Пример #1
def test_threadpool_limits_by_prefix(openblas_present, mkl_present, prefix):
    original_infos = threadpool_info()
    mkl_found = any([True for info in original_infos
                     if info["prefix"] in ('mkl_rt', 'libmkl_rt')])
    prefix_found = len([info["prefix"] for info in original_infos
                        if info["prefix"] == prefix])
    if not prefix_found:
        if "mkl_rt" in prefix and mkl_present and not mkl_found:
            raise RuntimeError("Could not load the MKL prefix")
        elif prefix == "libopenblas" and openblas_present:
            raise RuntimeError("Could not load the OpenBLAS prefix")
            pytest.skip("{} runtime missing".format(prefix))

    with threadpool_limits(limits={prefix: 1}):
        for module in threadpool_info():
            if is_old_openblas(module):
            if module["prefix"] == prefix:
                assert module["num_threads"] == 1

    with threadpool_limits(limits={prefix: 3}):
        for module in threadpool_info():
            if is_old_openblas(module):
            if module["prefix"] == prefix:
                assert module["num_threads"] <= 3

    assert threadpool_info() == original_infos
Пример #2
def test_set_threadpool_limits_no_limit():
    # Check that limits=None does nothing.
    original_infos = threadpool_info()
    with threadpool_limits(limits=None):
        assert threadpool_info() == original_infos

    assert threadpool_info() == original_infos
Пример #3
def test_profiling_disables_threadpools(tmpdir):
    Memory profiling disables thread pools, then restores them when done.
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    import numexpr
    import blosc

    with threadpoolctl.threadpool_limits(3, "blas"):
        with run_with_profile():
            assert numexpr.set_num_threads(2) == 1
            assert blosc.set_nthreads(2) == 1

            for d in threadpoolctl.threadpool_info():
                assert d["num_threads"] == 1, d

        # Resets when done:
        assert numexpr.set_num_threads(2) == 3
        assert blosc.set_nthreads(2) == 3

        for d in threadpoolctl.threadpool_info():
            if d["user_api"] == "blas":
                assert d["num_threads"] == 3, d
Пример #4
def test_set_threadpool_limits_by_api(user_api):
    # Check that the number of threads used by the multithreaded libraries can
    # be modified dynamically.
    if user_api is None:
        user_apis = ("blas", "openmp")
        user_apis = (user_api,)

    original_infos = threadpool_info()

    with threadpool_limits(limits=1, user_api=user_api):
        for module in threadpool_info():
            if is_old_openblas(module):
            if module["user_api"] in user_apis:
                assert module["num_threads"] == 1

    with threadpool_limits(limits=3, user_api=user_api):
        for module in threadpool_info():
            if is_old_openblas(module):
            if module["user_api"] in user_apis:
                assert module["num_threads"] <= 3

    assert threadpool_info() == original_infos
Пример #5
def test_openmp_nesting(nthreads_outer):
    # checks that OpenMP effectively uses the number of threads requested by
    # the context manager
    from ._openmp_test_helper import check_nested_openmp_loops
    from ._openmp_test_helper import get_inner_compiler
    from ._openmp_test_helper import get_outer_compiler

    inner_cc = get_inner_compiler()
    outer_cc = get_outer_compiler()

    outer_num_threads, inner_num_threads = check_nested_openmp_loops(10)

    original_infos = threadpool_info()
    openmp_infos = [info for info in original_infos
                    if info["user_api"] == "openmp"]

    if "gcc" in (inner_cc, outer_cc):
        assert "libgomp" in [info["prefix"] for info in openmp_infos]

    if "clang" in (inner_cc, outer_cc):
        assert "libomp" in [info["prefix"] for info in openmp_infos]

    if inner_cc == outer_cc:
        # The openmp runtime should be shared by default, meaning that
        # the inner loop should automatically be run serially by the OpenMP
        # runtime.
        assert inner_num_threads == 1
        # There should be at least 2 OpenMP runtime detected.
        assert len(openmp_infos) >= 2

    with threadpool_limits(limits=1) as threadpoolctx:
        max_threads = threadpoolctx.get_original_num_threads()['openmp']
        nthreads = effective_num_threads(nthreads_outer, max_threads)

        outer_num_threads, inner_num_threads = \
            check_nested_openmp_loops(10, nthreads)

