Пример #1
def manual(request):
    Support page to distribute students manually to projects. Uses ajax calls to change distributions.
    Same table included as in list appls/dists

    :param request:
    if get_timephase_number() < 4 or get_timephase_number() > 6:
        raise PermissionDenied('Distribution is not possible in this timephase')

    props = get_all_proposals().filter(Q(Status__exact=4)) \
        .select_related('ResponsibleStaff__usermeta', 'Track', 'TimeSlot') \
        .prefetch_related('Assistants__usermeta', 'Private__usermeta', 'applications__Student__usermeta',
    # includes students without applications.
    # also show undistributed in phase 6
    studs = get_all_students(undistributed=True).exclude(distributions__TimeSlot=get_timeslot()) \
        .select_related('usermeta') \
    dists = Distribution.objects.filter(TimeSlot=get_timeslot()) \
        .select_related('Student__usermeta', 'Proposal', 'Application__Student__usermeta')
    return render(request, 'distributions/manual_distribute.html', {'proposals': props,
                                                                    'undistributedStudents': studs,
                                                                    'distributions': dists,
                                                                    'hide_sidebar': True})
Пример #2
def automatic_options(request):
    Option frontend for automatic() distribution

    :param request:
    :return: 302 to automatic() with correct get options
    if get_timephase_number() < 4 or get_timephase_number() > 5:  # 4 or 5
        raise PermissionDenied('Distribution is not possible in this timephase')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = AutomaticDistributionOptionForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            # redirect to automatic
            distribution_type = form.cleaned_data['distribution_type']
            distribute_random = form.cleaned_data['distribute_random']
            automotive_preference = form.cleaned_data['automotive_preference']
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('distributions:distributeproposaloption',
                                                kwargs={'dist_type': distribution_type,
                                                        'distribute_random': distribute_random,
                                                        'automotive_preference': automotive_preference}
        form = AutomaticDistributionOptionForm()
    return render(request, 'GenericForm.html', {
        'form': form,
        'formtitle': 'Automatic distribution options',
        'buttontext': 'View result'
Пример #3
def list_students_xlsx(request):
    Same as liststudents but as XLSX. The combination of students and grades is done in general_excel.

    :param request:
    if get_timephase_number() < 0:
        if get_timeslot() is None:
            raise PermissionDenied("System is closed.")
        if get_timephase_number() < 4:
            raise PermissionDenied("Students are not yet distributed")
        if get_timephase_number() < 5 and not get_grouptype(
                "3") in request.user.groups.all():
            return render(
                request, "base.html", {
                    "When the phase 'Distribution of projects is "
                    "finished, you can view your students here."

    typ = GradeCategory.objects.filter(TimeSlot=get_timeslot())
    des = get_distributions(request.user)
    file = get_list_students_xlsx(des, typ)

    response = HttpResponse(content=file)
        'Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
        'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=students-grades.xlsx'
    return response
Пример #4
def api_undistribute(request):
    AJAX call from manual distribute to undistribute

    :param request:
    if get_timephase_number() < 4 or get_timephase_number() > 5:
        # Not in phase 6, because projects already started.
        raise PermissionDenied('Undistribution is not possible in this timephase')

    if request.method == 'POST':
            student = get_all_students(undistributed=True).get(pk=request.POST['student'])
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString + ' (User cannot be found)'})
            dist = student.distributions.get(TimeSlot=get_timeslot())
        except Distribution.DoesNotExist:
            return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString + ' (Distribution cannot be found)'})
            n = dist.delete()
            if n[0] == 1:
                return JsonResponse(
                    {'type': 'success', 'txt': 'Undistributed Student ' + dist.Student.usermeta.get_nice_name()})
                return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString + ' (distributions not deleted)'})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString, 'exception': str(e)})
        raise PermissionDenied('You don\'t know what you\'re doing!')
Пример #5
def can_downgrade_project_fn(user, proj):
    Check if user can downgrade a project. upgrade is same as with can_edit_project_fn

    :param user:
    :param proj:
    if proj.prevyear():
        return False, "This is an old proposal. Changing history is not allowed."

    if proj.Status == 1:
        return False, "Already at first stage."

