Пример #1
training_duration = 0.0
cost = 0.0
save_no = 0

if not outputOnly:
        print('\n*****TRAINING STARTED*****\n')
        print('(stop with ctrl-c)')
        avgCost = 0
        startTime = time.time()
        epochTime = startTime
        lastSave = 1
        lastCost = 1e10
        for epoch in range(trainingEpochs):
            batch_xs, batch_ys = tiCr.selectRandomTiles(batchSize)
            _, cost, summary = sess.run([optimizer, costFunc, lossTrain],
                                            x: batch_xs,
                                            y_true: batch_ys,
                                            training: True

            # save model
            if ((cost < lastCost)
                    or alwaysSave) and (lastSave >= saveInterval):
                saver.save(sess, test_path + 'model_%04d.ckpt' % save_no)
                save_no += 1
                lastSave = 1
                lastCost = cost
                print('Saved Model with cost %f.' % cost)
Пример #2
# ---------------------------------------------
# training
if not outputOnly:
	# manually reshape data to remove third spatial dimension
	dataSize = tiCr.tile_data['outputs_train'].shape[0]
	#print( "Data sizes "+ format(dataSize) +", inputs " + format( tiCr.tile_data['inputs_train'].shape) + ", outputs " + format( tiCr.tile_data['outputs_train'].shape) ) # 16x16, 64x64 
	tiCr.tile_data['inputs_train']  = np.reshape( tiCr.tile_data['inputs_train'],  [dataSize,tileSizeLow,tileSizeLow,  n_inputChannels] )
	tiCr.tile_data['outputs_train'] = np.reshape( tiCr.tile_data['outputs_train'], [dataSize,tileSizeHigh,tileSizeHigh,1 ] )

	startTime = time.time()
	if 1:
		lastSave   = 1
		save_no    = 0
		trainingEpochs = int(trainingEpochs/kerasChunk)
		for epoch in range(trainingEpochs):
			batch_xs, batch_ys = tiCr.selectRandomTiles(batchSize*kerasChunk) 
			batch_xs  = np.reshape( batch_xs,  [batchSize*kerasChunk,tileSizeLow,tileSizeLow,  n_inputChannels] )
			batch_ys  = np.reshape( batch_ys,  [batchSize*kerasChunk,tileSizeHigh,tileSizeHigh,  1] )

			# ...go!
			hist = model.fit( batch_xs, batch_ys, batch_size=batchSize, epochs=1, validation_split=0.05 )

			# save model
			doSave = False
			if (lastSave >= saveInterval) or epoch == (trainingEpochs-1): doSave = True 

			if doSave:
				mpath = test_path + 'model_%04d.kkpt' % save_no
				print('Saved weights ' + mpath )
				save_no += 1