    # The state of the original state of all threadpools should have been
    # restored.
    assert threadpool_info() == original_infos

    # The number of threads available in the outer loop should not have been
    # decreased:
    assert outer_num_threads == nthreads

    # The number of threads available in the inner loop should have been
    # set to 1 so avoid oversubscription and preserve performance:
    if inner_cc != outer_cc:
        if inner_num_threads != 1:
            # XXX: this does not always work when nesting independent openmp
            # implementations. See: https://github.com/jeremiedbb/Nested_OpenMP
            pytest.xfail("Inner OpenMP num threads was %d instead of 1"
                         % inner_num_threads)
    assert inner_num_threads == 1
Пример #6
def test_command_line_import_flag():
    result = subprocess.run(
    cli_info = json.loads(result.stdout)

    this_process_info = threadpool_info()
    for lib_info in cli_info:
        assert lib_info in this_process_info

    warnings = [w.strip() for w in result.stderr.splitlines()]
    assert "WARNING: could not import invalid_package" in warnings
    assert "WARNING: could not import numpy.invalid_sumodule" in warnings
    if scipy is None:
        assert "WARNING: could not import scipy.linalg" in warnings
        assert "WARNING: could not import scipy.linalg" not in warnings
Пример #7
def set_numpy_threads(num_threads):
    # Determine the BLAS implementation in use - e.g. MKL (Intel), OpenBLAS, etc.
    info = threadpool_info()

    # Set the threads based on the library available.
    set_threads = 0
    blas_implementation = None

    for lib in info:
        filepath = lib['filepath']
        base_filepath = os.path.basename(filepath)
        if 'mkl' in base_filepath:
            blas_implementation = 'mkl'
            set_threads = _set_mkl_numpy_threads(filepath, num_threads)
        elif 'openblas' in base_filepath:
            blas_implementation = 'openblas'
            set_threads = _set_openblas_numpy_threads(filepath, num_threads)

            blas_implementation = 'unknown'
    return blas_implementation, set_threads
Пример #8
def test_mkl_set_num_threads():
    # Determine the BLAS implementation in use - e.g. MKL (Intel), OpenBLAS, etc.
    info = threadpool_info()

    num_threads = 2
    mkl_path = None
    for lib in info:
        filepath = lib['filepath']
        base_filepath = os.path.basename(filepath)
        if 'mkl' in base_filepath:
            mkl_path = filepath[:]

    if mkl_path is not None:
        # Traditional UNIX-like systems will have shared objects available.
        if 'bsd' in sys.platform or 'lin' in sys.platform:
            mkl_rt = ctypes.CDLL(mkl_path)

        # Darwin / Apple uses `*.dylib` by default for included Intel compiler libraries.
        # Traditional UNIX-like shared objects can be created (`*.so`), but are more
        # represented in third-party libraries. This is a more dynamic way of finding
        # the MKL library and using it on a Mac that has an Intel compiler installed.
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            mkl_rt = ctypes.CDLL(mkl_path)
        num_threads_set = mkl_rt.mkl_get_max_threads()
        assert num_threads_set == num_threads
        # While it may seem to be a good idea to raise an error at this point,
        # doing so puts the user in a catch-22, therefor no error should be
        # generated. A warning should be printed.
        print('Warning: No Intel BLAS implementation found.')
Пример #9
def test_threadpool_limits_public_api():
    # Check consistency between threadpool_info and _ThreadpoolInfo
    public_info = threadpool_info()
    private_info = _threadpool_info()

    for module1, module2 in zip(public_info, private_info):
        assert module1 == module2.todict()
Пример #10
def test_threadpool_info():
    # Check consistency between threadpool_info and ThreadpoolController
    function_info = threadpool_info()
    object_info = ThreadpoolController().lib_controllers

    for lib_info, lib_controller in zip(function_info, object_info):
        assert lib_info == lib_controller.info()
Пример #11
def test_threadpool_limits_function_with_side_effect():
    # Check that threadpool_limits can be used as a function with
    # side effects instead of a context manager.
    original_infos = threadpool_info()

        for module in threadpool_info():
            if is_old_openblas(module):
            assert module["num_threads"] == 1
        # Restore the original limits so that this test does not have any
        # side-effect.