    # support staf, superusers are always allowed to downgrade
    if get_grouptype("3") in user.groups.all() \
            or user.is_superuser:
        return True, ""

    # proposals of this year, check timephases
    if proj.TimeSlot == get_timeslot():
        # if no timephase is enabled than forbid editing
        if get_timephase_number() < 0:
            return False, "No editing allowed, system is closed"

        # if timephase is after checking phase no editing is allowed, except for support staff
        if get_timephase_number() > 2 and not get_grouptype(
                "3") in user.groups.all():
            return False, "Proposal is frozen in this timeslot"

        # if status is 3 or 4 Responsible can downgrade 3-2 in timephase 1 only
        if proj.Status >= 3 and proj.ResponsibleStaff == user and get_timephase_number(
        ) == 1:
            return True, ""

        # Track head can downgrade in phase 1 and 2
        if get_timephase_number() <= 2 and (
                proj.Track.Head == user
                or group_administrator_status(proj, user) > 1):
            return True, ""
        # if status is 3 Responsible can downgrade 3-2 if not in this timeslot
        if proj.Status == 3 and proj.ResponsibleStaff == user:
            return True, ""

        # Track head is allowed all for not this timeslot
        if proj.Track.Head == user or group_administrator_status(proj,
                                                                 user) > 1:
            return True, ""

    # if status is 2 and user is assistant downgrade is allowed
    if proj.Status == 2 \
            and (user in proj.Assistants.all() or proj.ResponsibleStaff == user):
        return True, ""

    return False, "You are not allowed to downgrade this project."
Пример #6
def upgrade_status_api(request, pk):
    API call to increase the status of a proposal.

    :param request:
    :param pk: id of proposal
    obj = get_object_or_404(Proposal, pk=pk)

    if obj.Status == 4:
        return HttpResponse("Already at final stage", status=403)

    if obj.Status == 3 and obj.nextyear():
        return HttpResponse("Cannot publish proposal for future timeslot",

    elif get_timephase_number() > 2 and \
            obj.TimeSlot == get_timeslot() and \
            get_grouptype('3') not in request.user.groups.all():
        return HttpResponse(
            "Proposal frozen in this timeslot. The timephase of editing has ended.",

    elif request.user in obj.Assistants.all() and obj.Status >= 2:
        return HttpResponse(
            "You are an assistant and not allowed to increase status further",
    # Done in can_edit decorator
    # elif obj.Track.Head != request.user and obj.Status > 2 and not get_grouptype('3') in request.user.groups.all():
    #     return HttpResponse("Not allowed to publish as non track head", status=403)

        oldstatus = obj.Status
        if oldstatus == 2:
            # per default go to publish from 4, 3 is only used if it is explicitly downgraded
            newstatus = 4
            newstatus = obj.Status + 1

        obj.Status = newstatus
        mail_proposal_all(request, obj)

        notification = ProposalStatusChange()
        notification.Subject = obj
        notification.Actor = request.user
        notification.StatusFrom = oldstatus
        notification.StatusTo = newstatus

        if obj.Status > 3:
            for assistant in obj.Assistants.all():
                if get_grouptype("2u") in assistant.groups.all():
        if obj.Status == 4:
            # put the object in cache if status goes from 3->4
            cache.set('proposal_{}'.format(pk), obj, None)
        return HttpResponse(getStatStr(obj.Status))
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['ResponsibleStaff'].queryset = get_grouptype(
        self.fields['Assistants'].queryset = get_grouptype('2').user_set.all() | \
                                             get_grouptype('2u').user_set.all() | \
            'ResponsibleStaff'].label_from_instance = self.user_label_from_instance
            'Assistants'].label_from_instance = self.user_label_from_instance
            'placeholder'] = "Add assistant via email address"
        self.fields['Private'].queryset = User.objects.filter(groups=None)
        # no user label_from_instance for private students because privacy.
            'placeholder'] = "Add private student via email address"

        if get_timephase_number() == 1:
            self.fields['TimeSlot'].queryset = TimeSlot.objects.filter(
            self.fields['TimeSlot'].initial = get_timeslot()
            if self.request.user.is_superuser or get_grouptype(
                    '3') in self.request.user.groups.all():
                self.fields['TimeSlot'].queryset = TimeSlot.objects.all()
                # phase 2+, only add for future timeslot
                self.fields['TimeSlot'].queryset = TimeSlot.objects.filter(
Пример #8
    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
        request = args[0]

