Пример #1
def main():
    # Create our input and output TileStores
    input_tilestore = TileStore.load('tiles.openstreetmap_org')
    output_tilestore = TileStore.load('local.mbtiles')
    # 1. Generate a list of tiles to download from a BoundingPyramid
    #    4/8/5 is the root tile, corresponding to Central Europe
    #    +3/+1/+1 specifies up to zoom level 4 + 3 = 7 and an extent of one tile in the X and Y directions
    bounding_pyramid = BoundingPyramid.from_string('4/8/5:+3/+1/+1')
    bounding_pyramid_tilestore = BoundingPyramidTileStore(bounding_pyramid)
    tilestream = bounding_pyramid_tilestore.list()
    # 2. Filter out tiles that already downloaded
    tilestream = (tile for tile in tilestream if tile not in output_tilestore)
    # 3. Get the tile from openstreetmap.org
    tilestream = input_tilestore.get(tilestream)
    # 4. Save the tile to local.mbtiles
    tilestream = output_tilestore.put(tilestream)
    # 5. Log the fact that the tile was downloaded
    tilestream = imap(Logger(logger, logging.INFO, 'downloaded %(tilecoord)s'), tilestream)
    # Go!
    consume(tilestream, None)
Пример #2
def main(argv):
    # Create our input and output TileStores
    input_tilestore = TileStore.load('tiles.openstreetmap_org')
    output_tilestore = TileStore.load('local.mbtiles')
    # 1. Generate a list of tiles to download from a BoundingPyramid
    #    4/8/5 is the root tile, corresponding to Central Europe
    #    +3/+1/+1 specifies up to zoom level 4 + 3 = 7 and an extent of one tile in the X and Y directions
    bounding_pyramid = BoundingPyramid.from_string('4/8/5:+3/+1/+1')
    bounding_pyramid_tilestore = BoundingPyramidTileStore(bounding_pyramid)
    tilestream = bounding_pyramid_tilestore.list()
    # 2. Filter out tiles that already downloaded
    tilestream = (tile for tile in tilestream if not tile in output_tilestore)
    # 3. Get the tile from openstreetmap.org
    tilestream = input_tilestore.get(tilestream)
    # 4. Save the tile to local.mbtiles
    tilestream = output_tilestore.put(tilestream)
    # 5. Log the fact that the tile was downloaded
    tilestream = imap(Logger(logger, logging.INFO, 'downloaded %(tilecoord)s'), tilestream)
    # Go!
    consume(tilestream, None)
Пример #3
    def load(cls, name):  # pragma: no cover
        Construct a :class:`TileStore` from a name.

        :param name: Name
        :type name: string

        :rtype: :class:`TileStore`

        The following shortcuts are available:



        http://<template> and https://<template>








        if name == 'null://':
            from tilecloud.store.null import NullTileStore
            return NullTileStore()
        if name.startswith('bounds://'):
            from tilecloud.store.boundingpyramid import BoundingPyramidTileStore
            return BoundingPyramidTileStore(
        if name.startswith('file://'):
            from tilecloud.layout.template import TemplateTileLayout
            from tilecloud.store.filesystem import FilesystemTileStore
            return FilesystemTileStore(TemplateTileLayout(name[7:]), )
        if name.startswith('http://') or name.startswith('https://'):
            from tilecloud.layout.template import TemplateTileLayout
            from tilecloud.store.url import URLTileStore
            return URLTileStore((TemplateTileLayout(name), ))
        if name.startswith('memcached://'):
            from tilecloud.layout.template import TemplateTileLayout
            from tilecloud.store.memcached import MemcachedTileStore
            from tilecloud.lib.memcached import MemcachedClient
            server, template = name[12:].split('/', 1)
            host, port = server.split(':', 1)
            client = MemcachedClient(host, int(port))
            return MemcachedTileStore(client, TemplateTileLayout(template))
        if name.startswith('s3://'):
            from tilecloud.layout.template import TemplateTileLayout
            from tilecloud.store.s3 import S3TileStore
            bucket, template = name[5:].split('/', 1)
            return S3TileStore(bucket, TemplateTileLayout(template))
        if name.startswith('sqs://'):
            from tilecloud.store.sqs import SQSTileStore
            import boto.sqs
            from boto.sqs.jsonmessage import JSONMessage
            region_name, queue_name = name[6:].split('/', 1)
            connection = boto.sqs.connect_to_region(region_name)
            queue = connection.create_queue(queue_name)
            return SQSTileStore(queue)
        root, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
        if ext == '.bsddb':
            import bsddb
            from tilecloud.store.bsddb import BSDDBTileStore
            return BSDDBTileStore(bsddb.hashopen(name))
        if ext == '.mbtiles':
            import sqlite3
            from tilecloud.store.mbtiles import MBTilesTileStore
            return MBTilesTileStore(sqlite3.connect(name))
        if ext == '.zip':
            import zipfile
            from tilecloud.store.zip import ZipTileStore
            return ZipTileStore(zipfile.ZipFile(name, 'a'))
        module = __import__(name)
        components = name.split('.')
        module = reduce(lambda module, attr: getattr(module, attr),
                        components[1:], module)
        return getattr(module, 'tilestore')
Пример #4
    def load(name):  # pragma: no cover
        Construct a :class:`TileStore` from a name.

