.append(time.perf_counter()-self.t_start) self.data_mutex.release() def changePlotIndex(self, index): self.input_index = index self.times.clear() def setupPlot(self): # retrieve data xmin = 0 xmax = self.plotMaxLength ymin = -1 ymax = 1050 self.fig = plt.figure() = plt.axes( autoscale_on=True)#xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(float(ymin - (ymax - ymin) / 10), float(ymax + (ymax - ymin) / 10)))'Arduino Analog Read')"time")"AnalogRead Value") self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fig, master=self.window) self.canvas.draw() self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tkinter.TOP, fill=tkinter.BOTH, expand=1) toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk(self.canvas,self.window) toolbar.update() self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tkinter.TOP, fill=tkinter.BOTH, expand=1) self.lineLabel = 'Sensor Value' self.timeText =, 0.95, '', self.lines =[], [], label=self.lineLabel)[0] self.lineValueText =, 0.90, '', # START THE PLOT ANIMATION self.anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, self.updatePlotData, interval=self.pltInterval) def isOk(self): return self.anim is not None def close(self): if self.anim is not None: self.anim.event_source.stop() self.anim = None self.window.withdraw() '''if self.window is not None: self.window.quit() # stops main loop self.window.destroy() # Destroys window and all child widgets ''' def Start(self, main=None): if self.window is None: self.window = Toplevel(main) self.window.title("Real Time Plot") self.window.geometry("800x600") self.window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.gui_main = main self.setupPlot()
def __provide_state(self, port_file, at_time): ''' Provide the internal state of the module. This is typically used by another module such as '.cortix.modulib.pyplot'; this XML file type is now deprecated. However to have a dynamic plotting option, create this history file in the time unit of Cortix; that is, undo the time scaling. ''' import datetime import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree from threading import Lock n_digits_precision = 8 # write header if at_time == self.__start_time: assert os.path.isfile( port_file) is False, 'port_file %r exists; stop.' % port_file tree = ElementTree.ElementTree() root_node = tree.getroot() a = ElementTree.Element('time-sequence') a.set('name', 'droplet_' + str(self.__slot_id) + '-state') b = ElementTree.SubElement(a, 'comment') today = b.set('author', 'cortix.examples.modulib.droplet') b.set('version', '0.1') b = ElementTree.SubElement(a, 'comment') today = b.set('today', str(today)) b = ElementTree.SubElement(a, 'time') b.set('unit', self.__cortix_time_unit) # setup the headers for specie in self.__liquid_phase.species: b = ElementTree.SubElement(a, 'var') formula_name = specie.formulaName b.set('name', formula_name) unit = specie.massCCUnit b.set('unit', unit) b.set('legend', 'Droplet_' + str(self.__slot_id) + '-state') b.set('scale', self.__pyplot_scale) for quant in self.__liquid_phase.quantities: b = ElementTree.SubElement(a, 'var') formal_name = quant.formalName b.set('name', formal_name) unit = quant.unit b.set('unit', unit) b.set('legend', 'Droplet_' + str(self.__slot_id) + '-state') b.set('scale', self.__pyplot_scale) # write values for all variables b = ElementTree.SubElement(a, 'timeStamp') b.set( 'value', str(round(at_time / self.__time_unit_scale, n_digits_precision))) values = list() for specie in self.__liquid_phase.species: val = self.__liquid_phase.GetValue(, at_time) values.append(val) for quant in self.__liquid_phase.quantities: val = self.__liquid_phase.GetValue(, at_time) values.append(val) # flush out data text = str() for value in values: text += str(round(value, n_digits_precision)) + ',' text = text[:-1] b.text = text tree = ElementTree.ElementTree(a) tree.write(port_file, xml_declaration=True, encoding="unicode", method="xml") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if not the first time step then parse the existing history file and append else: mutex = Lock() mutex.acquire() tree = ElementTree.parse(port_file) root_node = tree.getroot() a = ElementTree.Element('timeStamp') a.set( 'value', str(round(at_time / self.__time_unit_scale, n_digits_precision))) # all variables values values = list() for specie in self.__liquid_phase.species: val = self.__liquid_phase.GetValue(, at_time) values.append(val) for quant in self.__liquid_phase.quantities: val = self.__liquid_phase.GetValue(, at_time) values.append(val) # flush out data text = str() for value in values: text += str(round(value, n_digits_precision)) + ',' text = text[:-1] a.text = text root_node.append(a) tree.write(port_file, xml_declaration=True, encoding="unicode", method="xml") mutex.release() return