        # user needs to be logged in (so no need for login_required on top of this)
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            page = args[0].path
            return redirect_to_login(

        # type 3 and 6 can always view professional skills.
        # Everyone can view it in phase 6 (execution) and later (presenting).
        if get_timephase_number() < 5 and \
                get_grouptype("3") not in request.user.groups.all() and \
                get_grouptype("6") not in request.user.groups.all():
            raise PermissionDenied(
                "Student files are not available in this phase")

        if not request.user.groups.exists(
        ) and not request.user.distributions.exists():
            raise PermissionDenied(
                "Student files are available after you are distributed to a project."

        return fn(*args, **kw)
Пример #9
def create_project(request):
    Create a new proposal. Only for staff. Generating a new proposal for this timeslot is only allowed in the first
    timephase. In other timephases projects can only be generated for the next timeslot.

    :param request:
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = ProposalFormCreate(request.POST, request=request)
        if form.is_valid():
            prop = form.save()
            mail_proposal_all(request, prop)
            if prop.Private.all():
                for std in prop.Private.all():
                    mail_proposal_private(prop, std, "A private proposal was created for you.")
            return render(request, "proposals/message_project.html", {"Message": "Proposal created!", "Proposal": prop})
        init = {}
        if get_grouptype("1") in request.user.groups.all():
            init["ResponsibleStaff"] = request.user.id
        elif get_grouptype("2") in request.user.groups.all() or get_grouptype('2u'):
            init["Assistants"] = [request.user.id]
        form = ProposalFormCreate(request=request, initial=init)
    if get_timephase_number() == 1:
        return render(request, 'GenericForm.html', {'form': form,
                                                    'formtitle': 'Create new Proposal',
                                                    'buttontext': 'Create and go to next step'})
        return render(request, 'GenericForm.html', {'form': form,
                                                    'formtitle': 'Create new Proposal (For next timeslot)',
                                                    'buttontext': 'Create and go to next step'})
Пример #10
def get_presentation_student(user):
    Displays the presentation for a student

    :param user:
    if not user.is_authenticated or user.groups.exists():
        # anonymous or not student
        return False
    ts = get_timeslot()
        options = ts.presentationoptions
    except PresentationOptions.DoesNotExist:
        return "Your presentation is not yet planned."
    if options.Public or get_timephase_number() == 7:
        # check if user has presentations
            t = PresentationTimeSlot.objects.get(Q(Distribution__Student=user) &
        except (PresentationTimeSlot.DoesNotExist, PresentationTimeSlot.MultipleObjectsReturned):
            return "Your presentation is not (yet) planned."
        start = timezone.localtime(t.DateTime).strftime("%A %d %B %Y %H:%M")
        room = t.Presentations.PresentationRoom
        url = reverse('presentations:presentationscalendar')
        title = "View all presentations"
        html = '<p>Your presentation is on {} in {}</p>' \
               '<a href="{}" class ="button primary">{}</a></p>'
        st = format_html(html, start, room, url, title)
        return st
        return "Your presentation time slot will appear here when the planning becomes public."
Пример #11
def copy_project(request, pk):
    Copy a proposal from a previous timeslot. Only for staff that is allowed to see the proposal to copy.

    :param pk: the id of proposal to copy
    :param request:

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = ProposalFormCreate(request.POST, request=request)
        if form.is_valid():
            prop = form.save()

            mail_proposal_all(request, prop)
            if prop.Private.all():
                for std in prop.Private.all():
                    mail_proposal_private(prop, std, "A private proposal was created for you.")
            return render(request, "proposals/message_project.html", {"Message": "Proposal created!", "Proposal": prop})
        old_proposal = get_object_or_404(Proposal, pk=pk)
        oldpk = old_proposal.pk
        old_proposal.pk = None
        # default timeslot. Overridden by form if this is not in phase 1.
        old_proposal.TimeSlot = get_timeslot()
        # Assistants and privates are removed, because m2m is not copied in this way.
        form = ProposalFormCreate(request=request, instance=old_proposal, copy=oldpk)
    if get_timephase_number() == 1:
        return render(request, 'GenericForm.html', {'form': form,
                                                    'formtitle': 'Edit copied proposal',
                                                    'buttontext': 'Create and go to next step'})
        return render(request, 'GenericForm.html', {'form': form,
                                                    'formtitle': 'Edit copied proposal (For next timeslot)',
                                                    'buttontext': 'Create and go to next step'})
Пример #12
def mail_track_heads(request):
    Mail all track heads with their actions

