Пример #1
    def testTwoChannels(self):
        "Test simple stream with two channels"
        adapter = FixedSizeInputAdapter(4, 2)

        self.assertEquals(len(self.data), adapter.nframes(len(self.data)))

        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[0:1], False, [])
        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[1:5], False, [self.data[0:4]], False)
        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[5:12], False, [self.data[4:8], self.data[8:12]], False)
        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[12:13], False, [])
        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[13:14], False, [])
        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[14:18], False, [self.data[12:16]], False)
        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[18:20], False, [self.data[16:20]], False)
        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[20:21], False, [])
        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[21:22], True, [self.data[20:22]], True)
Пример #2
    def testPadding(self):
        "Test automatic padding support"
        adapter = FixedSizeInputAdapter(4, 2, pad=True)

        self.assertEquals(len(self.data) + 2, adapter.nframes(len(self.data)))

        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[0:21], False, 
            [self.data[0:4], self.data[4:8], self.data[8:12], self.data[12:16], self.data[16:20]], 

        self.assertIOEquals(adapter, self.data[21:22], True, [[
            [20, 42],
            [21, 43],
            [0, 0],
            [0, 0]
        ]], True)
Пример #3
class SpectrogramImage(object):
    """ Builds a PIL image representing a spectrogram of the audio stream (level vs. frequency vs. time).
    Adds pixels iteratively thanks to the adapter providing fixed size frame buffers."""

    def __init__(self, image_width, image_height, nframes, samplerate, fft_size, bg_color=None, color_scheme='default'):
        self.image_width = image_width
        self.image_height = image_height
        self.nframes = nframes
        self.samplerate = samplerate
        self.fft_size = fft_size
        self.color_scheme = color_scheme

        if isinstance(color_scheme, dict):
            colors = color_scheme['spectrogram']
            colors = default_color_schemes[color_scheme]['spectrogram']

        self.image = Image.new("P", (self.image_height, self.image_width))
        self.image.putpalette(interpolate_colors(colors, True))

        self.samples_per_pixel = self.nframes / float(self.image_width)
        self.buffer_size = int(round(self.samples_per_pixel, 0))
        self.pixels_adapter = FixedSizeInputAdapter(self.buffer_size, 1, pad=False)
        self.pixels_adapter_nframes = self.pixels_adapter.nframes(self.nframes)

        self.lower = 100
        self.higher = 22050
        self.spectrum = Spectrum(self.fft_size, self.nframes, self.samplerate, self.lower, self.higher, numpy.hanning)

        # generate the lookup which translates y-coordinate to fft-bin
        self.y_to_bin = []
        f_min = float(self.lower)
        f_max = float(self.higher)
        y_min = math.log10(f_min)
        y_max = math.log10(f_max)
        for y in range(self.image_height):
            freq = math.pow(10.0, y_min + y / (image_height - 1.0) *(y_max - y_min))
            bin = freq / 22050.0 * (self.fft_size/2 + 1)

            if bin < self.fft_size/2:
                alpha = bin - int(bin)

                self.y_to_bin.append((int(bin), alpha * 255))

        # this is a bit strange, but using image.load()[x,y] = ... is
        # a lot slower than using image.putadata and then rotating the image
        # so we store all the pixels in an array and then create the image when saving
        self.pixels = []
        self.pixel_cursor = 0

    def draw_spectrum(self, x, spectrum):
        for (index, alpha) in self.y_to_bin:
            self.pixels.append( int( ((255.0-alpha) * spectrum[index] + alpha * spectrum[index + 1] )) )

        for y in range(len(self.y_to_bin), self.image_height):

    def process(self, frames, eod):
        if len(frames) != 1:
            buffer = frames[:,0].copy()
            buffer.shape = (len(buffer),1)

            # FIXME : breaks spectrum linearity
            for samples, end in self.pixels_adapter.process(buffer, eod):
                if self.pixel_cursor < self.image_width:
                    (spectral_centroid, db_spectrum) = self.spectrum.process(samples, True)
                    self.draw_spectrum(self.pixel_cursor, db_spectrum)
                    self.pixel_cursor += 1
    def watermark(self, text, color=None, opacity=.6, margin=(10,10)):
        #self.image = im_watermark(self.image, text, color=color, opacity=opacity, margin=margin)

    def save(self, filename):
        """ Apply last 2D transforms and write all pixels to the file. """

    def release(self):
Пример #4
class WaveformImageSimple(object):
    """ Builds a PIL image representing a waveform of the audio stream.
    Adds pixels iteratively thanks to the adapter providing fixed size frame buffers.

