Пример #1
                    return self.res
                self.res -= alpha * self.__p__
                self.re_init_at_iteration = i

            self.__r__ -= alpha * q
            s = tigre.Atb(self.__r__,
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self.__gamma__
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history["alpha"][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history["beta"][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history["gamma"][i] = self.__gamma__
                self.parameter_history["q_norm"][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history["s_norm"][i] = s_norm

            self.__gamma__ = gamma1
            self.__p__ = s + beta * self.__p__
        if self.verbose:
            print("Average time taken for each iteration for CGLS:" +
                  str(sum(avgtime) / len(avgtime)) + "(s)")

cgls = decorator(CGLS, name="cgls")
Пример #2
            alpha = self._gamma / (q_norm * q_norm)
            self.res += alpha * self._p

            aux = self.proj - Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            self.l2l[i] = np.linalg.norm(aux.ravel(), 2)

            if i > 0 and self.l2l[i] > self.l2l[i - 1]:
                print('re-initialization was called at iter:' + str(i))
                self.res -= alpha * self._p

            self._r -= alpha * q

            s = Atb(self._r, self.geo, self.angles)
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s.ravel(), 2)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self._gamma
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history['alpha'][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history['beta'][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history['gamma'][i] = self._gamma
                self.parameter_history['q_norm'][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history['s_norm'][i] = s_norm

            self._gamma = gamma1
            self._p = s + beta * self._p

cgls = decorator(CGLS)
Пример #3
class SART(IterativeReconAlg):
    __doc__ = (
        "SART_CBCT solves Cone Beam CT image reconstruction using Oriented Subsets\n"
        "Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Techique algorithm\n"
        "SART(PROJ,GEO,ALPHA,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
        "using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
        "to the geometry described in GEO, using NITER iterations. \n"
    ) + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

sart = decorator(SART, name='sart')

class SIRT(IterativeReconAlg):
    __doc__ = (
        "SART_CBCT solves Cone Beam CT image reconstruction using Oriented Subsets\n"
        "Simultaneous Algebraic Reconxtruction Techique algorithm\n"
        "SIRT(PROJ,GEO,ALPHA,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
        "using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
        "to the geometry descrived in GEO, using NITER iterations.\n"
    ) + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)
Пример #4
                if i == 1:
                    tic = time.clock()
                    print('Esitmated time until completetion (s): ' +
                          str((self.niter - 1) * (tic - toc)))
            getattr(self, self.dataminimizing)()

            x_rec_old = copy.deepcopy(x_rec)
            x_rec = im3ddenoise(self.res, self.__numiter_tv__, 1. / lambdaForTv)
            t_old = t
            t = (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * t ** 2)) / 2
            self.res = x_rec + (t_old - 1) / t * (x_rec - x_rec_old)

            self.error_measurement(res_prev, i)

fista = decorator(FISTA, name='FISTA')

class ISTA(FISTA):
    __doc__ = FISTA.__doc__

    def __int__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        FISTA.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

    def run_main_iter(self):
        Goes through the main iteration for the given configuration.
        :return: None
        Quameasopts = self.Quameasopts
        lambdaForTv = 2 * self.__bm__ * self.lmbda
Пример #5

class ASD_POCS(initASD_POCS):
    __doc__ = initASD_POCS.__doc__
    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        if "blocksize" in kwargs and kwargs['blocksize']>1:
            print('Warning: blocksize is set to 1, please use an OS version of the algorithm for blocksize > 1')
        initASD_POCS.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

asd_pocs = decorator(ASD_POCS, name="asd_pocs")

class AwASD_POCS(initASD_POCS):  
    __doc__ = ("    AwASD_POCS is the Adaptive Weighted TV (edge preserving) version of ASD_POCS\n\n"
               "        :extra kwargs delta: (float)\n"
               "            Control amount of smoothing at edges of the image\n"
               "            Default delta = -0.005\n") + initASD_POCS.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):

        if "blocksize" in kwargs and kwargs['blocksize']>1:
            print('Warning: blocksize is set to 1, please use an OS version of the algorithm for blocksize > 1')
        self.delta = np.float32(-0.005) if "delta" not in kwargs else kwargs["delta"] 
Пример #6
            #            tic = time.process_time()
            den = Ax(self.res,
            # toc = time.process_time()
            # print('Ax time: {}'.format(toc-tic))
            den[den == 0.0] = np.inf
            auxmlem = self.proj / den
            # auxmlem[auxmlem == np.nan] = 0.
            # auxmlem[auxmlem == np.inf] = 0.