    :param request:
    if get_timephase_number() > 2:
        return render(request, "base.html",
                      {"Message": "Only possible in first two phases"})
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = ConfirmForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            return render(request, "base.html",
                          {"Message": "Track Heads mailed!"})
        form = ConfirmForm()

    trackstats = {}
    for track in Track.objects.all():
        trackstats[str(track)] = {
            get_all_proposals().filter(Q(Status=3) & Q(Track=track)).count(),
    return render(request, "support/TrackHeadSendConfirm.html", {
        'trackstats': trackstats,
        'form': form
Пример #13
 def in_phase(u):
     if u.is_authenticated:
         if get_timephase_number() in phase_numbers:
             return True
             raise PermissionDenied(
                 "This page is not available in the current time phase.")
     return False
Пример #14
def list_distributions_xlsx(request):
    Same as supportListApplications but as XLSX
    if get_timephase_number() < 3:
        raise PermissionDenied("There are no applications yet")
    elif get_timephase_number() > 4:
        projects = get_all_proposals().filter(Q(Status=4) & Q(distributions__isnull=False)).distinct()
        projects = get_all_proposals().filter(Status=4)
    # projects = projects.select_related('ResponsibleStaff', 'Track').prefetch_related('Assistants',
    #                                                                                  'distributions__Student__usermeta')
    file = get_list_distributions_xlsx(projects)
    response = HttpResponse(content=file)
    response['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=marketplace-projects-distributions.xlsx'
    return response
Пример #15
    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
        if 'pk' in kw:
            pk = int(kw['pk'])
            pk = int(args[1])
        proj = get_cached_project(pk)
        request = args[0]

        # user needs to be logged in (so no need for login_required on top of this)
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            page = args[0].path
            return redirect_to_login(

        # support staf or superusers are always allowed to view
        if get_grouptype(
                "3") in request.user.groups.all() or request.user.is_superuser:
            return fn(*args, **kw)

        # user is staffmember and involved in the project
        if proj.ResponsibleStaff == request.user \
                or request.user in proj.Assistants.all() \
                or proj.Track.Head == request.user:
            return fn(*args, **kw)

        # group administrators can view proposal
        if group_administrator_status(proj, request.user) > 0:
            return fn(*args, **kw)

        # if project is published, non private and its the right time phase
        if proj.Status == 4:
            if not proj.Private.exists() or request.user in proj.Private.all(
            ):  # only non-private proposals
                # else staff members are allowed to view public proposals in all timeslots and timephases
                # this includes assessors as they are type1 or type2.
                if request.user.groups.exists():
                    return fn(*args, **kw)
                # students view public proposals or private student views his proposal: Only in timephase after 2
                elif get_timephase_number(
                ) > 2 and proj.TimeSlot == get_timeslot():
                    return fn(*args, **kw)
            # assessors are allowed to view status4 private projects if they have to assess it.
            elif planning_public() and \
                    proj.Private.exists() and \
                    request.user.groups.exists() and \
                    proj.TimeSlot == get_timeslot():
                for dist in proj.distributions.all():
                        if request.user in dist.presentationtimeslot.Presentations.Assessors.all(
                            return fn(*args, **kw)
                    except PresentationTimeSlot.DoesNotExist:
        raise PermissionDenied(
            "You are not allowed to view this project page.")
Пример #16
def check_user(request, user):
    # insert checks on login here
    if user.is_superuser:
        return render(request, 'base.html', status=403, context={
            'Message': 'Superusers are not allowed to login via SSO. Please use 2FA login.'})
        # block all except supportstaff if there is no timeslot
        # support staff needs login to be able to set a new timeslot or timephase.
        if not get_timeslot() and not get_grouptype('3') in user.groups.all():  # if there isn't a timeslot and not type3
            return render(request, 'base.html', status=403, context={"Message": "Login is currently not available."})

