Пример #1
def desktop_context(**kwargs):
    Returns context for for desktop response.
    Ideally you're not being redirected based
    on what device or stage you are within this

    Ideally the application shows
    you exactly what you need and we remove
    the linkage factor. Some would frown at this.

    I think my limiting people's resources, it's
    easier to keep them focused and have them appreciate
    the interface.
    import calendar
    from datetime import datetime
    from itertools import cycle, count
    from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
    from time_spent.models import Income, Expense
    from time_spent.utils import EXPENSE_COLORS

    request = kwargs["request"]
    month = int(kwargs["month"])
    year = int(kwargs["year"])

    user = request.user
    calendar_dt = today = datetime.today()

    if month and year:
        calendar_dt = datetime(day=1, month=int(month), year=int(year))

    days_of_week = calendar.weekheader(10).split()
    month = calendar.Calendar(calendar.SUNDAY).monthdatescalendar(calendar_dt.year, calendar_dt.month)

    expenses = Expense.objects.filter(creator=user).order_by("pk")

        income = Income.objects.get(creator=user)
        income = Income.objects.create(label=unicode(), amount=2000, creator=user)

    num_days = get_num_days(calendar_dt.month, calendar_dt.year)
    num_workdays = len(work_days(calendar_dt.month, month))

    # income_yearly = income.amount * 12  # 12 months per year
    # income_daily = income_yearly / (52 * 40)  # 52 weeks, 40 hours a week
    # income_hourly = income_daily / 8  # 8 hours a day

    income_yearly = income.amount * 12  # 12months
    income_daily = income_yearly / (52 * 7)  # 52wks 7days
    income_hourly = income_yearly / (52 * 7 * 24)  # 52wks * 7days * 24hrs

    colors = cycle(EXPENSE_COLORS)
    counter = count(0)

    expense_list = []
    for i in range(10):
                "pk": 0,
                "label": u"",
                "amount": 0,
                "color": colors.next(),
                "hours": 0,
                "days": 0,
                "per_month": u"",
                "per_year": u"",

    colors = cycle(EXPENSE_COLORS)

    def safe_divide(num, denom):
        if denom == 0:
            return denom
        return num / denom

    for expense in expenses[:10]:

        hours = safe_divide(expense.amount, income_hourly)
        days = safe_divide(expense.amount, income_daily)

        expense_list[counter.next()] = {
            "pk": expense.pk,
            "label": expense.label,
            "amount": expense.amount,
            "color": colors.next(),
            "hours": hours,
            "days": days,
            "per_month": u"12days/mo",
            "per_year": u"43days/yr",

    if request.method == "POST":
        expense_list = []

        income.amount = float(request.POST.get("income-amount", 0))

        post_items = ["stock-item-pk", "stock-item-label", "stock-item-amount", "stock-item-color"]
        expense_tuples = zip(*[dict(request.POST)[item] for item in post_items])

        counter = count(0)

        for expense_tuple in expense_tuples:
            pk, label, amount, color = expense_tuple[:4]

            if amount:
                amount = float(amount)
                amount = 0

            if pk:
                pk = int(pk)
                pk = 0

            if pk or amount > 0:
                    expense = Expense.objects.get(pk=pk)
                    expense = Expense()

                expense.dt = calendar_dt
                expense.label = label
                expense.amount = unicode(amount)
                expense.creator = user

                pk = expense.pk

                    "pk": pk,
                    "label": label,
                    "amount": amount,
                    "color": color,
                    "hours": safe_divide(amount, income_hourly),
                    "days": safe_divide(amount, income_daily),
                    "per_month": u"12days/mo",
                    "per_year": u"",

    total_expense = get_total_expense(expenses)

    expense_yearly = total_expense * 12  # 12months
    expense_daily = expense_yearly / (52 * 7)  # 52wks 7days
    expense_hourly = expense_yearly / (52 * 7 * 24)  # 52wks * 7days * 24hrs

    net_income = income.amount - total_expense
    month_name = calendar.month_name[calendar_dt.month]

    net_hours = net_income / (num_days * 24)
    # net_days = net_income / num_days
    # net_years = net_income * 12

    net_yearly = net_income * 12  # 12months
    net_daily = net_yearly / (52 * 7)  # 52wks 7days
    net_hourly = net_yearly / (52 * 7 * 24)  # 52wks * 7days * 24hrs

    next_month_url = reverse("time-spent", args=next_month(calendar_dt.month, calendar_dt.year))
    prev_month_url = reverse("time-spent", args=prev_month(calendar_dt.month, calendar_dt.year))

