def getSensorDataSummary(sensorId, locationMessage): sensor = SensorDb.getSensorObj(sensorId) if sensor is None: return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Sensor Not found"} measurementType = sensor.getMeasurementType() tzId = locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY] acquisitionCount = LocationMessage.getMessageCount(locationMessage) util.debugPrint("AquistionCount " + str(acquisitionCount)) if acquisitionCount == 0: return { "status": "OK", "minOccupancy": 0, "tStartReadings": 0, "tStartLocalTime": 0, "tStartLocalTimeFormattedTimeStamp": "UNKNOWN", "tStartDayBoundary": 0, "tEndDayBoundary": 0, "tEndReadings": 0, "tEndLocalTimeFormattedTimeStamp": "UNKNOWN", "maxOccupancy": 0, "measurementType": measurementType, "isStreamingEnabled": sensor.isStreamingEnabled(), "sensorStatus": sensor.getSensorStatus(), COUNT: 0 } minTime = LocationMessage.getFirstDataMessageTimeStamp(locationMessage) maxTime = LocationMessage.getLastDataMessageTimeStamp(locationMessage) tStartDayBoundary = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( minTime, tzId) (minLocalTime, tStartLocalTimeTzName) = timezone.getLocalTime(minTime, tzId) tEndDayBoundary = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( maxTime, tzId) tstampMin = timezone.formatTimeStampLong(minTime, tzId) tstampMax = timezone.formatTimeStampLong(maxTime, tzId) retval = { "status": "OK", "maxOccupancy": 0, "minOccupancy": 0, "tStartReadings": minTime, "tStartLocalTime": minLocalTime, "tStartLocalTimeFormattedTimeStamp": tstampMin, "tStartDayBoundary": tStartDayBoundary, "tEndDayBoundary": tEndDayBoundary, "tEndReadings": maxTime, "tEndLocalTimeFormattedTimeStamp": tstampMax, "measurementType": measurementType, "isStreamingEnabled": sensor.isStreamingEnabled(), "sensorStatus": sensor.getSensorStatus(), COUNT: acquisitionCount } return retval
def generateSpectrumForSweptFrequency(msg, sessionId, minFreq, maxFreq): try: chWidth = Config.getScreenConfig()[CHART_WIDTH] chHeight = Config.getScreenConfig()[CHART_HEIGHT] spectrumData = msgutils.trimSpectrumToSubBand(msg, minFreq, maxFreq) noiseFloorData = msgutils.trimNoiseFloorToSubBand( msg, minFreq, maxFreq) nSteps = len(spectrumData) freqDelta = float(maxFreq - minFreq) / float(1E6) / nSteps freqArray = [ float(minFreq) / float(1E6) + i * freqDelta for i in range(0, nSteps) ] plt.figure(figsize=(chWidth, chHeight)) plt1 = plt.scatter(freqArray, spectrumData, color='red', label="Signal Power") plt2 = plt.scatter(freqArray, noiseFloorData, color='black', label="Noise Floor") plt.legend(handles=[plt1, plt2]) xlabel = "Freq (MHz)" plt.xlabel(xlabel) ylabel = "Power (dBm)" plt.ylabel(ylabel) locationMessage = DbCollections.getLocationMessages().find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(msg["locationMessageId"])}) t = msg["t"] tz = locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY] title = "Spectrum at " + timezone.formatTimeStampLong(t, tz) plt.title(title) spectrumFile = sessionId + "/" + msg[SENSOR_ID] + "." + str( msg['t']) + "." + str(minFreq) + "." + str( maxFreq) + ".spectrum.png" spectrumFilePath = util.getPath( STATIC_GENERATED_FILE_LOCATION) + spectrumFile plt.savefig(spectrumFilePath, pad_inches=0, dpi=100) plt.clf() plt.close() # plt.close("all") urlPrefix = Config.getGeneratedDataPath() retval = { "status": "OK", "spectrum": urlPrefix + "/" + spectrumFile, "freqArray": freqArray, "spectrumData": spectrumData.tolist(), "noiseFloorData": noiseFloorData.tolist(), "title": title, "xlabel": xlabel, "ylabel": ylabel } return retval except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] print sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() raise
def generateSpectrumForFFTPower(msg, milisecOffset, sessionId): chWidth = Config.getScreenConfig()[CHART_WIDTH] chHeight = Config.getScreenConfig()[CHART_HEIGHT] startTime = msg["t"] nM = int(msg["nM"]) n = int(msg["mPar"]["n"]) measurementDuration = int(msg["mPar"]["td"]) miliSecondsPerMeasurement = float( measurementDuration * MILISECONDS_PER_SECOND) / float(nM) powerVal = np.array(msgutils.getData(msg)) spectrogramData = np.transpose(powerVal.reshape(nM, n)) col = int(milisecOffset / miliSecondsPerMeasurement) util.debugPrint("Col = " + str(col)) spectrumData = spectrogramData[:, col] maxFreq = msg["mPar"]["fStop"] minFreq = msg["mPar"]["fStart"] nSteps = len(spectrumData) freqDelta = float(maxFreq - minFreq) / float(1E6) / nSteps freqArray = [ float(minFreq) / float(1E6) + i * freqDelta for i in range(0, nSteps) ] plt.figure(figsize=(chWidth, chHeight)) plt.scatter(freqArray, spectrumData, color='red', label='Signal Power') # TODO -- fix this when the sensor is calibrated. wnI = msg[NOISE_FLOOR] noiseFloorData = [wnI for i in range(0, len(spectrumData))] plt.scatter(freqArray, noiseFloorData, color='black', label="Noise Floor") xlabel = "Freq (MHz)" ylabel = "Power (dBm)" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) locationMessage = DbCollections.getLocationMessages().find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(msg["locationMessageId"])}) t = msg["t"] + milisecOffset / float(MILISECONDS_PER_SECOND) tz = locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY] title = "Spectrum at " + timezone.formatTimeStampLong(t, tz) plt.title(title) spectrumFile = sessionId + "/" + msg[SENSOR_ID] + "." + str( startTime) + "." + str(milisecOffset) + ".spectrum.png" spectrumFilePath = util.getPath( STATIC_GENERATED_FILE_LOCATION) + spectrumFile plt.savefig(spectrumFilePath, pad_inches=0, dpi=100) plt.clf() plt.close() # plt.close("all") retval = { "status": "OK", "spectrum": Config.getGeneratedDataPath() + "/" + spectrumFile, "freqArray": freqArray, "spectrumData": spectrumData.tolist(), "noiseFloorData": noiseFloorData, "title": title, "xlabel": xlabel, "ylabel": ylabel } return retval
def __init__(self, num_ch, file_name, sensorLoc, sensorSys, sensor_id, sensor_key, center_freq, bandwidth, meas_duration, atten, samp_rate, avoid_LO): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="jsonfile_sink", in_sig=[(bytes, num_ch)], out_sig=None) # Establish ssl socket connection to server self.num_ch = num_ch # Open file for output stream self.file_name = file_name self.f = open(self.file_name, 'wb') self.srvr = blocks.file_descriptor_sink(self.num_ch * gr.sizeof_char, self.f.fileno()) self.sensorLoc = sensorLoc self.sensorSys = sensorSys self.sensor_id = sensor_id self.sensor_key = sensor_key self.center_freq = center_freq self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.meas_duration = meas_duration self.atten = atten self.samp_rate = samp_rate self.avoid = avoid_LO print ("Sensor ID: ", self.sensor_id) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = self.read_json_from_file(self.sensorLoc) sys_msg = self.read_json_from_file(self.sensorSys) ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) print 'Serial no.', self.sensor_id loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = self.sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = self.sensor_id self.post_msg(loc_msg) self.post_msg(sys_msg) # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) f_start = self.center_freq - self.bandwidth / 2.0 if self.avoid: #self.center_freq = self.center_freq + self.samp_rate/4.0 #print "Avoiding LO...\nShifting center Frequency to", self.center_freq f_start = (self.center_freq - self.samp_rate/4) - self.bandwidth/2.0 f_stop = f_start + self.bandwidth if self.avoid: print "Avoiding LO, frequencies are shifted to: [",f_start/1e6, "MHz-",f_stop/1e6,"MHz ]" mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=self.num_ch, td=-1, tm=self.meas_duration, Det='Average', Atten=self.atten) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data_hdr = Struct(Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID=self.sensor_id, SensorKey=self.sensor_key, t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=ts, a=1, nM=-1, Ta=-1, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment='Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType = 'Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) self.post_msg(data_hdr) self.f.flush() date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", self.center_freq/1e6, "MHz. Writing data to file", self.file_name