        # login functions for staff and students.
        if is_staff(user):
            if not user.groups.exists():
                # existing staff member already have groups
                # new staff members get automatically type2staffunverified
            return True
            if not enrolled_osiris(user):
                return render(request, 'base.html', status=403, context={"Message": "You are not enrolled in our system yet. Please login once through canvas module BEP Marketplace"})
            elif get_timephase_number() < 3:  # if there isn't a timephase, this returns -1, so login is blocked.
                return render(request, 'base.html', status=403, context={"Message": "Student login is not available in "
                                                                                    "this timephase."})
                # student is enrolled in osiris. Set its usermeta from the osiris data
                data = osirisData()
                osirisdata = data.get(user.email)
                if osirisdata is not None:
                    set_osiris(user, osirisdata)

                if get_timephase_number() > 5:  # only students with project are allowed
                    if not user.distributions.exists():
                        return render(request, 'base.html', status=403,
                                      context={"Message": "You don't have a project assigned"
                                                          " to you, therefore login is not "
                                                          "allowed in this timephase."})

                if get_timeslot() not in user.usermeta.TimeSlot.all():  # user is not active in this timeslot
                    # not in this timeslot so old user, canvas app sets timeslot
                    # this security will fail if canvas does not close off old courses as it does now
                    return render(request, 'base.html', status=403, context={"Message": "You already did your BEP once"
                                                                                    ", login is not allowed."})
    return True
Пример #17
 def is_student(u):
     if u.is_authenticated:
         if u.groups.exists():
             raise PermissionDenied(
                 "This page is only available for students.")
         if get_timephase_number() < 3:
             raise PermissionDenied(
                 "The system is not yet open for students.")
         return True
     return False
Пример #18
def export_presentations(request):
    Shows the presentations planning in an Excel file in the same way as was done before the marketplace

    :param request:
    :return: xlsx file
    if get_timephase_number() <= 4:
        raise PermissionDenied("Projects are not yet distributed.")

    if get_timephase_number() != 7:
        if get_grouptype("3") not in request.user.groups.all():
                public = get_timeslot().presentationoptions.Public
                return render(
                    request, 'base.html',
                    {'Message': 'The Presentations are not yet planned.'})
            if not public:
                return render(request, 'base.html', {
                    'The Presentations planning is not yet public'

    sets = PresentationSet.objects.filter(
    if not sets:
        return render(
            request, "base.html", {
                "There is nothing planned yet. Please plan the presentations first."

    file = get_list_presentations_xlsx(sets)
    response = HttpResponse(content=file)
        'Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
        'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=presentations-planning.xlsx'
    return response
Пример #19
def api_redistribute(request):
    AJAX call from manual distribute to change a distribution

    :param request:
    if get_timephase_number() < 4 or get_timephase_number() > 6:
        raise PermissionDenied('Distribution is not possible in this timephase')

    if request.method == 'POST':
            student = get_all_students(undistributed=True).get(pk=request.POST['student'])
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString + ' (User cannot be found)'})
            dist = student.distributions.get(TimeSlot=get_timeslot())
        except Distribution.DoesNotExist:
            return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString + ' (Distribution cannot be found)'})
            # change Proposal
            dist.Proposal = get_cached_project(request.POST['propTo'])
            # change Application if user has Application
                dist.Application = get_all_applications(dist.Student).get(Proposal=dist.Proposal)
                appl_prio = dist.Application.Priority
            except Application.DoesNotExist:
                dist.Application = None
                appl_prio = -1
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({'type': 'warning', 'txt': warningString, 'exception': str(e)})
        return JsonResponse(
            {'type': 'success', 'txt': 'Changed distributed Student ' + dist.Student.usermeta.get_nice_name() +
                                       ' to Proposal ' + dist.Proposal.Title, 'prio': appl_prio})
        raise PermissionDenied("You don't know what you're doing!")
Пример #20
def prefetch(projects):
    Prefetch interesting data for a list of projects.

