def monomial_value_test ( ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## MONOMIAL_VALUE_TEST tests the MONOMIAL_VALUE library. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 07 April 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # from i4vec_print import i4vec_print_test from i4vec_transpose_print import i4vec_transpose_print_test from i4vec_uniform_ab import i4vec_uniform_ab_test from monomial_value import monomial_value_test from r8mat_nint import r8mat_nint_test from r8mat_print import r8mat_print_test from r8mat_print_some import r8mat_print_some_test from r8mat_uniform_ab import r8mat_uniform_ab_test from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) print '' print 'MONOMIAL_VALUE_TEST' print ' Python version:' print ' Test the MONOMIAL_VALUE library.' # # Utilities: # i4vec_print_test ( ) i4vec_transpose_print_test ( ) i4vec_uniform_ab_test ( ) r8mat_nint_test ( ) r8mat_print_test ( ) r8mat_print_some_test ( ) r8mat_uniform_ab_test ( ) # # The library. # monomial_value_test ( ) # # Terminate. # print '' print 'MONOMIAL_VALUE_TEST:' print ' Normal end of execution.' print '' timestamp ( ) return
def rnglib_test ( ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## MAIN is the main program for RNGLIB_TEST. # # Discussion: # # RNGLIB_TEST calls sample problems for the RNGLIB library. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 27 May 2013 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # from timestamp import timestamp from rnglib_test01 import rnglib_test01 from rnglib_test02 import rnglib_test02 from rnglib_test03 import rnglib_test03 from rnglib_test04 import rnglib_test04 timestamp ( ) print '' print 'RNGLIB_TEST' print ' PYTHON version' print ' Test the RNGLIB library.' # # Call tests. # rnglib_test01 ( ) rnglib_test02 ( ) rnglib_test03 ( ) rnglib_test04 ( ) # # Terminate. # print '' print 'RNGLIB_TEST' print ' Normal end of execution.' print '' timestamp ( )
def convertImplicit(val): if val == '~': return None if val == '+': return 1 if val == '-': return 0 if val[0] == "'" and val[-1] == "'": val = val[1:-1] return string.replace(val, "''", "\'") if val[0] == '"' and val[-1] == '"': if"\u", val): val = "u" + val unescapedStr = eval (val) return unescapedStr if matchTime.match(val): try: return timestamp(val) except: #sometimes things that look like timestamps are not pass #so let's ensure that something gets returned if INT_REGEX.match(val): return int(cleanseNumber(val)) if OCTAL_REGEX.match(val): return int(val, 8) if HEX_REGEX.match(val): return int(val, 16) if FLOAT_REGEX.match(val): return float(cleanseNumber(val)) if SCIENTIFIC_REGEX.match(val): return float(cleanseNumber(val)) return val
def convertImplicit(val): if val == '~': return None if val == '+': return 1 if val == '-': return 0 if val[0] == "'" and val[-1] == "'": val = val[1:-1] return string.replace(val, "''", "\'") if val[0] == '"' and val[-1] == '"': if"\u", val): val = "u" + val unescapedStr = eval (val) return unescapedStr if matchTime.match(val): return timestamp(val) if INT_REGEX.match(val): return int(cleanseNumber(val)) if OCTAL_REGEX.match(val): return int(val, 8) if HEX_REGEX.match(val): return int(val, 16) if FLOAT_REGEX.match(val): return float(cleanseNumber(val)) if SCIENTIFIC_REGEX.match(val): return float(cleanseNumber(val)) return val
def generateScript(): filename = timestamp.timestamp() + "" moduleScript = open(filename, "w") loadModules(moduleScript) generateORFs(moduleScript) hmmer(moduleScript) return filename
def rmChild(self, itemId): backupFullPath = os.path.join(self.backupPath, self.getItemName()+timestamp.timestamp()) try: print 'removing: ',self.getPath() shutil.move(self.getPath(), backupFullPath) except IOError, WindowsError: print 'move error'
def machine_test ( ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## MACHINE_TEST tests the MACHINE library. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 04 April 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # from d1mach import d1mach_test from i1mach import i1mach_test from r1mach import r1mach_test from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) print '' print 'MACHINE_TEST:' print ' Python version' print ' Test the MACHINE library.' d1mach_test ( ) i1mach_test ( ) r1mach_test ( ) # # Terminate. # print '' print 'MACHINE_TEST:' print ' Normal end of execution.' print '' timestamp ( ) return