def main_loop(tb): if not tb.set_freq(tb.center_freq): print "Failed to set frequency to", tb.center_freq sys.exit(1) print "Set frequency to", tb.center_freq/1e6, "MHz\n" time.sleep(0.25) sensor_id = "HackRF" # Establish ssl socket connection to server r ='https://'+tb.dest_host+':8443/sensordata/getStreamingPort/'+sensor_id, verify=False) print 'server response:', r.text response = r.json() print 'socket port =', response['port'] sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tb.s = s = ssl.wrap_socket(sock)#, ca_certs='dummy.crt', cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE) s.connect((tb.dest_host, response['port'])) tb.set_sock(s) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.loc') sys_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.sys') ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) sensor_key = sys_msg['SensorKey'] print 'Sensor Key', sensor_key #print 'Serial no.', sensor_id loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id tb.send_obj(loc_msg) tb.send_obj(sys_msg) # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) f_start = tb.center_freq - tb.bandwidth/2.0 if tb.avoid_LO: f_start = (tb.center_freq - tb.samp_rate/4) - tb.bandwidth/2.0 f_stop = f_start + tb.bandwidth if tb.avoid_LO: print "Avoiding LO, frequencies are shifted to: [",f_start/1e6, "MHz-",f_stop/1e6,"MHz ]" mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=tb.num_ch, td=-1, tm=tb.meas_duration, Det='Average', Atten=tb.atten) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data = Struct(Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID='HackRF', SensorKey='12345', t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=ts, a=1, nM=-1, Ta=-1, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment='Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType = 'Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) tb.send_obj(data) date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", tb.center_freq/1e6, "MHz. Sending data to", tb.dest_host # Start flow graph tb.start() tb.wait() tb.s.close() print 'Closed socket'
def main_loop(tb): sensor_id = "TestSensor" r ='https://' + tb.dest_host + '/sensordata/getStreamingPort/' + sensor_id, verify=False) print 'server response:', r.text response = r.json() print 'socket port =', response['port'] sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tb.s = s = ssl.wrap_socket(sock) s.connect((tb.dest_host, response['port'])) tb.set_sock(s) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.loc') loc_msg["SensorID"] = sensor_id sys_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.sys') sys_msg["SensorID"] = sensor_id ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) print 'Serial no.', sensor_id loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id tb.send_obj(loc_msg) tb.send_obj(sys_msg) # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) f_start = tb.center_freq - tb.bandwidth / 2.0 f_stop = f_start + tb.bandwidth # Note -- dummy atten mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=tb.num_ch, td=-1, tm=tb.meas_duration, Det='Average' if tb.det_type == 'avg' else 'Peak', Atten=tb.atten) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data = Struct(Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID=sensor_id, SensorKey='NaN', t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', \ Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=ts, a=1, nM=-1, Ta=-1, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, \ Comment='Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', \ Processed='False', DataType = 'Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) tb.send_obj(data) date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", tb.center_freq / 1e6, "MHz. Sending data to", tb.dest_host # Start flow graph tb.start() tb.wait() tb.s.close() print 'Closed socket'
def __init__(self, num_ch, dest_host, sensorLoc, sensorSys, sensor_id, sensor_key, center_freq, bandwidth, meas_duration, atten): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="sslsocket_sink", in_sig=[(bytes, num_ch)], out_sig=None) # Establish ssl socket connection to server self.num_ch = num_ch self.dest_host = dest_host self.sensorLoc = sensorLoc self.sensorSys = sensorSys self.sensor_id = sensor_id self.sensor_key = sensor_key self.center_freq = center_freq self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.meas_duration = meas_duration self.atten = atten r ='https://'+self.dest_host+':8443/sensordata/getStreamingPort/'+self.sensor_id, verify=False) print 'server response:', r.text response = r.json() print 'socket port =', response['port'] sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE) self.sock.connect((self.dest_host, response['port'])) print ("Sensor ID: ", self.sensor_id) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = self.read_json_from_file(self.sensorLoc) sys_msg = self.read_json_from_file(self.sensorSys) ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) print 'Serial no.', self.sensor_id loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = self.sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = self.sensor_id self.send_obj(loc_msg) self.send_obj(sys_msg) # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) f_start = self.center_freq - self.bandwidth / 2.0 f_stop = f_start + self.bandwidth mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=self.num_ch, td=-1, tm=self.meas_duration, Det='Average', Atten=self.atten) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data = Struct(Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID=self.sensor_id, SensorKey=self.sensor_key, t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=ts, a=1, nM=-1, Ta=-1, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment='Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType = 'Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) self.send_obj(data) date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", self.center_freq/1e6, "MHz. Sending data to", self.dest_host
