Пример #1
def test_parent_lookup_from_parent_tree():
    Based on real case.
    value = PrimitiveStrObject("value")

    o1 = Object()
    o2 = Object()
    o3 = o2.clone()
    o4 = Object()
    o5 = Object()

    o1.scope_parent = o2

    o2.scope_parent = o3
    o2.meta_add_parent("*", o5)

    o3.scope_parent = o4
    o3.meta_add_parent("*", o5)

    o4.scope_parent = o5
    o4.meta_add_slot("value", value)

    assert o1.get_slot("value") is None
    assert o1.parent_lookup("value") is value
Пример #2
def test_get_slot_from_several_parents():
    |-- p <-- cycle, yay --,
    |   |-- x -> Object()  |
    |   |-- y -> Object()  |
    |   `-- z -> p --------'
    `-- p3
        `-- x -> p2
                 `-- xex
    val = PrimitiveStrObject("it is xex!")

    p = Object()
    p.meta_add_slot("x", Object())
    p.meta_add_slot("y", Object())
    p.meta_add_slot("z", p)  # cycle, yay!

    p2 = Object()
    p.meta_add_slot("xex", val)

    p3 = Object()
    p.meta_add_slot("x", p2)

    o = Object()
    o.meta_add_parent("p", p)
    o.meta_add_parent("p3", p3)

    assert o.get_slot("xex") is None
    assert o.parent_lookup("xex") is val
Пример #3
def test_slot_lookup_from_scope_parent():
    p = Object()
    val = PrimitiveStrObject("it is xex!")
    p.meta_add_slot("xex", val)

    o = Object()
    o.scope_parent = p

    assert o.get_slot("xex") is None
    assert o.slot_lookup("xex") is val
Пример #4
def test_get_slot_from_one_parent():
    val = PrimitiveStrObject("it is xex!")

    p = Object()
    p.meta_add_slot("xex", val)

    o = Object()
    o.meta_add_parent("p", p)

    assert o.get_slot("xex") is None
    assert o.parent_lookup("xex") is val
Пример #5
def test_meta_insert_slot():
    first = PrimitiveStrObject("first")
    second = PrimitiveStrObject("second")
    third = PrimitiveStrObject("third")

    o = Object()
    assert not o._slot_values

    o.meta_add_slot("first", first)
    o.meta_add_slot("third", third)

    assert o.get_slot("first") is first
    assert o.get_slot("third") is third

    o.meta_insert_slot(1, "second", second)
    assert o.map._slots.keys() == ["first", "second", "third"]

    # make sure that objects didn't shifted
    assert o.get_slot("first") is first
    assert o.get_slot("second") is second
    assert o.get_slot("third") is third
Пример #6
def test_meta_remove_slot_shift_map_pointers():
    first = PrimitiveStrObject("first")
    second = PrimitiveStrObject("second")
    third = PrimitiveStrObject("third")

    o = Object()
    assert not o._slot_values

    o.meta_add_slot("first", first)
    o.meta_add_slot("second", second)
    o.meta_add_slot("third", third)

    assert o.get_slot("first") is first
    assert o.get_slot("second") is second
    assert o.get_slot("third") is third


    assert len(o._slot_values) == 2
    assert len(o.map._slots) == 2
    assert o.map._slots["second"] == 0
    assert o.map._slots["third"] == 1

    assert o.get_slot("first") is None
    assert o.get_slot("second") == second
    assert o.get_slot("third") == third
Пример #7
    def _add_reflection_to_universe(self):
        self.universe.meta_add_slot("universe", self.universe)

        primitives = self.universe.get_slot("primitives")
        if primitives is None:
            primitives = Object()
            self.universe.meta_add_slot("primitives", primitives)

        # transport values from primitives to global level
        for slot in primitives.slot_keys:
            self.universe.meta_add_slot(slot, primitives.get_slot(slot))

        primitives.meta_add_slot("interpreter", gen_interpreter_primitives(self))
Пример #8
def slot_lookup():
    val = PrimitiveStrObject("it is xex!")
    flat = PrimitiveStrObject("it is flat")

    p = Object()
    p.meta_add_slot("xex", val)

    o = Object()
    o.meta_add_parent("p", p)
    o.meta_add_parent("p", flat)

    assert o.get_slot("xex") is None
    assert o.slot_lookup("xex") is val
    assert o.slot_lookup("flat") is flat
Пример #9
def test_get_slot():
    o = Object()

    val = PrimitiveStrObject("xe")
    o.meta_add_slot("test", val)
    assert o.get_slot("test") is val