# So here we alternate reading contents and discarding end string def write(self, s): #print([c for c in s]) # DEBUG reveals second write for end string #print('end_phase %s' % self.end_phase) # DEBUG if self.end_phase: # ignore the end string, ed0 buffer lines must end with \n self.lines.append(self.contents) # already includes final'\n' else: # store contents string until we get end string self.contents = s self.end_phase = not self.end_phase # False True False ... # Test ts0, ts1 = timestamp('ts0'), timestamp('ts1') buf0, buf1 = Buffer(), Buffer() def main(): print('Two generators interleaving, each printing five lines to stdout') for i in range(5): print(next(ts0)) # no file=... print to stdout print(next(ts1)) print("""Two generators interleaving, each printing five lines to different buffer then print each buffer in turn""") # first print to both buffers for i in range(5): print(next(ts0), file=buf0) # use file=... print to buffer print(next(ts1), file=buf1) # then print contents of each buffer for line in buf0.lines:
def wathen_test ( ): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## WATHEN_TEST tests the WATHEN library. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 31 August 2014 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # from timestamp import timestamp from wathen_test01 import wathen_test01 from wathen_test02 import wathen_test02 from wathen_test03 import wathen_test03 from wathen_test04 import wathen_test04 from wathen_test05 import wathen_test05 from wathen_test06 import wathen_test06 from wathen_test07 import wathen_test07 from wathen_test08 import wathen_test08 from wathen_test09 import wathen_test09 timestamp ( ) print '' print 'WATHEN_TEST' print ' Python version:' print ' Test the WATHEN library.' # # Direct Solve # wathen_test01 ( ) wathen_test02 ( ) # # Timings. # wathen_test03 ( ) wathen_test04 ( ) wathen_test05 ( ) # # CG Solve # wathen_test06 ( ) wathen_test07 ( ) wathen_test08 ( ) # # Use SPY to display the sparsity of the matrix. # wathen_test09 ( ) # # Terminate. # print '' print 'WATHEN_TEST:' print ' Normal end of execution.' print '' timestamp ( ) return
# 08 February 2015 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # from r8mat_print import r8mat_print print '' print 'GK323_TEST' print ' GK323 computes the GK323 matrix.' m = 5 n = m a = gk323 ( m, n ) r8mat_print ( m, n, a, ' GK323 matrix:' ) print '' print 'GK323_TEST' print ' Normal end of execution.' return if ( __name__ == '__main__' ): from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) gk323_test ( ) timestamp ( )
def fem2d_bvp_linear(): # ## FEM2D_BVP_LINEAR solves a 2D boundary value problem in the unit square. # # Location: # # # # Discussion: # # The PDE is defined for 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1: # - uxx - uyy = f(x) # with boundary conditions # u(0,y) = 0, # u(1,y) = 0, # u(x,0) = 0, # u(x,1) = 0. # # The exact solution is: # exact(x) = x * ( 1 - x ) * y * ( 1 - y ). # The right hand side f(x) is: # f(x) = 2 * x * ( 1 - x ) + 2 * y * ( 1 - y ) # # The unit square is divided into N by N squares. Bilinear finite # element basis functions are defined, and the solution is sought as a # piecewise linear combination of these basis functions. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 13 October 2014 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # # Local parameters: # # Local, integer ELEMENT_NUM, the number of elements. # # Local, integer LINEAR_ELEMENT_NUM, the number of elements # in a row in the X or Y dimension. # # Local, integer NODE_LINEAR_NUM, the number of nodes in the X or Y dimension. # # Local, integer NODE_NUM, the number of nodes. # import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as la from timestamp import timestamp timestamp() print "" print "FEM2D_BVP_LINEAR" print " Python version" print " Given the boundary value problem on the unit square:" print " - uxx - uyy = x, 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1" print " with boundary conditions" print " u(0,y) = u(1,y) = u(x,0) = u(x,1) = 0," print " demonstrate how the finite element method can be used to" print " define and compute a discrete approximation to the solution." print "" print " This program uses quadrilateral elements" print " and piecewise continuous bilinear basis functions." element_linear_num = 4 node_linear_num = element_linear_num + 1 element_num = element_linear_num * element_linear_num node_num = node_linear_num * node_linear_num # # Set the coordinates of the nodes. # The same grid is used for X and Y. # a = 0.0 b = 1.0 grid = np.linspace(a, b, node_linear_num) print "" print " Nodes along X axis:" print "" for i in range(0, node_linear_num): print " %d %f" % (i, grid[i]) # # Set