def insertEvent(sensorId, captureEvent): """ Insert an event in the capture database. """ locationMessage = msgutils.getLocationMessage(captureEvent) if locationMessage is None: return {STATUS: NOK, "ErrorMessage": "Location message not found"} tZId = locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY] del captureEvent[SENSOR_KEY] captureDb = DbCollections.getCaptureEventDb(sensorId) captureTime = captureEvent["t"] captureEvent["formattedTimeStamp"] = timezone.formatTimeStampLong( captureTime, tZId) captureDb.ensure_index([('t', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) captureDb.insert(captureEvent) return {STATUS: OK}
def main_loop(tb): if not tb.set_freq(tb.center_freq): print "Failed to set frequency to", tb.center_freq sys.exit(1) print "Set frequency to", tb.center_freq/1e6, "MHz" time.sleep(0.25) # Establish connection to server r ='http://'+tb.dest_host+':8000/sensordata/getStreamingPort') response = r.json() print 'socket port =', response['port'] tb.s = s = jsocket.JsonClient(address=tb.dest_host, port=response['port']) s.connect() tb.set_fd(s.conn.fileno()) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.loc') sys_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.sys') ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) sensor_id = tb.u.get_usrp_info()['rx_serial'] print 'Serial no.', sensor_id loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id s.send_obj(loc_msg) s.send_obj(sys_msg) # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) f_start = tb.center_freq - tb.bandwidth / 2.0 f_stop = f_start + tb.bandwidth mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=tb.num_ch, td=-1, tm=tb.meas_duration, Det='Average', Atten=tb.atten) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data = Struct(Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID=sensor_id, SensorKey='NaN', t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=ts, a=1, nM=-1, Ta=-1, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment='Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType = 'Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) s.send_obj(data) date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", tb.center_freq/1e6, "MHz. Sending data to", tb.dest_host # Execute flow graph and wait for it to stop tb.start() tb.wait() tb.s.close() print 'Closed socket'
def generateSingleAcquisitionSpectrogramAndOccupancyForFFTPower( sensorId, sessionId, threshold, startTime, minFreq, maxFreq, leftBound, rightBound): util.debugPrint( "generateSingleAcquisitionSpectrogramAndOccupancyForFFTPower " + " sensorId = " + sensorId + " leftBound = " + str(leftBound) + " rightBound = " + str(rightBound)) dataMessages = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId) chWidth = Config.getScreenConfig()[CHART_WIDTH] chHeight = Config.getScreenConfig()[CHART_HEIGHT] if dataMessages is None: return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Data message collection found "} msg = dataMessages.find_one({SENSOR_ID: sensorId, "t": startTime}) if msg is None: return { STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "No data message found at " + str(int(startTime)) } if threshold is None: cutoff = DataMessage.getThreshold(msg) else: cutoff = int(threshold) startTime = DataMessage.getTime(msg) fs = gridfs.GridFS(DbCollections.getSpectrumDb(), msg[SENSOR_ID] + "_data") sensorId = msg[SENSOR_ID] messageBytes = fs.get(ObjectId(msg[DATA_KEY])).read() util.debugPrint("Read " + str(len(messageBytes))) spectrogramFile = sessionId + "/" + sensorId + "." + str( startTime) + "." + str(leftBound) + "." + str(rightBound) + "." + str( cutoff) spectrogramFilePath = util.getPath( STATIC_GENERATED_FILE_LOCATION) + spectrogramFile if leftBound < 0 or rightBound < 0: util.debugPrint("Bounds to exlude must be >= 0") return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Invalid bounds specified"} measurementDuration = DataMessage.getMeasurementDuration(msg) miliSecondsPerMeasurement = float(measurementDuration * 1000) / float( DataMessage.getNumberOfMeasurements(msg)) leftColumnsToExclude = int(leftBound / miliSecondsPerMeasurement) rightColumnsToExclude = int(rightBound / miliSecondsPerMeasurement) if leftColumnsToExclude + rightColumnsToExclude >= DataMessage.getNumberOfMeasurements( msg): util.debugPrint("leftColumnToExclude " + str(leftColumnsToExclude) + " rightColumnsToExclude " + str(rightColumnsToExclude)) return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Invalid bounds"} util.debugPrint("LeftColumns to exclude " + str(leftColumnsToExclude) + " right columns to exclude " + str(rightColumnsToExclude)) noiseFloor = DataMessage.getNoiseFloor(msg) nM = DataMessage.getNumberOfMeasurements( msg) - leftColumnsToExclude - rightColumnsToExclude n = DataMessage.getNumberOfFrequencyBins(msg) locationMessage = msgutils.getLocationMessage(msg) lengthToRead = n * DataMessage.getNumberOfMeasurements(msg) # Read the power values power = msgutils.getData(msg) powerVal = np.array(power[n * leftColumnsToExclude:lengthToRead - n * rightColumnsToExclude]) minTime = float( leftColumnsToExclude * miliSecondsPerMeasurement) / float(1000) spectrogramData = powerVal.reshape(nM, n) maxpower = msgutils.getMaxPower(msg) if maxpower < cutoff: maxpower = cutoff # generate the spectrogram as an image. if (not os.path.exists(spectrogramFilePath + ".png")) or\ DebugFlags.getDisableSessionIdCheckFlag(): dirname = util.getPath(STATIC_GENERATED_FILE_LOCATION) + sessionId if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs( util.getPath(STATIC_GENERATED_FILE_LOCATION) + sessionId) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(chWidth, chHeight)) # aspect ratio frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) frame1.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) cmap = cmap.set_under(UNDER_CUTOFF_COLOR) fig = plt.imshow(np.transpose(spectrogramData), interpolation='none', origin='lower', aspect="auto", vmin=cutoff, vmax=maxpower, cmap=cmap) util.debugPrint("Generated fig " + spectrogramFilePath + ".png") plt.savefig(spectrogramFilePath + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=100) plt.clf() plt.close() else: util.debugPrint("File exists -- not regenerating") # generate the occupancy data for the measurement. occupancyCount = [0 for i in range(0, nM)] for i in range(0, nM): occupancyCount[i] = float( len(filter(lambda x: x >= cutoff, spectrogramData[i, :]))) / float(n) timeArray = [ int((i + leftColumnsToExclude) * miliSecondsPerMeasurement) for i in range(0, nM) ] # get the size of the generated png. reader = png.Reader(filename=spectrogramFilePath + ".png") (width, height, pixels, metadata) = if (not os.path.exists(spectrogramFilePath + ".cbar.png")) or \ DebugFlags.getDisableSessionIdCheckFlag(): # generate the colorbar as a separate image. norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=cutoff, vmax=maxpower) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(chWidth * 0.2, chHeight * 1.22)) # aspect ratio ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0, 0.1, 1]) mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax1, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, orientation='vertical') plt.savefig(spectrogramFilePath + '.cbar.