    def __init__(self, image_width, image_height, nframes, samplerate, fft_size, bg_color, color_scheme):
        self.image_width = image_width
        self.image_height = image_height
        self.nframes = nframes
        self.samplerate = samplerate
        self.fft_size = fft_size
        self.bg_color = bg_color
        self.color_scheme = color_scheme

        if isinstance(color_scheme, dict):
            colors = color_scheme['waveform']
            colors = default_color_schemes[color_scheme]['waveform']
        self.line_color = colors[0]

        self.samples_per_pixel = self.nframes / float(self.image_width)
        self.buffer_size = int(round(self.samples_per_pixel, 0))
        self.pixels_adapter = FixedSizeInputAdapter(self.buffer_size, 1, pad=False)
        self.pixels_adapter_nframes = self.pixels_adapter.nframes(self.nframes)

        self.image = Image.new("RGBA", (self.image_width, self.image_height))
        self.pixel = self.image.load()
        self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
        self.previous_x, self.previous_y = None, None
        self.frame_cursor = 0
        self.pixel_cursor = 0
    def normalize(self, contour):
        contour = contour-min(contour)
        return contour/max(contour)
    def peaks(self, samples):
        """ Find the minimum and maximum peak of the samples.
        Returns that pair in the order they were found.
        So if min was found first, it returns (min, max) else the other way around. """

        max_index = numpy.argmax(samples)
        max_value = samples[max_index]

        min_index = numpy.argmin(samples)
        min_value = samples[min_index]

        if min_index < max_index:
            return (min_value, max_value)
            return (max_value, min_value)
    def draw_peaks(self, x, peaks):
        """ draw 2 peaks at x using the spectral_centroid for color """

        y1 = self.image_height * 0.5 - peaks[0] * (self.image_height - 4) * 0.5
        y2 = self.image_height * 0.5 - peaks[1] * (self.image_height - 4) * 0.5
        if self.previous_y and x < self.image_width-1:
            if y1 < y2:
                self.draw.line((x, 0, x, y1), self.line_color)
                self.draw.line((x, self.image_height , x, y2), self.line_color)
                self.draw.line((x, 0, x, y2), self.line_color)
                self.draw.line((x, self.image_height , x, y1), self.line_color)
            self.draw.line((x, 0, x, self.image_height), self.line_color)

        self.previous_x, self.previous_y = x, y1

    def process(self, frames, eod):
        if len(frames) != 1:
            buffer = frames[:,0]
            buffer.shape = (len(buffer),1)
            for samples, end in self.pixels_adapter.process(buffer, eod):
                if self.pixel_cursor < self.image_width-1:
                    self.draw_peaks(self.pixel_cursor, self.peaks(samples))
                    self.pixel_cursor += 1
                if end:
                    samples = 0
                    buffer = 0
            if self.pixel_cursor == self.image_width-1:
                self.draw_peaks(self.pixel_cursor, (0, 0))
                self.pixel_cursor += 1

    def watermark(self, text, color=None, opacity=.6, margin=(10,10)):
        self.image = im_watermark(self.image, text, color=color, opacity=opacity, margin=margin)
    def save(self, filename):
        """ Apply last 2D transforms and write all pixels to the file. """
        # middle line (0 for none)
        a = 1
        for x in range(self.image_width):
            self.pixel[x, self.image_height/2] = tuple(map(lambda p: p+a, self.pixel[x, self.image_height/2]))
    def release(self):
Пример #5
class WaveformImage(object):
    """ Builds a PIL image representing a waveform of the audio stream.
    Adds pixels iteratively thanks to the adapter providing fixed size frame buffers.
    Peaks are colored relative to the spectral centroids of each frame packet. """

    def __init__(self, image_width, image_height, nframes, samplerate, fft_size, bg_color, color_scheme):
        self.image_width = image_width
        self.image_height = image_height
        self.nframes = nframes
        self.samplerate = samplerate
        self.fft_size = fft_size
        self.bg_color = bg_color
        self.color_scheme = color_scheme

        if isinstance(color_scheme, dict):
            colors = color_scheme['waveform']
            colors = default_color_schemes[color_scheme]['waveform']

        self.color_lookup = interpolate_colors(colors)

