def addrole(args): """Add a role to an existing user. <username> [role] [role] [role]""" try: username = args.pop(0) roles = args[0:] except (IndexError, ValueError), exc: usage('you must provide a user and at least one ' 'role: %s' % exc)
def imwiki(args): """Import a Tiddlywiki html file into a bag: <filename> <bag>""" store = _store() try: filename, bag_name = args[0:2] import_wiki_file(store, filename, bag_name) except IndexError, exc: print >> sys.stderr, "index error: %s" % exc usage()
def server(args): """Start the server using config settings. Provide <host name or IP number> <port> to override.""" hostname = port = '' try: hostname, port = args[0:2] except (IndexError, ValueError), exc: if 0 < len(args) < 2: usage('you must include both a hostname or ip ' 'number and a port if using arguments: %s' % exc) else: pass
def server(args): """Start the server using config settings. Provide <host name or IP number> <port> to override.""" hostname = port = '' try: hostname, port = args[0:2] except(IndexError, ValueError), exc: if 0 < len(args) < 2: usage('you must include both a hostname or ip ' 'number and a port if using arguments: %s' % exc) else: pass
def _parse_args(args, required, optional): if len(args) == optional: print args return args elif len(args) == required: args.extend([None for i in range(optional-required)]) print args return args else: print >> sys.stderr, '%s args required, %s with options' % (required, optional) usage()
def recipe(args): """Create or update a recipe with the recipe text on stdin: <recipe>""" try: recipe_name = args[0] except IndexError: usage('you must include a recipe name') from tiddlyweb.model.recipe import Recipe new_recipe = Recipe(recipe_name) content = _put(new_recipe, unicode(content, 'UTF-8'), 'text')
def tiddler(args): """Import a single tiddler into an existing bag from stdin: <bag> <tiddler>""" try: bag_name, tiddler_name = args[0:3] except (IndexError, ValueError): usage('you must include a tiddler and bag name') from tiddlyweb.model.tiddler import Tiddler new_tiddler = Tiddler(tiddler_name) new_tiddler.bag = bag_name content = _put(new_tiddler, unicode(content, 'UTF-8'), 'text')
def bag(args): """Create or update a bag with the json text on stdin: <bag>""" try: bag_name = args[0] except IndexError: usage('you must include a bag name') from tiddlyweb.model.bag import Bag new_bag = Bag(bag_name) content = if not len(content): content = '{"policy":{}}' _put(new_bag, unicode(content, 'UTF-8'), 'json')
def manifest(args): """Make a new manifesto. <manifesto name> <dictionary prefix>""" store = get_store(config) try: recipe_name = args[0] bag_name = args[1] + '-dictionary' except IndexError: usage("manifesto name and dictionary prefix required") # add policy info later ensure_bag(recipe_name, store) ensure_bag(bag_name, store) recipe = Recipe(recipe_name) recipe.set_recipe([ (bag_name, ''), (recipe_name, '')]) recipe = store.put(recipe)
def ltiddlers(args): """List all the tiddlers on the system. [<bag> <bag> <bag>] to limit.""" from tiddlyweb.model.bag import Bag store = _store() bags = [Bag(name) for name in args] if not bags: bags = store.list_bags() try: for listed_bag in bags: listed_bag = store.get(listed_bag) owner = listed_bag.policy.owner or '' print'utf-8'), owner.encode('utf-8') tiddlers = store.list_bag_tiddlers(listed_bag) for listed_tiddler in tiddlers: print '\t%s' % listed_tiddler.title.encode('utf-8') except NoBagError, exc: usage('unable to inspect bag %s: %s' % (, exc))
def userpass(args): """Change the password of an existing user. <username> <password>""" try: username, password = args[0:2] except (IndexError, ValueError) as exc: usage('you must provide both a user and a password') try: store = _store() user = User(username) user = store.get(user) user.set_password(password) store.put(user) except Exception as exc: usage('unable to set password for user: %s' % exc) return True
def addplugin(args): """Add the named plugin.""" if args: for plugin_name in args: if _is_remote(plugin_name): short_name = _plugin_short_name(plugin_name) else: short_name = plugin_name try: __import__(short_name) print ('%s already installed, attempting to activate' % short_name) except ImportError: print ('%s not yet installed, attempting to install' % plugin_name) _install(plugin_name) except Exception, exc: usage('%s is present but errored out: %s' % (plugin_name, exc)) _activate(short_name)
def addrole(args): """Add a role to an existing user. <username> [role] [role] [role]""" try: username = args.pop(0) roles = args[0:] except (IndexError, ValueError) as exc: usage('you must provide a user and at least one ' 'role: %s' % exc) try: store = _store() user = User(username) user = store.get(user) for role in roles: user.add_role(role) store.put(user) except Exception as exc: usage('unable to add role to user: %s' % exc) return True
def server(args): """Start the server using config settings. Provide <host name or IP number> <port> to override.""" hostname = port = '' try: hostname, port = args[0:2] except(IndexError, ValueError) as exc: if 0 < len(args) < 2: usage('you must include both a hostname or ip ' 'number and a port if using arguments: %s' % exc) else: pass if hostname and port: config['server_host'] = { 'scheme': 'http', 'host': str(hostname), 'port': str(port), } server_module = config.get('wsgi_server', 'tiddlyweb.web.serve') imported_module = __import__(server_module, {}, {}, ['start_server']) imported_module.start_server(config)