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=50) plt.clf() plt.close() nextAcquisition = msgutils.getNextAcquisition(msg) prevAcquisition = msgutils.getPrevAcquisition(msg) if nextAcquisition is not None: nextAcquisitionTime = DataMessage.getTime(nextAcquisition) else: nextAcquisitionTime = DataMessage.getTime(msg) if prevAcquisition is not None: prevAcquisitionTime = DataMessage.getTime(prevAcquisition) else: prevAcquisitionTime = DataMessage.getTime(msg) tz = locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY] timeDelta = DataMessage.getMeasurementDuration( msg) - float(leftBound) / float(1000) - float(rightBound) / float(1000) meanOccupancy = np.mean(occupancyCount) maxOccupancy = np.max(occupancyCount) minOccupancy = np.min(occupancyCount) medianOccupancy = np.median(occupancyCount) result = { "spectrogram": Config.getGeneratedDataPath() + "/" + spectrogramFile + ".png", "cbar": Config.getGeneratedDataPath() + "/" + spectrogramFile + ".cbar.png", "maxPower": maxpower, "cutoff": cutoff, "noiseFloor": noiseFloor, "minPower": msgutils.getMinPower(msg), "maxFreq": DataMessage.getFmax(msg), "minFreq": DataMessage.getFmin(msg), "minTime": minTime, "timeDelta": timeDelta, "measurementsPerAcquisition": DataMessage.getNumberOfMeasurements(msg), "binsPerMeasurement": DataMessage.getNumberOfFrequencyBins(msg), "measurementCount": nM, "maxOccupancy": maxOccupancy, "minOccupancy": minOccupancy, "meanOccupancy": meanOccupancy, "medianOccupancy": medianOccupancy, "currentAcquisition": DataMessage.getTime(msg), "prevAcquisition": prevAcquisitionTime, "nextAcquisition": nextAcquisitionTime, "formattedDate": timezone.formatTimeStampLong(DataMessage.getTime(msg), tz), "image_width": float(width), "image_height": float(height) } # Now put in the occupancy data result[STATUS] = OK util.debugPrint( "generateSingleAcquisitionSpectrogramAndOccupancyForFFTPower:returning (abbreviated): " + str(result)) result["timeArray"] = timeArray result["occupancyArray"] = occupancyCount return result
def getBandDataSummary(sensorId, locationMessage, sys2detect, minFreq, maxFreq, mintime, dayCount=None): sensor = SensorDb.getSensorObj(sensorId) if sensor is None: return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Sensor Not found"} measurementType = sensor.getMeasurementType() tzId = locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY] locationMessageId = str(locationMessage["_id"]) freqRange = msgutils.freqRange(sys2detect, minFreq, maxFreq) count = LocationMessage.getBandCount(locationMessage, freqRange) if count == 0: return { FREQ_RANGE: freqRange, COUNT: 0, "minFreq": minFreq, "maxFreq": maxFreq, SYSTEM_TO_DETECT: sys2detect } else: minOccupancy = LocationMessage.getMinBandOccupancy( locationMessage, freqRange) maxOccupancy = LocationMessage.getMaxBandOccupancy( locationMessage, freqRange) count = LocationMessage.getBandCount(locationMessage, freqRange) meanOccupancy = LocationMessage.getMeanOccupancy( locationMessage, freqRange) minTime = LocationMessage.getFirstMessageTimeStampForBand( locationMessage, freqRange) maxTime = LocationMessage.getLastMessageTimeStampForBand( locationMessage, freqRange) maxTimes = timezone.getLocalTime(maxTime, tzId) (tEndReadingsLocalTime, tEndReadingsLocalTimeTzName) = maxTimes tEndDayBoundary = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( maxTime, tzId) tStartDayBoundary = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( minTime, tzId) tstampMin = timezone.formatTimeStampLong(minTime, tzId) tstampMax = timezone.formatTimeStampLong(maxTime, tzId) retval = { "tStartDayBoundary": tStartDayBoundary, "tEndDayBoundary": tEndDayBoundary, "tStartReadings": minTime, "tStartLocalTime": minTime, "tStartLocalTimeFormattedTimeStamp": tstampMin, "tEndReadings": maxTime, "tEndReadingsLocalTime": maxTime, "tEndLocalTimeFormattedTimeStamp": tstampMax, "tEndDayBoundary": tEndDayBoundary, "maxOccupancy": maxOccupancy, "meanOccupancy": meanOccupancy, "minOccupancy": minOccupancy, "maxFreq": maxFreq, "minFreq": minFreq, SYSTEM_TO_DETECT: sys2detect, FREQ_RANGE: freqRange, "measurementType": measurementType, "active": sensor.isBandActive(sys2detect, minFreq, maxFreq), COUNT: count } return retval
def main_loop(tb): tb.set_next_freq() time.sleep(0.25) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.loc') sys_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.sys') ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) sensor_id = tb.u.get_usrp_info()['rx_serial'] loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id tb.post_msg(loc_msg) tb.post_msg(sys_msg) data_file_path = '/tmp/temp.dat' num_bands = len(tb.center_freq) pause_duration = tb.acq_period / num_bands - tb.dwell_delay n = 0 while 1: # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) if n==0: t1s = ts center_freq = tb.center_freq[tb.band_ind] bandwidth = tb.bandwidth[tb.band_ind] f_start = center_freq - bandwidth / 2.0 f_stop = f_start + bandwidth mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=tb.num_ch, td=tb.dwell_delay, Det='Average', Atten=tb.atten) num_vectors_expected = int(tb.dwell_delay / tb.meas_duration) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data_hdr = Struct(Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID=sensor_id, SensorKey='NaN', t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=t1s, a=n/num_bands+1, nM=num_vectors_expected, Ta=tb.acq_period, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment='Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType = 'Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", center_freq/1e6, "MHz. Writing data to file..." # Execute flow graph and wait for it to stop f = open(data_file_path,'wb') tb.set_fd(f.fileno()) tb.set_bin2ch_map(tb.bin2ch_map[tb.band_ind]) tb.start() tb.wait() # Check the number of power vectors generated and pad if necessary num_vectors_written = tb.stats.nitems_written(0) print '\nNum output items:', num_vectors_written if num_vectors_written != num_vectors_expected: print 'Warning: Unexpected number of power vectors generated' if num_vectors_written < num_vectors_expected: pad_len = (num_vectors_expected - num_vectors_written) * tb.num_ch pad = array.array('b', [127]*pad_len) f.write(pad.tostring()) f.close() # Post data file tb.post_data_msg(data_hdr, data_file_path) # Tune to next frequency and pause tb.set_next_freq() print "Pause..." time.sleep(max(0, ts + tb.acq_period / num_bands - getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) tb.head.reset() n += 1
def run(self): global f, f_start, f_stop, bw, date_str, loc, ch_mag_sq_avg_plt, spec_gram, first_data_rcvd, Locked, Paused def get_data(c, MSGLEN): msg = '' while len(msg) < MSGLEN: chunk = c.recv(MSGLEN - len(msg)) if not chunk: break msg = msg + chunk return msg #host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name #host = "localhost" host = "" port = 4001 s = jsocket.JsonServer(address=host, port=port) # Create a socket server print 'Listening for client connection...' try: s.accept_connection() # Establish connection with client except KeyboardInterrupt: s.close() print 'Closed socket' return Locked = False try: msg = s.read_obj() except RuntimeError: print 'Error reading from socket' s.close() print 'Closed socket' return while msg['Type'] != 'Data': if msg['Type'] == 'Loc': loc = msg print loc, '\n' elif msg['Type'] == 'Sys': sys = msg print sys, '\n' else: print 'Warning: Received unknown message type' msg = s.read_obj() data_hdr = msg meas_ts = data_hdr['t'] if data_hdr['mType'] == 'FFT-Power': f_start = data_hdr['mPar']['fStart'] f_stop = data_hdr['mPar']['fStop'] num_ch = data_hdr['mPar']['n'] meas_dur = data_hdr['mPar']['tm'] fc = (f_start + f_stop) / 2.0 bw = f_stop - f_start f = map(lambda i: (f_start + i * bw / num_ch) / 1e6, range(num_ch)) nmeas = max(1, int(math.ceil( 1.0 / meas_dur))) # Read 1-sec worth of measurements at a time. spec_gram = np.zeros((num_ch, SPEC_GRAM_DUR_SEC / meas_dur), np.int8) f.append(f_stop / 1e6) ### Why needed? # Obtain time of acquisition in local time of sensor. # Subtract any DST offset that time.localtime() will add. date_str = formatTimeStampLong(meas_ts, loc['TimeZone']) print date_str + ', fc =', fc / 1e6, 'MHz; bw =', bw / 1e6, 'MHz; N_ch =', num_ch, '; T_meas = {0:0.3f} ms'.format( meas_dur * 1000) item_size = spec_gram.dtype.itemsize while windowOpen: data = get_data(s.conn, item_size * num_ch * nmeas) if len(data) < item_size * num_ch * nmeas: print 'Received partial measurement block' s.close() print 'Closed socket' return ch_power_dBm = np.fromstring(data, np.int8) ch_power_dBm.resize(nmeas, num_ch) if not Paused: Locked = True # Rotate new data in to right-most columns of spec_gram array. spec_gram[:, 0:-nmeas] = spec_gram[:, nmeas:] spec_gram[:, -nmeas:] = ch_power_dBm.transpose() # Compute average of received frames. ch_mag_sq = pow(10, (ch_power_dBm - 30) / 10.0) ch_mag_sq_avg = ch_mag_sq.mean(axis=0) # Repeat the first element of ch_mag_sq_avg for plotting only. ch_mag_sq_avg_plt = np.repeat(ch_mag_sq_avg, [2] + [1] * (len(ch_mag_sq_avg) - 1)) Locked = False first_data_rcvd = True s.close() print 'Closed socket'
def generateSingleDaySpectrogramAndOccupancyForSweptFrequency( sensorId, lat, lon, alt, sessionId, startTime, sys2detect, fstart, fstop, subBandMinFreq, subBandMaxFreq, cutoff): """ Generate single day spectrogram and occupancy for SweptFrequency Parameters: - msg: the data message - sessionId: login session id. - startTime: absolute start time. - sys2detect: the system to detect. - fstart: start frequency. - fstop: stop frequency - subBandMinFreq: min freq of subband. - subBandMaxFreq: max freq of subband. - cutoff: occupancy threshold. """ try: chWidth = Config.getScreenConfig()[CHART_WIDTH] chHeight = Config.getScreenConfig()[CHART_HEIGHT] locationMessage = DbCollections.getLocationMessages().find_one({ SENSOR_ID: sensorId, LAT: lat, LON: lon, ALT: alt }) if locationMessage is None: return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Location message not found"} tz = locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY] startTimeUtc = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( startTime, tz) startMsg = DbCollections.\ getDataMessages(sensorId).find_one( {TIME:{"$gte":startTimeUtc}, LOCATION_MESSAGE_ID:str(locationMessage["_id"]), FREQ_RANGE:msgutils.freqRange(sys2detect, fstart, fstop)}) if startMsg is None: util.debugPrint("Not found") return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Data Not Found"} if DataMessage.getTime(startMsg) - startTimeUtc > SECONDS_PER_DAY: util.debugPrint("Not found - outside day boundary: " + str(startMsg['t'] - startTimeUtc)) return { STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Not found - outside day boundary." } msg = startMsg sensorId = msg[SENSOR_ID] powerValues = msgutils.trimSpectrumToSubBand(msg, subBandMinFreq, subBandMaxFreq) vectorLength = len(powerValues) if cutoff is None: cutoff = DataMessage.getThreshold(msg) else: cutoff = int(cutoff) spectrogramFile = sessionId + "/" + sensorId + "." + str( startTimeUtc) + "." + str(cutoff) + "." + str( subBandMinFreq) + "." + str(subBandMaxFreq) spectrogramFilePath = util.getPath( STATIC_GENERATED_FILE_LOCATION) + spectrogramFile powerVal = np.array( [cutoff for i in range(0, MINUTES_PER_DAY * vectorLength)]) spectrogramData = powerVal.reshape(vectorLength, MINUTES_PER_DAY) # artificial power value when sensor is off. sensorOffPower = np.transpose( np.array([2000 for i in range(0, vectorLength)])) prevMessage = msgutils.getPrevAcquisition(msg) if prevMessage is None: util.debugPrint("prevMessage not found") prevMessage = msg prevAcquisition = sensorOffPower else: prevAcquisitionTime = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( prevMessage['t'], tz) util.debugPrint("prevMessage[t] " + str(prevMessage['t']) + " msg[t] " + str(msg['t']) + " prevDayBoundary " + str(prevAcquisitionTime)) prevAcquisition = np.transpose( np.array( msgutils.trimSpectrumToSubBand(prevMessage, subBandMinFreq, subBandMaxFreq))) occupancy = [] timeArray = [] maxpower = -1000 minpower = 1000 # Note that we are starting with the first message. count = 1 while True: acquisition = msgutils.trimSpectrumToSubBand( msg, subBandMinFreq, subBandMaxFreq) occupancyCount = float( len(filter(lambda x: x >= cutoff, acquisition))) occupancyVal = occupancyCount / float(len(acquisition)) occupancy.append(occupancyVal) minpower = np.minimum(minpower, msgutils.getMinPower(msg)) maxpower = np.maximum(maxpower, msgutils.getMaxPower(msg)) if prevMessage['t1'] != msg['t1']: # GAP detected so fill it with sensorOff sindex = get_index(DataMessage.getTime(prevMessage), startTimeUtc) if get_index(DataMessage.getTime(prevMessage), startTimeUtc) < 0: sindex = 0 for i in range( sindex, get_index(DataMessage.getTime(msg), startTimeUtc)): spectrogramData[:, i] = sensorOffPower elif DataMessage.getTime(prevMessage) > startTimeUtc: # Prev message is the same tstart and prevMessage is in the range of interest. # Sensor was not turned off. # fill forward using the prev acquisition. for i in range( get_index(DataMessage.getTime(prevMessage), startTimeUtc), get_index(msg["t"], startTimeUtc)): spectrogramData[:, i] = prevAcquisition else: # forward fill from prev acquisition to the start time # with the previous power value for i in range( 0, get_index(DataMessage.getTime(msg), startTimeUtc)): spectrogramData[:, i] = prevAcquisition colIndex = get_index(DataMessage.getTime(msg), startTimeUtc) spectrogramData[:, colIndex] = acquisition timeArray.append( float(DataMessage.getTime(msg) - startTimeUtc) / float(3600)) prevMessage = msg prevAcquisition = acquisition msg = msgutils.getNextAcquisition(msg) if msg is None: lastMessage = prevMessage for i in range( get_index(DataMessage.getTime(prevMessage), startTimeUtc), MINUTES_PER_DAY): spectrogramData[:, i] = sensorOffPower break elif DataMessage.getTime(msg) - startTimeUtc >= SECONDS_PER_DAY: if msg['t1'] == prevMessage['t1']: for i in range( get_index(DataMessage.getTime(prevMessage), startTimeUtc), MINUTES_PER_DAY): spectrogramData[:, i] = prevAcquisition else: for i in range( get_index(DataMessage.getTime(prevMessage), startTimeUtc), MINUTES_PER_DAY): spectrogramData[:, i] = sensorOffPower lastMessage = prevMessage break count = count + 1 # generate the spectrogram as an image. if not os.path.exists(spectrogramFilePath + ".png"): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(chWidth, chHeight)) frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) frame1.