def test_get_tibia_url(self): self.assertEqual( "", get_tibia_url("community", "character", name="Galarzaa Fidera")) self.assertEqual( "", get_tibia_url("community", "character", name="Fnö"))
def get_url(cls, *, vocation=None, group=None, spell_type=None, premium=None, sort=None): """Get the URL to the spells section with the desired filtering parameters. Parameters ---------- vocation: :class:`VocationSpellFilter`, optional The vocation to filter in spells for. group: :class:`SpellGroup`, optional The spell's primary cooldown group. spell_type: :class:`SpellType`, optional The type of spells to show. premium: :class:`bool`, optional The type of premium requirement to filter. :obj:`None` means any premium requirement. sort: :class:`SpellSorting`, optional The field to sort spells by. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the spells section with the provided filtering parameters. """ params = { "vocation": vocation.value if vocation else None, "group": group.value if group else None, "type": spell_type.value if spell_type else None, "sort": sort.value if sort else None, "premium": to_yes_no(premium), } return get_tibia_url("library", "spells", **params)
def get_url(cls, world, rotation_id=None, page=1): """Get the URL to the leaderboards of a world. Parameters ---------- world: :class:`str` The desired world. rotation_id: :class:`int` The ID of the desired rotation. If undefined, the current rotation is shown. page: :class:`int` The desired page. By default, the first page is returned. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the leaderboard with the desired parameters. Raises ------ ValueError If the specified page is zer or less. """ if page <= 0: raise ValueError("page must be 1 or greater") return get_tibia_url("community", "leaderboards", world=world, rotation=rotation_id, currentpage=page)
def get_url(cls, start_date, end_date, page=1): """Gets the URL to the CM Post Archive for the given date range. Parameters ---------- start_date: :class: `` The start date to display. end_date: :class: `` The end date to display. page: :class:`int` The desired page to display. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the CM Post Archive Raises ------ TypeError: Either of the dates is not an instance of :class:`` ValueError: If ``start_date`` is more recent than ``end_date``. """ if not isinstance(start_date, raise TypeError(f"start_date: expected instance, {type(start_date)} found.") if not isinstance(end_date, raise TypeError(f"start_date: expected instance, {type(start_date)} found.") if end_date < start_date: raise ValueError("start_date can't be more recent than end_date.") if page < 1: raise ValueError("page must be 1 or greater.") return get_tibia_url("forum", "forum", action="cm_post_archive",, startmonth=start_date.month, startyear=start_date.year,, endmonth=end_date.month, endyear=end_date.year, currentpage=page)
def get_url(cls, world=None, category=Category.EXPERIENCE, vocation=VocationFilter.ALL, page=1): """Gets the URL of the highscores for the given parameters. Parameters ---------- world: :class:`str` The game world of the desired highscores. If no world is passed, ALL worlds are shown. category: :class:`Category` The desired highscores category. vocation: :class:`VocationFiler` The vocation filter to apply. By default all vocations will be shown. page: :class:`int` The page of highscores to show. Returns ------- The URL to the highscores. """ if world is None: world = "ALL" return get_tibia_url("community", "highscores", world=world, category=category.value, profession=vocation.value, currentpage=page)
def get_url(cls, world=None, category=Category.EXPERIENCE, vocation=VocationFilter.ALL, page=1, battleye_type=None, pvp_types=None): """Get the URL of the highscores for the given parameters. Parameters ---------- world: :class:`str`, optional The game world of the desired highscores. If no world is passed, ALL worlds are shown. category: :class:`Category` The desired highscores category. vocation: :class:`VocationFilter` The vocation filter to apply. By default all vocations will be shown. page: :class:`int` The page of highscores to show. battleye_type: :class:`BattlEyeHighscoresFilter`, optional The battleEye filters to use. pvp_types: :class:`list` of :class:`PvpTypeFilter`, optional The list of PvP types to filter the results for. Returns ------- The URL to the highscores. """ pvp_types = pvp_types or [] pvp_params = [("worldtypes[]", p.value) for p in pvp_types] return get_tibia_url("community", "highscores", *pvp_params, world=world, category=category.value, profession=vocation.value, currentpage=page, beprotection=battleye_type.value if battleye_type else None)
def get_support_boards_url(cls): """Get the URL to the Support Boards section in Returns ------- :class:`str`: The URL to the Support Boards. """ return get_tibia_url("forum", "supportboards")
def get_community_boards_url(cls): """Get the URL to the Community Boards section in Returns ------- :class:`str`: The URL to the Community Boards. """ return get_tibia_url("forum", "communityboards")
def get_trade_boards_url(cls): """Get the URL to the Trade Boards section in Returns ------- :class:`str`: The URL to the Trade Boards. """ return get_tibia_url("forum", "tradeboards")
def get_world_boards_url(cls): """Get the URL to the World Boards section in Returns ------- :class:`str`: The URL to the World Boards. """ return get_tibia_url("forum", "worldboards")
def get_url(cls): """Get the URL to the library section. Returns ------- :class:`str`: The URL to the library section. """ return get_tibia_url("library", "creature")
def get_url(cls): """Get the URL to the World Overview page in Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the World Overview's page. """ return get_tibia_url("community", "worlds")
def get_url(cls, name): """Gets the URL for a given character name. Parameters ------------ name: :class:`str` The name of the character. Returns -------- :class:`str` The URL to the character's page.""" return get_tibia_url("community", "characters", name=name)