up a quadrature rule. # This rule is defined on the reference interval [0,1]. # quad_num = 3 quad_point = np.array ( ( \ 0.112701665379258311482073460022, \ 0.5, \ 0.887298334620741688517926539978 ) ) quad_weight = np.array ( ( \ 5.0 / 18.0, \ 8.0 / 18.0, \ 5.0 / 18.0 ) ) # # Compute the system matrix A and right hand side RHS. # There is an unknown at every node. # A = np.zeros((node_num, node_num)) rhs = np.zeros(node_num) # # Look at the square in row EX and column EY: # # N *-----* # | | # | | # Y | | # | | # | | # S *-----* # # W X E # for ex in range(0, element_linear_num): w = ex e = ex + 1 xw = grid[w] xe = grid[e] for ey in range(0, element_linear_num): s = ey n = ey + 1 ys = grid[s] yn = grid[n] # # Determine the node indices. # sw = ey * node_linear_num + ex se = ey * node_linear_num + ex + 1 nw = (ey + 1) * node_linear_num + ex ne = (ey + 1) * node_linear_num + ex + 1 # # The 2D quadrature rule is the "product" of X and Y copies of the 1D rule. # for qx in range(0, quad_num): xq = xw + quad_point[qx] * (xe - xw) for qy in range(0, quad_num): yq = ys + quad_point[qy] * (yn - ys) wq = quad_weight[qx] * quad_weight[qy] * (xe - xw) * (yn - ys) # # Evaluate all four basis functions, and their X and Y derivatives. # vsw = (xe - xq) / (xe - xw) * (yn - yq) / (yn - ys) vswx = (-1.0) / (xe - xw) * (yn - yq) / (yn - ys) vswy = (xe - xq) / (xe - xw) * (-1.0) / (yn - ys) vse = (xq - xw) / (xe - xw) * (yn - yq) / (yn - ys) vsex = (1.0) / (xe - xw) * (yn - yq) / (yn - ys) vsey = (xq - xw) / (xe - xw) * (-1.0) / (yn - ys) vnw = (xe - xq) / (xe - xw) * (yq - ys) / (yn - ys) vnwx = (-1.0) / (xe - xw) * (yq - ys) / (yn - ys) vnwy = (xe - xq) / (xe - xw) * (1.0) / (yn - ys) vne = (xq - xw) / (xe - xw) * (yq - ys) / (yn - ys) vnex = (1.0) / (xe - xw) * (yq - ys) / (yn - ys) vney = (xq - xw) / (xe - xw) * (1.0) / (yn - ys) # # Compute contributions to the stiffness matrix. # A[sw, sw] = A[sw, sw] + wq * (vswx * vswx + vswy * vswy) A[sw, se] = A[sw, se] + wq * (vswx * vsex + vswy * vsey) A[sw, nw] = A[sw, nw] + wq * (vswx * vnwx + vswy * vnwy) A[sw, ne] = A[sw, ne] + wq * (vswx * vnex + vswy * vney) rhs[sw] = rhs[sw] + wq * vsw * rhs_fn(xq, yq) A[se, sw] = A[se, sw] + wq * (vsex * vswx + vsey * vswy) A[se, se] = A[se, se] + wq * (vsex * vsex + vsey * vsey) A[se, nw] = A[se, nw] + wq * (vsex * vnwx + vsey * vnwy) A[se, ne] = A[se, ne] + wq * (vsex * vnex + vsey * vney) rhs[se] = rhs[se] + wq * vse * rhs_fn(xq, yq) A[nw, sw] = A[nw, sw] + wq * (vnwx * vswx + vnwy * vswy) A[nw, se] = A[nw, se] + wq * (vnwx * vsex + vnwy * vsey) A[nw, nw] = A[nw, nw] + wq * (vnwx * vnwx + vnwy * vnwy) A[nw, ne] = A[nw, ne] + wq * (vnwx * vnex + vnwy * vney) rhs[nw] = rhs[nw] + wq * vnw * rhs_fn(xq, yq) A[ne, sw] = A[ne, sw] + wq * (vnex * vswx + vney * vswy) A[ne, se] = A[ne, se] + wq * (vnex * vsex + vney * vsey) A[ne, nw] = A[ne, nw] + wq * (vnex * vnwx + vney * vnwy) A[ne, ne] = A[ne, ne] + wq * (vnex * vnex + vney * vney) rhs[ne] = rhs[ne] + wq * vne * rhs_fn(xq, yq) # # Modify the linear system to enforce the boundary conditions where # X = 0 or 1 or Y = 0 or 1. # v = 0 for j in range(0, node_linear_num): for i in range(0, node_linear_num): if (i == 0 or i == node_linear_num - 1 or j == 0 or j == node_linear_num - 1): A[v, 0:node_num] = 0.0 A[v, v] = 1.0 rhs[v] = 0.0 v = v + 1 # # Solve the linear system. # u = la.solve(A, rhs) # # Evaluate the exact solution at the nodes. # uex = np.zeros(node_linear_num * node_linear_num) v = 0 for j in range(0, node_linear_num): y = grid[j] for i in range(0, node_linear_num): x = grid[i] uex[v] = exact_fn(x, y) v = v + 1 # # Compare the solution and the error at the nodes. # print "" print " I J V X Y U Uexact" print "" v = 0 for j in range(0, node_linear_num): y = grid[j] for i in range(0, node_linear_num): x = grid[i] print "%4d %4d %4d %8f %8f %14g %14g" % (i, j, v, x, y, u[v], uex[v]) v = v + 1 # # Optionally, print the node coordinates. # if (false): v = 0 for j in range(0, node_linear_num): y = grid[j] for i in range(0, node_linear_num): x = grid[i] print "%8f %8f" % (x, y) v = v + 1 # # Optionally, print the elements, listing the nodes in counterclockwise order. # if (false): e = 0 for j in range(0, element_linear_num): y = grid[j] for i in range(0, element_linear_num): sw = j * node_linear_num + i se = j * node_linear_num + i + 1 nw = (j + 1) * node_linear_num + i ne = (j + 1) * node_linear_num + i + 1 print "%4d %4d %4d %4d" % (sw, se, ne, nw) e = e + 1 # # Terminate. # print "" print "FEM2D_BVP_LINEAR:" print " Normal end of execution." print '' timestamp()