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) cmap = cmap.set_under(UNDER_CUTOFF_COLOR) cmap.set_over(OVER_CUTOFF_COLOR) dirname = util.getPath(STATIC_GENERATED_FILE_LOCATION) + sessionId if maxpower < cutoff: maxpower = cutoff minpower = cutoff if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) fig = plt.imshow(spectrogramData, interpolation='none', origin='lower', aspect='auto', vmin=cutoff, vmax=maxpower, cmap=cmap) util.debugPrint("Generated fig") plt.savefig(spectrogramFilePath + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=100) plt.clf() plt.close() else: util.debugPrint("File exists - not generating image") util.debugPrint("FileName: " + spectrogramFilePath + ".png") util.debugPrint("Reading " + spectrogramFilePath + ".png") # get the size of the generated png. reader = png.Reader(filename=spectrogramFilePath + ".png") (width, height, pixels, metadata) = util.debugPrint("width = " + str(width) + " height = " + str(height)) # generate the colorbar as a separate image. if not os.path.exists(spectrogramFilePath + ".cbar.png"): norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=cutoff, vmax=maxpower) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(chWidth * 0.3, chHeight * 1.2)) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0, 0.1, 1]) mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax1, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, orientation='vertical') plt.savefig(spectrogramFilePath + '.cbar.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=50) plt.clf() plt.close() else: util.debugPrint(spectrogramFilePath + ".cbar.png" + " exists -- not generating") localTime, tzName = timezone.getLocalTime(startTimeUtc, tz) # step back for 24 hours. prevAcquisitionTime = msgutils.getPrevDayBoundary(startMsg) nextAcquisitionTime = msgutils.getNextDayBoundary(lastMessage) meanOccupancy = np.mean(occupancy) maxOccupancy = np.max(occupancy) minOccupancy = np.min(occupancy) medianOccupancy = np.median(occupancy) result = { "spectrogram": Config.getGeneratedDataPath() + "/" + spectrogramFile + ".png", "cbar": Config.getGeneratedDataPath() + "/" + spectrogramFile + ".cbar.png", "maxPower": maxpower, "maxOccupancy": maxOccupancy, "minOccupancy": minOccupancy, "meanOccupancy": meanOccupancy, "medianOccupancy": medianOccupancy, "cutoff": cutoff, "aquisitionCount": count, "minPower": minpower, "tStartTimeUtc": startTimeUtc, "timeDelta": HOURS_PER_DAY, "prevAcquisition": prevAcquisitionTime, "nextAcquisition": nextAcquisitionTime, "formattedDate": timezone.formatTimeStampLong(startTimeUtc, tz), "image_width": float(width), "image_height": float(height) } result["timeArray"] = timeArray result["occupancyArray"] = occupancy if "ENBW" in lastMessage["mPar"]: enbw = lastMessage["mPar"]["ENBW"] result["ENBW"] = enbw if "RBW" in lastMessage["mPar"]: rbw = lastMessage["mPar"]["RBW"] result["RBW"] = rbw result[STATUS] = OK util.debugPrint(result) return result except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] print sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exc() util.logStackTrace(sys.exc_info()) raise
def getOneDayStats(sensorId, lat, lon, alt, startTime, sys2detect, minFreq, maxFreq): """ Generate and return a JSON structure with the one day statistics. startTime is the start time in UTC sys2detect is the system to detect. minFreq is the minimum frequency of the frequency band of interest. maxFreq is the maximum frequency of the frequency band of interest. """ locationMessage = DbCollections.getLocationMessages().find_one({ SENSOR_ID: sensorId, LAT: lat, LON: lon, ALT: alt }) if locationMessage is None: return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "No location information"} freqRange = msgutils.freqRange(sys2detect, minFreq, maxFreq) mintime = int(startTime) maxtime = mintime + SECONDS_PER_DAY tzId = locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY] mintime = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp(startTime, tzId) maxtime = mintime + SECONDS_PER_DAY query = { SENSOR_ID: sensorId, LOCATION_MESSAGE_ID: str(locationMessage["_id"]), "t": { "$lte": maxtime, "$gte": mintime }, FREQ_RANGE: freqRange } cur = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find(query) if cur is None or cur.count() == 0: return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Data messages not found"} res = {} values = {} res["formattedDate"] = timezone.formatTimeStampLong( mintime, locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY]) acquisitionCount = cur.count() prevMsg = None for msg in cur: if prevMsg is None: prevMsg = msgutils.getPrevAcquisition(msg) channelCount = msg["mPar"]["n"] measurementsPerAcquisition = msg["nM"] cutoff = msg["cutoff"] values[int(msg["t"] - mintime)] = { "t": msg["t"], "maxPower": msg["maxPower"], "minPower": msg["minPower"], "maxOccupancy": msg["maxOccupancy"], "minOccupancy": msg["minOccupancy"], "meanOccupancy": msg["meanOccupancy"], "medianOccupancy": msg["medianOccupancy"] } query = {SENSOR_ID: sensorId, "t": {"$gt": maxtime}, FREQ_RANGE: freqRange} msg = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find_one(query) if msg is not None: nextDay = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( msg["t"], tzId) else: nextDay = mintime if prevMsg is not None: prevDayBoundary = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( prevMsg["t"], tzId) query = { SENSOR_ID: sensorId, "t": { "$gte": prevDayBoundary }, FREQ_RANGE: freqRange } msg = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find_one(query) prevDay = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( msg["t"], tzId) else: prevDay = mintime res["nextIntervalStart"] = nextDay res["prevIntervalStart"] = prevDay res["currentIntervalStart"] = mintime res[CHANNEL_COUNT] = channelCount res["measurementsPerAcquisition"] = measurementsPerAcquisition res[ACQUISITION_COUNT] = acquisitionCount res["cutoff"] = cutoff res["values"] = values res[STATUS] = OK return res
def getHourlyMaxMinMeanStats(sensorId, startTime, sys2detect, fmin, fmax, subBandMinFreq, subBandMaxFreq, sessionId): sensor = SensorDb.getSensor(sensorId) if sensor is None: return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Sensor Not Found"} tstart = int(startTime) fmin = int(subBandMinFreq) fmax = int(subBandMaxFreq) freqRange = msgutils.freqRange(sys2detect, fmin, fmax) queryString = { SENSOR_ID: sensorId, TIME: { '$gte': tstart }, FREQ_RANGE: freqRange } util.debugPrint(queryString) startMessage = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find_one( queryString) if startMessage is None: errorStr = "Start Message Not Found" util.debugPrint(errorStr) response = {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "No data found"} return response locationMessageId = DataMessage.getLocationMessageId(startMessage) retval = {STATUS: OK} values = {} locationMessage = DbCollections.getLocationMessages().find_one( {"_id": locationMessageId}) tZId = LocationMessage.getTimeZone(locationMessage) tmin = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( tstart, LocationMessage.getTimeZone(locationMessage)) for hour in range(0, 23): dataMessages = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find({ "t": { "$gte": tmin + hour * SECONDS_PER_HOUR }, "t": { "$lte": (hour + 1) * SECONDS_PER_HOUR }, FREQ_RANGE: freqRange }) if dataMessages is not None: stats = compute_stats_for_fft_power(dataMessages) (nChannels, maxFreq, minFreq, cutoff, result) = stats values[hour] = result retval["values"] = values # Now compute the next interval after the last one (if one exists) tend = tmin + SECONDS_PER_DAY queryString = { SENSOR_ID: sensorId, TIME: { '$gte': tend }, FREQ_RANGE: freqRange } msg = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find_one(queryString) if msg is None: result["nextTmin"] = tmin else: nextTmin = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( msg[TIME], tZId) result["nextTmin"] = nextTmin # Now compute the previous interval before this one. prevMessage = msgutils.getPrevAcquisition(startMessage) if prevMessage is not None: newTmin = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( prevMessage[TIME] - SECONDS_PER_DAY, tZId) queryString = { SENSOR_ID: sensorId, TIME: { '$gte': newTmin }, FREQ_RANGE: msgutils.freqRange(sys2detect, fmin, fmax) } msg = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find_one(queryString) else: msg = startMessage result[STATUS] = OK result["prevTmin"] = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( msg[TIME], tZId) result["tmin"] = tmin result["maxFreq"] = maxFreq result["minFreq"] = minFreq result["cutoff"] = cutoff result[CHANNEL_COUNT] = nChannels result["startDate"] = timezone.formatTimeStampLong(tmin, tZId) result["values"] = values return result
