def set_maintenance_mode(server_name, session_id, maint_mode):

    is_enabled = maint_mode["isEnabled"]
    new_is_enabled = not is_enabled
    pline = "Set maintenance mode from " + str(is_enabled) + " to " + str(
        new_is_enabled) + "? (y/n) "
    line = raw_input(pline)
    if (line != "y"):

    # Get now and 6 hours from now.  This is what the GUI sets.
    now =
    add_6 = now + datetime.timedelta(hours=6)
    time_zone = my_timezone()
    now_str = now.isoformat() + time_zone
    add_6_str = add_6.isoformat() + time_zone
    print_debug("Start time: " + now_str)
    print_debug("End time:   " + add_6_str)

    if (new_is_enabled):
        # Create the maintenance mode DTO for enabling.
        new_maint_mode_info = \
            {"typeId": "",
             "endTime"   : add_6_str,
             "isEnabled" : new_is_enabled,
             "startTime" : now_str
        # Create the maintenance mode DTO for disabling.
        new_maint_mode_info = \
            {"typeId": "",
             "isEnabled" : new_is_enabled,

    # Create the Appliance object wit the new ApplianceDns DTO.
    new_appliance = \
        {"typeId": "",
         "maintenanceMode": new_maint_mode_info

    # Create the Request object with the Appliance DTO.
    Request = \
        {"typeId": "",
         "objectsWithNewValues": [new_appliance],
         "propertiesToBeUpdated": ["maintenanceMode"]

    print_debug("Request:\n" + str(Request))

    # Invoke the appliance API to set the maintenance mode.
    r = tintri.api_put(server_name, url, Request, session_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the put invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)

    # if HTTP Response is not 204 then raise exception
    if r.status_code != 204:
        message = "The HTTP response for put call to the server is not 204."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url,
                                        str(Request), r.text)
Пример #2
def update_data_ip(server_name, session_id, new_ip_configs):

    # Create the Appliance object with the new configIps DTO.
    new_appliance = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'configIps': new_ip_configs
    # Create the Request object with the Appliance DTO.
    Request = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'objectsWithNewValues': new_appliance,
         'propertiesToBeUpdated': ['configIps']
    # Update the VMstore wit the new data IP configuration.
    r = tintri.api_put(server_name, url, Request, session_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)
    # if HTTP Response is not 204 then raise exception
    if r.status_code != 204:
        message = "The HTTP response for put call to the server is not 204."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url, str(Request), r.text)
Пример #3
def take_snapshot(vm_uuid, snapshot_name, consistency_type, server_name,
    snapshot_spec = {
        'consistency': consistency_type,
        'retentionMinutes': 240,  # 4 hours
        'snapshotName': snapshot_name,
        'sourceVmTintriUUID': vm_uuid

    # The API needs a list of snapshot specifications.
    snapshot_specs = [snapshot_spec]

    ss_url = "/v310/snapshot"
    r = tintri.api_post(server_name, ss_url, snapshot_specs, session_id)
    if (r.status_code != 200):
        msg = "The HTTP response for the post invoke to the server is " + \
              server_name + "not 200, but is: " + str(r.status_code) + "."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(msg, r.status_code, vm_url,
                                        str(snapshot_specs), r.text)

    print_debug("The JSON response of the post invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)

    # The result is a liset of snapshot UUIDs.
    snapshot_result = r.json()
    print_info(snapshot_name + ": " + snapshot_result[0])
Пример #4
def get_ip_configs(server_name, session_id):
    url = APPLIANCE_URL + "/ips"
        # Make the get call
        r = tintri.api_get(server_name, url, session_id)
        print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                    server_name + " is: " + r.text)
    except tintri.TintriRequestsException as tre:
        message = "HTTP error for the get IP addresses invoke to the server."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url, str(Request), r.text)
    except tintri.TintriApiException as tae:
        message = "The HTTP response for the get IP addresses invoke to the server is not 200."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url, str(Request), r.text)

    ip_configs = r.json()
    return ip_configs
Пример #5
def process_vmstore(vmstore_name, user_name, password, new_dns_primary):

    server_name = vmstore_name

    # Get the server type
    r = tintri.api_version(server_name)
    json_info = r.json()
    if json_info['productName'] != "Tintri VMstore":
        this_error = "Server needs to be a VMstore"
        return this_error

    session_id = tintri.api_login(server_name, user_name, password)
    dns_info = get_dns_info(server_name, session_id)
    print_dns_info(dns_info, server_name + " current: ")
    new_dns_secondary = dns_info['dnsSecondary']
    # Create the ApplianceDns DTO.
    new_dns_info = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'dnsPrimary': new_dns_primary,
         'dnsSecondary': new_dns_secondary
    # Create the Appliance object wit the new ApplianceDns DTO.
    new_appliance = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'dnsConfig': new_dns_info
    # Create the Request object with the Appliance DTO.
    Request = \
        {'typeId': '',
         'objectsWithNewValues': new_appliance,
         'propertiesToBeUpdated': ['dnsConfig']
    r = tintri.api_put(server_name, url, Request, session_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)
    # if HTTP Response is not 204 then raise exception
    if r.status_code != 204:
        tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)
        message = "The HTTP response for put call to the server is not 204."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url, str(Request), r.text)
    dns_info = get_dns_info(server_name, session_id)
    print_dns_info(dns_info, server_name + " now: ")
    # All pau, log out
    tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)
Пример #6
def execute_reco(server, tgc_sess_id, pool):
    reco_url = "/v310/vmstorePool/" + pool.get_uuid() + "/recommendation/" + \
               pool.get_reco_uuid() + "/accept"
    r = tintri.api_post(server, reco_url, None, tgc_sess_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the accept reco invoke to the server " +
                server + " is: " + r.text)
    if (r.status_code != 204):
        msg = "The HTTP response for the accept reco post invoke to the server is " + \
              server + "not 200, but is: " + str(r.status_code) + "."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(msg, r.status_code, reco_url,
                                        "No payload", r.text)
Пример #7
def set_vm_affinity(server_name, session_id, vm_uuids, affinity_rule):
    url = "/v310/vm/"