def fem1d_model ( ): # ## FEM1D_MODEL solves a 1D "model" boundary value problem using finite elements. # # Location: # # # # Discussion: # # The PDE is defined for 0 < x < 1: # -u'' + u = x # with boundary conditions # u(0) = 0, # u(1) = 0. # # The exact solution is: # exact(x) = x - sinh(x) / sinh(1.0) # # This program is different from FEM1D.PY: # * the problem to be solved is different, and includes a linear term; # * the code to assemble the matrix is different. We evaluate all the # basis functions and derivatives, and then form the combinations # that must be added to the system matrix and right hand side. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 23 September 2014 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # # Local parameters: # # Local, integer N, the number of elements. # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as la from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) print "" print "FEM1D_MODEL" print " Python version" print " Given the model two point boundary value problem:" print " -u'' + u = x, 0 < x < 1" print " with boundary conditions" print " u(0) = 0, u(1) = 0," print " demonstrate how the finite element method can be used to" print " define and compute a discrete approximation to the solution." # # The mesh will use N+1 points between A and B. # These will be indexed X[0] through X[N]. # a = 0.0 b = 1.0 n = 5 x = np.linspace ( a, b, n + 1 ) print "" print " Nodes:" print "" for i in range ( 0, n + 1 ): print " %d %f" %( i, x[i] ) # # Set a 3 point quadrature rule on the reference interval [0,1]. # ng = 3 xg = np.array ( ( \ 0.112701665379258311482073460022, \ 0.5, \ 0.887298334620741688517926539978 ) ) wg = np.array ( ( \ 5.0 / 18.0, \ 8.0 / 18.0, \ 5.0 / 18.0 ) ) # # Compute the system matrix A and right hand side RHS. # A = np.zeros ( ( n + 1, n + 1 ) ) rhs = np.zeros ( n + 1 ) # # Look at element E: (0, 1, 2, ..., N-1). # for e in range ( 0, n ): l = e r = e + 1 xl = x[l] xr = x[r] # # Consider quadrature point Q: (0, 1, 2 ) in element E. # for q in range ( 0, ng ): # # Map XG and WG from [0,1] to # XQ and QQ in [XL,XR]. # xq = xl + xg[q] * ( xr - xl ) wq = wg[q] * ( xr - xl ) # # Evaluate at XQ the basis functions and derivatives for XL and XR. # phil = ( xr - xq ) / ( xr - xl ) philp = - 1.0 / ( xr - xl ) phir = ( xq - xl ) / ( xr - xl ) phirp = 1.0 / ( xr - xl ) # # Compute the following contributions: # # L,L L,R L,Fx # R,L R,R R,Fx # A[l][l] = A[l][l] + wq * ( philp * philp + phil * phil ) A[l][r] = A[l][r] + wq * ( philp * phirp + phil * phir ) rhs[l] = rhs[l] + wq * phil * rhs_fn ( xq ) A[r][l] = A[r][l] + wq * ( phirp * philp + phir * phil ) A[r][r] = A[r][r] + wq * ( phirp * phirp + phir * phir ) rhs[r] = rhs[r] + wq * phir * rhs_fn ( xq ) # # Modify the linear system to enforce the left boundary condition. # A[0,0] = 1.0 A[0,1:n+1] = 0.0 rhs[0] = 0.0 # # Modify the linear system to enforce the right boundary condition. # A[n,n] = 1.0 A[n,0:n] = 0.0 rhs[n] = 0.0 # # Solve the linear system. # u = la.solve ( A, rhs ) # # Evaluate the exact solution at the nodes. # uex = np.zeros ( n + 1 ) for i in range ( 0, n + 1 ): uex[i] = exact_fn ( x[i] ) # # Compare the solution and the error at the nodes. # print "" print " Node Ucomp Uexact Error" print "" for i in range ( 0, n + 1 ): err = abs ( uex[i] - u[i] ) print " %4d %14.6g %14.6g %14.6g" % ( i, u[i], uex[i], err ) # # Plot the computed solution and the exact solution. # Evaluate the exact solution at enough points that the curve will look smooth. # npp = 51 xp = np.linspace ( a, b, npp ) up = np.zeros ( npp ) for i in range ( 0, npp ): up[i] = exact_fn ( xp[i] ) plt.plot ( x, u, 'bo-', xp, up, 'r.' ) ( ) # # Terminate. # print "" print "FEM1D_MODEL:" print " Normal end of execution." print "" timestamp ( )
continue elif[0:2] == 'RH': classifs.append(('Copia', hit.score + currentScore)) classifs.append(('Copia', currentScore)) def clean(): os.remove(orfFile) os.remove(hmmHitFile) os.remove(evidenceFile) def log(string, logtype): if logtype == 'evidence' and 'evidenceFileHandle' in globals(): evidenceFileHandle.write(string) if logtype == 'results' and 'resultsFileHandle' in globals(): resultsFileHandle.write(string) if __name__ == '__main__': #setup global & static variables timestamp = timestamp.timestamp() args = parseArgs() hmmProfilesForLTRs = '/share/jyllwgrp/nealedata/databases/ltr-Pfam.hmm' targetSeqs = '/share/jyllwgrp/nealedata/databases/pier-1.3.fa' orfFile = args.fasta + '.orfs' hmmHitFile = '{}-hmmer-output.txt'.format(args.job_name) evidenceFile = '{}-evidence.txt'.format(args.job_name) resultsFile = '{}-results.txt'.format(args.job_name) evidenceFileHandle = open(evidenceFile, 'w') resultsFileHandle = open(resultsFile, 'w') main()