def __init__(self, num_ch, file_name, sensorLoc, sensorSys, sensor_id, sensor_key, center_freq, bandwidth, meas_duration, atten, samp_rate, avoid_LO): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="jsonfile_sink", in_sig=[(bytes, num_ch)], out_sig=None) # Establish ssl socket connection to server self.num_ch = num_ch # Open file for output stream self.file_name = file_name self.f = open(self.file_name, 'wb') self.srvr = blocks.file_descriptor_sink(self.num_ch * gr.sizeof_char, self.f.fileno()) self.sensorLoc = sensorLoc self.sensorSys = sensorSys self.sensor_id = sensor_id self.sensor_key = sensor_key self.center_freq = center_freq self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.meas_duration = meas_duration self.atten = atten self.samp_rate = samp_rate self.avoid = avoid_LO print("Sensor ID: ", self.sensor_id) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = self.read_json_from_file(self.sensorLoc) sys_msg = self.read_json_from_file(self.sensorSys) ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) print 'Serial no.', self.sensor_id loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = self.sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = self.sensor_id self.post_msg(loc_msg) self.post_msg(sys_msg) # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) f_start = self.center_freq - self.bandwidth / 2.0 if self.avoid: #self.center_freq = self.center_freq + self.samp_rate/4.0 #print "Avoiding LO...\nShifting center Frequency to", self.center_freq f_start = (self.center_freq - self.samp_rate / 4) - self.bandwidth / 2.0 f_stop = f_start + self.bandwidth if self.avoid: print "Avoiding LO, frequencies are shifted to: [", f_start / 1e6, "MHz-", f_stop / 1e6, "MHz ]" mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=self.num_ch, td=-1, tm=self.meas_duration, Det='Average', Atten=self.atten) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data_hdr = Struct( Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID=self.sensor_id, SensorKey=self.sensor_key, t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=ts, a=1, nM=-1, Ta=-1, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment= 'Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType='Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) self.post_msg(data_hdr) self.f.flush() date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", self.center_freq / 1e6, "MHz. Writing data to file", self.file_name
def main_loop(tb): if not tb.set_freq(tb.center_freq): print "Failed to set frequency to", tb.center_freq sys.exit(1) print "Set frequency to", tb.center_freq / 1e6, "MHz" time.sleep(0.25) # Open file for output stream f = open(tb.file_name, 'wb') tb.set_fd(f.fileno()) # Write location and system info to file loc_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.loc') sys_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.sys') ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) sensor_id = tb.u.get_usrp_info()['rx_serial'] print 'Serial no.', sensor_id loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id tb.post_msg(loc_msg, f) tb.post_msg(sys_msg, f) # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) f_start = tb.center_freq - tb.bandwidth / 2.0 f_stop = f_start + tb.bandwidth mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=tb.num_ch, td=-1, tm=tb.meas_duration, Det='Average', Atten=tb.atten) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data_hdr = Struct( Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID=sensor_id, SensorKey='NaN', t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=ts, a=1, nM=-1, Ta=-1, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment='Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType='Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) tb.post_msg(data_hdr, f) f.flush() date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", tb.center_freq / 1e6, "MHz. Writing data to file", tb.file_name # Execute flow graph and wait for it to stop tb.start() tb.wait() f.close() tf = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) date_str = formatTimeStampLong(tf, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print 'Closed file', date_str
def getDailyMaxMinMeanStats(sensorId, lat, lon, alt, tstart, ndays, sys2detect, fmin, fmax, subBandMinFreq, subBandMaxFreq): locationMessage = DbCollections.getLocationMessages().find_one({ SENSOR_ID: sensorId, LAT: lat, LON: lon, ALT: alt }) if locationMessage is None: return {STATUS: NOK, ERROR_MESSAGE: "Location Information Not Found"} locationMessageId = str(locationMessage["_id"]) tZId = locationMessage[TIME_ZONE_KEY] tmin = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp(tstart, tZId) startMessage = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find_one() result = {} result[STATUS] = OK values = {} for day in range(0, ndays): tstart = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( tmin + day * SECONDS_PER_DAY, tZId) tend = tstart + SECONDS_PER_DAY queryString = { LOCATION_MESSAGE_ID: locationMessageId, TIME: { '$gte': tstart, '$lte': tend }, FREQ_RANGE: msgutils.freqRange(sys2detect, fmin, fmax) } cur = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find(queryString) # cur.batch_size(20) if startMessage['mType'] == FFT_POWER: stats = compute_daily_max_min_mean_stats_for_fft_power(cur) else: stats = compute_daily_max_min_mean_median_stats_for_swept_freq( cur, subBandMinFreq, subBandMaxFreq) # gap in readings. continue. if stats is None: continue (cutoff, dailyStat) = stats values[day * 24] = dailyStat # Now compute the next interval after the last one (if one exists) tend = tmin + SECONDS_PER_DAY * ndays queryString = { LOCATION_MESSAGE_ID: locationMessageId, TIME: { '$gte': tend }, FREQ_RANGE: msgutils.freqRange(sys2detect, fmin, fmax) } msg = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find_one(queryString) if msg is None: result["nextTmin"] = tmin else: nextTmin = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( msg[TIME], tZId) result["nextTmin"] = nextTmin # Now compute the previous interval before this one. prevMessage = msgutils.getPrevAcquisition(startMessage) if prevMessage is not None: newTmin = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( prevMessage[TIME] - SECONDS_PER_DAY * ndays, tZId) queryString = { LOCATION_MESSAGE_ID: locationMessageId, TIME: { '$gte': newTmin }, FREQ_RANGE: msgutils.freqRange(sys2detect, fmin, fmax) } msg = DbCollections.getDataMessages(sensorId).find_one(queryString) else: msg = startMessage sensor = SensorDb.getSensorObj(sensorId) channelCount = sensor.getChannelCount(sys2detect, fmin, fmax) result[STATUS] = OK result["prevTmin"] = timezone.getDayBoundaryTimeStampFromUtcTimeStamp( msg[TIME], tZId) result["tmin"] = tmin result["maxFreq"] = fmin result["minFreq"] = fmax result["cutoff"] = cutoff result[CHANNEL_COUNT] = channelCount result["startDate"] = timezone.formatTimeStampLong(tmin, tZId) result["values"] = values util.debugPrint(result) return result