            # update
            # tic = time.process_time()
            img = Atb(auxmlem,
                      gpuids=self.gpuids) / self.W
            # toc = time.process_time()
            # print('Atb time: {}'.format(toc-tic))
            # img[img == np.nan] = 0.
            # img[img == np.inf] = 0.

            self.res = self.res * img
            self.res[self.res < 0.0] = 0.0

mlem = decorator(MLEM, name="mlem")
Пример #7
            for item in self.__dict__:
                if type(getattr(self, item)) == np.ndarray:
                    if np.isnan(getattr(self, item)).any():
                        raise ValueError('nan found for ' + item + ' at iteraton ' + str(i))

            aux = self.proj - Ax(self.res, self.geo, self.angles, 'ray-voxel')
            self.l2l[i] = np.linalg.norm(aux.ravel(), 2)
            if i > 0 and self.l2l[i] > self.l2l[i - 1]:
                print('re-initialization was called at iter:' + str(i))
                self.res -= alpha * self.__p__

            self.__r__ -= alpha * q
            s = Atb(self.__r__, self.geo, self.angles)
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s.ravel(), 2)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self.__gamma__
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history['alpha'][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history['beta'][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history['gamma'][i] = self.__gamma__
                self.parameter_history['q_norm'][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history['s_norm'][i] = s_norm

            self.__gamma__ = gamma1
            self.__p__ = s + beta * self.__p__

cgls = decorator(CGLS, name='cgls')
Пример #8
from tigre.algorithms.iterative_recon_alg import decorator

class SART(IterativeReconAlg):
    __doc__ = ("SART_CBCT solves Cone Beam CT image reconstruction using Oriented Subsets\n"
               "Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Techique algorithm\n"
               "SART(PROJ,GEO,ALPHA,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
               "using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
               "to the geometry described in GEO, using NITER iterations. \n") + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

sart = decorator(SART, name='sart')

class SIRT(IterativeReconAlg):
    __doc__ = ("SART_CBCT solves Cone Beam CT image reconstruction using Oriented Subsets\n"
               "Simultaneous Algebraic Reconxtruction Techique algorithm\n"

               "SIRT(PROJ,GEO,ALPHA,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
               "using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
               "to the geometry descrived in GEO, using NITER iterations.\n") + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

Пример #9
class SART(IterativeReconAlg):
    __doc__ = (
        "SART_CBCT solves Cone Beam CT image reconstruction using Oriented Subsets\n"
        "Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Techique algorithm\n"
        "SART(PROJ,GEO,ALPHA,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
        "using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
        "to the geometry described in GEO, using NITER iterations. \n"
    ) + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

sart = decorator(SART, name='sart')

class SIRT(IterativeReconAlg):
    __doc__ = (
        "SIRT_CBCT solves Cone Beam CT image reconstruction using Oriented Subsets\n"
        "Simultaneous Algebraic Reconxtruction Techique algorithm\n"
        "SIRT(PROJ,GEO,ALPHA,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
        "using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
        "to the geometry descrived in GEO, using NITER iterations.\n"
    ) + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)
Пример #10
            c = np.dot(dg_vec.reshape(-1,), dp_vec.reshape(-1,)) / max(
                dg * dp, 1e-6
            )  # reshape ensures no copy is made.
            if (c < -0.99 and dd <= self.epsilon) or self.beta < 0.005 or n_iter > self.niter:
                if self.verbose:
                        "     Stop criteria met: \n"
                        "     c = " + str(c) + "\n"
                        "     beta = " + str(self.beta) + "\n"
                        "     iter = " + str(n_iter) + "\n"
                stop_criteria = True

asd_pocs = decorator(ASD_POCS, name="asd_pocs")

class AwASD_POCS(ASD_POCS):  # noqa: D101, N801
    __doc__ = ASD_POCS.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):

        if "blocksize" not in kwargs: 
            self.blocksize = 1
        if "delta" not in kwargs:
            self.delta = np.array([-0.005], dtype=np.float32)[0]
        ASD_POCS.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)
Пример #11
                        'Esitmated time until completetion (s): {:.4f}'.format(
                            (self.niter - 1) * (tic - toc)))

#            tic = time.process_time()
            den = Ax(self.res,
            # toc = time.process_time()
            # print('Ax time: {}'.format(toc-tic))
            den[den == 0.] = np.inf
            auxmlem = self.proj / den
            # auxmlem[auxmlem == np.nan] = 0.
            # auxmlem[auxmlem == np.inf] = 0.

            # update
            # tic = time.process_time()
            img = Atb(auxmlem, self.geo, self.angles,
                      gpuids=self.gpuids) / self.W
            # toc = time.process_time()
            # print('Atb time: {}'.format(toc-tic))
            # img[img == np.nan] = 0.
            # img[img == np.inf] = 0.

            self.res = self.res * img
            self.res[self.res < 0.] = 0.