    :param projects:
    projects = projects.select_related(
        'ResponsibleStaff__usermeta', 'Track__Head__usermeta', 'TimeSlot',
    if get_timephase_number() > 4:
        projects = projects.prefetch_related(
    return projects
Пример #21
def list_applications_distributions(request):
    Show a list of all active proposals with the applications and possibly distributions of students.
    Used for support staff as an overview.
    Same table include as in manual distribute
    if get_timephase_number() < 3:
        raise PermissionDenied("There are no applications or distributions yet.")
    elif get_timephase_number() > 5:
        projects = get_all_proposals().filter(Q(Status=4) & Q(distributions__isnull=False)).distinct()
        projects = projects.select_related('ResponsibleStaff', 'Track').prefetch_related('Assistants',

    else:  # phase 3 & 4 & 5
        projects = get_all_proposals().filter(Status=4)
        projects = projects.select_related('ResponsibleStaff', 'Track').prefetch_related('Assistants',

    return render(request, 'distributions/list_applications_distributions.html', {"proposals": projects})
def get_all_students(undistributed=False):
    Return all active students in marketplace, used for instance for mailing.

    :param undistributed: Also return undistributed students in phase 6 and later.
    :return: user objects
    users = User.objects.filter(
        Q(usermeta__EnrolledBEP=True) & Q(groups=None)
        & Q(usermeta__TimeSlot=get_timeslot())).distinct()
    if get_timephase_number() < 6 or undistributed:
        return users
        # only students with a distributions
        return users.filter(Q(distributions__TimeSlot=get_timeslot()))
Пример #23
def download_all_of_type(request, pk):
    Download all files for a given filetype

    :param request:
    :param pk: id of the filetype
    ftype = get_object_or_404(FileType, pk=pk)
    if ftype.TimeSlot == get_timeslot():  # current year download
        if get_timephase_number() < 5:  # only in phase 5, 6 and 7
            raise PermissionDenied(
                "This page is not available in the current time phase.")
    in_memory = BytesIO()
    dists = get_distributions(request.user, timeslot=ftype.TimeSlot)
    if not dists:
        raise PermissionDenied('You do not have any students.')
    with zipfile.ZipFile(in_memory, 'w') as archive:
        for file in ftype.files.filter(Distribution__in=dists):
            trck = file.Distribution.Proposal.Track
            fname = file.Distribution.Student.usermeta.get_nice_name().split(
            )[-1] + "".join(file.Distribution.Student.usermeta.get_nice_name().
                            split(' ')[:-1])
                with open(file.File.path, 'rb') as fstream:
                        '{}/{}.{}'.format(str(trck), fname,
            except (
                    IOError, ValueError
            ):  # happens if a file is referenced from database but does not exist on disk.
                return render(
                    request, 'base.html', {
                        'These files cannot be downloaded, please contact support staff. (Error on file: "{}")'

    response = HttpResponse(content_type="application/zip")
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}.zip"'.format(


    return response
Пример #24
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['ResponsibleStaff'].queryset = get_grouptype(
        self.fields['Assistants'].queryset = get_grouptype('2').user_set.all().select_related('usermeta') | \
                                             get_grouptype('2u').user_set.all().select_related('usermeta') | \
            'ResponsibleStaff'].label_from_instance = self.user_label_from_instance
            'Assistants'].label_from_instance = self.user_label_from_instance
        # self.fields['addAssistantsEmail'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = "Add assistant via email address"
        self.fields['Private'].queryset = User.objects.filter(
            'Private'].label_from_instance = self.user_label_from_instance