        :param name: Name
        :type name: string

        :rtype: :class:`TileStore`

        The following shortcuts are available:



        http://<template> and https://<template>








        if name == "null://":
            from tilecloud.store.null import NullTileStore

            return NullTileStore()
        if name.startswith("bounds://"):
            from tilecloud.store.boundingpyramid import BoundingPyramidTileStore

            return BoundingPyramidTileStore(
        if name.startswith("file://"):
            from tilecloud.layout.template import TemplateTileLayout
            from tilecloud.store.filesystem import FilesystemTileStore

            return FilesystemTileStore(TemplateTileLayout(name[7:]), )
        if name.startswith("http://") or name.startswith("https://"):
            from tilecloud.layout.template import TemplateTileLayout
            from tilecloud.store.url import URLTileStore

            return URLTileStore((TemplateTileLayout(name), ))
        if name.startswith("memcached://"):
            from tilecloud.layout.template import TemplateTileLayout
            from tilecloud.lib.memcached import MemcachedClient
            from tilecloud.store.memcached import MemcachedTileStore

            server, template = name[12:].split("/", 1)
            host, port = server.split(":", 1)
            client = MemcachedClient(host, int(port))
            return MemcachedTileStore(client, TemplateTileLayout(template))
        if name.startswith("s3://"):
            from tilecloud.layout.template import TemplateTileLayout
            from tilecloud.store.s3 import S3TileStore

            bucket, template = name[5:].split("/", 1)
            return S3TileStore(bucket, TemplateTileLayout(template))
        if name.startswith("sqs://"):
            import boto.sqs  # pylint: disable=import-error
            from boto.sqs.jsonmessage import JSONMessage  # pylint: disable=import-error

            from tilecloud.store.sqs import SQSTileStore

            region_name, queue_name = name[6:].split("/", 1)
            connection = boto.sqs.connect_to_region(region_name)
            queue = connection.create_queue(queue_name)
            return SQSTileStore(queue)
        if name.startswith("redis://"):
            from tilecloud.store.redis import RedisTileStore

            return RedisTileStore(name)
        _, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
        if ext == ".bsddb":
            import bsddb  # pylint: disable=import-error

            from tilecloud.store.bsddb import BSDDBTileStore

            return BSDDBTileStore(bsddb.hashopen(name))
        if ext == ".mbtiles":
            import sqlite3

            from tilecloud.store.mbtiles import MBTilesTileStore

            return MBTilesTileStore(sqlite3.connect(name))
        if ext == ".zip":
            import zipfile

            from tilecloud.store.zip import ZipTileStore

            return ZipTileStore(zipfile.ZipFile(name, "a"))
        module = __import__(name)
        components = name.split(".")
        module = reduce(getattr, components[1:], module)
        return getattr(module, "tilestore")