def adduser(args): """Add or update a user to the database: <username> <password> [[role] [role] ...]""" try: username, password = args[0:2] except (IndexError, ValueError): usage('you must include at least a username and password') try: roles = args[2:] except IndexError: roles = [] # this will raise an except to be caught by the handler store = _store() user = User(username) user.set_password(password) for role in roles: user.add_role(role) store.put(user) return True
def _reify_entities(source_bag, source_tiddler, target_bag=None, target_tiddler=None, source_exist=True): try: source_bag = _get_bag(source_bag) source_tiddler = _get_tiddler(, source_tiddler) except NoBagError: print >> sys.stderr, 'Bag %s does not exist. It must.' % source_bag usage() except NoTiddlerError: if source_exist: print >> sys.stderr, 'Tiddler %s does not exist. It must.' % source_tiddler usage() else: return Tiddler(source_tiddler, if target_bag: try: target_bag = _get_bag(target_bag) if target_tiddler: try: target_tiddler = _get_tiddler(, target_tiddler) except NoTiddlerError: target_tiddler = Tiddler(target_tiddler, else: target_tiddler = Tiddler(source_tiddler.title, except NoBagError: print >> sys.stderr, 'Bag %s does not exist. It must.' % target_bag usage() return source_tiddler, target_tiddler else: return source_tiddler
def csvimport(args): """Import a csv file as tiddlers. <bagname>""" store = get_store(config) try: bag_name = args[0] store.get(Bag(bag_name)) except IndexError: usage('you must include a bag name') except StoreError: usage('bag %s does not exist' % bag_name) tiddler_reader = DictReader(sys.stdin) for tiddler_data in tiddler_reader: try: title = tiddler_data['title'] del tiddler_data['title'] except KeyError: title = str(uuid4()) tiddler = Tiddler(title, bag_name) for key, value in tiddler_data.iteritems(): if key is None: continue if key == 'tags': value = string_to_tags_list(value) if key in CORE_TIDDLER_ATTRS: setattr(tiddler, key, value) else: tiddler.fields[key] = value if binary_tiddler(tiddler): try: tiddler.text = b64decode(tiddler.text) except TypeError, exc: raise TiddlerFormatError( 'unable to decode b64 tiddler: %s: %s' % (tiddler.title, exc)) store.put(tiddler)
def _activate(plugin_name): print 'activating %s' % plugin_name plugins = get_plugins(twanager_config) if plugin_name in plugins: usage('%s already activated' % plugin_name) else: try: plugin = __import__(plugin_name) getattr(plugin, 'init') except ImportError, exc: usage('%s will not import, not activating: %s' % (plugin_name, exc)) except AttributeError, exc: usage('%s has no init, not a plugin, not activating' % plugin_name)
@make_command() def userpass(args): """Change the password of an existing user. <username> <password>""" try: username, password = args[0:2] except (IndexError, ValueError), exc: usage('you must provide both a user and a password') try: store = _store() user = User(username) user = store.get(user) user.set_password(password) store.put(user) except Exception, exc: usage('unable to set password for user: %s' % exc) return True @make_command() def addrole(args): """Add a role to an existing user. <username> [role] [role] [role]""" try: username = args.pop(0) roles = args[0:] except (IndexError, ValueError), exc: usage('you must provide a user and at least one ' 'role: %s' % exc) try: store = _store() user = User(username)
def userpass(args): """Change the password of an existing user. <username> <password>""" try: username, password = args[0:2] except (IndexError, ValueError), exc: usage('you must provide both a user and a password')
from tiddlyweb.instancer import instance, _make_bag, _make_recipe @make_command() def imwiki(args): """Import a Tiddlywiki html file into a bag: <filename> <bag>""" store = _store() try: filename, bag_name = args[0:2] import_wiki_file(store, filename, bag_name) except IndexError, exc: print >> sys.stderr, "index error: %s" % exc usage() except ValueError, exc: print >> sys.stderr, "value error: %s" % exc usage() @make_command() def twinstance(args): """Create a tiddlyweb instance with default plugins in the named directory: <dir>""" instance(args) _make_bag('common') _make_recipe('default', bag_names + ['common']) def _store(): """Get our Store from config.""" return Store(config['server_store'][0], environ={'tiddlyweb.config': config})
short_name = _plugin_short_name(plugin_name) else: short_name = plugin_name try: __import__(short_name) print ('%s already installed, attempting to activate' % short_name) except ImportError: print ('%s not yet installed, attempting to install' % plugin_name) _install(plugin_name) except Exception, exc: usage('%s is present but errored out: %s' % (plugin_name, exc)) _activate(short_name) else: usage('you need to name at least one plugin') def _plugin_short_name(plugin_name): short_name = os.path.basename(urlparse.urlparse(plugin_name)[2]) short_name = short_name[0:short_name.rindex('.py')] return short_name def _is_remote(plugin_name): return (plugin_name.endswith('.py') and (plugin_name.startswith('http:') or plugin_name.startswith('https:'))) def _install(plugin_name):
def _install_package(plugin_name): usage('THIS FUNCTIONALITY IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED')
@make_command() def userpass(args): """Change the password of an existing user. <username> <password>""" try: username, password = args[0:2] except (IndexError, ValueError), exc: usage('you must provide both a user and a password') try: store = _store() user = User(username) user = store.get(user) user.set_password(password) store.put(user) except Exception, exc: usage('unable to set password for user: %s' % exc) return True @make_command() def addrole(args): """Add a role to an existing user. <username> [role] [role] [role]""" try: username = args.pop(0) roles = args[0:] except (IndexError, ValueError), exc: usage('you must provide a user and at least one ' 'role: %s' % exc) try: store = _store()