        # no user label_from_instance for private students because privacy.
            'placeholder'] = "Add private student via email address"
        self.fields['TimeSlot'].empty_label = 'Future'
        if get_timephase_number() == 1:
            self.fields['TimeSlot'].queryset = TimeSlot.objects.filter(
            self.fields['TimeSlot'].initial = get_timeslot()
            if self.request.user.is_superuser or get_grouptype(
                    '3') in self.request.user.groups.all():
                self.fields['TimeSlot'].queryset = TimeSlot.objects.all(
                    self.fields['TimeSlot'].initial = TimeSlot.objects.filter(
                            0]  # autofill to first next available timeslot.
                except IndexError:
                    self.fields['TimeSlot'].initial = None
                # phase 2+, only add for future timeslot
                tss = TimeSlot.objects.filter(
                self.fields['TimeSlot'].queryset = tss
                    self.fields['TimeSlot'].initial = tss[
                        0]  # autofill to first next available timeslot.
                except IndexError:
                    self.fields['TimeSlot'].initial = None
Пример #25
def list_applications_distributions(request, timeslot=None):
    Show a list of all active proposals with the applications and possibly distributions of students.
    Used for support staff as an overview.
    Same table include as in manual distribute
    if not timeslot:
        if get_timephase_number() > 5:
            projects = get_all_proposals().filter(
                Q(Status=4) & Q(distributions__isnull=False)).distinct()
            projects = projects.select_related(
                'Track').prefetch_related('Assistants', 'Private',

        else:  # phase 3 & 4 & 5
            projects = get_all_proposals().filter(Status=4)
            projects = projects.select_related(
                'Track').prefetch_related('Assistants', 'Private',
        return render(request,
                      {"proposals": projects})

    else:  # future
        ts = get_object_or_404(TimeSlot, pk=timeslot)
        projects = Proposal.objects.filter(TimeSlot=ts, Status=4)
        projects = projects.select_related(
            'Track').prefetch_related('Assistants', 'Private',

        return render(request,
                      'distributions/list_applications_distributions.html', {
                          "proposals": projects,
                          'timeslot': ts
Пример #26
def get_all_proposals(old=False):
    All proposals in this timeslot. Cached after timephase 5.

    if old:
        return Proposal.objects.all()

    if get_timephase_number() > 5:
        p = cache.get('all_proposals_objects')
        if p:
            return p
            p = Proposal.objects.filter(TimeSlot=get_timeslot()).distinct()
            cache.set('all_proposals_objects', p,
            return p
        return Proposal.objects.filter(TimeSlot=get_timeslot()).distinct()
Пример #27
    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
        request = args[0]

        # user needs to be logged in (so no need for login_required on top of this)
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            page = args[0].path
            return redirect_to_login(
                redirect_field_name='next', )

        if get_timephase_number() != 3:
            raise PermissionDenied("Apply is not possible in this time phase.")
        if request.user.groups.exists():
            raise PermissionDenied("Only students can apply to proposals")
        if request.user.personal_proposal.filter(TimeSlot=get_timeslot()).exists():
            raise PermissionDenied("You cannot apply/retract because there is a private proposal for you.")
        if 'pk' in kw:
            pk = int(kw['pk'])
            prop = get_object_or_404(Project, pk=pk)
            if prop.Private.exists():
                raise PermissionDenied("This proposal is private. It is already assigned.")
        return fn(*args, **kw)
Пример #28
def can_upgrade_project_fn(user, proj):
    Check if user can upgrade a project.

    :param user:
    :param proj:
    allowed = can_edit_project_fn(user, proj, False)
    if allowed[0] is True:
        if proj.Status == 4:
            return False, "Already at final stage"
        if proj.Status == 3 and proj.nextyear():
            return False, "Cannot publish proposal for future timeslot"
        elif get_timephase_number() > 2 and \
                proj.TimeSlot == get_timeslot() and \
                get_grouptype('3') not in user.groups.all():
            return False, "Proposal frozen in this timeslot. The timephase of editing has ended."
        elif user in proj.Assistants.all() and proj.Status >= 2:
            return False, "You are an assistant and not allowed to increase status further"
            return True, ''
    return False, allowed[1]
Пример #29
def calendar(request, own=False):
    Calendar view of the presentations planning, public visible in phase 7, otherwise only if 'public==True'