""" import terminal, display, piety, timestamp, session # We haven't started display editor yet, window not initialized, # so use ed commands edsel = session.editor.edsel ed = edsel.ed # Add content to main buffer. ed.do_command('i') ed.do_command('This is the main buffer') ed.do_command('.') # create timestamp generators ts1 = timestamp.timestamp('ts1') ts2 = timestamp.timestamp('ts2') # create buffers for timestamp messages ed.do_command('b ts1') ed.do_command('b ts2') # aliases for timestamp buffers ts1buf = ed.buffers['ts1'] ts2buf = ed.buffers['ts2'] # window update function - FIXME def update(buf): if session.session.foreground == session.eden and ed.buf == buf: terminal.set_line_mode() ed.command_mode)) # open line in insert mode
def fem1d(): # ## FEM1D solves a 1D boundary value problem using finite elements. # # Location: # # # # Discussion: # # The PDE is defined for 0 < x < 1: # -u'' = f # with right hand side # f(x) = -(exact(x)'') # and boundary conditions # u(0) = exact(0), # u(1) = exact(1). # # The exact solution is: # exact(x) = x * ( 1 - x ) * exp ( x ) # The boundary conditions are # u(0) = 0.0 = exact(0.0), # u(1) = 0.0 = exact(1.0). # The right hand side is: # f(x) = x * ( x + 3 ) * exp ( x ) = - ( exact''(x) ) # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 13 September 2014 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as la from timestamp import timestamp timestamp() print "" print "FEM1D" print " Python version" print " Given the two point boundary value problem:" print " -u'' = x * ( x + 3 ) * exp ( x ), 0 < x < 1" print " with boundary conditions" print " u(0) = 0, u(1) = 0," print " demonstrate how the finite element method can be used to" print " define and compute a discrete approximation to the solution." # # Define the mesh, N+1 points between A and B. # These will be X[0] through X[N]. # a = 0.0 b = 1.0 n = 5 x = np.linspace(a, b, n + 1) print "" print " Nodes:" print "" for i in range(0, n + 1): print " %d %f" % (i, x[i]) # # Set a 3 point quadrature rule on the reference interval [0,1]. # ng = 3 xg = np.array ( ( \ 0.112701665379258311482073460022, \ 0.5, \ 0.887298334620741688517926539978 ) ) wg = np.array ( ( \ 5.0 / 18.0, \ 8.0 / 18.0, \ 5.0 / 18.0 ) ) # # Compute the system matrix A and right hand side RHS. # A = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1)) rhs = np.zeros(n + 1) # # Look at element E: (0, 1, 2, ..., N-1). # for e in range(0, n): xl = x[e] xr = x[e + 1] # # Consider quadrature point Q: (0, 1, 2 ) in element E. # for q in range(0, ng): # # Map XG and WG from [0,1] to # XQ and QQ in [XL,XR]. # xq = xl + xg[q] * (xr - xl) wq = wg[q] * (xr - xl) # # Consider the I-th test function PHI(I,X) and its derivative PHI'(I,X). # for i_local in range(0, 2): i = i_local + e if (i_local == 0): phii = (xq - xr) / (xl - xr) phiip = 1.0 / (xl - xr) else: phii = (xq - xl) / (xr - xl) phiip = 1.0 / (xr - xl) rhs[i] = rhs[i] + wq * phii * rhs_fn(xq) # # Consider the J-th basis function PHI(J,X) and its derivative PHI'(J,X). # (It turns out we don't need PHI for this particular problem, only PHI') # for j_local in range(0, 2): j = j_local + e if (j_local == 0): phijp = 1.0 / (xl - xr) else: phijp = 1.0 / (xr - xl) A[i][j] = A[i][j] + wq * phiip * phijp # # Modify the linear system to enforce the left boundary condition. # A[0, 0] = 1.0 A[0, 1:n + 1] = 0.0 rhs[0] = exact_fn(x[0]) # # Modify the linear system to enforce the right boundary condition. # A[n, n] = 1.0 A[n, 0:n] = 0.0 rhs[n] = exact_fn(x[n]) # # I wanted to check the matrix and right hand side so I printed them. # I turned the printing off using "False" as the condition. # if False: print "" print " Matrix and RHS:" print "" for i in range(0, n + 1): for j in range(0, n + 1): print " %f" % (A[i, j]), print " %f" % (rhs[i]) # # Solve the linear system. # u = la.solve(A, rhs) # # Evaluate the exact solution at the nodes. # uex = np.zeros(n + 1) for i in range(0, n + 1): uex[i] = exact_fn(x[i]) # # Compare the solution and the error at the nodes. # print "" print " Node Ucomp Uexact Error" print "" for i in range(0, n + 1): err = abs(uex[i] - u[i]) print " %4d %14.6g %14.6g %14.6g" % (i, u[i], uex[i], err) # # Plot the computed solution and the exact solution. # Evaluate the exact solution at enough points that the curve will look smooth. # npp = 51 xp = np.linspace(a, b, npp) up = np.zeros(npp) for i in range(0, npp): up[i] = exact_fn(xp[i]) plt.plot(x, u, 'bo-', xp, up, 'r.') # # Terminate. # print "" print "FEM1D:" print " Normal end of execution." print "" timestamp()