mlem = decorator(MLEM, name='mlem')
Пример #12
class SART(IterativeReconAlg):  # noqa: D101
    __doc__ = (
        "SART_CBCT solves Cone Beam CT image reconstruction using Oriented Subsets\n"
        "Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Techique algorithm\n"
        "SART(PROJ,GEO,ALPHA,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
        "using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
        "to the geometry described in GEO, using NITER iterations. \n"
    ) + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

sart = decorator(SART, name="sart")

class SIRT(IterativeReconAlg):  # noqa: D101
    __doc__ = (
        "SIRT_CBCT solves Cone Beam CT image reconstruction using Oriented Subsets\n"
        "Simultaneous Algebraic Reconxtruction Techique algorithm\n"
        "SIRT(PROJ,GEO,ALPHA,NITER) solves the reconstruction problem\n"
        "using the projection data PROJ taken over ALPHA angles, corresponding\n"
        "to the geometry descrived in GEO, using NITER iterations.\n"
    ) + IterativeReconAlg.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)
Пример #13
            if dg > self.rmax*dp and dd > self.epsilon:
                dtvg = dtvg*self.alpha_red

            self.beta *= self.beta_red
            c = np.dot(dg_vec.reshape(-1,), dp_vec.reshape(-1,))/max(dg*dp, 1e-6)
            if (c < -0.99 and dd <= self.epsilon) or self.beta < 0.005 or n_iter > self.niter:
                if self.verbose:
                          "     Stop criteria met: \n"
                          "     c = " + str(c) + "\n"
                          "     beta = " + str(self.beta) + "\n" 
                          "     iter = " + str(n_iter)) + "\n"
                stop_criteria = True

asd_pocs = decorator(ASD_POCS, name='asd_pocs')

    __doc__ = ASD_POCS.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):


        if 'delta' not in kwargs:
            self.delta = np.array([-0.005], dtype=np.float32)[0]
        ASD_POCS.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

awasd_pocs = decorator(AwASD_POCS, name='awasd_pocs')
Пример #14
                    return self.res
                self.res -= alpha * self.__p__
                self.re_init_at_iteration = i

            self.__r__ -= alpha * q
            s = tigre.Atb(self.__r__,
            s_norm = np.linalg.norm(s)

            gamma1 = s_norm * s_norm
            beta = gamma1 / self.__gamma__
            if self.log_parameters:
                self.parameter_history['alpha'][i] = alpha
                self.parameter_history['beta'][i] = beta
                self.parameter_history['gamma'][i] = self.__gamma__
                self.parameter_history['q_norm'][i] = q_norm
                self.parameter_history['s_norm'][i] = s_norm

            self.__gamma__ = gamma1
            self.__p__ = s + beta * self.__p__
        if self.verbose:
            print('Average time taken for each iteration for CGLS:' +
                  str(sum(avgtime) / len(avgtime)) + '(s)')

cgls = decorator(CGLS, name='cgls')
Пример #15
                    tic = default_timer()
                    print("Esitmated time until completetion (s): " +
                          str((self.niter - 1) * (tic - toc)))
            getattr(self, self.dataminimizing)()

            x_rec_old = copy.deepcopy(x_rec)
            x_rec = im3ddenoise(self.res, self.__numiter_tv__,
                                1.0 / lambdaForTv, self.gpuids)
            t_old = t
            t = (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * t**2)) / 2
            self.res = x_rec + (t_old - 1) / t * (x_rec - x_rec_old)

            self.error_measurement(res_prev, i)

fista = decorator(FISTA, name="FISTA")

class ISTA(FISTA):  # noqa: D101
    __doc__ = FISTA.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
        FISTA.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

    def run_main_iter(self):
        Goes through the main iteration for the given configuration.
        :return: None
        Quameasopts = self.Quameasopts
        lambdaForTv = 2 * self.__bm__ * self.lmbda
Пример #16
            self.beta *= self.beta_red
            c = np.dot(dg_vec.reshape(-1, ), dp_vec.reshape(-1, )) / max(
                dg * dp, 1e-6)
            if (c < -0.99 and dd <= self.epsilon
                ) or self.beta < 0.005 or n_iter > self.niter:
                if self.verbose:
                          "     Stop criteria met: \n"
                          "     c = " + str(c) + "\n"
                          "     beta = " + str(self.beta) + "\n"
                          "     iter = " + str(n_iter)) + "\n"
                stop_criteria = True

asd_pocs = decorator(ASD_POCS, name='asd_pocs')

    __doc__ = ASD_POCS.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):


        if 'delta' not in kwargs:
            self.delta = np.array([-0.005], dtype=np.float32)[0]
        ASD_POCS.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

awasd_pocs = decorator(AwASD_POCS, name='awasd_pocs')
Пример #17
            c = np.dot(dg_vec.reshape(-1,), dp_vec.reshape(-1,)) / max(
                dg * dp, 1e-6
            )  # reshape ensures no copy is made.
            if (c < -0.99 and dd <= self.epsilon) or self.beta < 0.005 or n_iter > self.niter:
                if self.verbose:
                        "     Stop criteria met: \n"
                        "     c = " + str(c) + "\n"
                        "     beta = " + str(self.beta) + "\n"
                        "     iter = " + str(n_iter) + "\n"
                stop_criteria = True

asd_pocs = decorator(ASD_POCS, name="asd_pocs")

class AwASD_POCS(ASD_POCS):  # noqa: D101, N801
    __doc__ = ASD_POCS.__doc__

    def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):


        if "delta" not in kwargs:
            self.delta = np.array([-0.005], dtype=np.float32)[0]
        ASD_POCS.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)

awasd_pocs = decorator(AwASD_POCS, name="awasd_pocs")