    :param request:
    :param own:
    if get_timephase_number() < 7 and get_grouptype(
            "3") not in request.user.groups.all() and not planning_public():
        # in phase 5 and 6, planning is only visible for type3, except when it is set to public.
        return render(
            request, 'base.html',
            {'Message': 'The presentations planning is not yet public'})
    ts = get_timeslot()
    sets = PresentationSet.objects.filter(
    if own:
        sets = sets.filter(
            | Q(timeslots__Distribution__Proposal__Assistants=request.user)
            | Q(Assessors=request.user)
            | Q(timeslots__Distribution__Student=request.user)).distinct()
    if not sets:
        if own:
            return render(
                request, "base.html", {
                    "There are no presentations that you have to attend.",
                    'return': 'presentations:presentationscalendar'
            return render(
                request, "base.html",
                {"Message": "The presentations are not yet planned."})

    # sets are ordered by datetime, so first set has the lowest time, this is where the calendar display starts
    begin = sets[0].DateTime.date()

    # To show a Make Public for the type3staff
    if get_grouptype(
            "3") in request.user.groups.all() and get_timephase_number() != 7:

        if not hasattr(ts, 'presentationoptions'):
            return render(
                request, "base.html", {
                    "There are no presentation options yet, please <a class='button success' href='"
                    + reverse("presentations:presentationswizardstep1") +
                    "'>go back to step 1</a>"
        options = ts.presentationoptions
        if request.method == "POST":
            form = MakePublicForm(request.POST, instance=options)
            if form.is_valid():
                options = form.save()
            form = MakePublicForm(instance=options)
        return render(request, "presentations/presentationsCalendar.html", {
            "sets": sets,
            "form": form,
            "beginCalendar": begin

    # normal view for non-type3 staff
    return render(request, "presentations/presentationsCalendar.html", {
        "sets": sets,
        "beginCalendar": begin,
        "own": own
Пример #30
def detail_project(request, pk):
    Detailview page for a given proposal. Displays all information for the proposal. Used for students to choose a
    proposal from, and for staff to check. For staff it shows edit and up/downgrade buttons. For students it shows a
    apply or retract button.
    The proposal is cached after the create phase (phase>4). The apply/retract button is not cached but inserted using
    a .format(). Proposals are not cached for staff
    Private proposals don't have a apply/retract button, because the template doesn't have the {} in it then.

    :param request:
    :param pk: pk of the project
    prop = get_cached_project(pk)

    # if student
    if not request.user.groups.exists():
        # make apply / retract button.
        if get_timephase_number() != 3:  # phase 3 is for students choosing projects.
            button = ''
            button = '<a href="{}" class="button {}">{}</a>'
            if get_all_applications(request.user).filter(
                    Proposal=prop).exists():  # if user has applied to this proposal
                button = button.format(reverse('students:retractapplication',
                                       'Retract Application')
            else:  # show apply button
                button = button.format(reverse('students:confirmapply', args=[prop.id]), 'primary', 'Apply')

        # get proposal from cache, or put in cache
        cdata = cache.get("proposaldetail{}".format(pk))
        if cdata is None:
            data = {"proposal": prop,
                    "project": prop,
                    "user": request.user
            cdata = render_block_to_string("proposals/detail_project.html", 'body', data)
            cache.set('proposaldetail{}'.format(pk), cdata, None)

        tracking_visit_project(prop, request.user)  # always log visits from students
        return render(request, "proposals/detail_project.html", {
            "bodyhtml": cdata.format(button),
            'project': prop,
            'fav': prop.favorites.filter(User=request.user).exists()
        })  # send project for if statement in scripts.

    # if staff:
        data = {"proposal": prop,
                "project": prop,
                "Editlock": "Editing not possible"}
        if prop.Status == 4:  # published proposal in this timeslot
            # support staff can see applications
            if get_grouptype("3") in request.user.groups.all() and get_timephase_number() > 2:
                data['applications'] = prop.applications.all()
                # responsible / assistants can see distributions in distribution phase
            if get_timephase_number() >= 4:
                data['distributions'] = get_distributions(request.user).filter(Proposal=prop)
        allowed = can_edit_project_fn(request.user, prop, False)
        if allowed[0]:
            data['Editlock'] = False
            data['Editlock'] = allowed[1]
        data['fav'] = prop.favorites.filter(User=request.user).exists()
        data['cpv'] = cache.get('cpv_proj_{}'.format(prop.id))  # if cpv is not in cache, ignore
        return render(request, "proposals/detail_project.html", data)