# coding: utf-8 import sys sys.path.append("../utils") from timestamp import timestamp print('test') print(timestamp())
def add_title_using_gscholar( input_data_file_name, output_data_file_name, input_field_delimiter=',', output_field_delimiter=',', ): found_match_count = 0 nofound_match_count = 0 # create csv reader for input records timestamp.timestamp("Reading input records from '{0}'.".format(input_data_file_name)) fr = open(input_data_file_name,'rb') input_data = csv.DictReader(fr, delimiter = input_field_delimiter) # fieldnames/keys of original input data (dictionary) original_data_fieldnames = input_data.fieldnames # find corresponding column position for specified header author_pos = fuzzymatch(original_data_fieldnames,'author') year_pos = fuzzymatch(original_data_fieldnames,'year') title_pos = fuzzymatch(original_data_fieldnames,'title') journal_pos = fuzzymatch(original_data_fieldnames,'journal') publisher_pos = fuzzymatch(original_data_fieldnames,'publisher') volume_pos = fuzzymatch(original_data_fieldnames,'volume') issue_pos = fuzzymatch(original_data_fieldnames,'issue') page_pos = fuzzymatch(original_data_fieldnames,'page') #count total data records record_num = 0 for original_record in input_data: record_num += 1 print timestamp.timestamp("Reading input record '{0:05d}'.".format(record_num)) # exact values of fields to be validated original_record_title = original_record[title_pos.values()[0]] original_record_author = original_record[author_pos.values()[0]] original_record_year = original_record[year_pos.values()[0]] original_record_journal = original_record[journal_pos.values()[0]] if original_record_author == "[no agent data]": original_record_author = None if original_record_year == "0" or original_record_year == "": original_record_year = None if original_record_title == "no article title available": original_record_title = None if original_record_journal == "": original_record_journal = None output_record = original_record gscholar_match_result = None # try match search of the combination of author, publicaton year, title (if existing), and journal name. timestamp.timestamp("Trying Google Scholar match search for original record: '{0}'.".format(original_record)) querier1 = scholar.ScholarQuerier() query1 = scholar.SearchScholarQuery() query1.set_num_page_results(1) query1.set_author(original_record_author) query1.set_pub(original_record_journal) query1.set_scope(original_record_title) if original_record_year is not None: # extend the publisher year to an interval [original_record_year-10 original_record_year+10] query1.set_timeframe(str(int(original_record_year)-10),str(int(original_record_year)+10)) else: query1.set_timeframe(None,None) settings1 = scholar.ScholarSettings() settings1.set_citation_format(scholar.ScholarSettings.CITFORM_BIBTEX) querier1.apply_settings(settings1) querier1.send_query(query1) gscholar_record = scholar.citation_export(querier1) if len(gscholar_record) < 1: timestamp.timestamp('Google Scholar match FAILED!') nofound_match_count += 1 else: timestamp.timestamp('Google Scholar match was SUCESSFUL!') gscholar_match_result = True found_match_count += 1 gscholar_record_str = gscholar_record[0] if gscholar_record_str.find('@') > -1: at_type = gscholar_record_str.find('@') sp_type = gscholar_record_str.find('{',at_type) new_type = gscholar_record_str[at_type+1 : sp_type] output_record['type'] = new_type if gscholar_record_str.find('title={') > -1: at_title = gscholar_record_str.find('title={') sp_title = gscholar_record_str.find('}',at_title) new_title = gscholar_record_str[at_title+7 : sp_title] output_record['title'] = new_title if gscholar_record_str.find('author={') > -1: at_author = gscholar_record_str.find('author={') sp_author = gscholar_record_str.find('}',at_author) new_author = gscholar_record_str[at_author+8 : sp_author] output_record['author'] = new_author if gscholar_record_str.find('journal={') > -1: at_journal = gscholar_record_str.find('journal={') sp_journal = gscholar_record_str.find('}',at_journal) new_journal = gscholar_record_str[at_journal+9 : sp_journal] output_record['journal'] = new_journal if gscholar_record_str.find('volume={') > -1: at_volume = gscholar_record_str.find('volume={') sp_volume = gscholar_record_str.find('}',at_volume) new_volume = gscholar_record_str[at_volume+8 : sp_volume] output_record['volume'] = new_volume if