def get_url(cls, news_id): """Gets the URL for a news entry by its id. Parameters ------------ news_id: :class:`int` The id of the news entry. Returns -------- :class:`str` The URL to the news' page""" return get_tibia_url("news", "newsarchive", id=news_id)
def get_url(cls, world): """Get the URL of the kill statistics of a world. Parameters ---------- world: :class:`str` The game world of the desired kill statistics. Returns ------- The URL to the kill statistics for this world. """ return get_tibia_url("community", "killstatistics", world=world)
def get_world_list_url(cls, world): """Gets the URL for the guild section of a specific world. Parameters ---------- world: :class:`str` The name of the world. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the guild's page """ return get_tibia_url("community", "guilds", world=world)
def get_url(cls, announcement_id): """Get the URL to an announcement with a given ID. Parameters ---------- announcement_id: :class:`int` The ID of the announcement Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL of the announcement. """ return get_tibia_url("forum", None, action="announcement", announcementid=announcement_id)
def get_url(cls, identifier): """Get the URL to a spell in the spells section. Parameters ---------- identifier: :class:`str` The identifier of the spell. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the spell. """ return get_tibia_url("library", "spells", spell=identifier.lower())
def get_url(cls, name): """Gets the URL to the World's information page on Parameters ---------- name: :class:`str` The name of the world. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the world's information page. """ return get_tibia_url("community", "worlds", world=name.title())
def get_url(cls, identifier): """Get the URL to the creature's detail page on Parameters ---------- identifier: :class:`str` The race's internal name. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the detail page. """ return get_tibia_url("library", "creatures", race=identifier)
def get_url(cls): """Get the URL to's news archive page. Notes ----- It is not possible to perform a search using query parameters. News searches can only be performed using POST requests sending the parameters as form-data. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the news archive page on """ return get_tibia_url("news", "newsarchive")
def get_url(cls, name): """Get the URL for a given guild name. Parameters ------------ name: :class:`str` The name of the guild. Returns -------- :class:`str` The URL to the guild's page. """ return get_tibia_url("community", "guilds", page="view", GuildName=name)
def get_url(cls, post_id): """Get the URL to a specific post. Parameters ---------- post_id: :class:`int` The ID of the desired post. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the post. """ return get_tibia_url("forum", None, anchor=f"post{post_id}", action="thread", postid=post_id)
def get_url(cls, house_id, world): """Get the URL for a house with the given id and world. Parameters ---------- house_id: :class:`int` The internal id of the house. world: :class:`str` The world of the house. Returns ------- The URL to the house in """ return get_tibia_url("community", "houses", page="view", houseid=house_id, world=world)
def get_url(cls, thread_id, page=1): """Get the URL to a thread with a given id. Parameters ---------- thread_id: :class:`int` The id of the desired thread. page: :class:`int` The desired page, by default 1. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the thread. """ return get_tibia_url("forum", None, action="thread", threadid=thread_id, pagenumber=page)
def get_url_wars(cls, name): """Get the URL for the guild wars of a guild with a given name. .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 Parameters ------------ name: :class:`str` The name of the guild. Returns -------- :class:`str` The URL to the guild's wars page. """ return get_tibia_url("community", "guilds", page="guildwars", action="view", GuildName=name)
def get_url(cls, board_id, page=1, age=30): """Get the URL to a board with a given id. Parameters ---------- board_id: :class:`int` The ID of the board. page: :class:`int` The page to go to. age: :class:`int` The age in days of the threads to display. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the board. """ return get_tibia_url("forum", None, action="board", boardid=board_id, pagenumber=page, threadage=age)
def get_url(cls, world, tournament_cycle, page=1): """Gets the URL to the leaderboards of a specific world, tournament and page. Parameters ---------- world: :class:`str` The world to get the leaderboards for. tournament_cycle: :class:`int` The cycle of the tournament to get the leaderboards for. page: :class:`int` The leader board's page to view. By default 1. Returns ------- The URL to the specified leaderboard. """ return get_tibia_url("community", "tournamentleaderboards", tournamentworld=world, tournamentcycle=tournament_cycle, selectedleaderboardpage=page)
def get_url(cls, tournament_cycle): """Gets the URL to a tournament's information page if its cycle is provided, otherwise it shows the current tournament. Parameters ---------- tournament_cycle: :class:`int` The tournament's cycle. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the specified tournament. """ params = None if tournament_cycle: params = { "tournamentcycle": tournament_cycle, "action": "archive", } return get_tibia_url("community", "tournament", **params)
def get_url(cls, month=None, year=None): """Gets the URL to the Event Schedule or Event Calendar on Notes ----- If no parameters are passed, it will show the calendar for the current month and year. limits the dates that the calendar displays, passing a month and year far from the current ones may result in the response being for the current month and year instead. Parameters ---------- month: :class:`int`, optional The desired month. year: :class:`int`, optional The desired year. Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the calendar with the given parameters. """ return get_tibia_url("news", "eventcalendar", calendarmonth=month, calendaryear=year)