    # this is how many work hours are available
    # not how many work hours you've worked this month
    survive_hours = (num_workdays * 8) - net_hours
    survive_percentage = survive_hours / (num_workdays * 8) * 100
    enjoy_percentage = net_hours / (num_workdays * 8) * 100

    return {
        "calendar": calendar,
        "days_of_week": days_of_week,  # list
        "month": month,  # list
        "today": today,  # datetime
        "month_int": calendar_dt.month,
        "year_int": calendar_dt.year,
        "next_month_url": next_month_url,
        "prev_month_url": prev_month_url,
        "total_expense": total_expense,
        "expense_hourly": expense_hourly,
        "expense_daily": expense_daily,
        "expense_yearly": expense_yearly,
        "income_hourly": income_hourly,
        "income_daily": income_daily,
        "income_yearly": income_yearly,
        "month_name": month_name,
        "stock_list": expense_list,
        "income": income,
        "net_income": net_income,
        "num_work_hours": num_workdays * 8,
        "num_work_days": num_workdays,
        "net_hours": net_hourly,
        "net_days": net_daily,
        "net_years": net_yearly,
        "survive_percentage": survive_percentage,
        "enjoy_percentage": enjoy_percentage,
Пример #2
def expense_context(**kwargs):
    Returns context for for desktop response.
    Ideally you're not being redirected based
    on what device or stage you are within this

    Ideally the application shows
    you exactly what you need and we remove
    the linkage factor. Some would frown at this.

    I think my limiting people's resources, it's
    easier to keep them focused and have them appreciate
    the interface.
    import calendar
    from datetime import datetime
    from itertools import cycle, count
    from time_spent.models import Income, Expense, NetIncome
    from time_spent.utils import EXPENSE_COLORS

    request = kwargs["request"]

    user = request.user
    calendar_dt = datetime.today()


    expenses = Expense.objects.filter(creator=user).order_by("-amount")

        income = Income.objects.get(creator=user)
        income = Income.objects.create(label=unicode(), amount=2000, creator=user)

    income_yearly = income.amount * 12  # 12months
    income_daily = income_yearly / (52 * 7)  # 52wks 7days
    income_hourly = income_yearly / (52 * 7 * 24)  # 52wks * 7days * 24hrs

    colors = cycle(EXPENSE_COLORS)
    counter = count(0)

    expense_list = []
    for i in range(10):
                "pk": 0,
                "label": u"",
                "amount": 0,
                "color": colors.next(),
                "hours": 0,
                "days": 0,
                "per_month": u"",
                "per_year": u"",

    colors = cycle(EXPENSE_COLORS)

    def safe_divide(num, denom):
        if denom == 0:
            return denom
        return num / denom

    def expense_time(expense, income):
        Returns tuple of days and hours equal
        to the total expense cost.
        import math

        income_yearly = income * 12  # 12months
        income_hourly = income_yearly / (52 * 7 * 24)  # 52wks * 7days * 24hrs
        hours = safe_divide(expense, income_hourly)

        # returns days and hours
        return (math.floor(hours / 24), math.ceil(hours % 24))

    def get_total_expense_time(total_expense, income):
        Returns tuple of days and hours equal
        to the total expense cost (all expenses combined).
        import math

        income_yearly = income * 12  # 12months
        income_hourly = income_yearly / (52 * 7 * 24)  # 52wks * 7days * 24hrs
        hours = safe_divide(total_expense, income_hourly)

        # returns days and hours
        return (math.floor(hours / 24), math.ceil(hours % 24))

    for expense in expenses[:10]:

        hours = safe_divide(expense.amount, income_hourly)
        days = safe_divide(expense.amount, income_daily)

        expense_list[counter.next()] = {
            "pk": expense.pk,
            "label": expense.label,
            "amount": expense.amount,
            "color": colors.next(),
            "time": expense_time(expense.amount, income.amount),
            "hours": hours,
            "days": days,
            "percent": expense.percent(),

    if request.method == "POST":
        expense_list = []

        post_items = ["stock-item-pk", "stock-item-label", "stock-item-amount", "stock-item-color"]
        expense_tuples = zip(*[dict(request.POST)[item] for item in post_items])

        counter = count(0)

        for expense_tuple in expense_tuples:
            pk, label, amount, color = expense_tuple[:4]
            percent = 0

            if amount:
                amount = float(amount)
                amount = 0

            if pk:
                pk = int(pk)
                pk = 0

            if pk or amount > 0:
                    expense = Expense.objects.get(pk=pk)
                    expense = Expense()

                expense.dt = calendar_dt
                expense.label = label
                expense.amount = amount
                expense.creator = user

                percent = expense.percent()
                pk = expense.pk

                    "pk": pk,
                    "label": label,
                    "amount": amount,
                    "color": color,
                    "time": expense_time(amount, income.amount),
                    "hours": safe_divide(amount, income_hourly),
                    "days": safe_divide(amount, income_daily),
                    "percent": percent,

    total_expense = get_total_expense(expenses)
    total_expense_time = get_total_expense_time(total_expense, income.amount)

    return {
        "net_income": NetIncome(creator=request.user),
        "expenses": expense_list,
        "total_expense": get_total_expense(expenses),
        "total_expense_time": total_expense_time,