gscholar_record_str.find('pages={') > -1: at_pages = gscholar_record_str.find('pages={') sp_pages = gscholar_record_str.find('}',at_pages) new_pages = gscholar_record_str[at_pages+7 : sp_pages] output_record['pages'] = new_pages if gscholar_record_str.find('year={') > -1: at_year = gscholar_record_str.find('year={') sp_year = gscholar_record_str.find('}',at_year) new_year = gscholar_record_str[at_year+6 : sp_year] output_record['year'] = new_year if gscholar_record_str.find('publisher={') > -1: at_publisher = gscholar_record_str.find('publisher={') sp_publisher = gscholar_record_str.find('}',at_publisher) new_publisher = gscholar_record_str[at_publisher+11 : sp_publisher] output_record['publisher'] = new_publisher # open file for storing output data if not already open if 'output_data' not in locals(): extra_fieldnames = ['type','title','author','journal','volume','pages','year','publisher'] output_data_fieldnames = input_data.fieldnames + extra_fieldnames fw = open(output_data_file_name,'w') output_data = csv.DictWriter(fw,output_data_fieldnames, delimiter = output_field_delimiter) output_data.writeheader() output_data.writerow(output_record) print timestamp.timestamp("Summary: {0} matches found and {1} matches not found to '{2}'.".format(found_match_count, nofound_match_count, output_data_file_name)) fr.close() fw.close()
def fem1d_bvp_quadratic ( ): # ## FEM1D_BVP_QUADRATIC solves a two point boundary value problem. # # Location: # # # # Discussion: # # The finite element method is used, with piecewise quadratic elements. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 17 September 2014 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as la from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) print "" print "FEM1D_BVP_QUADRATIC" print " Python version" print " Given the two point boundary value problem:" print " -u'' = x * ( x + 3 ) * exp ( x ), 0 < x < 1" print " with boundary conditions" print " u(0) = 0, u(1) = 0," print " demonstrate how the finite element method can be used to" print " define and compute a discrete approximation to the solution." print " This program uses piecewise quadratic elements." # # Define the interval. # a = 0.0 b = 1.0 # # Define the mesh, N_NUM evenly spaced points between A and B. # Because we are using quadratic elements, we need N_NUM to be odd! # n_num = 11 x = np.linspace ( a, b, n_num ) print "" print " Nodes:" print "" for i in range ( 0, n_num ): print " %d %f" %( i, x[i] ) # # Set the number of elements. # # Using quadratic elements, the relationship between number of nodes # and number of elements is more complicated. # # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 0-based node indices # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1-based node indices # N--n--N--n--N--n--N--n--N--n--N 11 nodes # *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----* 5 elements # 1 2 3 4 5 1-based node indices # 0 1 2 3 4 0-based node indices # e_num = ( n_num - 1 ) / 2 # # Set a 3 point quadrature rule on the reference interval [-1,1]. # q_num = 3 xg = np.array ( ( \ -0.774596669241483377035853079956, \ 0.0, \ 0.774596669241483377035853079956 ) ) wg = np.array ( ( \ 5.0 / 9.0, \ 8.0 / 9.0, \ 5.0 / 9.0 ) ) # # Compute the system matrix A and right hand side RHS. # A = np.zeros ( ( n_num, n_num ) ) rhs = np.zeros ( n_num ) # # Look at element E: (0, 1, 2, ..., E_NUM-1). # for e in range ( 0, e_num ): l = 2 * e m = 2 * e + 1 r = 2 * e + 2 xl = x[l] xm = x[m] xr = x[r] # # Consider quadrature point Q: (0, 1, 2 ) in element E. # for q in range ( 0, q_num ): # # Map XG and WG from [-1,1] to # XQ and WQ in [XL,XM,XR]. # xq = xl + ( xg[q] + 1.0 ) * ( xr - xl ) / 2.0 wq = wg[q] * ( xr - xl ) / 2.0 # # Evaluate PHI(L), PHI(M) and PHI(R), and their derivatives at XQ. # # It must be true that PHI(L) is 1 at XL and 0 at XM and XR, # with similar requirements for PHI(M) and PHI(R). # phil = ( xq - xm ) * ( xq - xr ) / \ ( ( xl - xm ) * ( xl - xr ) ) philp = ( ( xq - xr ) + ( xq - xm ) ) / \ ( ( xl - xm ) * ( xl - xr ) ) phim = ( xq - xl ) * ( xq - xr ) / \ ( ( xm - xl ) * ( xm - xr ) ) phimp = ( ( xq - xr ) + ( xq - xl ) ) / \ ( ( xm - xl ) * ( xm - xr ) ) phir = ( xq - xl ) * ( xq - xm ) / \ ( ( xr - xl ) * ( xr - xm ) ) phirp = ( ( xq - xm ) + ( xq - xl ) ) / \ ( ( xr - xl ) * ( xr - xm ) ) fxq = rhs_fn ( xq ) # # Add the terms from this element to the matrix. # A[l][l] = A[l][l] + wq * philp * philp A[l][m] = A[l][m] + wq * philp * phimp A[l][r] = A[l][r] + wq * philp * phirp rhs[l] = rhs[l] + wq * phil * fxq A[m][l] = A[m][l] + wq * phimp * philp