        self.samples_per_pixel = self.nframes / float(self.image_width)
        self.buffer_size = int(round(self.samples_per_pixel, 0))
        self.pixels_adapter = FixedSizeInputAdapter(self.buffer_size, 1, pad=False)
        self.pixels_adapter_nframes = self.pixels_adapter.nframes(self.nframes)

        self.lower = 800
        self.higher = 12000
        self.spectrum = Spectrum(self.fft_size, self.nframes, self.samplerate, self.lower, self.higher, numpy.hanning)

        self.image = Image.new("RGBA", (self.image_width, self.image_height), self.bg_color)
        self.pixel = self.image.load()
        self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
        self.previous_x, self.previous_y = None, None
        self.frame_cursor = 0
        self.pixel_cursor = 0

    def peaks(self, samples):
        """ Find the minimum and maximum peak of the samples.
        Returns that pair in the order they were found.
        So if min was found first, it returns (min, max) else the other way around. """

        max_index = numpy.argmax(samples)
        max_value = samples[max_index]

        min_index = numpy.argmin(samples)
        min_value = samples[min_index]

        if min_index < max_index:
            return (min_value, max_value)
            return (max_value, min_value)

    def color_from_value(self, value):
        """ given a value between 0 and 1, return an (r,g,b) tuple """

        return ImageColor.getrgb("hsl(%d,%d%%,%d%%)" % (int( (1.0 - value) * 360 ), 80, 50))

    def draw_peaks(self, x, peaks, spectral_centroid):
        """ draw 2 peaks at x using the spectral_centroid for color """

        y1 = self.image_height * 0.5 - peaks[0] * (self.image_height - 4) * 0.5
        y2 = self.image_height * 0.5 - peaks[1] * (self.image_height - 4) * 0.5

        line_color = self.color_lookup[int(spectral_centroid*255.0)]

        if self.previous_y:
            self.draw.line([self.previous_x, self.previous_y, x, y1, x, y2], line_color)
            self.draw.line([x, y1, x, y2], line_color)

        self.previous_x, self.previous_y = x, y2

        self.draw_anti_aliased_pixels(x, y1, y2, line_color)

    def draw_anti_aliased_pixels(self, x, y1, y2, color):
        """ vertical anti-aliasing at y1 and y2 """
        y_max = max(y1, y2)
        y_max_int = int(y_max)
        alpha = y_max - y_max_int

        if alpha > 0.0 and alpha < 1.0 and y_max_int + 1 < self.image_height:
            current_pix = self.pixel[int(x), y_max_int + 1]

            r = int((1-alpha)*current_pix[0] + alpha*color[0])
            g = int((1-alpha)*current_pix[1] + alpha*color[1])
            b = int((1-alpha)*current_pix[2] + alpha*color[2])

            self.pixel[x, y_max_int + 1] = (r,g,b)

        y_min = min(y1, y2)
        y_min_int = int(y_min)
        alpha = 1.0 - (y_min - y_min_int)

        if alpha > 0.0 and alpha < 1.0 and y_min_int - 1 >= 0:
            current_pix = self.pixel[x, y_min_int - 1]

            r = int((1-alpha)*current_pix[0] + alpha*color[0])
            g = int((1-alpha)*current_pix[1] + alpha*color[1])
            b = int((1-alpha)*current_pix[2] + alpha*color[2])

            self.pixel[x, y_min_int - 1] = (r,g,b)

    def process(self, frames, eod):
        if len(frames) != 1:
            buffer = frames[:,0].copy()
            buffer.shape = (len(buffer),1)
            (spectral_centroid, db_spectrum) = self.spectrum.process(buffer, True)
            for samples, end in self.pixels_adapter.process(buffer, eod):
                if self.pixel_cursor < self.image_width:
                    peaks = self.peaks(samples)
                    self.draw_peaks(self.pixel_cursor, peaks, spectral_centroid)
                    self.pixel_cursor += 1

    def watermark(self, text, color=None, opacity=.6, margin=(10,10)):
        self.image = im_watermark(self.image, text, color=color, opacity=opacity, margin=margin)
    def save(self, filename):
        """ Apply last 2D transforms and write all pixels to the file. """

        # middle line (0 for none)
        a = 1
        for x in range(self.image_width):
            self.pixel[x, self.image_height/2] = tuple(map(lambda p: p+a, self.pixel[x, self.image_height/2]))

    def release(self):