    assert threadpool_info() == original_infos
Пример #12
def test_threadpool_limits_manual_unregister():
    # Check that threadpool_limits can be used as an object with that hold
    # the original state of the threadpools that can be restored thanks to the
    # dedicated unregister method
    original_infos = threadpool_info()

    limits = threadpool_limits(limits=1)
        for module in threadpool_info():
            if is_old_openblas(module):
            assert module["num_threads"] == 1
        # Restore the original limits so that this test does not have any
        # side-effect.

    assert threadpool_info() == original_infos
Пример #13
 def check_update(self):
     import threadpoolctl
     new_info = threadpoolctl.threadpool_info()
     if new_info != self._info:
         self._stable = 0
         self._controller = threadpoolctl.ThreadpoolController()
         self._info = new_info
         self._stable += 1
Пример #14
def test_command_line_command_flag():
    output = subprocess.check_output(
        [sys.executable, "-m", "threadpoolctl", "-c", "import numpy"])
    cli_info = json.loads(output.decode("utf-8"))

    this_process_info = threadpool_info()
    for lib_info in cli_info:
        assert lib_info in this_process_info
Пример #15
def check_openblas_threads():
    'make sure openblas is running single-threaded'

    d = threadpool_info()

    assert len(d) > 0, f"numpy didn't use blas api?: {d}"

    for entry in d:
        assert entry['num_threads'] == 1, "expected single thread libraries (export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 and " + \
            "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 or use Settings.CHECK_SINGLE_THREAD_BLAS" + \
            f" = False to skip): {entry}\nAll entries:{d}"
Пример #16
def test_nested_prange_blas(nthreads_outer):
    import numpy as np

    blas_info = [module for module in threadpool_info()
                 if module["user_api"] == "blas"]

    blis_linked = any([module['internal_api'] == 'blis'
                       for module in threadpool_info()])
    if not blis_linked:
        # numpy can be linked to BLIS for CBLAS and OpenBLAS for LAPACK. In that
        # case this test will run BLIS gemm so no need to skip.
        for module in threadpool_info():
            if is_old_openblas(module):
                # OpenBLAS 0.3.3 and older are known to cause an unrecoverable
                # deadlock at process shutdown time (after pytest has exited).
                pytest.skip("Old OpenBLAS: skipping test to avoid deadlock")

    from ._openmp_test_helper import check_nested_prange_blas
    A = np.ones((1000, 10))
    B = np.ones((100, 10))

    with threadpool_limits(limits=1) as threadpoolctx:
        max_threads = threadpoolctx.get_original_num_threads()['openmp']
        nthreads = effective_num_threads(nthreads_outer, max_threads)

        result = check_nested_prange_blas(A, B, nthreads)
        C, prange_num_threads, threadpool_infos = result

    assert np.allclose(C, np.dot(A, B.T))
    assert prange_num_threads == nthreads

    nested_blas_info = [module for module in threadpool_infos
                        if module["user_api"] == "blas"]

    assert len(nested_blas_info) == len(blas_info)
    for module in nested_blas_info:
        assert module['num_threads'] == 1
Пример #17
    def testDisable(self):
        set_thread_envvars(2, override=True)
        self.assertEqual(os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"], "2")
        set_thread_envvars(3, override=False)
        self.assertEqual(os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"], "2")

        self.assertEqual(os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"], "1")

        # Check that we have only one thread.
        if numexpr:
            self.assertEqual(numexpr.utils.get_num_threads(), 1)
        if threadpoolctl:
            info = threadpoolctl.threadpool_info()
            for api in info:
                self.assertEqual(api["num_threads"], 1, f"API: {api}")
Пример #18
def test_ThreadpoolInfo_todicts():
    # Check all keys expected for the public api are in the dicts returned by
    # the .todict(s) methods
    info = _threadpool_info()

    assert threadpool_info() == [module.todict() for module in info.modules]
    assert info.todicts() == [module.todict() for module in info]
    assert info.todicts() == [module.todict() for module in info.modules]

    for module in info:
        module_dict = module.todict()
        assert "user_api" in module_dict
        assert "internal_api" in module_dict
        assert "prefix" in module_dict
        assert "filepath" in module_dict
        assert "version" in module_dict
        assert "num_threads" in module_dict