A[m][m] = A[m][m] + wq * phimp * phimp A[m][r] = A[m][r] + wq * phimp * phirp rhs[m] = rhs[m] + wq * phim * fxq A[r][l] = A[r][l] + wq * phirp * philp A[r][m] = A[r][m] + wq * phirp * phimp A[r][r] = A[r][r] + wq * phirp * phirp rhs[r] = rhs[r] + wq * phir * fxq # # Modify the linear system to enforce the left boundary condition. # A[0,0] = 1.0 A[0,1:n_num-1] = 0.0 rhs[0] = exact_fn ( x[0] ) # # Modify the linear system to enforce the right boundary condition. # A[n_num-1,n_num-1] = 1.0 A[n_num-1,0:n_num-1] = 0.0 rhs[n_num-1] = exact_fn ( x[n_num-1] ) r8vec_print ( n_num, rhs, ' RHS' ) # # Solve the linear system. # u = la.solve ( A, rhs ) # # Evaluate the exact solution at the nodes. # uex = np.zeros ( n_num ) for i in range ( 0, n_num ): uex[i] = exact_fn ( x[i] ) # # Compare the solution and the error at the nodes. # print "" print " Node Ucomp Uexact Error" print "" for i in range ( 0, n_num ): err = abs ( uex[i] - u[i] ) print " %4d %14.6g %14.6g %14.6g" % ( i, u[i], uex[i], err ) # # Plot the computed solution and the exact solution. # Evaluate the exact solution at enough points that the curve will look smooth. # npp = 51 xp = np.linspace ( a, b, npp ) up = np.zeros ( npp ) for i in range ( 0, npp ): up[i] = exact_fn ( xp[i] ) plt.plot ( x, u, 'bo-', xp, up, 'r.' ) ( ) # # Terminate. # print "" print "FEM1D_BVP_QUADRATIC:" print " Normal end of execution." print "" timestamp ( )
def wathen_test(): #*****************************************************************************80 # ## WATHEN_TEST tests the WATHEN library. # # Licensing: # # This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. # # Modified: # # 31 August 2014 # # Author: # # John Burkardt # from timestamp import timestamp from wathen_test01 import wathen_test01 from wathen_test02 import wathen_test02 from wathen_test03 import wathen_test03 from wathen_test04 import wathen_test04 from wathen_test05 import wathen_test05 from wathen_test06 import wathen_test06 from wathen_test07 import wathen_test07 from wathen_test08 import wathen_test08 from wathen_test09 import wathen_test09 timestamp() print '' print 'WATHEN_TEST' print ' Python version:' print ' Test the WATHEN library.' # # Direct Solve # wathen_test01() wathen_test02() # # Timings. # wathen_test03() wathen_test04() wathen_test05() # # CG Solve # wathen_test06() wathen_test07() wathen_test08() # # Use SPY to display the sparsity of the matrix. # wathen_test09() # # Terminate. # print '' print 'WATHEN_TEST:' print ' Normal end of execution.' print '' timestamp() return
return { 'name': '%s %s' % (first, last), 'username': '******' % (first[0], last) } def random_tweet(): return random.choice([ "I'm sick of %s, %s, moving to %s, %s!", "Leaving %s, %s behind. %s, %s is what I'll call home.", "Goodbye %s, %s, hello %s, %s." ]) tweets = [] now = int(round(timestamp.timestamp() * 1000)) with open('world_cities.json', 'r') as f: cities = json.loads( with open('names.json', 'r') as f: names = json.loads( for n in range(TWEET_COUNT): user = random_name(names) source = random_city(cities) destination = random_city(cities) message = random_tweet() % (source['city'], source['country'], destination['city'], destination['country']) tweets.append({
# John Burkardt # print '' print 'TRIANGLE01_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL_TEST' print ' TRIANGLE01_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL returns the integral Q of' print ' a monomial X^I Y^J over the interior of the unit triangle.' print '' print ' I J Q(I,J)' for d in range ( 0, 6 ): print '' for i in range ( 0, d + 1 ): j = d - i q = triangle01_monomial_integral ( i, j ) print ' %2d %2d %14.6g' % ( i, j, q ) # # Terminate. # print '' print 'TRIANGLE01_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL_TEST' print ' Normal end of execution.' return if ( __name__ == '__main__' ): from timestamp import timestamp timestamp ( ) triangle01_monomial_integral_test ( ) timestamp ( )
#print(str(skip_n) + " mongodb read " + ts.timestamp()) reviews = pd.DataFrame() for doc in cursor: tmp = pd.DataFrame(data=[[doc['cId'], doc['desc']]], columns=['cId', 'desc']) reviews = reviews.append(tmp, ignore_index=True) #print "cId: " + doc['cId'] + " desc: " + doc['desc'] ma.analysis(reviews) print('Completed num: {0}, process: {1}'.format(skip_n, proc)) if __name__ == '__main__': print("start " + ts.timestamp()) #connect to mongodb for creating cIds_list collection = cm.connect() #sorting by cIds except naverpay, count1 pipeline = [{ '$group': { '_id': '$cId', 'count': { '$sum': 1 } } }, { '$sort': { 'count': -1