    for vm_uuid in vm_uuids:
        rule_url = url + vm_uuid + "/affinity"

        r = tintri.api_put(server_name, rule_url, affinity_rule, session_id)
        if r.status_code != 204:
            tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)
            message = "The HTTP response for put affinity rule to the server is not 204."
            raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, rule_url,
                                            str(affinity_rule), r.text)
def get_maintenance_mode(server_name, session_id):
    url = APPLIANCE_URL + "/maintenanceMode"

    # Make the get call
    r = tintri.api_get(server_name, url, session_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)

    # if HTTP Response is not 200 then raise an error
    if r.status_code != 200:
        message = "The HTTP response for the get invoke to the server is not 200."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url,
                                        "no request", r.text)

    maintenance_mode = r.json()
    return maintenance_mode
Пример #9
def get_dns_info(server_name, session_id):
    url = APPLIANCE_URL + "/dns"
    # Make the get call
    r = tintri.api_get(server_name, url, session_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)
    # if HTTP Response is not 200 then raise an error
    if r.status_code != 200:
        message = "The HTTP response for the get invoke to the server is not 200."
        tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url, str(Request), r.text)
    appliance_dns = r.json()
    return appliance_dns
Пример #10
def take_snapshot(vm_uuid, snapshot_name, consistency_type,
                  snapshot_retention_minutes, server_name, session_id):
    snapshot_spec = {
        'consistency': consistency_type,
        'retentionMinutes': snapshot_retention_minutes,
        'snapshotName': snapshot_name,
        'sourceVmTintriUUID': vm_uuid

    # The API needs a list of snapshot specifications.
    snapshot_specs = [snapshot_spec]

    ss_url = "/v310/snapshot"
    r = tintri.api_post(server_name, ss_url, snapshot_specs, session_id)
    if (r.status_code != 200):
        msg = "The HTTP response for the post invoke to the server is " + \
              server_name + "not 200, but is: " + str(r.status_code) + "."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(msg, r.status_code, ss_url,
                                        str(snapshot_specs), r.text)

    print_debug("The JSON response of the post invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)

    # The result is a liset of snapshot UUIDs.
    snapshot_result = r.json()
    print_info(snapshot_name + ": " + snapshot_result[0])
    if snapshot_retention_minutes > -1:
        now =
        expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(
        print_info(snapshot_name + " will expire " + expiration.ctime())
        print_info(snapshot_name + " will be kept until manually deleted")
Пример #11
    url = "/v310/vm/vmListDownloadable"

    # Create the report filter.
    report_filter = {"typeId" : BEANS_VM + "VirtualMachineDownloadableReportFilter",
                     "attachment" : csv_file_name,
                     "attributes" : attributes,
                     "since"  :     "",
                     "until"  :     "",
                     "format" :     "CSV"

    # Invoke API to get a useable report URL.
    r = tintri.api_post(server_name, url, report_filter, session_id)
    if r.status_code != 200:
        message = "The HTTP response for report call to the server is not 200."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(message, r.status_code, url, report_filter, r.text)
    report_url = r.text

    # Print the URL.
    print("URL: {" + report_url + "} is good for 30 days")
    # Get the report.
    tintri.download_file(server_name, report_url, session_id, csv_file_name)
    print(csv_file_name + " is ready")

    tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)

except tintri.TintriRequestsException as tre:
    # Get a VM to work with
    vm_filter = {
        'limit': 1,
        'sortedBy': 'LATENCY',
        'sortOrder': 'DESC',
        'live': "TRUE"
    url = "/v310/vm"
    r = tintri.api_get_query(server_name, url, vm_filter, session_id)
    print_debug("The JSON response of the get invoke to the server " +
                server_name + " is: " + r.text)

    if (r.status_code != 200):
        msg = "The HTTP response for the get invoke to the server is " + \
              server_name + "not 200, but is: " + str(r.status_code) + "."
        raise tintri.TintriApiException(msg, r.status_code, url,
                                        str(vm_filter), r.text)

    vm_paginated_result = r.json()
    items = vm_paginated_result['items']
    vm = items[0]
    vm_uuid = vm['uuid']['uuid']
    vm_name = vm['vmware']['name']
    print_info("VM: " + vm_name + " : " + vm_uuid)

    # Get the time 30 minutes ago in UTC.
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    minus_30 = now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)

    # Add UTC time zone and print.
    now_str = now.isoformat() + "-00:00"
    minus_30_str = minus_30.isoformat() + "-00:00"
Пример #13
    vm_count = 0
    for vm in vms_from_file:
        if (not (vm in vms)):
            print_info(vm + " not in TGC VM list.")

        members_to_add['objectIdsAdded'] = vms[vm]

        # Add VM to service group
        r = tintri.api_put(server_name, add_members_url, members_to_add,
        if (r.status_code != 204):
            msg = "The HTTP response for the put invoke to the server " + \
                  server_name + " is not 204, but is: " + str(r.status_code) + "."
            raise tintri.TintriApiException(msg,
                                            r.status_code, add_members_url,
                                            str(members_to_add), r.text)
        print("Added vm: " + vm)
        vm_count += 1

        str(vm_count) + " VMs added to service group '" + service_group + "'.")

except tintri.TintriRequestsException as tre:
    tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)
except tintri.TintriApiException as tae:
    tintri.api_logout(server_name, session_id)