def main_loop(tb): if not tb.set_freq(tb.center_freq): print "Failed to set frequency to", tb.center_freq sys.exit(1) print "Set frequency to", tb.center_freq / 1e6, "MHz\n" time.sleep(0.25) sensor_id = "HackRF" # Establish ssl socket connection to server r ='https://' + tb.dest_host + ':8443/sensordata/getStreamingPort/' + sensor_id, verify=False) print 'server response:', r.text response = r.json() print 'socket port =', response['port'] sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tb.s = s = ssl.wrap_socket( sock) #, ca_certs='dummy.crt', cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE) s.connect((tb.dest_host, response['port'])) tb.set_sock(s) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.loc') sys_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.sys') ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) sensor_key = sys_msg['SensorKey'] print 'Sensor Key', sensor_key #print 'Serial no.', sensor_id loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id tb.send_obj(loc_msg) tb.send_obj(sys_msg) # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) f_start = tb.center_freq - tb.bandwidth / 2.0 if tb.avoid_LO: f_start = (tb.center_freq - tb.samp_rate / 4) - tb.bandwidth / 2.0 f_stop = f_start + tb.bandwidth if tb.avoid_LO: print "Avoiding LO, frequencies are shifted to: [", f_start / 1e6, "MHz-", f_stop / 1e6, "MHz ]" mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=tb.num_ch, td=-1, tm=tb.meas_duration, Det='Average', Atten=tb.atten) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data = Struct( Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID='HackRF', SensorKey='12345', t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=ts, a=1, nM=-1, Ta=-1, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment='Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType='Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) tb.send_obj(data) date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", tb.center_freq / 1e6, "MHz. Sending data to", tb.dest_host # Start flow graph tb.start() tb.wait() tb.s.close() print 'Closed socket'
def main_loop(tb): tb.set_next_freq() time.sleep(0.25) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.loc') sys_msg = tb.read_json_from_file('sensor.sys') ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) sensor_id = tb.u.get_usrp_info()['rx_serial'] loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = sensor_id tb.post_msg(loc_msg) tb.post_msg(sys_msg) data_file_path = '/tmp/temp.dat' num_bands = len(tb.center_freq) pause_duration = tb.acq_period / num_bands - tb.dwell_delay n = 0 while 1: # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) if n == 0: t1s = ts center_freq = tb.center_freq[tb.band_ind] bandwidth = tb.bandwidth[tb.band_ind] f_start = center_freq - bandwidth / 2.0 f_stop = f_start + bandwidth mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=tb.num_ch, td=tb.dwell_delay, Det='Average', Atten=tb.atten) num_vectors_expected = int(tb.dwell_delay / tb.meas_duration) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data_hdr = Struct( Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID=sensor_id, SensorKey='NaN', t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=t1s, a=n / num_bands + 1, nM=num_vectors_expected, Ta=tb.acq_period, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment= 'Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType='Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", center_freq / 1e6, "MHz. Writing data to file..." # Execute flow graph and wait for it to stop f = open(data_file_path, 'wb') tb.set_fd(f.fileno()) tb.set_bin2ch_map(tb.bin2ch_map[tb.band_ind]) tb.start() tb.wait() # Check the number of power vectors generated and pad if necessary num_vectors_written = tb.stats.nitems_written(0) print '\nNum output items:', num_vectors_written if num_vectors_written != num_vectors_expected: print 'Warning: Unexpected number of power vectors generated' if num_vectors_written < num_vectors_expected: pad_len = (num_vectors_expected - num_vectors_written) * tb.num_ch pad = array.array('b', [127] * pad_len) f.write(pad.tostring()) f.close() # Post data file tb.post_data_msg(data_hdr, data_file_path) # Tune to next frequency and pause tb.set_next_freq() print "Pause..." time.sleep( max(0, ts + tb.acq_period / num_bands - getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) tb.head.reset() n += 1
def __init__(self, num_ch, dest_host, sensorLoc, sensorSys, sensor_id, sensor_key, center_freq, bandwidth, meas_duration, atten): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="sslsocket_sink", in_sig=[(bytes, num_ch)], out_sig=None) # Establish ssl socket connection to server self.num_ch = num_ch self.dest_host = dest_host self.sensorLoc = sensorLoc self.sensorSys = sensorSys self.sensor_id = sensor_id self.sensor_key = sensor_key self.center_freq = center_freq self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.meas_duration = meas_duration self.atten = atten r ='https://' + self.dest_host + ':8443/sensordata/getStreamingPort/' + self.sensor_id, verify=False) print 'server response:', r.text response = r.json() print 'socket port =', response['port'] sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE) self.sock.connect((self.dest_host, response['port'])) print("Sensor ID: ", self.sensor_id) # Send location and system info to server loc_msg = self.read_json_from_file(self.sensorLoc) sys_msg = self.read_json_from_file(self.sensorSys) ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) print 'Serial no.', self.sensor_id loc_msg['t'] = ts loc_msg['SensorID'] = self.sensor_id sys_msg['t'] = ts sys_msg['SensorID'] = self.sensor_id self.send_obj(loc_msg) self.send_obj(sys_msg) # Form data header ts = long(round(getLocalUtcTimeStamp())) f_start = self.center_freq - self.bandwidth / 2.0 f_stop = f_start + self.bandwidth mpar = Struct(fStart=f_start, fStop=f_stop, n=self.num_ch, td=-1, tm=self.meas_duration, Det='Average', Atten=self.atten) # Need to add a field for overflow indicator data = Struct( Ver='1.0.12', Type='Data', SensorID=self.sensor_id, SensorKey=self.sensor_key, t=ts, Sys2Detect='LTE', Sensitivity='Low', mType='FFT-Power', t1=ts, a=1, nM=-1, Ta=-1, OL='NaN', wnI=-77.0, Comment= 'Using hard-coded (not detected) system noise power for wnI', Processed='False', DataType='Binary - int8', ByteOrder='N/A', Compression='None', mPar=mpar) self.send_obj(data) date_str = formatTimeStampLong(ts, loc_msg['TimeZone']) print date_str, "fc =", self.center_freq / 1e6, "MHz. Sending data to", self.dest_host