        if module.internal_api in ("mkl", "blis", "openblas"):
            assert "threading_layer" in module_dict
Пример #19
def test_get_original_num_threads(limit):
    with threadpool_limits(limits=2, user_api='blas') as ctl:
        # set different blas num threads to start with (when multiple openblas)
        if ctl._original_limits:

        original_infos = threadpool_info()
        with threadpool_limits(limits=limit, user_api='blas') as threadpoolctx:
            original_num_threads = threadpoolctx.get_original_num_threads()

            assert 'openmp' not in original_num_threads

            if 'blas' in [module['user_api'] for module in original_infos]:
                assert original_num_threads['blas'] >= 1
                assert original_num_threads['blas'] is None

            if len(libopenblas_paths) >= 2:
                with pytest.warns(None, match='Multiple value possible'):
                    expected = min([module['num_threads'] for module in original_infos])
                    assert original_num_threads['blas'] == expected
Пример #20
def test_threadpool_controller_info():
    # Check that all keys expected for the private api are in the dicts
    # returned by the `info` methods
    controller = ThreadpoolController()

    assert threadpool_info() == [
        lib_controller.info() for lib_controller in controller.lib_controllers
    assert controller.info() == [
        lib_controller.info() for lib_controller in controller.lib_controllers

    for lib_controller_dict in controller.info():
        assert "user_api" in lib_controller_dict
        assert "internal_api" in lib_controller_dict
        assert "prefix" in lib_controller_dict
        assert "filepath" in lib_controller_dict
        assert "version" in lib_controller_dict
        assert "num_threads" in lib_controller_dict

        if lib_controller_dict["internal_api"] in ("mkl", "blis", "openblas"):
            assert "threading_layer" in lib_controller_dict
Пример #21
def test_architecture():
    expected_openblas_architectures = (
        # XXX: add more as needed by CI or developer laptops
    expected_blis_architectures = (
        # XXX: add more as needed by CI or developer laptops
    for lib_info in threadpool_info():
        if lib_info["internal_api"] == "openblas":
            assert lib_info["architecture"] in expected_openblas_architectures
        elif lib_info["internal_api"] == "blis":
            assert lib_info["architecture"] in expected_blis_architectures
            # Not supported for other libraries
            assert "architecture" not in lib_info
Пример #22
import json

import joblib
import yaml
from sklearn.utils._show_versions import _get_deps_info, _get_sys_info
from threadpoolctl import threadpool_info

from benchmarks.core import load

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("benchmarks/config.yml", "r") as f:
        config = yaml.full_load(f)

    for benchmark, params in config.items():
        bench_class = load(f"benchmarks.{benchmark}.Benchmark")
        bench_instance = bench_class(**params)

    env_info = {}
    env_info["system_info"] = _get_sys_info()
    env_info["dependencies_info"] = _get_deps_info()
    env_info["threadpool_info"] = threadpool_info()
    env_info["cpu_count"] = joblib.cpu_count(only_physical_cores=True)

    with open("benchmarks/env_info.txt", "w") as f:
        json.dump(env_info, f)
Пример #23
def threadpool_info():
    controller = _get_threadpool_controller()
    if controller is not None:
        return controller.info()
        return threadpoolctl.threadpool_info()
Пример #24
 def __init__(self, repeats=2):
     import threadpoolctl
     self._info = threadpoolctl.threadpool_info()
     self._controller = threadpoolctl.ThreadpoolController()
     self._stable = 0
     self.repeats = repeats
Пример #25
        def check():
            assert numexpr.set_num_threads(2) == 1
            assert blosc.set_nthreads(2) == 1

            for d in threadpoolctl.threadpool_info():
                assert d["num_threads"] == 1, d
Пример #26
from threadpoolctl import threadpool_info
from pprint import pprint

    import numpy as np
    print("numpy", np.__version__)
except ImportError:

    import scipy
    import scipy.linalg
    print("scipy", scipy.__version__)
except ImportError:

    from tests._openmp_test_helper import *  # noqa
except ImportError:

Пример #27
"""Validate that number of threads in thread pools is set to 1."""

import numexpr
import blosc
import threadpoolctl

# APIs that return previous number of threads:
assert numexpr.set_num_threads(2) == 1
assert blosc.set_nthreads(2) == 1

for d in threadpoolctl.threadpool_info():
    assert d["num_threads"] == 1, d